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1. Obtain the waveform of half wave RC firing circuit.

2. Obtain the wave form across load . SCR and capacitor in full wave controll using RC firing circuits.

3. Rig up a class B commutation circuit and obtain the wave form across the load. SCR and capacitor.

4. Rig up a class D commutation circuit and obtain the wave form across the load. SCR1 and SCR2 and capacitor.

5. Rig up a voltage commutation circuit and obtain the waveform across the load , SCR and capacitor.

6. Rig up resonant pulse commutation circuit and obtain the waveform across the load. SCR and capacitor.

7. Conrtol the RMS voltage across the incandescent lamp using TRAIC-DIAC combination and obtain the wavefors.

8. Conduct a suitable experiment on SCR .plot its static characteristics also find the holding and latching current, Break over voltage.

9. Conduct a suitable experiment on given SCR for the given values of Ig1=______ma and IG2=________mA and also find the holding and latching current, Break over voltage.

10. Conduct a suitable experiment on the MOSFET and find drain and trans -conductance and find ON state resistance and transconductane.

11. Conduct a suitable experiment in a given IGBT, and plot its tranfer characteristics tranfer and find the resistance and output resistance.

12. Conduct a suitable experiment in a given IGBT,plot characteristics and find the tranfer resistance and output resistance.

13. Plot firing angle Vs output voltage for a single phase FWR with R load and hence plot the corresponding waveform using DFC.

14. Plot firing angle Vs output voltage for Half wave rectifier using UJT firing circuit and also plot wave waveform across all the circuit element.

15. Plot firing angle Vs output voltage for full wave rectifier using UJT firing circuit and also plot wave waveforms across all the circuit element.

16. Conduct a suitable experiment on voltage comutated chopper with constant Duty cycle and variable frequency opertion.

17. Conduct a suitable experiment to control the speed of univirsal motor .

18. Conduct a suitable experiment on voltage comutated chopper for by varying duty cycle and constant frequency and hence obtain waveforms.

19. Conduct a suitable experiment to control the speed of DC motor and plot the graph.

20. Conduct a suitable experiment on series inveter.

21. Conduct a suitable experiment on paralel inveter.

22. Verify truth table of a stepper motor in full step mode.

23. Verify truth table of a stepper motor in half step mode.

24. Conduct a suitable experiment to obtain the VI characeristics of a DIAC.

25. Conduct single phase fully controlled rectifier using R load,RL load, RL load with free wheeling diode.

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