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Table of Contents


1. Essay Organization …………………………………………………………………… 4
1. 1 Introductory Paragraph ……………………………………………………….. 4
1.2.Body Paragraphs ………………………………………………………………. 11
1.3 Concluding Paragraphs ………………………………………………………...
1.4 Paraphrasing ……………………………………………………………………
TYPES OF ESSAYS …………………………….…………………………………...………… 22
1. Opinion Essay ……………………………………………………………………….… 22
2. Comparison and Contrast Essays …………………………………………………….. 35
WRITING CORRECTION CODES………………………………………………………...…… 50
REFERENCES ………………………..…………………………………………………….… 51

An essay introduction consists of three parts: a hook to attract your reader's attention, general
statements to provide background information and a thesis statement to state the main idea of the essay.
A thesis statement for an essay is like a topic sentence for a paragraph: It names the specific topic and
gives the reader a general idea of the contents of the essay. The body consists of two or more paragraphs.
Each paragraph develops a subdivision of the topic, so the number of paragraphs in the body will vary with
the number of subdivisions or subtopics. The conclusion, like the concluding sentence in a paragraph, is a
summary or review of the main points discussed in the body. An essay has unity and coherence, just as a
paragraph does. Transition signals and the repetition of key nouns link the paragraphs into a cohesive


The introductory paragraph, or introduction, is the first paragraph of an essay. It has three functions: * It
attracts the reader’s interest
* It provides background information

* It states the main idea of the essay in a thesis statement. There are several strategies/ techniques for
writing a good introduction:

1.a) Attention Grabbers / Hook Statements

An attention-getter is the first part of the introduction paragraph. As the name implies, it must grab the
attention of readers to make them read on. Most Attention Grabbers are at least 1-3 sentences,
depending on the technique you use and the topic. They should surprise the readers in an instant or they'll
get away.

A. Ask a question.

Asking one or more questions at the beginning of an essay is a good way to get readers interested in the
topic. They will want to read on in order to find the answers to the questions.

For example: Are dogs more than a best friend? B.

Use an anecdote.

Another way to write an introduction is to relate an interesting story that will interest the reader in the
subject. Newspaper and magazine writers often use this technique to begin their articles.

For example: The dog Hachiko goes to Shibuya train station in Tokyo every day to meet his owner when
he comes home from work. When Dr. Ueno dies, Hachiko continues to wait for him every day at the
station. For nine years Hachiko goes to the station in all weathers to meet his master’s train.
C. Use a quotation.

A quotation is an easy way to introduce your topic. You can quote an authority on your subject or use an
interesting quotation from an article. You can also be more informal and use a proverb or favorite saying
of a friend or relative.

For example: “Dogs are better than human beings because they know but do not tell.”

Emily Dickinson

D. Present facts and statistics.

Presenting some interesting facts or statistics is another method to use in an introduction.

For example: According to the University of Arizona, 0.9% of persons with disabilities are partnered with
service dogs.

Note: Make sure that you have the real statistical information, that is, you don’t invent them.

E. Define a term or phrase.

Sometimes defining a term or a phrase that will be used throughout the essay is a good strategy. However,
it should not be a dictionary definition since anyone can consult a dictionary.

For example: A dog does not only mean a four-legged animal but it also means loyalty, friendship and

F. Start with a startling statement.

A statement that will arrest the readers' attention to surprise, horrify, anger, or amuse them into reading

For example: Some dogs have such good noses that they can sniff out medical problems. (To surprise)

G. Turn about.

This strategy involves starting with the idea, belief or opinion that is the opposite of your own thesis.
You first present the opposite party’s opinion, then turn about with a “but” or “however,” and present
your own point of view.

For example: For most people, dogs are dangerous animals. However, some dogs were originally bred as
amazing lifeguards to rescue people from drowning.

Practice: Now write your own hook statements about the topics below by using the methods above.

1. What makes a city or country touristically attractive?



2. What are the disadvantages of advanced technology




3. What are the ways of avoiding brain drain / human migration?



4. What are the factors that cause obesity?



5. What are the most important qualities that make a person successful?



1.b) General Statements (Lead in / Bridge Sentences)

This is the place where you need to link the hook and thesis statement. In other words, by providing
background information or general statements related to the topic, you can create a bridge between
your hook and thesis statement. Here is the place where you started to shape your perspective and
introduce it to your audience. These sentences nicely lead into the thesis statement.

Let’s analyze the sample below:

Topic: “What might be the consequences of drunk driving?”

Even if it is seen as an unintentional killing, drunk drivers are just accidental murderers. But what some
scientists fear is that there is a growing tendency toward drunk driving as people ignore the possibility
of accidents to happen. There might be severe consequences of drunk driving like loss of lives and
property, and psychological problems / traumas.

● The first sentence is the hook statement.

● The second one is the general statement, and it leads to the thesis statement.

● The last one is the thesis statement (will be studied later on)

Here is a strategy you can use while writing your general statements.

Move from General to Specific

This strategy leads the reader gradually from a very general idea of your topic to a very specific idea. The
first general statement just introduces the topic. Each sentence that follows becomes more and more
focused on a specific topic. It has three purposes:

· It states the specific topic of the essay.

· It may list the subtopics of the main topic.

· It may also mention the method of the organization.

For example;

The dog is one of the most popular pets. One very important reason why people love dogs as pets is
that they are great fun. They can make you laugh, and they are there at the end of a hard day! Also,
they can improve our physical and mental health. Besides these, there are assistance dogs that can
actually help: they are special dogs with training to help people with disabilities or special needs.
There are several types of assistance dogs, but the most common are guide dogs, hearing dogs, and
service dogs.

1.c) Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is the last sentence of your introductory paragraph. It contains the focus of your
essay and tells your reader what the essay is going to be about. Writing a clear thesis statement is essential
for a good essay. Like a topic sentence, a thesis statement has two main parts: a topic (T.) and a controlling
idea (C.I). The topic is the subject of the essay or what the essay is about. The controlling idea is what you
are going to say about the topic.

· Cats are better than dogs for many reasons.

T. C.I

· Cats are not ideal pets for many reasons.

T. C.I

Some thesis statements may also have a third part called a predictor(P.). The predictor of a thesis
statement can tell the reader how many body paragraphs there will be in the essay and/or what their
content will be.

For example:

· Blindness can improve other senses, especially touch and hearing.

In this thesis statement, the topic is blindness. The controlling idea is that it can improve other
senses. The third part of this thesis statement lists two senses that the writer is going to discuss: touch
and hearing. This is called the predictor because it predicts the number and content of the body
paragraphs. In this case, there will be two body paragraphs, one about the sense of touch and the other
about the sense of hearing.

Paired conjunctions (both … and, not only ... but also) are an especially effective way to list two

● Young people in my culture have less freedom than young people in the United States not only in
their choice of lifestyle but also in their choice of careers.

● Puppies, like children, need both love and discipline to become responsible members of society.

A colon (:) is often useful before lists of two, three, or more predictors in a thesis statement:

● Young people in my culture have less freedom than young people in the United States in three
areas: where they live, whom they marry, and what their job is.

● The Father of Psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, believed that the human mind had three separate
parts: the id, the ego, and the superego.
Practice 1: Look at the example thesis statement. The topic of the statement is underlined, the controlling
idea is written in italics and predictors are bold.
The movie was fun to watch because of its visual effects, scenario and actors.

Answer the questions about the following thesis statements.

1. Losing the sense of taste can cause difficulties in a person’s social, professional and family life.

a. What is the topic? _______________________________________________________________

b. What is the controlling idea? ______________________________________________________

c. If there is a predictor, what is it? ____________________________________________________

2. Toy ads on TV teach children to be competitive and greedy.

a. What is the topic? _______________________________________________________________

b. What is the controlling idea? ______________________________________________________

c. If there is a predictor, what is it?

