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Progress Test A

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

A Listen and circle the correct option.

1. Where did Lucas go?


2. What place did he visit first?


3. What was his favourite thing?


B Listen again. Choose the correct answer.

1. When did Lucas travel? last weekend last month last Summer

2. How did he travel? by plane by train by bus

3. Who did he travel with? his cousins his friends his parents

4. How long did he stay in that city? one day two days three days

5. Did he visit any museums? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.

6. What did he buy as a souvenir? a pen a T-shirt a key ring

7. Did he enjoy the trip? not really he liked it he loved it

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Progress Test A

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

Read the text.

The Hamilton family

This is my family: my father, Ben, my mother, Kate, my
sister, Emily, and I’m Harry! We live in England. Last week,
we went to the United States of America for the first time.
My mother’s wish1 was to go to New York, so, for her 45th
birthday, my father booked the flights and we had a great
family trip!
We stayed at a hotel in Times Square and we walked several
kilometres around the city. We went to the top of the Empire State Building. I felt like I was in a
film! We took a boat to Ellis Island and we saw the Statue of Liberty. We also visited some
museums. My favourite was the Natural History Museum.
On Saturday night we saw a Broadway show and we had dinner at Planet Hollywood. The
restaurant is full of things that were used in Hollywood films. It was awesome!
1 wish: desejo
A Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)? Correct the false ones.
1. Harry lives in the United States of America. _________________________________
2. He went to New York last week. _________________________________
3. His mother is forty-five years old. _________________________________
4. His mother booked the flights. _________________________________

5. Harry didn’t like this trip. _________________________________

B Answer the questions about the text.

1. What is Harry’s sister’s name?
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
2. Why did they go to New York?
_________________________________________________________________________________________ .
3. Where did they stay in New York?
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
4. Did they see the Statue of Liberty?
__________________________________________________________________________________________ .
5. What did they do on Saturday night?
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Vocabulary and Grammar
Progress Test A

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher


A Label the photos. Use the expressions in the box. There are two extra options.

buying tickets travelling by train buying a souvenir taking photos

staying at a hotel visiting a museum taking a plane going to a park

1. _____________________ 2. _____________________ 3. _____________________

4. _____________________ 5. _____________________ 6. _____________________


A Match the two halves of the sentences.

Hey! Look at 1 • • a football matches on TV.

Last night I watched 2 • • b that building!

I never watch 3 • • c your brother in the park.

Yesterday I saw 4 • • d a great film.

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B Complete the sentences with the past simple of the verbs in brackets.

1. Last summer I ________________ (travel) to Brazil. I ________________ (not travel) to India.

2. Yesterday we ________________ (not go) to the cinema. We ________________ (go) to the


3. My sister ________________ (take) lots of photos of the lake. She ________________ (not
take) photos of the city.

4. “_________ Robert ________________ (visit) the castle?” “No, he _________.”

5. “_________ they ________________ (study) for the test?” “Yes, they _________.”

6. William ____________________ (not watch) a film. He _____________________ (watch) a

basketball match.

C Put the words in order to write correct sentences.

1. David / zoo / went / Yesterday / the / to /.
2. the / you / Did / concert / buy / tickets / the / for / ?
3. did / I / year / by / Last / not / travel /plane / .
4. any / Did / they / visit / museums / ?

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Progress Test A

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

Read the postcard.

Rome, 2nd July

Hi, Mary!
I’m in Italy with my family. We arrived three days ago.
The weather is wonderful and we visited lots of interesting
places on the first day. Yesterday we went to the Colosseum.
I loved it! At dinner I had the best pizza I can remember!
This morning we went to Fontana di Trevi. I threw a coin and Mary Pearson__
asked for a wish. I hope it comes true! 19 Liberty Street,
I took so many photos these days! Liverpool – UK__
That’s all for now. See you next week!

A Now write a holiday postcard to a friend.




____________________________________________________________________ ____________________




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Progress Test B

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

A Listen and circle the correct option.

