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Current Biology Vol 22 No 23


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Neuroscience: A More Dynamic View a reward by the second macaque

of the Social Brain apparently diminishes the value of
rewards received by the first macaque.
They found that lateral OFC neurons
also reflect this apparent diminution of
Information relevant for social interactions is thought to be processed in
the reward value for the experimental
specific neural circuits. Recent studies shed new light on how that social
animal when rewards are
information is encoded and processed by different brain areas.
simultaneously given to another
macaque. In other words, Azzi et al. [9]
J. Sallet1, R.B. Mars1,2, In their study, Watson and Platt [7] report the consequences of integrating
and M.F.S. Rushworth1,2 presented macaque monkeys with both social and reward information in
a simple decision-making task in which the firing rates of individual OFC
Human and non-human primates are they could sacrifice juice to watch neurons.
social animals and living in complex social images — pictures of other These two studies, by Watson and
social environments has an impact on animals of various social statuses or Platt [7] and by Azzi et al. [9], can be
brain structure and function [1–3]. pictures of female macaque perinea seen to be complementary if one
Social information is thought to be that male macaques appear to find remembers that, in order to be able to
processed by a specific set of neural intrinsically interesting. They found that learn the links that exist between
circuits often referred to as the ‘social neural activity in the OFC is modulated choices and their outcomes, it is crucial
brain’ [4–6]. How social information is by both social and reward information, to compute not only the scalar values of
encoded and the nature of the but most of the OFC neurons that show choice outcomes but also the identities
computations performed by different such modulated activity are either of choice outcomes [12,13]. In other
brain areas is nevertheless still sensitive to reward or to social words, it is not just important whether
debated. Papers in this issue of Current information [7]. This is one of the first an outcome is rewarding, but it is
Biology by Watson and Platt [7] and tests of OFC single neuron activity in important to know what type of reward
Santiesteban et al. [8], focusing on the social domain, but the result is it is. One of the other key results
the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and broadly in line with previous reports reported by Watson and Platt [7] is the
the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ), that only a small proportion of OFC observation of a strong modulation of
respectively (Figure 1), begin to unpick neurons multiplex values across OFC activity by social categories
some of these issues. These two reward dimensions [11]. (images with a dominant animal,
studies nicely complement recent It is interesting to compare the a subordinate animal or with sexual
observations on the roles of the OFC results of the Watson and Platt study [7] content) — just what would be needed
and TPJ from other laboratories [9,10]. with those from the one other recent if the monkey is to learn about the
Altogether, the results suggest that investigation of single neuron activity precise category of outcome that is to
the context in which a social decision in OFC during social cognition. Azzi be expected from a choice.
is taken strongly affects how the et al. [9] taught monkeys a simple But while it is essential to understand
information is processed, suggesting oculomotor task in which their choices the identity of the outcome that is
a quite dynamic view of how social could lead to rewards either for just expected from a choice, it is also
information is encoded and used by the themselves or for a second animal too. important to be able to compare the
social brain. The authors argue that the receipt of values of different outcomes on a single

papers. Such dynamism is not likely to

be restricted to the ways in which
a single brain area works but it is likely
to be a feature of how areas interact in
different configurations in order to
mediate social cognition.

