Session Maintain Equipment and Software Inventory and Documentation

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Session Plan-01 (M07-Unit 1)

Unit of Competence Maintain Inventories of Equipment, Software and Documentation

Module Title Maintaining Inventories of Equipment, Software and Documentation

Unit One Document and update inventory

Session Objectives: At the end of this session the trainees shall be able to –

 Understand inventory concepts and principles

 Apply inventory techniques and procedures

 Maintain Hardware inventory

 Uphold licenses and software inventory

 Record and organize user documentation or technical manuals

Activities Contents Methods

30 mins Introduction to the unit Orientation

1 Hrs Understand inventory concepts and principles Lecture and practical

1 Hrs Lecture and practical

Apply inventory techniques and procedures

1 Hrs Lecture and practical

Maintain Hardware inventory

1 Hrs Demonstration
Uphold licenses and software inventory

1 Hrs Lecture and practical

Record and organize user documentation or
technical manuals

30 mins Accomplishment of post test Individual Activity

30 Mins Accomplishment LAP test Individual activity

Summary 30 mins Wrap-up and Feedback Discussion

Resources  This Learning Guide

 Social media

 internet

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Date:--------------------------------------- Date:--------------------------------------- Date:---------------------------------------

Session Plan-02 (M07-Unit 2)
Unit of Competence Maintain Inventories of Equipment, Software and Documentation

Module Title Maintaining Inventories of Equipment, Software and Documentation

Unit Two Store technical documentation

Session Objectives: At the end of this session the trainees shall be able to –

 Apply securely store equipment, software and documents

 Apply technical documents access

 Apply Disseminate technical documentation and manuals

Activities Contents Methods

30 mins Introduction to the unit Orientation

1.6 Hrs Apply securely store equipment, software and Lecture and practical

1.6 Hrs Lecture and practical

Apply technical documents access

1.6 Hrs Lecture and practical

Apply Disseminate technical documentation and

30 mins Accomplishment of post test Individual Activity

30 Mins Accomplishment LAP test Individual activity

Summary 30 mins Wrap-up and Feedback Discussion

Resources  This Learning Guide

 Social media

 internet

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Signature:------------------------------- Signature:------------------------------- Signature:-------------------------------

Date:--------------------------------------- Date:--------------------------------------- Date:---------------------------------------

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