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Pt. 110 21 CFR Ch.

I (4–1–23 Edition)

Center for Food Safety and Applied Nu- 110.10 Personnel.

trition, shall notify the person submit- 110.19 Exclusions.
ting the test results whether the tests
were conducted in accordance with the Subpart B—Buildings and Facilities
‘‘Analytical Methodology for Poly- 110.20 Plant and grounds.
chlorinated Biphenyls; June 1979’’, 110.35 Sanitary operations.
which is incorporated by reference, or 110.37 Sanitary facilities and controls.
the ‘‘Test Procedures for Determina-
tion of PCB Permeability of Food Subpart C—Equipment
Packaging, Inner-Wraps, September
1976, revised May 1983’’ and whether, 110.40 Equipment and utensils.
therefore, the barrier or class of bar-
riers is deemed functional within the Subpart D [Reserved]
meaning of paragraph (c) of this sec-
tion. The test results and any response Subpart E—Production and Process
of the Food and Drug Administration Controls
shall be placed on file with the Division 110.80 Processes and controls.
of Dockets Management, Food and 110.93 Warehousing and distribution.
Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers
Lane, rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. Subpart F [Reserved]
[42 FR 52819, Sept. 30, 1977, as amended at 44
FR 38340, June 29, 1979; 46 FR 8459, Jan. 27, Subpart G—Defect Action Levels
1981; 48 FR 10811, Mar. 15, 1983; 48 FR 37021,
Aug. 16, 1983; 54 FR 24892, June 12, 1989; 59 FR 110.110 Natural or unavoidable defects in
14364, Mar. 28, 1994; 61 FR 14480, Apr. 2, 1996; food for human use that present no
66 FR 56035, Nov. 6, 2001] health hazard.
EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 38 FR 22794, Aug. AUTHORITY: 21 U.S.C. 342, 371, 374; 42 U.S.C.
24, 1973, the following appeared concerning 264.
§ 109.30(a)(9) (formerly 122.10(a)(9)):
SOURCE: 51 FR 22475, June 19, 1986, unless
* * * § 109.30(a)(9) is hereby stayed pending
full review of the objections and requests for otherwise noted.
hearing. * * * EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to
In the interim, as stated in the final order part 110 appear at 81 FR 49896, July 29, 2016.
(38 FR 18098) the Food and Drug Administra-
tion will enforce the temporary tolerance
level established by § 109.30(a)(9) by seizing Subpart A—General Provisions
any paper food-packaging material shipped
in interstate commerce after September 4, § 110.3 Definitions.
1973 containing higher than the specified
level of PCB’s as adulterated in violation of The definitions and interpretations
sec. 402 of the act. of terms in section 201 of the Federal
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act)
Subpart C—Regulatory Limits for are applicable to such terms when used
Added Poisonous or Delete- in this part. The following definitions
shall also apply:
rious Substances [Reserved]
(a) Acid foods or acidified foods means
foods that have an equilibrium pH of
Subpart D—Naturally Occurring 4.6 or below.
Poisonous or Deleterious Sub- (b) Adequate means that which is
stances [Reserved] needed to accomplish the intended pur-
pose in keeping with good public health
PART 110—CURRENT GOOD MAN- practice.
UFACTURING PRACTICE IN MAN- (c) Batter means a semifluid sub-
UFACTURING, PACKING, OR stance, usually composed of flour and
HOLDING HUMAN FOOD other ingredients, into which principal
components of food are dipped or with
Subpart A—General Provisions which they are coated, or which may
be used directly to form bakery foods.
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110.3 Definitions. (d) Blanching, except for tree nuts
110.5 Current good manufacturing practice. and peanuts, means a prepackaging


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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 110.5

