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Encyclopediae Trollae

Of trolls, their breeds and place in the world

By professor Leopold Gunzcherfunf

Image by Midjourney ai beta

About the Supplement
Befouled Iceflows (Adventure)...68 Gutspill Bono, Groinknock Bono and Legbreak Bono...147

Ice Troll...70 Da Swamp Fings...148

This is a fan-made supplement for Warhammer Fantasy The shrine of Fire (Adventure)...71 Gnasher (And Gizbo da Wize)...149
Roleplay 4th edition which adds lore and rules for Lava Troll...73 Gorskull...150
trolls. Including new types of trolls, new adventures
Marsh Troll...74 Gutrock...151
featuring trolls. New troll-themed traits and spells, a
troll themed career and several famous trolls. The Lord Gruber and the Trolls (Adventure)...75 Madtoof Ironleg...152
supplement is made by Leo E Gunnemarsson. Special
Mine Troll...77 Muckspit...153
thanks to the following facebook groups for helping
with input and tips; “WFRP 4th edition”, “Warhammer The slaves were mine! Mine! (Adventure)...78 Raak Evercursed...154
Fantasy Roleplay 4th edition” and “WFRP Game Mas- Mudbelly Troll...80 Ripper Bolgrot...156
Assault on Troll Island (Adventure)...81 The Rock...157
List of Contents Murk Troll...83 Shorthorn Trolls...158

History of GW Trolls...3 In the Tummy of the Troll (Adventure)...84 Soulblight...159

What is a troll…6 Norscan Troll...86 Stonebiter...160

Troll Gastric Acid and Alchemy...7 Between a Græling and his trolls (Adventure)...87 The Terrible Troll...161

Troll Stupidity...8 Plaguewood Troll...89 Throgg...163

Troll Origins...9 Trovoleks Fate (Adventure)...90 Chief Ugma...164

Kulgur...12 River Troll...92 Vilebreath...165

Other books for WFRP trolls...13 Hungry Troll and the Gobbos (Adventure)...93 Vrashnak...166

Troll Species...14 Rock-Eater Troll...95 …

Bile Troll...15 The wondrous king of trolls (Adventure)...96 New Traits...167

Purge it with Fire! (Adventure)...16 Rockhide Troll...98 Kulgur Chef Career...169

Blackhide Troll...18 The blight of Sha’ramun (Adventure)...99 Troll Magic...170

Princely Retirment (Adventure)...19 Rockmaw Troll...101 On the cutting room floor...174

Bog Troll...21 No need to handle with care (Adventure)...102

Slay it again, Sam! (Adventure)...22 Rocksmasher Troll...104

Bogwallow Troll...24 Blackmoon Nibblers and Friendly Hammers (Adventure) 105

Poolcleaners of Anub-Ias (Adventure)...25 Sandbelly Troll...107

Cave Troll...27 Honorarily Fuzzy (Adventure)...108

Black Tower at Black Fire (Adventure)...28 Scourgetooth Troll...110

Chaos Troll...30 Of Bone and Thistle (Adventure)...111

The Lost Banner of the Slaughterer (Adventure)...31 Sea Troll...113

Common Troll...33 More than just guidelines... (Adventure)...114

Trolls in the Pantry (Adventure)...34 Spiked Troll...116

Creek Troll...36 He’s eatin me mine! (Adventure)...117

Up Black Creek with no Canoe (Adventure)...37 Stone Troll...119

Dark Troll...39 Under the great dwarf bridge (Adventure)...120

A troll to save a town (Adventure)...40 Stormblight Brute...122

Deeprock Troll...42 Stormblight Expedition (Adventure)...123

The Dovre Depths (Adventure)...43 Suskarg Lout...125

Field Stomper Troll...45 Louts, Hags and Vandals (Adventure)...126

Trollslayer Technicalities (Adventure)...46 Two-headed troll...128

Giant River Troll Hag...48 Nikse Trollhunt... (Adventure)...129

Squelch! (Adventure)...49 Warpstone Troll...131

Giant Lava Troll Hag...51 Oi! That’s my leg. (Adventure)...132

Gloomtroll...52 Warrior Troll...134

Legacy of Kazgi (Adventure)...53 The Tower of Sayidqubeatkabira (Adventure)...135

Grassgut Troll...55 Wart Troll...137

The Trollhunt of Ostland (Adventure)...56 Holy Hunt or Hellish Havoc (Adventure)...138

Hill Crusher...58 Warted Stomper Troll...140

Welcome to Troll Country! (Adventure)...59 That´s Contagious! (Adventure)...141

High Mountain Troll...61 Dramatis Trollae...142

Mad dogs and Empiremen (Adventure)...62 Bilemaw...143

Hill Troll...64 Bilegut...144

Oh, No! We trapped a troll. (Adventure)...65 Biletongue...145

Icerock Troll...67 Blump...146

A history of trolls in the annals of trolls lived in inaccessible places hunting fish with net and tri-
dents and swimming very fast. A precursor to the later, more
Games Workshop fleshed out, river trolls for sure. Cave trolls were distinguished
by their horned heads and they fought by throwing boulders
Trolls have been a part of Citadel and Games Workshop at passers-by. Hill Trolls returned but with changed lore, in-
from the very start. Predating their games by a few years. In stead of being more ferocious but smaller they were now an
their old “Fantasy Tribes” series back in 1981. At this point
even more stupid kind of troll that wandered around instead
they were not made for any Warhammer system, such a
of keeping a lair and left a trail of destruction wherever it
thing did not yet exist.
went. Warrior trolls were trolls taught the art of war by evil
So perhaps a good place to start is with the first edition of wizards and where the most dangerous type with their one
Warhammer in 1983. A time before Warhammer fantasy weakness stated to be that they would stop to eat what they
battles and Warhammer fantasy roleplay had been split and killed.
roleplay and mass-battle system existed side by side in the
Then arrived third edition in 87 and with it the trolls devel-
same book. Here they were described as large evil crea-
tures, very stupid, ferocious and unhygienic. They had the oped further though subtypes once again disappeared. Their
ability to regenerate and could have ‘Chaotic Attributes’. At regeneration, hunger and stupidity where further pointed out
this time there were four types of trolls; Trolls, Hill Trolls, as was their strange physique. They were no longer restricted
Spiked Trolls and Two-headed Trolls. Hill trolls were more to Norsca and the Dark Lands specifically but said to be mostly
ferocious but somewhat smaller than ‘True’ trolls. Spiked in the north but sometimes found as far south as the Grey
trolls were a variant of Hill Trolls that had ugly iron spikes Mountains. Ruleswise they now gained their (in)famous troll
growing from their bodies, spikes that per the rules had a vomit, an iconic ability they have kept ever since.
chance of being poisonous. Two-headed trolls alone gained
Then in 89 two things happened for the GW trolls, a set of
no description, the name was considered self-explanatory
childrens boardgames themed around them was released; Oi!
one must assume.
That’s my Leg, Hungry Troll and the Gobbos, Squelch, and
The next chapter in the tale of trolls came the following Trolls in the Pantry. This set up a rivalry of sort between gob-
year with the release of 2nd edition and a new set of trolls, lins and trolls and introduced the idea that you could make a
this time named but given no real lore of their own. The new troll by stitching together a bunch of cut off troll parts.
names are quite flavourful though giving us; Hobol Fire- But that was not all, the same year saw Warhammer Fantasy
breath, Grog Stuntycrusher, Davogrod Gutsucker, Shakined Roleplay get its first edition and with it came more troll lore.
Bone Bender, Skuttlescree Soresmeer and Rattlebones Most importantly it stated that trolls were relatives to ogres
Bowlegs as apparently classic troll names. The lore in the sec- that had been far more affected by chaos. Apart from this
ond edition bestiary expanded on the trolls, though with the much of the lore followed that of the battlegame though the
barebones start of 1st edition that is not saying too much. roleplay also added that trolls had sharp senses of hearing and
Now they were stated to live in packs like wild animals and smell which they used to find battles where they could eat
have little command of language but speaking a debased ver- whatever was close. Their rules made hits to its lower body
sion of Norse, and doing so very slowly. The basis for the clas- spray out stomach acid dealing damage and ruining any non-
sic Warhammer troll was now seen. They were explained as magical equipment. Here also appeared the notion that fire
looking a bit skinny and comical but being deceptively strong, and corrosive acids could not be regenerated by trolls, the fire
a trait they’ve since kept though they have bulked up a bit part stuck around.
over time. The unhygienic trait was carried on and their ability
Then in the early nineties 4th edition rolled around and organ-
to eat most anything was introduced. Since the world had
ised the various creatures into armybooks. The trolls were
been described a bit more their distribution was set and it was
now placed alongside orcs and goblins. This book introduced
set mainly to Norsca and the Dark Lands. They could be any
the troll types that stuck around for all subsequent orc and
colour but were usually green or brown.The different troll
goblin armybooks, Common trolls, Stone Trolls and River
types disappeared now but one of the subtypes would later
Trolls. It cemented the usage of fire against them and added
return and new ones turn up. Alignment remained in this edi-
that the corrosive acid of trolls was sought after by wizards
tion too but it changed somewhat for trolls who now could be
and alchemists. The trolls were also found in the armies of
either evil or chaotic rather than just evil as in the previous
chaos but not yet as chaos trolls, instead they were identical
to those of the greenskins and could even chose the same
Their next update of miniatures would then come to rectify subtypes.
the lack of subtypes for trolls. In 1985 four new troll models
were released and each represented a subtype of troll. Marsh
The later parts of the nineties brought 5th edition but few for the lore of this game then I would appreciate getting to
real changes to the trolls though it introduced chaos trolls know more about the trolls in it.
as a subspecies that is more mutated and more aggressive,
The 8th and last edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battles
something that has remained ever since.
kept the lore from the previous ones but during its run
Another addition to troll history, though not one added to added new types of trolls. In 2011 Tamurkhan: The
warhammers canon, was Bloodbowl. Trolls made an ap- Throne of Chaos was released and added the new troll type
pearance here keeping most of their classic traits but gain- ‘Bile Trolls’. These Nurgle trolls were eternally tormented
ing a new iconic ability. The ability to throw goblins, a tac- by vile diseases from which they regenerated but still suf-
tic that became a staple of many teams. Later on in Blood- fered. Their touch was poisonous but their regenerative
bowls long history of adding a lot of teams the underworld ability lesser than their kin due to being overtaxed by deal-
teams, combinations of skaven and nightgoblins, came with ing with diseases. In 2012 Monstrous Arcanum which
its own version of troll. The ‘Warpstone troll’ was mostly again speak of Bile trolls but also namedrops a new type of
identical to the trolls of goblin teams but had the ability to troll. Sea Trolls, also known as Shugons, creatures living
gain mutations. A named troll, Ripper Bolgrot, also ap- deep in the oceans and once summoned by a mighty drag-
peared here, a troll experimented on by a back alley alche- on to rip apart a verminlord. Last of the contributions from
mist and gained intelligence far beyond that possible for this edition was the river troll hag in 2013. The largest troll
trolls to achieve. so far and a spellcasting monster. A river troll grown large
and powerful from gathering death magic that she then can
By 2000 6th edition rolled around for Warhammer and in
the wake of the Storm of Chaos campaign so too came a
second edition of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Neither But despite the Warhammer battles game being over the
offered much of a change in the way trolls were presented trolls lived on in that world. In Total War: Warhammer a
however, happy to keep the lore of 5th edition. The one new type was added. Ice Trolls of Norsca, mutated chaos
change that came was for chaos trolls, they got a new set of trolls with an icy breath. Chaos armies could get their trolls
miniatures wielding two handweapons and their new rules armoured, an ability not seen since the warrior troll of 3rd
reflected this weapon choice, making them a better unit edition and perhaps a call to their better weapon options in
than the greenskin base trolls. The chaos trolls at this time the battlegame. In addition a regiment of renown of trolls
became part of the Beasts of Chaos book as the chaos forc- was added. Da Swamp Fings, a group of rivertrolls that
es were split into two armybooks. look especially terrifying.

