Salesforce PRM Implementation Guide

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PRM Portal Implementation Guide

Last updated: November 18, 2010

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Partner Relationship Management Overview...........................................................................................................................3
Configuring PRM.....................................................................................................................................................................5
About PRM User Management....................................................................................................................................6
About PRM Channel Manager User Management...........................................................................................6
About PRM Partner User Management............................................................................................................7
Enabling Lead Conversion for Partner Users..............................................................................................................11
Using Approval Processes with Partner Users.............................................................................................................12
Implementing PRM Deal Registration...........................................................................................................13
Managing PRM Portals..........................................................................................................................................................17
Defining a PRM Portal...............................................................................................................................................18
Assigning Partner Users to a PRM Portal...................................................................................................................19
Configuring a PRM Portal..........................................................................................................................................19
Configuring the PRM Portal Home Tab.........................................................................................................22
Configuring the PRM Portal Accounts Tab....................................................................................................23
Configuring the PRM Portal Leads Tab.........................................................................................................24
Configuring the PRM Portal Opportunities Tab.............................................................................................24
Configuring the PRM Portal Solutions Tab....................................................................................................25
Configuring the PRM Portal Documents Tab.................................................................................................25
Configuring a PRM Custom Object Tab........................................................................................................26
Configuring the PRM Portal Contacts Tab.....................................................................................................26
PRM Portal Help Options..............................................................................................................................27
Managing Translations in PRM Portals..........................................................................................................28
Using Documents with a PRM Portal.............................................................................................................29

Chapter 1: Creating Partner Accounts........................................................................................31

Chapter 2: Creating Partner Users..............................................................................................33

Chapter 3: Working with Partner Users......................................................................................35

Assigning Leads to Partner Users................................................................................................................................37
Tracking PRM Partner Activity..................................................................................................................................38


Table of Contents

Partner Relationship Management Overview

Partner Relationship Management Overview

Available in: Enterprise and Unlimited Editions

Important: This guide is for the PRM portal and applies only to users that purchased or enabled PRM before
February 2008. If you purchased or enabled PRM after February 2008, you are using the partner portal; see the
“Partner Portal Overview” in the online help.

Partner relationship management (PRM) allows companies that sell through indirect sales channels to maximize the return
on their channel investments and increase channel revenues. With partner relationship management, organizations can manage,
track, and forecast their channel business alongside their direct sales business. It also helps partners sell more effectively, close
more business, and achieve greater profits.
Empowering your partners with your data can help you sell more without spending more. However, you want
to control the information your partners can access, and you want your partners to work within an application that uses your
company's branding. You can accomplish this by granting your partners access to a partner portal.
A portal allows partner users to log in to through a separate website than your non-partner users. Partner users
can only see the data that you have made available to them. Furthermore, partner users can only manipulate data if you give
them the appropriate user permissions.
The following features are key to partner relationship management:
Partner accounts
Partner accounts are accounts that a channel manager uses to manage partner organizations, partner users, and activities.

Partner users
Partner users are users with limited capabilities. They are associated with a particular partner account,
have limited access to your organization's data, and log in using a partner portal.
There are three license types available for partner users: Bronze (Basic) Partner, Silver (Standard) Partner, and Gold
(Strategic) Partner. The license type controls the amount of additional organization storage per license as well as which
features the partner user can access on the portal.
Important: The Bronze Partner License is not available for purchase after July 2008. Bronze Partner Licenses
that were purchased before July 2008 are still supported.

Bronze Partner License Silver Partner License Type Gold Partner License Type
Type (new licenses not
available after July 2008)
Storage per license None 2 MB of data storage per 5 MB of data storage per
user user
Documents Yes Yes Yes
My Account Profile Yes Yes Yes
Leads No Yes Yes
Custom Objects No Yes Yes
Approvals No Yes Yes

Partner Relationship Management Overview

Bronze Partner License Silver Partner License Type Gold Partner License Type
Type (new licenses not
available after July 2008)
Accounts No No Yes
Opportunities No No Yes
Salesforce CRM Content No Yes Yes
(Read Only)
Reports No Yes (read only) Yes
Delegated Portal User No No Yes
Email No Yes Yes
Cases No No Yes

Your organization may also have users with a Partner License, which is no longer available from The
Partner License has all of the functionality of the Gold Partner License Type, but includes 4 MB of data storage and 4
MB of file storage per user. For more information on storage limits, see “Monitoring Resources” in the
online help. For more information on user license types, see “Viewing User License Types” in the online

Channel managers
Channel managers are the internal users that manage your partners.

Partner portals
Partner portals allow partner users to log in to through a web portal rather than through
You can customize the web portal to show your branding, and you can configure it to meet your functional and security
needs, including enabling single sign-on for portals, so your partners have a single log in to access You
can also have multiple portals to meet your different requirements for working with partners.
Note: Single sign-on is available only for Customer Portals and partner portals.

To use PRM, follow these steps:

1. Contact to purchase partner licenses.
2. Install the PRM Portal app.
3. Configure for PRM.
4. Define your partner users and channel managers.
5. Customize PRM portals.
Caution: Before installing the PRM Portal app:
• Make sure your organization has not enabled the Disallow HTML documents and attachments setting
available at Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ Security Controls ➤ HTML Documents and Attachments Settings. This
setting blocks users from uploading any HTML file to the Documents tab or as an attachment to a record.
• Make sure your organization has not set Lock sessions to the IP address from which they
originated. Setting this option prevents you from configuring the portal.

Configuring PRM

Configuring PRM

Available in: Enterprise and Unlimited Editions

User Permissions Needed

To configure the PRM app: Customize Application

Important: This guide is for the PRM portal and applies only to users that purchased or enabled PRM before
February 2008. If you purchased or enabled PRM after February 2008, you are using the partner portal; see the
“Partner Portal Overview” in the online help.

Once you have installed the PRM app, you need to enable partner relationship management.
To enable partner relationship management:
1. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ Customize ➤ Partners ➤ Settings.
2. Click Edit.
3. Select Enable Partner Relationship Management.
4. Click Save.
Note: Partner relationship management cannot be disabled. If you no longer need the functionality, deactivate your
partner users.

After enabling partner relationship management, you need to configure how you will communicate user information with
your partners. This involves setting the email address for these communications and defining email templates for new partner
users and partner users requesting a password reset.
To configure PRM communication templates:
1. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ Customize ➤ Partners ➤ Settings.
2. Click PRM Portal to view the current settings or click Edit to change them.
3. Set the following options:

Setting Description
"From" Email Address The email address from which all email communications
will be sent, for example, “” sends the emails automatically, but they will
appear to the partner user as if they were sent from this email
address. If a partner user responds to the email, the response
will be sent to this address.
"From" Email Name The name that will be associated with the "From" Email
Address, for example, “Acme Partner Program.”

New User Template The email template for notifying new partner users of their
account and initial password.

Configuring PRM About PRM User Management

Setting Description
New Password Template The email template for notifying partners users of their
temporary password when their password is reset by a
Channel Manager or System Administrator.
Lost Password Template The email template for notifying partner users of their
temporary password when they request a password reset.
Change Owner to Portal User Template The email template used to send a notification to partner
users when they become the new owner of a record in the

4. Click Save.
Samples of these communication templates, except for the Change Owner to Portal User Template, are available, and are
used by default. You should create custom templates that use your company branding and the URL to the partner portal.

About PRM User Management

There are two types of users for PRM—channel managers and partner users.
Channel managers are the internal users that manage your partners. Before enabling a portal, you need to customize your
channel manager profiles so that channel managers can manage partners.
Partner users are external to your organization but sell your products or services through indirect sales channels. Your partner
users use a portal to log in to Once logged in, they can access whatever information you make available to
them. You must take steps to protect your organization’s confidential or internal information.

About PRM Channel Manager User Management

Channel managers are the internal users that manage your partners. Before enabling a partner portal, you need to customize
your channel manager profiles so that channel managers can manage partners.
The two main areas available for configuring your channel managers are profiles and roles.