heat treatment of foodstuffs for a suffi- processing for reasons other than in-
cient time and at a sufficient tempera- sanitary conditions or that has been
ture to partially or completely inac- successfully reconditioned by reproc-
tivate the naturally occurring enzymes essing and that is suitable for use as
and to effect other physical or bio- food.
chemical changes in the food. (n) Safe-moisture level is a level of
(e) Critical control point means a point moisture low enough to prevent the
in a food process where there is a high growth of undesirable microorganisms
probability that improper control may in the finished product under the in-
cause, allow, or contribute to a hazard tended conditions of manufacturing,
or to filth in the final food or decompo- storage, and distribution. The max-
sition of the final food. imum safe moisture level for a food is
(f) Food means food as defined in sec- based on its water activity (aw). An aw
tion 201(f) of the act and includes raw will be considered safe for a food if ade-
materials and ingredients. quate data are available that dem-
(g) Food-contact surfaces are those onstrate that the food at or below the
surfaces that contact human food and given aw will not support the growth of
those surfaces from which drainage undesirable microorganisms.
onto the food or onto surfaces that (o) Sanitize means to adequately treat
contact the food ordinarily occurs dur- food-contact surfaces by a process that
ing the normal course of operations. is effective in destroying vegetative
‘‘Food-contact surfaces’’ includes uten- cells of microorganisms of public
sils and food-contact surfaces of equip- health significance, and in substan-
ment. tially reducing numbers of other unde-
(h) Lot means the food produced dur- sirable microorganisms, but without
ing a period of time indicated by a spe- adversely affecting the product or its
cific code. safety for the consumer.
(i) Microorganisms means yeasts, (p) Shall is used to state mandatory
molds, bacteria, and viruses and in- requirements.
cludes, but is not limited to, species (q) Should is used to state rec-
having public health significance. The ommended or advisory procedures or
term ‘‘undesirable microorganisms’’ in- identify recommended equipment.
cludes those microorganisms that are (r) Water activity (aw) is a measure of
of public health significance, that sub- the free moisture in a food and is the
ject food to decomposition, that indi- quotient of the water vapor pressure of
cate that food is contaminated with the substance divided by the vapor
filth, or that otherwise may cause food pressure of pure water at the same
to be adulterated within the meaning temperature.
of the act. Occasionally in these regu-
lations, FDA used the adjective ‘‘mi- § 110.5 Current good manufacturing
crobial’’ instead of using an adjectival practice.
phrase containing the word microorga- (a) The criteria and definitions in
nism. this part shall apply in determining
(j) Pest refers to any objectionable whether a food is adulterated (1) within
animals or insects including, but not the meaning of section 402(a)(3) of the
limited to, birds, rodents, flies, and lar- act in that the food has been manufac-
vae. tured under such conditions that it is
(k) Plant means the building or facil- unfit for food; or (2) within the mean-
ity or parts thereof, used for or in con- ing of section 402(a)(4) of the act in
nection with the manufacturing, pack- that the food has been prepared,
aging, labeling, or holding of human packed, or held under insanitary condi-
food. tions whereby it may have become con-
(l) Quality control operation means a taminated with filth, or whereby it
planned and systematic procedure for may have been rendered injurious to
taking all actions necessary to prevent health. The criteria and definitions in
food from being adulterated within the this part also apply in determining
sfrattini on LAPCK6H6L3 with DISTILLER

meaning of the act. whether a food is in violation of sec-

(m) Rework means clean, unadulter- tion 361 of the Public Health Service
ated food that has been removed from Act (42 U.S.C. 264).


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§ 110.10 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)

(b) Food covered by specific current and sanitary condition and which effec-
good manufacturing practice regula- tively protects against the contamina-
tions also is subject to the require- tion by these objects of the food, food-
ments of those regulations. contact surfaces, or food-packaging
§ 110.10 Personnel. (5) Maintaining gloves, if they are
The plant management shall take all used in food handling, in an intact,
reasonable measures and precautions clean, and sanitary condition. The
to ensure the following: gloves should be of an impermeable
(a) Disease control. Any person who, material.
by medical examination or supervisory (6) Wearing, where appropriate, in an
observation, is shown to have, or ap- effective manner, hair nets, headbands,
pears to have, an illness, open lesion, caps, beard covers, or other effective
including boils, sores, or infected hair restraints.
wounds, or any other abnormal source (7) Storing clothing or other personal
of microbial contamination by which belongings in areas other than where
there is a reasonable possibility of food is exposed or where equipment or
food, food-contact surfaces, or food- utensils are washed.
packaging materials becoming con- (8) Confining the following to areas
taminated, shall be excluded from any other than where food may be exposed
operations which may be expected to or where equipment or utensils are
result in such contamination until the washed: eating food, chewing gum,
condition is corrected. Personnel shall drinking beverages, or using tobacco.
be instructed to report such health (9) Taking any other necessary pre-
conditions to their supervisors. cautions to protect against contamina-
(b) Cleanliness. All persons working in tion of food, food-contact surfaces, or
direct contact with food, food-contact food-packaging materials with micro-
surfaces, and food-packaging materials organisms or foreign substances includ-
shall conform to hygienic practices ing, but not limited to, perspiration,
while on duty to the extent necessary hair, cosmetics, tobacco, chemicals,
to protect against contamination of and medicines applied to the skin.
food. The methods for maintaining (c) Education and training. Personnel
cleanliness include, but are not limited responsible for identifying sanitation
to: failures or food contamination should
(1) Wearing outer garments suitable have a background of education or ex-
to the operation in a manner that pro- perience, or a combination thereof, to
tects against the contamination of provide a level of competency nec-
food, food-contact surfaces, or food- essary for production of clean and safe
packaging materials. food. Food handlers and supervisors
(2) Maintaining adequate personal should receive appropriate training in
cleanliness. proper food handling techniques and
(3) Washing hands thoroughly (and food-protection principles and should
sanitizing if necessary to protect be informed of the danger of poor per-
against contamination with undesir- sonal hygiene and insanitary practices.
able microorganisms) in an adequate (d) Supervision. Responsibility for as-
hand-washing facility before starting suring compliance by all personnel
work, after each absence from the work with all requirements of this part shall
station, and at any other time when be clearly assigned to competent super-
the hands may have become soiled or visory personnel.
contaminated. [51 FR 22475, June 19, 1986, as amended at 54
(4) Removing all unsecured jewelry FR 24892, June 12, 1989]
and other objects that might fall into
food, equipment, or containers, and re- § 110.19 Exclusions.
moving hand jewelry that cannot be (a) The following operations are not
adequately sanitized during periods in subject to this part: Establishments
which food is manipulated by hand. If engaged solely in the harvesting, stor-
sfrattini on LAPCK6H6L3 with DISTILLER

