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Istanbul Technical University

School of Foreign Languages

Job Descriptions

School of Foreign Languages

Maçka Campus

Phone: 212-232-4727

*This document was last updated in October, 2023


Appointment: The Director is appointed by the Rector of ITU for a term of three years.


● Holds a Ph.D. (preferably in the field of Education)

● Experience working with governmental or non-governmental organizations at the
administrative level
● Experience in managing large-scale academic programs or projects
● Experience in working with diverse staff groups
● Strong interpersonal skills
● Strong communication skills
● Strong organizational skills


● Is responsible for overseeing the planning and implementation of all academic, financial,
and administrative affairs of the School of Foreign Languages (SFL)
● Is responsible to the ITU Administration for all programs and activities of the School
● Is responsible for the overall administration and academic management of the School of
Foreign Languages, safeguards and improves the quality of the academic programs and
student services
● Implements and oversees the regulatory decisions concerning the School made by the
Council of Higher Education and ITU Administration
● Is responsible for international relations directly concerning the School
● Oversees and confirms the effective performance of all staff within the School, whereby
all required duties are fulfilled
● Appoints two Vice-directors once in office, and submits their names to University
Administration for approval
● Holds meetings with the School’s Academic Offices every term
● Creates strategies to accomplish academic and administrative objectives and provides
guidance for goal attainment
● Delegates tasks and decision-making power, as seen necessary, to effectively coordinate
issues that fall within his/her jurisdiction of job responsibilities
● Serves as chief liaison and representative at various ITU activities and Faculties
● Is responsible for preparation of the orientation program carried out by SFL Prep Program
● Attends all ITU Board meetings
● Attends all ITU Senate meetings


Appointment: Appointed by the Director and proposed to the ITU Administration for
approval for a term of three years. The Director reserves the right to change this officer if
deemed necessary.


● Holds a Master’s Degree (preferably in the field of Education)

● Experience in managing and coordinating staff duties, meetings and activities involved in
running a large-scale project/school
● Ability to work effectively with various staff groups
● Strong interpersonal skills
● Strong communication skills
● Strong organization skills


● Is responsible for the planning and implementation of all academic and administrative
affairs of the School of Foreign Languages
● Creates the agendas for the Academic and Administrative Boards of the School of Foreign
Languages Meetings
● Attends Academic and Administrative Boards of the School of Foreign Languages
● Ensures the up-to-date maintenance of introduction and informational documents
related to students and academic staff
● Prepares a calendar containing operational matters such as office work, deadlines, and
meetings; monitoring the functionality of the calendar in communication with relevant units
● Supervises the effective planning and implementation of curriculum and assessment
processes for all programs affiliated with the School of Foreign Languages
● Supervises the effective planning and implementation of all processes related to the English
Proficiency Exam
● Holds regular meetings with coordinators of programs affiliated with the School of Foreign
Languages to ensure effective planning and execution of tasks in the programs
● Oversees the effective planning and execution of all Summer School programs affiliated with
the School of Foreign Languages
● Supervises the effective planning and execution of quality and accreditation activities
● Evaluates accommodation applications in coordination with the School of Foreign Languages
● Organizes the performance evaluation processes of School employees and oversees their
implementation and assessment
● Ensures the currency of information on the School of Foreign Languages website
● Responds to relevant emails and help tickets received through various channels
● Organizes end-of-academic-year evaluation meetings
● Prepares reports upon the request of the Director
● Represents the Director in his/her absence
● Performs other tasks assigned by the Director


Appointment: Appointed by the Director who reserves the right to change this individual if
deemed necessary.


● Computer literate
● Proven organizational skills
● Effective communication skills


● Is responsible to the Director of School of Foreign Languages

● Oversees the acquisition and return of attendance folders by all faculty members
● Maintains attendance records for all faculty members in the School.
● Provides substitute instructors when necessary for the Prep Program.
● Monitors data entry of student attendance and grades
● Serves as sole contact person to receive all student health reports and maintains them on
● Communicates directly with Test Office regarding student health report (excuses) issues
● Works collaboratively with the Student Affairs Office to provide updated information
about students on attendance and grade status
● Is responsible for the monthly data entry of health reports on the student files
● Provides monthly reports
● Oversees room assignments
● Supervises the distribution of class lists
● Enters and keeps track of student attendance, making the necessary announcements to
the students and instructors to do with cancellations or changes



● Minimum 3 years’ experience at the ITU SFL required

● Master’s Degree (preferably in the field of Education)
● Previous experience in other SFL offices preferred
● Proven organizational skills
● Leadership qualities
● Experience in managing and coordinating staff duties, meetings, and activities involved in
running a program effectively
● Experience in working with diverse workforce
● Strong interpersonal skills
● Strong communication skills
● Long term planning skills
● Computer literacy


