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Chapter 1: Introduction Background Human Resource Development (HRD) as a function has not received much attention i n most of the

organization in Nepal. However, because of the intense competition in different sectors of business such as finance, aviation, manufacturing, the organizations in these sectors have come to realize that one of the way to have competitive advantage is to have a pool of dynamic employees. The growing demand for HR professionals in the country can serve as evidence to it. In such situat ion it is necessary for the students of MBA to acquire knowledge regarding exist ing HRD practices prevalent in the country. This would help the students, or the future manager, to identify where the weakness lies within the organization and how these weaknesses can be turned into strength. By assessing the status of HR D in any given organization the students also have an opportunity to implement t he theoretical principles of HRD acquired in the class into real life situation. This report is an outcome of endeavor carried out by the students of HRD to und erstand the status HRD at Buddha Air Pvt. Ltd. Objective of the study The major objective of carrying out this study is to get an opportunity to test our knowledge regarding various HRD issues at Buddha Air Pvt. Ltd. The study als o served the purpose of putting the theoretical knowledge gained through lecture s and seminars into real-life situation. Since the study is designed as a case a nalysis, the study aimed at providing us an opportunity to reflect on positive a s well as negative aspects of various HRD practices at Buddha Air. In order to m ake this study meticulous as well as result oriented several objectives were hig hlighted. These objectives are as follows: Reviewing the HRD context of Buddha A ir Pvt. Ltd emphasizing strategic framework, key performance area, and HRD impli cation 1

Assessment of the HRD function (HRD capacity, HRD climate, HR/HRD information, H RD strategy and policy, HRD Mechanisms, HRD supportive performance systems, HRD outcomes, Overall assessment of HRD, Staff Perception of HRD, key HRD issues and implication)

The assessment and analysis of HRD needs of the organization Preparation of HRD plan covering two years period for the organization Methodology of the study To ensure that the study becomes fruitful it is necessary to select the right or ganization as well as the right methodology to study the selected organization. Buddha Air Pvt. Ltd was selected with due consideration to the supportive enviro nment to the students who undergo any kind of study in the organization. Buddha Air was also deemed as the right organization for the study because it was empha sizing on the development of its human resource for its competitive advantage. W hile carrying out the study data were gathered using primary sources as well as secondary sources. The study methodology involves data generated through both in ternal and external source. This information was collected using personal interv iew, questionnaire and various HRD instruments. Primary Sources Primary sources of data were used to obtain information regarding various HRD functions at Buddh a Air. Personal interview, questionnaire and HRD assessment instruments were use d to gather information pertaining to HRD capacity, HRD climate, HR/HRD informat ion, HRD strategy and policy, HRD Mechanisms, HRD supportive performance systems , HRD outcomes, Overall assessment of HRD and Staff Perception of HRD. Secondary Sources Secondary sources of information such as HR policies of the organizatio n, organizationa l structure etc. was used to gather information pertaining to t he strategic HRD framework of the organization and key performance issues. 2

Limitations of the project In carrying out the project several limitations were encountered which are as fo llows: y y y y The feedback provided by the respondents may involve elements of bias. The valid ity and reliability of the data have not been tested. Because of the company pol icy some information were not made available The study was carried out in short span of time due to time constraint. 3

Chapter 2: Conceptual Framework of HRD Human Resource Development (HRD) can be defined as a set of systematic and plann ed activities designed by an organization to provide its members with the opport unities to learn necessary skills to meet current and future job demands.1 For a n organization to succeed, it is necessary to have employees that are skillful a s well as motivated. Considering the growing competition in the business arena, organizations have started to focus on HRD as a strategic tool. One of the commo n errors that are likely to occur is that people often connote HRD to training a nd development only.HRD is a system that encompasses the four major activities: Need Assessment, Design, Implementation and Evaluation. Figure 1: HRD System Model Need Assessment HRD need is the discrepancy or gap between what an organization expects to happe n and what actually occurs. For instance, a professor may be expected to increas e students participation in the class. But the Dean of the university receives in formation that the 1 Desimone (2005). Human Resource Development, Thomson-Southwester, 3 ed. , pp 7 rd 4

professor uses too many slides and does not provide enough opportunity for the s tudents to participate. This gap or discrepancy can give rise to HRD need. Once the HRD needs are identified, it is necessary to find out the mechanisms to elim inate or reduce such gaps or discrepancies. These mechanisms or tools to elimina te or reduce gaps or discrepancies in performance of employees or any individual are known as HRD intervention. Design Once the HRD needs are identified, it is necessary to develop programs eliminate or reduce such gaps or discrepancies. These programs that aim to eliminate or r educe gaps or discrepancies in performance of organization or any individual are known as HRD intervention. While designing HRD intervention program it is neces sary to carryout the following activities y y y y y y Selecting the specific objectives of the program Developing an appropriate lesso n for the program Developing or acquiring the appropriate materials for the trai nees to use Determine who will deliver the program Select the most appropriate m ethod or methods to conduct the program Scheduling the program Implementation After the HRD intervention programs are identified the programs should be implem ented. The program or intervention must be delivered or implemented, using the m ost appropriate means or methods as determined in the design phase. While implem enting HRD programs numerous challenges such as executing the program as planned , creating an environment that enhances learning, and resolving problems that ma y arise. Evaluation Evaluation is the final phase in the HRD process. In this phase the effectivenes s of HRD intervention or programs is measured. Careful evaluation provides infor mation on participants reaction to the program, how much did they learn, whether they transfer learning in the work environment, and whether the intervention or programs improved the organizations effectiveness. 5

Chapter 3: Brief Introduction to Buddha Air Buddha Air is Domestic flight operation Private Company which started from Octob er 1997. The Chairperson of a company is Mr.Surendra Bahadur Basnet and the Mana ging Director of a company is Mr. Birendra Bahadur Basnet. There are altogether 508 staffs at Buddha Air. Buddha Air possess nine aircraft exists of which five are 1900Ds; two are of number 1900Cs and two ATR-42. Buddha Air is the leading d omestic air liner with the combination of dedicated staff members and state of t he art aircrafts. Buddha Air Business operation covers areas like Kathmandu, Bha drapur, Bhairahawa, Bharatpur, Biratnagar, Dhangadi, Janakpur, Nepalgunj, Simara and Pokhara. Buddha Air also caters to Mountain flight and Charter flight. Vision Buddha Air will be very efficient domestic carrier that would have the best airc raft and quality standards unheard of in the domestic sector. It will provide th e highest level of service to its costumer. It will be a name people will trust. Mission Buddha Air has a mission of becoming the domestic market leader in air transport ation. This will be attained by: y y y Setting industry standards for safety and security Providing world class custome r service Creating an open and participatory work environment which seeks positi ve changes, rewards, innovation and provides growth, security and opportunity to all employees. y Providing consistently superior financial returns for shareholders. Corporate Objective Buddha Air has incorporated numerous corporate objectives to achieve its mission and vision. The corporate objectives of Buddha Air are as follows: y y To maintain the position of market leader To always have an average of 90 percen t on time take off of all the scheduled flights. Corporate Strategies y Route innovation and diversification 6

y y y y y Fleet expansion Customer oriented service Aggressive marketing Market Expansion Limited staff growth Organizational Structure of Buddha Air 7

