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Taylor Switf video

1.- How many people appear in the video?

3 people, the man, the girl and her mom.
2.- What seems to be the problem?
The girl is a big fan of Taylor Swift and she wanted to go the her concert here in
México, but her parents bougth tickets to a trip in Paris and Africa in the same dates.
3.- Where are they? Where are the women and where is the men?
The girls and her mom are in the mall, the man is in his room or some kind of office.
4.- In what tone is the men talking and why?
In a sarcastic one because the problem of the girls isn´t to relevant.
5.- What is the man proffesion?
6.- Describes the teenager position.
She is in crisis because for her it is a big trouble, she didn’t realized her privileges
7.- Describes the mom’s acttitude.
Her mother is laughing of her daugthers situation.
8.- If you were in the teenagers position, Would you be crying like that?
No, I was raised in a different way so probably i would be grateful for be in that travel.
9.- What was the parents plan?
Give the concert tickets to a familiar and go to Paris.
10.- Narrate the worst behavior that you have as a teenager, tell what
When I was more Young, maybe aroud 14 years old, I went in a disscusion with my
mom. I was really mad and I didn’t talk to her for 2 days.

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