such hand jewelry cannot be removed, age, or distribution of one or more

it may be covered by material which ‘‘raw agricultural commodities,’’ as de-
can be maintained in an intact, clean, fined in section 201(r) of the act, which


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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 110.20

are ordinarily cleaned, prepared, treat- (2) Permit the taking of proper pre-
ed, or otherwise processed before being cautions to reduce the potential for
marketed to the consuming public. contamination of food, food-contact
(b) FDA, however, will issue special surfaces, or food-packaging materials
regulations if it is necessary to cover with microorganisms, chemicals, filth,
these excluded operations. or other extraneous material. The po-
tential for contamination may be re-
Subpart B—Buildings and Facilities duced by adequate food safety controls
and operating practices or effective de-
§ 110.20 Plant and grounds. sign, including the separation of oper-
(a) Grounds. The grounds about a food ations in which contamination is likely
plant under the control of the operator to occur, by one or more of the fol-
shall be kept in a condition that will lowing means: location, time, parti-
protect against the contamination of tion, air flow, enclosed systems, or
food. The methods for adequate main- other effective means.
tenance of grounds include, but are not (3) Permit the taking of proper pre-
limited to: cautions to protect food in outdoor
(1) Properly storing equipment, re- bulk fermentation vessels by any effec-
moving litter and waste, and cutting tive means, including:
weeds or grass within the immediate (i) Using protective coverings.
vicinity of the plant buildings or struc- (ii) Controlling areas over and around
tures that may constitute an attract- the vessels to eliminate harborages for
ant, breeding place, or harborage for
(iii) Checking on a regular basis for
(2) Maintaining roads, yards, and
pests and pest infestation.
parking lots so that they do not con-
stitute a source of contamination in (iv) Skimming the fermentation ves-
areas where food is exposed. sels, as necessary.
(3) Adequately draining areas that (4) Be constructed in such a manner
may contribute contamination to food that floors, walls, and ceilings may be
by seepage, foot-borne filth, or pro- adequately cleaned and kept clean and
viding a breeding place for pests. kept in good repair; that drip or con-
(4) Operating systems for waste densate from fixtures, ducts and pipes
treatment and disposal in an adequate does not contaminate food, food-con-
manner so that they do not constitute tact surfaces, or food-packaging mate-
a source of contamination in areas rials; and that aisles or working spaces
where food is exposed. are provided between equipment and
walls and are adequately unobstructed
If the plant grounds are bordered by
and of adequate width to permit em-
grounds not under the operator’s con-
ployees to perform their duties and to
trol and not maintained in the manner
protect against contaminating food or
described in paragraph (a) (1) through
food-contact surfaces with clothing or
(3) of this section, care shall be exer-
personal contact.
cised in the plant by inspection, exter-
mination, or other means to exclude (5) Provide adequate lighting in
pests, dirt, and filth that may be a hand-washing areas, dressing and lock-
source of food contamination. er rooms, and toilet rooms and in all
(b) Plant construction and design. areas where food is examined, proc-
Plant buildings and structures shall be essed, or stored and where equipment
suitable in size, construction, and de- or utensils are cleaned; and provide
sign to facilitate maintenance and san- safety-type light bulbs, fixtures, sky-
itary operations for food-manufac- lights, or other glass suspended over
turing purposes. The plant and facili- exposed food in any step of preparation
ties shall: or otherwise protect against food con-
(1) Provide sufficient space for such tamination in case of glass breakage.
placement of equipment and storage of (6) Provide adequate ventilation or
sfrattini on LAPCK6H6L3 with DISTILLER

materials as is necessary for the main- control equipment to minimize odors

tenance of sanitary operations and the and vapors (including steam and nox-
production of safe food. ious fumes) in areas where they may