Channel Manager Roles

Your role hierarchy determines what data your users can access. Users can always view and edit records that they own. In
addition, users can always view, edit, and report on data owned by or shared with users below them in your role hierarchy.
Channel manager roles are always directly above their partner users' roles in the hierarchy, giving channel managers access to
all of the data owned by the partners they manage. When partner users are created on a partner account,
automatically places the partner users' role beneath the role of the channel manager who owns that partner account. To help
you manage your channel managers and partner users, create a logical channel manager role structure.

Channel Manager Profiles

Profiles determine the permissions users have, page layouts they see, the tabs and record types available to them, and other
settings. Create a unique profile and design its settings specifically for channel managers. Use these tips when creating this

Configuring PRM About PRM Partner User Management

Make the following tabs available to channel managers

Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Documents, and Products. Also, if you plan to use Solutions or custom
objects, make them available to your channel managers.

Assign record types

Assign the appropriate lead record types to your channel manager profiles. For more information on using record types
to support your business processes with partner users, see Implementing PRM Deal Registration on page 37.

Assign page layouts

Assign the appropriate page layouts to your channel manager profiles. Ensure that the Enable Partner Portal Login
and View Partner Portal User buttons are included on the contact page layout for your channel managers.

Enable the “Manager Partners” permission

When this permission is enabled, channel managers can enable new partner accounts and partner users.

Make the Partner Account field visible to channel managers on leads, accounts, and opportunities
This allows channel managers to create list views or reports for tracking partner user activity.

Make the Last Transfer Date field visible to channel managers on leads
This allows channel managers to create lists views or reports for tracking partner user activity.

Additional Tips
• Create a public group for channel managers. You can use this group for filtering and controlling access to documents. For
more information, see “Creating and Editing Groups” in the online help.
• Create a lead queue for channel managers. You can use this queue for lead assignment rules. For more information, see
“Setting Up Queues” in the online help.

About PRM Partner User Management

Partner users are external to your organization but sell your products or services through indirect sales channels. Your partner
users can use the PRM portal to log in to Once logged in, they can access whatever information you make
available to them. You must take steps to protect your organization’s confidential or internal information.

Partner Accounts and Partner Users

Any user with the “Manage Partners” permission can create partner accounts and partner users. See Creating Partner Accounts
and Creating Partner Users.

Partner User Roles

Your role hierarchy determines what data your users can access. Users can always view and edit records that they own. In
addition, users can always view, edit, and report on data owned by or shared with users below them in your role hierarchy.
When partner users are created on a partner account, automatically places the partner users' role beneath the
role of the channel manager who owns that partner account.
Partner users can be assigned one of three roles: Partner Executive, Partner Manager, or Partner User.
Note: The roles in a portal role hierarchy are fixed. You cannot customize them or add new ones.

The Partner Executive role is immediately under the channel manager's role in the role hierarchy. The Partner Manager role
is immediately under the Partner Executive role. The Partner User role is immediately under the Partner Manager role. Each

Configuring PRM About PRM Partner User Management

role includes the partner account name as part of the role name. For example, if the partner account name is Acme, the three
roles are Acme Partner Executive, Acme Partner Manager, and Acme Partner User. If the ownership of a partner account is
changed to another channel manager, the partner user role is moved to that location in the role hierarchy.
Note: Partner users at a given role level are always able to view and edit all data owned by or shared with users below
them in the hierarchy, regardless of your organization’s sharing model. Use administrative reports to manage your
partner roles.

All users in a partner user role have read access to their associated partner account. Partner users can see opportunities they
own, opportunities owned by their subordinates, and opportunities that have been shared with them. Partner users have
read-write access to tasks associated with any object they can access. They also have read access to events associated with any
object they can access.

Partner User Profiles

Profiles are a key way to manage the information and functionality available to your partners.
Multiple, tiered partner profiles may be required to support your market strategy and channel structure. You may have Gold,
Silver, and Bronze partners and each partner segment may have a custom portal with different functionality. Profiles allow
you to control which portal a partner user can access, as well as which types of information the partner user can access.
Important: The Bronze Partner License is not available for purchase after July 2008. Bronze Partner Licenses that
were purchased before July 2008 are still supported.

Use these tips when creating or customizing partner profiles:

• All partner profiles must be cloned from the Partner User profile.
• Give all partner profiles a name that makes them easy to identify, for example, “Partner Gold” for gold partners.
• Set tabs that you do not want partners to access as “Tab Hidden.” A typical PRM portal gives partners access to the Home
tab, the Opportunities tab, the Leads tab, and the Documents tab, but you may also want to give them access to the
Solutions tab and custom objects.
• Partner users should typically be able to convert and transfer leads. If you prefer, you can use an approval process or other
method instead. Set the “Convert Leads” permission to match your business process. For more information on lead
conversions and PRM, see Enabling Lead Conversion for Partner Users on page 11. For more information on approval
processes and PRM, see Using Approval Processes with Partner Users on page 12.
• If your organization uses person account, ensure that your partner user profiles have access to all appropriate business
account and person account record types
• Set the object permissions to work with your organization's business processes. For example, if you want your partners to
view documents, but never change them, enable the “Read” permission on documents, but turn off permission to create,
edit, or delete documents. Do not allow partner users to delete objects. A typical set of object permissions includes the

Object Permissions
Documents “Read”
Price Books “Read”
Opportunities “Read,” “Create,” and “Edit”
Products “Read”
Accounts “Read,” “Create,” and “Edit”
Lead “Read,” “Create,” and “Edit”
Solutions “Read”

Configuring PRM About PRM Partner User Management

Object Permissions
Contacts “Read,” “Create,” and “Edit”
Campaigns No permissions

Note: Every partner profile must include at least “Read” on leads, accounts and contacts.

PRM Portal Page Layouts and Tabs

By default the Partner User profile includes page layouts for all the following objects: accounts, assets, campaigns, cases,
contacts, contracts, events, leads, opportunities, opportunity products, products, solutions, and tasks. However, partner users
can only view the following tabs in the PRM portal:
• Documents
• Leads
• Opportunities
• Solutions
• Home
• Custom objects
• Opportunity products
• Accounts
• Contacts
Note: To prevent partner users from changing the owner of an object, set the Owner field on the page layout to

Lead Sharing
The PRM portal is only effective at controlling access to leads if you set your organization-wide lead sharing to private. For
more information on lead sharing, see “Managing the Sharing Settings” in the online help.

The PRM portal is only effective at controlling access to opportunities if you set your organization-wide opportunity sharing
to private. For more information on opportunity sharing, see “Managing the Sharing Settings” in the online
By default, partner users can only create opportunities by converting a lead. For information on enabling partner users to
directly create opportunities, see Configuring the PRM Portal Opportunities Tab on page 24.
Note: The Account Name field on opportunities must not be set to read only if you want partner users to create or
edit opportunities.

Opportunity Products
Partner users can view, edit, and add products related to opportunities using the Products related list. If you do not want
partner users to access the Products related list on opportunities, remove it from the opportunity page layout for your partner

Configuring PRM About PRM Partner User Management

By default, opportunity products are read-only for partner users. For information on enabling partner users to edit opportunity
products, see Configuring the PRM Portal Opportunities Tab on page 24.
Partner users need the following permissions to edit opportunity products:
• “Read” on price books
• “Read” on products
• “Edit” on opportunities
In addition, the Product Family field on products must be visible to partner users.
Caution: The Total Price field on opportunity products must be set to read-only for partner users to create or
edit opportunity products.

You can control the products partner users have access to by managing your sharing model for price books. By default, all price
books are globally shared. All users can use all pricebooks. To control pricebook sharing, change the default to View Only
or No Access, then configure the sharing model for specific price books. For more information on price book sharing, see
“Sharing Price Books” in the online help.
The page layout partner users use while adding partners is split into two panes. The top pane lists products based on the search
and selection criteria the partner user selects. The bottom pane lists the products that have been added to the opportunity.
The layout of the top pane is controlled by the Products Search Results search layout. The layout of the bottom pane is
controlled by the opportunity product page layout.
Caution: If you disable product schedules for your entire organization, you need to edit each partner profile. No
changes are required, but the profile needs to be edited and saved to avoid errors in the partner portal.

