Vanilla Cupcakes - Ash Baber

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Vanilla Cupcakes

Makes: 12-14 cupcakes

125g unsalted butter, softened

125ml vegetable oil

250g granulated sugar

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

4 eggs

250g self-raising flour

60ml whole milk

Plus 1 batch of Swiss meringue buttercream, or whatever kind of buttercream you want to use.


1 Start by pre-heating your oven to 180c/350f. Also add your cupcake cases into your cupcake tin, leave this

2 In a large bowl, add the softened butter, oil, sugar and vanilla. Beat these together for 5 minutes until light
and fluffy. If you are doing this by hand, just aggressively whisk for as long as you can.

3 Add 2 of the eggs into this, whisk until combined, then whisk in the remaining 2 eggs.

4 Now add the flour and milk and whisk just until you get a smooth batter.

5 Add this batter into your cupcake cases, you want them to be around 3/4 of the way full.
6 Bake for around 25-30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the centre comes out clean. Once baked,
leave to cool completely.

7 Once they are cooled, you can decorate them. I just used a large star piping tip to pipe my buttercream onto
them, then I added some sprinkles.

8 Now you can enjoy!

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