Category of Employment at Buddha Air Pvt. Ltd The employees at Buddha Air are divided into five major bands: Executive, manage rial, officer, supporting and attendant. The corporate employees, technical empl oyees as well as flight crews are divided in each of these five bands. Executive Band Category E2 E1 Corporate Sr. Executive manager Executive manager Technical Chief Engineer Dy. Chief Engineer Flight Crew Chief Pilot Dy. Chief Pilot Grade 12 11 Managerial Band Category Corporate M3 Sr. Manager M2 M1 Manager Asst. Manager Technical Superintendent Engineer AME-I AME-II Flight Crew Sr. Captain Captain Jr. Captain Grade 10 9 8 Officer Band Category Corporate O2 Sr. Officer/ Office Secretary O1 Officer/ Jr. Secretary Supporting Band Category Corporate S2 Jr. Officer/Mechanic S1 Technical Flight Crew Charge Hand/ Sr. Co-Pilot Technical officer Sr. Technician Co-Pilot Grade 7 6 Flight Crew Grade Sr. Airhostess/ Tr. 5 Co pilot Officer Assistant/ Jr. Technici an/ Tr. Air hostess/Jr. Air 4 Mechanical Assistant Technician Hostess Technical Technician Attendant Band Category Corporate A3 Senior: Guard/Driver/Loader/Peon/Cleaner A2 Guard/Driver/Loader/Peon/Cleaner A1 Junior: Guard/Driver/Loader/Peon/Cleaner Technical Sr. Helper Helper Jr. Helper Grade 3 2 1 8

Chapter 4: HRD contexts at Buddha Air Buddha Air has been in operation since 1997. Ever since then it has been able to make huge impact in the market. To compete in the dynamic market Buddha Air has emphasized on Human Resource Development as well. The HRD activities carried ou t at Buddha Air can be identified as follows: y Compensation: The minimum wage paid to the employees at Buddha Air is about Rs. 7000 which is quite higher than the minimum wage set by the government. This min imum wage is also attractive compared to the wages paid in other sectors. Beside s the basic pay Buddha Air also provides bonuses and other allowance to motivate the employees. y Working Condition The work environment of Buddha Air can be described as healthy . Its main office at Jawlakhel has spacious rooms with cubicles for employees. T he proper working condition has contributed to lower stress among the employees y HR department: Buddha Air has a separate HR department which includes five staff s. HR manager is supported by four staffs that help to formulate various HRD str ategies. The employees of Buddha Air reach the top position through gradual succ ession which has provided the HR manager certain level of expertise to assess th e training and development needs of employees at lower level as well as senior l evel. HR manager is encouraged to develop his skills through participating in tr aining and educational programs such as EMBA course. y Training: Buddha Air provides training to its staff at all levels. The pilots ar e provided training annually. Air-hostesses are also provided in-house training to better deal with the customers. The lower level staffs are also provided RAMP training. y Performance Appraisal System: Buddha Air has a systematic performance appraisal system developed by external experts. The feedback of performance appraisal is p rovided to the employees. Regular update of the performance of employees at diff erent departments is provided to HR managers to make decisions on HRD issues. 9

y Job Enrichment: The employees are encouraged to take more responsibility and use innovative approach to carryout their responsibilities. y Career Planning: Though there is no fully developed career plan program, Buddha Air has a mechanism for the employees to grow professionally in the area of empl oyees interest. y Communication: There is high degree of personal communication at Buddha Air. Not ice boards, memos and other means of communication are also used for inter depar tmental as well as for intra departmental communication. y Employee involvement The employees at Buddha Air are given ample of opportunity to participate in decision making. y Trainability: The trainability of employees is tested at Buddha Air before sendi ng anyone for training. Though there is no professional evaluation program to as sess trainability, the performance and competency of the employee is assessed to determine whether the employee is fit for the training or not. y Industrial Relation Scenario: Recently a trade union has been formed at Buddha A ir. Management has been very much favorable to these trade unions. HR department at Buddha Air has also made plans to include union while making training and de velopment plans. Environmental Analysis of Buddha Air External Analysis In order to assess the HRD context of Buddha Air PESTEL analys is was carried out to identify the major forces affecting Buddha Air. PESTLE Ana lysis for Buddha Air PESTLE analysis is a tool used for understanding the workin g environment of the organization. It describes, analyzes and helps identifying the existing problems and act 10

proactively to overcome any hitch. PEST analysis deals with political, economica l, social and technological So, in this part we have tried to analyze the workin g environment of Buddha Air and how it could help them prepare for the hurdles t hat could be seen in the years ahead. Political Aspect: Considering the changing political environment of the country and its instability it can pose both threa t and create an opportunity to Buddha Air. The opportunity this instability coul d create would be the increased sales for Buddha Air due to continued strikes th at are certain due to the resignation of UCPN- Maoist. The newly formed governme nt under CPN-UML has shown some positive sings in the economy such as increase i n the Nepse Index. This could induce the private sector investors such as Buddha Air for more investment. The election of coalition government in India is also likely to be supportive to the newly elected government of Nepal. Economical Asp ect: Not considering the economy of the country, the economic condition of the p eople of Republic of Nepal is significantly increasing. Due to increased investm ent in banking and financial sector, it would help Buddha Air meet its capital r equirement through loan facilities. Though there is increase in the economic con dition of people from low class to middle class, people in the remote countries are yet to improve themselves and their locality. Due to the underdeveloped road s and transportation system airways is the only means of transportation which su pports the high sales of Buddha Air. The increasing number of people opting for foreign job also provides opportunity for Buddha Air. Social Aspect: The number of middle class families is increasing gradually. The education system and liter acy rate has significant improvement till date. This increase in the education s ystem has provided Buddha Air with qualified human resource and can meet the req uirements of an international standard airport through the knowledge base it own s. The increasing rate of migration to Kathmandu of people from rural areas also has increased the customer base of the employees. Technological Aspect: In the past decade or so Nepal has experienced high level of technological changes. The use of computer and internet and used excessively. The change in the technologi cal environment has also made impact on Buddha Air. The availability of various software providers has also provided opportunity for Buddha Air. Since aviation 11

sect i l epends on technology the development of various technologies for the safety of planes has provided the strength to Buddha Air to provide safe flight to its passengers. Internal nal i The internal analysis carried out at Buddha Air has s hown the followingcontext for HR : y y y There is support from the top managemen t for HR programs at Buddha Air Annual budget is made for the purpose of trainin g and development Buddha Air has enough capacity to carryout in house training a nd development programs y Though the organi ation has proper performance apprais al system there is no systematic alignment between performance appraisal and tra ining and development. y Buddha Air has suitable organi ation climate for HR Strategi Given the internal and external HR conte it is very much crucial for any busines s xt organi ations to create a strategic fit between the external environment an d the organi ations goal vision and mission. In order to achieve these goals it i s necessary to align HR a manner so that HR helps the organi ation to achieve it s organi ational goal. in such Fig 1: Conceptual Framework for strategic HR 12

