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“If you have to keep it SECRET it’s probably

because you shouldn’t be doing it in the first


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I. What It Is

II. About Endorphins

III. An Endorphin High

IV. Can’t Stop

V. The Spiritual Side of Things

VI. Fuelled By Fantasy,Imagery

and Memory

VII. Break the Vicious Cycle

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What It Is


Masturbation is a form of autoeroticism in

which a person sexually stimulates their own

genitals for sexual arousal or other sexual

pleasure, usually to the point of orgasm.


Masturbation is the erotic stimulation

especially of one's own genital organs

commonly resulting in orgasm and achieved

by manual or other bodily contact exclusive

of sexual intercourse, by instrumental

manipulation occasionally by sexual

fantasies, or by various combinations of these


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About Endorphins

Endorphins are neurotransmitters that are released

by the brain to alleviate pain and promote pleasure.

Endorphins are the body's natural pain killers. When

released they bind to opioid receptors in the body

that block pain signals from reaching the brain.

Endorphins are chemicals (hormones) your body

releases when it feels pain or stress. They’re

released during pleasurable activities such as

exercise, massage, eating and sex too. Endorphins

help relieve pain, reduce stress and improve your

sense of well-being.

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An Endorphin High

Is it possible to get addicted to the endorphin


Yes, it's possible to become addicted to

endorphins...studies have shown some people may

become addicted to an "endorphin rush." That

addiction causes those people to seek out similar

activities that will trigger the endorphin release that

they crave.

Pleasure is something we all need in life. At times,

though, we can get too focused on it or on specific

activities that feel pleasurable to us. They can get out

of control and may even lead to addiction. This is

because we can get hooked on the good feelings we're

flooded with when we conduct pleasurable activities.

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Can’t Stop

Masturbation leads to orgasm;

Endorphins, feel good hormones, are


These feel good hormones block pain

and stress from the body;

The body enjoys a state of relaxation

and stress free euphoria;

The mind associates the state of ‘no

stress’ with the orgasmic state;

The mind wants more of this euphoric

state; and so

You keep masturbating over and over


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The Spiritual Side of


The Sexual Act as it was intended

“Therefore a man shall leave his father and

mother and be joined to his wife, and they

shall become one flesh. And they were both

naked, the man and the woman, and they were

not ashamed.” (Genesis 2: 24-25 NKJV)

Key Ingredients of Sex



Vulnerability (to each other)

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Sexual Acts = Sexual Bond

The two (man and woman) becoming one


About Coupling

The TWO become one flesh.

The act of sex/seeking sexual pleasure was

meant to involve two parties, not one.

“Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man

does is outside his body, but he who commits

sexual immorality sins against his own body.”

(1 Corinthians 6: 18 NKJV)

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Fuelled By Fantasy,
Imagery and Memory

Sexual Desire

Sexual desire is a subjective feeling state that can be

triggered by both internal and external cues, and

that may or may not result in overt sexual

behaviour. Desire can be aroused through

imagination and sexual fantasies, or by perceiving

an individual whom one finds attractive.

Sexual Desire is Subjective

Something is subjective if it is dependent on a

mind (biases, perception, emotions, opinions,

imagination, or conscious experience)

Source: Wikipedia

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Break the Vicious

You have a Choice

You always have a choice of what to do and what to

avoid. Now that you understand that the

uncontrollable pursuit of pleasure can be your

mind’d way of avoiding stress and pain, what are

you avoiding? Make the decision to deal with that.

Replace Habits

Do something else that is not masturbating and

that is not another pursuit of the endorphin high.

Some people are addicted to working out because it

gives them a similar high. Don’t let that be you.

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Adjust your Environment

Avoid isolation and staying locked up indoors like

the plague. Spend time with people. Develop your

social skills and healthy relationships that don’t

only revolve around sex. Keep your mind occupied

with productive activities.

Stop provoking your mind

The mind is a powerful tool in matters sex, sexual

activity and sexual pleasure. Stop feeding your

mind with images, videos, audios and text that are

sexually provoking, sexually arousing or sexually

suggestive, for your mind picks up the cues you

give it and runs along with it. The choice to click or

not click on something suggestive you see online

rests firmly with you.

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