Account Sharing
The PRM portal is only effective at controlling access to accounts if you set your organization-wide account sharing to private.
For more information on account sharing, see Managing the Sharing Settings.

Contact Sharing
The PRM portal is only effective at controlling access to contacts if you set your organization-wide contact sharing to private
or controlled by parent. For more information on contact sharing, see “Managing the Sharing Settings” in the
online help.

Additional Best Practices

• Use the All Partner Users group for filtering and controlling access to documents. For more granular control, you can also
create a group for each partner organization. For more information, see Creating and Editing Groups.
• Create a lead queue for each partner organization and add all the partner users from that organization to the queue. You
can create a queue that includes all of the partner users in a particular role. This allows you to assign leads to a partner
organization rather than a specific partner user. For more information, see Setting Up Queues.
• Create a queue for all partner users. This allows you to make a lead available to any partner user. If you create a queue with
channel manager roles and subordinates, the partner users under that channel manager cannot see the queue, but non-partner
users can see and use the queue.
• Use notes and attachments on leads and opportunities so partners can add notes about the lead or opportunity.
• Create custom list views for partner users. These custom lists can be added to partner user page layouts or as statistics for
the home page sidebar.
Note: If your organization uses divisions to segment data, avoid including the Division field in filter criteria in
list views intended for partner users. Filter criteria based on divisions are ignored in the partner portal.

Configuring PRM Enabling Lead Conversion for Partner Users

• Partner users can only view public solutions; they cannot update any solution, nor can they view non-public solutions.

Enabling Lead Conversion for Partner Users

User Permissions Needed

To create, edit, or delete profiles: “Manage Users”
To configure the PRM app: “Customize Application”

You may choose to allow your partner users to convert leads. Lead conversion by partners is very similar to the standard lead
conversion process your other users follow.
To allow partner users to convert leads:
1. Ensure that the following permissions are enabled on the partner profile:
• “Convert Leads”
• “Edit” on leads
• “Edit” on accounts
• “Edit” on contacts
• “Create” on contacts
• “Create” on accounts
• “Create” on tasks
For more information on setting user permissions, see “Viewing and Editing Profiles” in the online help.
2. Ensure that partner users have Read Only access to the Global Portal Settings folder on the Documents tab. The Global
Portal Settings folder is automatically created when you install PRM.
3. Create Lead Status values that work with your channel business processes.
4. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ View Installed Packages.
5. Click Configure next to the PRM app. A new window opens to display the PRM Portals setup page.
6. Select the name of the portal you want to configure.
7. In the Available Tabs section, click Edit next to the Leads tab.
8. Select Automatic Lead Conversion.
9. To map standard lead fields to custom opportunity fields, select Standard Field Mapping, then map each standard
field to the appropriate custom field.
Tip: Because partner users do not have access to contacts, mapping standard lead fields to custom opportunity
fields allows you to share information with the partner user that they normally would not see.

10. Click Save.

To convert a lead, a partner user will change the status of the lead to a converted lead status, such as “Converted.”

How Lead Conversion Works in PRM Portals

Lead conversion in the PRM portal works slightly different than it does in In the PRM portal, the lead
conversion process attempts to match the lead Email Address with the Email Address of contacts. To convert leads,
partner users need to have the “Read,” “Create,” and “Edit” permission on contacts and accounts. In addition, to add an

Configuring PRM Using Approval Processes with Partner Users

opportunity to an existing account, the partner user must be able to update that account. Depending on the existing contacts,
lead conversion will have the following results:
• If one contact is found with a matching email address, and the contact has an associated account, the conversion process
uses the existing contact and account to create a new opportunity that is associated with that account.
• If one contact is found with a matching email address, and the contact does not have an associated account, a new contact,
account, and opportunity are created.
• If there is more than one contact that has a matching email address:
- If only one of the contacts is owned by the partner user, and there is an account associated with the contact, a new
opportunity is created that is associated with that account.
- If only one of the contacts is owned by the partner user, and there is no account associated with the contact, a new
contact, account, and opportunity are created.
- If more than one contact with a matching email address is owned by the partner user, the first contact found is used.
If there is an account associated with that contact, a new opportunity is created that is associated with that account. If
there is no account associated with the contact, a new account, contact, and opportunity are created.
- If none of the matching contacts are owned by the partner user, then the first contact found is used. If there is an
account associated with that contact, a new opportunity is created that is associated with that account. If there is no
account associated with the contact, a new account, contact, and opportunity are created.

• If no email matches are found, a new contact, account, and opportunity are created.
Note: Assignment rules cannot be triggered by actions in the portal.

Using Approval Processes with Partner Users

User Permissions Needed

To approve, reject, or reassign approval requests: Permissions vary depending on the approval process settings

Using approval processes in PRM allows you to create workflows with your partner users. For example, if your business process
requires a channel manager to convert a lead, rather than allowing a partner user to convert the lead, you could set up an
approval process that enables the partner user to request the lead be converted.
Approval processes work the same for partner users as they do for all other users. However, because partner users have limited
access to the data in your organization, a special list of approval requests can be displayed on the Home tab of the PRM portal.
To display approval requests in the PRM portal:
1. Create an approval process.
2. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ View Installed Packages.
3. Click Configure next to the PRM app. A new window opens to display the PRM Portals setup page.
4. Select the name of the portal you want to configure.
5. In the Available Tabs section, click Edit next to the Home tab.
6. Select Include Approval Requests.
7. Click Save.
Approval processes can be created for leads, opportunities, and custom objects in the PRM portal.

Configuring PRM Implementing PRM Deal Registration

Implementing PRM Deal Registration

In addition to customizing your PRM portal, you may also want to put new processes and workflow in place to support lead
management, deal registration, and funds requests from partner users.
Note: If you have Enterprise or Unlimited Edition, you can create a complete single copy of your organization in a
separate environment to test your customizations to make sure they function the way you expect before implementing
them in your organization. For details, see Sandbox.

Deal Registration Example and Best Practices

The following example demonstrates best practices for customizing your organization to handle deal registration in the PRM
portal. Deal registration helps to avoid channel conflict and rewards partners for registering deals early in their sales cycles
through modifications to leads.
Deal registration commonly follows a process similar to the following:
1. A partner user creates a new lead.
2. The partner requests to have the deal registered.
3. The lead is locked so that the partner user cannot modify it.
4. The channel manager is alerted to the requested deal registration.
5. The channel manager checks to see if the deal is a duplicate. If it is, the channel manager either merges the duplicates or
rejects the request.
6. The channel manager reviews the request to ensure that the deal qualifies.
7. The channel manager approves or rejects the request.
8. If approved, the partner continues to work the lead with the intent of converting the lead to an opportunity, and eventually
closing the deal.
You can configure each step to make it easier for your channel managers and partners. The following example procedures
demonstrate how to customize lead sharing, lead status values, custom fields, page layouts, lead processes, lead record types,
and approval processes. A complete deal registration process would also typically include opportunity management, as well as
reporting and forecasting. You can alter these example procedures as necessary to match your company's business processes.

Modifying Lead Status

You may need extra values in the Lead Status field on leads. For example, when a partner requests a deal to be registered,
you may want to change the status to “Pending Approval.” You may also want to add “Approved,” “Not Approved,” and
“Approved and Converted” to indicate the status of the deal after the channel manager has reviewed it. The “Approved and
Converted” status will indicate that the deal has been converted into an opportunity.
To modify Lead Status values:
1. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ Customize ➤ Leads ➤ Fields.
2. Click Edit next to Lead Status.
3. Click New.
4. Enter “Pending Approval,” “Approved,” “Not Approved,” and “Approved and Converted.” Put each value on its own line.
5. Click Save.
6. Click Edit next to the “Approved and Converted” value.
7. Select Converted.
8. Click Save.