The given figure for Strategic HRD helps HRD managers to focus on the organizati onal and external context of HRD. In order to create a strategic HRD it is neces sary to align HRD with the organizations vision, mission and strategy. Is Strategic HRD taking place at Buddha Air? By analyzing the present business environment of Buddha Air with the mission, go als and objectives we can see that Buddha Air has tried to emphasize on strategi c management. It has made strategies to create a fit between the elements of ext ernal environment with the organizations policies and strategies. For instance, t he strategy of fleet expansion fits well with the external environment given the rise in the number of people who travel through air and the political unrest pr evalent in the country. However, the HRD activities carried out at Buddha Air ar e of regular nature. The HRD policies and strategies do not have a major impact on corporate strategies as they are not properly aligned with the business needs of the organization. Lack of expertise within the organization on HRD is also a nother impediment for strategic HRD taking place at Buddha Air Key performance Issues at Buddha Air and their implications Buddha Air has now established itself as the market leader in the aviation secto r. The company has been operating successfully and has been able to meet its goa ls and objectives. In order to further intensify its market leadership Buddha Ai r needs to focus on numerous strategies along with key performance issues. The k ey performance issues faced by HR department of Buddha Air are as follows: y Buddha Air has a relatively young workforce. Most of the work force is in the ra nge of 25 to 35 years of age. y The growing tendency among young employees to go abroad for better prospects has also been a performance issue at Buddha Air. Though there is minimal turnover a mounting to about 1% of the total workforce, it should also be seen as an issue as it causes loss of expertise and skill in the organization. y Buddha Air has recently made some ambitious moves such as expansion of fleet of planes. It has recently added two new planes and plan to add more planes is also in the 13

pipe line. Thus Buddha Air needs more dedicated flying crew members as well as t echnicians and engineers. y The problem of brain drainage has also reduced the ability of Buddha Air to attr act high quality applicants. y Training and development in the organization is not aligned with the feedback ob tained from performance appraisal. y There is lack of systematic HRD planning in the organization. The training is gi ven on regular basis as a routine. y Though training and development opportunities are provided by the organization, there is no mechanism to measure the effectiveness of such HRD intervention. y Buddha Air lacks proper succession planning. Because of this reason if any key e mployee leaves the organization there is high probability that the organization will have difficult time in finding the right candidate for key positions. y The organizations climate is relatively favorable for HRD but due to lack of expe rtise available in the organization, the organization has not been able to reap the benefit of it. HRD Implication y HR department of Buddha Air has to work with the each of these staffs and formul ate strategies to galvanize these young talents into core competency of the orga nization. It also needs to develop career plans for these employees. y Buddha Air has to identify the root cause for the turnover and formulate HRD str ategies in order to retain key employees. y HRD should also develop its employees from the root level so that it can have a pool of qualified candidates when some candidates leave the organization. In ord er to have qualified people in key positions it is necessary for the organizatio n to have a systematic succession planning. y In order to support the ambitious expansion strategy of the company HRD should p lay a major role. The employees should be trained and developed to work under pr essure; they should be willing to bear more work load. HRD strategy should be pr operly aligned with the expansion strategy of the organization to create a best fit so that the expansion strategy provides better result to the organization.

y HRD programs should not be given on random basis or as a part of formality. 14

y HR staffs at Buddha Air lack expertise regarding HRD. Thus in order to develop t he status of HRD in Buddha Air it is necessary to develop the skills and experti se of existing HR staffs. y The performance appraisal should be properly aligned with HRD programs to ensure that the right development opportunities are provided to the employees. y HR staffs at Buddha Air should reap the benefit of favorable climate prevailing in the organization and make necessary policies and decisions. 15

Chapter 5: Assessment of HRD functions HRD functions of an organization need to be assessed from numerous dimensions to get a clear picture about the HRD status of the organization. Status of HRD can be assessed in numerous dimensions such as HRD capacity, HRD climate, HRD infor mation, HRD Mechanisms and methods, HRD supportive performance system and HRD ou tcomes. HRD capacity HRD capacity of an organization can be assessed in terms of resources and abilit ies it has to carryout various HRD programs. Some of the major components of HRD capabilities are HRD structure and positioning, HRD staffs, HRD budget, HRD fac ilities and resources (non human) and HRD program planning and delivery capabili ty. HRD capacity of Buddha Air Pvt. Ltd can be interpreted as follows: HRD capac ity of Buddha Air is quite satisfactory. Though Buddha Air has been in the busin ess for a decade or so, it has been emphasizing on HRD and given enough attentio n to develop its HRD capacity. At Buddha Air HRD is seen as a major responsibili ty of human resource or personnel department. The responsibility of HRD is given to HR Manager and other employees who work in the same department. There are 5 people working in HR department. Though the company has 5 staffs for HRD, these staffs have limited experience related to training and development. These staffs also have to carryout other activities such as grievance handling, employee rec ord keeping, pay determination etc. Because of the limited expertise of the HR s taff external trainers are often called in for technical training for pilots and other engineers. Budget is allocated annually for HRD. Budget is allocated as p er the expected number of training programs and the number of participants. The budget for HRD is reviewed annually and adjusted if possible. Buddha Air has the necessary physical facilities and resources for HRD and these facilities are us ed productively to achieve the HRD goals of the organization.HRD people in the o rganization have expertise and experience in planning and delivering a variety o f HRD programs. HR staffs at Buddha Air frequently use their competencies. Howev er when major training and development programs are to be launched, some externa l support is sought for. 16

HRD Climate For the organization to be dynamic it is necessary to ensure that there is enoug h opportunity for the employees in the organization to develop. While continuous ly preparing the employees to meet the challenges, the organization should make conducive environment. An optimal level of Human Resource Development Climate is e ssential for facilitating HRD. General status of HRD climate in the organization can be assessed by analyzing importance of HR and HRD in the organization, lead ership style and managerial systems, and organizational processes and practices. The HRD climate at Buddha Air can be interpreted as follows: One of the strateg ies adopted by Buddha Air to compete in the competitive market is to treat its e mployees as valuable resources. There is firm commitment and support for trainin g and development from the MD of the organization. Because of high value given t o training and development Buddha Air has planned to create a separate training and development division within HR department. Buddha Air follows participative management approach where leader involves the team members in making decisions a nd gives some freedom for performance. Buddha Air encourages the employees to ta ke initiative and experimentation in certain department such as sales, marketing and finance. However, due to the seriousness of safety concern in aviation sect or there are strict rules and regulation in other departments. HRD Information Information about the human resource available in an organization is crucial to determine human resource needs. The information can also be used to determine wh ether organization has enough human resource skills and abilities to achieve its goals and objectives. The information about HR can be used for the purpose of f ormulating HRD plans and policies. The status of HRD information can be assessed through the analyzing the human resource database in the organization, identify ing whether HR data are utilized in preparing HRD and assessing whether the orga nization keeps HRD information records or not. Buddha Air emphasizes on effectiv e and efficient data maintenance of employees. The company uses separate softwar e to maintain Human Resource Database. A well designed, comprehensive and comput erized human resource information system is in place. The data in the data base are regularly updated. HR staffs at Buddha Air use the data in the database for formulating HRD policies, planning and programming decisions. For instance, deci sions 17

regarding how many pilots should be sent for training this year are identified t hrough the use of HR database. Because of the high capacity of the software, the data or information from database is actively used for HRD decisions HRD Strategy and policy HRD strategies and policies are important in any organization and it has to be i n line with the broad strategic policies of the organization. It shows how broad ly the HRD policies are formulated. An organization needs to be far sighted and hence long term HRD policies have to be planned and implemented accordingly. In order to assess the status of HRD strategy and policy at Buddha Air three major variables were identified: whether the organization formulates HRD strategy poli cy, strategy and plan or not; whether there is strategic linkage of HRD or not; and whether HRD is aligned with HRM or not. Buddha Air does not have a comprehen sive HRD policy and strategy document. HR department makes less comprehensive HR D policies and strategies which aspects limited aspects of HRD. While formulatin g HRD strategies emphasis is made on training only rather than long term develop ment of the employees. HRD policies and strategies aim at development of employe es. Buddha Air has HRM policies such as provision for sending managers to EMBA p rogram to develop the employees. There is a good linkage between HRM and develop ment of employees. However there is no effective system to evaluate training. Bu ddha Air also develops HRD plan to respond to other immediate needs. HRD mechanisms and methods The successful implementation of HRD involves an integrated look at HRD and effo rts to use as many HRD mechanisms as possible. These mechanisms include performa nce appraisal, career planning, performance rewards, feedback and counseling, tr aining, employee welfare for quality work life and job rotation. Buddha Air has a comprehensive performance appraisal package. This performance appraisal packag e is used for HRD needs assessment. General policies and systems for the assessm ent of employees need are in place. Needs assessment are basically carried out at individual level. HRD need assessment is carried out basically to identify the individual needs of the employees. Initial need assessment is done considering t he job description and job specification 18

