Two-Year Outcomes of An Adjunctive Telephone Coaching and

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International Journal of Obesity (2013) 37, 468–472

& 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0307-0565/13

Two-year outcomes of an adjunctive telephone coaching and
electronic contact intervention for adolescent weight-loss
maintenance: the Loozit randomized controlled trial
B Nguyen1, VA Shrewsbury1, J O’Connor1, KS Steinbeck2, AJ Hill3, S Shah4, MR Kohn5, S Torvaldsen6 and LA Baur1

This paper reports the final 24-month outcomes of a randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of additional therapeutic
contact (ATC) as an adjunct to a community-based weight-management program for overweight and obese 13–16-year-olds.
ATC involved telephone coaching or short-message-service and/or email communication once per fortnight. Adolescents were
randomized to receive the Loozit group program—a two-phase behavioral lifestyle intervention with (n ¼ 73), or without (n ¼ 78),
ATC in Phase 2. Adolescents/parents separately attended seven weekly group sessions (Phase 1), followed by quarterly adolescent
sessions (Phase 2). Assessor-blinded, 24-month changes in anthropometry and metabolic health included primary outcomes body
mass index (BMI) z-score and waist:height ratio (WHtR). Secondary outcomes were self-reported psychosocial and lifestyle changes.
By 24 months, 17 adolescents had formally withdrawn. Relative to the Loozit program alone, ATC largely had no impact on
outcomes. Secondary pre-post assessment of the Loozit group program showed mean (95% CI) reductions in BMI z-score
( 0.13 ( 0.20,  0.06)) and WHtR ( 0.02 ( 0.03,  0.01)) in both arms, with several metabolic and psychosocial improvements.
Adjunctive ATC did not provide further benefits to the Loozit group program. We recommend that further work is needed to
optimize technological support for adolescents in weight-loss maintenance. Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry Number

International Journal of Obesity (2013) 37, 468–472; doi:10.1038/ijo.2012.74; published online 15 May 2012
Keywords: adolescent; randomized controlled trial; weight loss; weight maintenance; group therapy; cellular phone

INTRODUCTION (  0.12,  0.06)).3 At both 2 and 12 months, there were also

There are limited high-quality data on long-term outcomes improvements in most psychological outcomes, various metabolic
of adolescent obesity treatment, particularly low-intensity com- outcomes, and lifestyle behaviors.2,3 However, at 12 months,
munity-based programs that could be sustainably delivered in ATC largely had no impact on outcome measures. The primary aim
typical healthcare systems.1 The Loozit group program is a of this paper was to evaluate the effectiveness of ATC provided as
24-month behavioral lifestyle intervention specifically designed an adjunct to this extended weight-loss maintenance intervention,
to treat overweight and obese 13–16-year-olds in community by reporting its impact on the final outcomes at 24 months.
settings. The program involves seven weekly group sessions A secondary aim was to report pre post outcomes of the Loozit
(Phase 1) for adolescents and parents, followed by quarterly group program.
adolescent booster group sessions for weight-loss maintenance
(Phase 2) between 2–24 months. The randomized controlled trial
(RCT) component, and novel aspect of this study, was the MATERIALS AND METHODS
evaluation of adjunctive additional therapeutic contact (ATC) Study design
provided fortnightly to adolescents in one arm of the study, via Methods used in this paper replicate those in the 12-month outcomes
telephone coaching, short message service (SMS) and/or email paper3 with further details published in the protocol.4 Recruitment
communication, in Phase 2. There are few, if any, community- occurred from 2006 to 2009 mainly via media and schools.5 Eligible
based adolescent weight-management RCTs that have such a long participants were overweight and obese (BMI z-score: 1.0–2.5), but
weight-loss maintenance intervention or involve interactive otherwise healthy, 13–16-year-olds, who could attend group sessions
with a parent/carer, and had landline telephone and mobile phone and/or
electronic contact.1 email access. Randomization to the Loozit group program (‘G’-only) or
We have previously reported that Loozit group program group program plus ATC (‘G þ ATC’), was stratified by sex, age and
participants had a stabilization in overweight after 2 months,2 intervention site, and occurred after informed written consent was
with greater reductions in overweight by 12 months (mean provided. This study is registered with the Australian New Zealand
(95% CI) change in body mass index (BMI) z-score (  0.09 Clinical Trials Registry (ACTRNO12606000175572) and was approved by

