Listening Practice 27 May

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Test 1: Listening

SECTION 2 Questions 11-20

Questions 11-13
Choose THREE letters, A-F.

Which THREE changes have been made to the library over the summer?
A a new roof
B new computers
C new shelf units
D a self-service system
E meeting room decorated
F new furniture for the children

Questions 14-16
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Which THREE events does the speaker say are taking place in September?

14 ----------------
15 ----------------
16 ----------------

Questions 17-18
Choose the correct Letter, A, B or C.

17 The library needs a teacher for the Computer Club because

A the current teacher is leaving.
B they are starting an additional group.
C they want to start a higher-level class.

18 Who does the library want older people to talk to about the past?
A teachers
B young children
C teenagers

Questions 19-20
Choose TWO letters A-E.

In addition to books, which two services does the mobile library offer?
A computer lessons
B a reservation service
C a reference section
D newspapers and magazines
E community advice

.34 . Practice Tests for IELTS 2

Test 1: Listening

SECTION 3 Questions 21-30


Questions 21-23
Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer:

21 The best days for engineering students are ____________

22 Students can get useful suggestions about ____________
23 Use the internet to look at ____________ before the event.

Questions 24-27
Choose the correct letter, A, 8 or C.

24 Fergus says that

A there is one company he is particularly interested in.
B he has done some research already.
C he knows the boss at one of the companies.

25 The tutor thinks Fergus should

A prepare questions in advance.
B research the skills required for jobs before the event.
C find out what the starting salaries are.

26 Fergus plans
A to wear a suit and tie.
B to wear smart but casual clothes.
C to buy an outfit for the event.

27 The tutor suggests that Fergus

A should ask particular people certain questions.
B should avoid taking free gifts.
C should treat conversations like short interviews.

Questions 28-30
Choose THREE Letters A-F.

Why do the tutor and Fergus think it is useful to attend a jobs fair?
A to get a job
B to find out what employers want from you
C to give employers your contact details
D to discover which are the key companies to work for
E to practise your communication skills
F to make useful contacts

36 Practice Tests for IELTS 2

Test 1: Listening

SECTION 4 Questions 31-40

Questions 31-33
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

31 According to the speaker,

A people were healthier in the past.
B ancient bones need to be handled with care.
C bones offer clues to a person's lifestyle.

32 The island of Vanuatu

A was not always inhabited.
B had no food sources.
C was the only island in Remote Oceania.

33 Archaeologists wanted to discover

A what resources were available on the island.
B if the settlers could rely entirely on local food sources.
C the extent to which the settlers ate food they had brought with them.

Questions 34-37
Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

34 Bones provide a dietary _____________ of the things people ate.

35 Different ratios of carbon and sulphur are found in organisms depending on whether they
come from the _____________
36 Archaeologists analysed modern and _____________ food sources
for chemical elements.
37 The settlers ate wild creatures as well as _____________

Questions 38-39
Choose TWO letters, A-0.

An analysis of the bones of men and women suggest that

A females ate more meat than males.
B diet could have been determined by the job the person did.
C some people held higher status than others.
D food was distributed equally amongst the settlers.

Question 40
Choose the correct letter, A, 8 or C.

The bones of pigs and chickens indicate that these animals

A only ate food provided by the settlers.
B were a main source of food for the settlers.
C probably did not consume the settlers· limited food supplies.

38 Practice Tests for IELTS 2

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