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Sl Description Serial page Nos


From To

1. Contents. 01

2. Forwarding Letter and instructions for tenders/ bidders. 02 03

3. Terms and condition of Quotation 04 09

4. Notice of Quotation 10

5. BOQ 11


Sd x x
Signature of Consultant (Alok)
Lt Col
Dated : ………………….. SO1 (R)
For Accepting Officer
QUOTATION NO: 83004/20/Q/33/E3 SERIAL PAGE NO : 02


Tele : 0364-2560404 HQ Chief Engineer (AF)

Fax : 0364-2560404 Shillong Zone
Elephant Falls Camp
Nonglyer : Post
Shillong – 793 009

83004/20/Q/33/E3 21 Jun 2018



Dear Sir(s),

1. Quotation documents for the above work is uploaded on

2. Quotation documents have to be downloaded from above site. Financial bid to be uploaded with own
Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) online as per the critical dates mentioned in NIQ. Bid will be
opened on the date mentioned in the NIQ for evaluation.

3. The bidder shall quote lump sum in BOQ which shall include overheads and profits, all taxes / duties/
Service Tax as applicable as per Government /competent authority orders on the matter and other
factors bearing on lump sum and insert the figures in BOQ after satisfying himself the provisions in
the quotation and sign verify validate with his own digital signature certificate(DSC) .

4. (a) The bidder shall download BOQ from e-procurement portal and enter the Bidder
name and rates in figures only and upload the same.
(b) In the event of lowest bidder revoking his offer or revising his rates upward (which will be
treated as revocation of offer), after opening of Quotations, and the same shall be treated cancelled.

5. Rates quoted shall remain valid for a period of minimum SIXTY DAYS from the date of bid opening.

6. The Vendors have to get registered and obtain GSTIN from the GST authorities. All invoices raised by
the suppliers / vendors shall be in compliance to the provisions of the GST Act.

7. The Firm should have valid Registration/TIN/ GSTIN allotted by relevant authority.

The bidder shall calculate his own unit rates / Lump sum amount based on the scope of work.

9. Bidder’s particular attention is invited to the facts that are required to fill his rates specifically in the
BOQ loaded as per para 4(a) above and the same has to be uploaded with his own digital signature
certificate(DSC) and not to submit separate quotation in other form.

10. Scope of consultancy work: Details as per BOQ attached and subject to terms and conditions and general
conditions mentioned in quotation documents.
QUOTATION NO: 83004/20/Q/33/E3 ` SERIAL PAGE NO : 03


As per GST Act and Rule and any other Tax liability as per Tax Act in force.
12. The bidder shall submit his quoted bid/quoted quotation (BOQ) in cover 1on or before last date and
time of Bid submission of documents as indicated in Notice of Quotation or as subsequently
amended through corrigendum / amendments (on line) through e portal.


The period of completion for the entire work shall be 75 (Seventy five) days in accordance of phasing if
any from the date of placement job order.
14. The submission of Quotation implies that the bidder has read the conditions of Quotation and
has made himself aware to the scope and specifications of the work to be done, local conditions and
site conditions and other factors
(a) The department may issue corrigendum to Quotation documents before due date of
submission of bid. The bidder is required to read the Quotation documents in conjunction with the
corrigendum(s), if any, issued by the department.

15. Conditional Quotation shall be treated as non-bonafide and is liable to be rejected.

16. These instructions shall form part of Quotation.

Signature of Consultant
Sd x x
Dated : ………………….. (Alok)
Lt Col
SO1 (R)
For Accepting Officer
QUOTATION NO: 83004/20/Q/33/E3 SERIAL PAGE NO : 04

01. All required services will be done by the firm and his rates would be deemed to include the cost
of complete evaluation required to for the job including all types of taxes/levies etc.
02. The Consultant shall provide and complete the Consultancy Services to the satisfaction of the
Client within 75 days in accordance of phasing if any from the date of placement of Job order.
03. Extension of time may be granted for delays caused, which in the opinion of the Client were
beyond the Consultants control, provided the Consultant applies for such extension of time in writing
within seven days of the occurrence of any events which caused delay.
04. The consultancy services for Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and structural design on the line
plan drawing issued by the department for the following of Sanctioned work for ‘PROVN OF MINI


(i) Designing and planning sewage treatment plant including architecture,
structural design and E/M Services for sewage treatment plant at Purnea AF

The consultant shall ensure and complete the following as part of scope of work:-

(a) Preliminary site visit for observation of current situation.