University of Sydney Clinical School, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Westmead, NSW, Australia; 2Academic Department of Adolescent Medicine, University of Sydney and
The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Westmead, NSW, Australia; 3Academic Unit of Psychiatry & Behavioural Sciences, Institute of Health Sciences, Leeds University School of
Medicine, Leeds, UK; 4Primary Health Care Education and Research Unit, Sydney West Local Health District, Westmead, NSW, Australia; 5Department of Adolescent Medicine,
The Children0 s Hospital at Westmead, Westmead, NSW, Australia and 6School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Correspondence: B Nguyen, University of Sydney Clinical School, The Children0 s Hospital at Westmead, Locked Bag 4001, Westmead, NSW-2145, Australia.
Received 30 November 2011; revised 4 April 2012; accepted 6 April 2012; published online 15 May 2012
Table 1. Anthropometric and metabolic outcomes by treatment group and time over 24 months
Outcomes Assessment G-only group G þ ATC group Group effects between Time effects (24 Time effects (24 Time effects (24 months
baseline and 24 months minus months minus minus baseline) both
months (G þ ATC baseline) baseline) groups combined
minus G only) G only group G þ ATC group
Mean (s.d.) Mean (s.d.) Mean D (95% CI) Mean D (95% CI) Mean D (95% CI) Mean D (95% CI)

Anthropometry and BP
Height (cm) Baseline 163.3 (7.0) 164.6 (8.3) 1.3 (  1.2, 3.8) 5.5b (4.1, 7.0) 5.5b (4.3, 6.7) 5.5b (4.5, 6.4)
12 months 166.8 (7.8) 167.2 (8.7)
24 months 168.6 (9.2) 169.5 (9.0)
Weight (kg) Baseline 82.4 (12.4) 84.2 (16.3) 1.6 (  3.1, 6.2) 8.3b (5.4, 11.2) 6.4b (3.8, 9.0) 7.5b (5.6, 9.5)
12 months 85.9 (13.4) 88.1 (17.7)

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24 months 90.7 (15.6) 88.6 (16.0)
BMI (kg m  2) Baseline 30.8 (3.5) 30.8 (4.2) 0.1 (  1.2, 1.3) 1.1b (0.2, 2.0) 0.4 (  0.5, 1.2) 0.8b (0.2, 1.4)
12 months 30.8 (3.8) 31.4 (4.8)
24 months 31.8 (4.5) 30.8 (4.6)
BMI z-score Baseline 2.02 (0.29) 2.03 (0.37)  0.01 (  0.11, 0.10)  0.09b (  0.17,  0.01)  0.17b (  0.29,  0.06)  0.13b (  0.20,  0.06)
12 months 1.94 (0.32) 1.97 (0.42)
24 months 1.93 (0.39) 1.83 (0.51)
Waist circumference (cm) Baseline 95.6 (9.8) 97.4 (12.0) 1.8 (  1.3, 4.9) 0.6 (  2.0, 3.1 )  0.3 (  3.4, 2.8) 0.2 (  1.7, 2.1)
12 months 95.1 (9.2) 96.3 (12.0)
24 months 96.4 (11.5) 95.9 (12.7)
WHtR Baseline 0.59 (0.06) 0.59 (0.06) 0.01 (  0.01, 0.02)  0.02 (  0.03, 0.00)  0.02b (  0.04, 0.00)  0.02b (  0.03,  0.01)
12 months 0.57 (0.05) 0.58 (0.06)
24 months 0.57 (0.06) 0.57 (0.07)
Systolic BP (mm Hg) Baseline 118 (12) 119 (13) 3 (0, 6)b,c 6b (2, 9) 2 (  2, 6) 4b (1, 7)
12 months 119 (10) 120 (13)
24 months 123 (12) 122 (13)
Diastolic BP (mm Hg) Baseline 60 (9) 60 (9) 1 (  1, 3) 2 (0, 5) 2 (  1, 4) 2b (0, 4)
12 months 60 (10) 61 (9)
24 months 62 (7) 62 (9)