____________________________________________________Practice 2: Complete the following

thesis statements by adding predictors to them.

1. International students have a difficult time taking notes in class due to ______________________


2. Poverty creates negative consequences for society such as ________________________________


3. A computer is necessary for college students for three reasons: ____________________________


4. To survive a major disaster such as an earthquake requires ________________________________


5. My two sisters are as different as day and night not only in ________________________________
butalso in _________________________________________________________________________.
Practice 3: Read the introduction paragraphs from different essays. Write a thesis statement for each of
them. Compare your statements with your partners.

1. Topic: Why should students eat breakfast everyday?

A lot of people, especially young people, go through the day without having breakfast. Many people
believe that it is not necessary, or they say that they do not have time for that and begin their day with
no meal. ______________________________________________________________________

2. Topic: Write about your travelling choices.

On hearing the word vacation, most people react positively. It can be a weekend trip, a last-minute
getaway, or a trip around the world. Prospective travelers spend days, if not weeks, researching their
travel destination. While the destination has a lot to do with the success of a trip, there are other factors
to consider. Experienced travelers will argue that more important than where they go on vacation is who
they go with. _________________________________________________________


Practice 4: Work in groups or in pairs and write introductory paragraphs for the thesis statements below.

1. _______________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________. The three biggest ways I waste time are by watching
TV, talking on the phone and daydreaming.

_______________________________. The reasons I like my favourite restaurant are its location, its
price and its service.

_______________________________. The three most important things to consider if you want to buy a
used car are the age, the repairs on the car and the price.


The body of an essay consists of two or more paragraphs. Each body paragraph has a topic sentence
and several supporting sentences. It may or may not have a concluding sentence. Each body paragraph
deals with an idea in the thesis statement.

A Model Essay

Aggressive Drivers

The number of vehicles on freeways and streets is growing at an alarming rate. This increase of motor
vehicles is creating hazardous conditions. Moreover, drivers are in such a rush to get to their destinations
that many become angry or impatient with other motorists who are too slow or who are in their way.
Aggressive drivers react foolishly toward others in several dangerous ways. (Thesis Statement)

One way an angry driver may react is to cut off1 another motorist. (Topic sentence 1)_____________
________(Supporting Sentences)__________________________________________________________

Another way is to tailgate2 the other car. (Topic sentence 2) __________________________________

________ (Supporting Sentences) _________________________________________________________

In addition to cutting off and tailgating other cars, aggressive drivers often use rude language or
gestures to show their anger. (Topic sentence 3) _____________________________________________

_____________(Supporting Sentences)_____________________________________________________


To conclude, aggressive drivers are endangering everyone because they create hazardous conditions
by acting and driving foolishly. They should control their anger and learn to drive safely. After all, the
lives they save could be their own. (Concluding Paragraph) 1
cut off: drive in front of

tailgate: drive closely behind or on the tail of another car

Practice 1: For each thesis statement, write topic sentences for three body paragraphs. Use a transition
signal in each topic sentence.

1. Young people who live at home have several advantages.

Topic sentence for Body 1:


Topic sentence for Body 2:


Topic sentence for Body 3:


2. My country has several interesting places to visit.

Topic sentence for Body 1:


Topic sentence for Body 2:


Topic sentence for Body 3:


3. Three modern technological devices have changed the way we communicate.

Topic sentence for Body 1:


Topic sentence for Body 2:


Topic sentence for Body 3:


4. There are several types of movies that I especially enjoy watching / books that I enjoy readingTopic

sentence for Body 1:


Topic sentence for Body 2:


Topic sentence for Body 3:

Practice 2: The introduction and the conclusion part of an essay are given below. Write body paragraphs
of the essay.

Controlling Stress

The busy schedules that most adults face every day have created a growing health problem in the
modern world. Stress affects almost everyone, from the highly pressured executive to the busy
homemaker or student. It can cause a variety of physical disorders ranging from headaches to stomach
ulcers and even alcoholism. Stress, like the common cold, is a problem that cannot be cured; however, it
can be controlled. A person can learn to control stress in three ways.



To summarize, nearly everyone feels some degree of daily stress. Symptoms can vary and not all
people can cope with it. Nevertheless, setting realistic goals, taking up a hobby and maintaining close
relationships with family and friends can reduce the effects of it.


Practice 1: Read the following statements and check the sentences you think are true about a concluding
paragraph and check your ideas with a partner.
1. _____ summarizes the main points in the essay
2. _____ uses examples to support ideas
3. _____ appears at the end of the essay
4. _____ restates the thesis statement
5. _____ presents new ideas
6. _____ gives the reader a sense of completion
7. _____ uses the introductory paragraph as a guide
8. _____ leaves readers with something to think about
9. _____ suggests a solution, make a recommendation or a prediction

A concluding paragraph is the place where you tie all your previously mentioned ideas through your
essay. As the purpose of the concluding paragraph is to shape the lasting impression of the reader, you
want to make it attractive. You are supposed to summarize the main points in a clear and concise way.
That is to say, you should paraphrase your thesis statement by giving it a new light, and link back to the
topics in your body paragraphs to reinforce your argument. Remember, you shouldn’t present a new idea
in a concluding paragraph. And finally, you need to conclude with a surprising, shocking or humorous
statement. You can give a message, make a prediction, present a solution, end up with a quote if you
find a suitable one or finish with a provocative question to make your readers think.

Practice 2: Put the parts of the concluding paragraph in order.

a. Leave your reader with a final thought (e.g: suggest a solution, make a recommendation
or prediction)
b. Use a transition signal (e.g: All in all, In brief, To conclude, To summarize, In short etc.)

c. Restate the thesis statement

Practice 3: Read the sentences and put them into an order to make them a well-organized concluding

Before stress ruins you, act now and get over it. (2) However, there are ways to limit the potential
impacts by making time for relaxation, taking care of your body and having professional support if you
can’t handle it on your own. (3) In conclusion, stress that might be the consequence of various factors in
modern society can have detrimental effects on many people’s lives.

Practice 4: Study the following introduction paragraph and concluding paragraph with your pair. See how
they are parallel with each other. Find and underline the thesis statement in the introduction paragraph
and how it is paraphrased in the conclusion paragraph.

Introduction Paragraph

With the emergence of Covid-19, everything we do has gone through big changes. That is, even single
things started to be done via the internet, including the education facilities. At first, to provide safety,
e-learning was quite beneficial. However, it is time to cover the opposite side of the coin. There are
major drawbacks of e-learning such as lack of face-to-face communication, difficulty of cheating
prevention and limitation to certain disciplines.
Concluding Paragraph

After the introduction of Covid-19, the traditional education system had to alter dramatically to meet
the urgent need to stay safe and sound. Online learning was initially helpful but its downsides
significantly outweigh. Loss of in-person interaction, challenge to avoid fraud and restrictions on

specific areas are the ones which shine out. It is high time to confront with the reality that without
improvements, online teaching is not an effective way to teach young minds. To avoid the substantial
effects beyond education, all the necessary precautions should be taken both at personal and
governmental level before it is too late.

Practice 5: Have a look at the introduction paragraph with a partner and then choose the best
concluding paragraph and discuss why it is the best option.

People in Safranbolu had woken up on a usual morning on 26.11.21 until they saw the billboards
covered with the number 3311. Citizens were asked about what that number means and most of
them kept their silence. That was the number of women who were killed in the last decade. It was
quite a provoking campaign that aimed to attract attention to violence against women and to the
insufficiency of the law to protect the women. In my opinion, women can be protected by passing
deterrent laws, strengthening women’s ability to earn money and highlighting the value of girls’

Possible concluding paragraphs: Choose 1 or 2

1. All in all, it is still a dream to prevent all forms of gender-based violence overnight, but it shouldn’t
be forgotten that small steps make huge differences. Enacting deterrent legislation, enhancing
women’s capacity to support themselves financially and empowering young advocates with
information are some of the ways that will start up that fight. As Barack Obama who used to be
the President of the USA once stated: ‘All women deserve the right to live free from fear.’

