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Plant Physiol.

(1991) 95, 1125-1130 Received for publication August 27, 1990

0032-0889/91/95/1125/06/$01 .00/0 Accepted December 11, 1990

Nonrecirculating Hydroponic System Suitable for Uptake

Studies at Very Low Nutrient Concentrations'

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Vincent P. Gutschick* and Lou Ellen Kay
Department of Biology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003

ABSTRACT With the given parameter choices, the required flow rate is
We describe the mechanical, electronic, hydraulic, and struc- 65 L/d for every replicate plant. Most hydroponic systems
tural design of a nonrecirculating hydroponic system. The system capable of providing such large volumes do so by recirculating
is particularly suited to studies at very low nutrient concentra- solution from a large reservoir (2, 3), often with automated
tions, for which on-line concentration monitoring methods either makeup of depleted nutrients to maintain concentrations and
do not exist or are costly and limited to monitoring relatively few to measure uptake (e.g. 7, 13, 14). Recirculation can increase
individual plants. Solutions are mixed automatically to chosen problems of microbial contamination. It also requires auto-
concentrations, which can be set differently for every pump fed mated controls for makeup of nutrient ions or of hydrogen
from a master supply of deionized water and nutrient concen- ions (pH balance) during nitrate or ammonium usage. Con-
trates. Pumping rates can be varied over a 50-fold range, up to
400 liters per day, which suffices to maintain a number of large, centration sensors for the controls are commonly based upon
post-seedling plants in rapid growth at (sub)micromolar levels of ion-selective electrodes (4, 7) or, rarely, flow-injection analysis
N and P. The outflow of each pump is divided among as many as (5). Electrodes are adequately sensitive for nitrate down to 5
12 separate root chambers. In each chamber one may monitor ,AM (4) but not down to (sub)micromolar levels at which one
uptake by individual plant roots or segments thereof, by meas- may wish to maintain other nutrients, such as phosphate and
uring nutrient depletion in batch samples of solution. The system the micronutrients. Flow-injection systems are quite costly
is constructed from nontoxic materials that do not adsorb nutrient and can monitor relatively few individual plants or groups at
ions; no transient shifts of nitrate and phosphate concentrations a time (for example, 8 plants, in the case of ref. 5, compared
are observable at the submicromolar level. Nonrecirculation of
solutions limits problems of pH shifts, microbial contamination, with the 28 to 84 plants we survey with our system). Typically,
and cumulative imbalances in unmonitored nutrients. We note recirculating systems monitor relatively few nutrients and fail
several disadvantages, principally related to high consumption of to monitor most of the nutrients, particularly micronutrients.
deionized water and solutes. The reciprocating pumps can be The requirement to oversupply the unmonitored nutrients
constructed inexpensively, particularly by the researcher. We might cause initial toxicity problems in multiweek experi-
also report previously unattainable control of passive temperature ments with nutrients such as copper.
rise of chambers exposed to full sunlight, by use of white epoxy We have designed our system to mix, automatically on
paint. demand, large volumes of fresh solution for single-pass flow.
The contents of all nutrients at inputs to every plant are
controlled by mixing ratios between three solutions. The
average concentrations at the plant root system are drawn
Long-term solution culture at micromolar levels of nu- down from input levels by nutrient uptake, but adequate
trients is required in studies of adaptations of nutrient uptake pumping rates can hold all concentrations within relatively
systems and root growth under a variety of stresses. Full tight limits. The design addresses several other major practical
expression of growth adaptations, such as in root:shoot ratio, problems, foremost that of providing inexpensive, well-regu-
requires growth to considerable size (9). Large, vigorously lated pumping for multiple treatments and replicates. (The
growing plants will deplete large volumes of nutrient solution. pumps may also be used to advantage in recirculating sys-
We take an example from our recent experiments and con- tems.) We have designed and built positive-displacement
sider a plant having a dry mass m = 2 g, a tissue phosphorus pumps based on 140-mL plastic syringes, with electronically
content of 0.2% by dry weight (fractional contentf= 0.002), controlled repetition rates. Simple hydraulic resistance divid-
and a relative growth rate R of 0.15 d-'. Consider further ers apportion flows reproducibly to replicate plants. Our
providing phosphorus (atomic weight M = 31 g molV') as growth containers are divided into three separate chambers
phosphate at a concentration of 1 mmol m-3. If one allows a meeting in the center, allowing two- and even three-way
30% relative concentration depletion, Ac = 0.3 mmol m-3 divisions of root systems for differential treatment. We also
(0.3 uM), the required flow rate J is determined by solving the have identified a coating that is highly reflective at short
equation between plant uptake and solution depletion: wavelengths and high in thermal emissivity, allowing surfaces
Mass of P taken up per unit time = mfR JAcM. (1)
= exposed to full sun to remain within 1°C of ambient air
temperature. The entire system is constructed of nontoxic
materials (10) that are also low in capacity to release or adsorb
'Funding by the U. S. Department of Energy, Ecological Research. nutrient ions.
1126 GUTSCHICK AND KAY Plant Physiol. Vol. 95, 1991