1. Where did Lucas go?


2. What place did he visit first?


3. What was his favourite thing?


B Listen again. Choose the correct answer.

1. When did Lucas travel? last weekend last month

2. How did he travel? by plane by train

3. Who did he travel with? his cousins his parents

4. How long did he stay in that city? two days three days

5. Did he visit any museums? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.

6. What did he buy as a souvenir? a pen a key ring

7. Did he enjoy the trip? not really he loved it

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Progress Test B

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

Read the text.

The Hamilton family

This is my family: my father, Ben, my mother, Kate, my
sister, Emily, and I’m Harry! We live in England. Last week,
we went to the United States of America for the first time.
My mother’s wish1 was to go to New York, so, for her 45th
birthday, my father booked the flights and we had a great
family trip!
We stayed at a hotel in Times Square and we walked several
kilometres around the city. We went to the top of the Empire State Building. I felt like I was in a
film! We took a boat to Ellis Island and we saw the Statue of Liberty. We also visited some
museums. My favourite was the Natural History Museum.
On Saturday night we saw a Broadway show and we had dinner at Planet Hollywood. The
restaurant is full things that were used in Hollywood films. It was awesome!
1 wish: desejo
A Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)?
1. Harry lives in the United States of America.
2. He went to New York last week.
3. His mother is forty-five years old.
4. His mother booked the flights.

5. Harry didn’t like this trip.

B Answer the questions about the text.

1. What is Harry’s sister’s name?
His sister’s name _________________________________________________________________________
2. Why did they go to New York?
They ______________ to New York because _______________________________________________
3. Where did they stay in New York?
They _____________________________________________________________ in New York.
4. Did they see the Statue of Liberty?
______________, they ______________.
5. What did they do on Saturday night?
On Saturday night they ________________________________________________________
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Vocabulary and Grammar
Progress Test B

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher


A Label the photos. Use the expressions in the box.

buying tickets buying a souvenir taking photos staying at a hotel

visiting a museum taking a plane

1. _____________________ 2. _____________________ 3. _____________________

4. _____________________ 5. _____________________ 6. _____________________


A Match the two halves of the sentences.

Hey! Look at 1 • • a football matches on TV.

Last night I watched 2 • • b that building!

I never watch 3 • • c your brother in the park.

Yesterday I saw 4 • • d a great film.

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B Choose the correct option in the past simple.

1. Last summer I travel / travelled to Brazil. I don’t travel / didn’t travel to India.

2. Yesterday we didn’t go / don’t go to the cinema. We went / go to the theatre.

3. My sister takes / took lots of photos of the lake. She doesn’t take / didn’t take photos of
the city.

4. “Did Robert visit / Does Robert visit the castle?” “No, he doesn’t / didn’t.”

5. “Do they study / Did they study for the test?” “Yes, they did / does.”

6. William didn’t watch / doesn’t watch a film. He watches / watched a basketball match.

C Put the words in order to write correct sentences.

1. David / zoo / went / yesterday / the / to /.
Yesterday ________________________________________________________________
2. you / Did / concert / buy / the tickets / for the / ?
Did _____________________________________________________________________
3. did / I / year / Last / not / travel / by plane / .
Last ____________________________________________________________________
4. any / Did / they / visit / museums / ?
Did _____________________________________________________________________

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Progress Test B

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

Read the postcard.

Rome, 2nd
Hi, Mary!
I’m in Italy with my family. We arrived three days ago.
The weather is wonderful and we visited lots of interesting
places on the first day. Yesterday we went to the Colosseum. I
Mary Pearson__
loved it! At dinner I had the best pizza I can remember!
This morning we went to Fontana di Trevi. I threw a coin and 19 Liberty Street,
asked for a wish. I hope it comes true! Liverpool – UK__
I took so many photos these days!
That’s all for now. See you next week!