2. In a nutshell, ending violence against women is everyone’s business. Making a safe and impactful
difference is a tough process but not impossible. For example, providing services like shelters, hotlines
or counselling for survivors, teaching young generation about women’s right and funding women
organizations might end that torture against women. Isn’t it time to take a stand now?

You can explain your reasons here:


Copy a great essay or passage word for word and hope your teacher doesn’t notice, or write an essay that
is the stream of direct quotation after direct quotation.

Neither of these will win you any points… but paraphrasing will.

If you want to write a good essay, knowing how to paraphrase effectively is pretty much essential not to
repeat the same vocabulary and grammar structures through your essay. However, if you want to include
other people’s ideas into your work, you have to give them credits (add their names) so that you do not
plagiarize. Yet, if you want to paraphrase your own words (like rewriting your thesis statement in the
concluding paragraph), you can change the sentences using different techniques discussed below:

1) You can utilize synonyms, collocations, antonyms or part of speech of the target vocabulary as it
might be challenging to find words that mean exactly the same. You are expected to find
alternatives to the terms in your thesis statement. See the example below:

e.g. I think people can become much happier by setting realistic goals, being open to change and
doing voluntary work.

To me, what leads to happiness is establishing realistic objectives, being able to adapt to new
circumstances and doing community service.

Attention: Sometimes, it cannot be possible to alter all the words (terms, key concepts etc.) in
a sentence. If it is the case for you, you can leave them as they are.

Note: To find alternatives, arm yourselves with a thesaurus (there are online versions that you can
use). But, be careful! Each option provided to you cannot meet the one you are looking for. That’s
why you need to check another dictionary to make sure they are consistent with the ones you are

2) Another technique that might help is to change grammar structures. You can make simple
sentences complex or turn active sentences into passives…

Practice 6: Let’s analyze the sentences below altogether to see how the techniques are used. Number the
items in the sentences which alternate each other.

Thesis statement: Sleep deprivation can result in countless severe consequences like being prone to
accidents, lacking concentration and increasing the possibility of deadly diseases.

Paraphrased version 1: People who sleep less might be the victims of many negative repercussions
including increased risk of car crashes, focusing issues and increased likelihood of fatal illnesses.

What did we do here?

Without changing the flow of ideas, we replaced the words with their synonyms.
Paraphrased version 2: Not getting enough sleep might have some hazardous impacts on your safety,
attention span and health conditions.

What did we do here?

You don’t have to paraphrase word by word all the time. What you are supposed to give is the same
meaning. Here we benefitted from general statements along with synonyms.

Paraphrased version 3: Insomnia - sleeplessness - might lead to several problems. Your daytime
drowsiness might deteriorate, which causes accidents or injuries. You might noticeably perform less.
Lastly, you might face serious health risks.

What did we do here?

In the target one, we had one complete sentence and in this paraphrased version, we divided it into
small simple sentences with the help of synonyms.

Practice 7: Work in pairs and complete gaps in the paraphrased versions. You can use a thesaurus. Then,
compare your sentences with another pair.

1) Thesis: Banning smoking in public spaces has many advantages including lower health costs,
increased productivity at the workplace and cleaner or safer environment.

Paraphrase: Putting a prohibition on tobacco products may bring many positive sides to the
society like __________________________________________________________________

2) Thesis: Reading has many benefits like stress reduction, vocabulary expansion and low-budget

Paraphrase: Stress relief, language improvement and low cost

amusement are
_ ______________________________________________________________________.

3) Thesis: Sugar consumption among elementary school kids should be reduced in several ways:
serving more fruit and vegetables, eliminating sugary drinks and cooking more at home.

Paraphrase: Reduction of sugar intake in primary school kids’ diet is possible by

4) Thesis: People can decrease the risk of getting cancer by eating better, exercising regularly and
staying away from the sun.

Paraphrase: Following a balanced diet, being active on a regular basis and avoiding exposure to
the UVs __________________________________________________________________

Practice 8: Paraphrase the text below with the keywords that are given in the box. You don’t have to use
all of them. They are placed in the box to guide you. You can add your own options, too.

Many people, when driving their cars, go over the speed limits in the city centers. As a way of
solving this, the government should put more speed cameras on major streets to put people off
speeding. If this is achieved, more high-speeders will be detected and this problem will be
eventually solved.

an answer the law breakers install stop put away authorities

restrictions exceed deter from directly riding ought to key

by doing this arrested vehicles resolved citizens speed

prevent violation urban drivers officials


Suggested Answer 1:

Drivers who have a tendency to exceed the speed limits in urban areas might be dealt with in some ways.
One of the solutions is that authorities ought to install more cameras on main streets to deter people
from driving over the limits. By doing this, the law breakers can easily be found and arrested, and the
problem is finally resolved / prevented.

Suggested Answer 2

Violation of the speed restrictions in metropolitan areas may come up with various consequences. One
idea is for officials to put additional cameras on major locations to deter individuals / citizens from going

over speed limits. By doing so, it will become easier to identify and apprehend law breakers and the
situation can be remedied / avoided.

Practice 9: Paraphrase the thesis statements below with a partner and compare your answer with
another pair.

1) Your overall health deteriorates when you eat more than your body needs, when you have less
mobility and when you stop learning.

2) Digitalization has altered our lives in terms of health, household chores and education.


3) Playing violent video games might lead to various detrimental impacts both physically and

4) What makes a city a livable place is services provided, infrastructure facilities and entertainment

5) Genetically modified foods enable us larger production, improved nutritional value and more

6) Even though there are some examples of successful people without a college degree, everybody
should go through college education as it gives you knowledge, improves your soft skills, and
connects you with other bright people who can help you get to the top in the future.



Here are some ways to leave the reader with a final thought.

a) Make a Prediction:

We can never know what is waiting for us in the future, but what is certain is that mother nature will
definitely punish us if we continue to value industrial expansion more than environmental issues.

b) Make a recommendation or propose a solution:

Do not underestimate the power of leadership to solve the climate crisis we have been experiencing now,
so new policies should be adopted to deal with the current problems. Don’t forget there is no planet B,
and we owe a better future to young generations.
c) Ask a rhetorical question:

Is not it high time to find immediate remedies to climate change before it becomes unstoppable? d)


“If you really think that the environment is less important than the economy, try holding your breath
while you count your money.” — Guy McPherson (an American scientist at the university of Arizona)

“Climate change does not respect borders; it does not respect who you are – rich and poor, small and big.
Therefore, this is what we call ‘global challenges,’ which require global solidarity.” – Ban Ki-moon (a

South Korean politician and diplomat)

Practice 10: Read the entrance of concluding paragraphs below and write a final thought for each.

Based on the evidence presented, there are not enough regulatory norms to make the modern
advertisement less deceiving. The line between exaggeration and lies is not clear and the products
advertised often do not meet customer needs creating dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

All in all, it is obvious that missions to the moon are one of the most controversial issues around the globe
while a great deal of people are suffering from famine. Further missions to the moon should be stopped
mainly because of the high cost and focus on more strategically important expenditures.


1. What is an opinion essay?

In an opinion essay, you express what you think about a topic (you must state if you agree or disagree
with a statement. You must take a stance!) and support that opinion with reasons and details.

2. Structure

1- Your essay should start with the introductory paragraph which contains your opinion within the
thesis statement.

2- Your opinion should be crystal clear to the reader!
3- This paragraph gives way to body paragraphs.

