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Lungu Claudia-Ioana

Psihopedagogie Speciala, Gr.1


1. I think the foods in the photo are unhealthy because they contain a lot of calories. All this foods
contain oil which is not healthy. I think that the most unhealthy food in the picture is shaorma
because contain a lot of calories. I think we could eat this food two or three times a month. These
food eaten too often can cause health problems and can cause obesity.
2. I really like pizza and shrimp. I like pizza because it contain several dishes and taste good and I
like shrimp because I like fishes and it is in the same category. I like with mozzarella, chicken
ham and corn. Sometimes I also eat fried potatoes but I prefer them cooked in the oven. I also
like to eat eggs in the morning, but boiled not fried like in the picture. The other dishes do not
attract my attention but I can say that I don’t like nachos because the sauce is disgusting. So, I
don’t really eat fried foods and more food in the oven.

Name of the assessor – Bogdan Stefania-Elena

The assessor`s grade- 7/10
Feedback- You need to be more careful when using “this” and “these”. Same goes with the using
of Present Simple. Other than that, you did pretty decent.

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