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Dept.: Electr. Power & M/Cs 4th Year Electr.

Power & M/Cs

Course: Power System Protection Differential Protection
Code: EPE426 Zagazig University Sheet (6)/4 Pages
Faculty of Engineering

Question 1: A 30 MVA, 132 kV/33 kV, star-delta transformer is to be protected by a

biased differential protection system. The transformer is supplied from, a 132 kV grid.
The schematic diagram of the protection system is shown below:

The current ratios of the current transformers on the 132 kV side are 250/5A while
those on the 33 kV side are 600/5A. If the impedance of the transformer is 9% and a
3-phase fault occurs on the 33 kV side of the transformer outside its zone of protection,
a. Determine the currents, Ir & Is. Ignore the impedances of the cables.
b. Determine the average restraint current and operating current in the relay.
c. The bias characteristic of the relay is y = mx where y is operating current, x is
average restraint current and m is slope. Draw a neat sketch of the characteristic
curve of this relay if m is 10%. Mark the scales used for both the x-axis and y-
axis neatly on the sketch.
d. Mark the operating point of the relay due to this fault on the sketch. Will the
relay operate?

Question 2: A 56 MV A 11 kV/66 kV delta-star power transformer having an

impedance of 6.2% is to be protected by a biased differential protection system. The
restraint coil of the relay is rated at 5 A and the relay biased characteristic has a slope
of 15%. The transformer is connected to an 11 kV supply source.
a. Draw the schematic diagram of the differential protection system for
b. Determine the CT ratios of the protection current transformers on sides (11 kV
and 66 kV) of the power transformer.
c. Draw a neat sketch of the bias characteristic, y = mx of the relay. If the relay
will operate for a 3-phase fault on the 66 kV side transformer outside the zone

Dept.: Electr. Power & M/Cs 4th Year Electr. Power & M/Cs
Course: Power System Protection Differential Protection
Code: EPE426 Zagazig University Sheet (6)/4 Pages
Faculty of Engineering

of protection by marking the operating point the relay due to this fault on the
sketch. Ignore the impedances of the source and cables.
(CT ratios available: 500/5 A, 600/5 A, 800/5 A, 900/5 A, 1000/5 A, 1500/5 A, 2000/5
A & 3000/5 A)

Question 3: The percentage impedance (Z%) of a 75 MV A, 66 kV /33 k V, star -star

transformer is 11.5%. It is protected by a bias differential protection relay. The restraint
coil the relay is rated at 8.66A. Determine:
a. The CT ratio on both the HV and LV sides of the transformer.
b. The leakage current in the relay at full load.
c. The current in the relay's operating coil for a 3-phase fault within the zone
protection on the 33 kV side of the transformer assuming that a single-end feed
from the 66 kV side.
[CT ratios available are: 100/5A, 300/5A, 500/5A, 700/5A, 1000/5A, 1500/5A,
2000/5A, 2500/5A and 3000/5A]

Question 4: For the above transformer in Q3, determine if the relay will operate for a
fault outside the zone of protection on the 33 kV side of the transformer. The relay has
a bias characteristic of 10%. Draw the relay's operating characteristic curve indicate
the operating points on it.

Question 5: A three-phase 14 MVA, 13.8 kV Δ/ 132 kV Δ transformer is protected by

40% percentage differential relays. Three 100/5 CT’s connected in Y are used at the
high voltage side, while three 600/5 CT’s connected also in Y are used at the low
voltage side. At an emergency loading condition the currents flowing in the
transformer are 800 A and 84 A in the low and high voltage sides respectively. Neglect
the error in CT’s. Apply the characteristic of the percentage differential relay to specify
if the relay will trip or not.

Question 6: Design the differential protection for a three-phase, 50 Hz transformer

with the following nameplate ratings: 250 MVA 250, 33 kV/400 kV, 50 Hz, Dy1. (To
be solved by student, and to be corrected by the demonstrator)

Dept.: Electr. Power & M/Cs 4th Year Electr. Power & M/Cs
Course: Power System Protection Differential Protection
Code: EPE426 Zagazig University Sheet (6)/4 Pages
Faculty of Engineering

Question 7: A transformer is rated 500 MVA at 34.5(delta)/500(wye) kV, assume that

an internal three-phase fault develops at the bushings on the wye side (within the zone
of protection of the differential relay) of the power transformer. On the transformer
base, the system impedances on the wye and the delta sides are j0.2 pu and j0.3 pu,
respectively. The leakage impedance of the transformer is j0.08 pu on its own base.
The relay setting slope is 20%. Find the following:
(a) Select CT ratios at 34.5 kV and 500 kV.
(b) Sketch schematic diagram
(c) What are the currents in the restraining and operating windings of the
differential relays? Will the relay operate?

Question 8: A 115/13.2 kV Dyl transformer rated at 25 MVA has % differential

protection. The transformer is connected to a radial system, with the source on the 115
kV side. The minimum operating current of the relay is 1 A. The transformer 13.2 kV
winding is earthed via a resistor which is set so that the current for a single-phase fault
on its secondary terminals is equal to the nominal load current. Draw the complete
three-phase diagram and indicate on it the current values in all the elements for:
1. Full load conditions.
2. When a fault occurs at the middle of the winding on phase C, on the 13.2kV
side, assuming that the transformer is not loaded.
For both cases indicate if there is any relay operation.
(To be solved by student, and to be corrected by the demonstrator)

Question 9: A 3-Φ Generator, 22 kV, 30 MVA has 5.0 𝛺 reactance protected by a

circulating current system. If a 15% of the winding is left unprotected on the event of
earth faults. Calculate a) the value of NER, b) if the NER is replaced by neutral
reactance, what should be its value. Assume the relay minimum operating current is
20% of generator FLC.

Question 10: A 3-Φ Generator, 11 kV has 12.5% reactance and rated power of 2.5
MVA at 0.8 p.f. It is equipped with circulating current system of protection which is
set to operate at fault currents not less than 150A. Find the value of NER required for
protecting 90% of the stator winding.

Dept.: Electr. Power & M/Cs 4th Year Electr. Power & M/Cs
Course: Power System Protection Differential Protection
Code: EPE426 Zagazig University Sheet (6)/4 Pages
Faculty of Engineering

Question 11: A 3-ph alternator windings are protected through a percentage

differential relay. The relay has a minimum pick up current of 0.1 A and 10 % slope.
A high resistance ground fault occurs near the grounded neutral end of the generator
winding with CTs current on both sides of windings being 420+j0.0 and 400+j0.0 A
(see below Figure). The CT ratios of 500/5A are used and no errors, determine whether
the relay will operate or not under load and no load conditions.
500/5 A 500/5 A

400 A 20 A 420 A



Fig. Q4

Question 12: A 6.6 kV, 5 MVA Y-connected synchronous generator has a reactance
of 1.5 Ω/ph and negligible resistance. A Merz-prize differential protection scheme is
used which operates when the out of balance current exceeds 25% of the full load
current. The neutral of the generator is grounded through a resistance of 8 Ω.
Determine the portion of winding which remains unprotected against earth fault. Show
that the effect of alternator reactance can be neglected.


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