4- Body paragraphs, or development paragraphs, describe and develop the opinion in the
introductory paragraph.
5- Each body paragraph should start with a topic sentence which clearly states the main idea of the
6- Each topic sentence should be followed by appropriate supporting sentences.
These explain and provide supporting evidence.
7- This evidence can take a variety of forms:
- Facts
- Statistics
- Quotations
- Examples
- Personal experience
8- The final paragraph, which is the concluding paragraph, serves to close the circle by restating the
central points on which the writer’s opinion is based.
Extra Resource:

3. Organisation (Outline)

I. Introduction

- introduces the topic and states your opinion clearly

(background information + thesis statement which clearly and firmly states

your opinion)

II. Body

- has at least two paragraphs, each presenting a separate viewpointsupported by

reasons, examples, or facts.

Body paragraph 1

Reason 1 (Topic Sentence)

1. ___Supporting details (facts&examples&stats…)
2. ___Supporting details________ 3. ___Supporting

Body paragraph 2

Reason 2 (Topic Sentence)

1. ________________________ 2.
________________________ 3.

III. Conclusion

- summarises / restates your opinion using different words

4. Signpost words & expressions

The structure of your essay should be easy to follow so that the reader can easily understand the
connections between your ideas. To this end, signpost words and expressions will help you improve
your writing.

Practice 1 : Classify the linking words/phrases from the box as in the example.

First of all, also, for example, To sum up, Moreover, Lastly, in order to, to

such as, therefore, Thus, as, Consequently, for instance, to conclude,

In addition, In brief, due to, Furthermore, since, Last but not least, All in all

1. to add ideas: In addition,


2. to introduce examples/reasons: for example,


3. to conclude: To sum up,

4. to express purpose: in order to,
5. to list ideas: First of all,

6. to express result: Therefore,


7. to give reason: due to,


To practice the linking words and expressions in more detail, visit

For the Signpost Words and Expressions table, see pg. 13.

5. Essay writing practice

Practice 2 : Make sentences expressing an opinion, as in the example.

1. in order to / protect / environment / people / follow the three “R’s”Reduce-Reuse-Recycle

It seems to me that, in order to protect the environment, people should follow the three “R’s”: Reduce-

2. a human mission to Mars / not be / completely I unjustified

3. in order to reduce / poverty / access to basic social services / be provided
4. organic food/ be / much / healthy / than / conventionally/produced food
___________________________________________________________________ 5. girls / be
educated/ promote I gender equality.

Practice 3: Read the prompt and three sentences that could be used in a response to each question. One
of the sentences is a thesis statement. Another one is the topic sentence of the body paragraph. The
other sentence is a support or example used in the body paragraph.
Number the statement as follows:

Thesis statement (1)
Topic sentence (2)
Support or example (3)

Prompt 1
Some people prefer to have a few close friends, while others like to have many friends. Which do you
prefer and why?
( ) If I call a friend to see if s/he wants to go to a movie and s/he is busy, I can always call another friend
to go with me.
( ) Since I have a lot of friends, I always have someone to do something with.
( ) To me, having a lot of friends is better than having just a few friends.
Prompt 2
Do you think it is more important for land to be used for human progress than conserved for plants and
( ) Plants help produce oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide, which benefits humans.
( ) As I see it, it is important for humans to share the Earth with plants and animals.
( ) If humans take all of the land for themselves, the quality of the air we breathe will decline.

Practice 4: Read the following prompts. Complete the thesis statement. Then write two ideas you would
use to support your opinion.

Prompt 1
More and more people use food delivery services in addition to eating at restaurants. Do you think food
prepared at a restaurant tastes better than food prepared at home?
Thesis statement:
I believe food prepared at home _______________________________________________
Reason 1 _____________________________________________________________
Reason 2 _____________________________________________________________ Choose
one of the ideas you listed above. Rewrite the idea as a full sentence that could be used as the topic
sentence of a body paragraph.
Topic sentence: ______________________________________________________________
Prompt 2
Do you think you can trust your own judgement, or do you ask for advice from friends and family before
making a big decision?
Thesis statement:
When faced with making a big decision ___________________________________________
Reason 1 _____________________________________________________________
Reason 2 _____________________________________________________________ Choose
one of the ideas you listed above. Rewrite the idea as a full sentence that could be used as the topic
sentence of a body paragraph.
Topic sentence: ______________________________________________________________
Practice 5: Three students wrote answers to the task below. Read the introductory paragraphs, and
match each with a description (a-c).
Task: The media should limit how much bad news they report because it discourages people from doing
activities which usually involve very little risk. Do you agree or disagree?
Student 1: Radio, television, and the Internet repeat stories about isolated incidents, such as a
murder or a robbery, 24 hours a day. As a result, many people worry about normal things such as
allowing their children to play in the park. I feel this is a pity and that the media should reduce the
amount of bad news they tell.

Student 2: In the past, people used to hear the news by talking to travellers who arrived at their
town or village. Today, we hear news from all over the world every day through the mass media
and it is often combined with shocking or frightening images which affect the way we think and

Student 3: The majority of news reports tend to be sensational, shocking and unpleasant.
However, I believe we have a right to know what is happening in the world and I do not
believe that the media should restrict what they tell us.

a. A general description of how the world has changed and how the situation affects us now to show
why the topic is important. ……….
b. A short opening sentence introducing the topic of the essay, followed by the writer’s opinion given
clearly and directly. ……….

c. An explanation of the topic, giving examples, followed by the writer’s opinion. ……….

Practice 6: Tick the things which all three paragraphs above have in common.
a. They are quite short-just two or three sentences long each, which is not enough. (Remember the
strategies you can use in introductory paragraphs!)
b. The writer’s opinion is clearly stated.
c. The paragraphs are a clear introduction to the topic.
d. The writers have used their own words, not just repeated words from the question.
Practice 7: Read the essay below and match the paragraphs with the headings below.

A. Second reason, supporting details

B. First reason, supporting details

C. Restatement of the writer's opinion

D. Third reason, supporting details
E. Background information and thesis statement

Many students go to universities in a country other than their own. Would you choose to go to school
in your own country or abroad?


Choosing a university to attend is one of the most important decisions students will make in their lifetime.
Indeed, where they attend university will have a long-lasting impact on their academic and professional
life. For some students, attending a university in their own country is the easiest solution. On the other
hand, many others opt to study abroad. In my opinion, it is better to go to university in another country
for several reasons. …………

Firstly, I would want to go to university in another country because the resources in a particular field may
be better there. When a student intends to specialise in an area of study, they will want to find the place
where they can learn the most, and sometimes that place is in a different country. For example, if I knew
that I wanted to study archaeology, it would be a good idea for me to study in Turkey, Greece, or Italy.

Another reason why I think it is a good idea to attend university in another country since it enables
students to heighten their self-awareness. For one thing, as students learn about a different culture, they
use and adapt some aspects of this new culture to their own lifestyle. Vice versa, studying abroad can
make them scrutinise what to appreciate about their own culture and lifestyle. As a result, they will
become more well-rounded people. …………

Finally, studying abroad can provide students with a huge benefit, which is the chance to learn a new
language. Acquiring a foreign language can be a real challenge; yet there is nothing quite like living
somewhere where that language is spoken natively. Students who study abroad will have that native
immersion, which is the most efficient way to master a new language. In addition, since they will be
exposed to the language within the context of culture, they will acquire a deeper understanding of that
language. Also, by making new friends and meeting new people throughout their study overseas, they will
have emotional and social motivation to improve their language study and practice. ………… To
conclude, choosing a university is a very difficult personal decision regardless of whether one stays close
to home or goes abroad. There are unique challenges that come with going abroad to study but stepping
outside of your comfort zone can promise valuable experience. Hence, I would rather go to university
abroad, so I can get the best education possible, increase my self-awareness and learn a new language.