Configuring PRM Implementing PRM Deal Registration

Adding Custom Fields

You may want to create custom fields to help your channel managers and partner users work effectively. For example, you may
want to create a custom field on leads to allow partner users to request a deal be registered.
To create a custom Deal Registered field for deal registration:
1. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ Customize ➤ Leads ➤ Fields.
2. Click New in the Custom Fields section of the page.
3. Select the Checkbox data type, and click Next.
4. Enter “Deal Registered” as the field label. This label displays in the portal to partner users.
5. Leave the default value as Unchecked.
6. Click Next.
7. Set the field as visible for all partner profiles and channel managers. Depending on your processes, you may also want to
mark it visible or read-only for other users in your organization.
8. Click Next.
9. If you created page layouts for your channel managers and partner users, add the field to those page layouts. If you have
not done this yet, you can add the field when you create the page layout.
10. Click Save.
Note: For more information on creating custom fields, see About Custom Fields.

Modifying Page Layouts

You may want to create several custom page layouts to help your channel managers and partner users work effectively. For
example, you may choose to configure a page layout for deal registration by adding the Deal Registered custom field to
To create a custom lead page layout:
1. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ Customize ➤ Leads ➤ Page Layouts.
2. Click New.
3. Choose an existing page layout to base this layout on.
4. Enter “Deals” as the page layout name.
5. Click Save.
6. Click Edit to modify the page layout.
7. Add the Deal Registered field to the page layout.
8. Add the Approval History related list to the page layout.
9. Click Save.
Tip: We recommend that you create different page layouts for your partner users and your channel managers.

Setting Up Lead Processes

Lead processes can assist you in tracking leads within different lead lifecycles. They allow you to display different Lead
Status values to different types of users. For example, you may want to have your channel managers and partner users use
the values of “Open,” “Pending Approval,” “Approved,” “Not Approved,” and “Approved and Converted” when working with
leads for deal registration.
To create a lead process for deal registration:
1. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ Leads ➤ Lead Processes.

Configuring PRM Implementing PRM Deal Registration

2. Click New.
3. Choose an existing lead process to copy its picklist values into the new process, or select “Master” to copy all available
picklist values.
4. Enter “Deal Registration Process” as the lead process name.
5. Click Save.
6. Add the “Open,” “Pending Approval,” “Approved,” “Not Approved,” and “Approved and Converted” Lead Status
values to the Selected Values box to make them available to users working with leads in the deal registration lifecycle.
Caution: If you are creating multiple lead processes, ensure that they share the same converted lead status values.
Users can only convert a lead if the lead status is included in the lead process associated with their profile's default
lead record type.

7. Select “Open” as the default value to apply to new leads.

8. Click Save.

Setting Up Lead Record Types

Leads that are managed by partner users can be handled differently than standard leads by creating a record type for them.
Record types allow you to control which lead processes and page layouts your channel managers and partner users can see. For
example, you can create a record type for deal registration and then associate it with the deal registration lead process and page
layout you already created.
To create a custom record type for deal registration:
1. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ Leads ➤ Record Types.
2. Click New.
3. Choose an existing record type to base this record type on, or choose “Master.”
4. Enter “Deal Registration” as the record type name.
5. Select “Deal Registration Process” as the lead process.
6. Check Active to activate the record type.
7. Enable this record type for all your partner user and channel manager profiles. In addition, set this record type as the default
for all partner user profiles.
8. Click Next.
9. If you created page layouts for your channel managers and partner users, choose those page layouts; otherwise, select a page
layout to apply to all profiles. Be sure to change it to an appropriate page layout before enabling portal access for your
partner users.
10. Click Save.
Note: For more information on creating record types, see Creating Record Types.

Setting Up Approval Processes

Approval processes can be used to control the deal registration process. An approval process can be created that will, when a
deal registration request is made by a partner user, lock the lead and notify the appropriate channel manager that an approval
request has been made. When the channel manager approves or rejects the deal registration, the lead is unlocked and the
partner user is notified. Create an approval process using the instructions in Creating Approval Processes
Fine-tune this process for your needs. For example, you may want to add email notification of partner users to speed processing,
or you may want to add a task for the partner user to convert the lead.

Additional Tips for Customizing Your Organization

Use these additional tips to customize your organization to handle deal registration:

Configuring PRM Implementing PRM Deal Registration

• Create a custom email template for deal registration that includes all the details on the lead so the channel manager can
quickly process the request. For more information, see Managing Email Templates.
• Create custom lead field mapping rules for opportunity conversion. For more information, see Mapping Custom Lead
• Partner users do not need all the detailed lead and opportunity information that the rest of your users do. Set field-level
security to “hidden” for any fields that you want to hide from partners. For example, hide the Created By and Last
Modified By fields unless your PRM portal users need to see this information.

Deal Registration Process after Configuration

Now that you have configured your organization, the deal registration process can work as follows:
1. In the PRM portal, the partner user creates a new lead using the Deal Registration record type. The Lead Status is
automatically set to “Open.”
2. The partner user clicks Submit for Approval on the lead detail page.
3. The approval process locks the lead,
4. The channel manager reviews the request, including checking to see if it is a duplicate lead by clicking Find Duplicates
on the lead detail page.
5. The channel manager approves or rejects the request.
6. The approval process unlocks the lead, and, if the deal registration is approved, the partner user continues to work the deal
within the PRM portal, converting it to an opportunity, and eventually closing the deal.
Your organization's business processes and needs may be different from this example, but this example illustrates some of the
typical customizations you can make to handle deal registration via the PRM portal.

Managing PRM Portals

Managing PRM Portals

Available in: Enterprise and Unlimited Editions

User Permissions Needed

To create, edit, and delete PRM portals: “Customize Application”

Important: This guide is for the PRM portal and applies only to users that purchased or enabled PRM before
February 2008. If you purchased or enabled PRM after February 2008, you are using the partner portal; see the
“Partner Portal Overview” in the online help.

When partner relationship management is enabled, a default PRM portal is automatically created. You can customize this
portal to fit your needs, or you can create new portals as needed. Having multiple portals allows you to have a custom portal
for each type of partner you have. For example, you may have partners in different geographies, or you may have different
partner levels based on the amount of sales they have generated. Each type of partner can be associated with a unique PRM
portal that you have customized for them.
Note: Do not create a portal for every partner account. Organize your partners together into logical groups.

To customize PRM portals:

1. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ View Installed Packages.
2. Click Configure next to the PRM app. A new window opens to display the PRM Portals setup page.
From the PRM Portals setup page, you can perform any of the following actions.
• To create a new PRM portal, click New. See Defining a PRM Portal on page 18.
• To assign partner users to a portal, click Portal Assignment. See Assigning Partner Users to a PRM Portal.
• To reset the default portal, click Reset Default Portal. Resetting the default portal removes any customizations you have
made to your default portal.
• To view and customize the settings for an existing portal, select the portal name. See Configuring a PRM Portal.
• To edit the details of an existing portal, click Edit next to a portal name. In addition to being able to set the portal name,
you can also configure what objects to include in search, the partner account owner title, change the logout URL, and
manage the look and feel of the portal. See Configuring a PRM Portal.
• To preview an existing partner portal, click Preview.
A new window opens with a preview of your portal.
• To delete a portal, click Del. A warning dialog prompts you to confirm the deletion. Any users assigned to a deleted portal
are reassigned to the default portal. None of the associated documents are deleted. You cannot delete the default portal.
Note: To set up Salesforce CRM Content for access in the PRM portal, follow the instructions in “Enabling Salesforce
CRM Content in the Partner Portal” in the online help.

Managing PRM Portals Defining a PRM Portal

Defining a PRM Portal

User Permissions Needed

To create, edit, and delete PRM portals: “Customize Application”

When partner relationship management is enabled, a default PRM portal is automatically created. You can customize this
portal to fit your needs, or you can create new portals as needed. Having multiple portals allows you to have a custom portal
for each type of partner you have. For example, you may have partners in different geographies, or you may have different
partner levels based on the amount of sales they have generated. Each type of partner can be associated with a unique PRM
portal that you have customized for them.
Note: Do not create a portal for every partner account. Organize your partners together into logical groups.

