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Xua Of cial ScriptList for TPS

1. Tante (Deleted a montage on youtube cause showed obvious scripts)

2. Scp (banned on 3 accounts + very good friends with dialga + In a script server)

3. Loky (Sent scripts to jack in bsl, used it himself also loooool)

4. Kow ( Wysn exposed + scripted by ying in a priv server lol)

5. Jack (Exposed in Bsl - Bills league for scripting in stream too)

6. Aimnz (Exposed himself on tiktok videos + exposed by zax)

7. Daksour (Admitted and you can't have 10 studs on low ping)

8. b1ll (autoclicker - macros - macros = scripts so lol)

9. iceking (even on egypt u cant be dunking full re shots high on that ping)

10. Rojat (Admitted to scripts so no reasoning needed)

11. Luc (Scripted on 3 accounts + Main banned for scripts)

12. Khalid (when holyxsgod or whatever booted him he found scripts)

13. Lxnneo (just like icekings reasoning so also done)

14. Skate (Admitted to scripting in a 1v1 vs a random)

15. Zax (Might of exposed scripters but scripted himself, have 2 many videos of him reaching on low ping)

16. Dialga (Known as leedashin, zenith + also made scripts, sold them and said their are over 150+ 87 rateds on
his whitelist lmao)

17. Zanvo (Come on you made it to easy by not hitting the ball, didnt even jump when doing zz too, had scripts in
his screenshare when we were in vc in dms)

18. Jake (was decent but not good all the way until 2022-2023 when he met apex his react got 10x better and
reach which shows something cause apex had scripts downloaded but deleted them)

19. Apex (Had scripts then deleted them)

20. Blackw (apex exposed him on medal clips + too much proof)

21. Hermann (Scripted on mantas account, approved by manta)

22. Rez (Sells, creates, has a server on discord too so quite the obvious)

23. Saben (Admitted to scripts but doesnt use them anymore)

24. Mert (Admitted to scripts too but again he barely plays lol)

25. Kizo (Dubai kizo, scripted on a video for tiktok edit lol)

26. zxnti (Known as rush, is in a script server + mega reach for 60 ping goes hard)
27. Yassir (Once again he is in a script list just like zxnti, luc, scp)

28. Vece (studding in public or a friendly, gk script with 4 studs on a tiktok video)

29. Shai (Drags just like the script in a tiktok video i saw like 5 days ago + mega reach for 70 ping)

30. Gran (Delay on low ping - 50, its just clear scripts at this point when u dont script talk to me please)

31. Basim (200 ping with 10 studs, i have 200 ping and not even i have maybe like 3-5 studs but 10? basim when u
dont script then u can say to me that i cant reach you lol)

32. fearzzo (Has scripts and of course friends with multiple known scripters and use to ride scripters i wonder why
just wonder why he has 6 studs on low ping)

33. qedeso (scripted vs me in a scrim and thought i wouldnt notice it at all)

34. Fox (Scripted in a tiktok video for clips to joining any team he would send it, was scared to get pc checked too)

35. Zay (Scripts and everybody knows it hes doing handballs lol)

36. Arz (Again scripts, doing handballs when hes not even near and has reach on his low ping)

37. Jupiter (Scared to get checked for his apps, history by have in a tps match)

38. Saba (Scripted on ItzHidora and got it banned on tps saying it to me on my old discord account thats disabled
now ;c)

39. Satira (Also known as SHATIRA scripted in his montage and was caught out by abz he tried saying it was
delay too Lol)

40. Scope (The amount of delay he has for his ping which is what 80 ping? ive asked many low ping players if they
have delay they dont this guy did a zzz when he didnt hit 2 of the shots of that zzz)

41. Vece (Has multiple autoclickers which are macros and macros are scripts + couldnt show les to me)

42. Snemp (Scripted in a video (Topg fc) also admitted to scripts would of been nice if he didnt script but ofc all 90+
rateds have a side where they want no one wants to know about it)

43. Lawz (Known as bennyboi scripted in one of his videos that he made "Best players from each country)

44. Fuffy (Admitted to himself using scripts, used them in multiple matches too see if he would get caught
eventually he came past to me and i caught him and banned him from one of his accounts)

45. Colden (Scripted in a match vs me when i caught him and tried to confront him he just got packers vs me :v)

46. Raul (Scripted and was also approved of scripts since he admitted to it but he doesnt care since he quit tps

47. Soap (Scripted since gssd old times everyone knows this icl and he calls me 85 :v)

48. Batu (Scripted on a tiktok video he later deleted, also right foot hitting left foot shots, wouldnt do a script check,
show les + doing handballs)