● Is responsible to the Vice Directors and ultimately to the Director

● Plans and implements academic affairs related to the Undergraduate Preparatory
● Plans and implements administrative affairs related to the Undergraduate Preparatory
● Attends meetings organized by the management
● Holds regular meetings with unit coordinators affiliated with the program and shares
meeting minutes with the management
● Plans and implements all processes of the Summer School Program
● Ensures effective planning and implementation of curriculum and assessment processes
for the Undergraduate Preparatory Program
● Coordinates the effective planning and execution of student and staff orientation
programs at the beginning of each academic year
● Coordinates the implementation of surveys for academic staff and students in the
Preparatory Program
● Categorizes meeting minutes received from units within the Undergraduate Preparatory
Program and shares them with the management
● Coordinates the process of preparing the academic calendar that includes office work,
deadlines, and meetings with academic staff and offices in the Undergraduate
Preparatory Program
● Responds to relevant emails and help tickets received through various channels
● Provides content related to the Undergraduate Preparatory Program to create agendas
for Academic and Administrative Boards of the School of Foreign Languages meetings
● Updates informational documents related to the Undergraduate Preparatory Program
● Facilitates necessary information sharing from various channels within the
Undergraduate Preparatory Program
● Holds regular meetings with class representatives and shares the reports with the
● Collaborates with the Administrative Coordination Office
● Prepares periodic reports to the Director
● Identifies office material needs and collaborates with the Purchasing Office to procure


Curriculum Office Head

Appointment: Appointed by the Director for a period of three years. The director reserves the
right to change this employee if deemed necessary.


The Curriculum Office has been established to collect feedback regarding various dimensions of
the teaching-learning process within the SFL, and to formatively adjust the curriculum for the
following academic year to provide a more effective curriculum. Curriculum dimensions covered
by the Office are as follows: a) amount of material covered per week; (pacing of the program),
b) subject matter and programmatic content; and c) supplementary materials, including those
produced by individual instructors. This Office is ultimately responsible to the Undergraduate
Preparatory Program Coordinator and the Vice Directors.


● Minimum 2 years’ experience at the ITU SFL required

● Previous experience in curriculum development, and / or M.Ed. in Curriculum and
Instruction preferred
● Strong communication skills
● Computer literate
● Proven organizational skills
● Ability to work with various staff groups
● Long term planning skills


● Determines the content of the curriculum for the academic year

● Determines the student learning outcomes based on the goals and objectives
● Determines educational policies regarding methods of teaching and evaluation,
● Determines the structure of the program
● Determines the weekly time allocation of the courses
● Selects books and materials regarding the goals and objectives
● Regularly reviews the syllabi and pacing schedules and applies any required changes
● Determines the agenda of the level meetings
● Oversees that the level coordinators prepare the weekly pacing schedules
● Meets with the level coordinators on a regular basis to discuss any problems that the
instructors have raised during the level meetings
● Meets with the administration and respective offices on a regular basis and/or when
deemed necessary
● Collaborates with the Professional Development Unit to support the organization of
informative training sessions when significant changes affecting a majority of the instructors
are made in the program
● Works with the level coordinators to design and implement basic course and writing
portfolio assignments according to the current curriculum
● Proofreads all exams conducted throughout the academic year, including proficiency exams
● Uploads and updates the website of CDO regularly
● Is in contact with respective offices regarding integration of curricular content and
● Communicates with the Statistical Analysis Office for the organization of instructor &
student surveys
● Provides the Test Office with the Testing Checklists of the respective academic year
● Decides on the test content together with the Test Office
● Decides on the content and frequency of the additional materials together with the
materials producers to supplement the current curriculum
● Prepares/implements instructor feedback forms for curriculum evaluation and adds the
results to meeting agendas
● Conducts year-end evaluation meetings with the instructors
● Interprets the survey outcomes and communicates the outcomes to the instructors
● Monitors and reviews the program throughout the year by collecting systematic feedback
from the instructors
● Updates documents related to the curriculum (Curriculum Guide, relevant sections of the
Student/Instructor Handbook, Summer School materials) annually
● Regularly reports on curriculum activities to school management, including level meeting
● Provides documents requested by the Quality Unit (Operational plans, action plans, end-of-
term reports, BIDR report templates, etc.) to the relevant unit coordinator for contribution
to quality maintenance and improvement activities
● Collaborates with the Purchasing Office to procure office supplies based on identified needs

The CDO Head also helps and oversees the material developers in:

● Designing, creating, and making materials accessible to instructors on Ninova with

appropriate activities
● Gathering feedback from level coordinators and preparing study materials for exams,
sharing them with lecturers before the exams
● Providing feedback on the work of other members in the office and making corrections
as needed
● Ensuring that the created materials are kept up-to-date on Ninova
Curriculum Office Head Assistant


● Minimum 2 years’ experience at the ITU SFL required

● Previous experience in curriculum development, and/or M.Ed./MA in Curriculum and
Instruction preferred
● Strong communication skills
● Computer literate
● Proven organizational skills
● Ability to work with various staff groups
● Long term planning skills

● Supports and gives assistance to the CDO head in carrying out the responsibilities defined
for the CDO head.