To create a new PRM portal:

1. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ View Installed Packages.
2. Click Configure next to the PRM app. A new window opens to display the PRM Portals setup page.
3. Click New.
4. Select an existing portal to copy.
This allows you to easily create several portals that are based on the same design. For example, you may have three different
portals for three different geographical zones and the only difference between them is branding. To easily create all three
portals, create one, make sure it is exactly how you want it, and then create the other two from that base portal.
5. Set the portal name.
6. If you want this portal to become your default PRM portal, select the Default Portal checkbox. The default portal is
the portal that all partner users will be using unless you assign them to another portal.
7. Click Save.
8. Next, customize the PRM portal as needed. See Configuring a PRM Portal.
The number of portals you can create depends on the configuration of your portals. An organization that has eight tabs
displayed in the PRM portal (Home, Leads, Opportunities, Documents, Solutions, and three custom tabs) and an average of
three languages per portal can create 50 portals.
The formula for calculating if you can create a new portal is:

2995 / (21 + (( 5 + total tabs in portal ) * languages defined in portal ))

where the total tabs in portal is the number of tabs available to partner users multiplied by the number of portals you
have created and languages defined in portal is the average number of languages enabled for each portal. If the result
of this formula is greater than one, you can create the portal.
For example, if you have 10 portals, five tabs available (Home, Leads, Opportunities, Documents, and Solutions), and an
average of three languages for the portals, the formula for your current configuration would be:

2995 / (21 + (( 5 + 50) * 3))= 16.1

If you wanted to create another portal, the formula would be:

2995 / (21 + (( 5 + 55) * 3))= 14.9

Managing PRM Portals Assigning Partner Users to a PRM Portal

Note that the only number that changed is the number of tabs; hence, total tabs in portal changed from 50 to 55.
Because the result is higher than one, you can create the portal.

Assigning Partner Users to a PRM Portal

User Permissions Needed

To create, edit, and delete PRM portals: “Customize Application”

You may choose to have multiple PRM portals that are customized for each type of partner you work with. You can control
which portal a partner user can access by assigning partner profiles to the appropriate portal. For example, if you have two
levels of partners, gold and silver, you can create two partner profiles, one called “Gold Partner,” and the other called “Silver
Partner”. You can then assign all the partner users with the “Gold Partner” profile to the gold PRM portal, and all the users
with the “Silver Partner” profile to the silver partner portal.
To assign partner users to a portal:
1. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ View Installed Packages.
2. Click Configure next to the PRM app. A new window opens to display the PRM Portals setup page.
3. Click Portal Assignment. A list of the partner profiles and their portal assignments displays.
4. Optionally, click on View Users to review which users are in the available profiles.
5. Click Edit Assignment.
Note: If you only have one portal, all partner users will be assigned to it, and this button will not be enabled.

6. Select Portal Enabled and choose the appropriate Portal Name for each partner profile.
7. Click Save.

Configuring a PRM Portal

User Permissions Needed

To create, edit, and delete PRM portals: “Customize Application”

Important: This guide is for the PRM portal and applies only to users that purchased or enabled PRM before
February 2008. If you purchased or enabled PRM after February 2008, you are using the partner portal; see the
“Partner Portal Overview” in the online help.

When partner relationship management is enabled, a default PRM portal is automatically created. You can customize this
portal to fit your needs, or you can create new portals as needed. Having multiple portals allows you to have a custom portal
for each type of partner you have. For example, you may have partners in different geographies, or you may have different
partner levels based on the amount of sales they have generated. Each type of partner can be associated with a unique PRM
portal that you have customized for them.

Managing PRM Portals Configuring a PRM Portal

Note: Do not create a portal for every partner account. Organize your partners together into logical groups.

To configure an existing partner portal:

1. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ View Installed Packages.
2. Click Configure next to the PRM app. A new window opens to display the PRM Portals setup page.
3. Select the name of a portal to view the partner portal detail page.
4. Click Edit to change the portal's settings. For more information, see PRM Portal Details.
5. Click Save to finish.
From the partner portal detail page, you can also:
• Click Clone to create a new portal that is a copy of this portal.
• Customize the available tabs in the portal. See Available Tabs.
• Manage translations for the portal. See Translations.

PRM Portal Details

The PRM Portal Details consist of the following fields:

Field Description
Application Name The application name as displayed in the browser title bar
when a user logs into the portal.
Default Portal Determines whether the portal is the default portal.
Description A description of the portal.
Footer The footer displays at the bottom of the partner portal.
Typically this includes copyright information and contact
information for the portal.
Header The header displays above the tabs in your partner portal.
Typically this includes a logo and any other branding needed
for the portal.
Help Options Choose whether to use the default help or your own custom
help. See PRM Portal Help Options for more information.
Include in Search Set which objects your partners can search by selecting them.
Note: The layout and content included in search
results are controlled by search layouts for the selected
objects. Search results do not contain information that
partners cannot access regardless of the search layout.

Login URL The URL to the login page for the partner portal. This field
is for information only.
Logo Your company logo or the logo you want to use for this partner
portal. The logo is not automatically included in the portal,
but is usually included in the header.
If the logo is available, it is displayed.

Managing PRM Portals Configuring a PRM Portal

Field Description
Logout URL If you want to redirect the partner users to a particular URL
when they log out, set this value to that URL. By default, they
will be redirected to the login URL.
Partner Account Owner Title This is the title of the people that will own partner accounts,
for example, “Channel Manager”. This title will be displayed
in the sidebar of the Home tab of the partner portal.
PRM Portal Name The portal name as displayed on the partner portal.
Style Sheet A cascading style sheet that controls the appearance of the
partner portal. Review the default style sheet to see the classes
that are used by the portal. You may want to add additional
classes for use by the header or footer. For more information
on cascading style sheets, see the Cascading Style Sheets Home
Page at the World Wide Web Consortium.
Your Company Name The name of your company as displayed on the partner portal.

Available Tabs
You can configure the appearance and functionality of each of the available tabs in the PRM portal. You control which tabs
partner users can see by configuring the tab settings and standard object permissions on the partner user profiles. A tab will
be displayed in this list if the tab is included in the PRM custom app. For more information, see Setting Tab Visibility and
Managing Apps.
To configure a tab for a portal, click Edit next to the tab name in the Available Tabs section of the partner portal detail page.
For specific help on configuring the available tabs, see:
• Configuring the PRM Portal Home Tab
• Configuring the PRM Portal Accounts Tab
• Configuring the PRM Portal Leads Tab
• Configuring the PRM Portal Opportunities Tab
• Configuring the PRM Portal Solutions Tab
• Configuring the PRM Portal Documents Tab
• Configuring a PRM Custom Object Tab
• Configuring the PRM Portal Contacts Tab
You can also restrict the available tabs for all PRM portals by modifying the available tabs in the PRM custom app. . For
example, if you do not want any of your PRM portals to include the Accounts tab, you can remove it from the available tabs
list. If you later want to allow your partner users to access to the Accounts tab, you must add it back to the available tabs list.
In a similar manner, you can change the order of tabs that are displayed in all the PRM portals. For more information, see
Managing Apps.
Currency fields on standard or custom objects in the PRM portal are converted to the partner user's currency. This conversion
does not use dated exchange rates, even if advanced currency management has been enabled for your organization.

To add additional languages for the PRM portal:
1. Click New Language in the Translations section of the partner portal detail page.
2. Select the language you want to use for PRM portal, and click Save.
3. Set the values for the portal in the selected language, and click Save.

Managing PRM Portals Configuring the PRM Portal Home Tab

See Managing Translations in PRM Portals for more information.

Configuring the PRM Portal Home Tab

User Permissions Needed

To customize the PRM portal: “Customize Application”

The Home tab is the first page a partner user sees when logging into the portal. The Home tab includes the following:
The Home tab sidebar includes a link to the partner user's account, information about the channel manager, and quick
links for creating records such as leads. It can also include statistics such as number of open leads or recently viewed

Home Page Message

The home page message, like the messages on the other tabs of the portal, is an area for you to share information with
all of your partner users.

Approval Requests
The approval request list shows submitted approval requests.