At Buddha Air quarterly update of performance of the employees is provided by th e supervisors. HR staffs also assess the performance of supervisors by taking fe edback from the employees. Personal interview is also taken with the supervisors and the employees to assess the HRD needs. Buddha Air has a clear policy and sy stem for evaluation and feedback. The feedback is generated quarterly as a part of HRD plan. Buddha Air lacks professional procedure for planning, designing and implementing HRD program. There are some procedures and norms established for p lanning, designing and implementing HRD programs. Though the organization is try ing to follow systematic approach and methods for HRD plan, the professional quality is not satisfactory. The training and development provided to employees of Buddha Air includes both in house as well as outside to a large number of staff categories. Training is p rovided to airhostess, pilots, loaders, drivers etc. The managers in the organiz ation also take opportunity to take part in training and development programs. T he training programs are provided only after careful plan. Buddha Air is averse to providing training just for the sake of training. There is a judicious mix of on-site and off-site development programs. Career planning at Buddha Air is not full-fledged. There is some awareness of the need and a general policy for prov iding career planning and development supports to the employees. For this reason employees are provided development opportunities as per their need. Buddha Air aims to develop the career of its employees in other strategic business units wh ich the organization is soon going to diversify. However, till this date there a re no required programs are not developed and implemented for effective career p lanning within and outside the organization. HRD Supportive Performance System At Buddha Air a systematic HRM policies are in place. A systematic performance s ystem was developed with the help of external expert. The positions and tasks in the organization are clearly defined. A job classification system is in place a nd is used in a formal manner for HRD functions. Training and development progra ms for the employees are based on job classification and job description. Job de scription fully identifies competency requirement. The development of the employ ees is supervised by the senior managers who are in charge of the employees. Qua rterly progress report about the performance of employees is provided to HR Depa rtment. Once the problems are identified workshop is carried to overcome these 19

problems. Performance appraisal also focuses on identifying performance developm ent needs of staff in relation to the performance, but detailed development plan is not prepared. When a new employee is hired he/she is provided enough trainin g and orientation to create a best fit between the job and the employee. Rewards are also regularly provided by Buddha Air to its employees based on both perfor mance and competencies. For instance, if an employee finds out major problems in the organization he/she is given instant reward or certain reward is instantly declared. Buddha Air also uses some measures of employee empowerment. The employ ees who show high level of competency and performance are involved in decision m aking process of the organization. The organization also provides the climate fo r the employees to use some of their enhanced capabilities after the participati on in the HRD process. However, Buddha Air lacks proper succession planning beca use of which if a manager or senior officer leaves the organization, the organiz ation is likely to have difficulties in finding the right candidate for the vaca nt post. HRD Outcomes HRD outcomes measure the extent to which HRD activities contribute towards the o rganizational goal. HRD outcomes of Buddha Air can be assessed in the following four major categories: employee performance capacity, qualitative change in empl oyees, employee performance and productivity, customer satisfaction. Through the use of effective HRD activities Buddha Air has been able to a leader in the avi ation sector. The employees have improved their capacity related to their presen t jobs along with the ability to work effectively in number of performance area. The behavior of the employees has also changed to a certain extent resulting in improved job-related behavior. There has been reduction in defects and lack of quality in the work. HRD programs directed towards air-hostesses have also resul ted in some improvement in the level of satisfaction of the customers. 20

Chapter 6: Organizational Climate of Buddha Air In order to identify the organization climate at Buddha Air a questionnaire was used to get the opinion regarding OCTAPACE, General Supportive Climate and HRD M echanisms. 60 employees from various departments and ranks were asked to fill th e questionnaire. OCTAPACE is an acronym for openness, confrontation, trust, auth enticity, pro-activity, autonomy, collaboration and experimentation which are es sential for institution building. The OCTAPACE profile gives information about t he organizations ethos in eight values. OCTAPACE is a meaningful term indicating eight steps to create functional ethos. Openness: Openness refers to the degree to which an organization allows spontaneous expression of feelings and thoughts and the sharing of these without being defensive. An organization with high degr ee of openness allows its employees to express their ideas and feeling with out asking them for strict justification. Confrontation: Confrontation refers to the degree to which the organization has a favorable environment for bringing out p roblems and issues into the open. The issues should be presented with view to so lving them rather than hiding them for fear of hurting or getting hurt. It also implies deeper analysis of interpersonal problems. All this involves taking up c hallenges. Trust: Trust refers to the degree to which people in the organization believe one another. It also refers to taking people at their face value and be lieving what they say Autonomy: It is the degree to which organization gives fre edom to let people work independently with responsibility Pro-activity: It is th e degree to which employees in the organization are encouraged to take the initi ative and risks. Authenticity: It is the tendency on the part of people to do wh at they say. Collaboration: It is to accept interdependencies, to be helpful to each other and work as teams 21

Experimentation Open to try out new things. Further it means using and encouragi ng innovative approaches to solve problems; using feedback for improving, taking fresh look at things and encouraging creativity. The findings of the research c arried out at Buddha Air among 60 employees from different levels regarding the how the employees in the organization perceive HRD climate is discussed below (S ee Annexure for data analysis) Openness: The mean score and the percentage for t he openness are 3.929 and 73.22 respectively. This shows that that there is abov e average openness for the employees at Buddha Air. Employees at Buddha Air beli eve that they are environment of free and frank communication between managers and the staffs to a certain extent which allows them to express their ideas an opin ion with out hesitation. The employees at Buddha Air were also eager to get feed back and comments from their customers, colleagues and other. However the openne ss within Buddha Air seemed to be more concentrated among the people of similar positions and ranks. This could be one reason for getting score just above the a verage. There is certain degree of hesitation in sharing every ideas and opinion s. Confrontation: The survey carried out shows that the climate for confrontatio ns is just average at Buddha Air Pvt. Ltd. For confrontation mean score is 3.756 and % is 68.898 which shows it is in average state. The employees at Buddha Air feel that they are given the opportunity of confront problems and face challeng es. This has in fact been shown through the employees ability to cope with the co mpetition, tackle difficult customer situation and even deal with some difficult employees. The tendency of the employees to solve the problems when they arrive rather than procrastinating them shows that there is climate that encourages co nfrontation. However, deeper analysis of problems and lack of adequate team work in solving sensitive issues might have hindered some of the climate for confron tation to a certain extent. Trust: The research shows healthy climate of trust a mong the employees in the organization. For trust mean score is 3.814 and percen tage is 70.339 which means this element is above average in the organization. Em ployees share the opinion that there is moral support and help to employee and c olleagues in crisis. Employees are supportive to each other in difficult situati on. Higher level of empathy shown by the top management to lower level staffs, t imely support among the employees in the organization and reduction and simplifi cation of forms 22