Level Coordinators

Appointment: Appointed by the Director for a period of three years. The director reserves
the right to change this employee if deemed necessary.


● At least 2 years of work experience at ITU SFL preferred

● Computer literate
● Efficient organizational skills
● Leadership qualities
● Strong communication skills
● Ability to work effectively with a culturally diverse staff group
● Strong interpersonal skills
● Decision-making ability
● Long term planning skills


● Is responsible to the Head of CDO Coordinator

● Conducts meetings with instructors throughout the term to track how the program is
progressing (gathering written feedback from lecturers on topics such as whether
everyone is progressing in line with the program, whether materials are adequate,
whether exams align with the curriculum)
● Attends regular meetings for information exchange with the CDO Head Coordinator and
contributes to long-term decision-making
● Writes a report to the respective head or coordinator concerning the outcomes of level
● Acts as a communication conduit between the Academic Offices and instructors
Communicates with the Test Office for the exams of the level they are responsible for and
provides feedback on the exams
● Aids the Head of CDO Coordinator in the preparation of the summer school program and
the following year’s academic program
● Formatively reviews curriculum of Prep Programs in cooperation with the Curriculum
Development Office and the DDP Coordinator when necessary
● Ensures availability of all necessary teaching material (audio files, books, etc.),
● Works collaboratively with all program offices to develop the program
● Helps with the update of the Prep Program website
● Decides which materials to prepare after faculty meetings
● Gives details to the material developers about the materials necessary for his/her level,
giving 2 weeks’ notice
● Guides instructors in using materials effectively
● Oversees editing of prepared material and makes sure that the materials have been
shared with the instructors online or as hard copies
● Gives guidance to the respective level instructors about in-class activities if necessary
● Ensures the preparation, organization, and distribution of any extra materials inserted
into the curriculum for the instructors
● Prepares a list of instructors in the level s/he is responsible for
● Acts as a communication conduit between the Academic Offices and instructors
● Informs the respective level instructors about curricular and test changes
● Proofreads the asynchronous video lessons and gives feedback about the content when
● Communicates any relevant feedback from the instructors to the CDO Head Coordinator
and recommends ways for the resolution of any arising problem
● Conducts level meetings with the instructors on a regular basis to exchange information
about the current curriculum based on the previously determined agenda
● Arranges the announcements about curricular practices and/or changes regarding their
level of responsibility
● Submits the level meeting minute reports to the CDO Head Coordinator regarding their
level of responsibility in a timely manner
● Submits the level meeting minute reports to the respective offices regarding their level of
responsibility in a timely manner
● Contributes to the preparation of Summer School materials
● Prepares Portfolio Tasks

Material Developer

● Designs and develops materials under the supervision of level coordinator to achieve
curricular objectives
● Helps level coordinator in preparation of revision materials before exams
● Designs and develops supplementary materials to enrich the learning process
● Contributes to the preparation of Summer School materials


Appointment: The office coordinator and members are appointed by the Director for a
period of three years. The director reserves the right to change these employees if deemed


● Minimum 2 years’ experience at the ITU SFL preferred

● Solid experience in testing evaluation
● Proven organizational skills
● Experience in developing testing procedures, preferably an MA in testing
● Long term approach to problem solving
● Effective interpersonal skills
● Computer literacy
● Leadership qualities
● Strong communication skills
● Ability to work effectively with various staff groups

Test Office Head


● Is responsible to the Undergraduate Preparatory Program Coordinator, vice directors,

and ultimately the Director
● Works closely with the CDO, setting guidelines for in-term assessment practices and
proficiency exams
● Attends meetings held by the Administration
● If needed, assists level testers in preparing their exams
● Works with individual testers after exams when there are problems with answer keys on
exams and announces changes on the key via email to all instructors
● Proofreads and gives feedback on level exams
● Prepares and oversees proctor notes for exams
● Collaborates with the Proficiency Exam Commission members in the preparation of
proficiency exams held in the fall and spring terms and works with the administrative test office
member in printing and collating these exams
● Works with the team of proof-readers who read the proficiency exam and prepares the
final version of each proficiency exam as part of the Proficiency Exam Commission
● Prepares parts of extra exams (such as IAESTE) to serve the university community as
specified by the administration); organizes which testers are responsible for other parts
● Coordinates with group leaders during the grading and standardization of proficiency
exam writing section
● Prepares an academic calendar for office work, deadlines and meetings with Test office
members and other offices
● Provides requested documents to the Quality Unit to contribute to quality maintenance
and improvement activities (Operational plans, action plans, end-of-term reports, BIDR
report templates, etc.)
● Participates in meetings with the CDO Head Coordinator, level testers and CDO level
coordinators to determine the content of specific exams
● Works with the recording team to ensure that recordings are done on time
● Oversees the objection and borderline groups after the proficiency exams
● Ensure the preparation of relevant sections for extra exams (such as IAESTE) that are
outside the routine Preparatory Program exams, by dividing tasks among TO members.

