Things To Remember

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Things to Remember

Zahlan, Halla, and Niket – A cadre of the Sovereign’s Chosen who tricked Braydock Phaeit and his
companions into ridding the Steppes of the “desert ghost,” Shabh Al-Sahra.
Halla was killed by sand ghouls during their mission.
Akeem Al-Qadir ibn Abdoul – An Alrammari spy within the ranks of the Inquisition. He and Preslin are
well-acquainted after the latter’s spiritual awakening in the Steppes.
Shabh Al-Sahra – A desert spirit who plagued the Steppes for over a thousand years. He served as sentry
for the resting place of the Dark Pharaoh, beneath the dunes until his master’s tomb was destroyed by
Drakven Ayelith. To pay his debt to the necromancer, the ghost promised him a single task.
Al-Sahra fulfilled this task when he cleansed the northern hamlets of undead creatures.
Hallmaster Gir’nok – An orcish guildmaster for the Union, he was entrusted with watching over the
excavations near Stepton by Braydock Phaeit.
Redeemer Dawson – As a redeemer of the Church of Ordins, Dawson was tasked with weeding heretics
from the church’s flock. He was seriously injured by Preslin, who proclaimed his denial of the Church’s
gods during their fight.
Damien Sprulot – Braydock’s squire and confidant.
Hallmaster Sshyan Chaulssin –

Stepton – A border town at the northern edge of the 37th High Road. It lies a few miles south of the
Steppes and serves as a trading post for caravaneers from Alrammar.
The Jarwile – A river that runs along the 37th.
The Ossuary – The former resting place of the late Dark Pharaoh. It was unearthed by the Heroes
during their time in the Steppes.
Halakor – Dark Elf ruin from nearly a thousand years ago
Zith Norkai – An ancient Drow ruin from long before the Fall. It was governed by Lady Aerelyn, a
Drider servant of the Dweller Below.
Vault Peninsula – A peninsula loosely separated by mountains from the rest of the Empire. The land was
taken by the Seafarer in the Battle of the Vault, an event in which Braydock Phaeit was captured by the
pirate king’s men.
Riddleroot Academy – Highly regarded arcane university within the Elflands.

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