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Quality planning and control

Project report

Done by :
Ahmed hasan 218IE2439
Muttasem billah Alayoubi 218IE2440
Ahmad Saleh 21inde1052
Salman Yaish 217IE2373
Ahmed Riziq 20INDE1045
Yazan Akil 218ee2350
Supervised by: Dr. prof. Sezgin
Introduction:.................................................................................................................................... 3
Data Collection: ............................................................................................................................... 3
Analysis: ........................................................................................................................................... 6
SPC tools: ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Control Charts: ............................................................................................................................ 7
For variable data:..................................................................................................................... 7
For attribute: ............................................................................................................................... 8
Descriptive Statistics: .................................................................................................................. 9
For fouls ................................................................................................................................... 9
For points................................................................................................................................. 9
Probability Plot of Point: ........................................................................................................... 10
Process Capability:..................................................................................................................... 11
Out of Control action plan ......................................................................................................... 12
Cause and Effect chart:.............................................................................................................. 13
Sample size discussion:.............................................................................................................. 14
Type-I and Type-II errors: .......................................................................................................... 14
For attribute data: ..................................................................................................................... 16
Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................... 17
Basketball is a highly lucrative industry, with the NBA being one of the leading leagues in the
sport. In the 2019/20 season, the average revenue per NBA franchise was $263.87 million,
showcasing the financial success of the league. The season also saw a total attendance of over
17 million, with an average of 17,750 attendees per game across all teams.

Our project focuses on analyzing the performance of the Milwaukee Bucks, the winners of the
NBA championship in the 2019-2020 season. They had an exceptional season, achieving a record
of 63 wins and 19 losses, and were renowned for their outstanding defensive abilities. Many
individuals have attempted to dissect and comprehend the reasons behind the Bucks'
remarkable performance and ultimate victory.

In basketball, like any other sport, the number of goals scored is the determining factor in
winning or losing. Numerous factors influence the performance and capabilities of each player.
While certain factors, such as stamina and training, can be controlled by the coach, there are
others that are more challenging to manage. Psychological factors, including the player's
mindset, the pressure they experience, and their level of preparedness, play a crucial role in
their performance.

Data Collection:
We collected the data from the internet. It was not easy at first, but we found detailed statistics
for each game. We then copied each data to our excel spreadsheet and divided them into 20
samples each with 5 subgroups. We took every playoff as an independent sample, each sample
with 5 subgroups (games). We assumed it would be enough to analyze the data of 100 games
and see how all three factors affect the performance of the team. We chose one attribute
quality, fouls committed, and one variable quality, points scored since in basketball games can
vary from game to game and can take on a wide range of values, such as 70, 92, 105, 118, etc.
These values represent continuous measurements and can be considered as variable data. Here
is the data we collected for the 2019-2020 season.

Points Fouls
G1 135 25
G2 111 25
G3 112 13
G4 105 21
G5 128 22
G1 124 22
G2 115 16
G3 123 17
G4 111 15
G5 129 15
G1 116 19
G2 116 23
G3 132 26
G4 115 14
G5 95 15
G1 104 14
G2 127 18
G3 126 15
G4 107 19
G5 117 27
G1 116 23
G2 102 13
G3 117
G4 111 21
G5 119 14
G1 111 25
G2 103 32
G3 127 21
G4 106 22
G5 126 32
G1 89 19
G2 130 21
G3 134 20
G4 106 22
G5 127 17
G1 120 19
G2 132 23
G3 123 16
G4 128 22
G5 121 21
G1 133 21
G2 123 19
G3 110 19
G4 111 13
G5 111 11
G1 109 15
G2 112 18
G3 119 16
G4 129 25
G5 131 29
G1 137 20
G2 122 16
G3 127 12
G4 123 18
G5 127 22
G1 104 15
G2 115 22
G3 108 19
G4 106 21
G5 100 26
G1 122 15
G2 151 26
G3 137 28
G4 126 26
G5 117 27
G1 126 32
G2 129 15
G3 105 21
G4 123 19
G5 115 22
G1 134 20
G2 129 28
G3 100 26
G4 121 21
G5 124 22
G1 102 13
G2 115 16
G3 135 25
G4 137 20
G5 104 14
G1 122 15
G2 111 23
G3 119 15
G4 137 13
G5 132 23
G1 127 18
G2 119 23
G3 110 19
G4 127 17
G5 127 21
G1 125 17
G2 116 23
G3 111 25
G4 123 16
G5 117 7
G1 109 15
G2 112 13
G3 111 13
G4 123 17
G5 106 22

For our variable and Attribute data, we collected the descriptive statistics which we saw as the
most valuable and influential using the Minitab program:

SPC tools:
Histogram of the variable data:
In the figure above provides a clear and straightforward visualization of the frequency
distribution of points scored by the team. It is evident that on more than 20 occasions, the team
achieved a score close to 125 points per game. This significant number of high-scoring games
played a crucial role in their successful journey towards winning the championship.

Control Charts:
For variable data:

The graph displays the results of our analysis. We did not identify any out-of-control points.
While the X-bar chart did exhibit two data points near the upper and lower limits, there is no
conclusive evidence to suggest that these points are out-of-control. Given that we had a
consistent sample size of 5 observations, we opted to utilize the R-bar chart for our analysis.
For attribute:

A C-chart is suitable since we are interested in tracking the count of occurrences of a particular
season or attribute. In the context of basketball fouls, we track the count of fouls in each game
without categorizing them by type. and sample domain will not change.

By using a C chart, we can determine the typical number of defects and find any fouls that
exceed that typical value for the process.