Level tester


● Is responsible to the Test Office Head

● Writes out specifications for each section of the test.
● Prepares in-term exams for the level they are responsible for during the fall and spring
terms This duty includes:
● meeting with the head to set deadlines for finishing the exam
● meeting with the corresponding CDO level Coordinator to determine the content of each
in-year exam for each skill area
● dividing up the tasks for the exam as necessary
● working with the person responsible for recording the listening section
● revising each exam with proofreaders and the head
● working with the administrative officer in printing and collating the exams
● writing and revising the answer key for these exams and making corrections as needed
● reviewing and making changes to assessment criteria as necessary
● Sorts papers and envelopes at the end of a test day so that graders can pick up their
● After the tests have been graded, collects the exams and stores them
● Proofreads and provides feedback for exams written by other testers, especially the tester
at their level
● Attends meetings of the Proficiency Exam Commission and provides feedback on the exams
● Prepares parts of extra exams if needed

Proficiency Exam Commission

● Collaborates with commission members for the preparation of proficiency exams held in
the fall and spring terms and works together with the relevant office head for the printing
and compilation of the exams
● Works with the testers providing feedback for the proficiency exam and, as a member of
the Proficiency Exam Commission, finalizes the proficiency exams

The Administrative Test Office Member


● Prepares proctor lists including standby instructors for each exam

● Arranges classrooms in the SFL building and the faculties for proficiency exams
● Organizes the borderline and objection groups after the proficiency exams
● Works with each tester on the printing and collating of all exams
● Makes arrangements for students with special needs in collaboration with the UPP
● Works closely with the management in organizing end of term and proficiency exams
● Determines office material needs and obtains office supplies from the Purchasing Office
● Determines which instructors will be entering the grades and attendance
● Works closely with instructors, informing them of extra duties
● Provides support for exam preparation and offers feedback when necessary
● Posts announcements for instructors and students for exam updates
● Oversees exam arrangements (classrooms, instructors, etc)
● Opens and closes the Dilnot System at the appropriate times

The Proofreader


● Provides feedback on the content and structural validity of the exams.

● Provides feedback on mechanical aspects of the exams, such as spelling and punctuation
● Checks whether the exams adhere to the assessment criteria specified in the checklist.
● Reviews and provides feedback on answer keys.


Appointment: The office coordinator and members are appointed by the Director for a
period of three years. The director reserves the right to change these employees if deemed

● A master’s degree in the field of ELT preferred
● At least 2 years of work experience at ITU SFL preferred
● Teacher training experience, including both training and observations
● Desire and discipline to keep up with developments in the field
● Proven organizational skills
● Long term planning skills
● Strong communication skills
● Preferably holding a CELTA or equivalent certification


● Is responsible to the Undergraduate Preparatory Program Coordinator, vice directors, and

ultimately the Director
● Organizes all aspects of in-service training activities
● Conducts needs analysis at the beginning of each term and organizes ongoing training based
on the survey results throughout the academic year
● Keeps the needs analysis survey up-to-date in line with new orientations
● Prepares presentations to inform academic staff about innovations in the field
● Sends feedback surveys to instructors after events, reviews the results, and uses the
feedback for future activities
● Announces activities that can contribute to the professional development of instructors via
● Updates the unit's website (
● Organizes orientation programs for newly hired instructors
● Observes the classes of newly hired instructors and provides feedback and support as needed
● Monitors and provides feedback on the professional development activities of instructors in
accordance with Performance Evaluation Criteria
● Observes the classes of experienced instructors in accordance with Performance Evaluation
● Organizes peer observations
● Assists with projects to standardize practices for instructors
● Provides requested documents to the Quality Unit for contribution to quality maintenance
and improvement activities (Operational plans, action plans, end-of-term reports, BIDR
report templates, etc.)
● Determines office material needs and ensures procurement in collaboration with the
Purchasing Office


Appointment: The office coordinator and members are appointed by the Director for a
period of three years. The director reserves the right to change these employees if deemed

● Minimum 2 years’ experience at the ITU SFL preferred

● Master’s Degree, preferably in the field of Education
● Computer literacy skills
● SPSS & Microsoft Office Tools knowledge
● Proven organizational skills
● Long term planning skills
● Strong communication skills


