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7 Ways to Cultivate Strong Determination through

Your Vajra Nadi and the 114 Chakras

Strong determination is foundation of leadership and successful
life. Among the 72000 energy channels in the body, the Vajra Nadi
is associated with mental power and strong determination. There
is a systematic meditation process to activate the seven channels
of the Vajra Nadi.

In this article, we will explore the seven subtler channels of your

Vajra Nadi, along with related exercises to improve your
determination and will power. These practices can be seamlessly
integrated into your daily life to enhance your determination.

Through these practices, you will unleash the power of your inner
resolve and propel yourself towards achieving your goals.
Cultivating strong determination is a journey that begins with
small, consistent steps.

In the realm of your 114 chakras and 72000 nadis, the energy of
determination flows like a vibrant river. In this enchanting realm,
you can explore how you can cultivate and activate strong
determination by harnessing the power of the 114 chakras and
nadis within your very being.

Why Determination is so Important?

Strong determination is crucial for achieving your goals and

fulfilling aspirations. It gives you the resilience and tenacity to
overcome obstacles that may arise along the way. With
determination, you are more likely to stay committed to their
objectives and work consistently towards achieving them.
Determination acts as the North Star guiding you towards the
fulfillment of your goals. When challenges loom large,
determination lends you the courage to face them head-on,
unwavering in your commitment. It fuels your unwavering pursuit
of success, ensuring that you do not lose sight of your destination.
Strong determination is a mindset and quality that can drive
individuals to achieve their goals and overcome obstacles.

What is Vajra Nadi

The Vajra Nadi is located in the center of the spine inside the
Susumna Nadi. The Susumna Nadi is the main pathway for the
flow of Kundalini energy, the dormant spiritual energy resides at
the base of the spine. Within Susumna Nadi, there are three
important nadis or channels: Vajra Nadi, Chitra Nadi, and Brahma
Nadi. Kundalini energy ascends through Susumna Nadi,
activating and purifying the 114 chakras along its path, ultimately
leading to spiritual awakening and self-realization. These nadis
are said to exist within the subtle body, intertwining with the
central energy channel, Susumna Nadi.

1) Vajra Nadi: Vajra Nadi is associated with strength,

determination, and willpower. It is responsible for the movement
of prana (vital life force energy) and plays a significant role in the
activation and upward movement of Kundalini energy.

2)Chitra Nadi: Chitra Nadi is associated with creativity, clarity,

and intuition. It governs the subtle aspects of perception and
inner vision, allowing for deeper insights and heightened

3) Brahma Nadi: Brahma Nadi is associated with spiritual growth

and transcendence. It connects to higher realms of consciousness,
leading to expanded states of awareness and union with the

Understanding and balancing these three nadis within Susumna

Nadi is an integral part of various yogic postures, breathing
practices, and spiritual practices. Through the activation and
harmonization of these nadis, individuals awaken the Kundalini
energy. This facilitates spiritual evolution, leadership skills, and
attain higher states of consciousness.

7 Aspects of the Vajra Nadi

Vajra Nadi, also known as the central channel, runs parallel to the
spine and represents the path of determination and willpower.
Vajra Nadi has seven sub channels. The seven aspects of strong
determination is related to these sub-channels. In this section we
will discuss more about that.
Susumna Nadi, the central energy channel, is said to travel
through the spine and serves as a conduit for the awakening of
spiritual energy. Together, these channels facilitate the
harmonious flow of energy, allowing us to tap into our inner
strength and unlock our full potential. The spine acts as the
physical anchor, supporting the energetic processes and serving
as a gateway to heightened awareness and self- realization.