This report extends and clarifies an earlier presentation

(1 1).


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Figure 1 shows the full system schematically. Full mechan-
ical and electronic plans are available from us. optional 1
Nutrient solutions are mixed automatically in two stages. her
First, the system mixes a base solution of all the elements not
be varied in concentration between experimental groups, that
is, all elements but N and P in our case. The invariant
elements are provided as two 90x concentrates (A, B in Table bO
I), designed to be soluble separately. The A and B concentrates aE
are mixed on demand with DIW2 provided at nearly line
pressure through two large mixed-bed deionizer tanks in series
(each with commercial designation of 10,500-grain capacity
[as CaCO3J, equivalent to 7 mol of divalent anions and 7 mol
divalent cations). Outflows of both deionizer tanks are mon-
itored for specific resistivity to give timely warning of need
for replacement. The mixed base solution is held in a 20-L
polyethylene carboy suspended on a metal spring. When the
carboy is depleted to 7 L, it rises to trip a microswitch. A
latching relay then activates (via solid-state relays) several
solenoid valves in order to: (a) empty the contents of two 150-
mL reservoirs of A and B base concentrates into the base-
solution carboy; it is important to maintain a 7-L reserve so
that incoming concentrates do not precipitate on contact; (b)
shut off the gravity-fed refilling of the 150-mL concentrate
reservoirs; (c) turn on the DIW inflow and activate a magnetic
stirrer mounted on the carboy bottom; and (d) shut off
outflow from the carboy, so that continued consumption of
base solution by pumps does not alter the concentration as
mixing occurs over the 3-min refill time. A second base
solution carboy, mounted lower, provides solution for pumps
while refilling of the first carboy proceeds. When the base
carboy refills to 20 L, it trips a second microswitch that
deactivates the solenoids noted above. It also trips a second
latching relay that opens inflow valves to refill the A and B
concentrate reservoirs, by gravity flow from 20-L carboys
mounted above. Inflow ceases when the liquid level in a
reservoir bridges two stainless steel pins, closing a low-current
relay circuit that shuts off solenoid valves.
The adjustable-concentration nutrients (e.g. N and P) are
held as 50-fold concentrates in 20-L carboys; they are mixed
with base solution at the pump. A reciprocating crank operates
three syringes. The large syringe (Monoject3 140-mL plastic
disposable; Sherwood Medical, DeLand, FL) is driven with a
12.5-cm stroke and delivers 95 mL of base solution per cycle.
The Leur-Lock fitting is bored out to reduce pumping back-
pressure, greatly prolonging syringe life to over 5000 cycles
before leakage becomes significant. Two glass syringes (Bec-
ton-Dickinson, 5-mL) operate on a 1.8-cm stroke and each Figure 1. Schematic diagram of hydroponic system. See text for full
delivers 2 mL of N or P concentrate per cycle. A single crank explanation. Solution flows along lines indicated in boldface. Dashed
arm holds the glass syringes in a rubber pad to eliminate lines indicate electrical connections. Solenoid-controlled valves are
noted as either normally open (N.O.) or normally closed (N.C.). System
Abbreviations: DIW, deionized water; FeEDTA, ferric ethylene- is shown configured for seven separate pumps, as used by authors.
diaminetetracetic acid; VAC, volts-alternating current.
3The mention of a specific produce name is not a unique endorse-
ment of this product. It does indicate satisfactory performance of the
specific product in long-term operation.