● Is responsible to the Undergraduate Preparatory Program Coordinator, DDP Coordinator,

vice directors, and ultimately the Director
● Conducts meetings with the responsible program coordinator and vice director to
determine the needs of the relevant term
● Prepares an action plan at the beginning of each term
● Attends meetings with the Administration and Office Coordinators
● Sends “SAO-Information Notice” to inform the instructors about all questionnaires to be
● Works collaboratively with the Administration and Office Coordinators to develop/adopt the
● Contributes to the design of the questionnaires for courses, materials, etc.
● Improves the validity and reliability of the questionnaires referring to scientific articles in
the related literature
● Transfers questionnaires to VETİ, a web-based program developed by Information
Technologies Office at ITU
● Prepares and sends links of these online questionnaires to the teachers & students
● Keeps track of the completion of the questionnaires and sends reminders
● Conducts analyses of the quantitative data and lists qualitative data
● Delivers the results to the administration, the instructors, and the students
● Calculates and reports the pass/fail percentages of the Proficiency Exams held during the
academic year
● Prepares reports on the correlation between the Proficiency Exams and exams conducted
throughout the academic year
● Calculates the passing scores in the Proficiency Exams and sharing them with the relevant
● Calculates the percentages of in-year exams on a level basis (percentage of students’
scores over 60)
● Calculates descriptive statistics for in year grades & proficiency exams to be submitted
to CEA
● Conducts item analysis for multiple-choice summative exams
● Assists other units when deemed necessary to meet statistical analysis needs
● Provides requested documents to the Quality Unit for contribution to quality maintenance
and improvement activities (Operational plans, action plans, end-of-term reports, BIDR
report templates, etc.)
● Determines office material needs and ensures procurement in collaboration with the
Purchasing Office


Appointment: The office coordinator and members are appointed by the Director for a
period of three years. The director reserves the right to change these employees if deemed

● At least 2 years of work experience at ITU SFL preferred
● Knowledge of web design software
● Experience in using Optical Mark Reader (OMR)
● Experience in Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA)
● Strong communication skills


● Is responsible to the Undergraduate Preparatory Program Coordinator, Vice Directors,

and ultimately the Director
● Conducts the registration process
● Manages the content of the school website
● Manages the attendance and grade database
● Conducts English Proficiency Exam with Test Office
● Provides documents requested by the Quality Unit (Operational plans, action plans, end-
of-term reports, BIDR report templates, etc.) to the relevant unit coordinator for
contribution to quality maintenance and improvement activities
● Collaborates with the Purchasing Office to procure office supplies based on identified needs


Appointment: The office coordinator and members are appointed by the Director for a
period of three years. The director reserves the right to change these employees if deemed


● Minimum 2 years’ experience at the ITU SFL preferred

● Competence in quality and accreditation
● Ability to work effectively with various staff groups
● Strong communication skills
● Strong organizational skills


● Is responsible to the Undergraduate Preparatory Program Coordinator, vice directors, and

ultimately to the Director
● Prepares a calendar of activities, deadlines, and meetings related to quality and
accreditation (CEA, YÖKAK)
● Works in coordination with SAO and the other offices about the issues related to quality
and accreditation
● Guides the updating of survey questions in line with quality standards in coordination
with SAO
● Keeps track of the analyses for accreditation together with TO and SAO
● Shares templates of action plans, end-of-term reports, BIDR (Internal Assessment Report)
reports etc. with relevant persons and units
● Follows the delivery of the relevant reports and documentation in line with the calendar,
providing guidance and reminders when necessary
● Tracks the delivered documents in line with quality and accreditation standards and
provides feedback for areas that need correction
● Ensures that the stages in the evaluation plans are executed and the necessary
documentation is collected
● Participates in quality and accreditation meetings organized by relevant institutions/units
● Prepares reports to maintain compliance with quality and accreditation standards in
coordination with the relevant departments (BIDR, CEA)



● Fluent in English: Must have a YDS / YÖKDİL score of at least 85/100 for non-native
● Must have an ALES score of at least 70/100 for non-native instructors
● Must have a B.A and M.A in ELT, English Language and Literature, Linguistics, American
Culture and Literature, or Translation and Interpreting Studies for non-native instructors.
Native speakers should have a B.A and M.A preferably in ELT, English Literature, American
Culture and Literature, English Studies, or Linguistics. If not, native speakers should have a
recognized TEFL qualification
● Prior experience in teaching English as a second language
● Effective organizational skills
● Strong communication skills
● Willing to receive additional instructor training if necessary
● Ability to work independently on creating supplementary material for class exercises

● Are directly responsible to the vice director

● May be assigned office work (as stated in regulations)
● May serve as substitute instructor upon request
● Must organize make-up lessons in case of not being able to conduct classes
● Must comply with instructor regulations mentioned in the Instructor Handbook (especially
regarding workload, teaching hours, attendance, disciplinary actions, in service training etc)
● Have to attend in service training/workshops prepared by PDU
● May be assigned proctoring duty for the final exams of the Advanced English courses
● Must attend meetings held by the Level Coordinators, Academic Offices and the Directorate
● Required to proctor exams scheduled at the beginning of the academic year (including
scheduled exams that may coincide with off days)
● Are responsible for grading exams and entering grades into DİLNOT
● In the case of absenteeism, required to receive written permission from the Directorate
● Are responsible for any missing school documents such as attendance folders, exam papers
● Must follow updates, notices, and meeting information announced through Ninova, e-mail
and notice boards
● May be required to fill in questionnaires handed out by the CDO and SAO to evaluate the
program and materials