* Song title by the English Rock band, the Clash

Practice 8 : Answer the following True /False statements about the essay
___ All reasons are given in one paragraph.
___ A topic sentence summarises each paragraph.
___ Reasons are stated with sequence words.
___ Each reason is supported by supporting details.
___ The writer's opinion is presented in the first paragraph only. Practice
9 : Read the essay again and answer the questions.

1. What’s the writer's opinion?


2. What are the reasons the writer gives to support their opinion?Reason 1:
Reason 2: ___________________________________________________
Reason 3: ___________________________________________________

3. What are the supporting details the writer gives for each reason?
Reason 1:
Reason 2:


Reason 3:

4. Do you agree or disagree with the writer’s opinion? ________________ Practice 10 : Read the
essay below on the Task: “Should parents have their children vaccinated?” and do the following

Why You Should Vaccinate Your Kids

sample essay for student use by Trudy Morgan-Cole

Since Edward Jenner introduced the first successful smallpox vaccine by injecting an eight-year-old boy with
cowpox pus in 1796, vaccines have been an important part of public health care around the world.
Yet today, many parents choose not to vaccinate their children. Because vaccines are widely supported by
research, have few side effects, and have proven successful in halting the spread of disease, I believe it is
important that all parents continue to vaccinate their children.

To begin with, the value of vaccination is supported by research from around the world, and researchers are
constantly working to improve the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. All major health organisations,
including the Centres for Disease Control and the World Health Organisation, recommend vaccination.
Also, epidemiologists, the scientists whose job is to study the outbreak of disease, all strongly recommend
vaccination, as well.

Secondly, while side effects do occur, they are usually minor, like redness or swelling around the site of an
injection. Although many parents worry about the safety of vaccines, in Canada, for example, only about one in
a million doses of vaccine leads to serious side effects. The most famous study linking vaccines to autism, one
which got many parents worried about vaccination, has been proven false and the doctor who conducted the
study has had his medical licence taken away.

Lastly, around the world, increased vaccination leads to better public health. Diseases like smallpox and
polio which once killed and disabled millions of people are virtually unknown today thanks to immunisation
programs. Yet, in some countries where immunisation is discouraged, rates of polio are on the rise again.

In conclusion, if and when you have children, please get them vaccinated. The risks are minimal and you
will not only be following the best advice of medical science and protecting your own child from disease;
you’ll be helping in the fight to eradicate infectious diseases in your community and around the world.

What points does the background information include?


Underline the thesis statement.

Body Paragraph 1

Underline topic sentence of the paragraph.

What are the supporting ideas and/or examples?



Body Paragraph 2

Underline topic sentence of the paragraph.

What are the supporting ideas and/or examples?



Body Paragraph 3

Underline topic sentence of the paragraph.

What are the supporting ideas and/or examples?



Underline the sentence that restates the thesis statement
Practice 11: Now read the same essay and check your answers.
Topic sentence

Develops third reason, giving an example

Paragraph One: Why You Should Vaccinate Your Kids

Introduction sample essay for student use by Trudy Morgan-Cole

Three reasons for Since Edward Jenner introduced the first successful smallpox vaccine by
my opinion Thesis injecting an eight-year-old boy with cowpox pus in 1796, vaccines have been
statement an important part of public health care around the world. Yet today, many
parents choose not to vaccinate their children. Because vaccines are widely
supported by research, have few side effects, and have proven successful in
Paragraph Two: halting the spread of disease, I believe it is important that all parents
Topic Sentence continue to vaccinate their children.

Develops the first

reason by giving To begin with, the value of vaccination is supported by research from around
examples the world, and researchers are constantly working to improve the safety and
effectiveness of vaccines. All major health organisations, including the
Centres for Disease Control and the World Health
Paragraph Three:
Organisation, recommend vaccination. Also, epidemiologists, the scientists
Topic Sentence
whose job is to study the outbreak of disease, all strongly recommend
vaccination, as well.
Develops the second
reason, giving facts
and statistics to
Secondly, while side effects do occur, they are usually minor, like redness or
support the
swelling around the site of an injection. Although many parents worry about
the safety of vaccines, in Canada, for example, only about one in a million
Paragraph Four: doses of vaccine leads to serious side effects. The most famous study linking
vaccines to autism, medical licence taken away.
one which got many
parents worried
about vaccination, Lastly, around the world, increased vaccination leads to better public health.
has been proven Diseases like smallpox and polio which once killed and disabled millions of
false and the doctor people are virtually unknown today thanks to immunisation programs. On
who conducted the the other hand, in some countries where immunisation is discouraged, rates
study has had his of polio are on the rise again.

Paragraph Five:

Restatement of thesis- In conclusion, if and when you have children, please get them vaccinated.
summary of reasons The risks are minimal, and you will not only be following the best advice of
medical science and protecting your own child from disease; you’ll be helping
in the fight to eradicate infectious diseases in your community and around
the world.
Practice 12: Read the prompt and the two ideas for a possible response. What is the opinion that is
reflected in the ideas given?

Who do you admire more-famous people or people you know personally?

1. People I know are easier to admire because I can relate to them.

2. I can judge if people I know are sincere and worthy of admiration.

Complete the Introductory Paragraph and write about the second idea as a Body Paragraph for the
essay below.

Introductory Paragraph

I usually admire people I know personally for several reasons.

Body Paragraph 1

One reason I admire people I know personally more is because I find them easier to relate to. I think it
is more impressive that someone who is in a similar situation as me has qualities that I admire. Since

they have lives like my own, I feel inspired to reflect that. On the other hand, with famous people, I
cannot always relate to their situations. It seems to me that their lifestyles are so different from mine.
Because of that, I cannot always see myself being able to act like them.
Body Paragraph 2

Another reason I often admire people I actually know is because you can be sure that their admirable
qualities are real and sincere. ___________________________________________

Signpost Words and Expressions


In my opinion/in my view …
It is said that … The first/main reason is …
I think/ I believe (that) … According to … / …new My first and most important
I strongly/firmly believe that … research / reason is …
I (completely) agree/disagree …recent poll …, Another reason is …
with … Many scientists/experts say that The second reason is …
It seems to me that … … One reason for… is …
As I see it, … It is believed by Many people say/ believe that
In my view, ... experts/scientists/politicians …
From my point of view, … that … Because …
As far I am concerned, ... It is a widely held view that … Since …
I am sure/ convinced that … It is a common belief that As …
To me, … Because of/ due to ...
I prefer …


It is widely known that … What is more, … Firstly, …

It is a well-known fact that … Moreover, … First of all, …
Research has shown that … Furthermore, … Secondly, ...
There are definitely … Additionally, … Thirdly, …
It is a fact that … In addition (to) …, Lastly, …
It is clear/ true that … Also, … Finally, …
For example / for instance, ... Apart from this, … Last but not least, …
To cite an example, …
Such as …
To illustrate, …

Namely, …


So (that) In Therefore, … In short/in brief, …

order to ... Thus, … To sum up, …
To... As a result, … To conclude, ...
So as to... Consequently, … In conclusion, ...
As a consequence, … All in all, …
For this reason, …



1.What is comparison and contrast?
Comparison is discussing how two or more items, people or places are similar, and contrast is discussing
how two or more items, people or places are different.