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§ 110.35 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)

contaminate food; and locate and oper- (c) Pest control. No pests shall be al-
ate fans and other air-blowing equip- lowed in any area of a food plant.
ment in a manner that minimizes the Guard or guide dogs may be allowed in
potential for contaminating food, food- some areas of a plant if the presence of
packaging materials, and food-contact the dogs is unlikely to result in con-
surfaces. tamination of food, food-contact sur-
(7) Provide, where necessary, ade- faces, or food-packaging materials. Ef-
quate screening or other protection fective measures shall be taken to ex-
against pests. clude pests from the processing areas
and to protect against the contamina-
§ 110.35 Sanitary operations. tion of food on the premises by pests.
(a) General maintenance. Buildings, The use of insecticides or rodenticides
fixtures, and other physical facilities is permitted only under precautions
of the plant shall be maintained in a and restrictions that will protect
sanitary condition and shall be kept in against the contamination of food,
repair sufficient to prevent food from food-contact surfaces, and food-pack-
becoming adulterated within the mean- aging materials.
ing of the act. Cleaning and sanitizing (d) Sanitation of food-contact surfaces.
of utensils and equipment shall be con- All food-contact surfaces, including
ducted in a manner that protects utensils and food-contact surfaces of
against contamination of food, food- equipment, shall be cleaned as fre-
contact surfaces, or food-packaging quently as necessary to protect against
materials. contamination of food.
(b) Substances used in cleaning and (1) Food-contact surfaces used for
sanitizing; storage of toxic materials. (1) manufacturing or holding low-moisture
Cleaning compounds and sanitizing food shall be in a dry, sanitary condi-
agents used in cleaning and sanitizing tion at the time of use. When the sur-
procedures shall be free from undesir- faces are wet-cleaned, they shall, when
able microorganisms and shall be safe necessary, be sanitized and thoroughly
and adequate under the conditions of dried before subsequent use.
use. Compliance with this requirement (2) In wet processing, when cleaning
may be verified by any effective means is necessary to protect against the in-
including purchase of these substances troduction of microorganisms into
under a supplier’s guarantee or certifi- food, all food-contact surfaces shall be
cation, or examination of these sub- cleaned and sanitized before use and
stances for contamination. Only the after any interruption during which
following toxic materials may be used the food-contact surfaces may have be-
or stored in a plant where food is proc- come contaminated. Where equipment
essed or exposed: and utensils are used in a continuous
(i) Those required to maintain clean production operation, the utensils and
and sanitary conditions; food-contact surfaces of the equipment
(ii) Those necessary for use in labora- shall be cleaned and sanitized as nec-
tory testing procedures; essary.
(iii) Those necessary for plant and (3) Non-food-contact surfaces of
equipment maintenance and operation; equipment used in the operation of
and food plants should be cleaned as fre-
(iv) Those necessary for use in the quently as necessary to protect against
plant’s operations. contamination of food.
(2) Toxic cleaning compounds, sani- (4) Single-service articles (such as
tizing agents, and pesticide chemicals utensils intended for one-time use,
shall be identified, held, and stored in a paper cups, and paper towels) should be
manner that protects against contami- stored in appropriate containers and
nation of food, food-contact surfaces, shall be handled, dispensed, used, and
or food-packaging materials. All rel- disposed of in a manner that protects
evant regulations promulgated by against contamination of food or food-
other Federal, State, and local govern- contact surfaces.
sfrattini on LAPCK6H6L3 with DISTILLER

ment agencies for the application, use, (5) Sanitizing agents shall be ade-
or holding of these products should be quate and safe under conditions of use.
followed. Any facility, procedure, or machine is


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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 110.37