Metabolic (Fasting)
Total cholesterol (mmol l  1) Baseline 4.4 (0.9) 4.4 (0.7) 0.0 (  0.2, 0.3)  0.2b (  0.4,  0.1)  0.1 (  0.3, 0.1)  0.2b (  0.3,  0.1)
12 months 4.3 (0.6) 4.4 (0.7)
24 months 4.2 (0.6) 4.2 (0.8)
LDL cholesterol (mmol l  1) Baseline 2.5 (0.7) 2.5 (0.7) 0.0 (  0.2, 0.2) 0.0 (  0.2, 0.1) 0.0 (  0.2, 0.2) 0.0 (  0.1, 0.1)
B Nguyen et al

12 months 2.5 (0.5) 2.6 (0.6)

24 months 2.5 (0.5) 2.5 (0.6)
HDL cholesterol (mmol l  1) Baseline 1.3 (0.3) 1.2 (0.4)  0.1 (  0.2, 0.0)  0.1b (  0.2, 0.0) 0.0 (  0.1, 0.1)  0.1b (  0.1, 0.0)
12 months 1.2 (0.2) 1.2 (0.3)
24 months 1.2 (0.3) 1.2 (0.3)
Triglycerides (mmol l  1)d Baseline 1.1 (0.7, 1.9)e 1.2 (0.7, 2.1)e 1.1 (0.9, 1.3) -0.9 (  1.0,  0.8)  0.8b (  1.0,  0.7)  0.9b (  1.0,  0.8)
12 months 1.0 (0.6, 1.8)e 1.1 (0.6, 2.0)e
24 months 1.0 (0.6, 1.6)e 1.0 (0.5, 2.1)e
Glucose (mmol l  1) Baseline 4.7 (0.4) 4.8 (0.5) 0.0 (  0.1, 0.1) 0.0 (  0.1, 0.2)  0.1 (  0.3, 0.1) 0.0 (  0.1, 0.1)
12 months 4.8 (0.3) 4.8 (0.5)
24 months 4.7 (0.5) 4.8 (0.6)
Insulin (mU l  1)d Baseline 16.0 (8.8, 29.1)e 20.1 (12.9, 31.2)e 1.2 (1.0, 1.3) 1.0 (0.9, 1.0) 0.9 (0.8, 1.0) 1.0 (0.9, 1.1)
12 months 17.0 (10.2, 28.2)e 19.3 (11.7, 31.8)e
24 months 15.6 (9.3, 26.3)e 17.6 (9.4, 33.1)e
ALT (U l  1)d Baseline 19 (11, 33)e 22 (14, 33)e 1 (1, 1) 1 (1, 1) 1 (1, 1) 1 (1, 1)
Two-year adolescent weight-loss maintenance

12 months 18 (12, 26)e 21 (14, 32)e

24 months 20 (11, 38)e 21 (12, 37)e

Abbreviations: ALT, alanine aminotransferase; BP, blood pressure; BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; G-group only intervention; G þ ATC, group þ additional therapeutic contact intervention; HDL,
high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; s.d., standard deviation; WHtR, waist:height ratio. aAll measured by blinded outcome assessors. bLinear mixed models (group, time); main effects of group
or time significant at P-value o0.05 (also marked in bold). No significant group-by-time interactions were found at 24 months for all listed variables. cThis finding was statistically significant at each time point
only after adjusting for sex and baseline age. dAs the baseline, 2-month, 12-month and 24-month data were not normally distributed, these variables were log transformed and then transformed back.
Geometric means are presented. eData presented as mean (mean minus s.d., mean plus s.d.). Mean minus s.d. and mean plus s.d. are not symmetrical around the mean because variables were log transformed
and transformed back.

International Journal of Obesity (2013) 468 – 472

Two-year adolescent weight-loss maintenance
B Nguyen et al
Human Research Ethics Committees of The Children0 s Hospital at consistent with clinical practice guidelines.7 In Phase 2, ‘G þ ATC’
Westmead (CHW), Sydney West Local Health District, and the University adolescents were scheduled to receive ATC fortnightly (overall 14
of Sydney. telephone coaching sessions and 32 SMS and/or email messages).