and procedures prevalent in the organization show that there is healthy environm ent of trust in the organization. However, there is certain degree of lack of tr ust while dealing with personal issues and opinion which leads to employees beco ming defensive at the time of crisis. Autonomy: The perceived autonomy is averag e at Buddha Air. The mean score for autonomy and percentage for autonomy is 3.43 1 and 60.763 respectively. Employees at Buddha Air believe that autonomy is good for motivation and encourages employees to work using ones discretion. They beli eve that there is climate which provides some degree of individual and role auto nomy. They believe close supervision is needed to direct employees to make them more action oriented and a boost to taking independent action relating to their jobs. However there still lacks a clear mechanism for effective delegation. Ther e is also high frequency of references made to senior people for approval of pla nned actions. Thus the employees perceive that there is average level of autonom y for the employees in the company. Pro-activity: The employees in Buddha Air su pport pro-activity. The mean score and percentage for pro-activity is 3.868 and 71.695 respectively. The employees regard that it is important to take action in the right time. Regarding the climate of the organization in promoting pro-acti vity the employees think there is pro-activity in most matters in the organizati on. Authenticity: The survey carried out showed that the mean score is 3.658 and percentage is 66.441% for authenticity. The employees have shown positive attit ude towards the statements which shows the need for tactfulness, smartness and e ven a little manipulation to get things done. The employees also stated that the y would own up for their own mistakes. There is also average score for congruity between feelings and expressed behavior has also average score. There is low de gree of trust among employees as the employees have given low score to the state ment that people generally are what they appear to be. Collaboration: For collab oration, mean score is 3.824 and percentage is 70.593. This shows that there is high degree of collaboration in the organization. The employees in the organizat ion believe that they should make contribution beyond their job description. The y believe that collaborating in goal and strategy formulation leads to increased productivity. 23

Because of good level of collaboration in the organization there is team help, s haring of ideas and experience and high degree of communication in the organizat ion Experimentation: The score for experimentation is somewhere near the good st atus. The mean score is 3.861 and percentage is 71.525. At Buddha Air employees are encouraged to take innovative approaches to solve problems. Rewards are also place for innovativeness. General supportive climate: The mean score for genera l supportive climate is 3.656 for Buddha Air. Employees believe that top managem ent gives importance to the human resource and all employees are treated humanel y. They also feel that team spirit is in place in the organization which is alre ady by quite a high score on the collaboration aspect. The climate is also favor able in terms of employee being treated caringly by seniors as they understand t he mistake and do not take any strict disciplinary action such as punishing or d iscouraging. The management also gets involved in making work enjoyable to the e mployees considering the development of employees. The important aspect of HRD a t Buddha Air is that top management understands the importance of human resource . Top management supports HRD not only in written form but also through its acti ons and decisions. Buddha Air has supportive climate that encourages open discus sion of problems and their solution among management and employees. High level o f team spirit in the organization has created a helpful environment among the em ployees. Though the environment of helpfulness and team spirit within the organi zation has promoted healthy working environment in the organization, the employe es have been less pro-active regarding decision making and problem solving. One of the major reasons could be that the helpfulness of the mangers has increased the dependency of the employees. This has hindered personal development of emplo yees to a certain extent. Good part of Buddha Air regarding HRD is that top mana gement understands the importance of human resource and actually translates that realization into day to day to practice and HR policies For the organizations su ccess in the competitive business world, it is necessary to have positive HRD cl imate and for having such a positive and encouraging HRD climate, the top manage ment commitment is must along with the workforces team spirit. Buddha Air has a s trong foundation of the top management commitment, and hence, there is involveme nt of the top level as well as middle level management in HRD efforts. Despite t he senior managements support, the lower level employees have dependent attitude or have high 24

expectation from their seniors about self development. They expect to be looked after rather than being proactive themselves. There was a very poor response on employees taking initiative for self development. HRD Mechanism For the successful implementation of HRD, there is a need to have an integrated look at HRD and its efforts to use as many HRD mechanisms as possible. These mec hanisms include performance appraisal, career planning, performance rewards, fee dback and counseling, training, employee welfare for quality work life and job r otation. The mean score obtained from related questionnaire in HRD mechanism in the survey is 3.764 i.e. 69.11%. The highest score obtained in the related quest ionnaire of HRD mechanism is in Training is taken seriously by employees. So this shows that employees in Buddha Air take training seriously as their career devel opment opportunity. The survey also shows that when seniors give behavior feedba ck to their subordinates, subordinates appreciate the feedback given by the seni ors and they apply those feedbacks in their work environment. There is encouragi ng and supportive HRD climate for the staffs that come back from the training an d hence, the transfer of training and learning takes place in the job. The exist ing Personnel policies are also supports to the employee development. The survey also shows that employees work and learn through job rotation and still needs o ther work-related training for work effectiveness. Though the performance apprai sal is not biased in the perspective of employees, the incentive mechanism or th e promotion decision seems to be biased as it is scored low by the employees. Lo wer level staff Mean Percentage 4.28 82 4.12 78 4 75 3.22 55.5 4.26 81.5 3.78 69 .5 3.94 73.5 4.24 81 4.08 4.35 77 83.75 Middle level staff Mean Percentage 3.19 72.969 3.794 69.844 3.806 70.156 3.594 64.844 3.875 71.875 3.713 67.813 3.938 73 .438 3.931 73.281 3.613 3.781 65.33 69.531 Top level staff Mean Percentage 3.741 68.53 3.471 61.77 3.518 62.94 3.247 56.18 3.624 65.59 3.482 62.06 3.541 63.53 3 .506 62.65 3.488 62.21 3.582 64.56 25 Particulars Openness Confrontation Trust Autonomy Pro-activity Authenticity Coll aboration Experimentation General Supportive climate HRD Mechanism

Referring to the survey data, it can be clearly revealed that Openness is low in the middle and top level staff and higher in the low level staffs in comparison . The data also clearly reveals that the openness to avoid confrontation is high in case of low level staff and high for middle and top level staff. Top and mid dle level staff dont believe what others say which is indicated by the data analy zed whereas the level of trust in case of low level is high i.e. they believe in what people say. Data clearly indicates that autonomy is little high in middle level staffs followed by top level and the low level staffs; freedom to work ind ependently without any barriers is average in the whole organization. Proactive level of employees to take initiative and activities to avoid risk is also high in low level in comparison to middle and top level staff. Authenticity or doing what they are asked to do is average in whole of Buddha Air and comparatively hi gh in low level and similarly low in middle and top level staff. The low level a t Buddha Air is more towards trying out new things or experimenting new activiti es in comparison to other top level. Thus, from the analysis of data the OCTAPAC E culture is high among low level staff. Survey clearly indicates that career pl anning, training, employee welfare for quality work life and job rotation, feedb ack and counseling are also high in low level staffs than the middle and top lev el staffs. Staff Perception of HRD In order to assess the staff perception of HRD at Buddha Air ten employees worki ng at different level were asked to fill the HRD function instrument. The findin gs concur to a certain extent with the claims made by HR Manager regarding the H RD functions at Buddha Air. The staff felt that the organizations capacity is jus t about average as it does not have the HRD staffs with necessary expertise for training and development. The employees felt that there was good HRD climate in the organization. The employees agreed that there was support from top managemen t regarding training and development. 26