A Now write a holiday postcard to a friend. Here are some guidelines to help you. Say:

• where you are and who you are with

• when you arrived (last weekend, on Friday…)
• What the weather is like (sunny, rainy, hot, warm, cold…)
• What you visited yesterday
• Where you had lunch / dinner yesterday and what you ate
• Where you went this morning
• What you bought as a souvenir

_________(place) ______________ (date)

Hello, ___________!

_________________________________________________________ _________________
That’s all for now. See you _____________. _________________

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Answer Key
Progress Test A

A. 1. B 2. A 3. C
B. 1. last weekend 2. by plane 3. his parents 4. two days 5. Yes, he did. 6. a key ring 7. he loved it

A 1. F – Harry lives in England. 2. T 3. T 4. F – His father booked the flights. 5. F – Harry liked this trip (very
1. His sister’s name is Emily.
2. They went to New York because his mother always wanted to go there.
3. They stayed at a hotel in Times Square.
4. Yes, they did.
5. They saw a Broadway show and had dinner at Planet Hollywood.

A. 1. buying a souvenir 2. taking photos 3. visiting a museum 4. staying at a hotel 5. taking a plane
6. buying tickets

A. 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c
B. 1. travelled; didn’t travel 2. didn’t go; went 3. took; didn’t take 4. Did / visit; didn’t 5. Did / study; did
6. didn’t watch; watched
1. Yesterday David went to the zoo.
2. Did you buy the tickets for the concert?
3. Last year I did not travel by plane.
4. Did they visit any museums?

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Answer Key
Progress Test B

A. 1. A 2. A 3. B
B. 1. last weekend 2. by plane 3. his parents 4. two days 5. Yes, he did. 6. a key ring 7. he loved it

A 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F
1. … is Emily.
2. went; his mother always wanted to go there.
3. stayed at a hotel in Times Square
4. Yes; did
5. … saw a Broadway show and had dinner at Planet Hollywood.

B. 1. buying a souvenir 2. taking photos 3. visiting a museum 4. staying at a hotel 5. taking a plane

A. 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c
B. 1. travelled; didn’t travel 2. didn’t go; went 3. took; didn’t take 4. Did Robert visit; didn’t 5. Did they
study; did
6. didn’t watch; watched
1. Yesterday David went to the zoo.
2. Did you buy the tickets for the concert?
3. Last year I did not travel by plane.
4. Did they visit any museums?

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Lucas’s weekend

Last Saturday and Sunday I went to London with my parents. My sister didn’t come with us
because she went to Paris to visit her best friend, Emma. I was so happy because it was my first
time in London! We travelled by plane because travelling by train is very slow. We stayed there for
only two days, but we visited lots of interesting places. On the first morning, we went on a ride on
the London Eye. It was amazing! We could see the whole city from up there. We also went to
Buckingham Palace, crossed Tower Bridge and visited some museums. The British Museum was
cool, but my favourite was Madame Tussaud’s wax museum. I even took a photo with the Royal
Family! I loved London. My parents bought some teacups as a souvenir because they love tea, but
I bought a key ring to always remember this trip!

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Progress Test A
Compreensão oral
Conhecimentos e capacidades Estrutura Cotações Critérios de Correção

Compreensão oral: A. Escolha múltipla 3 × 10 = 30 Certo / Errado

Identificar palavras e expressões
de pequenos textos orais. B. Escolha múltipla 7 × 10 = 70 Certo / Errado

Total: 100

Compreensão escrita
Conhecimentos e capacidades Estrutura Cotações Critérios de Correção
Compreensão escrita:
Compreender mensagens curtas e A. Verdadeiro / Falso Afirmações Certo / Errado
simples sobre assuntos do seu com correção das verdadeiras e sem
interesse. falsas referência
2 × 5 = 10 (A.2, A.3)
Afirmações falsas
3 × 5 = 15 (A.1, A.4,
Correção das
afirmações falsas
3 × 5 = 15

B. Resposta curta 5 × 12 = 60 Certo / Parcialmente

certo / Errado
Conteúdo certo: 12
Conteúdo parcialmente
certo: 1 a 11
Total: 100 Conteúdo errado: 0

Léxico e gramática
Conhecimentos e capacidades Estrutura Cotações Critérios de Correção
Compreender formas de A. Legendagem de 6 × 4 = 24 Certo / Errado
organização do léxico, imagens
nomeadamente itens lexicais
relacionados com visiting a city.