(b) Preparation of complete design of sewage treatment plant, including Chlorine

dozer, Pressure sand filter, Activated carbon filter etc and hydraulics, based on
proposed work.

(c) Preparation of electro - mechanical design of pumping station and STP.

(d) Preparation of architectural and structural design of pumping station and

components of sewage treatment plant to the extent required for lump sum
contract in MES

(e) Preparation of detailed quantity estimate based on design.

(f) Submission of drawings, design in hard copy as well as in soft copy.

(g) Preparation of BOQ for external electrification and water supply.

(ii) Schedule of services :-

The consultant shall render following services:-

(a) Supply of design, drawing, schedule and specification of sewage treatment

plant including all related civil, electrical & mechanical and other allied works
based on FAB/ MBBR technology to treat entire sewage.

(b) The design, drawings, schedule and specification shall be supplied for
complete infrastructure related to FAB/ MBBR Technology based sewage
treatment plant , Bio Reactors, sump for collection of treated water and
distribution pumps, Machinery etc.
QUOTATION NO: 83004/20/Q/33/E3 SERIAL PAGE NO : 05

(c) Submission of bills of quantities of buildings, civil work, and sewage

network includes electrical fixtures and fittings, equipment & machinery
considered in detailed project report as per sequence and trade of MES standard
schedule of rates 2010. For pricing of items which are not available in the SSR
2010, market rate shall be applied duly supported with quotations and market

(d) The consultant shall submit detailed specifications and literature of all the
electrical and mechanical equipment/ machinery and components as considered
by him in his design for smooth functioning of sewage system.

(e) List of at least three suggested makes of E/M items with their rate list /
quotation and rate analysis for non SSR items.

(f) Work out area required for plant room, Electrical and water requirement for

Note :-

1. Soil investigation report will be provided by the Consultant.

2. Test report of raw sewage will be provided by the Consultant.

1. The cost involved in visiting the MES offices, other offices /Work site in
connection with consultation work is deemed to be included in the lump sum quoted by
the firm.

2. Consultant may be required to render any clarification sought by the department on

the design submitted by him at any stage.
The cost for third party validation is deemed to be included in lump sum quoted by the

3. Completion certificate for satisfactory completion will be issued by the Dir (E/M)/ E/M
Officer of HQ CE (AF) Shillong Zone.

06. The Consultant shall supply to the Client the following documents:

(a) Detailed working drawings size A3 and 20 copies and quality of drawing paper as
mutually agreed between the Client and the Consultant. If necessary, modify the sizes /
quality suitably to meet the requirements after necessary mutual agreement between the
Client and the Consultant. Complete set of structural drawings (A3 size) for each building as

(b) The above drawings shall be drawn at scales that make them legible and create no
ambiguity during execution of the work on ground.
QUOTATION NO: 83004/20/Q/33/E3 SERIAL PAGE NO : 06


(a) Preparation and submission of architectural drawings and structural drawing & design
by using design software like STAAD/STRAP with load chart for entire structural components,
viz, walls, columns, beams, slabs, staircases, tanks etc, along with structural drawings and
complete design folder containing structural analysis and design calculations duly vetted by
any IIT/NIT.
(b) For design purpose life of expected life of building to be considered as minimum 60
years. The design shall be sound, economical and as per best engineering practices suitable
for the region. Design shall be complaint of provisions of all relevant IS codes and statutory
rules of Govt of India concerned state Govt.

(c) Design and detailing shall be as per requirements applicable to Purnea area i.r.o. seismic
forces as per IS code 1893, wind forces as per IS code 875 part 3, dead loads as per IS code
875 part 1, live loads as per IS code 875 part 2. In seismic analysis, importance factor relevant
to multi-story residential accommodation shall be applied. In wind load analysis risk factor K1
shall be as per probable design life of structure of 100 years, terrain factor K2 applicable for
category 2 and topography factor k3 equal to 1.2 have to be considered.

(d) Structural design of foundation shall be based on detailed soil investigation report to be
supplied to the consultant. The structural designer should analyze the soil investigation
report completely and merely depending on recommendation part. If any inconsistent data is
found part of the soil investigation report, clarifications shall be obtained from GE (AF)
Purnea under intimation to E2 (Des) section of HQ CE (AF) Shillong Zone.