Intervention Measures
The Loozit group behavioral lifestyle intervention was conducted at a Primary outcomes were baseline to 24-month changes in BMI z-score8 and
community health center and CHW, Sydney, Australia, commencing waist:height ratio (WHtR). Secondary outcomes included changes in other
with 7  75-min weekly group sessions (Phase 1), held separately for anthropometric and metabolic measures (Table 1) and self-reported
adolescents and parents/carers in both study arms. From 2–24 months psychosocial and behavioral variables. Psychosocial well-being was
(Phase 2), the maintenance program involved 5  60-min quarterly assessed using the Mental Health Inventory-5,9 sex-specific body
adolescent booster group sessions plus 12- and 24-month outcome dissatisfaction scales,10 the MacArthur Scale of Subjective Social Status11
assessment sessions. Facilitated by trained dietitians, group sessions were and the Harter Self Perception Profile for Adolescents.12 A 15-item food-
based upon a cognitive behavioral approach,6 and recommendations were frequency questionnaire13 and eating behavior questions14 assessed

Assessed for eligibility (n=474)

Excluded (n=323)
Not meeting study criteria (n=225);
adolescent refused to participate (n=54);
unable to contact (n=26); other (n=18)
Randomised (n=151)

‘G’ intervention (n=78) ‘G+ATC’ intervention (n=73)

Baseline Baseline
Anthropometry/blood pressure (BP) assessment (n=78) Anthropometry/BP assessment (n=73)
Metabolic assessment (n=71) Metabolic assessment (n=64)

Between 0-2 months, 69 participants attended ≥ one Phase Between 0-2 months, 68 participants attended ≥ one Phase
1 group session and 9 did not (Reasons: cohort cancelled 1 group session and 5 did not (Reasons: cohort cancelled
[n=4]; found to be ineligible [n=1]; wanted one-to-one [n=4]; did not want to participate any longer [n=1])
support [n=2]; did not want to participate any longer [n=2])

2 months – end Phase 1 2 months – end Phase 1

Anthropometry/BP assessment (n=66) Anthropometry/BP assessment (n=64)a
Metabolic assessment (n=58) Metabolic assessment (n=53)
Formal withdrawals (n=3) Formal withdrawals (n=4)
Mother could not find childcare (n=1); did not want to Transport difficulties (n=2); difficult family situation (n=1);
participate any longer (n=2) post-baseline leg injury (n=1)

12 months 12 months
Anthropometry/BP assessment (n=50)b Anthropometry/BP assessment (n=57)b
Metabolic assessment (n=42) Metabolic assessment (n=44)
Formal withdrawals (n=0) Formal withdrawals (n=0)

24 months - end Phase 2 24 months - end Phase 2

Anthropometry/BP assessment (n=50)b Anthropometry/BP assessment (n=43)b
Metabolic assessment (n=39) Metabolic assessment (n=32)
Formal withdrawals (n=4)b Formal withdrawals (n=6)b
declined measurements due to: weight gain (n=1) or declined measurements due to: weight gain (n=3) or
program not helping (n=1); mother wanted to fear of not having done well (n=1); gradually withdrew
withdraw (n=1); adolescent did not want to attend from interventions (n=1); moved residence (n=1)
anymore (n=1)
Between 2-24 months, out of 64 participants continuing in
Between 2-24 months, out of 66 participants continuing the trial after Phase 1:
in the trial after Phase 1: 55 attended ≥ one booster session (median [range]: 3
49 attended ≥ one booster session (median [range]: 3 sessionsc [1 to 6d].
sessionsc [1 to 5d]). 64 were provided with ATC. The median [range]
number of telephone coaching sessions received was
12 [2 to 15d] and the number of SMS or email
messages sent was 31e [14 to 33d].

a One of these adolescents refused to have their anthropometry/blood pressure measured but continued in the study.
b The balance of adolescents who had their anthropometry/BP assessed at the previous time point did not attend this measurement session nor did they
formally withdraw from the study.
c Booster attendance was not significantly different between arms and declined from 69% to 31% between the first and final session.
d In some cohorts both arms started the Phase 1 intervention mid-school term and for this reason had an extra scheduled booster session, telephone
coaching session and SMS and/or email message above that specified in the study protocol. Some adolescents received less telephone coaching
sessions or SMS/email messages than specified in the protocol because they opted out of the ATC intervention or could not be contacted.
e The median [range] proportion of messages sent to adolescents that they replied to was 12% [0 to 55].