Available Leads
The available leads list shows leads that have been assigned to a queue in the lead pool queue.
The lead pool queue is a collection of lead queues that contain unclaimed leads that you want to make available to your
partner users. Any lead queue can be added to the lead pool queue. In the available leads list, a partner user will only see
the leads assigned to a queue of which he or she is a member.
A partner user can claim ownership of a lead in the lead pool queue via the available leads list. Once a lead has been
claimed, the lead will no longer be in the available leads list, and no other partner user can claim the lead. This allows
you to make leads available to multiple partners, while still ensuring that multiple partners are not working the same
If there are lead queues in the lead pool queue, partner users cannot assign leads to a lead queue. This is to prevent partner
users from circumventing the lead pool limit by claiming a lead, saving the lead information offline, and then assigning
the lead back to a queue.

To customize the Home tab of a PRM portal:

1. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ View Installed Packages.
2. Click Configure next to the PRM app. A new window opens to display the PRM Portals setup page.
3. Select the name of the portal you want to configure.
4. In the Available Tabs section, click Edit next to the Home tab.
5. Customize the statistics shown in the sidebar by selecting appropriate list views from the Current Stats drop-down
lists, which include all public list views defined for leads, opportunities, and solutions. The list view name and the total
number of items in the list view are shown in the sidebar of the portal. A partner user can click the link to open the list
view. If you specify a list view that a partner user cannot view due to the list view visibility settings, the list view name and
statistic are not displayed.
6. Customize the Home tab message. Select an appropriate document using the lookup icon ( ). Since this document will
be used in a Web page, make sure you pick a document that will display properly on the page, such as an HTML or a
graphic file. Also make sure the message is available to your partner users by setting the appropriate document folder access.
Customizing this message allows you to inform your partner users of upcoming events or give them some other message.

Managing PRM Portals Configuring the PRM Portal Accounts Tab

7. To include a list of approval requests, select Include Approval Requests.

8. To include a list view of leads that any partner can claim:
a. Select Include Available Leads.
b. To restrict the display of leads owned by queues to the available leads list, select Restrict All Queue Owned
Leads to Available Leads. If this is not selected, leads owned by lead queues may be displayed in other list
c. Select the columns to display in the available leads list.
d. Add the partner lead queues that should contribute leads to the lead pool. Any leads assigned to these queues will be
part of the lead pool for partner users to claim. Select a queue in the Available queues and click Add to add it to the
lead pool. Select a queue in the Selected queues and click Remove to remove it from the lead pool.
e. Set the Lead Pool Limit to the maximum number of open leads a partner user can have claimed from the lead pool.
For example, if the limit is set to 25, and a partner user has claimed 25 leads from the lead pool, the partner user will
not be able to claim any more leads until they either close the lead or the lead is assigned to another user.

9. When you have finished customizing the Home tab for the partner portal, click Save to return to the partner portal detail
page. Alternatively, depending on the tab order, you may be able to click Save and Edit the ... to configure the next PRM
portal tab.

Configuring the PRM Portal Accounts Tab

User Permissions Needed

To customize the PRM portal: “Customize Application”

When your partner users are working with their accounts, you may want to inform them of upcoming events or give them
some other message.
To customize the Accounts tab for a PRM portal:
1. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ View Installed Packages.
2. Click Configure next to the PRM app. A new window opens to display the PRM Portals setup page.
3. Select the name of the portal you want to configure.
4. In the Available Tabs section, click Edit next to the Accounts tab.
5. Customize the Accounts tab message. Select an appropriate document using the lookup icon ( ).
6. Select Enable Accounts to allow your partner users access to the Accounts tab in the portal.
7. When you have finished customizing the Accounts tab for the PRM portal, click Save. Alternatively, depending on the
tab order, you may be able to click Save and Edit the ... to configure the next PRM portal tab.
Note: If an account list view was created with the filter My Account Teams, that filter is excluded when the list
view displays in the PRM portal.

Managing PRM Portals Configuring the PRM Portal Leads Tab

Configuring the PRM Portal Leads Tab

User Permissions Needed

To customize the PRM portal: “Customize Application”

Configuring the Leads tab for partner users allows you to control how the Leads tab is displayed for your partner users as well
as how actions by the partner users are handled. To customize the Leads tab for a PRM portal:
1. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ View Installed Packages.
2. Click Configure next to the PRM app. A new window opens to display the PRM Portals setup page.
3. Select the name of the portal you want to configure.
4. In the Available Tabs section, click Edit next to the Leads tab.
5. Customize the Leads tab message. Select an appropriate document using the lookup icon ( ).
When your partner users are working with their leads, you may want to inform them of upcoming events or give them
some other message. To do that, you want to customize the Leads tab message.
6. Check Automatic Lead Conversion to allow your partner users to convert leads to opportunities. If this is not checked,
the channel manager will have to convert the leads.
7. If you enable automatic lead conversions, and you want to map standard lead fields to custom opportunity fields, check
Standard Field Mapping. You can then choose to map a standard lead field to a custom opportunity field by selecting
a custom field from the drop-down list next to each lead field. If you have no custom opportunity fields, you will not be
able to select a custom mapping. This setting overrides the standard lead mapping.
Tip: Use field mapping to map contact information from the lead to custom fields on the opportunity so that the
partner users can easily find the contact information for the opportunity.

For more information on lead conversion mapping, see Lead Conversion Mapping.
8. When you have finished customizing the Leads tab for the partner portal, click Save to return to the partner portal detail
page. Alternatively, depending on the tab order, you may be able to click Save and Edit the ... to configure the next PRM
portal tab.

Configuring the PRM Portal Opportunities Tab

User Permissions Needed

To customize the PRM portal: “Customize Application”

When your partner users are working with their opportunities, you may want to inform them of upcoming events or give them
some other message.
To customize the Opportunities tab for a PRM portal:
1. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ View Installed Packages.
2. Click Configure next to the PRM app. A new window opens to display the PRM Portals setup page.
3. Select the name of the portal you want to configure.
4. In the Available Tabs section, click Edit next to the Opportunities tab.
5. Customize the Opportunities tab message. Select an appropriate document using the lookup icon ( ).
6. To allow partner users to edit opportunity products, select Make Opportunity Products Editable.

Managing PRM Portals Configuring the PRM Portal Solutions Tab

7. To allow partner users to create opportunities from the sidebar or from a related list, select Enable Direct Creation
of Opportunities.
8. When you have finished customizing the Opportunities tab for the PRM portal, click Save to return to the partner portal
detail page. Alternatively, depending on the tab order, you may be able to click Save and Edit the ... to configure the next
PRM portal tab.
Note: If an opportunity list view was created with the filter My Sales Teams, that filter is excluded when the list
view displays in the PRM portal.

Configuring the PRM Portal Solutions Tab

User Permissions Needed

To customize the PRM portal: “Customize Application”

When your partner users are working with solutions, you may want to inform them of upcoming events or give them some
other message.
To customize the Solutions tab for a PRM portal:
1. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ View Installed Packages.
2. Click Configure next to the PRM app. A new window opens to display the PRM Portals setup page.
3. Select the name of the portal you want to configure.
4. In the Available Tabs section, click Edit next to the Solutions tab.
5. Customize the Solutions tab message. Select an appropriate document using the lookup icon ( ).
6. When you have finished customizing the Solutions tab for the partner portal, click Save to return to the partner portal
detail page. Alternatively, depending on the tab order, you may be able to click Save and Edit the ... to configure the next
PRM portal tab.
Note: HTML solutions display as text in the PRM Portal. When partner users view an HTML solution in the PRM
Portal, they will see the solution details, including the HTML tags.

Configuring the PRM Portal Documents Tab

User Permissions Needed

To customize the PRM portal: “Customize Application”

When your partner users are working with their documents, you may want to inform them of upcoming events or give them
some other message.
To customize the Documents tab for a PRM portal:
1. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ View Installed Packages.
2. Click Configure next to the PRM app. A new window opens to display the PRM Portals setup page.
3. Select the name of the portal you want to configure.
4. In the Available Tabs section click Edit next to the Documents tab.