acceptable for cleaning and sanitizing (c) Sewage disposal. Sewage disposal
equipment and utensils if it is estab- shall be made into an adequate sewer-
lished that the facility, procedure, or age system or disposed of through
machine will routinely render equip- other adequate means.
ment and utensils clean and provide (d) Toilet facilities. Each plant shall
adequate cleaning and sanitizing treat- provide its employees with adequate,
ment. readily accessible toilet facilities.
(e) Storage and handling of cleaned Compliance with this requirement may
portable equipment and utensils. Cleaned be accomplished by:
and sanitized portable equipment with (1) Maintaining the facilities in a
food-contact surfaces and utensils sanitary condition.
should be stored in a location and man- (2) Keeping the facilities in good re-
ner that protects food-contact surfaces pair at all times.
from contamination.
(3) Providing self-closing doors.
[51 FR 22475, June 19, 1986, as amended at 54 (4) Providing doors that do not open
FR 24892, June 12, 1989] into areas where food is exposed to air-
borne contamination, except where al-
§ 110.37 Sanitary facilities and con-
trols. ternate means have been taken to pro-
tect against such contamination (such
Each plant shall be equipped with as double doors or positive air-flow sys-
adequate sanitary facilities and accom- tems).
modations including, but not limited (e) Hand-washing facilities. Hand-
to: washing facilities shall be adequate
(a) Water supply. The water supply and convenient and be furnished with
shall be sufficient for the operations running water at a suitable tempera-
intended and shall be derived from an ture. Compliance with this require-
adequate source. Any water that con- ment may be accomplished by pro-
tacts food or food-contact surfaces viding:
shall be safe and of adequate sanitary
(1) Hand-washing and, where appro-
quality. Running water at a suitable
priate, hand-sanitizing facilities at
temperature, and under pressure as
each location in the plant where good
needed, shall be provided in all areas
sanitary practices require employees
where required for the processing of
to wash and/or sanitize their hands.
food, for the cleaning of equipment,
utensils, and food-packaging materials, (2) Effective hand-cleaning and sani-
or for employee sanitary facilities. tizing preparations.
(b) Plumbing. Plumbing shall be of (3) Sanitary towel service or suitable
adequate size and design and ade- drying devices.
quately installed and maintained to: (4) Devices or fixtures, such as water
(1) Carry sufficient quantities of control valves, so designed and con-
water to required locations throughout structed to protect against recontami-
the plant. nation of clean, sanitized hands.
(2) Properly convey sewage and liquid (5) Readily understandable signs di-
disposable waste from the plant. recting employees handling unpro-
(3) Avoid constituting a source of tected food, unprotected food-pack-
contamination to food, water supplies, aging materials, of food-contact sur-
equipment, or utensils or creating an faces to wash and, where appropriate,
unsanitary condition. sanitize their hands before they start
(4) Provide adequate floor drainage in work, after each absence from post of
all areas where floors are subject to duty, and when their hands may have
flooding-type cleaning or where normal become soiled or contaminated. These
operations release or discharge water signs may be posted in the processing
or other liquid waste on the floor. room(s) and in all other areas where
(5) Provide that there is not backflow employees may handle such food, ma-
from, or cross-connection between, pip- terials, or surfaces.
ing systems that discharge waste water (6) Refuse receptacles that are con-
sfrattini on LAPCK6H6L3 with DISTILLER

or sewage and piping systems that structed and maintained in a manner

carry water for food or food manufac- that protects against contamination of
turing. food.


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§ 110.40 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)

(f) Rubbish and offal disposal. Rubbish microorganisms shall be fitted with an
and any offal shall be so conveyed, indicating thermometer, temperature-
stored, and disposed of as to minimize measuring device, or temperature-re-
the development of odor, minimize the cording device so installed as to show
potential for the waste becoming an at- the temperature accurately within the
tractant and harborage or breeding compartment, and should be fitted
place for pests, and protect against with an automatic control for regu-
contamination of food, food-contact lating temperature or with an auto-
surfaces, water supplies, and ground matic alarm system to indicate a sig-
surfaces. nificant temperature change in a man-
ual operation.
Subpart C—Equipment (f) Instruments and controls used for
measuring, regulating, or recording
§ 110.40 Equipment and utensils.
temperatures, pH, acidity, water activ-
(a) All plant equipment and utensils ity, or other conditions that control or
shall be so designed and of such mate- prevent the growth of undesirable
rial and workmanship as to be ade- microorganisms in food shall be accu-
quately cleanable, and shall be prop- rate and adequately maintained, and
erly maintained. The design, construc- adequate in number for their des-
tion, and use of equipment and utensils ignated uses.
shall preclude the adulteration of food
(g) Compressed air or other gases me-
with lubricants, fuel, metal fragments,
chanically introduced into food or used
contaminated water, or any other con-
to clean food-contact surfaces or equip-
taminants. All equipment should be so
installed and maintained as to facili- ment shall be treated in such a way
tate the cleaning of the equipment and that food is not contaminated with un-
of all adjacent spaces. Food-contact lawful indirect food additives.
surfaces shall be corrosion-resistant
when in contact with food. They shall Subpart D [Reserved]
be made of nontoxic materials and de-
signed to withstand the environment of Subpart E—Production and
their intended use and the action of Process Controls
food, and, if applicable, cleaning com-
pounds and sanitizing agents. Food- § 110.80 Processes and controls.
contact surfaces shall be maintained to
protect food from being contaminated All operations in the receiving, in-
by any source, including unlawful indi- specting, transporting, segregating,
rect food additives. preparing, manufacturing, packaging,
(b) Seams on food-contact surfaces and storing of food shall be conducted
shall be smoothly bonded or main- in accordance with adequate sanitation
tained so as to minimize accumulation principles. Appropriate quality control
of food particles, dirt, and organic mat- operations shall be employed to ensure
ter and thus minimize the opportunity that food is suitable for human con-
for growth of microorganisms. sumption and that food-packaging ma-
(c) Equipment that is in the manu- terials are safe and suitable. Overall
facturing or food-handling area and sanitation of the plant shall be under
that does not come into contact with the supervision of one or more com-
food shall be so constructed that it can petent individuals assigned responsi-
be kept in a clean condition. bility for this function. All reasonable
(d) Holding, conveying, and manufac- precautions shall be taken to ensure
turing systems, including gravimetric, that production procedures do not con-
pneumatic, closed, and automated sys- tribute contamination from any
tems, shall be of a design and construc- source. Chemical, microbial, or extra-
tion that enables them to be main- neous-material testing procedures
tained in an appropriate sanitary con- shall be used where necessary to iden-
dition. tify sanitation failures or possible food
sfrattini on LAPCK6H6L3 with DISTILLER

