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What to do and not do in a life threatening situation

Do you know how to react to a life-threatening situation? Well, if you don't, you've gotten to the right article. In
this article, you'll find some ways to react to a dangerous situation. What to do. And, what to not do.

What to do

A key element of ''what to do'' is to relax. Stay calm. Count to ten- or to a thousand- to calm yourself. In the text
''Decide to survive" it says, "Unless there is a life-threatening situation from which you need to extricate
yourself immediately... the best thing to do is to sit down and count to one hundred'', here the author provides a
quote from Don Hoover. He is- or said- the truth. When we feel scared, our body can react differently. Some
can paralyze, while others get really strong. This is because of the adrenaline rush. Another ''what to do'' is to
know your surroundings, see if you have resources, and use them! Value living, try at all costs to survive.Some
of this ''what to do's'' are from the text "Decide to survive'' at the end where it says ''SURVIVAL".

What not to do

Like I said. DO NOT PANIC. ''Panic can kill you.'' This is a quote from Don Hoover in the text "Decide to
Survive". Please do not, not decide to survive. You can do this. Even if you read ten thousand articles and heard
many stories, if you don't decide to survive all that knoledge goes to waste. Don Hoover also says, ''The will to
survive is the most important factor.''. Alexis O'Neil had that will. And with their partner David, they both
survived a terrible accident. At that moment, Alexis debuted, but they didn't give up. They had that will to

So these are some things to keep in mind when a life-threatening situation comes. Don't be afraid, don't lose that
will to survive, calm yourself, and look for anything that will lead you to escape/ survive

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