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Topic Name
1 Concept and Meaning of Contract
2 Historical Evolution of Contract Law
3 Elements, and characteristics of Contract
4 Meaning of Agreement
5 Essentials of a Valid Contract.
6 Essentials of a Valid Contract
7 Types of Contracts
8 Types of Offers
9 Communication of offer
10 Termination of offer
11 Standard Form of Contract.
12 Global dynamics of Contract
13 E-Contract
14 Electronic Contract
15 Consideration
16 Doctrine and Essential of valid Consideration
17 Exception to Consideration
18 Nudum Pactum
19 Privity of Contract
20 Privity of Consideration
21 Capacity to Enter into a Contract
22 Minor's Position
23 Nature / Effect of Minor's Agreements.
24 Protection of Domain Name
25 Revision
26 Incapacity arising out of status- Person Disqualified by Law.
27 Surprise Test
28 Incapacity arising out of mental defect-Unsound Mind
29 Free consent- Its meaning and definition
30 Factors vitiating free consent
31 Coercion and its effect on contract
32 Undue Influence and its effect on contract
33 Misrepresentation and its effect on contract
34 Fraud and its effect on contract
35 Mistake and its effect on contract
36 Void Agreement
37 Voidable Agreement
38 Void-ab initio
39 Agreements in restraint of Trade, Marriage, and Legal Proceeding
40 Contingent Contract.
41 Interface between IPR & Competition Law
42 Interface between IPR and Artificial Intelligence
43 Discharge of Contract
45 Introduction to different IP laws: Patent Act, 1970, Trademark Act, 1999, Copyright Act, 1967, Industrial
Design Act, 2000, Geographical Indication Act, 1999
Sr. Topic Name
46 India’s New National IP Policy, 2016
47 Govt. of India step towards promoting IPR (Schemes)
48 Interface between IPR and Human Rights

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