(e) Each freezer and cold storage contamination. All food that has be-
compartment used to store and hold come contaminated to the extent that
food capable of supporting growth of it is adulterated within the meaning of


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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 110.80

the act shall be rejected, or if permis- comply with applicable Food and Drug
sible, treated or processed to eliminate Administration regulations and defect
the contamination. action levels for natural or unavoidable
(a) Raw materials and other ingredi- defects if a manufacturer wishes to use
ents. (1) Raw materials and other ingre- the materials in manufacturing food.
dients shall be inspected and seg- Compliance with this requirement may
regated or otherwise handled as nec- be verified by any effective means, in-
essary to ascertain that they are clean cluding purchasing the materials under
and suitable for processing into food a supplier’s guarantee or certification,
and shall be stored under conditions or examination of these materials for
that will protect against contamina- contamination.
tion and minimize deterioration. Raw (5) Raw materials, other ingredients,
materials shall be washed or cleaned as and rework shall be held in bulk, or in
necessary to remove soil or other con- containers designed and constructed so
tamination. Water used for washing, as to protect against contamination
rinsing, or conveying food shall be safe and shall be held at such temperature
and of adequate sanitary quality. and relative humidity and in such a
Water may be reused for washing, rins- manner as to prevent the food from be-
ing, or conveying food if it does not in- coming adulterated within the mean-
crease the level of contamination of ing of the act. Material scheduled for
the food. Containers and carriers of rework shall be identified as such.
raw materials should be inspected on (6) Frozen raw materials and other
receipt to ensure that their condition ingredients shall be kept frozen. If
has not contributed to the contamina- thawing is required prior to use, it
tion or deterioration of food. shall be done in a manner that pre-
(2) Raw materials and other ingredi- vents the raw materials and other in-
ents shall either not contain levels of gredients from becoming adulterated
microorganisms that may produce food
within the meaning of the act.
poisoning or other disease in humans,
(7) Liquid or dry raw materials and
or they shall be pasteurized or other-
other ingredients received and stored
wise treated during manufacturing op-
erations so that they no longer contain in bulk form shall be held in a manner
levels that would cause the product to that protects against contamination.
be adulterated within the meaning of (b) Manufacturing operations. (1)
the act. Compliance with this require- Equipment and utensils and finished
ment may be verified by any effective food containers shall be maintained in
means, including purchasing raw mate- an acceptable condition through appro-
rials and other ingredients under a sup- priate cleaning and sanitizing, as nec-
plier’s guarantee or certification. essary. Insofar as necessary, equipment
(3) Raw materials and other ingredi- shall be taken apart for thorough
ents susceptible to contamination with cleaning.
aflatoxin or other natural toxins shall (2) All food manufacturing, including
comply with current Food and Drug packaging and storage, shall be con-
Administration regulations and action ducted under such conditions and con-
levels for poisonous or deleterious sub- trols as are necessary to minimize the
stances before these materials or ingre- potential for the growth of microorga-
dients are incorporated into finished nisms, or for the contamination of
food. Compliance with this require- food. One way to comply with this re-
ment may be accomplished by pur- quirement is careful monitoring of
chasing raw materials and other ingre- physical factors such as time, tempera-
dients under a supplier’s guarantee or ture, humidity, aw, pH, pressure, flow
certification, or may be verified by rate, and manufacturing operations
analyzing these materials and ingredi- such as freezing, dehydration, heat
ents for aflatoxins and other natural processing, acidification, and refrigera-
toxins. tion to ensure that mechanical break-
(4) Raw materials, other ingredients, downs, time delays, temperature fluc-
sfrattini on LAPCK6H6L3 with DISTILLER

and rework susceptible to contamina- tuations, and other factors do not con-
tion with pests, undesirable microorga- tribute to the decomposition or con-
nisms, or extraneous material shall tamination of food.


