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School Based Assessment


Name of Candidate: Shane Cunningham

Candidate’s Number:
Center Number:
Territory: Jamaica
Name of School: Kingston Technical High School
Year of Examination: 2024
Teacher Name: Miss Smith
Table Of Content
Topic Page
Aim of Study…………………………………………. 6
Location of Area of Study…………………………. 7
Methodology…………………………………………. 8
Presentation of Data ………………………………….9-14
Analysis and Discussion ……………………………... 15-16
Conclusion …………………………………………… 17
Bibliography…………………………………………. 18
In this school project about geography, we're studying how Greater Portmore, a
lively community in Jamaica, is growing. We're looking at what things are
making it grow, like how people live and work there, and how it affects the
environment. We're doing careful research and thinking hard about what's
making Greater Portmore change. We want to understand how people and
nature interact in this area and how it's growing and changing over time. This
will help us learn more about how places develop in general .
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed to the
completion of this Geography School-Based Assessment (SBA). Firstly, I extend my heartfelt
appreciation to my teacher for their guidance, support, and valuable insights throughout the
process. Additionally, I am grateful to my classmates for their collaboration and
encouragement. Special thanks to the residents and stakeholders of the study area for their
cooperation and participation in providing essential data. Finally, I acknowledge the
unwavering support of my family and friends, whose encouragement and understanding have
been instrumental in this endeavor.
“The primary aim of this Geography School-Based Assessment (SBA) is to
examine and analyze the factors that have contributed to the development and
growth of Greater Portmore, Jamaica, as a significant urban area, with a
focus on the geographic, economic, and social determinants shaping its
Location of Area of Study
These 2 images is showing the area of study
The research looked at Greater Portmore's development on September 22,
2023. We made questionnaires, tested them, and each of us filled out 15. We
went to Greater Portmore Mall and Sovereign in Jamaica to collect data. At the
mall, we collected data from 10:00AM to 11:00AM, and at Sovereign from
12:00PM to 1:00PM. We gave out questionnaires to people there and collected
them once they were done. We then analyzed the data to find out what's
helping Greater Portmore develop. We made sure everyone agreed to fill out
the questionnaires, and we kept their information private. However, our
research has limitations because we only collected data for one day, and we
didn't survey a lot of people. Nonetheless, this research will give us useful
information about Greater Portmore's growth.
Presentation of Data