Figure 1. RCT participation from recruitment to 24 months.

International Journal of Obesity (2013) 468 – 472 & 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited
Two-year adolescent weight-loss maintenance
B Nguyen et al
dietary intake. The Children0 s Leisure Activities Study Survey measured friendship, all Harter self-perception measures including global
physical activity and sedentary behaviors.15 Adolescents and parents self-worth (0.20 (0.09, 0.32)). Participants were more likely to
anonymously completed program satisfaction questionnaires. Intervention report less frequent consumption of high-fat meat products
participation and reported adverse events were recorded. (odds ratio: 0.22 (95% CI: 0.14, 0.36)), lunch every day (0.49 (0.30,
0.82)) and more likely to report never/rarely consuming fruit juice
Statistical analyses (2.47 (1.59, 3.82)). Light-intensity physical activity reduced (mean:
Data were analyzed using SPSS, v.19 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) with  0.80 h (95% CI:  0.96,  0.64)) and total leisure activities
statistical significance accepted as Po0.05. Non-normally distributed increased (1.2 h (1.0, 1.4)) including non-screen-based activities
variables were log-transformed for analysis and are presented as back- (1.4 h (1.1, 1.7)). Adjusting for sex and baseline age had no effect
transformed data. Linear mixed models were used for all outcomes except on these outcomes.
dietary variables that were dichotomized and analyzed with generalized
estimating equation models with a binomial distribution. Models used an
intention-to-treat approach with an unstructured covariance structure to
test for time (as repeated factor with levels: baseline, 2, 12 and 24 months) DISCUSSION
and group effects. Group-by-time interactions were included if fixed effects To our knowledge, this is the first community-based RCT in
were significant. The least significant difference method was used for post adolescents investigating the potential impact of telephone
hoc comparisons. Base models were adjusted for additional significant coaching combined with electronic communications on long-
effects of sex and baseline age. term weight-management outcomes. As found at 12 months,3 the
ATC intervention did not have a significant impact on outcomes at
24 months or attendance at Phase 2 booster sessions. This finding
RESULTS is surprising given the promising application of youth-friendly,
Participants electronic technologies in weight-management interventions,16
Figure 1 presents participation from recruitment to 24 months. Of and as a tool for behavior change.17 It is possible that ATC
151 randomized adolescents, 9% did not receive any intervention, provided once per fortnight in this RCT did not meet the threshold
and, by 24 months, a further 11% had formally withdrawn. for change. Daily SMS communications have since been found
Twenty-four-month anthropometry/BP and metabolic outcomes acceptable to adolescents receiving obesity treatment18,19 but
were assessed in 62% and 47% of adolescents, respectively. weight outcomes were not evaluated.
Baseline anthropometry/BP and demographic characteristics were The Loozit group program 24-month outcomes were similar to
not different between adolescents who formally withdrew and those at 12 months.3 Between 12 and 24 months, adolescent
those who did not, or adolescents with and without 24-month overweight (BMI z-score) reduced and previous reductions in
follow-up. Booster session attendance declined from 69% to 31% abdominal adiposity (WHtR) were sustained, despite the generally
between the first and final session. The median (range) number of poor long-term attendance at booster group sessions. Consistent
telephone coaching sessions received and SMS/email messages findings included reductions in total cholesterol, triglycerides,
sent, respectively, was 12 (2 to 15) and 31 (14 to 33). Of consumption of high-fat meat products and lunch, and
93 adolescents and 79 parents who completed satisfaction improvements in most psychosocial outcomes. New findings at
questionnaires, respectively, 87% and 97%, responded they would 24 months included increases in total and non-screen-based
recommend the Loozit program to others. Adverse events leisure activities and BP (within normal range), and reductions in
throughout the study included parent-reported disordered eating HDL cholesterol and light physical activity. However, these results
(n ¼ 3) and poor body image (n ¼ 2), prescription drug overdose reflect the expected secular increases in BP20 and sedentary
(n ¼ 1) and a fractured ankle (n ¼ 1). behaviors,21 and decreases in lunch intake21 and physical
Effect of ATC Absence of a ‘no treatment’ control group somewhat limits
There were no statistically significant group effects or group-by- interpretation of the group program0 s effectiveness but including
time interactions indicating an effect of ATC for primary outcomes, one would not have been ethical, given the intervention duration.
and very few for secondary outcomes at 24 months (Table 1). Another limitation was the increasing proportion of missing
Compared with the G-only group at each time point, the G þ ATC outcome data (Figure 1), despite persistence in re-scheduling
group had a higher systolic BP (mean (95% CI) group difference: missed measurement sessions.
3 mm Hg (0,6)), only after adjusting for sex and baseline age, The 24-month, Loozit group program has proved feasible to
and lower perceived athletic competence (  0.22 (  0.44, 0.00)). deliver in a community setting with modest resources. However,
Accounting for significant group-by-time interactions did not ATC provided no additional therapeutic benefit as a maintenance
change 24-month outcomes except for the greater amount of adjunct to the Loozit program. These results highlight how
time spent using the computer in the G þ ATC group at 24 months challenging long-term work with obese adolescents can be and
(2.3 h (1.0, 4.9)). the need to identify strategies for further optimizing weight-
management outcomes and treatment engagement. We recom-
mend that future trials evaluate the health outcomes of adjunctive
Pre-post assessment of the Loozit program ATC delivered at least once a week, and utilizing existing and
Anthropometry and metabolic health. Table 1 presents anthropo- emerging youth-friendly technologies.
metric and metabolic outcomes by group and time. Time effects,
that is, baseline to 24-month changes, for both arms combined
are reported herein. At 24 months, there were statistically CONFLICT OF INTEREST
significant reductions in BMI z-score, WHtR, total cholesterol, The authors declare no conflict of interest.
HDL cholesterol and triglycerides, and increases in systolic
and diastolic BP. Adjusting for sex and baseline age had no
effect except the aforementioned group-by-time interaction for ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
systolic BP. The Loozit RCT was funded by a University of Sydney Research & Development Grant
(2006); a bequest of the Estate of the late RT Hall (2006–08); Macquarie Bank
Psychosocial well-being and lifestyle behaviors. Improvements were Foundation (2006–08); Financial Markets Foundation for Children (2007–08); and the
seen in: body shape satisfaction (mean: 0.43 (95% CI: 0.20, 0.65)), Heart Foundation of Australia Grant-in-Aid (2009–10). VAS was supported by an
subjective social status (1.26 (0.86, 1.66)), and except for close Australian National Health and Medical Research Council Biomedical Postgraduate

