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Communication Skills

1. How would you rate your communication skills?

I'd rate my communication skills as proficient. They're not amazing, but not bad
either. For instance, during speed dating, I was able to keep the conversation
flowing with people I don't usually talk to outside of class. We got to know each
other better through our chats, and I even veered off-topic and talked about other
things too. Another great example was the bomb diffusing activity, which was a
blast! I knew everyone in my group, but we were only acquaintances. However,
since we all communicated and had fun, we got along really well and had a
fantastic time. It's all about connecting and enjoying the moment, you know?

2. . How can you improve your communication skills?

Improving your communication skills can have a big impact on your interactions
with others. One way to enhance your communication is by practicing active
listening. This means giving your full attention to the person speaking, showing
genuine interest, and responding thoughtfully. Another aspect to work on is your
body language and nonverbal cues. Maintaining eye contact, using open and
welcoming gestures, and having good posture can all contribute to effective
communication. Additionally, expanding your vocabulary through reading and
engaging in conversations with diverse individuals can help you express yourself
more clearly.

3. Do you feel confident to market yourself in an interview?

When it comes to marketing myself in an interview, I feel quite confident. I believe it's all
about showcasing my skills, experiences, and personality in the best possible way.
During interviews, I make sure to highlight my strengths and accomplishments,
providing specific examples to back them up. I also emphasize my ability to adapt, learn
quickly, and work well in a team. Additionally, I express my passion for the field and my
eagerness to contribute to the company's success. Preparation plays a big role too. I
research the company, its values, and its goals, so I can align my answers with what
they're looking for. Overall, I approach interviews with a positive mindset, genuine
enthusiasm, and a strong belief in my abilities. That confidence helps me present myself
in the best light possible.

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