Practice 1: Read the topics for discussion below. Choose at least 3 of the topics and think of one similarity
and one difference between the two subjects. Stand up and walk around the classroom discussing each of
them with a different classmate.
1. Your life in high school and your life at university
2. Chemical drugs and natural or herbal remedies
3. Netflix and Amazon Prime
4. Mobile phones and tablets
5. Monarchy and democracy
6. Studying in a library and studying in a room
7. Going to the gym and doing sport at home
8. Two jobs you might get in the future
9. English and Math
10. Dogs and cats
A comparison-contrast essay explains and evaluates the important similarities and/or differences
between two or more subjects. In a lecture at university, you might be asked to compare or contrast two
theories, two methods, two historical periods or two characters in a novel. If you only analyze only the
similarities in your essay, you write a comparison essay; if you only emphasize the differences, then you
write a contrast essay. However, you might include both similarities and differences in your comparison
and contrast essay as you will notice in all the sample essays in this chapter. Thus, there are three ways
to write a comparison-contrast essay:

1. Write only the similarities between the items: A Comparison Essay

2. Write only the differences between the items: A Contrast Essay
3. Write the similarities and the differences between the items: A Comparison and Contrast Essay

2. Organization (Outline)
Before you start writing an essay, it is always recommended that you should brainstorm your ideas and
put them into an organization. In order to prepare an outline for a comparison-contrast essay, one should
know the different methods of organization. There are mainly two ways to organize a comparison-

contrast essay: point-by-point method and block method. You can use any of the methods as long as you
stick to the option throughout the essay you have chosen beforehand.
In the point-by-point method, you compare/contrast two subjects according to the points (criteria or
basis) you have identified beforehand. As an example, in an essay, you might compare Washington, DC,
and London as the capital cities of two English-speaking countries. After the introduction paragraph, you
might compare the two cities in terms of their history in the first body paragraph, depending on their
cultures of art in the second body paragraph and according to the cost of living in the third body
paragraph. Read the sample essay below.

Comparing and Contrasting London and Washington, DC

Adapted from Writing for Success

Washington, DC, and London are the capital cities of the USA and the UK respectively. They are
both English-speaking countries, but they offer vastly different experiences to their residents and
visitors. Comparing and contrasting the two cities based on their history, their culture of art, and their
cost-of-living show how different and similar the two are.

Both cities are rich in world and national history, though they developed on very different
timelines. London, for example, has a history that dates back over two thousand years. It was part of
the Roman Empire and known by the similar name, Londinium. It was also the center of the British
Empire where it held significant global influence from the early sixteenth century on through the early
twentieth century. Washington, DC, on the other hand, has only formally existed since the late
eighteenth century. Though it was inhabited several thousand years earlier, the city did not become
the capital of the United States until the 1790s. From that point onward to today, however,
Washington, DC, has increasingly maintained significant global influence. Even though both cities have
different histories, they have both held, and continue to hold, significant social influence in the
economic and cultural global spheres.

Both Washington, DC, and London present different cultures of art in their museums, art
galleries and theatres. While Washington, DC, has the National Gallery of Art and several other
galleries, London’s art scene and galleries have a superiority in this category. From the Tate Modern
Museum to the British National Gallery, London’s art is among the world’s best. This difference and
advantage are related to London and Britain’s historical depth compared to that of the United States.
London has a much richer past than Washington, DC, and consequently has a lot more material to pull
from when arranging its collections. As well as museums and art galleries, both cities have great theater
districts, but again, London wins this comparison both in quantity and quality of theater choices.
‘Theatreland’ in the West End of London contains about 40 theatres, known by all the theatergoers
around the world.

Washington, DC, and London also share and differ in cost of living. Both cities share a very
expensive cost of living—both in terms of housing and shopping. A downtown one-bedroom apartment
in DC can easily cost $1,800 per month, and a similar “flat” in London may double that amount. Also,
the foods in these cities are quite expensive, so people need to spend a lot of money on these, too. A
meal for two people is on average 70 dollars in Washington, DC, whereas it is 80 pounds in London.
Taking the high prices of housing and shopping into account, as well as the residents, visitors might
find it hard to afford the life in these cities.

Even though Washington, DC, and London are major capital cities of English-speaking countries
in the Western world, they have many differences along with their similarities. They have vastly
different histories and art cultures, but they remain similar in their cost of living. So would you like to
travel to Washington, DC, or London?

On the other hand, the block method can be categorized into two sub-arrangement styles:

A. Similarities-and-Differences Arrangement
B. Subject-By-Subject Arrangement

A. In similarities-and-differences arrangement, you write the similarities between the two subjects in one
body paragraph, and then you write the differences in another body paragraph. You might place all the
similarities in the first body paragraph and then, the differences in the second; or you might arrange all
the differences in the first block and the similarities in the second.

In the sample essay below, the writer compares and contrasts private and classroom lessons. The first body
paragraph includes the similarities whereas the second body paragraph explains the differences.

Would You Take Your Lessons Alone?

Technological and social advances have led to many great changes in all aspects of life. People
have changed their way of living, entertaining, working and studying. These changes have created
different forms of learning and teaching methods as well. Some students prefer taking private lessons
whereas some others prefer learning in a classroom. Even though there are many similarities between
private lessons and classroom lessons, there are also important differences.

To begin with, there are significant similarities between learning through private lessons and
classroom studies. The first similarity is to have a schedule. For example, students, both in private
lessons and classroom, must follow a certain schedule. Subjects are taught according to a program, not
randomly. The second similarity is that students must do homework in both situations. If students do
not do homework, they cannot improve their knowledge about that lesson. In brief, having a certain
schedule and doing homework are important similarities between private lessons and classroom

Despite similarities, private lessons and classroom studies have some differences as well. The
first difference is to ask questions comfortably. In private lessons, students can ask their questions
comfortably whereas students in a classroom cannot do this because of the high number of students
in a classroom. Physical comfort is the second difference between these two forms. Private lessons can
be held in a comfortable room on comfortable seats and desks or even in a café, so the student and the
teacher can have tea or coffee. However, in a classroom, there are desks and chairs, which are usually
not very comfortable. As a result, asking questions comfortably and physical comfort are visible
differences between these two learning forms.

To sum up, there are not only similarities but also differences between private lessons and
classroom studies. Comparing them based on their schedules, homework assignments, the comfort of
question-asking and the physical comfort reveals some surprising facts about these two methods of

learning. As far as l am concerned, both forms of learning can work as long as students are determined
to achieve their goals.
B. In the subject-by-subject arrangement, you write all the points about one subject in the first body
paragraph, and you write all the points about the other subject in the second body paragraph. The
important thing here is that the students should analyze the two subjects according to the same points
or criteria. In addition, especially in the second body paragraph, they should use a lot of phrases for
comparison by referring to the first subject they have explained in the first body paragraph. The essay
below explains how lenient and disciplinarian parents are different using the subject-by-subject

Parenting 101
The film previews are finished, and the movie theater is quiet as everyone waits for the feature
film to begin. However, the stillness is suddenly broken by a noise. The audience hears a sniffle. The sniffle
soon turns to a cry, then a wail. There is an uncomfortable, or perhaps unhappy, toddler sitting in the
movie theater. People start shuffling in their seats as they wait for what will happen next. Will the child
be taken out of the theater, or will the parent pretend that everything is OK? Scenarios like these happen
regularly. The parents’ reaction depends on their parenting style. The two extremes are the lenient
(laissez-faire) parent and the strict disciplinarian parent.

Lenient parents often focus on their child having fun and enjoying being a kid. If a child does
something careless like break a glass, lenient parents will not become angry or scream. They know that
the child is probably experimenting and meant no harm. Likewise, the parents may even explain to the
child that it was an accident and the child should not be upset. Similarly, lenient parents may not be too
concerned about following a schedule. They will allow their children to stay up late and experience new
things. The motto “You’re only a kid once!” rings very true to these free spirits. These types of parents see
themselves as guides for their children, which cannot be said about the second parenting group: the

Disciplinarian parents consider themselves role models for their children. Unlike lenient parents,
their main priorities are the safety and protection of their children. In essence, children are monitored
very carefully and may not be allowed to play outside, interact with animals, or roughhouse in general. A
child who experiences a strict upbringing may be encouraged to focus on his or her studies instead of
making friends. In addition, interaction may be limited to only close family members. Children who are
raised in highly disciplined environments are typically very focused on their schoolwork.