Managing PRM Portals Configuring a PRM Custom Object Tab

5. Customize the Documents tab message. Select an appropriate document using the lookup icon ( ).Select an appropriate
document using the lookup icon ( ).
6. When you have finished customizing the Documents tab for the partner portal, click Save to return to the partner portal
detail page. Alternatively, depending on the tab order, you may be able to click Save and Edit the ... to configure the next
PRM portal tab.

Configuring a PRM Custom Object Tab

User Permissions Needed

To customize the PRM portal: “Customize Application”

If you have created and exposed one or more custom objects in a PRM portal, you may want to inform partners of upcoming
events or give them some other message associated with that custom object.
To customize a custom object tab for a PRM portal:
1. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ View Installed Packages.
2. Click Configure next to the PRM app. A new window opens to display the PRM Portals setup page.
3. Select the name of the portal you want to configure.
4. In the Available Tabs section, click Edit next to the custom object tab.
5. Customize the custom object tab message. Select an appropriate document using the lookup icon ( ).
6. When you have finished customizing the custom object tab for the partner portal, click Save to return to the partner portal
detail page. Alternatively, depending on the tab order, you may be able to click Save and Edit the ... to configure the next
PRM portal tab.

Configuring the PRM Portal Contacts Tab

User Permissions Needed

To customize the PRM portal: “Customize Application”

When your partner users are working on contact records, you may want to inform them of upcoming events or give them some
other message.
To customize the Contacts tab for a PRM portal:
1. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ View Installed Packages.
2. Click Configure next to the PRM app. A new window opens to display the PRM Portals setup page.
3. Select the name of the portal you want to configure.
4. In the Available Tabs section, click Edit next to the Contacts tab.
5. Customize the Contacts tab message. Select an appropriate document using the lookup icon ( ).
6. To allow partner users to work with contacts, select Enable Contacts.
7. When you have finished customizing the Contacts tab for the partner portal, click Save to return to the partner portal
detail page. Alternatively, depending on the tab order, you may be able to click Save and Edit the ... to configure the next
PRM portal tab.

Managing PRM Portals PRM Portal Help Options

PRM Portal Help Options

User Permissions Needed

To create, edit, and delete PRM portals: “Customize Application”

Each portal includes a default help document. Like all other documents in the PRM portal, this help document can be changed
or customized to meet your needs. If you create your own help document, make sure it is in a format that all your users can
view, like HTML or PDF.
To use custom help in a PRM portal:
1. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ View Installed Packages.
2. Click Configure next to the PRM app. A new window opens to display the PRM Portals setup page.
3. Click Edit next to a portal name to change the portal settings.
4. Select Use Custom Help.
5. Select a custom help document using the lookup icon ( ).
Include the following anchors in your custom help to make it context sensitive:

Page Anchor
Home tab Home_home
Lead tab Lead_views
Lead detail page Lead_detail
Lead edit page Lead_edit
Lead create page Lead_create
Partner account page Account_detail
Search results page _search
Documents tab Document_documents
Opportunities tab Opportunity_views
Opportunities detail page Opportunity_detail
Opportunities edit page Opportunity_edit
Solutions Solution_views
Solutions detail Solution_detail
Custom object tab Object Name_views

Custom object detail page Object Name_detail

Custom object edit page Object Name_edit

Custom object create page Object Name_create

Note create page Note_create

Note detail page Note_detail
Note edit page Note_edit

Managing PRM Portals Managing Translations in PRM Portals

Page Anchor
Attachment add page Attachment_create
Attachment edit page Attachment_edit

Other records follow the same pattern — Object Name_action. For example, if you have a custom object in the PRM
portal called Classes, the context-sensitive help for the Classes tab should link to the Classes_views anchor in your
custom help file.

Managing Translations in PRM Portals

User Permissions Needed

To customize the PRM portal: “Customize Application”

A PRM portal can be delivered in multiple languages. You can create a portal that includes support for multiple languages.
We suggest that PRM portals are created based on business need, and then configured for multiple languages as needed.
To configure an existing portal for another language:
1. Click Your Name ➤ Setup ➤ View Installed Packages.
2. Click Configure next to the PRM app. A new window opens to display the PRM Portals setup page.
3. Select the name of the portal you want to configure.
4. In the Translations section:
• To add a new language, click New Language, select the language you want to add to the portal, and click Save.
• To modify translations for an existing language, click Edit next to the language.

5. Set the element or message as appropriate to the language you are defining. The base elements are the following:

Message or User Interface Element Description

Title of the Partner Account Owner The title of the partner account owner displays on the home
page, along with the name of the channel manager for the
partner user.
Name of Portal Application The name of the portal displays in the browser title bar.
Custom Help Document Custom help allows you to give your users custom help in
their language. You must set the custom help for the entire
portal before setting custom help for a specific language.
Your Company Name The name of your company displays in the browser title bar.
You must set the company name for the entire portal before
setting it for a specific language.
Documents Tab Message Allows you to inform partner users of upcoming events or
give them some other message while they are viewing the
Documents tab.
Home Tab Message Allows you to inform partner users of upcoming events or
give them some other message while they are viewing the
Home tab.

Managing PRM Portals Using Documents with a PRM Portal

Message or User Interface Element Description

Accounts Tab Message Allows you to inform partner users of upcoming events or
give them some other message while they are viewing the
Accounts tab.
Leads Tab Message Allows you to inform partner users of upcoming events or
give them some other message while they are viewing the
Leads tab.
Opportunity Tab Message Allows you to inform partner users of upcoming events or
give them some other message while they are viewing the
Opportunities tab.
Solutions Tab Message Allows you to inform partner users of upcoming events or
give them some other message while they are viewing the
Solutions tab.

More elements may be available if you have made custom tabs available to your partner users.
The value of the non-translated version of the portal is displayed in the Master Value column. If the value is not set in
the non-translated portal, you must set it before you can change it in the translated portal.
If the element is marked out of date, the master portal has been updated more recently than the translations.
6. Click Save.

Using Documents with a PRM Portal

User Permissions Needed

To customize a PRM portal: “Customize Application”
To view documents: “Read” on documents
To change document properties: “Edit” on documents
To replace documents: “Edit” on documents
To delete documents: “Delete” on documents

You can use documents from your organization's Documents tab to add images, text, or custom help to a PRM portal.
When partner relationship management is enabled, creates two new document folders. One is called Default
Messages and contains sample text messages for a PRM portal. The other, Default Theme, contains files that control the look
and feel of a portal. The documents in these folders are used in the default PRM portal.
Each time you create a new portal, creates two document folders for that portal. They follow the same naming
convention of the folders for the default portal. For example, if you create a portal called “Gold PRM Portal,” the two folders
would be named Gold PRM Portal Theme and Gold PRM Portal Messages.
When you are customizing a PRM portal (see Managing PRM Portals), you may use documents to set messages, logos, custom
help, or other portal elements. Be aware that the document folder permissions must be set to allow your partner users to see
these documents and the documents should be set to be externally available.
Tip: The default folders have public read only access. We suggest any document folders you use in your PRM portal
have public read only access, too. This allows all users to view the documents.

Managing PRM Portals Using Documents with a PRM Portal

Caution: Be careful not to delete a document that is being used in a partner portal. If you do, the element that refers
to the deleted document will show “Document not found” instead of the document folder and name when you edit
the portal. If you attempt to clone a portal that is referring to a document that no longer exists, an error message will
list the missing documents.

Chapter 1
Creating Partner Accounts
In this chapter ... Available in: Enterprise and Unlimited Editions

User Permissions Needed

To view accounts: “Read” on accounts
To create accounts: “Create” on accounts
To enable a partner account: “Manage Partners”

Partner accounts are business accounts that a channel manager uses to manage
partner organizations, partner users, and activities. Each company with which
you partner should be added to as a business account. Channel
managers are associated with partner accounts by account ownership. A channel
manager who owns a partner account can access all the information and manage
all the activities of the partner account, including that of any partner user
associated with the partner account. This allows the channel manager to easily
keep up-to-date on partner activities.
Note: The partner user role is a subordinate of the account owner's role,
therefore, all data for the partner user role rolls up to the partner account
owner's role.