There were points close to lower and upper control limits, but yet it didn’t exceed the control
Descriptive Statistics:
For fouls

In our analysis of fouls committed, we determined that the mean of fouls per game was
approximately 20, with a variance of 26. The lowest number of fouls committed in a game was 7,
while the highest recorded was 32, These statistics provide insights into the fouling behavior of
the team throughout the season.

For points

Our analysis of fouls committed revealed that the mean points per game was nearly 119, with a
variance of 121.31. The team's fouling behavior ranged from a minimum of 89 points in a game
to a maximum of 151 points.
Probability Plot of Point:

In analyzing our variable data, we made an assumption that the quality characteristic follows a
normal distribution. To validate this assumption, we conducted tests to check the normality of
our data. By examining the distribution of the data, we aimed to ensure that it adheres to the
characteristics of a normal distribution.

In the figure above we can clearly see that our data follows a normal distribution and that x- bar
chart can help in analyzing the variable data.
Process Capability:
Process Capability:

Using the Minitab program for our variable data, we can easily estimate our process’s mean and
standard deviation. The process mean was calculated as 118.89 and the standard deviation as
11.01 Since we collected our data from the internet, our specifications are not given, and we had
to choose it based on our data. Our upper USL value will be 152 and LSL will be 86. And sigma as
10.31 from Rbar/d2.

Using the equation in figure above, the process capability was found to be 1.07. and for better
understanding we can use P=1/Cp *100 as we get 93.77 as this percentage explains how much of
our specification is being used by the process This number is considered acceptable since the
best process has a capability of 2. And we are not less than 1. Our process operates with 3-sigma
performance level and its ppm will be 2700.
Out of Control action plan

Here we tried to outline all our possible causes and check if there are any out-of-control points
to know which one is the out-of-control situation, but we did not have any out-of-control points
in our charts. For example, check if we entered the data incorrectly or if our results were
affected by an outsider cause and check the team’s mental health or if the team needs more
Cause and Effect chart:

In our analysis of the attribute data related to fouls committed, our focus was on understanding
the underlying reasons or causes behind these fouls. We identified eight primary factors that
contribute to fouls being committed by players. To visually represent these causes, we created
the figure below, which provides a clear and comprehensive overview.

By identifying the main causes of fouls, our intention is to develop strategies and measures to
mitigate or reduce them. Understanding the primary factors that lead to fouls can assist the
team in implementing targeted training and techniques aimed at minimizing the occurrence of
these fouls during games.
Sample size discussion:
As we mentioned earlier the reason, we chose sample size to be 5 is the Play off because every
five games we would have a play off, and for correlation we check the regression.

In this figure we can see the regression and we calculated the correlation for our data and as we
can see in the regression table, we have a weak positive correlation as we got 0.2 correlation
which explain it.

For our specification limit

The team needs to define the desired specifications or quality standards for their components,
we have found out that 152, This is the maximum acceptable point defined by the team
specifications. And 86, This is the minimum acceptable point defined by the team specifications.

Type-I and Type-II errors:

Type-l error is when the null hypothesis is true but still rejected. The type-l error can be
calculated using the following probability P(x>UCL)+P(x<LCL).

Using this equation and the 3-sigma rule, and mean is 119, s.d is 11, UCL is 133 and LCL is 105.
The alpha value will be calculated as 0.0104. For the type-ll error, we considered the shifted
mean to be 130 and calculated the beta error using the formula in figure above.

With L=3, n=5 and K= 2,

Using the values above, the probability of not detecting a shift will be 0.0708 which is the beta
error. So the probability that such a shift will be detected on the first subsequent sample will be
1-(0.0708)= 0.9292.



0.1 0.99661878 0.997251716 0.000632935
0.25 0.99249021 0.992676328 0.000186123
0.5 0.97006058 0.970079685 1.91059E-05
0.75 0.90707238 0.907073834 1.45515E-06
1 0.77754604 0.777546123 8.20168E-08
1.25 0.58118074 0.581180743 3.41433E-09
1.5 0.36163123 0.361631234 1.04824E-10
1.75 0.18058999 0.18058999 2.37056E-12
2 0.07049208 0.070492084 3.94517E-14
2.15 0.03533858 0.035338583 2.91561E-15
2.25 0.02111974 0.021119741 4.82804E-16
2.5 0.00479643 0.004796428 4.34204E-18
2.65 0.00171907 0.001719073 2.21685E-19
2.75 0.00081863 0.000818627 2.86818E-20
3 0.00010437 0.000104367 1.39098E-22
For attribute data:

Based on our analysis and observations of the data, we identified that the team's points scored
per game were relatively high. To further enhance their performance, we aim to increase the
average points scored per game, setting a minimum target of approximately 95 points. On the
other hand, our attribute data revealed a high number of fouls committed per game, which we
strive to reduce. The team's fouls negatively impact both the team and individual players, as
committing five personal fouls results in suspension for the remainder of the game.

To address this issue, players need to maintain focus and possess mental readiness and strength
to avoid committing such fouls. Conducting these types of analyses using computer software and
team statistics is not considered costly. Many leading teams recognize the importance of such
analyses, as they not only help assess their own performance but also evaluate their opponents.

Although conducting these analyses may require a time investment, the resulting benefits can
have a significant impact on the team's overall performance. Nowadays, most teams employ
technical support teams dedicated to reviewing game statistics and analyzing them in various
ways. This immediate review process proves invaluable for coaches in understanding their
team's strengths and weaknesses. Armed with this knowledge, coaches can focus on improving
strengths and addressing weaknesses to elevate their team's performance.

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