In the end, no parents are truly 100 percent lenient or 100 percent strict when it comes to raising
their child. Most fall somewhere in the middle depending on the child, the environment, and the particular
situation. Nevertheless, parents clearly lean toward one or the other parenting style. Society knows that
both child-rearing styles have advantages and disadvantages, but the more interesting question is this:
Which style will these children choose when the time comes for them to become parents?

sniffle: a breath taken in through the nose laissez-faire:
French for not interfering; “leave it alone”
disciplinarian: a person who believes in and demands obedience to rules roughhouse:
to play in a rough way
The table below summarizes the main organization methods of a comparison-contrast essay.

Arrangement Subject-by-Subject Arrangement

Introduction Paragraph Introduction Paragraph Introduction Paragraph

1st Body Paragraph: the similarities 1st Body Paragraph: Similarities 1st Body Paragraph: All the points
or differences according to the first between Subject 1 and Subject 2 about Subject 1
basis or criteria
2nd Body Paragraph: Differences 2nd Body Paragraph: All the
2 Body Paragraph: the similarities between Subject 1 and Subject 2 points about Subject 2
or differences according to the
second basis or criteria Or

3rd Body Paragraph: the similarities 1st Body Paragraph: Differences

or differences according to the between Subject 1 and Subject 2
third basis or criteria
2nd Body Paragraph Similarities
between Subject 1 and Subject 2

Conclusion Paragraph Conclusion Paragraph Conclusion Paragraph

3.Useful Language

Below you will study the language patterns that you might use in comparison and contrast essays.

a. Patterns to show contrast

Tom is shy and quiet. However, his younger brother never stops talking.
On the contrary,
On the other hand,
In contrast,
In comparison,
Tom is shy and quiet although his younger brother never stops
talking. whereas while
Tom is completely different from his younger brother.

Tom, unlike his younger brother, is shy and quiet.
The main difference between Tom and his younger brother is that Tom is shy and quiet whereas his
brother never stops talking.
Tom’s younger brother is a lot more talkative than Tom.
In comparison to his younger brother, Tom is shy and quiet.
By comparison with his younger brother, Tom is shy and quiet.
Tom differs from his younger brother a lot, as he is shy and quiet.

b. Patterns to show similarities

Tom is shy and quiet. Likewise, his sister does not talk a lot.
Tom, like his sister, is shy and quiet.
Tom and his sister are alike. They are both shy and quiet.
Both Tom and his sister are shy and quiet.
Tom is shy and quiet. His sister talks very little, too.
Tom and his sister have a lot of things in common.
Tom and his sister are similar in many ways.
Tom’s personality is very similar to his sister’s in some aspects.
Tom’s personality is the same as his sister’s. They are both shy and quiet.
Tom’s personality is just like his sister’s. They are both shy and quiet.
Tom is not only shy, but also quiet.
Tom is neither confident, nor talkative.

4. Steps of writing a comparison-contrast essay:

● When you choose the topic of your comparison-contrast essay, do not forget that the aim of the
essay is not listing how the items are similar or different. You will need to discuss both items

● Before you start writing your essay, you can use a Venn diagram or a chart to plan your ideas
quickly and efficiently. It will help you discover and organize similarities and differences between
the items you compare. To make a Venn diagram, simply draw two overlapping circles; each circle
for the item you are comparing. In the central area where they overlap, list the features the two
items have in common. In the areas that do not overlap, you can list the features that make the
items different. Here is a very simple example, comparing Hollywood and Turkish films.
● The diagram also helps you to determine the basis on which you will compare the two items
(which are budget, use of technology, themes, and advertising campaigns in the example above.

● The next thing is to decide on the method you will use to discuss the similarities and differences
you have already determined. The two major methods are explained in the second part of this
chapter (Organization (Outline)).

4.1 Introduction

1. Grab the reader’s attention with a hook.

2. Give background information about the two subjects.

3. Write a strong thesis statement: Mention the two subjects you compare and inform the reader about
whether you will focus on similarities or differences or both.

Thesis Statement Examples

You can use the following sentence patterns to write a thesis statement in your comparison and contrast

A. There are several similarities and differences between ...................and ……………… There are
several similarities and differences between Turkish cuisine and Italian cuisine.

B. ……………and……….. are similar and / different in many ways.

City life and the life in the countryside are similar and different in many ways.

C. Even though there are many similarities between …………… and ………………, there are also
some important differences.
Even though there are many similarities between private universities and public universities, there are also
some important differences.

D. Comparing and contrasting ………….. based on their ………………….. show how different and
similar the two are.
Comparing and contrasting the two cities based on their history, their culture, and their cost-of-living show
how different and similar the two are.
4.2 Body paragraphs

1. Explain the similarities and/or differences between the two subjects using either block-method or point-
by-point method.

2. Use transitional words in the essay to connect your ideas.

You can use the following sentence patterns to write topic sentences for the body parts of your comparison
and contrast essays:

A..…………….is similar to………………in many ways.

American fast food is similar to Turkish fast food in many ways.

B. One similarity between …………… and ……………is that …………………….. Another similarity is
One similarity between Istanbul and Ankara is that they are both highly populated cities.

C. …………….and………..have / share / several / many things in common.

Engineers and architects have several things in common.

D.………………resemble each other in some /many / several / numerous ways / aspects / respects.
Europe and Africa resemble each other in a few aspects.

E. .…………….is different from………………in many ways.

Vacationing in the mountains is different from vacationing at the beach in many ways.

F.……………………… differs / varies from ……………………… in these aspects: / in terms of

A holiday with friends differs from having a holiday with family in two aspects: the type of fun and the
amount of risk.

G.……………… are two striking / major / significant differences between ……………………… and
The type of fun and the amount of risk are two major differences between having a vacation with family
and having a vacation with friends.

H. One difference between …………. and ……………. is that ……………Another difference is
One difference between Istanbul and Ankara is that Istanbul is the touristic and economic center of
Turkey whereas Ankara is the capital city.

4.3 Conclusion Paragraph

1. Restate the thesis and the points of comparison.
2. You can give your own opinion about the two subjects.
You can use the sentence patterns given in the introduction part to restate the thesis. For example; If
your thesis statement is ‘There are several similarities and differences between eating at home and
eating in a restaurant.’
Then, in the conclusion paragraph, you might write ‘Even though there are many similarities between

eating at home and eating in a restaurant, there are also some important differences.’ Practice 2: Read

the essay below and answer the following questions.

Tokyo or Kyoto?
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should definitely be
given to Japan. Millions of people all over the world study the Japanese language, watch dorama
(dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make pen pals with
Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see its wonders
with their own eyes. Among the most popular destinations are Tokyo and Kyoto. And perhaps for an
inexperienced traveler, there is a dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city
of the future, and Kyoto has more to do with ancient culture but there also exist more subtle differences
one should consider when choosing their destination point in Japan.
Tokyo is really crowded and it is also expensive regarding shopping, transportation and housing
(1 yen approximately equals 0.11 TL). As an example, having a three-course meal for two people in a
mid-range restaurant will cost you 5,230 yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen
and renting a one room apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen a week. Just do not
expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with no
central heating. If you think of buying an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room
outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to live closer to the city
center). However, Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle. If you want to feel the heartbeat
of a mega-city, dive into its life, and experience all those crazy things people in the West usually tell
about Japan. Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle way to put it;
in fact, you can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because
you will be squeezed between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position.