HRD variables HRD capacity HRD climate HRD information HRD strategy and policy H RD methods and mechanisms HRD supportive system HRD outcomes Mean Score 2.85 3.2 3.2 3.08 3 3.65 2.85 The majority of employees in the organization also agreed that Buddha Air was ef fectively using the information for making necessary HRD policy though some of t he employee said that nepotism and favoritism was influencing some of the HRD de cisions. The employees also stated that HRD strategies and policy were supported by the top management and the company had some policies for training and develo pment. However the employees stated that there was no proper linkage between per formance appraisal and training and development. The outcome of HRD was perceive d as moderate by the employees. 27

Chapter 7: HRD Need Assessment of Buddha Air Need typically refers to discrepancy or gap between what an organization expects to happen and what actually occurs. This discrepancies or gaps can become the f oundation of HRD need. In order to assess the HRD need of Buddha Air we carried out three level of analysis: Organizational level, task level, and personal leve l. Though the analysis was not carried out through in-depth study, it helped to find out some of the HRD needs which are explained below: Organizational/Strategic need analysis Organizational analysis helps to better understand the characteristics of the or ganization to better understand the characteristics of the organization to deter mine where training and HRD efforts are needed and the conditions within which t hey will be conducted. In order to better identify the organizations HRD needs we assessed data from various sources to identify HRD implications or needs for Bu ddha Air. Data Sources 1. Organizational goals/objectives y To become market lea der Identified HRD Needs Implications y y To make flights on schedule To achieve 40% of the market share - Need for higher co-operation between the departments and function. - Need to m otivate the employees towards this goal - Technical knowledge requirement for ma king online ticket reservation - Need to develop the employees behavior on time m anagement and punctuality. - Need for marketing skills and interpersonal/communi cation skills to deal effectively with the customers. Need to develop organizati onal commitment behavior Need to provide career development opportunity to these employees Need for managerial development for succession planning Need for lear ning organization where knowledge is 28 2. Human Resource Inventory y High number of young employees y Retirement of some key employees -

shared among all employees 3. Skill inventory y Engineering y Pilot y Airhostess 4. Organization Climate Indexes y Increasing Grievances y y y Need for continuous learning to be regularly updated with latest technology Need for regular training to refresh the skills as well as to learn new skills Need for interpersonal skill and stress management Turnover of about 1% Absenteeism Few number of accidents among junior staffs y Few complaints about the flight de lay 5. Fleet Expansion of the organization 6. Environmental Constraint y Growing inflation Need for effective handling of employee grievances by HR manager and other super visors Need to develop organization commitment behavior Need to motivate the emp loyees to regularly come to work. Need for safety training Need for rapport buil ding with the customer, skill in dealing with dissatisfied customers Need for ad vanced training for pilots to fly higher capacity planes Need for employee devel opment to reduce the cost of service so that customers can get the service at lo wer cost In order to coordinate well with the recently established union it is n ecessary for the management to emphasize participatory management where Union ca n put its ideas and opinions in decision making There is need for creating innov ative and dynamic workforce to have competitive edge in the organization. y Formation of Union y Emergence of new competitors Task Analysis Task analysis is a systematic collection of data about a specific job or group o f jobs to determine what an employee should be taught to achieve optimal perform ance. The project team members had been able to carry out the task analysis at B uddha Air, prior focus being directed to the marketing department. During the fi eld visit, the team members had literally felt that the implementation and evalu ation parts of the HRD programs were ineffective for the tasks. To determine the root causes, the task level need analysis had been carried out by 29

meeting with department heads, employers from HR department, Field Supervisor, a nd employees themselves. As quoted by the employees, the tasks that they were han dling can directly affect the image of the Buddha Air. Negligence has been made by the concerned department in uplifting the task that involves the direct conta ct with the customers, who are the source of revenue generators for Buddha Air. T he task level analysis has been carried out to determine the following informati on: y y y y y y y y The mission of the marketing department Perceived training needs of the departme nt Perceived effectiveness of the performance appraisal system Promotion and rew ard system in the task handling Perceived need of technology in the task handlin g Efforts made and needed in staff development Roles, responsibilities, and team coordination within the department Proper communication channel between corpora te office and the staffs at the field From the staff survey and interviews taken, the team members were able to come a cross various findings that are highlighted below: Major Tasks or Functions y Ma rketing HRD Need Implication Marketing is one of the important tasks carried out in the organization. For marketing it is necessary to provide training to devel op interpersonal as well as communication skills. Marketing managers need the kn owledge regarding on how to build bran awareness, how to monitor the brand, and so on. The staff in the marketing department should be trained on how to use the information technology while providing online reservation service to the custom ers. Supervisors lack the skill and ability to properly assess the performance o f the employees. Training on how systematic performance appraisal should be done needs to be given to supervisors. There is no integration between performance a ppraisal and training and development. HR staffs at Buddha Air should be trained on how to integrate performance appraisal with training and development. The or ganization needs to carryout 360 degree feedback 30 y Performance Appraisal -

y Boarding Pass Checking y Air Port Supervision y Conflict Handling y Dealing Threat with External y Flight Safety if proper development of employees is to be made. Organization should develop a system for 360 degree feedback rather than using feedback only from supervisors. There is a need to develop a computerized system to check the boarding pass and the employees should be trained for the same purpose Air port Supervision is on e of the major tasks of Buddha Air. In order to effectively manage the airport i t is necessary to develop the skills of workers involved at supervisors. Quick a nd analytical decision making skills required in some cases for Air port manager Communication skills for Jr. Staffs to guide the employees RAMP training requir ed for fleet cleaning staffs There is a need for developing a grievance handling process of employees as well as that of customers at airport for the employees. Training on negotiation to deal with the unions. Conflict handling skills devel opment to deal with the Airport authority and other competing companies Pilots a nd airhostess also need training and development program to deal with threat of terrorist, sudden landing and bad weather. Since Buddha Air has prioritized cust omers safety as the major concern it one of the most important task at Buddha Ai r. All the staffs should be provided basic training on flight safety. Rigorous t raining and continuous development should be provided to engineers and flight cr ews to ensure flight safety. Person Analysis Person analysis is directed at determining the training needs of the individual employee. The focus is typically on how well each employee is performing key job tasks and what key skills are needed to uplift their performance. 31