& 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited International Journal of Obesity (2013) 468 – 472
Two-year adolescent weight-loss maintenance
B Nguyen et al
Scholarship (#505009). The funding bodies did not have any input into the design 8 Kuczmarski RJ, Ogden CL, Grummer-Strawn LM, Flegal KM, Guo SS, Wei R et al.
and conduct of the study; the collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of CDC growth charts: United States. Adv Data 2000; 314: 1–27.
the data; and the preparation, review or approval of this manuscript. We would like to 9 Berwick DM, Murphy JM, Goldman PA, Ware JE, Barsky AJ, Weinstein MC.
thank the participating adolescents and their parents/carers, as well as The Children0 s Performance of a 5-item mental-health screening-test. Medical Care 1991; 29:
Hospital at Westmead (CHW) Public Relations Department and local schools for 169–176.
assisting with recruitment. We thank Dr Jennifer Peat and Dr Federica Barzi of the 10 Stunkard A. Old and new scales for the assessment of body image. Percept Motor
Clinical Epidemiology Unit, CHW, for providing statistical advice. We would also like Skill 2000; 90: 930.
to thank Anthea Lee, Kate Stevenson, Kristy McGregor, Michele Casey, Susie Burrell, 11 Goodman E, Adler NE, Kawachi I, Frazier AL, Huang B, Colditz GA. Adolescents’
Kerryn Chisholm, Genevieve Dwyer, and Jessica Finlay for their contributions to perceptions of social status: development and evaluation of a new indicator.
the study. Pediatrics 2001; 108: e31.
12 Harter S. Manual for the self perception profile for adolescents. University of Denver:
Denver, CO, 1988.
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