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Assignment no: 2

Total mark: 100 Contribution to final mark:

Assignment due date: Friday, 22 July 2022, 11:00 PM

Module lecturer: PK Sinha

Graduate attribute assessed:

This Assignment consists of 5 pages.

Methods of Evaluation: Assessment Plan

Assignments 1, 2 and 3 together weights 20 %


Honor Pledge: I have neither given nor received aid on the assignment.
Plagiarism is the act of taking words, ideas and thoughts of others and presenting it as your own. It is a
form of theft which involves a number of dishonest academic activities.

• Answer all questions

• Write clearly using black ink
• Space your work out adequately
• Read the questions carefully
• Pay careful attention to the allocated marks
• Make assumption for any missing information. All assumptions made must
be reasonable and guided by examples and tasks preceding this
Note: Assignments are mostly project based; however, you can demonstrate your results based
on data analysis and relevant calculations.


Assignment 2

100 Marks

EACH 1 and 2 QUESTIONS has 30 Marks

Question 1

a) State and elaborate

I. Yield of A dam
II. Firm yield
III. Secondary yield and
IV. Safe yield
b) How will you prioritise water allocation of a dam, when the demand is for
I. Irrigation
II. Domestic
III. Eskom and Industries
IV. International obligation
V. Environmental flow
VI. Explain Reserve

Question 2

A dam was designed for a flow rate of 2500 cu-mecs.

The dam must be modelled in an hydraulics laboratory to sort out the calibration of such dam
(like to find out minor design details)

Since it is a retaining structure, it should be modelled as a distorted. Consider H-scale 1:50, V-

scale 1:30. What will be the required flows rate in l/s, be at the lab.

Question 3 (40 marks)

What are the two components of the EIA and what is the role in planning a dam projects?
Discuss NEMA.What is EMP and EA?

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