One can understand how important the customer relation for any airline industrie s is. Buddha Air is well aware of this and has been making hard efforts to maint ain high degree of customer relationship. Despite this, there are areas where Bu ddha Air has failed in uplifting the employees morale employed in the field. The se employees are far from the training and development program as compared to th e employees employed at the higher management level. Training and development pr ograms for Pilots and Airhostesses are conducted at an interval of 6 months. Dur ing the training and development program, they are trained to be perfect in diff erent activities like interpersonal skills, stress management, customer handling during emergency, customer care on board, etc that their nature of job demands. Their needs have been addressed by the company to large extent. Unlike pilots a nd airhostesses, Buddha Air is comparatively little behind in promoting the skil ls of the marketing staffs that are in continuous touch with the customers. Duri ng the company visit, the team had made hard effort in finding out their specifi c needs that can help in developing their morale towards the task. Our analysis was specifically focused on the performance appraisal systems, promotion mechani sm, discrepancies, skills and interventions needed to uplift the staff performan ce. Since we did not have enough time to observe the performance of employees, t he personal needs for HRD were identified on the basis of interview with the sta ffs at Buddha Air. y Communication Skill: The employees at Buddha Air stated that communication skill was necessary for all the employees in Buddha Air. Being a service industry int eraction was of great importance. Thus regular communication skills training nee ds to be provided to the employees. y Customer relations: If an organization wants to sustain in the long run it is ne cessary to build a strong customer relation. Thus the employees of marketing per ceived that they needed some kind of training for maintain positive relation wit h the customers. y Time management: Timely flight management is of great importance to have positiv e impact on the image of Buddha Air. Time management skills were deemed necessar y by the employees to provide y Team Work: The employees stated that there was high need for the employees of Bu ddha Air to develop team spirit. Since the work involves technical as well as ma nagerial issues, team work is necessary to carryout the work efficiently. 32

y Managerial Skills: Through the interview it was found out that some of the emplo yees at the managerial level lacked proper managerial skills. y Decision making: The need for decision making skills was also identified by the employees to promote autonomy and pro-activity in the organization. y Computer skills: Given the advancement in technology, the employees of Buddha Ai r stated that computer skills were required for all employees. They stated that such provisions will make it easier for the organization to adopt to technologic al system as well as various Management Information System. y Stress management: Stress management has received much focus in the present days even in Nepalese organization. The employees of Buddha Air stated that a proper training and development opportunity has to be provided to the employees in Bud dha Air for stress management. 33

Chapter 8: HRD Plan for Buddha Air HRD Vision, Mission, and Objectives and Goals In order to address the HRD needs at Buddha Air the following HRD plan has been prepared: HRD vision: HRD vision is the picture that people in the organization hold in their minds about what kind of Human resource should be in the organizat ion. The HRD vision for Buddha is as follows: Buddha Air will be a learning organ ization with strong learning environment that provides opportunity for its employees to create, acquire and transfer knowledge. HRD mission: The mission is the articulation of vision in some concrete form whi ch then becomes a guideline for strategy. HRD mission for Buddha Air are as foll ows: y Creating an open and participatory work environment which seeks positive changes , rewards, innovation, provides growth, security and opportunity to all employee s. y Buddha Air will have supportive learning environment, concrete learning processe s and practices and leadership that reinforce learning. HRD objective: The HRD objectives for Buddha Air are as follows y A diverse, highly skilled, productive, healthy, and efficient workforce committe d towards continuous learning y Efficient management and leadership that promotes learning culture in the organi zation y y Strategic alignment of HRD to organizations goals and objectives. Integrating tra ining and development with performance appraisal. HRD goals: The HRD goals for the next two years for Buddha Air are as follows. y 90% of the employees will have the necessary diverse skills to perform to their work effectively and efficiently. y The company would have its own HRD facility to address more than 80% of the trai ning and development needs of the organization. Reduce turnover to less than 1%. 34 y

HRD output Target In order to carryout HRD intervention it is necessary to ident ify HRD output target. The HRD output target for Buddha Air can be as follows: H RD output Area 1. Reduction in Turnover 2. Reduction in Absenteeism 3. Safety HR D output target Turnover less than 1% within 3 years Unnecessary absenteeism bel ow 0.5% of the total working days after 3 years Less than 3 cases of injuries to the employees at the airport on annual basis 100% of the flights on schedule if no disturbance is created by weather or other elements The cost of external tra ining would be no more than 10% of total training and development cost. 360 degr ee performance appraisal Less than 3% grievances regarding the poor performance appraisal capacity of supervisors 7. Customer Satisfaction 99% of the customer s atisfied with the service Increase in the market share to 50% 8. Reduction in th e number of growth of staff 9. Return on HRD activities 10. Favorable relation w ith employee union The employees will be empowered and developed to carryout eve n high amount of task ROI of HRD to be more than 100:1 No conflict with employee union of the organization regarding training and development. 4. Timely flight 5. Reduction in external training cost 6. Performance Appraisal 35

Five Year HRD Intervention (2010 to 2015) HRD Target Group Incumbents Orientation y Program Objective Time/ Duration Service Provider In-house; HR staff Type Cost level To Socialize by making aware with organization climate and policies, their job n ature, reporting hierarchy, etc Within one week of the office join 7 days On the job and conference plus discussion Low Interpersonal skill training Top level management Stress Management y To improve communication and teamwork In-house; New-Era Off the job Below average y To control over oneself during stressful situation at the middle of the year Alliance Nepal On the job Average Managerial training y To identify the holes in the current management practices At the beginning of the year 7 days KUSOM Off the job

High y To learn the new ways of managing the business processes Career Management Continuing y To achieve personal career growth KUSOM Off the job Average y To add value to the management by KUSOM Off the job Very high 36

Education Developing Performance Evaluation skills y giving opportunities for higher study To improve the techniques of assessing the information and inline the performance with the organization goals and missions 3 days Alliance Nepal On the job High Leadership training y The effectiveness of the controlling mechanism used for the subordinates quality At the beginning of first quarter KUSOM On the job High Managerial Coaching All Staff Refresher training y To provide supporting in their works KUSOM On the job Very high y To revise what had been learned After every six months In-house Off the job Average Interpersonal Skill Development training Time Management y To improve communication and teamwork 3 days New-Era; inhouse Off the job Above average

y To achieve the required standards for setting priorities, and for scheduling act ivities, to make best use of time 5 days Alliance Nepal; KUSOM On the job Average 37

Coaching Counseling y y To provide supporting in their works To promote productivity through encourageme nt to solve the problems In-house KUSOM On the job On the job High High Spiritual Program y To improve self understanding and stress buster Beginning TM, Art of of the year living, Ananda Pragya Alliance Nepal At the end In-house of every two years Off the job High Team Building y To achieve the professional cohesiveness/review 1 day Off the job High Retreat y To give temporary relief from work; to recharge staff Off the job Very High RAM safety training Computer training y To take proactive precaution In-house

On the Job Average y To ease the working with computerized business process Rotation wise, after every 3 months In-house On the job Low Pilot Technical Training y To achieve the required level of effectiveness and efficiency in getting the bes t out of computer systems and In-house Off the job in simulated environment Very high 38

packages. Refresher training y To keep the knowledge up to date At the end In-house; of every 6 months simulation (USA) Prime College; KCM; etc Off the job Average MIS personal Certificate training y To develop additional skills as per the task demand Apprenticeship High Problem solving y To tactfulness of solving the problem faced In-house; personal on hire On the job Average Airhostess Airhostess training including role play y To keep the knowledge up to date At the end In-house of every six months Off the job High Pilots, Technicians, and Engineers Training on quality management through quality circle y

To improve the technical quality and to minimize defects. Once in a year In-house, external consultant Off-the job High 39