Appointment: The office coordinator and members are appointed by the Director for a
period of three years. The director reserves the right to change these employees if deemed


● At least 2 years of work experience at ITU SFL preferred

● Interest in extracurricular activities
● Commitment to the development of students as all-round personalities
● Strong interpersonal skills
● Effective communication skills
● Proven organizational skills


● Is responsible to relevant unit coordinators, Vice Directors, and ultimately the Director
● Attends meetings held by the Administration
● Coordinates social and cultural activities for the student body
● Serves as a resource person for students regarding social and cultural events, in addition
to forming ways of encouraging them to participate
● Maintains communication within the University, as well as between the University and
outside parties, to remain continuously aware of planned activities approved by the SFL
● Delegates responsibility to volunteers in activities that require a larger task force
● Chooses volunteer students for assistantship and assigns them responsibility for running
the office activities
● Supports and monitors the activities of the clubs (theatrical, musical, sports) that
students may endeavor to participate in or organize
● Opens clubs for prep students to join, and supports and monitors their activities
● Organizes tournaments, end-of-term events, exhibitions, workshops when requested
● Maintains contact with heads of student groups that concern themselves with already
cited activities. The SMU is responsible to the Administration for these activities
● Serves as resource person for the Student Board
● Updates and maintains the web site and social media accounts
● Prepares an orientation program for new students
● Provides documents requested by the Quality Unit (Operational plans, action plans, end-
of-term reports, BIDR report templates, etc.) to the relevant unit coordinator for
contribution to quality maintenance and improvement activities
● Collaborates with the Purchasing Office to procure office supplies based on identified


Appointment: The office coordinator and members are appointed by the Director for a
period of three years. The director reserves the right to change these employees if deemed


● At least 2 years of work experience at ITU SFL preferred

● Interest in student development and promotion of student autonomy in learning
● Proven organizational skills
● Long-term planning skills
● Computer literacy and an interest in the use of technology for educational purposes
● Strong communication skills


● Is responsible to relevant unit coordinators, vice directors, and ultimately the Director
● Provides orientation sessions informing students and teachers about the services of the ILC
● Keeps the ILC website current, engaging, and informative, including updating the online
study links
● Updates social media accounts for the ILC
● Continuously promotes ILC services and activities to both students and faculty members and
encourages their participation
● Manages the scheduling of ILC appointments
● Provides regularly scheduled study skills and writing assistance appointments for students
● Offers workshops as guided by need, interest, and administrative request
● Develops further services for the support and encouragement of student autonomous
● Communicates with the administration about particular students or needed services
● Conducts surveys with students to receive feedback for improvement purposes
● Provides documents requested by the Quality Unit (Operational plans, action plans, end-of-
term reports, BIDR report templates, etc.) to the relevant unit coordinator for contribution
to quality maintenance and improvement activities
● Collaborates with the Purchasing Office to procure office supplies based on identified needs


Appointment: The PCG Centre is connected to the Rectorate. Office members are appointed
through the Rectorate.

ITU Center of Psychological Counseling and Guidance is a student service unit that has offices
both in the building of the School of Foreign Languages (Maçka) and in the former building of
the Rectorate (Maslak).


● Supports students in their academic development

● Helps students to become individuals that are:
● Sensitive and responsible to themselves and others
● Investigating, questioning and realizing
● Able to express feelings and thoughts appropriately
● Able to form positive and constructive interpersonal relationships
● Able to determine goals and act in accordance with those goals
● Respectful of individual differences.
● Follows the main principles of secrecy, trust and respecting individual rights
● Provides services in individual counseling
● Arranges Group Efficient Communication Training
● Arranges Educational Programs for Dealing with Test Anxiety
● Arranges Group Assertiveness Training

The primary goal of their center is to apply protective “Programs for Taking Precautions” and
prevent problems before they appear.


Appointment: Appointed by the Director for a period of three years. The Director reserves
the right to change this employee if deemed necessary.