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§ 110.80 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)

(3) Food that can support the rapid sieves, traps, magnets, electronic
growth of undesirable microorganisms, metal detectors, or other suitable ef-
particularly those of public health sig- fective means.
nificance, shall be held in a manner (9) Food, raw materials, and other in-
that prevents the food from becoming gredients that are adulterated within
adulterated within the meaning of the the meaning of the act shall be dis-
act. Compliance with this requirement posed of in a manner that protects
may be accomplished by any effective against the contamination of other
means, including: food. If the adulterated food is capable
(i) Maintaining refrigerated foods at of being reconditioned, it shall be re-
45 °F (7.2 °C) or below as appropriate for conditioned using a method that has
the particular food involved. been proven to be effective or it shall
(ii) Maintaining frozen foods in a fro- be reexamined and found not to be
zen state. adulterated within the meaning of the
(iii) Maintaining hot foods at 140 °F act before being incorporated into
(60 °C) or above. other food.
(iv) Heat treating acid or acidified (10) Mechanical manufacturing steps
foods to destroy mesophilic microorga- such as washing, peeling, trimming,
nisms when those foods are to be held cutting, sorting and inspecting, mash-
in hermetically sealed containers at ing, dewatering, cooling, shredding, ex-
ambient temperatures. truding, drying, whipping, defatting,
(4) Measures such as sterilizing, irra- and forming shall be performed so as to
diating, pasteurizing, freezing, refrig- protect food against contamination.
erating, controlling pH or controlling Compliance with this requirement may
aw that are taken to destroy or prevent be accomplished by providing adequate
the growth of undesirable microorga- physical protection of food from con-
nisms, particularly those of public taminants that may drip, drain, or be
health significance, shall be adequate
drawn into the food. Protection may be
under the conditions of manufacture,
provided by adequate cleaning and
handling, and distribution to prevent
sanitizing of all food-contact surfaces,
food from being adulterated within the
and by using time and temperature
meaning of the act.
controls at and between each manufac-
(5) Work-in-process shall be handled
turing step.
in a manner that protects against con-
tamination. (11) Heat blanching, when required in
(6) Effective measures shall be taken the preparation of food, should be ef-
to protect finished food from contami- fected by heating the food to the re-
nation by raw materials, other ingredi- quired temperature, holding it at this
ents, or refuse. When raw materials, temperature for the required time, and
other ingredients, or refuse are unpro- then either rapidly cooling the food or
tected, they shall not be handled si- passing it to subsequent manufacturing
multaneously in a receiving, loading, without delay. Thermophilic growth
or shipping area if that handling could and contamination in blanchers should
result in contaminated food. Food be minimized by the use of adequate
transported by conveyor shall be pro- operating temperatures and by periodic
tected against contamination as nec- cleaning. Where the blanched food is
essary. washed prior to filling, water used
(7) Equipment, containers, and uten- shall be safe and of adequate sanitary
sils used to convey, hold, or store raw quality.
materials, work-in-process, rework, or (12) Batters, breading, sauces, gra-
food shall be constructed, handled, and vies, dressings, and other similar prep-
maintained during manufacturing or arations shall be treated or maintained
storage in a manner that protects in such a manner that they are pro-
against contamination. tected against contamination. Compli-
(8) Effective measures shall be taken ance with this requirement may be ac-
to protect against the inclusion of complished by any effective means, in-
sfrattini on LAPCK6H6L3 with DISTILLER

metal or other extraneous material in cluding one or more of the following:

food. Compliance with this require- (i) Using ingredients free of contami-
ment may be accomplished by using nation.


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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 110.110

(ii) Employing adequate heat proc- microorganisms shall be monitored and

esses where applicable. maintained at a pH of 4.6 or below.
(iii) Using adequate time and tem- Compliance with this requirement may
perature controls. be accomplished by any effective
(iv) Providing adequate physical pro- means, including employment of one or
tection of components from contami- more of the following practices:
nants that may drip, drain, or be drawn (i) Monitoring the pH of raw mate-
into them. rials, food in process, and finished food.
(v) Cooling to an adequate tempera- (ii) Controlling the amount of acid or
ture during manufacturing.
acidified food added to low-acid food.
(vi) Disposing of batters at appro-
priate intervals to protect against the (16) When ice is used in contact with
growth of microorganisms. food, it shall be made from water that
(13) Filling, assembling, packaging, is safe and of adequate sanitary qual-
and other operations shall be per- ity, and shall be used only if it has
formed in such a way that the food is been manufactured in accordance with
protected against contamination. Com- current good manufacturing practice
pliance with this requirement may be as outlined in this part.
accomplished by any effective means, (17) Food-manufacturing areas and
including: equipment used for manufacturing
(i) Use of a quality control operation human food should not be used to man-
in which the critical control points are ufacture nonhuman food-grade animal
identified and controlled during manu- feed or inedible products, unless there
facturing. is no reasonable possibility for the con-
(ii) Adequate cleaning and sanitizing tamination of the human food.
of all food-contact surfaces and food
containers. [51 FR 22475, June 19, 1986, as amended at 65
(iii) Using materials for food con- FR 56479, Sept. 19, 2000]
tainers and food- packaging materials
§ 110.93 Warehousing and distribution.
that are safe and suitable, as defined in
§ 130.3(d) of this chapter. Storage and transportation of fin-
(iv) Providing physical protection ished food shall be under conditions
from contamination, particularly air- that will protect food against physical,
borne contamination. chemical, and microbial contamination
(v) Using sanitary handling proce- as well as against deterioration of the
dures. food and the container.
(14) Food such as, but not limited to,
dry mixes, nuts, intermediate moisture
food, and dehydrated food, that relies
Subpart F [Reserved]
on the control of aw for preventing the
growth of undesirable microorganisms Subpart G—Defect Action Levels
shall be processed to and maintained at
a safe moisture level. Compliance with § 110.110 Natural or unavoidable de-
this requirement may be accomplished fects in food for human use that
present no health hazard.
by any effective means, including em-
ployment of one or more of the fol- (a) Some foods, even when produced
lowing practices: under current good manufacturing
(i) Monitoring the aw of food. practice, contain natural or unavoid-
(ii) Controlling the soluble solids- able defects that at low levels are not
water ratio in finished food. hazardous to health. The Food and
(iii) Protecting finished food from Drug Administration establishes max-
moisture pickup, by use of a moisture imum levels for these defects in foods
barrier or by other means, so that the produced under current good manufac-
aw of the food does not increase to an turing practice and uses these levels in
unsafe level. deciding whether to recommend regu-
(15) Food such as, but not limited to, latory action.
sfrattini on LAPCK6H6L3 with DISTILLER

