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Soal Recount Text 1. What is the genre of the text?

Early one morning, Umar was walking to the a. Descriptive

bus stop to catch a bus to school. A loud,
screeching noise suddenly pierced the air. b. Narrative
Umar realized that there had been an c. News item
accident. A small boy was lying unconscious
on the road, and the car that had hit him had d. Recount
already run away.
e. Procedure
Umar was confused and frightened. “is the
boy dead?” Umar asked himself. However,
the boy was still breathing. Umar could see 2. The purpose of the text is to ….
that the boy had bruises all over his face and
arms. Umar did not know what to do. Few a. tell a past event
cars passed along this road at this time of
b. report a phenomena
the day. The nearest house which he could
go to for help was his own, but it would take c. entertain readers
ten minutes to walk there. Umar finally
decided to stay with the boy until somebody d. describe Umar’s activity
came by. Time passed very slowly – so it
e. discuss something
seemed to Umar. The boy was still
unconscious, and Umar prayed for the boy to
regain consciousness.
3. Umar and the helpful driver went to the
Umar sprang to his feet at the sound of an police station after they ….
approaching car. He waved frantically at the
driver to stop. Umar asked the driver,”You a. stopped the approaching car
will help this boy, won’t you, Sir?” The driver
b. reported the accident they saw
was kind. He carried the injuried boy to the
car. Umar went with them to the hospital. c. brought the boy to the nearest house
Later, the driver took Umar to the police
station to report the accident. d. had seen the injured boy on the road

Umar had a lot to tell to his friends that day e. had carried the injured boy to the hospital
at school. All his friends though Umar was a
very brave boy.”it was an unforgettable
incident, wasn’t it?” They asked him. “Yes, it 4. “Time passed very slowly” ….( paragraph 4
was, “Umar replied.”it was a terrifying ). This part of the text is called ….
experience, thought!”
a. Description

b. Event
c. Reorientation

d. Resolution 8. My friend and I …… hard 2 days ago

e. Orientation a. Study

b. Studied

5. What do Umar,s friends think about him …. c. Were study

a. he is an honest boy d. Studying

b. he is a kind boy

c. he is a coward boy 9 . Lily …. a representative student last year

d. he is an easy going boy a. Were

e. he is a very brave boy b. Was

c. Did

6. The old woman was feel …. after she had d. Are

heard that her beloved son was seriousely
injured in a terrible accident.

a. delighted 10. Ten years ago, a holiday trip to

Prambanan …. ….. Expensive
b. sorrow

c. sadness
a. Was not
d. regreet
b. Did not
e. unconscious
c. Were not

d. Is not
7. The room is to narrow, we need a …. of air

a. parfum 11. Rani and her brother washed their

father’s car ……
b. light
a. Last week
c. pipe
b. Tomorrow
d. breath
c. Right now
e. realease
d. Today d. Doing

12. He did not ….. his holiday in his

hometown last week

a. Spent

b. Spending

c. Spend

d. Spends

13. Did you ….. up at 6 am yesterday?

a. Woke

b. Wakes

c. Wake

d. Waked

14. She ….. to Bali with her boyfriend


a. Go

b. Gone

c. Went

d. Going

15. Arya ….. not pass the IELTS test last


a. Did

b. Do

c. Does

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