Table I. Composition of Nutrient Solutions or distinct sections of their root systems. Inflow to each
chamber goes through a uniform hydraulic resistance pro-
From concentrate "A," diluted 1:90 vided by a 10-cm length of 1-mm-diameter glass capillary
CaCI2,2.0 mM; Ca2, 2 mM; Cl, 4 mM tubing. Only rapid flows such as provided by an intermittent
FeNaEDTA- 1.5 H20, 3.53 mg L-1; Fe3 , 0.5 Ag/ml (=9 MM)

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reciprocating pump can be hydraulically divided accurately.
From concentrate "B," diluted 1:90 Without flow division, a separate positive-displacement pump
K2SO4, 1.5 mM; K+, 3 mM; SO2-, 2.5 mM would be needed for each plant, at prohibitive cost or com-
MgSO4.7H20, 1 mM; Mg2+, 1 mM plexity of operation.
MnSO4.7H20, 3.02 mg L-1; Mn2+, 0.6 ,g/ml (11 MM)
H3B03, 3.42 mg L-1; B, 0.6 Mg/ml (z55 MM) One 2-L polystyrene beaker is divided into three root
ZnSO4-7H20, 1.32 mg L-1; Zn2 , 0.3 Mg/ml (-5 MM) chambers (Fig. 2) by acrylic plastic pieces held in place with
Na2MoO4.2H20, 0.126 mg L-1; Mo, 0.05 ,g/ml (-0.5 AM) silicone sealant. The beaker lid of 1/2-in- (1 2.7-mm-)thick
CuSO4.5H20, 0.078 mg L-'; Cu2+, 0.02 Mg/ml (=0.3 MM) acrylic plastic is cut to hold either (a) one plant positioned at
From concentrates for specific treatments, diluted 1:60
the center, with two or three parts of its root system in different
root chambers, or (b) three plants, one in each root chamber.
Treatment Each root chamber has its own lines for air inflow (aeration
1 2 3 4 7 6 5 and stirring), solution inflow, and solution outflow. To reduce
Input N03 [Mm, from Ca(NO3)] 10 10 10 100 150 10 3 air flows to manageable levels, air fed from a regulated-
Input "PO4" [MM, from KH2PO4] 0.1 0.3 0.3 1 3 3 3 pressure supply passes at each chamber through a membrane
P-stress series - filter. All of the root chambers fed by a single pump must be
N-stress placed at the same height, within 5 mm, to prevent siphoning
series -. of solution from one chamber to another after pumping
ceases. Plants are held by electronics-grade, unfilled (translu-
cent), silicone putty around the stem, providing a strong,
nondamaging seal that contains no detectable, leachable traces
breakage. Three pairs of stainless-steel check valves prevent of nitrogen- or phosphorous-containing compounds. Each
backflow at both entry and exit ports of each syringe. The plant may be removed independently and quickly by remov-
valves (NuPro 1/3-psi) are only lightly spring-loaded to keep ing the machine screws holding the lid sections together.
refilling drag low, and they have negligible void volume. The entire three-chamber beaker and its lid are specially
Valves must be checked individually every several days for painted to prevent light entry and algal growth and to keep
back-leakage; the Neoprene flap can be reseated. The full the temperature within 1°C of air temperature even in full
crankshaft is bearing-mounted on both ends of its axis and is sunlight and still air. (In contrast, chambers with clean metal
machined from brass. The crank and motor mounts and the
base are machined from '/2-inch- (12.7 mm) thick stainless
steel for resistance to corrosion and stability against torques.
Four posts, one at each corner of the pump base, fit into other .1
pump bases, allowing stacking up to four pumps in one
footprint area. I
The crankshaft is turned by a 3-rpm, high-torque, gear-
reduction motor (Jakel Motors model BG5P3K; Highland,
IL) operating at 1 7 VAC. Pumping rate is adjusted by setting
the interval between full cycles, to any value between 20 and
990 s in 10-s increments. This interval is controlled separately
for each pump by an integrated-circuit timer reading the
settings on a two-digit thumbwheel display. The timer may
control the entire revolution of a geared stepping motor
(Superior Electric, Bristol, CT) or, as in our system, it may
start an asynchronous motor. Revolution time of the latter
varies slightly with load, so that we use a crankshaft detent
and microswitch (details available) to provide power for an
exact 360° rotation, irrespective of load.
Outflows of the three syringes pumping base, N, and P
solutions merge in Tygon tubing linked with rigid Y-connec-
tors. The combined outflow entrains about 5 mL of air, Hatched area: One of 3 i
separate root chambers
derived from (reproducible) air leakage past the large syringe's
piston during filling and perhaps from cavitation. Because air Figure 2. Top view of lid covering 2-L beaker divided into three
bubbles can randomly plug the capillary-tube flow dividers separate root chambers. Lid holds either three plants with undivided
(described shortly), the air is removed by a simple standpipe root systems, at locations P1, P2, P3, or one plant with root system
(of dark amber glass, to minimize chances of algal growth). divided into two or three segments, at location PC. Dashed lines
The flow from any single pump is then divided between 4 indicate structural features underneath the lid. Details are shown for
to 12 separate root chambers, representing individual plants only one of the root chambers, for plant at P3.
1128 GUTSCHICK AND KAY Plant Physiol. Vol. 95, 1991

