Sheet (3) Oercurrent Protection

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Dept.: Electr. Power & M/Cs 4th Year Electr.

Power & M/Cs

Course: Power System Protection Overcurrent Protection
Code: EPE426 Zagazig University Sheet (3)/2 Pages
Faculty of Engineering

Question 1: An overcurrent relay of current rating 5 A and setting 150% as connected

to the secondary of CT of ratio 500/5. Calculate the current in lines for which the relay
picks up. If an earth-fault starting relay has a setting of 30%. Calculate pick-up current
in primary for which the earth fault relay operates.

Question 2: An IDMT relay is used to protect an alternator of 11KV (Star) rating,

through 500/1 A C.T. The relay has pick up of 125% 𝐼𝑃 and TD of 0.3. If the fault is
created at a point near the alternator such that the impedance from alternator to the
fault point is j5 Ω. Find the fault current and the time of operation of the relay. Use
very inverse curve.

Question 3: The circuit shown in Fig. Q3 has a line – to line fault with 20 kA going
out B line and back on line C. Calculate the currents through phase relays (OC) and
earth fault relay (EF). Note: CTR=100 and no saturation in the CT is assumed with
neglecting the exciting current.

Fig. Q3

Question 4: An overcurrent relay set to operate at 8A is connected to a CT with

CTR=100:5, 25 VA, and Rct=0.05 Ω (Excitation curve is given in Fig. Q4) and actual
burden including leads = 0.8 Ω. The core area is 2.8x10-3 m2 and F = 50 Hz. It is well-
known that 1.5 T is normally used for the design of protective CTs.
(a) Will the relay detect a 200A fault current on the primary side?
(b) Determine whether or not the CT will saturate at this level of fault current.
(c) Compute the percentage CT error.

Dept.: Electr. Power & M/Cs 4th Year Electr. Power & M/Cs
Course: Power System Protection Overcurrent Protection
Code: EPE426 Zagazig University Sheet (3)/2 Pages
Faculty of Engineering

Fig. Q4

Question 5: Two relays R1 and R2 are connected as shown in Fig. Q5. R1: CTR=300/5
A, Ip/u =150 A, TD=0.2, R2: CTR=500/5 A, Ip/u =375 A. A fault at F results in a fault
current of 3000 A. Find the TD of R2 to give time margin of 0.4 s between relays. Use
NI curves for both relays.

Fig. Q5

Question 6: For the given system (See Fig. Q6), calculate nominal rated current and
short-circuit level, and pickup setting, for the coordination of the overcurrent
protection at positions CB #1, CB #2, CB #3 and CB #4. CTRs are: 𝐶𝑇1= 300/5, 𝐶𝑇2
= 600/5, 𝐶𝑇3= 800/5, 𝐶𝑇4 = 400/5 and OLF=1.5. If relay R1 is assumed to operate at
0.3 s at bus C fault, estimate the TD settings of all relays using extremely inverse
characteristic and allow CTI of 0.25 s.

Fig. Q6


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