When it comes to Kyoto, it is slightly cheaper and more peaceful. Although dining in a restaurant
is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two persons in a mid-range restaurant—transportation costs are
surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride. If you think you can save some money buying food in a market in
Kyoto, you are partly correct but some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you buy
them. For example, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread, tomatoes,
chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive products both in Kyoto and in
Tokyo. On the other hand, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much cheaper: for a one room
apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or 300,000 yen per square meter
if you want to buy it. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing skyscrapers, over 280 subway stations, and the
craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared for temples, tea houses, museums: all
things antique and authentic. Kyoto is good to visit for all those who feel inspired by traditional Japanese
culture: haiku, hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on.
With small but important differences between the two, it is difficult to say which city is better
for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is cheaper, especially in terms of renting an
apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the old Japanese culture. Tokyo, on the contrary,
is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices and crazy transportation. The atmospheres are different,
but both cities will make you astonished, so if you have a chance, you should definitely visit them.


1.What information does the background information include?

2.Underline the thesis statement.


1. What method does the author of this essay use?

2.What points about Kyoto and Tokyo did the author compare or contrast?
3.What are the topic sentences of the paragraphs?
4.What are the supporting ideas? Examples?

5.Which transitions does the author use to connect the ideas in the essay? Circle them.

1.Underline the sentence that restates the thesis.

2.What is the final thought if there is one?

Practice 3: Write a thesis statement for a comparison/contrast essay on each of the following topics. Use a
variety of the sentence patterns modeled above.

1. Topic: Working for a large corporation and working for a small company

2. Topic: Soccer and basketball


3. Topic: Being a high school student and being a university student


4. Topic: City life and the life in the countryside


5. Topic: Two of your classmates

6. Topic: Skiing and snowboarding


7. Topic: Living alone and living with family


Practice 4: Complete the blanks 1-6 with the transition or signal words in the box below.

on the other hand although in contrast for example to sum up such as

Where to Go on Vacation: The Beach or the City

It is a fact that not all people have the opportunity to go on vacation. If they can, they like to
go out of town once in a while and leave their worries behind. When you go on vacation, you have
to decide the best place to go according to what you have in mind. Vacation at a beach and in a city,
which can be two ways of vacationing, are different in terms of the kinds of activities and the pace of
The major difference between vacationing on the beach or in a city is the kind of activities you
are able to do. On the beach, 1 ______________, you can go sailing, fishing, surfing, skiing, or take
advantage of the sun and lie in the sand to get tan, or even in some cases feed sharks and swim with
dolphins. 2________________, in a city you can visit different sites 3_________________ museums,
theaters, important buildings, downtown, among other things. This means that you have many places
to know and you will need much more time and organization in a city than on the beach.
Vacationing on the beach and vacationing in a city also differ in the pace of life. If you want a
relaxing plan, your option will be the beach. When you are on the beach, you do not have to time your
day and you just let things happen. 4_____________, while in the city, you will have to schedule all
your activities in order to have time to visit the different sites you want to.

5_______________, the kind of activities and the pace of life are the most important
differences to consider when deciding to go on vacation on the beach or in a city. 6____________ both
places are interesting and exciting, it all depends on what you are looking for. Keep in mind that
wherever you decide to go, you will enjoy it.

Practice 5: Read the essay below and write topic sentences for the body paragraphs.

Avatar vs. Tarkan

Cinema, the seventh art, has been playing an incredibly important role in all societies in the
world since it was introduced. Every country is doing its best to develop its cinema industry because it
is the most effective way to advertise its culture and language. Hollywood is known to be the most
popular cinema sector in the world while Turkish cinema sector has recently started to become known.
Even though there are some similarities between Hollywood and Turkish films, there are also some

______________________________________________________________________ First of
all, both types of films, more or less, have similar themes. For example, in Hollywood films romance
and action are the best-selling themes. Similarly, in Turkish films we see that romance and action are
the most common themes. Another similarity is that for both types of films similar advertising
campaigns are carried out. To illustrate, in Turkey advertisements can been seen on newspapers,
magazines and billboards as well as buses and metro. Likewise, Hollywood films are advertised on the
same places and the same ways. In short, themes and advertising are two of the similarities between
Turkish and Hollywood films.

____________________________________________________________________. The
primary difference is budget, of course. Turkish producers cannot afford to invest as much as their
American counterparts. For instance, Hollywood films are known to cost around $200-300 million
whereas Turkish films hardly cost more than $50 million. The second difference is the use of
technology. As the United States extensively benefit from technology in every field of business, cinema
sector is no exception. The films Star Wars, Matrix and Avatar are only some of the examples in which
incredibly high technology was used. However, Turkish films can only benefit from limited computer
tricks. In brief, budget and use of technology seem to be two of the differences between Turkish and
Hollywood films.
All in all, there are not only similarities but also differences between Turkish and Hollywood
films. I am of the opinion that the Turkish cinema sector is on the rise and it will be able to compete
with the rest of the world soon.
Practice 6: The essay below includes an introduction, three topic sentences and a conclusion.Develop
each body paragraph with supporting information.

Smartphone Choices
Some years ago, people were intimidated by shopping for a smartphone. For one, smartphone
technology was so new that many people were afraid of it. It was also extremely expensive, and many
consumers were not sure if these phones would soon be replaced by yet another new technology. History,
of course, has shown that smartphones are here to stay. Not only that, but they are getting smarter and
smarter every year. Today’s smartphone shoppers need to know what their two main options are.
Although the technology is no longer new, it can still be intimidating to shop for a smartphone. Consumers
can eliminate some of this fear by doing their homework first. One of the biggest considerations for a
smartphone purchase is iOS or Android. To reach a decision, a buyer can compare these two operating
systems in terms of their overall cost, convenience, and style.

iOS and Android devices can differ in their cost. _______________________________________


Another thing to consider is the convenience factor, such as the availability of certain
Finally, there is the subject of style._____________________________________

Choosing between these two types of smartphones is a personal decision for the consumer. This
decision can be made more easily by looking at cost, convenience, and style preferences. While it can
seem like an overwhelming task now, it certainly will not get any easier as more and more advanced
smartphones come on the market.

PS Plural/singular I have two sister. I have two sisters.
WW Wrong word All students made their All students did
homework. their homework.
WO The
WO Word Order students can speak well The students can speak
English. English well.
T Tense I don’t have dinner last night. I did not have dinner last
WF Word Form He is an ambition person. He is an ambitious person.
SV Subject-Verb She come from Spain. She comes from Spain.
^ ^
MW Missing Word He is going to frightened. He is going to be frightened.
SP He is
SP Spelling turist. He is a tourist.
Delete We live in the another city. We live in another city.

P Punctuation Ali is talented but he is also lazy. Ali is talented, but he is
also lazy.
SS Structure My sister is likes football. My sister likes football.
? Unclear I İstanbul with my family. I live in İstanbul with my
1. Blanchard, Karen., Root Christine., Ready to Write 2& 3, Pearson Education ESL; 5th Edition, UK,

2. Brook-Hart, Guy., Jakeman Vanessa., Complete IELTS Bands 5–6.5; Cambridge University Press, UK,

3. Edmonds Paul., McKinnon Nancie., Zeter Jeff., Building Skills for the TOEFL IBT : Beginning;
Compass Publishing, 2009.
4. Folse, Keith., Great Writing 2: Great Paragraphs, National Geographic Learning, 5th edition, USA,
5. McLean, Scott., Writing for Success.University of Minnesota, USA, 2010.
6. Oshima, Alice., Hogue, Ann., Writing Academic English, Pearson Longman, 4th Edition, UK, 2006.
7. Sentence and Paragraph Writing Basic Skills to Improve Writing, Digital Publishing Trends, 2019.




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