or ordinary white-painted surfaces readily reach 5 to 10°C new 95-mL slug of solution delivered on each pump stroke.
above ambient in these conditions). An epoxy-based paint One can readily calculate that, if the solution is depleted 30%
(Koppers, Inc. item A1737, mil. spec. Mil C 81773, color from inflow concentration on the average, then an inflow of
17875 white; retail sales through Burbank Paint, Burbank, 1/7 of the chamber volume causes an instantaneous jump of

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CA, and others) reflects shortwave radiation almost com- 6% in nutrient concentration, or only 3% above the mean.
pletely, while its very high thermal-infrared emissivity allows Even at system startup, we observed no transient depression
it to lose most of the gained energy. The polystyrene surface or elevation of nutrient concentrations, such as adsorption or
of the breaker must be primed first by painting with a solvent/ desorption from surfaces might cause. For reference, note that
roughener (10% by volume powdered chlorinated polyethyl- a monolayer of ions on binding sites 0.5 nm apart on the
ene [Dow Chemical CPE 4213 or 2552] mixed with 80% surface of one root chamber would be equivalent to about 0.3
tetrahydrofuran and 10% 1,1,l-trichloroethane) and then Mm in the chamber contents of 0.65 L. We attribute this
with black primer (fast black polyamide epoxy A809C-66, success partly to materials choice, principally polyethylene,
color 17038 black). polystyrene, and surgical-grade Tygon tubing, with limited
When measuring plant uptake rates or confirming solution exposure of solutions to glass, stainless steel, silicone and
concentrations, we took 1 -L outflow samples from each plant Neoprene rubbers. Furthermore, we cleaned all components
or treatment inflow, in high-density polyethylene bottles. We thoroughly with phosphate-free detergents, following this with
acidified each sample of pH 2 and refrigerated it until analysis. acid rinses and final DIW rinses. The solution pH was stable
The concentration depletion times flow rate yielded our esti- within 0.3 unit at most, despite variable degrees of nitrate
mate of whole-plant uptake, converted as necessary to uptake uptake. Nonrecirculation of solutions aids such pH stability,
rate per unit mass. We analyzed nitrate spectrophotometri- while vigorous aeration with air of normal CO2 content
cally with an Autoanalyzer (cadmium reduction to nitrite and provides good buffering by the carbonic acid-bicarbonate
chromogenic reaction with aromatic reagents [1]). We cor- couple. The flow rates to individual chambers fed by a single
rected all peak heights, A, for second-order reaction kinetics pump were stable individually, while varying as much as 30%
and subsequent nonlinear relation to concentration, c, as A = between chambers.
bc/(l + ac2); a and b are empirical coefficients depending Consequently, we could accurately resolve the time courses
upon run conditions (temperature, flow rate, cadmium re- of physiological adaptations in the same plant (LE Kay, VP
ductor-column diameter). The parameters a and b are deter- Gutschick, manuscript in preparation). These results are re-
mined using assays on dilution-series standards. We measured ported in preliminary form (9) and will be presented in full
phosphate spectrophotometrically by the phosphomolybdate- in our companion study, in preparation. Figure 3 shows
blue reaction, using ascorbic acid as reductant. For phosphate
concentrations of 1 to 20 Mm (or microformal, to report
properly the summation over ionization states; ref. 11, p. 70),
we extracted the reaction mixture with methyl isobutyl ketone 2.5
and read absorbance at 722 nm; this minimized interference .1-
from iron chelates and from temperature shifts. For concen- 2.0
trations below 1 MM, we (8) modified a method (6) of triple
extraction of the phosphomolybdate from the aqueous phase ._-
with methyl isobutyl ketone. Only this method proved free 1.5
from interference by chelated iron in nutrient solutions. -