1. Sallet, J., Mars, R.B., Noonan, M.P.,
Andersson, J.L., O’Reilly, J.X., Jbabdi, S.,
Croxson, P.L., Jenkinson, M., Miller, K.L., and
Rushworth, M.F. (2011). Social network size
affects neural circuits in macaques. Science
334, 697–700.
2. Bickart, K.C., Wright, C.I., Dautoff, R.J.,
Dickerson, B.C., and Barrett, L.F. (2011).
Amygdala volume and social network size in
humans. Nat. Neurosci. 14, 163–164.
3. Dunbar, R.I., and Shultz, S. (2007). Evolution in
the social brain. Science 317, 1344–1347.
4. Adolphs, R. (2009). The social brain: neural
basis of social knowledge. Annu. Rev. Psychol.
60, 693–716.
5. Frith, C.D. (2007). The social brain? Philos.
Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B. Biol. Sci. 362, 671–678.
6. Behrens, T.E., Hunt, L.T., and Rushworth, M.F.
(2009). The computation of social behavior.
Science 324, 1160–1164.
7. Watson, K.K., and Platt, M.L. (2012). Social
signals in primate orbitofrontal cortex. Curr.
Biol. 22, 2268–2273.
8. Santiesteban, I., Banissy, M.J., Catmur, C., and
Figure 1. Localization of the temporo-parietal junction on a human brain (left) and the orbito- Bird, G. (2012). Enhancing social ability by
frontal cortex on a macaque brain (right). stimulating the right temporoparietal junction.
Curr. Biol. 22, 2274–2277.
The two brains are not represented at the same scale. Note that the localization in the macaque 9. Azzi, J.C., Sirigu, A., and Duhamel, J.R. (2012).
of an analogous area of the human TPJ is still debated. STS: superior temporal sulcus. Modulation of value representation by social
context in the primate orbitofrontal cortex.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109, 4020.
10. Nicolle, A., Klein-Flügge, M.C., Hunt, L.T.,
scale so that the preferred outcome one task, the subjects were instructed Vlaev, I., Dolan, R.J., and Behrens, T.E.J. (2012).
can be ascertained. Both macaque and to imitate a finger movement they saw An independent axis for executed and modeled
human studies are beginning to on a screen or to make a different finger choice in medial prefrontal cortex. Neuron 75,
suggest that this second process might movement. In a second task, they 11. Kennerley, S.W., Behrens, T.E., and Wallis, J.D.
be more closely linked to medial OFC were asked to suppress their own (2011). Double dissociation of value
computations in orbitofrontal and anterior
and adjacent ventromedial prefrontal perspective on a scene and to adopt cingulate neurons. Nat. Neurosci. 14,
cortex rather than lateral OFC [14–16]. that of another person. In both cases, 1581–1589.
Some evidence that such a process tDCS over TPJ was seen to induce 12. Niv, Y., and Schoenbaum, G. (2008). Dialogues
on prediction errors. Trends Cogn. Sci. 12,
operates even in the social domain can improvements in performance. 265–272.
be gleaned from the recent OFC The findings reported by 13. Noonan, M.P., Mars, R.B., and Rushworth, M.F.
(2011). Distinct roles of three frontal cortical
recording studies, from the observation Santiesteban et al. [8] complement areas in reward-guided behavior. J. Neurosci.
of a weak modulation of OFC activity by another recent study [10] in which 31, 14399–14412.
the value of social stimuli by Watson subjects were asked to choose 14. Noonan, M.P., Walton, M.E., Behrens, T.E.,
Sallet, J., Buckley, M.J., and Rushworth, M.F.
and Platt [7] and from the effect of the between two gambles to reward either (2010). Separate value comparison and learning
social status of the second macaque in themselves or someone else. The mechanisms in macaque medial and lateral
orbitofrontal cortex. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
the study by Azzi et al. [9]. results of this experiment show that 107, 20547–20552.
One of the most dramatic ways in TPJ signals (as well as dorsomedial 15. Rudebeck, P.H., and Murray, E.A. (2011).
which the social context can affect frontal signals) can flip between Balkanizing the primate orbitofrontal cortex:
distinct subregions for comparing and
cognition is when a person actually encoding the value to one’s own self of contrasting values. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 1239,
takes on the perspective of another the choices that are being taken, or the 1–13.
16. Bouret, S., and Richmond, B.J. (2010).
person at the expense of their own value of a choice for another person Ventromedial and orbital prefrontalneurons
perspective. The second study in [10]. The on-line control over which differentially encode internally and externally
Current Biology, by Santiesteban et al. representation to use might depend on driven motivational values in monkeys.
J. Neurosci. 30, 8591–8601.
[8], suggests that the TPJ is critical for a learning mechanism that reports 17. Suzuki, S., Harasawa, N., Ueno, K., Gardner, J.L.,
such a change in social perspective. deviation from expectations. Such a Ichinohe, N., Haruno, M., Cheng, K., and
Nakahara, H. (2012). Learning to simulate other’s
The authors applied transcranial direct mechanism has been associated with decisions. Neuron 74, 1125–1137.
current stimulation (tDCS), with the the TPJ [17].
anode placed over the TPJ, while A common theme of dynamic 1Department of Experimental Psychology,

people performed various behavioral change — both of how outcome values University of Oxford, Oxford, OX1 3UD, UK.
2Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic
tasks in which either their own ‘self are represented when alone and in
Resonance Imaging of the Brain (FMRIB),
perspective’ or another’s perspective a social context [7] and of how University of Oxford, Oxford, OX1 3UD, UK.
had to be considered. Such an perspectives can be shifted between E-mail:
electrode arrangement is thought likely the personal and the social [8] — runs
to facilitate the operation of the TPJ. In through the two new Current Biology

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