(e) Structural design of RC structure shall be as per IS 456, IS 1893 & IS 13920 and detailing
shall be as epr IS 456, SP 34 and IS 13920.

(f) For detailing and design ‘severe’ environmental exposure condition and 1.5hr fir rating
shall be considered.
(g) Structural drawings shall consist of:
(i) General structural notes.
(ii) Typical structural details relevant to the particular structure.
(iii) Foundation plan.
(iv) Framing plan at various beam levels.
(v) Schedule of columns, lintels, beams, slabs or alternatively details drawings of all
Columns, beams, lintels and slabs.
(vi) Details of RC bracket for crane, crane girder, RC cable duct and other misc details
shown in Arch drgs.
(h) Additional checks:
(i) Compatibility with arch drawings.
(ii) No overlapping of foundation footings beams.
(iii) Consistency of framing plans, sections and schedules of structural components.
(iv) Completeness of details is essential as these drawings are meant for lumpsum
Type of tendering. No vague reference of codal provisions shall be allowed.
Development length indicated in the drgs shall be specific i.e. whether in
compression or tension. The drawings shall be as per standard notations and
practices and enable a diploma qualified civil engineer to produce complete bar
Bending schedule, shuttering schedule etc.
QUOTATION NO: 83004/20/Q/33/E3 SERIAL PAGE NO : 07

II. Parameters:-
(a) Consultancy firm has to submit the structural drawings alongwith design calculation sheet on Auto
CAD (soft copy as well as hard copy) duly validated by the third Party i.e any of Govt IIT / Govt NIT’s / Govt
Engineering College .
(b) The design of building shall be based on latest IS codes applicable, RCC design mix shall be M-25 and
steel Fe-500/500D/500EQR as per relevant BIS. Load combination shall be as per IS-875. Design shall be as per IS-
456:2000, earth quake design as per IS 1893 and all other relevant codes (Latest Version of the codes will be
followed ).The consultant should submit preliminary designs to Dir/SO1 (Design) of this HQ for approval before
proceeding for final design.
(c) The consultant shall submit the following documents in presentable form in soft and hard copies to
Director (Design)/SO 1 (Design) of E2 (Design) section of this HQ who will scrutinize all the details submitted and
then will issue satisfactory completion certificate in r/o structural design:-
(i) Input Data file
(ii) Design Philosophy and list of codes and BIS Publication followed.
(iii) Design Calculation.
(iv) Structural Drawings on Auto CAD.
(v) All structural drawings (one original tracing set and 20 additional copies thereof) Including
foundation plan, floor plans, roof plans, positioning of grid beams, details of stair case and all relevant
drawings as applicable. Details shall be as per IS.
(d) Soil Testing Report will be issued by E2 Design section of this HQ. However, in case of any further
testing is required, the same shall be got done under arrangements of the firm and cost of the same is deemed
to be included in the quoted rate.
(e) Completion certificate for satisfactory completion of structural design & drawings will be issued by the
Director Design / SO-I (Design) of HQ CE (AF) Shillong Zone.

1. The cost involved in visiting the MES offices , other offices /Work site in connection with
consultation work is deemed to be included in the lump sum quoted by the firm till final completion
of construction work.

2. Consultant may be required to render any clarification sought by the department on the
design submitted by him at any stage till completion of the construction work.

3. The cost for third party validation is deemed to be included in lump sum quoted by the firm.

08. The Consultant shall use the data and other information supplied by the Client solely for the purpose of
performing and carrying out his obligation under this consultancy agreement and shall not disclose the same to
any other person or agency or department except to the extent required in performance of the work of the
Project and shall maintain utmost secrecy.

09. The Consultant shall not without the consent in writing of the client publish any article or photographs
relating to the Project.

10. The consultant will liaise with the Officer-in-Charge of E 6 section, E2 (Design) section, E4 Section and E8
section as applicable of HQ Chief Engineer Office or any other officer nominated by the CE for obtaining line plans
of bldg and other necessary inputs required for the Job.
QUOTATION NO: 83004/20/Q/33/E3 SERIAL PAGE NO : 08

11. If at any time after placing the Job order, the Client decides to postpone or abandon the Project, he may
give seven days notice in writing to the Consultant and terminate Job order. If the Project or any part thereof is
postponed, the client may in lieu of terminating the Job order request the Consultant in writing to suspend
carrying out of the services under this Job order for the time being. If the client does not require the Consultant
to resume performance of his services in respect of any postponed work within sixty days from the date of
suspension of carrying out of his services, such work shall be considered to have been abandoned and this Job
order shall be deemed to have been terminated.
12. The consultant is over all responsible of the drawings, design, estimation and BOQ as required, prepared
under this job order rests with the consultant. Consultant is also responsible for any mid term review of design
requirement during currency of works due to site requirement.