There are seven key elements of Vajra Nadi, each with their
corresponding Sanskrit names:

1)Clarity of Purpose “Sankalpa Shakti”: – Sankalpa” refers to

“intention,” “resolve,” or “determination,” while “Shakti”
represents “power” or “energy.” Combined, “Sankalpa Shakti”
signifies the inherent strength or force that arises from one’s
firm resolve, strong intention, or unwavering determination.
Primary purpose of Vajra Nadi is Sankalpa Prakasha, which
signifies the importance of having a clear and well-defined
purpose, which serves as the foundation for strong
2)Resilience “Dhairya”: Dhairya translates to “courage” or
“fortitude.” It highlights the ability to bounce back from
setbacks and endure difficulties with strength and
determination. Vajra Nadi gives the courage and the
resilience to withstand mental pressure.
3)Perseverance “Anusthana”: Anusthana signifies “consistent
effort” or “persistent practice.” It emphasizes the importance
of perseverance and the willingness to keep working towards
the goal, even when faced with obstacles or slow progress.
Vajra Nadi provides inner strength, and perseverance.
4)Self-Discipline “ Swadhyaya”: Swadhyaya combines “Swa”
meaning “self” and “Adhyaya” meaning “study” or
“discipline.” Swadhyaya represents the practice of self-
discipline, self-study, and self-improvement, which are
essential aspects of strong determination. Self-Discipline is
key aspects of Vajra Nadi.
5)Adaptability “Anupravritti”: Anupravritti signifies the
quality of adaptability, indicating the ability to adjust, evolve,
and flow with changing circumstances or situations.
Anupravritti highlights the importance of being flexible and
responsive in the pursuit of goals.
6)Goal-setting “Lakshya Nirdharana”- Lakshya refers to a “goal”
or “objective,” while “Nirdharana” means “determination” or
“setting.” Combining these words, “Lakshya Nirdharana”
represents the process of defining and establishing goals.
Vajra Nadi provides the mindset for early goal-setting.
7)Positive Mindset “Uttarottara-drishti”: Uttarottara means
“higher” or “positive,” and Drishti refers to “perspective” or
“outlook.” Uttarottara-drishti represents an optimistic and
forward- looking attitude, embracing positive thinking and
self-belief as integral aspects of strong determination. Vajra
Nadi gives the power of positive mindset.

7 Simple Practices to Cultivate Strong Determination

with Vajra Nadi

By embracing these practices, you can unleash your inner

resolve, overcome obstacles, and achieve your goals.
1)Set Specific and Attainable Goals: Start by setting specific
and attainable goals that align with your passions and
aspirations. Break them down into smaller milestones,
making them more manageable and less overwhelming. This
clarity in goal-setting provides a clear direction, fueling your
determination to move forward.
2)Create a Daily Routine: Establishing a daily routine helps
you stay organized and focused. Plan your day, allocating
time for each task and goal. By adhering to a routine, you
build discipline and cultivate the habit of consistent effort,
which reinforces your determination.
3)Practice Positive Affirmations: Integrate positive
affirmations into your daily routine. Repeat empowering
statements that reinforce your belief in yourself and your
ability to achieve your goals. Affirmations such as “I am
determined and capable of overcoming any challenge” can
strengthen your resolve and maintain a positive mindset.
4)Celebrate Small Victories: Acknowledge and celebrate your
small victories along the way. Recognize and appreciate the
progress you make, regardless of how small it may seem.
Celebrating these achievements boosts your confidence and
motivates you to persist with even greater determination.
5)Embrace Mindfulness and Meditation: Incorporate
mindfulness and meditation practices into your daily routine.
Take a few minutes each day to focus on your breath, observe
your thoughts without judgment, and cultivate a sense of
presence. This practice enhances your self-awareness, calms
your mind, and nurtures the inner strength needed for
6)Surround Yourself with Supportive People: Surround
yourself with individuals who believe in you and support
your aspirations. Seek the company of like-minded people
who inspire and motivate you. Their encouragement and
positive energy can amplify your determination and propel
you towards your goals.
7)Take Care of Your Well-being: Nurture your physical,
emotional, and mental well-being. Engage in regular exercise,
eat nutritious meals, and ensure you get enough rest and
sleep. Make time for activities that bring you joy and help you
relax. When you prioritize self-care, you replenish your
energy reserves, enabling you to approach challenges with
heightened determination.


By incorporating these Vajra Nadi exercises into your daily life,

you tap into a wellspring of inner strength and determination. As
you activate your Vajra Nadi, practice breath awareness,
mantra chanting, visualization, journaling, affirmations, positive
self-talk, and mindfulness, you unlock the full potential of your
determination. Embrace these practices with consistency and
dedication, and watch as your determination becomes an
unstoppable force, propelling you towards your goals and dreams.

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