Discoveries Magazine - May 2024 - Intermediate - C22815ce

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Discoveries Magazine May 2024

A Little Joy Goes a Long Way!

What brings you joy?

example, she started visiting an interesting local spice store.

She also found joy when she saw something special at a thrift
shop. Psychologist Jolanta Burke agrees that microjoys can
make you feel more positive. Burke suggests finding humor in
everyday situations. She says it is also good to stay connected
with others. So, keep in touch with friends and family. Doing
something unexpected creates microjoys too - even something
small. Try a new food, or walk to work instead of taking the
bus. Spiegel believes that anyone can find microjoys, no matter

what else is going on in their lives.

We all feel sad sometimes - it's normal. According to

researchers, focusing on positive things helps people feel better.
Cyndie Spiegel believes that finding small moments of joy is
always possible, even in very difficult times. Spiegel, an
entrepreneur, calls these experiences microjoys. Microjoys are
small moments of joy that we experience in life. You can
find microjoys at anytime and anywhere; just pay attention.
Some people find microjoys in watching a sunset or a funny
video. Others find them in chatting with a stranger. These
small moments make you feel better temporarily. But they can
also help you in the future. The more microjoys you experience,

the easier it will be to handle challenging times in life.

Spiegel wrote a book about microjoys. She believes it is okay to

feel both sad and happy at the same time. According to Spiegel,
one of the benefits of microjoys is that they require very little
effort. In her book, Spiegel discusses the microjoys she found
during a tough time in her life. For

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Discoveries Magazine May 2024

Questions for A Little Joy Goes a Long Way!

1. What do we learn about microjoys?

They help when life is difficult.

They are small moments of happiness.

They are easy to find.

All of the above

2. According to the article, experiencing many microjoys helps you...

make stronger friendships.

handle challenges.

have more time for family.

take a break whenever you want to.

3. According to the article, with microjoys...

you stop thinking about the future.

your problems seem smaller.

you focus on positive things.

you understand that being happy is hard.

4. Which microjoy did Cyndie Spiegel experience?

Visiting a local shop

Eating special food

Starting a business

Taking a walk in nature

5. Jolanta Burke...

wrote a book about microjoys.

teaches a class on microjoys.

is a psychologist interested in microjoys.

thinks microjoys take too much effort.

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