The 7th edition of the game too held to the, by now ce- In the successor game to Warhammer Fantasy Battles, Age
mented, version of trolls from 4th and 5th edition but add- of Sigmar, trolls were no longer trolls, they had become
ed one very important addition to troll lore. Throgg, the Troggoths. Much of their earlier lore remained, they were
troll king and ruler of Troll Country. An individual leading stupid, regenerating and violent. But their origins were
armies of trolls and showing a deep hatred for humanity. new, children of ‘Gorkamorka’ the newish god of the green-
Weirdly enough trolls where now moved from beasts of skins in this game they are formed from gruel where the
chaos to warriors of chaos. This always felt weird to me light of azyr can’t shine and called forth to war. The troll
given that Throgg was described as hating all humans, a types too got new names. Rivertrolls became Fellwater
trait fitting far better in the beastmen book than with the Troggoths, stonetrolls Rockgut Troggoths, Common trolls
warriors of chaos who, clearly, include a fair bit of humans. became Sourbreath Troggoths and a new type appeared.
Dankhold Troggoths dwell deep underground and sleep
During the run of 7th edition, in the year 2008 more pre-
long in caverns, their bodies then adapt to the caverns size
cisely, was released the MMO “Warhammer Online: Age of
making them grow or shrink according to their lair, a size
Reckoning” which seems to have added some new troll
they will keep until their next time to sleep.
types, or a lot rather, though they are divided between the
categories ‘troll’, ‘river troll’, ‘stone troll’ and ‘chaos troll’
much like in the battlegame. Likely only renamed for ease
of keeping check on levels and some troll related quests, a
troll consuming a powerful chaos artefact becomes an im-
portant part of the chaos questline. In Troll Country a pub-
lic quest pits you against a horde of Hill trolls, a return of
an old classic troll though this game sets them as a type of
Stone Troll. However, this game iss one hard to find infor-
mation on and I reach it only through playing ‘Return of
Reckoning’ so if anyone has good knowledge or a database
Eventually Warhammer Fantasy Battles returned in a way
with the release of ‘The Old World’ battlegame, here trolls
were returned to their warhammer fantasy battle roots of
8th edition but new additions to their lore came. A ‘Troll
Horde’ armylist for ‘orc and goblin tribes’ and an orc sham-
an who is draped in trollskin and whom trolls believe is one
of them. Shamans disguising themselves to control trolls
was mentioned here as a tactic, not only for this one in par-
ticular. In addition the lore added that their regeneration
was stronger in groups. No real explanation given to why.
Trolls now also create simple rocky cairns to mark their

The biggest change was for Trollhags however. Their entire

earlier lore removed and replaced. No longer were they
infused with deathmagic of stagnant foetid waters. Their
magic lore was its entirely own now. Orc and goblin sham-
ans are also stated to sometimes learn the magic of the troll
hags now. These troll hags also came with a new motherly
instinct to care for trolls at this point.

And that should catch us up fairly well to the current date.

What the future holds for Warhammer trolls is unknown
but it will be interesting to see.

/Leo Gunnemarsson
Outlining a formalized definition of troll characteristics
Or ‘What is a troll’
When I mention trolls most readers of this encyclopaedia is of Nuln. As he writes in the introduction to ‘Aging in
likely gets a clear image in their head. However, these imag- Trolls; Of Size and Scars’ (1893 IC)
es are likely very different and varied. For there are many
“It has long been known that trolls age and die just like most
different varied troll species existing. Stone trolls, Chaos
other creatures. It has also been known that they continue to
trolls, cave trolls and Shugons are all trolls but differ greatly
grow during this time but their growth slows more and more.
in characteristics. So what makes a troll a troll? I will here
I have studied the aging of trolls and have found one more
go through characteristics common or ubiquitous for trolls
sign of it. Scarring. There is a clear correlation between the
to make it possible for a reader to identify a creature as a
number of scars a troll has and their age. I postulate that
troll should he encounter it.
trolls regenerative abilities wane with age and the increasing
Let us begin with the visual similarities. It is easy when number of scars are a result of this. The scars are not my only
dealing with trolls to focus on the differences in appearance reason for this theory, it is also the way aging kills. It is not
but there are plenty of similarities as well. Trolls are biped- the age itself that kills you but the waning health that comes
al creatures and most variants have two arms to go along with it. But such waning health would not come with perfect
with this (though it is not rare amongst chaos trolls to have regeneration would it? No, dear friends, it would not. Thus I
more limbs than so). Unlike some other bipedal creatures put to you, a trolls regenerative abilities are gradually wors-
like monkeys and dwarfs trolls are hairless or mostly hair- ened with age until they can no longer protect against their
less. Their skin tends to be slimy or scaly (or in some cases own corrosive acids and the troll dies in excruciating pain. In
spiked) and have little need for hair to insulate. Some types this book I will go through the proof and reasoning behind
occasionally have hair in specific areas like the the top of this.”
the head, the face, armpits, pubic regions or inside ears and
-Professor Jakob Brandeis
noses. Troll sizes are varied with some reaching massive
proportions. But under normal circumstances adult trolls This regenerative ability, waning with age or not, also
reach heights of 8 to 14 feet depending on specie and indi- comes with the trolls most famous weakness. An inability to
vidual. regenerate burnt flesh. For as long as we have history, and
likely earlier still, it has been known that trolls can be
Apart from these three traits the visuals of the trolls vary
fought with fire. There are countless rhymes and tales
widely. Many have gangly limbs, but not all. Many have
about it and this knowledge is well ingrained in folk wis-
large ears and noses, but not all. Many have sharp claws,
dom. What is less known is why. Why does fire stop a troll
but not all. Their colouration too is very varied and seems
from regenerating? Countless experiments have been done
to include any colour imaginable, mostly dependant on
on the subject but no answer found. While it is admitted we
their specie. So to further categorize them we must look to
do not know two main theories stand. The first is that this
physical traits not immediately visible.
weakness is one placed there by the gods to allow the trolls
First and most famous of these is the trolls amazing ability to be defeated. The second is that trolls are elementally
to regenerate. Trolls regenerate damage extremely quickly aligned to the wind of death and thus hold an elemental
with deep cuts closing themselves in moments, lost limbs weakness to fire and light and strength to life and beasts
regrowing within minutes and even severed heads being according to Clemens Grendels elemental wheel of align-
able to regrow. Actually dealing enough damage to a troll to ment from 2404 IC, a work that, it must be said, has been
slay it is very difficult, and even if it is believed that has criticised greatly. I am not convinced by either of these ex-
been done it is not necessarily true. There are many tales of planations but I’m afraid I can offer none of my own yet.
trolls being killed and then chopped up in pieces to make
sure, only to find the troll back and alive a few days later.
Despite this it is however common to find trolls with scars
and old battle wounds visible. The most accepted explana-
tion for this is that the regeneration of the troll sometimes
’heals wrong’ creating such scarification. Much in the same
way as it does for other animals and peoples. This is also
the explanation I am inclined to believe regarding this.
However it is not the only one, an alternate take is to relate
it to troll aging, a theory headed by Professor Jakob Brande-
Troll Gastric Acid and the deadly fellows of a particularly adventurous nature to capture live
trolls AND obtain several lbs of Wrydstone so I may complete
alchemy of trolls my thesis..."
-Doktor Nick Maggs, Altdorf institute of Alchemy
Thus we move on to the next physical characteristic that
marks trolls as unique. Their gastric acid. The gastric acid of There are however also many sceptics to the claim of troll
a troll is far stronger than that of any other creature known, acid being al-kahest. In many books about the subject the al
able to digest anything it is believed. Most types of trolls are -kahest seem more potent even than troll acid and many
able to regurgitate their meals as a defence mechanism, are those that propose that al-kahest can only be formed
showering their enemies in corrosive vomit that melt away from the winds of magic made physical and liquid. Such an
flesh, metal and much more. This stomach acid is also quite idea was held by Jurgen Hanstetter before his disappear-
plentiful inside trolls, allowing them to vomit several times ance and assumed demise, the following is belived to hold
during a fight if they need to. This often leads to large guts his thoughts on the matter;
where their oversized stomachs store the corrosive acid.
"Madness! The Al-Kahest is a perfect substance, and as a re-
Creating another threat for those fighting the trolls as a hit
sult cannot be formed by any material substance. It is OBVI-
to the trolls lower body holds a risk of bursting the stomach
OUS to the experienced scholar that the Al-Kahest MUST be a
making the acid spray out like if you stab into an overfilled
distillation of the Amethyst Wind. ONLY the essence of Shyish
waterbag. This trait has spread a common misconception
can be as pure an element of destruction as the Al-Kahest
about trolls, making some believe their blood to be corro-
requires. Clearly, an aetheric collector installed over the old
sive like that of a Jabberslyth.
Rusthaffen garden of Morr, powered by this dwarven steam
Troll acid, being as powerful as it is, has become a valued engine, and empowered by this legally obtained polished
ingredient in alchemy and there are alchemists specialized warpstone lens, will be sufficient to gather a drop of this pre-
entirely on troll acid, studying and mixing the acid from cious substance."
different trolls in enchanted beakers and flasks able to hold
~Attributed to Jurgen Hanstetter, rogue alchemist, before the
it. Some such alchemists claim that Troll acid is the ru-
mysterious explosion that consumed Rusthaffen and sur-
moured ‘Al-Kahest’, the universal solvent able to dissolve
anything not protected by enchantment. The argument for
it is of course the terrifying properties of troll vomit but In many cases a view on troll acid as al-kahest is sneered on
also its great use in alchemy. Together with the fact that the for being too simple, though the academic critique refrains
only thing found able to hold it without enchantment is the from phrasing it thus. It is seen like a way to find an ’easy
stomachs of trolls which regenerate as fast as they dissolve. solution’ to an age old problem. Examples like the follow-
While giving Troll Acid the status of Al-Kahest does simplify ing, likely false, quotes show this slight mockery.
areas in alchemy it is not as easy as just taking a beaker and
“So far everything I have fed to my troll has been destroyed
claiming al-kahest. Those favouring this theory put high
utterly. Tomorrow, I shall try gunpowder”
value on the purity of the troll acid, which naturally is al-
ways mixed with the recent meals of the troll. They have - last entry of the journal of Klara Durmgerb
developed methods to measure purity and to refine and Outside of a troll, the Al khalest cannot stabilise long enough
distil the acid into purer forms. The purity measurements to be observed. Inside of a troll, it is too dark to see anything
utilize a scale of between one and twenty ‘immunditia’ with at all.
one being completely pure and twenty being less than 50%
troll acid. Some take this even further, thinking that differ- - Marx Murrich
ent purified troll acids must be mixed or even that troll But alas, I can give only a slight information on this. For
stomachs kept regenerating and working are needed to proper understanding of the subject I recommend to my
strengthen it to high enough power. The scholar that per- readers, “Why Al-Kahest remains a myth– What the leg-
haps took this the furthest is likely Doktor Maggs of the Alt- ends tell” by Julian Honigsmann and “The alchemical
dorf institute of Alchemy. His detailing of his plans, as re- properties of Trolls– Why this common monster is the
ported by the Altdorf Gazeteer were; answer to Al-Kahest” by Maria Backer. Troll acids nature
"no no no. The only way to contain the Troll-Juice is to con- as ‘Al-Kahest’ may be disputed but it is clear, even just from
tain it in the very receptacle that produces it. Thus the troll the dispute itself, that the acid is so far unrivalled in its po-
stomach is required. The problem is that to create Al-Kahest tency and for a scholar like me, who finds biology far more
one must intensify and purify the Troll-Juice. This requires interesting than alchemy, this is really enough.
many trolls, and requires a way to enhance the regeneration
potential of the troll stomach. To do so I believe a quantity of
Wyrdstone may be required. I shall be recruiting a group of
Of the mental capacities, or lack the brain of the complex thoughts that created them. While
the process is not fully understood Archmage Haaderthel
there of, of trolls found in his analysis of druchi sorcery that this is what they
worked with to change memories and through this
With physical traits established one shall move on to the knowledge successfully developed amulets to guard against
mental and behavioural nature of these creatures. The one it. So we can confirm that this is indeed how memories are
that first comes to mind is probably their stupidity. Trolls stored. With this knowledge I thus bring the hypothesis that
are famously known for their lacking intellect. In the folk regeneration can mess with your memories and your overall
wisdom of the empire and beyond their stupidity is often intelligence. This would explain how trolls forget what they
highlighted and sayings such as ‘Dumb as a troll’ or are currently doing, their brains simply ‘heal’ and with that
‘Trollbrain’ are well known. the chemical change and the memory disappears. It would
But is it actually fair to mark them as stupid? Not all agree. also explain the memory blanks those magically healed some-
As Kevin Funke writes in his book ‘Of the Intelligence of times experience. At this point it is but a hypothesis however
Beasts –Monstrous Intellects’ ; but in a century or so I hope to prove it true.”