To create a partner account:

1. Create a new business account.
2. Then, click Enable As Partner.
3. A confirmation dialog will open. Select Yes, I want to enable this account
as a partner account..
4. Click Confirm.
Note: If your organization has person accounts, they cannot be used as
partner accounts. Only business accounts can be used as partner accounts.

Once you have a partner account created, you can add partner users to the account
as contact records. Partner users are users with limited capabilities
focused on managing leads. Partner users log in to through the

Creating Partner Accounts

Note: Partner accounts cannot be deleted.

You can merge partner accounts if you have the “Manage Users” profile

Chapter 2
Creating Partner Users
In this chapter ... Available in: Enterprise and Unlimited Editions

User Permissions Needed

To create, edit, disable, or deactivate “Manage Users”
To create contacts: “Create” on contacts
To view contacts: “Read” on contacts

Once you have a partner account created, you can add partner users to the account
as contact records. Partner users are users with limited capabilities
focused on managing leads. Partner users log in to through the
Before creating partners, you should configure your portals; otherwise, your
partner users may attempt to log into your portal before your portals are ready.
To create a partner user:
1. View the partner account for which you want to create a partner user.
2. Create a new contact for the partner user. Choose New from the Contacts
related list on the partner account. Fill in the appropriate details, and click
3. On the contact detail page, click Work with Portal and choose Enable
Partner Portal Login.
4. Edit the user record for this partner.
5. Click Save.
Once a partner user has been created, the partner account and the partner user
can be edited independently. Changes made to one are not reflected in the other.

Tips on Creating Partner Users

Consider the following when creating partner users:
• If you have enabled a user as a delegated administrator, the user cannot create
a partner user unless at least one partner profile has been added to the
Assignable Profiles related list and the user has the “Manage Users”
• The available profiles for the partner user are limited to the Partner User
profile or profiles that have been cloned from it. Unlike a standard user, the

Creating Partner Users

partner user role is automatically assigned based on the account name. The
partner user role is a subordinate of the account owner's role, therefore, all
data for the partner user role rolls up to the partner account owner's role.
• Partner users and contacts cannot be deleted. If you no longer want a partner
user to have access to the portal, deactivate the partner user. In addition,
partner contacts cannot be owned by a non-partner account.
• You can merge a portal contact record with another portal contact..

Chapter 3
Working with Partner Users
In this chapter ... Available in: Enterprise and Unlimited Editions
• Assigning Leads to Partner Users
Channel managers are associated with the partner users they manage by partner
account ownership. A channel manager who owns a partner account can access

Working with Partner Users

• Tracking PRM Partner Activity all the information and manage all the activities of the partner users associated
with that account.
Some common tasks when managing your partner users include:
• Creating a partner account
• Creating partner users
• Assigning leads to partner users
• Deactivating partner users
• Editing partner user information
• Tracking partner activity
In addition, here are some other ways you can work with your partner users:
Assign tasks to partner users
If your partner users have the appropriate field-level security settings, they
can view and create activities related to leads or opportunities.
Add tasks to leads or opportunities to remind your partner users of particular
tasks you would like them to perform. You can view the activity history for
a particular lead or opportunity, or use reports to track activities assigned
to partner users.
Partner users can only assign tasks to other users in their partner account
or to their channel manager.

Use notes and attachments to communicate with partner users

Partner users can create, view, and edit notes and add attachments from
the Notes and Attachments related list on selected detail pages, including
lead, solution, and opportunity detail pages. You can use notes and
attachments to share documents or information with partner users.
The size limit for an attached file is 5 MB.

Click Login As Partner Portal User to troubleshoot

When you view the contact detail page for a partner user, you can click
Login As Portal User. This opens a new browser window and logs you
into the portal as the partner user. Click this button to troubleshoot any
issues partner users are experiencing. You may also click this button to
ensure that your portal is configured appropriately. The Login As Portal
User button is only available if you have the “Manage Partners” permission
and one of the following: the “Modify All Data” permission or you are the
partner account owner or higher in the role hierarchy. The Login as Portal
User button does not display if you do not meet these requirements, or if
the portal user is inactive.

Reset a partner user's password

When you view the user detail page for a partner user, you can click Reset
Password to reset the partner user's password.
Partner users can reset their own password by clicking Forgot Password?
on the partner portal login page.

Expose a solution in the portal

Select Visible in Self-Service Portal on the solution.

Working with Partner Users Assigning Leads to Partner Users

Add products to opportunities

If the Products related list is available to partner users on opportunities,
then you can add products to the opportunities for your partners.

Assigning Leads to Partner Users

User Permissions Needed

To assign leads to partners: “Edit” on leads

A vital piece of partner relationship management is lead assignment. Your partners can only work with leads that are assigned
to them. There are two ways to handle lead assignment for partner users:
• Assign each lead to an individual partner user
• Assign leads to a lead queue and allow partner users to claim leads from the queue
In addition, you can create lead assignment rules that automatically assign leads to partner users or queues based on certain
properties of those leads.
Note: Assignment rules cannot be triggered by actions in the portal.

Assigning a lead to a partner user or partner lead queue is just like assigning a lead to any other user or queue. For more
information, see “Assigning Leads” in the online help.
Leads assigned directly to a user or a queue that is not part of the lead pool are shown on the portal Leads tab. The partner
user can see these by selecting an appropriate list view. Until a partner user has reviewed a lead, it displays in bold, and is in
the My Unread Leads list view.
If a lead is assigned to a queue that is in the lead pool, the lead displays in the Available Leads list on the Home tab of the
Tip: Assign partner leads to a single partner user (for example, a sales manager) in the partner account to enable that
person to manage lead assignment for the partner users in that account.

See Also:
Working with Partner Users

Working with Partner Users Tracking PRM Partner Activity

Tracking PRM Partner Activity

User Permissions Needed

To create custom list views: “Read” on the type of record included in the list
To create, edit, save, and delete reports: “Run Reports”
“Read” on the records included in reports
“Create and Customize Reports”

To create, edit, and delete dashboards: “Manage Dashboards”

Tracking partner activity is important to ensure that your leads and opportunities are being managed effectively. Using the
Partner Account field on leads and opportunities, you can create custom reports and list views that help you track the
work partner users are doing.
Tip: When creating a list view or report, to include all leads or opportunities associated with a partner account, use
“Partner Account not equal to” and leave the third field in the filter blank.

Tips for tracking partner user activity:

• Create list views to indicate partner lead and opportunity activity during the last week.
• Create a dashboard showing the number of leads created in the last week that are owned by partners.
• Create a list view of leads assigned to partners that have not been updated recently.
• Create forecast reports on partner user opportunities.
• Use the lead Last Transferred Date field to search for leads that have not been acted upon in a timely fashion.
• If you are using customizable forecasting, assign a user as a forecast manager for each partner role in your forecast hierarchy.
Assigning someone as a forecast manager means that all forecasts from users below that user in the forecast hierarchy roll
up to that person.
When you transfer a partner portal user to another account:
- Opportunities on each account are automatically recalculated through your organization's forecast hierarchy.
- Opportunities owned by the partner portal user remain in the previous account.

See Also:
Working with Partner Users


A PRM portal (continued)
assigning users 19
Accounts channel manager user management 6
partner accounts 31 configuring 19
Contacts tab 26
creating 18
D custom help 27
Documents custom object tabs 26
using in the PRM portal 29 Documents tab 25
help options 27
Home tab 22
P lead conversion 11
Leads tab 24
Partner relationship management list views 38
assigning leads 37 managing 17
configuring PRM 5 Opportunities tab 24
creating partner accounts 31 overview 3
creating partner users 33 partner user management 7
deal registration 13 reporting 38
lead queues 37 See also Partner relationship management 3
managing partner users 35 Solutions tab 25
overview 3 translation 28
Partners user management 6
See also Partner relationship management 3 using documents 29
See PRM portals 17
PRM portal U
Accounts tab 23
approval processes 12 Users
approval requests 12 creating partner users 33


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