● Master’s Degree (preferably in the field of Education)

● Previous experience in DDP or other SFL offices preferred
● Experience in CDO preferred
● Proven organizational skills
● Leadership qualities
● Experience in managing and coordinating staff duties, meetings, and activities involved in
running a program effectively
● Experience in working with various cultural staff groups.
● Strong interpersonal skills
● Strong communication skills
● Long term planning skills
● Computer literate


● Is responsible to the Vice Directors and the Director

● Is responsible for academic counseling
● Attends meetings held by the Administration
● Holds regular meetings with DDP instructors, level coordinators and student
● Completes monthly status reports on any related staff or academic issues and gives it to
the Director and the Rectorate, if deemed necessary
● Formatively reviews the curriculum of DDP program through evaluation in cooperation
with a small task force for each course
● Formatively reviews curriculum and proposes changes and/or adjustments to ensure
consistency through the relative teaching staff
● Oversees the implementation of the curriculum
● Prepares teaching schedules for DDP program
● Is responsible for the updating and maintenance of the DDP Website
● Oversees the implementation of instructor and student surveys conducted by the SAO
and PDU
● Is responsible for the student and staff orientation programs at the beginning of each
academic year
● Prepares an academic calendar for office work, deadlines and meetings with instructors,
related offices and coordinators
● Informs the Student Registrar’s Office about the exam results of the students
● Tracks the success and attendance rates of the DDP students registered in the Dual Diploma
Preparatory Program
● Conducts work for the SFL accreditation
● Conducts the placement of the newly registered DDP students into correct language level
● Supplies instructors, equipment, and classrooms
● Determines which instructors will be entering the grades and attendance
● Works closely with instructors, informing them of extra duties
● Proofreads when possible
● Posts announcements for instructors and students for exam updates
● Oversees exam arrangements (classrooms, instructors, etc)
● Opens and closes the Dilnot System at the appropriate times
● Prepares an academic calendar for office work, deadlines and meetings with instructors,
related offices and level coordinators
● Regularly reports on curriculum activities to school management
● Provides documents requested by the Quality Unit (Operational plans, action plans, end-
of-term reports, BIDR report templates, etc.) to the relevant unit coordinator for
contribution to quality maintenance and improvement activities
● Collaborates with the Purchasing Office to procure office supplies based on identified

DDP Level Coordinators

Appointment: Appointed by the Director for a period of three years. The Director reserves
the right to change this employee if deemed necessary.


● Experience in CDO preferred

● Efficient organizational skills
● Leadership qualities
● Experience in working with various cultural staff groups.
● Experience in managing and coordinating staff duties, meetings, and activities involved in
running a program effectively
● Strong interpersonal skills
● Strong communication skills
● Long term planning skills
● Computer literate

● Is responsible to the the Director, the Vice Directors and the DDP Coordinator
● Attends the following meetings:
● Meetings with instructors that are held throughout the term to keep track of how the
programme is running: i.e., whether everybody is on schedule, whether the material
is considered adequate, whether the testing is in line with the curriculum, etc.
Receives written feedback from the instructors to this effect
● Regular meetings held by the DDP Coordinator to communicate information and to
contribute to long-term decision making
● Writes a report to the respective head or coordinator concerning the outcomes of level
● Proofreads exams at their level
● Aids the DDP Coordinator in the preparation of the summer school program and the
following year’s academic program
● Formatively reviews curriculum of the DDP, ensures availability of all necessary teaching
material ( CDs, books, etc.)
● Helps with the update and maintenance of the DDP Prep Program website
● Prepares materials for his/her own level
● Guides instructors in using materials effectively
● Oversees editing of prepared material and makes sure that the materials have been
shared with the instructors online or as hard copies

DDP Test Office Member

Appointment: Appointed by the Director for a period of three years. The Director reserves
the right to change this employee if deemed necessary.


● Solid experience in testing evaluation

● Proven organizational skills
● Experience in developing testing procedures
● Long term approach to problem solving
● Effective interpersonal skills
● Computer literacy
● Leadership qualities
● Strong communication skills
● Ability to work effectively with various staff groups


● Is responsible to the Director, the Vice Directors and the DDP Coordinator
● Attends meetings held by the Administration
● Writes out specifications for each section of the test
● Prepares quizzes, midterm, midyear and speaking exams for each level during the fall
and spring terms. This duty includes:

● meeting with the DDP Coordinator to set deadlines for finishing the exam
● meeting with the corresponding DDP Level Coordinator to determine the content of
each in-year exam for each skill area
● revising each exam with proofreaders and the corresponding DDP Level Coordinator
● working with the administrative officer in printing and collating the exams
● writing and revising the answer key for these exams

● Works with the team of proof-readers who read the exams and prepares the final
version of each exam
● Prepares notes regarding any last-minute mistakes discovered
● Prepares proctor list and proctor notes for each exam
● Sorts papers and envelopes at the end of a test day so that graders can pick up their
● After the tests have been graded, collects the exams and stores them



Courses: ING 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 112A, 201A, 205, & 206

Appointment: Appointed by the Director for a term of three years. The Director reserves the
right to change this individual if deemed necessary.