“I do not find it fair that trolls are marred with a reputation A fascinating concept if true and one more intriguing than
of stupidity and I submit that they receive it mainly because the common explanation that they are ‘just that stupid’.
we compare them unfairly. Due to the upright gait and hair- However as Odiobus says it is but a hypothesis yet so we
less bodies we tend to lump trolls in with clearly sentient spe- should not just assume it true. Another theory, postulated
cies such as humans, orcs, elves, ogres, halflings and more. by Wiedzma Paulina Bakalar the spiritspeaker from the
And if compared to such the trolls are clearly lacking in men- wilds of Kislev, is that the stupidity and lack of memory is
tal capacity. But why should we compare them like that? For dementia which the trolls suffer from a far earlier age than
their appearance alone? No Trolls are animals and should be any other creatures as a curse from Dazh for attacking
compared to other beasts. We don’t call dogs, cats, spiders or those that peacefully enter their lairs, a curse that also gave
demigryphs stupid yet trolls have proven themselves able to them their weakness to fire according to the same tales told
equal or even surpass the intelligence of those animals. With by the woman. If one were to believe her trolls were far
basic command of tool use, though unable to make their own, more intelligent in ages past before they killed and ate their
and the ability to learn commands and even to speak in lim- guests and received Dazhs curse.
ited capacity, much like a parrot of far-Lustria, they are, I But their forgetfulness and aimlessness in purpose is not
say, quite intelligent animals. It is but by unfair comparisons the only behaviour one can mark as typical for trolls. An-
they become marked as stupid.” other is their feeding habits. Their great hunger and their
Though oversimplified I do find that Funke has a point. We willingness to eat anything. Trolls are seemingly always
often commit the error of letting creature appearance influ- hungry or at least always willing to eat. And they can eat
ence our views of their intelligence. Trolls are demonized as almost anything. Trolls are omnivores willing to forage,
incredibly stupid as we set them to the standard of other hunt and scavenge. Even willing to eat things that can not
humanoids while great eagles are given praise as amongst be considered suitable food such as stones and metal. De-
the smartest of beasts despite being clearly sentient and spite what many believe this does not mean trolls eat any-
deserving to be compared not to beasts but to peoples of thing indiscriminately, they do have preferences and gener-
the world. ally that preference is carrion. If given a choice most of my
tests have shown that trolls prefer dead or injured meat for
But even when compared to animals a case can be made for their diet. This behaviour, more likely than ‘stupidity’, may
trolls being unintelligent. Trolls often stop what they are be the reason it is common to see trolls stop to eat during
doing, seemingly forgetting all about it and just do nothing. fights and war. For the one trying to use them for battle this
Standing still or sitting down, staring into the distance and is a bad strategic move but for the trolls conserving energy
remaining idle for extended periods of time. Or as is also and getting a meal is something that would benefit them in
common, wander aimlessly. Such behaviour hardly seem to the wild.
have any kind of benefit to the trolls so must be considered
part of their legendary stupidity. The elven scholar Odiobus There are more traits attributed to troll minds than these.
The Loremaster argued for a possible explanation in his Their pack behaviours, their ability to replicate language,
paper ‘Regeneration and its effects on cognitive abili- their ability to utilize tools. The more I study trolls howev-
ties’; er, the more I find that these vary between species a lot. So
for simplicity let’s leave it at a simple ‘Trolls can live in
“In the brains of most creatures, at least those without a deep packs, replicate language to some degree and use tools’.
connection to the winds of magic, memories are stored as And go into specifics on this when discussing the various
small changes in chemistry. These changes somehow inform species instead.
Of the Origins of Trolls
There are some different views of the origins of trolls and
their relationship to other species. I will go through the
Cursed Elves
three most popular, each which has some internal discus- The claims for this are not of research but of myth, but
sions and arguments. Some say that they are a family of myths often holds truths. According to an old Estalian myth
species related to ogres, most likely through a common an- the evil wizard known only as ’el hechizador’ (who appears
cestor. Some say that they, like greenskins, are a type of often throughout early Estalian mythology) had used his
fungus/animal hybrid that is able to reproduce by means dark magic to conquer the city of Vizeaya. But in the battles
others than spores. Some say they are creatures of chaos queen Noemi Biescas and her daughter June had escaped in
originating from the northern wastes and having had their a white ship of oak and ivory. They cried as their people
mutations slowly stabilize more and more. There are other were enslaved and sailed west to seek help. Sailing to the
thoughts too of course, for example old Estalian folktales land of elves Noemi offered her daughters hand in marriage
argues that trolls were once elves who were cursed by an to the prince of elves. Normally elves will not accept the
evil wizard and turned into trolls. Franz Brestrich, the mad- love of humans, finding them vulgar and ugly in comparison
scholar of Talabheim claim that they were created by an old to the beauty of elves. But June was no ordinary woman,
god named Uhuignaxr whose domains were trolls, earth- her beauty was the finest of all humans, or well. Here there
quakes and destructions. is some differences in the tale, in some she is an extremely
Personally I support the theory that they are relatives to beautiful woman but fully human. In others she is a change-
ogres* and will detail this theory the most. However to give ling, a fey child, which explains her beauty and the elfs in-
some insight in the other thoughts I will provide the argu- terest. Regardless, the prince accepted and gathered an ar-
ments for them here as well. my. With it he liberated Vizeaya and drove ’el hechizador’
out, but as the wizard was banished he cast a curse and the
Quasi-greenskin hundred elves still standing turned to hideous trolls, their
minds withering. The prince, now a hideous prince of trolls,
The foremost reasoning behind the claim that trolls are re- still remembered the deal however and took June with him
lated to greenskins is their current relationship with them. to be his bride.
Trolls are often used by greenskins in their wars and are
Now that is a very simplified version of the tale, there is a
not uncommonly found sharing lairs. It is also heard of for
four hour play of it after all so you understand there is
fungi to grow on trolls creating symbiotic relationships
more to say. But for an introduction to the idea I think my
with the greenskin mushrooms. However, trolls are biologi-
summary can suffice.
cally not similar to other greenskins. Greenskins do not
share the physical and mental traits of trolls. And while
they do often cooperate with greenskins they are not the
Children of Uhuignaxr
only ones that can work with them. Trolls are unreliable to Franz Brestrich, the mad-scholar of Talabheim is not the
utilize but not too difficult to lure to a place and hope for most reliable source but it is undeniably true that his claims
good results with, which is often how the greenskins use find an audience and his stories spread. So too the story of
them. the god Uhuignaxr. Uhuignaxr is an incomprehensible crea-
ture of slime and tentacle that dwells deep underground.
Chaos Beasts This god, he claims, predates the empire by millennia and
slithered through the earth when the planet was young. In
The theory that they are creatures of chaos holds better
its wake, rising from an acidic slimetrail, was born its chil-
under scrutiny in my humble opinion. Chaos trolls, bile
dren. The trolls. The trolls worshipped Uhuignaxr and
trolls and ice trolls are known to be creatures of chaos and
served him loyally for thousands of year. But one day the
chaotic nature can explain the varied forms of trolls that
trolls got greedy and in their hunger stole the food that was
exist. Some truly ancient texts of the dwarfs also suggest
sacrificed to their god. Uhuignaxr was disappointed in its
that trolls hail from the far north. But while some creatures
children. It sighed a sigh that echoed through time whose
are believed to have been formed of chaos itself more often
appearances shake the earth in different eras. Then Uhui-
than not that is not the case. Most of the time chaos crea-
gnaxr stole the minds of all his troll children and
tures are mutated and twisted versions of others finding a
went to sleep until the earth is no more.
somewhat stable form of mutation. And if that is the case I
stand by my claim that ogres are the most likely candidate
to be what trolls mutated from.
Ogre related species Kinship, How to further Classify
The claims for their relations to ogres starts with a check of If we take for fact the evolution of trolls from ogres then the
their similarities. A great appetite, similar sizes, an ability to next step is to further classify the diverse species of trolls
digest almost anything (though the trolls outclass the ogres found. See the next page for an evolutionary tree. In doing
in this regard one should still remember that ogres hold so most set the Common Troll as the ‘ur-troll’ from which
this ability to a greater degree than most other species), other species come. Some have no closer relatives than the
relative stupidity and ease of distraction. But it goes further common troll. This is true for Suskarg Louts, Warrior Trolls,
than just pointing at similarities. Warpstone Trolls, Grassgut Trolls and Cave Trolls.
To discuss what paths ogre evolution can take lets first look The Hill Troll branch has two pure species, Hill Trolls and
at their confirmed relatives, the yhetees and the gorgers. Spiked Trolls, both nomadic rather than lair dwelling. It
The yhetees are feral frost-beasts living high in the moun- also has a chimerae form in Hill Crushers, a (likely chaos
tains of mourn. They use their frost-breath to freeze prey caused) mix of stone and hill trolls.
and form weapons. Visually there is little but the size to link
Which brings us to the next path, Stone Trolls, which holds
them to ogres, their physique is rather more akin to trolls,
alongside Stone Trolls and Hill Crushers the Stormblight
with long gangly limbs that are deceptively strong, and a
breath of ice is also something found with a species of troll.
Still both history and autopsy have confirmed the species Bog Trolls are evolved to a life in bogs but not an aquatic
relations, yhetees are almost certainly an off-shot of ogres. life. The path holds Bog Trolls, Bogwallow Trolls and
The other species developed from ogres is even more sure-
ly confirmed for it is born by ogres. The gorgers too hold a The Stomper trolls are known for their large feet and hold
physique more like that of trolls than ogres with long limbs the two species of Field Stomper Trolls and Warted Stomp-
and sharp claws. Though a gorgers muscles tend to be more er Trolls.
clearly defined. Gorgers also hold a trait somewhat reminis- The Shugon evolutionary branch comes from Sea Trolls and
cent of the trolls regeneration, their teeth grow and are re- includes Sea Trolls, Marsh Trolls, River Trolls, Giant River
placed incredibly fast with new pushing out old daily. Gorg- Troll Hags and Scourgetooth Trolls.
ers are also able to distend their jaws though this trait is
not one associated with either ogres or trolls. Chaos Trolls are perhaps the most varied group and while
there is some debate on if it can be considered its own
A third theorized relative to ogres, though not one as wide- group or simply “mutants” if we agree to classify it then it
ly accepted, is the halflings. Here body shape and hunger holds Chaos Trolls, Wart Trolls, Two-headed Trolls,
are the common factor but the way the two species gets Norscan Trolls, Ice Trolls and Bile Trolls.
along is the primary reason for the theory. There seems to
be some sort of link between the two, as if they belong to-
gether. The skeletal structure of halflings and ogres are also
very similar suggesting there may be more to the link. If we
do accept them as relatives the magic resistance they share
with stonetrolls can be linked as well.