49. Darkness (200 ping, inf dribble no ball stop doing alz dribble loool)

50. Marianito (Is there really a explanation for this? hes doing alz dribble on 160 ping without ballstop)
51. Therobotchase (Scripted in a montage for a tps video that sarianito posted by the name "Ultimate Tps street
soccer montage")

52. Foxtede (Everybody knows this guy scripts u cant do zzz's high on 400+ ping)

53. Asleep (Also known as asleep_tx4 but basically makes scripts on lua, and is friends with dialga another script
maker, seller)

54. Uncle (Scripts since when u ask for his ping he says nothing cause he is scared he will get caught out for using

55. JS3X (has mega delay for low ping which isnt possible since u have super good react)

56. Shader (5 studs for 60 ping (low ping) ;v, dunking a shot that went past him for atleast 10 studs)

57. SenkuJxke (Used scripts in old tps, still uses them from time to time in tps scrims admitting it to zerotwo aka
ahyes ushed in discord or tps dms )

58. Alz (Admitted to react scripts in a league match vc)

59. Abz (Flying in a private server scrim, uses them in scrims from time to time just like senku since he admitted
and does it for fun)

60. Genta (Banned on main for ying in private servers and scripting cause tayfun saw video and banned him from

61. VintageSplash (Had a montage on youtube, dont know if its available anymore but he wasnt hitting any dunks
on his own screen, reach on ur own scripts is a automatic script.)

62. Kaw (Scripted on a tiktok video, alb (anqvlls) sent me proof on it, (Not KOW)

63. Adzo (Posted a tiktok video of him scripting and tried saying "it was for fun", "it was delay" when you can see it
was the most blatant scripts on his own screen which is sad i thought he was good at tps until i saw the clip all of
that just to script on a lego game is crazy)

64. Exe (Scripted on a tiktok clip where he was doing handballs while doing a super zzz)

65. Nightvision (Tried scripting vs me and had 10 studs on his own host he had 50 ping while not hitting the ball
even on dribbling or tackling , still lost 10-1)

66. Coolz (Scripted with 4 studs on low ping tried to used it in gk but failed quite the suprise of him being super

67. Sabri (Scripted and just 5 studs on 100 ping, another turkish player of course ;v never knew him until yesterday
when someone dmed me about him)

68. Pro (Scripts where hes using right foot but hitting with left foot it was in his montage Roblox TPS: Street Soccer
Montage #29 at 0;57 where he does zz then shoots it in u can see he hit with left foot but had right foot equipped)

69. Mythical ( TPS street soccer montage #21 | 350 Subs special at 0;22-0;25 (where he scores u can clearly see
he wasnt near the ball and that wouldnt be delay either since hes 50-70 ping)

70. Jupiter (Admitted in my dms to scripts saying he uses it in hard matches but not easy matches so he doesnt get
caught but still got caught by me in a league match that we won yesterday 12-7)
71. Antony (Scripting on a tiktok video , shot wasnt near him, he has 60 ping and still saves it "delay", while having
a fast clicker downloaded in les as he told me, auto clickers are macros and macros are scripts so gg antony sent
back to afghanistan host lobbies :v)

72. Desian (Has 6 studs for low ping and was even exposed in ywwl, streaming a league match too)

73. Basim (Jul sent me a video of him scripting for a tiktok video for "fun", he tried saying delay but it back red
cause i asked jul and he admitted to basim scripting

74. Coolz (Scripted in a tps league, scripted in a tiktok video and tried to once say again saying his react was too
good, its just delay, then people exposed him countlessly.)

75. Rezzy (Sells them, Makes them, Has a server on discord for scripts what else do i need to say.)

76. Saba (Caught scripting with SHATIRA in a league match and was called out by abz in a tps montage that was
posted later the week of the following week.)

77. Chainz (Discord bio "91-93" with scripts and without 90 its so sad that u need to script to be good at the game
like its a lego game for all everyone knows it.)

78. Grave (Has sus delay for super low ping), im not saying he scripts unless he can prove to me hes gonna stay
here just like some of the individuals.)

79. ZED (Scripted vs me in a match with wardon and junz and thinks u can get 10 studs on 60 ping LOL)

80. Wardon (Clear scripts even with low ping u would have good react yes but reach not possible)

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