acid and acidified food, that relies prin-

cipally on the control of pH for pre-
venting the growth of undesirable


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Pt. 111 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–23 Edition)

(b) Defect action levels are estab- 111.5 Do other statutory provisions and reg-
lished for foods whenever it is nec- ulations apply?
essary and feasible to do so. These lev-
els are subject to change upon the de- Subpart B—Personnel
velopment of new technology or the 111.8 What are the requirements under this
availability of new information. subpart B for written procedures?
(c) Compliance with defect action 111.10 What requirements apply for pre-
levels does not excuse violation of the venting microbial contamination from
requirement in section 402(a)(4) of the sick or infected personnel and for hygien-
act that food not be prepared, packed, ic practices?
111.12 What personnel qualification require-
or held under unsanitary conditions or ments apply?
the requirements in this part that food 111.13 What supervisor requirements apply?
manufacturers, distributors, and hold- 111.14 Under this subpart B, what records
ers shall observe current good manu- must you make and keep?
facturing practice. Evidence indicating
that such a violation exists causes the Subpart C—Physical Plant and Grounds
food to be adulterated within the
111.15 What sanitation requirements apply
meaning of the act, even though the
to your physical plant and grounds?
amounts of natural or unavoidable de- 111.16 What are the requirements under this
fects are lower than the currently es- subpart C for written procedures?
tablished defect action levels. The 111.20 What design and construction re-
manufacturer, distributor, and holder quirements apply to your physical plant?
of food shall at all times utilize quality 111.23 Under this subpart C, what records
control operations that reduce natural must you make and keep?
or unavoidable defects to the lowest
level currently feasible. Subpart D—Equipment and Utensils
(d) The mixing of a food containing 111.25 What are the requirements under this
defects above the current defect action subpart D for written procedures?
level with another lot of food is not 111.27 What requirements apply to the
permitted and renders the final food equipment and utensils that you use?
adulterated within the meaning of the 111.30 What requirements apply to auto-
act, regardless of the defect level of the mated, mechanical, or electronic equip-
final food. ment?
111.35 Under this subpart D, what records
(e) A compilation of the current de-
must you make and keep?
fect action levels for natural or un-
avoidable defects in food for human use Subpart E—Requirement to Establish a
that present no health hazard may be Production and Process Control System
obtained upon request from the Center
for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition 111.55 What are the requirements to imple-
(HFS–565), Food and Drug Administra- ment a production and process control
tion, 5001 Campus Dr., College Park, system?
MD 20740. 111.60 What are the design requirements for
the production and process control sys-
[51 FR 22475, June 19, 1986, as amended at 61 tem?
FR 14480, Apr. 2, 1996; 66 FR 56035, Nov. 6, 111.65 What are the requirements for qual-
2001] ity control operations?
111.70 What specifications must you estab-
PART 111—CURRENT GOOD MAN- 111.73 What is your responsibility for deter-
UFACTURING PRACTICE IN MAN- mining whether established specifica-
BELING, OR HOLDING OPER- 111.75 What must you do to determine
whether specifications are met?
ATIONS FOR DIETARY SUPPLE- 111.77 What must you do if established spec-
MENTS ifications are not met?
111.80 What representative samples must
Subpart A—General Provisions you collect?
111.83 What are the requirements for re-
sfrattini on LAPCK6H6L3 with DISTILLER

Sec. serve samples?

111.1 Who is subject to this part? 111.87 Who conducts a material review and
111.3 What definitions apply to this part? makes a disposition decision?


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