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University of Warsaw Ömer Berkant Yıldız

Baryogenesis via leptogenesis


In this paper, I will talk about Baryogenesis via Leptogenesis. Firstly, as all we know is each
atom are consisting of proton, neutron and electron. Two of these three kinds of particles
(proton and neutron) are not fundamental particles, while the third (electron) is an elementary
particle that belongs to the class of particles called leptons. On the other hand protons and
neutrons belong to baryons’. Baryons are particles formed by quarks, which are fundamental
particles, in groups of three. We can explain how atoms were formed from elementary particles
with "Big Bang Nuclear Synthesis" (nucleosynthesis). The predictions of the Big Bang Nuclear
Synthesis, which are derived from the basic nuclear physics observed on Earth, have been
confirmed with very small deviations when astronomical observations are made, which are
presumed to be due to astronomical observations.

As part of the development of relativistic quantum mechanics, the Dirac equation, formulated
by Paul Dirac in 1928, predicted the existence of antiparticles along with the expected solutions
for particles. Experiments since then have revealed that every known particle has an
antiparticle. According to the CPT theory, a particle and its antiparticle have the same mass, the
same lifetime, and the opposite charge. With this symmetry, it is confusing that there is no equal
amount of matter and antimatter in the universe. There are two main interpretations of this
contradiction: Either the total baryon number of the universe is different from zero in the
beginning or the universe was in perfect symmetry at the beginning, a series of events took
place over time, creating an imbalance in favor of matter. Mostly the second possibility is
emphasized, but there is no data to suggest that the first cannot be true.

Baryogenesis via Leptogenesis

In physical cosmology, baryogenesis is the hypothetical (hypothetical) process that causes

baryonic asymmetry (that is, baryon-antibaryon imbalance in the observed universe) to occur
in the early moments of the universe. Baryogenesis theories are based on different descriptions
of interactions between elementary particles. The two main theories are: Electroweak
baryogenesis (standard model) and Great Unified Theory baryogenesis. The first assumes that
the event occurred in the electroweak age, while the second assumes that it happened just after
the great unification age. Quantum field theory and statistical physics are used to describe such
possible mechanisms.
University of Warsaw Ömer Berkant Yıldız

Leptogenesis is the hypothetical process that causes leptonic asymmetry at the beginning of the
universe. In the Standard Model, the lepton number is conservative; therefore, leptogenesis can
only take place in physics theories beyond the Standard Model. Lepton and baryon asymmetries
are decisive for the much better understood Big Bang Nuclear Synthesis. For successful
synthesis of light elements, there must have been an imbalance of one billionth between the
baryon and antibaryon number in the first few minutes of the universe. Lepton-antilepton
number asymmetry is not mandatory for Big Bang Nuclear Synthesis. But charge conservation
implies that any asymmetry between charged leptons and antileptons (electrons, muons, and
taular) must be of the same order of magnitude as the baryon asymmetry.

In short, unlike Big Bang Nuclear Synthesis, baryogenesis and leptogenesis necessitate physics
that is not covered by the Standard Model. While everyone agrees that this occurred prior to the
Big Bang Core Synthesis, no one can agree on how. The "sphaleron process," in which
sphalerons, which can be formed as a result of the non-perturbative quantum Adler-Bell-Jackiw
anomaly, play a role, is the only Standard Model process that can be related to the formation of
elementary particles. The sphaleron process is a hypothetical process that could violate the
conservation of baryon and lepton numbers, but it has never been observed. This process can
only be carried out at temperatures greater than 10 TeV.

However, if the Big Bang did not begin with nonzero baryon and lepton numbers, but rather
with pure energy, as most cosmologists believe simply because it is a nicer assumption, then
the universe would have been so high without post-Standard Model physics for long enough to
produce the particle content we see today. Temperatures cannot be left unattended.

While the Standard Model allows for baryogenesis, the currently observed baryon asymmetry
cannot account for the number of baryons (and leptons) produced in this manner. This is an
unresolved issue that has yet to be clarified. According to the Standard Model, bariogenesis
requires a first-order phase transition for electroweak symmetry breaking. Otherwise, any
baryon asymmetry up to the phase transition would be cleared by the sphalerons, making
interactions that do not preserve the baryon number insignificant.

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