● Proven organizational skills
● Master’s Degree, preferably in the field of Education
● Preferably 3 years or more of service in the ITU Advanced English Program
● Essential MS Office skills
● Leadership qualities
● Ability to work with various staff groups
● Effective communication skills
● Experience in curriculum development
● Experience in managing and coordinating staff duties, meetings, and activities
involved in running a program effectively

Responsibilities: Reporting directly to the Director of the School of Foreign Languages, the
Advanced English Coordinator:

● Attends meetings held by the Administration as needed

● Provides academic counseling
● Holds meetings with ING 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 112A, 201A, 205 and 206
instructors at the beginning and end of each term, and when necessary, during the
● Communicates with the Advanced English instructors regularly
● Supervises and reviews the curriculum of the Advanced English courses through
evaluation in cooperation with a small task force for each course
● Supervises and reviews curriculum; proposes changes and/or adjustments to ensure
consistency through the relative teaching staff
● Administers the preparation and implementation of the in-term assessments and final
exams in coordination with the Test Office
● Supervises the organization and implementation of instructor and student surveys for
each term, and provides feedback to all staff.
● Prepares teaching schedules for the Advanced English courses in cooperation with ITU
Student Affairs Office and receives approval from the SFL Administration before
handing in the schedules to Automation
● Plans and implements all processes of the Advanced English Program Summer School
● Collects the necessary documents from instructors for ABET (grade sheets &
distributions, attendance lists, questionnaires and reports, good, average, weak
student samples)
● Prepares the ABET folder and the soft copies for each academic year
● Prepares the PÜKO documents required by the Administration for the BIDR
● Supervises the updating and maintenance of the Advanced English website
● Communicates regularly with the Curriculum Office, Test Office, and Statistical
Analysis Office
● Prepares an academic calendar for office work, deadlines, and meetings with
● Replies to relevant emails and help tickets forwarded through various channels
● Updates the information documents about the Advanced English Program
● Prepares term reports to the Director
● Determines office equipment needs and ensures their supply in cooperation with the
Purchasing Office


Appointment: Appointed by the Director for a term of 3 years. The Director reserves the
right to change this individual if deemed necessary.


● Proven organizational skills

● Master’s Degree, preferably in the field of Education
● 3 years or more of service in the ITU Elective Languages Program
● Computer literate
● Leadership qualities
● Ability to work with various staff groups
● Effective communication skills
● Experience in curriculum development
● Experience in managing and coordinating staff duties, meetings, and activities involved in
running a program effectively


● Is responsible to the Vice Directors, and ultimately to the Director

● Attends meetings held by the Administration
● Is responsible for academic counseling
● Holds meetings with elective language coordinators on a bi-weekly basis
● Communicates with elective program instructors on a weekly basis
● Completes monthly status reports on any related staff or academic issues
● Formatively reviews curriculum of elective languages through evaluation in cooperation
with a small task force for each course
● Formatively reviews curriculum and proposes changes and/or adjustments to ensure
consistency through the relative teaching staff
● Prepares teaching schedules for elective courses. This is done in collaboration with the
elective languages coordinators. Receives approval from the SFL Administration before
handing in the schedules to Automation
● Is responsible for the updating and maintenance of the Elective Languages Web site
● Prepares termly reports to the Director
● Prepares an academic calendar for office work, deadlines and meetings of the instructors
● Determines office equipment needs and provides their supply in cooperation with the
Purchasing office


Appointment: The CEC Coordinator is appointed upon the proposal of the SFL Director, and
the appointment is then approved by the CEC Director.


● Minimum 2 years’ experience at the ITU SFL

● Proven organizational skills
● Long-term planning skills
● Computer literate (Excel, Veti, Zoom, Google Forms, Google Docs, Google Spreadsheets, and
other online tools)
● Strong communication skills

● Is responsible to the SFL Director and CEC Director
● Attends meetings with the administration
● Designs the curriculum
● Prepares the CEC teaching schedules
● Assigns instructors to teach the courses of the program
● Coordinates the preparation of the course materials and the sharing of materials with
● Deals with student problems
● Prepares reports and stats
● Organizes midterm, final and make-up exams
● Always stays in contact with ITU SEM and the Mindset Institute
● Arranges the dates of the courses and ensures that the dates and details of the courses
are announced on the ITU SFL and ITU SEM websites
● Prepares payment plans for instructors delivering lessons
● Prepares course evaluation forms and organizes the conduct of course evaluation
● Analyzes the results of the course evaluation surveys and ensures that results are shared
with the instructors
● Updates the instructor follow-up file on a regular basis
● Keeps track of students withdrawing from or enrolling on courses
● Prepares lists of students entitled to receive a certificate and coordinates the sharing of
certificates with students
● Provides documents requested by the Quality Unit (Operational plans, action plans, end-
of-term reports, BIDR report templates, etc.) to the relevant unit coordinator to
contribute to quality maintenance and improvement activities
● Collaborates with the Purchasing Office to procure office supplies based on identified

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