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Language objectives:

1. Students will use “I noticed” or “I think” to analyze or explain the key points in a source.
2. Students will use “I think that this source says _______, while that source says
_________” in order to compare and contrast the content/message of two different
3. Students will use “the author thinks/says/claims _______” to demonstrate that they
understand this source is describing the point of view of the author.

Post-Annotation Activity Turn & Talk

Here is an example of what a conversation by two students might look like after completing a
reading and annotating the texts. Each student had a different text source with differing
perspectives from the other.

Student 1. I guess I can start

Student 1. In my article I notice __________.
Student 2. Wait, what does __________(that word) mean?
Student 1. I think it means _________, but we can also ask the teacher to be sure.
Student 2. That makes sense, that’s kind of like ________ from my article.
Student 2. Do you think they’re the same?
Student 1. Maybe, but _______ also seems really different?
Student 2. In what ways?
Student 1. Well I think that this article says _______, while your article says _________.
Student 2. I wonder why the people that wrote my article say that __________ is ________,
while your article says ____________ is ___________.
Student 1. Oh that is weird. I wonder if it’s because ____________.
Student 2. It could be, that makes sense.
Student 2. I noticed that my article says it was written by ________, who was your article written

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