Now we must bring up the mammoth in the hall, chaos. It is

undeniable that chaos has affected troll development in
some way. Chaos trolls, two-headed trolls and ice trolls are
clearly creatures of chaos and it is more than likely that
other types of trolls too are beasts of chaos. Many of their
abilities also seem unnatural. It is difficult to say just how
much the trolls are affected by chaos but the dark powers
have with certainty had some effect on the species and
must be considered in any discussion of their biology and
A problem with the theory is the lack of knowledge of the
common ancestor of ogres, trolls and halflings. Sceptics say
that coming to the conclusion that one exists is not enough
and actually finding evidence of it is needed. There is a
point to this but unfortunately this creature has yet to be
found in any form be it dead, alive or in old texts.
Troll species Evolutionary Paths

(Ogor Minimalis)
Common Ancestor

(Unknown Species)
Ogre Gorger

(Ogor Vulgaris) (Ogor Terriblis)

Proto-Yhetee Yhetee

(Yhet Vulgaris) (Yhet glacies)

Jungle Yhetee /Oranguking of Ind

Warrior Troll (Yhet Saltu)

(Trollae Experimentalis)

Lava Troll Giant Lava Troll Hag

Common Troll
Mudbelly Troll (Trollae Cenum) (Trollae Ignivomus) (Trollae Ignivomus Augurium)
(Trollae Vulgaris) Suskarg Lout (Trollae Vandalis)

High Mountain Troll (Trollae Alpine)

Rockhide Troll (Trollae Squamosus) Spiked Troll

Blackhide Troll (Trollae Cutis) (Trollae Vagus spiculum)

Warpstone Troll (Trollae wyrdlapia)

Hill Crusher
Hill Troll (Trollae Vagus Lapis Chimerae)

(Trollae Vagus Vagus)

Rock-Eater Troll (Trollae Lapis Silex)
Grassgut Troll
Deeprock Troll (Trollae Lapis Parvus)
(Trollae Gramen)
Sandbelly Troll (Trollae Lapis Harenae Comedenti)

Plaguewood Troll Rockmaw Troll (Trollae Lapis Oris)

(Trollae Vomitus) Icerock Troll (Trollae Lapis Glacies)

Stone Troll Mine Troll (Trollae Lapis Metallicus)

(Trollae Lapis) Stormblight Brute (Trollae Lapis Tempestas Robiginem)

Cave Troll Rocksmasher Troll (Trollae Lapis Sectus)

(Trollae Buccina) Bogwallow Troll (Trollae Lama Volutabro)

Bog Troll Murk Troll (Trollae Lama Atris)

(Trollae Lama) Gloomtroll (Trollae Lama Caligo)

Field Stomper Troll Warted Stomper Troll

(Trollae Pedes Pedes) (Trollae Pedes Horrid)

Sea Troll
Marsh Troll (Trollae Shugon Denato)
(Trollae Shugon Shugon)

River Troll
Creek Troll (Trollae Shugon Potat)
(Trollae Shugon Palus)
Scourgetooth Troll (Trollae Shugon Dentis)

Chaos Troll Wart Troll (Trollae Chaotica Verruca) Giant River Troll Hag (Trollae Shugon Mortis)
(Trollae Chaotica Vulgaris)
Dark Troll

(Trollae Chaotica Capillus)

Two-headed Troll (Trollae Chaotica dumdum)

Bile Troll

(Trollae Chaotica Nurglis)

Norscan Troll Ice Troll

(Trollae Chaotica Frigus) (Trollae Chaotica Glacies)

The Dwarf Art of Cooking Trolls
Most people would if asked never consider eating troll but selves at the same time. Some say that Grom da Paunch,
for dwarfs it is not only accepted but highly enjoyed food. mightiest goblin warboss ever to live, got his regenerative
The art of cooking trolls is in Khazalid, the language of the properties and constant pain from consuming raw troll. If
dwarfs, called Kulgur. Kulgur is an important art for if troll that is true he was luckier than most, or perhaps more un-
meat is cooked wrong it can be very deadly to digest. Any lucky as the pain dragged on longer. To understand a bit of
proper dwarf settlement will be able to offer troll meat to the horrid pain I’ll quote a slayer I met who had taken the
guests and inhabitants alike as hunter clans kill the crea- oath after his failure at kulgur.
tures and bring their meat home for selling.
“I will never be able to forget that sight until Grimnir grants
But unlike many of the arts of dwarfs Kulgur is not an art me the death I seek. Five of my kinsmen writhing in pain on
with its own guilds and clans. Chef clans are few overall and the floor screaming like newborns. And you know we dwarfs
even most major holds lack them. There are some notable don’t scream for little, I have seen dwarfs lose limbs and
exceptions like the Ironskillets of Karak Azul, the Kurkul barely make a sound, but these dwarfs. They screamed for all
clan of Karaz-a-Karak and the Karazmari of Barak-Varr. But they were worth. Their faces twisted in grimaces and their
even with a few chef clans existing most that practice Kul- guts moved unnaturally under their skin, as if something
gur do not hail from them. Instead other clans that find use pressed on and wanted out. For one it got out, the gut bust
for it tend to have an expert or two of Kulgur who teaches open like a bomb, splattering the room with blood and gas-
those interested the clans own secret recipes and gets them tric acid. The corpse continued to grimace and spasm for
skilled enough to ensure they can fix decent meals that minutes after that. The other four did not go out quite as dra-
don’t get their kinsmen killed. Hunting clans are often those matically. Their spasms and grimaces simply slowed and ulti-
that make the most use of such experts but they are also mately froze in place, leaving them as if they had been petri-
common amongst brewer clans and warrior clans. fied in the midst of torture. Each night I relive that scene. By
the ancestors I hope the end can come soon, please let the
I have had the fortune of enjoying meals from a true kulgur
next foe I face be strong enough to end me.”
master. Master Okri Damisson of Clan Drakebeard, chef to
king Ungrim Ironfist himself, cooked me meals of kulgur. -Ragir Stronggrog, Giant Slayer
His mastery of course cost a lot but it was worth it to better
understand this fine art. When correctly cooked troll meat
is firm and juicy. There is a bit of sourness in the meat but Other Peoples and Troll Cooking
kulgur teaches the spices to pair with it to make it enhance
the meal. What one should be prepared for, but in my expe- Most other peoples of the world avoid troll meat but not all,
rience never really is, is that troll meat is extremely heavy in Albion I have heard giants have come to hunt and cook
food. A small steak of Kulgur is easily as filling as a full meal trolls. The giant Niall MacSual is said to travel the lands
in the Empire and dwarfs often serve it in large portions. with a pack filled with smoked troll meat that he offers the
Some dwarf rangers I spoke to about it said that it was a tribesmen of Albion in exchange for spice herbs and whis-
practice of theirs to eat a hearty meal of Kulgur before a far key.
off hunt so they could march for days with very little food.
Amongst the ogres of the Mountains of Mourn butchers
Somehow the endurance of dwarfs never cease to amaze
have their own methods for preparing trollmeat and can
make it into holy healing feasts for the Maw where those
To understand the importance of Kulgur in dwarf society that are worthy receive health and blessings and those un-
one should understand how unforgivable failure in that worthy receive pain and death.
field is. Troll meat incorrectly prepared doesn’t give some-
In Kappelburg in Talabecland there is a tradition of eating
one a bad stomach a day or two, or cause some illness. Troll
troll. During a long siege from beastmen two centuries ago
meat incorrectly prepared can kill in a very painful way. For
the dwarfs of village, clanless dwarfs with no other home,
raw trollmeat has some regenerative properties still and
shared their secrets of kulgur with the villagers so they
these, when mixed with the gastric acid of a creature react
could hold out by eating the meat of the slain chaos trolls.
violently, trying to attach to their host and regenerate them.
After the siege the people retained the knowledge and
Unfortunately that host is not compatible with troll regen-
while it is a rare treat they still cook and eat trolls to this
eration causing the nerves to overload and muscles to rip
day. Even though neighbouring villages see it as madness
themselves asunder multiple times, trying to repair them-
and visitors find it disgusting.
Other literature on Trolls and their kin
As made by the renowned seventh cubicle

While this book aims to provide a complete tale

of trolls and all you need to find adventure with
these monstrous creatures it is not the only
source for such information and it would be
amiss not to mention other sources for them.

A guide to the Grim World of

Perilious Adventure
This book of everything is so essential it is often
referred to simply as the “Core Rulebook”, within
its pages rules for trolls are found on pg 324 giv-
ing some lore for the basic types of trolls.

The Imperial Zoo

This book holds various creatures and when it
comes to trolls it goes into River Trolls and Giant
River Troll Hags. It uses the older lore for River
Troll Hags as it was before the release of ‘The Old
World’ battlegame.

Tribes and Tribulations

This book details greenskins first and foremost
but also has a section on trolls. Starting at pg 84
this section gives both lore and rules. The rules
there, namely the character templates for trolls,
can easily be used alongside the ones in this book
to modify trolls by personality/role as well as dif-
ficulty. Alongside this there are rules and lore for
three troll characters and several troll encoun-

Sea of Claws
The book that chronicles the Sea of Claws tells of
troll country and its king, Throgg. My own hum-
ble take on this king of trolls differs from that of-
fered by the seventh cubicle but you can decide
which you prefer yourself.
A guide to the Varied Troll Species of the
Including details on encounters with them
Bile Troll
(Trollae Chaotica Nurglis)
Amongst the chaos trolls there is a kind avoided by all but the BILE TROLL (RUNT)
most devoted followers of the plague god. The Bile Trolls of
the Cold Mires. Bile Trolls, also known as Plauge Trolls, are M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
cursed, tortured creatures with an appalling hunger that can
6 30 15 55 50 10 15 15 10 25 5 42
never be satiated. Their regenerating flesh is wracked with
Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Melee (Basic) 40, Endurance
trying to fight their diseases and thus they heal worse than
60, Swim 60
other of their kin. In return their flesh carries deadly toxins
and all they touch wither and die. Traits: Armour 1, Bestial, Bite +8, Chaos Vomit, Corrupted (Minor), Die
Hard, Gutburst 5, Hungry, Infected, Infestation, Mental Corruption, Pain-
The ancient lore of the Kul tribes holds a tale that the descent
less, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll
of these creatures can be traced to an ancient Troll chief Tough, Venom (+-0), Vomit, Weapon +9, Weakened Regeneration
named Raak Stoneshatterer. Raak was a beast afflicted with
unusual intelligence and endless gluttony who, it is said in the BILE TROLL (YOUNGSTER)
elder days before the rise of the Great Bastion of the east, unit-
ed many of his monstrous kin in a great warband to challenge M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
the Champions of Chaos themselves for the favour of the Dark
6 35 15 60 55 20 15 15 10 30 10 46

Victory after victory fell before them, and Raak and his mon- Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 65, Cool 40, Dodge
strous kin grew fat and arrogant, until on the plain of Scorched 25, Melee (Basic) 45, Swim 65
Bones they confronted the vast horde of Gulvas Bloatchild, Traits: Armour 1, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Chaos Vomit, Corrupted (Minor),
favoured son of the Plague Father. After days of fighting be- Die Hard, Gutburst 4, Hungry, Infected, Infestation, Mental Corruption,
neath the howling aurora, Raak and his kin stood triumphant. Painless, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll
Wracked with unholy hunger from their exertions, the Trolls Tough, Venom –10), Vomit, Weapon +10, Weakened Regeneration
descended on the dead of the battlefield and devoured the bit-
ter, cankerous meat of the fallen and so sealed their doom.