Conhecer estruturas elementares B. Associação 4 × 4 = 16 Certo / Errado
do funcionamento da língua,
nomeadamente past simple of C. Completamento de 12 × 3 = 36
regular and irregular verbs; espaços Certo / Errado
see/watch/look at.
D. Ordenação de 4 × 6 = 24
frases Certo / Errado

Total: 100

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Produção escrita
Conhecimentos e capacidades Estrutura Cotações Critérios de Correção
Produção escrita:
Produzir um texto simples. Resposta extensa 100 Competência
pragmática: 60 /
Competência linguística:
(ver níveis de
desempenho na p. 3)

Progress Test B
Compreensão oral
Conhecimentos e capacidades Estrutura Cotações Critérios de Correção

Compreensão oral: A. Escolha múltipla 3 × 10 = 30 Certo / Errado

Identificar palavras e expressões
de pequenos textos orais. B. Escolha múltipla 7 × 10 = 70 Certo / Errado

Total: 100

Compreensão escrita
Conhecimentos e capacidades Estrutura Cotações Critérios de Correção
Compreensão escrita:
Compreender mensagens curtas e A. Verdadeiro/Falso 5 × 8 = 40 Certo / Errado
simples sobre assuntos do seu
B. Resposta curta 5 × 12 = 60 Certo / Parcialmente
certo / Errado
Conteúdo certo: 12
Conteúdo parcialmente
certo: 1 a 11
Total: 100 Conteúdo errado: 0

Léxico e gramática
Conhecimentos e capacidades Estrutura Cotações Critérios de Correção
Compreender formas de A. Legendagem de 6 × 4 = 24 Certo / Errado
organização do léxico, imagens
nomeadamente itens lexicais
relacionados com visiting a city.
Conhecer estruturas elementares A. Associação 4 × 4 = 16 Certo / Errado
do funcionamento da língua,
nomeadamente past simple of B. Completamento de 12 × 3 = 36 Certo / Errado
regular and irregular verbs; espaços
see/watch/look at.
C. Ordenação de 4 × 6 = 24 Certo / Errado
Total: 100

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Produção escrita
Conhecimentos e capacidades Estrutura Cotações Critérios de Correção
Produção escrita:
Produzir um texto simples. Resposta extensa 100 Competência
pragmática: 60 /
Competência linguística:
(ver níveis de

Produção escrita – Níveis de desempenho

Escreve um texto, respeitando as instruções dadas. Articula as ideias de forma

N3 adequada num texto claro e coerente, embora utilize ainda um número muito 60
limitado de mecanismos de coesão.

N2 40

Escreve ainda frases soltas, abordando o tema de forma genérica e recorrendo

a repetições e pormenores pouco relevantes.
N1 25
Não usa conectores simples para ligar frases elementares. Ordena apenas uma
cadeia de frases.

A competência linguística apenas será avaliada se o aluno tiver tratado o tema e obtido, pelo
menos, nível 1 na competência pragmática.

Escreve um texto simples e bem estruturado.

N3 Revela geralmente bom domínio gramatical; não comete erros que possam 40
causar incompreensão. A pontuação e a ortografia são razoavelmente precisas.

N2 30

Escreve um texto simples, utilizando padrões frásicos muito elementares.

Utiliza vocabulário elementar muito limitado.

N1 Utiliza, com alguma correção, estruturas muito simples, mas ainda comete 10
alguns erros gramaticais elementares de forma sistemática, sem que isso
impeça a compreensão global da mensagem.
A pontuação nem sempre é adequada.

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