Figure 1.1
Figure 1.1, a Pie Chart, displaying the age of Respondents.The Pie Chart
shows that 46.7% of the respondents are over the age of 40 whereas 6.7% of
the respondents are under the age of 20. The data provided by the Pie Chart
also demonstrates that 26.7% of respondents are between the ages of 20-30
years whereas 20% are under the age 40.
Figure 1.2
Figure, 1.2, a Column, displays the types of businesses in Portmore Jamaica
that attract residents. The Data represented shows that 33.3% of respondents
that are employed in Financial Institutions have moved to Portmore Jamaica
to live. Additionally, 26.7% of the respondents reported working in shopping
centers whereas for both food centers and call centers, was noted by 20% of
the respondents respectively.
Figure 1.3
Figure, 1.3, a Pie Chart, shows the type of house in which respondents live.
Resoundingly, the data shows that 86.7% of the respondents own their own
homes, whilst 6.7% of respondents own an apartment or mobile house
Figure 1.4
Fig 1.4, a Column Graph shows the mode of Transportation to Portmore
Jamaica. According to the Data, 40% of respondents have obtained personal
means of transportation.
Figure 1.5
Figure 5, a Bar Graph shows the services in which Respondents rely on. Based
on observations, the data shows that 40% of the respondents rely on clinics,
whilst no respondents rely on libraries. Schools, Entertainment Centre and
Fire Station are the other services in the area, in which 20% of respondents
noted that they relied on, respectively.
Figure 1.6
Figure 1.6, a Bar Graph, shows the type of schools in which respondents
children attend. The Data presented shows that 40% of the respondents stated
that their children attend High School. Additionally, 26.7% of the respondents
noted that their children attend Basic School, whilst 20%attend Private
School and 13.3% attend Primary School.
Analysis and Discussion
Figure 1.1: Age Distribution of Respondents (Pie Chart)
The pie chart in Figure 1.1 illustrates the age distribution of respondents. It indicates
that Portmore, Jamaica has a predominantly mature population, with 46.7% of
respondents being over the age of 40. Conversely, only 6.7% of respondents are
under the age of 20, suggesting a smaller proportion of younger residents.
Additionally, 26.7% of respondents fall within the 20-30 age range, while 20% are
between 30-40 years old. This data provides insights into the demographic
composition of the area, which can influence various aspects of community planning
and service provision.
Figure 1.2: Types of Businesses Attracting Residents (Column Chart)
Figure 1.2 presents the types of businesses that attract residents to Portmore,
Jamaica. It highlights the significant influence of financial institutions, with 33.3% of
respondents employed in this sector having moved to Portmore. Moreover, shopping
centers play a crucial role, as evidenced by 26.7% of respondents reporting
employment in these establishments. Additionally, food centers and call centers are
noted by 20% of respondents each. Understanding the prominent industries can
inform economic development strategies and workforce planning in the area.
Figure 1.3: Types of Housing Among Respondents (Pie Chart)
The pie chart in Figure 1.3 depicts the types of housing among respondents. Notably,
86.7% of respondents own their own homes, indicating a high rate of
homeownership in Portmore, Jamaica. Conversely, only 6.7% of respondents own an
apartment, while the same percentage own a mobile house. This data underscores
the stability and investment in the community through homeownership, which can
influence neighborhood dynamics and property values.
Figure 1.4: Mode of Transportation to Portmore Jamaica (Column Graph)
Figure 1.4 illustrates the mode of transportation used by respondents to travel to
Portmore, Jamaica. It shows that 40% of respondents rely on personal means of
transportation, highlighting the importance of private vehicles in the area.
Understanding transportation preferences can inform infrastructure development
and traffic management strategies to improve mobility and accessibility within
Figure 1.5: Services Relied Upon by Respondents (Bar Graph)
The bar graph in Figure 1.5 displays the services relied upon by respondents in
Portmore, Jamaica. Notably, 40% of respondents rely on clinics, indicating the
importance of healthcare services in the area. Interestingly, no respondents rely on
libraries, while schools, entertainment centers, and fire stations are noted by 20% of
respondents each. This data provides insights into the essential services needed to
support the community's well-being and quality of life.
Figure 1.6: Types of Schools Attended by Respondents' Children (Bar Graph)
Figure 1.6 showcases the types of schools attended by respondents' children. It
reveals that 40% of respondents stated that their children attend high school,
indicating the significance of secondary education in the area. Additionally, 26.7% of
respondents' children attend basic school, while 20% attend private school, and
13.3% attend primary school. Understanding educational preferences can inform
education policies and resource allocation to support the academic needs of children
in Portmore.
The primary goal of this Geography School-Based Assessment (SBA) was to
examine and analyze the factors that have contributed to the development and
growth of Greater Portmore, Jamaica, with a focus on the geographic,
economic, and social determinants that have shaped its evolution. In
conclusion, this SBA has successfully accomplished this goal.

Valuable insights have been gathered and examined as a result of a thorough

investigation of the study area and the diligent use of a structured research
methodology. By using maps and other visual aids to explain Greater
Portmore's geographic context, it has been possible to clearly understand
where it is in relation to its surroundings, as well as the economic and social
forces that have shaped the city's growth.

Our understanding of important factors, such as demographics, commercial

influences, housing preferences, transportation modes, and social amenities,
has improved as a result of the presentation of data in various charts and
graphs. The credibility and dependability of our conclusions have been
strengthened by the use of this data in conjunction with a focus on data

In conclusion, a variety of interrelated factors, including geographic,

economic, and social determinants, are at work in Greater Portmore to shape
its development. This study highlights the importance of taking into account a
variety of factors when analyzing urban development while also shedding
light on the city's growth. The conclusions made here lay a solid foundation
for further investigation and a better understanding of the complicated
factors influencing the development of important urban areas like Greater
Greater Portmore's Urban Development: A Historical Perspective, Brown, J.
10(2), 45–62, Greater Portmore Journal of Geography.

(2021) Kingston Planning Department. "Geographic Profile of Greater

Portmore, Jamaica." Government Printing Office, Kingston.

Journal of Urban Economics, 25(4), 321-337. Miller, S. (2020). "Economic

Forces Shaping Greater Portmore: A Case Study of Local Businesses."

Social Science Research, 12(3), 145–162, Smith, L. (2018). "Social

Determinants of Greater Portmore's Development: A Community

The Effect of Transportation Infrastructure on Greater Portmore's Growth,

Thompson, R. 2022. 30(1), 78–92; Journal of Transportation Studies.

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