Chapter 9: Implementation and evaluation of HR Implementation of HRD is one of the important components of HRD system. While im plementing the HRD plans Buddha Air has to focus on the following issues: Market ing of the HRD intervention In any organization it is very difficult to quantify the benefit an organization gets out of HRD programs. So it is very much essent ial for HR manager at Buddha Air to use various marketing strategies to get nece ssary support from the top management for the implementation of HRD programs. In order to get the necessary support HR manager needs to focus on four major aspe cts of marketing mix: y y Product: Training courses and learning activities Price: Cost of the HRD program or the cost that might have to be born by the organization due to lost producti vity. y Promotion: Using various methods to sell the idea of HRD to the employees as wel l as to the top management y Place: Location for HRD program Along with the marketing, HRD managers should also use political skills to sell the idea of HRD to the organization. Training Method: First of all it is necessary to determine the method of training. Training can b e basically provided using three major approaches: On the job training, class ro om training and selfpaced training. The determination of which method to use dep ends on the nature of the training as well as the learning style of the trainee. The training methods to implement HRD programs for Buddha Air have been provide d in the five year HRD intervention plan. For instance, coaching and counseling have been provided to employees as on the job training to encourage the producti vity of employees but some training to air hostess is provided through role play as an off the job training. Place of Training: HR manager should also carefully decide whether training will be provided in-hou se or outside the organization. It is necessary to consider the HRD capacity of the organization. 40

Evaluation of the training: In the final step of development program HR manager of Buddha Air should evaluat e the effectiveness of its training program. The effectiveness of training progr am can be carried out through analyzing the following factors: Reaction: Buddha Air should understand and ask the participants of HRD program whether the y were satisfied with the training or not. In order to evaluate the HRD interven tion a questionnaire can be used to obtain the reaction of the participants. Sim ilarly the reaction of the trainee can also be obtained through observation or i nterview. A sample form for evaluating the training is given below 1. on g? as Personal Background Before the HRD intervention 1 Have you received training Coordinating/Facilitating supplies Skills? If yes, when was your last trainin (yyyy/mm/dd) Have you been a participant in previous training? If yes, when w your last training? Yes No Yes No

2 3 4 Please rate the following on a scale of 1(strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agre e). 3. 4. The training was well defined and in line with the job. Evaluation cri teria were well defined. 1 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 5 II. Training Design Please rate the following on a scale of 1(strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). 1. 2. 3. Was the training realistic and challenging? Wer e you actively engaged during the training? Was the training time sufficient to learn all the necessary skills? Were institutional relationships encouraged betw een teams? Please comment on overall training design. 41 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 3 4 3 4 5 5 5 4. 5. 1 2 3 4 5

III. Trainer Please rate the following on a scale of 1(strongly disagree) to 5 ( strongly agree). 1. 2. 3. Did the Trainer keep the team on track and moving forw ard? Did the Trainer provide useful, relevant practical advice? How often were y ou provided opportunity to consult with Trainer if problems arose 4. Overall com ments on Trainer: 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 3 4 3 4 5 5 5 IV. Personal Background After the HRD intervention Please rate the following on a scale of 1(strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). 1. a. b. c. Do you have a better understanding of: Your role in organization. Communication and Interpers onal skills. Roles, responsibilities, and techniques in Coordinating & facilitat ing. Were your personal goals met from the training? 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 5 4 5 4 5 2. 1 2 3 4 5 Please rate the HRD program for the following qualities 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Thorou ghness New ideas gained Helpful to self development Clear, understandable Qualit y of the training Please comment on overall training design? 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 42

V. Overall Impression of Training: 1. Please comment on the positive aspects of the training: 2. Please comment on the areas of the training and development program that need im provement: Were the case studies and reference materials useful? Did they add va lue to the training? Would you recommend this training to your peers? Please com ment on the case studies and reference materials: Yes Yes Yes No No No 3. 4. 5. 6. Learning: The participants must have clear principles on the issues learnt through HRD int ervention and should also know how to put them into practice. HRD intervention p rograms become useless and waste of time and money if the participants learn not hing. It is necessary to measure what the trainee has learnt and retained as a p art of HRD intervention. Buddha Air can measure the learning of its trainees in different ways. Learning can be assessed through interview, written test or any other convenient method. An illustration of how to evaluate learning of differen t HRD programs is shown below: Trainee Air hostess Learning Evaluation method Ro le play to deal with crash Ask the air hostess to write landing situation down t he steps for dealing with the situation Stress Management Write a self-report on how would you handle if you had an irritating customer flying the plane Quality management Write or ask the process for checking the technical aspect of plane to ensure the plane is fit to fly HRD program Pilot Technicians 43

Behavior: The third step in evaluating the HRD program is to see whether learnin g is transferred into the job. The trainee should apply the skills and knowledge gained through HRD programs into his/her job. Whether the trainee transfers lea rning into his/her job can assessed through observing his or her work behavior, the level of motivation etc. An illustration of how HRD can be evaluated is used is shown below: HRD program Stress Management Interpersonal skill Evaluation of the behavior Pilots and airhostess maintain their composure despite the hectic flight schedule Employees immediately ask for clarification if they do not under stand anything Results: The final step for the evaluation of the HRD intervention programs is to see the results in the organization. The result may be in terms of increasing sales, de creasing cost, and increase in employee motivation. The result can also be evalu ated in terms of the achievement of HRD output target. HR of Buddha Air can eval uate HRD program results in the following manner. HRD output Area 1. Reduction in Turnover 2. Reduction in Absenteeism 3. Safety HRD output target Turnover less than 1% within 3 years Unnecessary absenteeism b elow 0.5% of the total working days after 3 years Less than 3 cases of injuries to the employees at the airport on annual basis 100% of the flights on schedule if no disturbance is created by weather or other elements The cost of external t raining would be no more than 10% of total training and development cost. 360 de gree performance appraisal. Less than 3% grievances regarding the poor performan ce appraisal capacity of supervisors Were the target achieved Remarks 4. Timely flight 5. Reduction in external training cost 6. Performance Appraisal 44

7. Customer Satisfaction 8. Reduction in the number of growth of staff 9. Return on HRD activities 10. Fa vorable relation with employee union 99% of the customer satisfied with the service Increase in the market share to 5 0% The employees will be empowered and developed to carryout even high amount of task ROI of HRD to be more than 100:1 No conflict with employee union of the or ganization regarding training and development The remarks or feedback obtained in each of these areas of evaluation should be used to design and implement further HRD intervention programs if the existing H RD programs do not meet the desired output. 45

Conclusion and recommendation Buddha Air is a leading aviation service provider in the country. In its recent move it has added more number of planes to its existing fleet. Buddha Air needs to understand that acquiring technology and other physical assets cannot always provide competitive advantage to the company, especially in this era of intense competition and globalization. When the competition reaches maximum intensity, o ne way to differentiate a company from rest of the competitors is to develop a p ool of qualified manpower. Buddha Air has a pool of young and dynamic employees. The climate of the company is also very much favorable for implementation of va rious HRD programs as the employees in the organization are very supportive of H RD programs and there is high support from the top management as well. Given the environmental context which posses both opportunities and threats, Buddha Air n eeds to carefully align its strategies to the external environment to create a b est fit. Thus, Buddha Air needs to move towards strategic HRD which is not in pr actice right now. A proper HRD need assessment mechanism needs to be developed. Need assessment should not be limited to personal level. Need assessment has to be carried out at organizational as well as task level. Once the needs are ident ified Buddha Air needs to develop proper HRD intervention needs to be formulated that addresses the needs in the best possible manner. The performance appraisal system available at Buddha Air should also be used as an effective need assessm ent tool. The feedback obtained from the performance appraisal should also be in cluded as one of the valuable source of information in developing HRD interventi on. That is, performance appraisal should be properly aligned with HRD. After th e implementation of HRD intervention, Buddha Air needs to carryout evaluation to assess how useful the HRD intervention had been to the organization. Evaluation should focus on four major areas: reaction of the trainee, learning of the trai nee, behavior of the trainee and the overall impact of training on the organizat ional result. 46

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