The infected flesh turned and writhed in their guts, and they
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
were filled with the most potent diseases and cankers of Nur-
gle's devising. So concentrated was this malediction it was 6 40 20 65 60 25 20 20 15 35 15 50
even more than the vaunted regenerative power of the Trolls
Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 70, Cool 45, Dodge
to overcome, but the plague-gifts of the Rot-lord did not con-
30, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 70
sume them. Instead the infected Trolls became even more
twisted, tormented creatures, their bodies bloated and ago- Traits: Armour 1, Bite +9, Chaos Vomit, Corrupted (Minor), Die Hard,
nised, endlessly regenerating only to be devoured again from Gutburst 3, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Infestation, Mental Corruption,
within. Father Nurgle's mirth was said to be great at their suf- Painless, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll
fering and fallen pride. Tough, Venom –20), Vomit, Weapon +10, Weakened Regeneration

An adult bile troll stands at roughly 12 feet (3,6m) in length BILE TROLL (LARGE)
but with a slouched gait, meaning they are larger than this
would first suggest. They are covered in rotting flesh, usually a
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
sickly green colour. The curse afflicting them seems to grant
them longevity in which to suffer and it is unknown how old 6 45 25 70 65 30 25 25 20 40 20 54
they can become.
Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 75, Cool 50, Dodge
Bile Trolls are found mainly in the Cold Mires. The Cold 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75
Mires is a large, otherworldly patch of fens, bogs and unholy Traits: Armour 1, Bite +10, Chaos Vomit, Corrupted (Moderate), Die
swamps found within the harsh and bleak lands of the dread- Hard, Gutburst 2, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Infestation, Mental Corrup-
ed Northern Waste, located along the coast of the Sea of Chaos. tion, Painless, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough,
Troll Tough, Venom –30), Vomit, Weapon +11, Weakened Regener-
The one known predator of Bile Trolls is the hideous Toad
Dragons that share their mires with them. As for the art of Kul-
gur, the diseases they carry ensure they are not eaten.
Purge it with fire!
Mini-adventure featuring Bile Trolls

Adventure Summary Flame Cannons

Far north near Kraka Ornsmotek an outlaying dwarf mine There are few weapons that can put fear into the heart of a
has come under attack by hideous Nurgle beasts known as foe like the Flame Cannon, one of the deadliest inventions
Bile trolls. Dozens of them have taken the place and will be of the Engineers' Guild. A volatile concoction of hot oil and
hard to drive out. molten tar is mixed within the Flame Cannon before air is
pumped into the barrel; soon the pressure inside is tremen-
Engineer Gundrirdok Krenrodensson however claims he
dous and the barrel is almost ready to burst. At precisely
can clear the place with his flamecannon and the use of his
the right moment, the Dwarfs place a burning oily wad into
own invention, the ‘Grundrirdok smoke-diving masks’. This
the nozzle and release the pressure. The mixture catches
is met with much scepticism and grumbling but eventually
fire as it whooshes from the barrel in a leaping spurt. The
the dwarf manages to be allowed a try though the hold will
burning oil arcs into the air towards the enemy ranks and,
not muster warriors to help. He thus seeks others and lucki-
with a little bit of luck, lands in the middle of the foe, spray-
ly the PCs are nearby. He offers them gold and custom-
ing boiling tar over them. For longer ranged shots, the
fitted ‘Grundrirdok smoke-diving masks’ as payment for
Dwarfs simply apply more pressure, and the most experi-
helping escort the warmachine into position to set the foe
enced crew know exactly when to release the straining
valve to achieve maximum distance.
When they finally reach the mine not everything goes as
Many diplomatic missions have travelled from
planned however, the flamecannon has a mishap and must
the Empire to various holds offering generous trade deals
be readjusted and fixed, it will be up to the PCs to keep the
in return for the secret of the Flame Cannon, but always
Bile trolls at bay long enough for that to be sorted so the
without success. One artillerist was sent to try and steal
trolls can be driven back.
such secrets, but was later returned, barely recognisable,
Kraka Ornsmotek burned to a crisp by the weapon whose secrets she sought.
A note was enclosed, apologising for an unfortu-
Kraka Ornsmotek, the Eagle's Peak Hold, is the most north- nate accident.
ern of the Norse Dwarf holds.

The hold is heavily fortifed, not only against the forces of

Grundrirdok Krenrodensson
Chaos but also because it is within the aptly The engineer Grundrirdok Krenrodensson invented his
named Giantshome Mountains - famed for the populations smoke-diving masks thirty years ago and hopes they will
of both Giants and Trolls which has also led to the hold hav- one day be as tested as they need to be to gain acceptance,
ing more beserkers and Slayers than the rest of the Norse even if that happens after his passing. He sees this nearby
Dwarf holds put together. It also has the only substantial troll attack as a perfect situation to try them. He is confi-
gold mine amongst norse dwarf holds as well as deposits of dent and stubborn, unlikely to back down about any of his
diamonds and obsidian which they mine and trade. ideas or methods.

The Dogzerdsson mine Grundrirdok smoke-diving masks

This outlaying mine is not a very large one, its gold will like- This invention by Gundrirdok Krenrodensson has been
ly but last forty years or so more. But it does have gold still made to help warriors and engineers endure places of
to get out, more than one would wish to give up to trolls. smoke and gas. They hold some similarity to the masks
The dwarfs killed as the Bile trolls entered also ensured used by skaven poison wind globadiers, though
there are grudges that need settling. It was made in classic Grundrirdok will take offense if this is pointed out. His ver-
dwarf style but the invasion of the trolls have changed it. sions are however modified with a large “sack” of type for
Pools of slimy water gather at the floor. Growths of Nurgle the beard and a redundancy layer to increase safety. These
fungi and plants line the walls. Bloated insects flutter and masks will grant a +50 bonus to tests to resist gas, smoke
crawl amongst the tunnels and crevices. All of it still in the and smell. They will however mean that any perception
freezing temperatures of the Giantshome Mountains. tests based on smell will be unavailable.

The adventure starts in the northern dwarf hold of Kraka M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Ornsmotek. Here the engineer Grundrirdok Krenrodensson 0 30 30 20 20 10 10 10 5 20 5 40
has just offered his help in cleansing the nearby
‘Dogzerdsson mine’ infested with Bile trolls using his flame-
cannon. The hold does not trust his ideas enough to send Traits: Corrupted (Minor), Immunity (Arrows, Bolts, Bullets, Gas),
him a proper escort and they warn against the action. Infected, Infestation, Magical, Painless, Ranged +4 (30), Regenerate,
Swarm, Unstable, Weapon +4
Grundrirdok Krenrodensson wants to prove his invention,
the Grundrirdok smoke-diving masks, to work however and The Battle in the Hall
decides to go through with it. He now seeks warriors for
hire that can escort him to the mine to deal with the trolls. With the plantlife destroyed the flame cannon is hurried
Let the PCs learn that he seeks people and meet with him. into the hall and set up just in time for a pair of Bile Trolls
(use a type fitting for PC level and desired difficulty) to ap-
Grundrirdok Krenrodensson offers a fair price in gold (GM
pear. The flamecannon builds its pressure but as it is to fire
can set exact value depending on what fits his game) and
there comes a gurgle and just a bit of oil pouring out. A mis-
each member a personally fitted Grundrirdok smoke-diving
fire. Grundrirdok Krenrodensson shouts for the PCs to buy
mask to use during the mission and keep after.
him time while he fixes the machine. Set the fight and keep
check of rounds.
Journey to the mine
• Round 1-3: Normal fighting against the trolls.
The journey to the mine is long, cold and arduous. The old
mountain paths may be enough for dwarfs to walk by but • Round 4: A third troll enters.
not for a large warmachine and at many points pushing and • Round 5: Normal fighting against the trolls.
lifting is needed to move it on. Let players describe how
their characters help in this. With the descriptions done let • Round 6: At the end of this round the flame cannon
each test an appropriate skill with modifiers based on the fires, see below.
difficulty. A failure grants a fatigued condition. After the PCs heroic holding of the line the flame cannon is
once again ready to fire. The pressure builds and
Into the mine Grundrirdok shouts for the PCs to dodge and pull back.
Then over their heads, the heat felt strong but their masks
The true danger comes at the mine itself however where
guarding against bad burns, the burning oil of the flame
the dark forces of Nurgle hold strong. A few hundred me-
cannon flies. Striking the trolls true. The beasts recoil as
tres before reaching the entrance Grundrirdok Krenrodens-
they are set ablaze. Writhing in pain they roll on the ground
son tells everyone to put on their Grundrirdok smoke-
in vain trying to put out the fire. Their suffering does not
diving masks to prepare. He then takes out a map and
last a full minute before the creatures are nought but
shows where he wants to set up the flamecannon, at a
charred corpses. More trolls come from the depths but
raised part of the hall, just past the entrance way. He knows
Grundrirdok is ready for them and a new gout of flame flies
stealth will be difficult with a flamecannon so he needs to
to meet them. Three more times is this repeated until the
be protected getting there.
mine lays quiet but for the sizzling of flesh and buzzing of
As the mine appears the changes becomes apparent and the flies. The engineer and his flame cannon crew then method-
plan needs to change. Nurgle vegetation blocks the path and ically sets any nurgle life on fire and purge the mine.
will need to be cut down to allow the warmachine to pass.

Normally cutting down vegetation would be down to a test,

likely an extended one. But normally vegetation does not The mine is reclaimed and a grudge crossed off.
fight back. Grundrirdok smoke-diving masks are a step closer to ac-
Set the struggle against the nurgle plants and insects as a ceptance and in less than a century they will become ac-
battle starting when the first character engages it. When the cepted. If the world lasts that long, for some say the end
first cut is made the vegetation immediately starts to fight times are coming.
back, trying to grab and devour them. This shouldn’t be the
toughest of fights, the trolls are the real threat, but it may Rewards
well soften the PCs up before they face the Bile trolls.
Additional rewards should be given for clever tactics and
stalwart defence.
(Trollae Cutis)
Blackhide Trolls are towering, brutish creatures that stand BLACKHIDE TROLL (RUNT)
taller than 12 feet (3,65m). Despite their name, their hides
vary in coloration, ranging from mottled greens to dark M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
browns. Their thick, gnarled skin is covered in coarse
6 30 15 55 45 10 15 15 10 20 5 38
patches of matted scales, giving them a rugged and intimi-
dating appearance. Large, jagged teeth protrude from their Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 55, Swim
gaping mouths, and their eyes gleam with a predatory mal- 60, Stealth (Underground) 25
ice. Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst
Blackhide Trolls are most commonly found lurking amidst 6, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territori-
the rugged terrain of Blackfire Pass. Here, they carve out al (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +9,
crude dens and lairs amidst the rocky crags and shadowy
caverns, emerging only to hunt and feed.

Blackhide Trolls are notoriously savage and aggressive M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
creatures, driven by insatiable hunger and a primal urge to 6 35 15 60 50 20 15 15 10 25 10 44
hunt and devour anything unfortunate enough to cross
Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
their path. Blackhide Trolls typically band together in large
35, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45, Swim 65, Stealth
packs, forming crude hierarchies dominated by the strong-
est individuals. They roam the desolate reaches of Blackfire (Underground) 30
Pass in search of prey, often making their lairs within vast Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
caverns hidden amidst the rocky terrain. burst 5, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid,
The name "Blackhide Trolls" likely originated from a combi- Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10
nation of factors. While their hides may not be uniformly
black, they do possess dark patches and a rugged, weath-
ered appearance, which could give the impression of a
darker hue, especially in the dimly lit confines of their cav- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
ernous lairs. Additionally, their reputation for lurking in the 6 40 20 65 55 25 20 20 15 30 15 46
shadows and striking swiftly and ruthlessly upon unsus-
pecting travelers may have contributed to the association Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool
with darkness and blackness. Over time, as stories and leg- 40, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 70, Stealth
ends about these fearsome creatures spread among the (Underground) 40
denizens of Blackfire Pass, the name "Blackhide Trolls"
Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
stuck, despite the inaccuracies in its literal interpretation.
burst 4, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large),
Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 45 25 70 60 30 25 25 20 35 20 52

Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool

45, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75, Stealth
(Underground) 45

Traits: Armour 2, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst

4, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid,
Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +11
Princely Retirement
Mini-adventure featuring Blackhide Trolls