13. If this Job order is terminated in pursuance of clause 11, the Consultant shall be eligible for payment of
proportionate fees for the portion of consultancy services already rendered as assessed by the Client. The Client
decision in this regard shall be final and binding. The other compensation whatsoever shall not be paid.

14. If the Consultant commits any breach of any provisions of Job order the Client shall be entitled to cancel
the Job order and on such cancellation the fees payable shall be proportion to the services if any already
rendered by the Consultant as assessed by the Client less ten percent.

15. All payment to the Consultant shall be made through e-payment by GE (AF) Purnea.

16. Prescribed pre stamped and receipted bill in triplicate will be submitted to the paying auth after fulfilling
conditions mentioned above.

17. Original copy of the above work order will be attached with bill.

Adm Approval : EAC/AMWP 12-13/ID-83/14 FBSU/W-I dt 23 Mar 2013.
JOB No :
CODE HEAD : 52/917/32

19. The bills along with connected documents will be subject to the pre audit by prior to releasing payment.
20. If the Consultancy services by the stipulated date is expected to be delayed due to any cause beyond
your control, it shall be brought to the notice of this HQ immediately on the happening of the event causing delay
in the completion of services, given notice thereof in writing to the accepting officer under intimation to the
consignee who after consideration of circumstance causing delay in the services may grant reasonable extension
of the completion.

21. In case the Consultancy services are not completed within the stipulated period the order will be
cancelled without any liabilities what so ever towards the deptt.

22. The dept reserve the right to recovery of any outstanding due against the firm from the sums that are
available with it or any other dept or firm and acceptance to undertake job by the firm shall be deemed as its
acceptance of the aforesaid recovery.

23. Consultant shall be held responsible for any structural failure/building distress caused due to faulty
design. The Client is empowered to take legal action against the consultant in such cases. In event of defective
design noticed during execution, Consultant shall be charged Liquidity Damage at the rate of10% of the cost of
deviation order necessitated due to revision of drawings. However, in case of minus deviation no liquidity
damages shall be recovered from consultants.

24. If there is delay in completion of the work/Job the firm will be liable to pay a delay penalty @ 1% per
week for every completed week of the total value of work beyond the date of completion/extension of work
subject to a maximum to 10% of the job order amount. Also the Department reserved the right to take action
against the Consultant for blacklisting with the enlisting authorities.
QUOTATION NO: 83004/20/Q/33/E3 SERIAL PAGE NO : 09

25. The consultant will liaise with the Officer-in-Charge of E6 Section, E2 (Design) Section and E8 Section of
HQ Chief Engineer (AF) Shillong Zone Office for obtaining any clarification on Architectural & Structural drawings
and estimation of bldgs respectively.

26. Consultant or his/her authorize representative to attend the tender presentation at this office as and
when called for. Non compliance will be treated breach of contract and will be reflected in the performance of
the firm and issue of further quotation will be decided by CE.

27. The Job shall be completed to the entire satisfaction of the CE. Final completion certificate will be issued
by the CE or any officer nominated by the CE for this purpose.

28. The decision of Chief Engineer (AF) Shillong Zone, the Accepting Officer shall be final and binding in case
of any dispute. No applicant/ consultant shall be entitled for any compensation whatsoever for rejection of his
application by the Accepting Officer on eligibility criterion.

29. The drawings are to be signed by Dir/SO1 from respective section of HQ CE (AF) Shillong Zone with
remarks stating design / drawings prepared under consulting from M/s ___________________ and vetted by
__________________ to ensure that final drawings issued for construction should contain all necessary elements
as per sound engineering practices and general construction standards and there are no missing details/
apparent design deficiencies.

30. This letter shall form part of quotation documents.

Yours faithfully

Dated : ………………….. (Alok)
Lt Col
SO1 (R)
For Accepting Officer

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