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SSI Concepts

ATAL A PR I SM - Foundations of Decentralized Identity 31 SSI Concepts

So far, we have explored the fundamentals of SSI and the principles that support them. The
concepts so far have been to explain how all this works under the hood. This section will put the
pieces together with new ideas: holders, issuers, and verifiers. Before we begin, one thing to keep
in mind is that any entity can hold all of these roles concurrently.


A holder is an entity that has and controls Being a holder enables those who may We spoke about data portability before in
DIDs. They can also hold verifiable not have documents to establish verifiable an SSI ecosystem because we hold the DIDs
credentials (VCs). Holders can make points of identity, like refugees or those in and verifiable credentials. We can take our
connections with other entities and share countries without legal documentation. DIDs and VCs with us wherever we go with
information with them. Having some verifiable identity profile portability. Even if a credential gets revoked,
opens up mobility in the world to an we still have this information we can share
A holder of human and legal rights can individual. All services and economies have to prove something about ourselves. It would
delegate the authority of their DIDs to dependencies upon the use of identity. show as revoked when verified, but it may be
another party. This concept is called Enabling the ability to hold and control possible to form a historical record.
guardianship in SSI. It is similar to processes identity is a critical and vital pillar in the SSI
we use in the world today, such as the ecosystem.
power of attorney or the relationship of a
parent/guardian. This delegation process
is significant for those who may not have
access to technology.

ATAL A PR I SM - Foundations of Decentralized Identity 32 SSI Concepts


Issuers issue credentials to those with whom they have connections. An issuer cannot send
credentials to random holders. There must be an established relationship. Anyone can
be an issuer–however, there may be some requirements to be an issuer for certain types
of credentials. There is a lot to unpack here. We will dig deeper into trust and governance
frameworks in a later section, in addition to schemas or templates for specific credentials.

ATAL A PR I SM - Foundations of Decentralized Identity 33 SSI Concepts


Holding a verifiable credential is fantastic, but it is purposeless A higher level of assurance would be the passport scenario we
without being able to do something with it. A verifier will discussed earlier. The government would need to authenticate the
authenticate or verify the credentials that get presented to them. information about us to ensure we were a citizen. Just validating
Earlier, we touched on levels of assurance–which also apply to the issuer of the document is authentic would not suffice. A higher
verifiers. Whereas ZKPs provide an assurance level of facts, level of assurance is required because the entity needs to validate
a verifier has varying confidence levels based on the validity the information, not just that the issuer is valid. This concept may be
of the information. challenging to digest because the world does not operate like this
How verifying is done can get completed in several ways. A low level
of assurance would be checking the DID of the issuing entity on One thing to keep in mind while going over these concepts is
the VC. This method would authenticate that the issuer is who they the privacy by design feature of SSI. Keeping information private
are–and the details of the info shared are not critical. An example is crucial. Sharing information is important too, but sometimes
of this may be something like a rewards program. For example, validating the issuer is sufficient. It is a careful balance that occurs
through a cell phone company, we may get rewards in the form of in an SSI ecosystem. If any of these concepts seem difficult to grasp,
a free subscription to a streaming service. The cell phone company it is okay. SSI is incredibly complex when we begin picking apart how
would issue us a VC. We present it for verification to the streaming everything interacts together.
service, which would only need to check our credentials issued by
the authorized cell phone company.

ATAL A PR I SM - Foundations of Decentralized Identity 34 SSI Concepts

Putting it all together

Let’s look at a brief example of how this all works together.

You can follow this example by downloading the Atala PRISM app
and following the demo on

Jo wants to get a Jo scans the QR code. Jo confirms the Jo receives her credential,
government ID. connection. and it gets stored in her
Jo can see the contacts Jo can see the credential Jo wants to go to She scans the university’s She confirms the
in her wallet. in her wallet. university. QR code connection
The university needs proof Jo shares that ID with the Jo receives confirmation Jo receives her degree in The credential is viewable
of her identity. university. her credential was shared her wallet
AI is only one of many emerging technologies–from genome editing
and 3D printing to a globally networked “Internet of Things”–shaping a
future unparalleled in human history in its promise and its peril. Are we
up to the challenge this future presents? If not, how can we get there?
How can humans hope to live well in a world made increasingly more
complex and unpredictable by emerging technologies?
Technology and the Virtues, 2016, p. 1
Powered by Cardano

Atala PRISM is powered by Cardano, which is built by a decentralized community

of scientists, engineers, and thought leaders united in a common purpose: to
create a technology platform that will ignite the positive change the world needs.
It is the first blockchain platform to be built through peer-reviewed research, to be
secure enough to protect the data of billions, scalable enough to accommodate
global systems, and robust enough to support foundational change.

ATAL A PR I SM - Foundations of Decentralized Identity 97 Contact

Register to our Pioneer Program Contact us

The Atala PRISM Pioneer Program trains professionals, UX designers, and software Got a question about any aspect of Atala PRISM? Just send a message and
developers to design decentralized identity solutions and ecosystems using the someone from the appropriate team will be in touch.
Atala PRISM Software Development Kit (SDK).

Author: Peter Vielhaber

Design: Tanguy Henrijean
Richie Chew
Copy Editor: Darryn Brugioni

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