Adventure Summary Embezzling what wealth he could lay his hands on, Mats
made his way through the treacherous Blackfire Pass, leav-
Life in the Border Princes is harsh, even for the leaders. ing behind the chaos of the Border Princes for the relative
Mats Denzinger is a Border Prince but having seen marks stability of the Empire. However, his hopes for a quiet life
that his land is turning against him he decides it is time to were shattered when he arrived at the ruined manor he had
leave. He has travelled through Blackfire Pass to the empire purchased from Burgomeister Theodosius von Tuchtenha-
which he believes to be much safer. Having embezzled most gens.
of his principalities funds he wastes no time bribing his way The manor, once a grand estate, now lay in ruins, plagued
to citizenship and purchasing an old ruined manor by the by the foul presence of trolls. Mats, desperate to salvage
black mountains. However his first travel there revealed what remained of his fortunes, sought aid from Theodosius
trolls and now he wants to hire mercenaries to help him von Tuchtenhagens, only to be met with mocking refusal.
clear the cellars. But his past is catching up as well, can the Bound by a contract that offered no recourse for refunds or
players keep their new employer alive long enough to reap assistance, Mats found himself trapped in a dire situation.
the rewards?
Grenzstadt M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Grenzstadt is an Imperial fortress-town that is located at 4 40 30 40 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 14
the northwestern end of Black Fire Pass, and commands
lucrative trade traffic from traders moving through the Old
Dwarf Road. Ruled by a representative of the Elector Count, Skills: Intimidate 50, Leadership 50, Lore (Border Princes) 40, Melee
Grenzstadt is a centre of the fur, gem, and metal trade, with (Brawling) 50, Melee (Basic) 50, Bribery 50, Entertain (Boasts) 50,
a large guild market and warehouses within its walls. At Ranged (Throwing) 40, Charm 50, Consume Alcohol 40, Haggle 50,
any given time, foreign merchants, trade caravans, Gamble 40, Evaluate 40
and pilgrims can all be seen in the town. Talents: Embezzle, Briber, Criminal, Kingpin
Grenzstadt's strategic location also means that it also bears Trappings: Full leather armour, Two throwing axes, Handweapon
the brunt of many orc invasions into the Empire. Because it (Axe), Light Shield
is in the Elector Count's interests to keep the town settled,
the Leitdorf family has in some cases resorted to giving Theodosius von Tuchtenhagens
monetary incentives for tradesmen to settle there.
The current ruler of Grenzstadt is a thoroughly reprehensi-
Annoying most of the people that visit Grenzstadt is ‘The ble noble. Agitators in the Empire fi nd much to complain
Penny Tax’, for each silver a merchant takes a brass must be about in the nobility and are sometimes unfair in the degree
taken as tax. to which they pillory the aristocratic class. But in Theodosi-
us’ case, the criticisms ring true, for the man is a pig. He is
Mats Denzinger among the greediest and most feckless of Averland’s nobles,
which is no small feat considering that the province has
Mats Denzinger, a once prominent figure in the turbulent
more than its fair share of greedy, feckless no bles at the
lands of the Border Princes, was born into a family with a
best of times. He is tall and lean, with fi ery red hair that he
long history of rulership. However, the Border Princes are a
wears in long braids. He wears sumptuous robes with a
place where power is fleeting, and loyalty even more so.
veritable hoard of jewels, most of which are worthless fac-
Mats, with his cunning and ambition, rose to become a ruler
similes, sewn into them. He speaks with a distinct lisp be-
in his own right, commanding respect and fear from those
cause he believes that is the sort of thing that nobles do,
under his dominion.
and he often breaks into irritating gales of high-pitched
His rule, though effective in some respects, was marked by laughter at the sight of something he finds funny. He was
increasing unrest and dissent among his subjects. The vola- the one that sold Matz the manor and he will dismiss and
tile nature of the Border Princes meant that alliances shift- mock requests of aid to clear it or returning the money.
ed like sand, and Mats found himself facing betrayal from
former allies and open rebellion from his own people.
Faced with the looming threat of assassination or worse,
Mats made the fateful decision to abandon his holdings.
Evan Valtierie tially whatever other henchmen you have chosen to bring.

The henchmen use the stats of humans (core rulebook pg

Once a cherished lover of Mats Denzinger, Evan's world 311) with the Elite optional trait, one of them has the
shattered when he uncovered Mats' deceitful schemes and Ranged +8 (50) optional trait.
embezzlement. As Mats fled the Border Princes, Evan's
heart burned with a mixture of heartbreak and fury. He The Manor
vowed to make Mats pay for his betrayal, regardless of the
cost. Driven by a potent mix of love and vengeance, Evan The manor is large and ruined, filled with shadows. The
has tracked Mats to his new sanctuary in the Empire. Oper- cellar even more so, it is their lair and here bones are
ating from the shadows, he maneuvers like a viper, ready to strewn and the stench of refuse thick. Three blackhide trolls
strike. dwell here, they will stay in the shadows until they attack. If
the players move through the manor the trolls will attack,
EVAN VALTIERIE–EX-ADVISOR by ambush predation and surprise strikes if possible.
The players are likely to eventually succeed here, and drive
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
the trolls out. This is when Evan Valtierie makes his attack.
4 40 40 30 30 40 40 30 30 30 30 12
Evans Attack
Skills: Athletics 50, Dodge 50, Endurance 40, Heal 40, Intuition 50,
Melee (Basic) 50, Perception 50, Charm 40, Cool 40, Gamble 40, Me-
Evan Valtierie comes to attack with thugs he has hired to
lee (Parry) 50, Ranged (Blackpowder) 50 get revenge when his opponent is weak and his troops tired
and wounded after fighting the trolls.
Talents: Feint, Combat Reflexes
He will attack with a force of human thugs equal to the
Trappings: Handweapon (Sword), Buckler, Full leather armour
numbers of players and the amount of henchmen they had

Starting the Adventure with them. The thugs use the stats of humans (core rule-
book pg 311) with the Elite optional trait. There is also one
The adventure should start in Grenzstadt where the charac- dwarf thug with a crossbow, he uses the dwarf stats (core
ters will find that Mats is looking for mercenaries to clear rulebook pg311) with the elite and ranged +8 (50) optional
his ruined manor of trolls. The negotiations should be pret- traits.
ty easy unless the players push for unreasonable amounts. He will offer the players and other henchmen a chance to
Set the price offered at what you find reasonable for your leave and survive, but they must then leave Mats. If the
campaign. Mats has hired a few other henchmen too, four players stay then so does the other henchmen.
or more (if you believe more aid is needed to face the trolls
then ensure they get more). If they stay they will hear Mats plead for Evan to reconsider
his choice to kill him but this will not work.
Call for Aid
Mats has tried asking Theodosius von Tuchtenhagens for
aid but the players may convince him they could do so and Additional rewards should be given for clever tactics and if
succeed. Mats has little to lose by going along with it so may they save Mats then for keeping him alive and gaining an
well allow the try. But Theodosius will be as unhelpful as a ally.
person could possibly be.

Prepare to hunt trolls

They know what they are to face and are in no rush, give
Mats and the players time to gear up and plan how to deal
with the trolls. Going in without planning will be a problem.

Journey to the Manor

The group will journey to the manor and the journey will be
fairly simple. It’s a day and a half to walk. During the time
they are trailed by Evan and his thugs but from a good dis-
tance, they know where he is going.

Use this time to let the players get to know Mats and poten-
Bog Troll
(Trollae lama)
Sometimes confused with River Trolls or Marsh Trolls these BOG TROLL (YOUNGSTER)
creatures are also found in wet places but unlike the former
they are not aquatic creatures. They wade in shallow wa- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
ters and seek for crayfish, water plants, leeches and tasty
6 35 15 60 50 20 15 15 10 25 10 44
mud. While rare it has happened that Bog Trolls accidental-
ly wandered out too deep and tried breathing under water
causing death by drowning. Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
35, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45
An adult bog troll stands at roughly 13 feet (4m) in length
with long gangly limbs. They have varied colourations and Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
slimy skin with occasional patches of scales. burst 5, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid,
Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10
Bog trolls can be a little over a hundred years old. Like most
trolls they grow their entire life but their arms grow faster Talents: Strider (Shallow Water)
than the rest of the body causing them to be longer than
expected on older trolls.
Bog Trolls are fairly widespread and can be found in many
parts of the world preferring bogs and coastal areas. They
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
are often classified as common trolls and its easy to see
why, for someone having to deal with them there is not too 6 40 20 65 55 25 20 20 15 30 15 46
much of a difference and their habitat preferences don´t Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool
matter too much for most. 40, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 50
Bogtrolls can live as loners or in packs but tend to prefer Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
the latter. A troll pack tends to be fairly small, numbering burst 4, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large),
between 3 and 9 individuals. . Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon
Bog Trolls have a natural predator in Bog Octopi who at +10
times attack them and drag them below the surface to Talents: Strider (Shallow Water)
drown and be consumed. Those living on the Norscan coast
also find the elusive Kraken as a predator, a creature able to BOG TROLL (LARGE)
sweep them up quickly and consume them whole.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Bog Trolls are able to use weapons, taking sticks if they are
not given weapons from greenskins . 6 45 25 70 60 30 25 25 20 35 20 52
Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool
45, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60

Traits: Armour 2, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst

4, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid,
BOG TROLL (RUNT) Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +11

Talents: Strider (Shallow Water)

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 30 15 55 45 10 15 15 10 20 5 38
Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 55

Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst

6, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territori-
al (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +9,

Talents: Strider (Shallow Water)

Slay it again, Sam!
Mini-adventure featuring Bog Trolls
for searching out
those beasts. Over the
time slayers have
come and gone. Many
have died, some have
moved on to greater
challenges. But
through it all Samon-
ir has remained. A bane to the trolls of the bogs. Samonir is
Adventure Summary a dwarf for whom duty is important and even as he has
sworn to seek death he sees a need to fight not only for
This is an adventure set near Felde Castle, an empire out- himself but for others.
post in Troll Country. Troll activity has increased and the
castle asks for volunteers to go out and seek for the slayer SAMONIR-DWARF TROLLSLAYER BRASS 2
Samonir and his companions, a camp of slayers that have
helped keep the monsters in check. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Once found it however turns out they have been overrun by 3 60 30 50 30 30 30 30 30 70 30 18
trolls and Samonir is mortally wounded. He laments he may
not be able to die fighting and if he can be helped to regain Skills: Consume Alcohol 40, Cool 90, Dodge 50, Endurance 50,
his health so he can die in battle he will be thankful. Gamble 40, Heal 40, Lore (Trolls) 50, Melee (Basic) 70
Finding the camp only three slayers remain and they are Talents: Dual Wielder, Fearless (Everything), Frenzy, Slayer,
badly wounded, while those have a chance to recover they Magic Resistance
can´t fight now and trolls are closing in. The camp must be
secured against the nearby trolls long enough for the slay- Trappings: Pair of axes, Beard ornaments, Tattoos, Tent
ers to regain their strength. Then it´s back to Felde Castle to
report. Starting the Adventure
Felde Castle The players should be in Felde Castle for the start of the
adventure. If moving through Troll Country it makes an
Felde Castle stands by the edge of Troll Country with tall excellent place to seek temporary refuge. Especially for Im-
walls and imposing towers. It is a small castle in area even perials whom will be happy to find some compatriots.
if its height is impressive. Unlike other settlements here
Felde Castle is not Kislevite. It is an imperial fort set up in Mission from Krueller
agreement with the Tzardom near a hundred and fifty years
In the castle Sergeant Krueller has noticed two things, there
ago. It was raised for the empire to faster get word of trou-
have been more trolls threatening them lately and there
ble so aid could be sent. The lands around the castle are
have been no visits from Samonir and his slayers in a while.
imperial as part of the same agreement and a few brave
Needing his men to keep up the garrison he contacts the
imperials have raised farms there though these find the
PCs and offers them pay if they can get word from Samonir
lands deadly and all that dwell there have at times needed
on what happened. Offer a campaign appropriate amount
to flee to the safety of the castle. The castle is built to hold
and some supplies for the journey, including maps of the
for a while but the place is not made to hold massive ar-
mies, it is an outpost to send word south and over the years
defending the lands have been difficult. Castle Felde has a Frightened Farmers
small garrison and Troll Country has no shortage of trolls.
On the way to the bog they come upon a damaged farm.
Samonir Frightened farmers move out to meet the PCs there. They
warn of trolls and say they are the ones that damaged the
Samonir is a skilled Trollslayer that has for the last years
fought trolls in the bogs around Felde Castle. First he was
alone, then more slayers joined him finding the lands great
Through the Bog Build it and they shall come
The path to the bog is easy but the path through it less so. As the bonfire blazes up the shapes of trolls close in, surround-
Cold waters and treacherous ground makes travel difficult. ing the camp. Give a challenging number of trolls of a difficulty
In addition the shapes of trolls moving in the distance you find suitable for the players and let the battle commence.
makes for a constant presence. But they are not the only The preparations done in the previous step will now come to
predators there, on the way a number of Bog Lizards equal use.
to two more than the number of PCs attack to snatch them-
selves a meal. They attack when the PCs are forced to wade. These trolls are not afraid of the fire, or more afraid of some-
thing else. There is a reason for this. Samonir has been an un-
Bog Lizard welcome presence to the king of troll country and he dis-
patched his servants Muckspit and Bilegut to lead a troll attack
Bog Lizards are light-blue reptiles with various frills and and kill him and his slayers. If this attack is beaten back then
skinflaps of bright colours. They reach lengths of three me- the camp and its slayers will recover. But new attacks will
tres with thin bodies. They are very aggressive and have a come, who knows how the tale will end.
tendency to attack at inappropriate times. Despite being
reptiles they are adapted to very cold climates. Exactly how Back to Felde Castle
their cold-blooded nature can handle it is hard to say but
somehow it does. Apart from an annoying attack from Bog Lizards the journey
back will go back. The sergeant will either be sad of Samonirs
BOG LIZARD death or thankful that he survived. In either case he is grateful
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W for the help.