* X

Our system with seven pumps reliably delivered a variety 0400

of controlled nutrient levels. Over several seasons we have
raised four replicate plants per pump to the stage of 20 g fresh
mass (9) (LE Kay, VP Gutschick, manuscript in preparation; 0.0 +
we began with as many as 12 replicate plants per pump, 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0
sacrificing groups sequentially for physiological analyses.) In Days After Germination
the treatment groups growing at very low nutrient concentra-
tions (0.1 Mm phosphate, 3 Mm nitrate), yet at significant Figure 3. Relationship of root:shoot ratio on a fresh-weight basis to
relative growth rates of 0.08 to 0.10 d-', the nutrient flow rate plant age in Helianthus annuus L. (cv Giant Grey Stripe) as a function
required was very high, 400 L d-', and the pumps operated of nominal nutrient levels maintained continuously after day 10 (Mm
continuously. We observed neither mortality nor signs of nitrate [N] and phosphate [P]). Experiment began with 12 replicate
plants per nutrient treatment group. All plants were germinated in
toxicity from materials (cfJ 10) or from xenobiota. Nutrient saturated CaSO4 solution. On d 10 they had attained an initial
concentrations at the inflow of root chambers held constant root:shoot ratio of 0.39 ± 0.07 on a fresh-weight basis. They were
within 2% because the solution mixing ratios were stable. randomly assigned to one of seven different nutrient treatments
Concentrations in the root chamber also held constant in the provided by the hydroponic system described herein and grown in a
short term (before plant growth requires adjustment of pump- naturally lit greenhouse with mean day/night temperatures approxi-
ing rates). The 650-mL volume buffers the change in concen- mating 320C/200C. Four plants per treatment were harvested on d
tration between the existing root-chamber contents and the 17, 22, and 27.

root:shoot ratio as an example, with (N, P) treatments clearly uct (6). At least 12 replicate plants within any treatment group
differentiated (reanalysis of data of ref. 9, in terms of dry can be monitored for uptake while total equipment cost is
mass). We also resolved modest diurnal cycling in uptake kept modest, by virtue of the flow-division system. The cost
rates (Fig. 4), more so at high nutrient concentrations. We of the entire system is modest compared to that of systems

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interpolated these uptake rates and verified that uptake inte- using peristaltic pumps and automatic monitoring and
grated over the whole life of the plant agreed within 10% with makeup of nutrients. The cost is low particularly if the re-
nutrient concentrations in plants. searcher can machine the components, using a milling ma-
In addition to the generic advantages (and disadvantages) chine, drill press, and welder. The reciprocating pumps are
of hydroponics, especially allowing repeated, nondestructive cost-effective in recirculating systems also. One can also main-
access to functioning roots in situ, our system has several tain disjoint nutrient concentrations on two or three separate
specific advantages. The nonrecirculation of solutions limits root system segments of individual plants while monitoring
problems of microbial activity, pH shifts, and cumulative their uptake rates via grab-samples of inflow and outflow
imbalances in unmonitored nutrients. The system enables solutions. Finally, we note the excellent control of heat gain
studies of plant performance at very low concentrations, from shortwave radiation absorption, afforded by the special
maintained in steady state or varied according to a chosen white epoxy paint. This paint is also useful in shielding air
program. We have used 0.07 ,M phosphate and 2.5 lsM nitrate, temperature sensors and the like.
at which levels there are no automated on-line methods to Several disadvantages accrue from nonrecirculation of the
control concentration and calculate uptake, other than costly solutions. The high volume of DIW and nutrient use incurs
flow-injection analysis that can handle relatively few replicate a significant operational expense. We used 15,000 L in one
plants. For example, below several gM, most or perhaps all 2-week experiment on 84 plants, 28 of which grew to 14 g
high-resolution phosphate assays are batch methods using average fresh mass. (Recirculating systems also require dis-
multiple solvent extraction of phosphomolybdate assay prod- carding of large reservoirs after an experiment, as much as
2000 L [3]). Such expense also precludes the use of PEG for
osmotic stress studies. The large volumes for disposal may
preclude most uses of radioactive tracers, although we used
1.25 33P at very low levels within radiation-safety guidelines. The
researcher must monitor pump rates and pump function
/ .p \ ... frequently. One must also run off-line solution analyses every
_ / /~ N\..o :f several days to assure that pumping rates are sufficient.

