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Mains Essay writing content development for

topics----- 7 to 8 pages have to write.

 Following Methods –
 Temporal----- Past, Present, Future (Dimensions)
 Sectoral------- Politics, Media, Business, Science
& Technology
 Walks of life---- Individual, Society, Family
 Standard---------Political, Economical, Family
 Problem and Solution
 Substanting----Your argument and give examples
with date and facts

For good essay-------

 Good introduction-
 Fictitious incident
 Real life anecdote
 Quote
(for essay big no to definition)
 Conclusion—
 Futuristic, Optimistic
 Phrases
 If intro is fictitious then end also be a fictitious
like fictitious character (according with intro)
Answer writing---
1st STEP- Break your question in parts, how many needed as
much long the question is

 Part 1
 Part 2
 Part 3 on and on

Part 1— (Pick/choose—key term) --------- then STATEMENT

Now Define first key terms then statement
1. Quote/Conversation/Anecdote 10%
2. Current Events (Examples)– What is happening? 20%
a. International
b. National
c. Societal
d. Individual
3. How – whether the claims of the thesis are true in all
cases? 10%
a. How does the thesis stand up to the challenge of a
4. Reasons – Why is it happening? 15%
• Historical/Cultural Reasons
• Geographical Reasons
• Economical Reasons
• Political Reasons
• Ethical Reasons
5. Impacts – Why does it matter? 15%
• On society
• On polity
• On economy
• On environment
• On individual
6. Solutions – What should/can be done? 15%
• International
• National
• Regional
• Individual
7. Challenges – Any challenges to overcome? 5%
8. Way Forward 5%
9. Hopeful/Positive Conclusion – Why does your
interpretation of a phenomenon matter to anyone beside
you? 5%
For all issues on current affairs

1.Historical Background

2.Factual Content

3.Current Status

4.Pros & Crons, challenges....


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