7 40 - 40 35 25 40 - 5 45 - 14

Traits: Armour 1, Bestial, Cold-Blooded, Weapon +8, Swamp-

Strider, Bite +8

Samonir and the Slayers

If the group has someone with training in navigation the camp
is easy to find. Otherwise cause them further troubles in their Saving wounded slayers (even if they die in the following fight)
search, maybe adding further bog lizards or throwing a fatigue deserves a reward as does making good defences before it.
condition or two their way. The PCs will also always be welcome back at Felde Castle.
Eventually they should however find their way to it. The sight
is not a pretty one. Scores of dead slayers are scattered
amongst dead trolls, the battle here must have been spectacu-
lar. Now the camp is trampled and only four slayers live, all
badly wounded. Samonir is one of them but he is the worst
hurt, being on deaths door. He will ask the PCs to bring his
amulet to sergeant Krueller and tell him of their fate. If a PC
with heal is present he can try to stabilize Samonir so he can
die with axe in hand. The same can be done for other slayers,
those will then use dwarf stats (core rulebook pg 311) with the
Fury optional trait and the Fearless (everything) talent.

The camp is almost gone but this need not be the end. It is
famous and more may come if it is reestablished. The slayers
tell so and suggest a mighty bonfire is made to burn the dead
trolls and keep beasts away. But other acts to reinforce the
camp can be made too. Raising the tents again. Creating de-
fences. Give the players time to help with this.
Bogwallow Troll
(Trollae lama Volutabro)
Also called Swinetrolls and Bogbile Trolls the Bogwallow BOGWALLOW TROLL (RUNT)
Trolls are usually confused with River Trolls but they are
closer to Bog Trolls and are not aquatic creatures. They M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
dwell in shallow waters or mudholes where they seek for 4 30 25 55 45 10 15 15 10 20 5 38
crayfish, water plants, leeches and tasty mud. Bogwallow
trolls tend to roll around in mud and sometimes crawl ra- Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 55
ther than walk. Traits: Bestial, Bite +8, Crawler, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 6,
An adult bogwallow troll stands at roughly 12 feet (3,7m) in Hungry, Infected, Ranged (15) +5, Regenerate, Size (Large),
length with gangly limbs somewhat short for trolls. They Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon
have varied colourations and slimy skin often covered by +9,
mud and debris in which they love to roll around.
Bogwallow trolls can be a little over ninety years old. Like
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
most trolls they grow their entire life but unlike many oth-
ers Bogwallow trolls tend to get stunted growth if their 5 35 25 60 50 20 15 15 10 25 10 44
habitat is too small, such as in ponds. In fact miniature
Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
Bogwallow trolls have been encountered at various times
35, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45
with some as small as goblins.
Bogwallow Trolls are fairly widespread and can be found in Traits: Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Crawler, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
many parts of the world preferring bogs and ponds. burst 5, Hungry, Infected, Ranged (15) +6, Regenerate, Size
(Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit,
Bogwallow trolls can live as loners or in packs but tend to Weapon +10
prefer the lformer. A troll pack tends to be fairly small,
numbering between 2 and 5 individuals. . BOGWALLOW TROLL (ADULT)
Bogwallow Trolls have a natural predator in Bog Octopi
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
who at times attack them and drag them below the surface
to drown and be consumed. 5 40 30 65 55 25 20 20 15 30 15 46
Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool
Bogwallow Trolls are able to use weapons but rarely do,
they do however throw mud at their prey at times to catch 40, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 50
it. And at each other in their simplistic mating rituals. Traits: Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Crawler, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
burst 4, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Ranged (15) +6, , Regener-
ate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough,
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Vomit, Weapon +10
4 30 25 45 35 10 25 15 10 20 5 20
Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 55
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Traits: Bestial, Bite +7, Crawler, Die Hard, Gutburst 7, Hungry,
6 45 35 70 60 30 25 25 20 35 20 52
Infected, Ranged (15) +4, Regenerate, Stupid, Territorial (Lair),
Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +8, Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool
45, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60

Traits: Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Crawler, Goblob, Gutburst 4,

Bogwallow Trolls and Bogbile Trolls come from
Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Ranged (15) +7, Regenerate, Size
the MMORPG Warhammer: Age of Reckoning as
(Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit,
forms of rivertroll. They are found in Troll Coun- Weapon +11
try in that game at the same place and made into
the same species here.

/Mystic Scribbler
Poolcleaners of Anub-Ias
Mini-adventure featuring Bogwallow Trolls

Adventure Summary The Temples of Anub-Ias

In the western Southlands lay Anub-Ias. An ancient complex Anub-Ias was a lizardmen town that a millenia ago fell to an
of the lizardmen but one lost for many centuries. Now a Orc Waaagh! led by Murg Goldplatez. It was not seen as im-
plaque was discovered and a skink-priest sent to bring portant, the plaques mentioned not the need for it and it fell
Anub-Ias back to the fold. Restored for the plan of the Old out of mind after the greenskins moved on. That recently
Ones. changed when the ‘Plaque of Barteri’ was found which
told of Anub-Ias and the spawning of Giletti to come there.
And it can not wait, the pools are to spawn new spawnings
A skink spawning instrumental in reclaiming the rivers of
in a year and they must be cleared for then. The skink-
the western southlands, or so the prophecies say.
priest Thieb-Odyn however found a pond infected by a
small pack of Bogwallow Trolls. The shallow waters now
muddied ponds unsuitable for spawnings. With time of the
Ajo àgwàetiti
essence Thieb-Odyn moves to hire warmbloods to aid it in Ajo agwaetiti is a small independent human kingdom infa-
its quest. Thankfully such creatures are fond of the metal mous for its dangerous, vile and barbarous population.
gold so a few shiny baubles should be enough to gain their There is however no truth to this infamy, the rumours have
services. been purposefully spread by them to keep others away.
Now it is the “simple” matter of a journey through the If visited they will try to scare away the explorers with
Southland jungles to the overgrown temples of Anub-Ias scary displays that make them seem far more frightening
alongside a mysterious and strange employer. than they first appear. If that does not work they may come
to admit their scare tactics and ask those coming there not
A job for cold-bloods.
to tell.
This adventure is well suited to include one or
more skink characters (see the Lustria book by
Ogwe di juu
C7) and one could well replace Thieb-Odyn for it. Ogwe di juu is a small town built around a riverside inn. It
is an independent city ruled over by a merchant council.
The villagers are generally friendly and very proud over
their grilled fish which they claim is the best in the world.

Igbo mbu
The forest of Igbo mbu does not have
the troubles with giant death mosqui-
toes that plague the rest of the sur-
rounding lands, the giant spiders eat
most of them.

Ohia nke ozo

The forest of Ohia nke ozo is a forest
of deadly snakes and tasty fruit. The
snakes are very deadly but...well the
fruits are very tasty.

Oyi Otu Ogba

Oyi Otu ogba is a deep cave system
where cold ones dwell. During the
nights they ascend from the caverns
and stalk the plains.
Starting the Adventure • Travel through Ohia nke ozo: Any coldblooded PC (ie
skinks and chameleon skinks) travelling through these
On a visit on a riverside town in the Western Southlands, possibly woods can do so safely. Other PCs will be attacked by a
Ogwe di juu, the characters are approached by the skink priest snake (pg 316 Core rulebook) with the Swarm, Venom
Thieb-Odyn willing to recruit warmbloods to its service. Offering (Easy) and Hatred (Warm Bloods) optional traits every
gold it asks for troll-hunters. time they fail a skill test for movement. The dense vegeta-
tion of the forest makes travel take long and forces an agili-
Play out this interaction, the skink is not used to dealing with
ty roll to not gain a fatigue each hour of travel (which is a
warm-bloods in a peaceful manner. The strange attempts at diplo-
test for movement causing snake attacks if failed), in a fight
macy and haggling has humorous potential so don´t hold back on
all terrain in the forest is difficult terrain.
strange behaviours and odd misunderstandings. In the end it
should preferably lead to a deal however. • Over the steppes: The steppes are warm and the searing
sun will take its toll on warm-blooded adventurers without
Thieb-Odyn Resistance (Heat). Any warmbloods without that talent
suffer two fatigue for the days walk. As night comes a pack
Thieb Odyn is a skink-priest with power over the plants and wa-
of Coldones (Lustria pg 174) with the Hardy optional trait
ters. It is a cryptic character that often speaks in strange prophe-
numbering one more than the PCs attack.
cies and will get annoyed if others do not keep it safe to cast its
magic in battle. Reacjhing Anub-Ias
Regardless of path the travel takes roughly one and a half day
(though the GM may ask for navigation tests and increase travel
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W times if those are failed, keep in mind the skink priest has this skill
as well and could test). On the way any travel except through Igbo
6 20 35 30 25 50 50 30 40 35 25 6
mbu causes an attack of D10 giant death mosquitoes each day.

Skills: Channelling (Ghyran) 45, Charm Animal 35, Dodge 60, Intuition In Anub-Ias the ’simple’ matter of defeating the trolls will come up.
60, Language (Magick) 50, Lore (Magic) 50, Melee (Basic) 30, Melee A number of Bogwallow trolls equal to the number of PCs dwell
(Polearm) 30, Outdoor Survival 50, Perception 60, Charm 35, Gossip there and d10 giant death mosquitoes will also attack. Taking on
35, Intimidate 40, Language (Battle) 50, Language (Arabyan) 50, Navi- so many trolls is dangerous so planning should be made keeping
gation 50 in mind they are stupid.

Talents: Petty Magic, Arcane Magic (Life), Second Sight Rewards

Traits: Amphibious, Arboreal, Armour 2 (4), Coldblooded, Night Vi-
Rewards will be given in lizardmen amulets of gold (they are not
sion, Size (Small), Weapon +7
magical but if the PCs didn´t seem very smart Thieb-Odyn may
Petty Magic Spells: Dart, Light, Marsh Lights, Purify Water, Bearings have claimed they were to hire them), exp and good relations with
the lizardmen of the area.
Arcane Magic Spells: Earthpool, Lie of the Land, Lifebloom, Bolt
Giant Death Mosquitoes
Getting to Anub-Ias
Giant Death Mosquitoes are a common scourge of the Southern
There are different paths to take to Anub-Ias from Ogwe di juu. Southlands. They are the most common cause of death for humans
Guides can be hired in the town willing to help and the skink there and veteran explorers of the lands tend to laugh at anyone
priest himself will also help guide them though he is oblivious to travelling there who worries about Lions, Snakes, Crocophants,
certain threats that do not affect him as a cold-blooded creature. Mokele-mbembe, Adze or Ninki Nanka instead of the Giant Death
• Going through Igbo mbụ: This is a good option, the giant Mosquitoes
spiders deal with the giant death mosquitoes and while GIANT DEATH MOSQUITOE
massive they are exclusively insectivores and will not at-
tack any PCs except in self-defence. Should a PC have ani- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
mal affinity they will allow themselves to be petted and
5 55 20 15 25 10 35 30 5 45 - 8
should a PC use magic to speak to beasts they are helpful.
However there are still threats, some forest goblins call the
woods their home and may attack. Let a group of twice the Traits: Bestial, Night Vision, Size (Little), Wallcrawler, Weapon +4, Fly
PCs attack unless the PCs manage to move silently enough
80, Afraid (Spider), Disease (The Black Plague), Elite, Hungry
(GMs discretion), their leader rides a giant spider. Their
stats are found in the Core book bestiary (pg 315 and 326). Optional Traits: Swarm, Infected, Size (Tiny)
The spider has the Size (Average), Big, Armour 1 and Ar-
Death Season: The adventure assumes its low season for the mosqui-
boreal optional traits. The goblins have the Arboreal and
toes explaining the low numbers. If high season multiply all mosqui-
Ranged optional traits. The goblin leader has the Big and
toe numbers by five. If somewhere between double all mosquitoe
Tough Optional Traits.
numbers instead.
Cave Troll
(Trollae Buccina)
Cave trolls are also known as horned trolls due to the im- CAVE TROLL (RUNT)
posing horns they sprout. It is not uncommon for them to
have more than one pair adorning their heads. Cave Trolls M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
live mostly amongst cliffs and mountains where they can
6 30 35 60 40 10 15 15 10 20 5 40
fight in their specialized way of hurling boulders on prey
and enemies below. Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 35, Endurance 50, Swim
65, Ranged (Throwing) 45
An adult ave troll stands at roughly 12 feet (3,6m) in length
with short stubby legs. Their ears are small, especially Traits: Bestial, Bite +10, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 6, Horns
when compared to other trolls, and often hidden behind +6, Hungry, Infected, Ranged +10 (18), Regenerate, Size
horns and hair. They have no scales covering them and (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit,
have more hair than most other types of trolls. Their head, Weapon +10,
face and armpits have thick, long hair.
Cave trolls can reach ages of near a hundred and ten. Like
most trolls they grow their entire life but with cave trolls M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
their height is barely affected with the majority of growth 6 30 40 65 45 20 15 15 10 25 10 40
being at the horns and teeth, the latter which grow to prop-
Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 55, Cool
er tusks at adulthood and keep becoming larger, sharper
and deadler. 35, Dodge 25, Swim 70 Ranged (Throwing) 55