// /~
/// N\ : '' '''''
We wish to thank a number of people at Los Alamos National
/ // ' '' \ Laboratory for their help. Faustin Trujillo and Dan Talley helped in
-4- the design and initial machining of the pump components. Michael
// // ~ \'- A. Wolf and David Waechter helped in the design and construction,
;., 0.75 respectively, of the electronic controls. Consuelo Montoya helped us
operate the system at times. James Steger, Caroline Reynolds, and
N-N 25- Ralph Franklin (U.S. Department of Energy; currently at Clemson
University) provided critical administrative support.
_ / /N10P.N
> 0.50
/ -N40P. 1. Armstrong FAJ, Sterns CR, Strickland JDH (1967) The meas-
-N.....P.8 urement of upwelling and subsequent biological processes by
CZ 0.25
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niques. In A Lauchli, RL Bieleski, eds, Encyclopedia of Plant
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3. Asher CJ, Ozanne PG, Loneragan JF (1965) A method for
controlling the ionic environment of plant roots. Soil Sci 100:
4. Bloom AJ (1989) Continuous and steady-state nutrient absorp-
tion by intact plants. In JG Torrey, LW Winship, eds, Appli-
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5. Breeze VG, Canaway RJ, Wild A, Hopper MJ, Jones LHP
Figure 4. Instantaneous rate of phosphate uptake per unit fresh (1982) The uptake of phosphate by plants from flowing nu-
mass of plant, as a function of time in diurnal cycle, for plants at end trient solution. I. Control of phosphate concentration in solu-
tion. J Exp Bot 33: 183-189
of experiment (8) that generated the data in Figure 1. Uptake rates 6. Gibson AR, Bailey JM, Giltrap DJ (1976) Determination of
are resolved by nutrient treatment during growth and for individual trace amounts of phosphate in water extracts of soil. Commun
replicate plants (lines connect data points for individual). Soil Sci Plant Anal 7: 427-436
1130 GUTSCHICK AND KAY Plant Physiol. Vol. 95, 1991

7. Glass ADM, Siddiqi MY, Deane-Drummond CE (1983) A mul- ticisers. 1. Diagnosis and commercial implications. J Exp Bot
tichannel microcomputer-based system for continuously meas- 37: 883-897
uring and recording ion activities of uptake solutions during 11. Kay LE, Gutschick VP (1986) Solution culture method for
ion absorption by roots of intact plants. Plant Cell Environ 6: studying nutrient uptake and stress. In P Martin-Prevel, ed,
247-253 Proceedings of the Sixth International Colloquium on the
Optimization of Plant Nutrition, Vol 3. AIONP/GERDAT,

Downloaded from by Addis Ababa Science and Technology University user on 19 April 2024
8. Gutschick VP (1985) Occurrence of consistent nM levels of
phosphate in demineralized and demineralized-distilled water. Montpellier, pp 1003-1007
Talanta 32: 93-94 12. Kennedy JH (1990) Analtytical Chemistry: Principles, Ed 2. W
B Saunders, New York
9. Gutschick VP, Kay LE (1986) Root adaptations at stress levels 13. Koch GW, Winner WE, Nardone A, Mooney HA (1987) A
of nitrate, phosphate, or both simultaneously. In P Martin- system for controlling the root and shoot environment for
Prevel, ed, Proceedings of the Sixth International Colloquium plant growth studies. Environ Exp Bot 27: 365-377
on the Optimization of Plant Nutrition, Vol 3. AIONP/GER- 14. Lynch J, Epstein E, Lauchli A, Weigt GI (1990) An automated
DAT, Montpellier, pp 941-947 greenhouse sand culture system suitable for studies of P nutri-
10. Hannay JW, Millar DJ (1986) Phytotoxicity of phthalate plas- tion. Plant Cell Environ 13: 547-554

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