Cave trolls dwell in mountains and cliffs all over the world Traits: Bestial, Bite +10, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 5, Horns
and the main reason they are not seen as often as common +6, Hungry, Infected, Ranged +10 (18), Regenerate, Size
trolls or stone trolls is that they are hard to get to follow (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit,
into battle. Greenskins try and succeed at times but often Weapon +10,
cave trolls either stand and lob boulders long after the fight
is over until the greenskins feel they must move on or the
cave trolls wander away to find a new boulder never to re-
turn. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
5 30 45 70 50 25 20 20 15 30 15 48
Cave trolls can live as loners or in packs and thrive in either
situation. A troll pack like this can reach up to fifteen indi-
Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
viduals (the largest amount recorded for Cave trolls). Lead-
40, Dodge 30, Swim 75, Ranged (Throwing) 65
ership of such packs is decided by rock hurling competi-
tions. Cave trolls are primarily hunters who use their skills Traits: Bite +11, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim 1, Horns
at throwing rocks to kill their prey. +7, Hungry, Infected, Ranged +11 (21), Regenerate, Size
Cave Trolls have some natural enemies. Hippogryphs and (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit,
griffons sometimes prey on them. As does Chimeras in the Weapon +11
lands of Norsca. Stone trolls also eat Cave trolls, they see
the boulders they throw as a great appetiser on the way to
the main course, the cave troll. In Kulgur cave troll meat is M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
highly appreciated, said to be one of the tastier types.
6 30 50 75 55 30 25 25 20 35 20 48
Cave trolls utilize tools in the form of throwing boulders but
Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 70, Cool
they do not make any form of advanced tools nor do they
45, Dodge 35, Swim 80, Ranged (Throwing) 75
use ones given to them by greenskins or chaos forces, in-
stead throwing them away as if they were boulders. Traits: Bite +11, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 3, Grim 2, Horns
+7, Hungry, Infected, Ranged +11 (21), Regenerate, Size
(Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit,
Weapon +11
Black Tower at Black Fire
Mini-adventure featuring Cave Trolls

Adventure Summary 1: Above the armoury stands the kitchen and mess hall, this
too long since scavenged of all with value.
This is an adventure set in Black Fire Pass. A family of 2: The second highest floor held a library for books and
dwarfs, the last of their clan, has found map to an old dwarf maps. The clan will need to refill this from the start and to
watchtower in the Black Fire Pass. Using the resources they begin with their own book of grudges will be all found
have saved up during the ages they have managed to ac- there.
quire rights to it from both high-king Thorgrim Grudge-
bearer and Elector Countess Ludmilla the first of Averland. 3: The top floor held the aviary so that ravens could be sent
But with low numbers and knowing the dangers of the with messages.
place they will hire a few mercenaries to help them claim it Roof: The roof is long since broken but once repaired clan
and guard the tower as they repair it. Blackstone will set a beacon upon it alongside a mighty
They will hire people in Vossheim, amongst others the PCs. grudgethrower, a dwarf catapult.
With this small mercenary force the dwarfs will travel to
the old watchtower. It turns out to currently be occupied by
Clan Blackstone
a cave troll that immediately starts to roar and hurl boul- Clan Blackstone is a holdless clan, a dwarf clan whose hold
ders from the top of the tower. of old have fallen. This is a dishonour amongst dwarfs,
Having dealt with the troll repair work will start and the some try to reclaim their old holds, many dying as they try.
PCs and other sellswords will be set on guard duty. As they Some become wandering clans walking between holds of-
are a new threat arrives. Greenskins trying to take over the fering their services. Some move to the lands of men and set
place. Doing some attacks in waves they try and fail to up life there. One should not think all dwarfs moving to the
break the defences. lands of men or wandering the world to be holdless howev-
er, most have holds they can return to should they wish but
But they device a new plan, they bring another cave troll. It
have for different reasons chosen to remain in other lands.
starts to launch boulders at the tower and a new battle be-
A holdless clan has no hold to return to, no king to whom
gins. A battle that decides the fate of the watchtower.
they owe allegiance, no runescribes that records their hon-

The Tower of Kol-Drekaz ours.

Clan Blackstone lived in Karak-Varn back when it pros-

The watchtower of Kol-Drekaz as the dwarfs of clan Black- pered and was one of the great holds engineering clans. As
stone are to name it, is at the time a ruin. The tower is size- the hold was flooded by water and then despoiled by gob-
able enough, with six levels, four of which stand above lins and skaven they were forced to flee and became one of
ground. It is in need of repairs but could be reforged to once many holdless clans from that calamity. They gathered with
again help guard the pass. The tower is built in classic others of their kin and tried to reclaim it, suffering greatly
dwarf style with the gate set in an ancestors head calling on as a result.
Gazul to guard those that die in her defence. What sets it
apart from most dwarf stone structures is however the col- Over the years they participated in many expeditions to
our. The tower is built from the black stone found near and their old home, suffering more every time. Eventually when
gives a dark and forboding presence as a result. A presence the empire was formed they decided to settle down into the
clan Blackstone soon hopes to ease with a light once again lands of men and became citizens of Averland. The clan has
burning at its top. The six levels are as follows; gone through cycles of saving up money and trying to re-
claim parts of their old home. In these years they have final-
-2: Deepest down is found the tombs where those that die ly decided that the shame of having no home is too much
in defence of the tower are buried. Here too stands a small and that Karak-Varn can’t be reclaimed. Thus they have
shrine of the ancestors. purchased rights to an old watchtower by Black Fire Pass
-1: Just below the surface stands the sleeping halls, now and are setting out to reclaim it. Gathering mercenaries as
ruined and filled with debris but soon to be repaired and they do. The clan has over time been reduced to but five
redecorated. members. Vorak, his wife Helga and their three sons.

E: The floor level held storage and armoury, it has long

since been looted.
Vossheim here, so you must make that up for them. Keep it simple.

Once the tower is reached a roar is heard and a horned troll

Vossheim is a settlement in Black Fire Pass. Part mercenary appears at the top of the tower. Soon after a boulder lands
encampment and part Merchant’s Quarter, tents of all frighteningly close to the group. Start initiative. The tower
shapes and sizes are pitched around a small, dusty cross- is ten yards away, each floor is 20 yards deep and 20 yards
roads. At any one time forty or fifty merchants might be wide. The stairs are four yards each but in bad condition
present, each identifi ed by large banners arrayed in a riot and currently count as difficult terrain. Once the troll is
of colour that assails the eye. The merchants compete with killed the dwarfs will start with the repairs right away.
one another for the largest, gaudiest, and most ostentatious
banner in a bid to attract customers and the city resembles The first attack
nothing so much as an army, marching to war beneath its
standards. During the coming night a small party of goblins are forced
to test the defences, this is a small force not expected to
Here you can buy anything your heart desires: goods, ser-
succeed, bigger goblins are hiding out of sight looking to see
vices (both legal and illegal), soldiers, weapons, songs, and
how this goes. Make an attack with twice as many goblins
relics. Hawkers cry their wares as you move between the
as there are PCs. They use the rules for goblins on page 326.
tents, but beware, for they are ruthless scoundrels all of
them, willing to sell their own mothers for a profit. The second attack
Starting the Adventure The attack has been reported and the tribe is now readying
a major assault. By dawn they come, three times as many
The adventure starts in Vossheim where the PCs happen to
normal goblins as there are PCs. They use the rules for gob-
be, preferably looking for work. Here Clan Blackstone is
lins on page 326. In addition to this, as many “Tougher gits”
gathering a group of mercenaries to guard them as they
as there are players. Tougher gits use the goblin rules but
rebuild and reclaim an old dwarf watchtower. They will
increases their WS to 45 and their armour trait to 2. Once
offer the PCs jobs there and prices can be haggled for. If so
the fight starts to go badly for the goblins and half have died
count the dwarfs of having a haggle of 50. The dwarfs will
the rest begin to retreat.
hire a total number of mercenaries equal to three times the
players (including the players). The third attack
The Mercenaries in fights The day passes uneventful and more of the tower gets com-
The mercenaries are useful in the fight but to cut down time pleted. The same goes for the next day. But the following
and make the action more focussed on the players they will night is different. The goblins have now managed to get a
not act independently in the battles. Instead set two merce- cavetroll to them and will use it to take the tower. There
naries as assisting each player, these will each grant +5 to will be four times as many goblins as PCs, as many
all tests and +2 damage to all attacks. In addition they add “Tougher Gits” as PCs and one Cave Troll. If the troll is
one tier each of Combat Master to the character, this can killed the goblins are likely to flee, though the GM should
take a character over his maximum amount of ranks in take into account how the rest of the fight is going.
combat master. When an enemy attack hits and rolls a num-
ber ending in zero (ie 10, 20, 30 etc) it hits and kills a mer- Epilogue
cenary instead. Lowering the number of mercenaries help-
After the third attack the goblins are suitably defeated, at
ing that player.
least for now. The repairs take another two weeks and no
The dwarfs in fights further attacks happen during this time. After this Kol-
Drekaz will stand strong. It will offer rest and repairs to the
The dwarfs will support from further away, they are after soldiers of the pass, giving the dwarfs a bit of income, but
all engineers. They act at initiative 20. If there are goblins mostly the tower will be self-sufficient. It doesn’t give a
present they kill one with ranged weaponry, describe it as plentiful life but some mushroom farms and goat herding
you wish. If not, they fire at a troll but barely affect it, do ensures they get by.
Taking the Tower
Give extra rewards for combat feats and tactical brilliance,
The travel to the tower is not very eventful but it is a good especially the latter.
time for the players to talk to the mercenaries and dwarfs
should they wish. The mercenaries have no names or lore
Chaos Troll
(Trollae Chaotica Vulgaris)
While all trolls seem at least partially to be changed by the CHAOS TROLL (RUNT)
powers of chaos, some have undergone more direct muta-
tion that has twisted them into even more fearsome crea- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
tures than normal. They can possess all forms of mutations.
6 30 15 55 45 10 15 15 10 25 5 38
Like all Trolls, they are a terrifyingly powerful, fast moving
creature with flesh that can quickly restore itself, or, in Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Melee (Basic) 40,
their case, warp itself into ever more terrible mutations. Endurance 55, Swim 60
While trolls have the ability to vomit deadly acid amongst Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +8, Corrupted (Minor), Die Hard,
the chaos trolls there are even worse things used. Such as Gutburst 6, Hungry, Infected, Mental Corruption, Mutant Re-
swathes of carnivorous worms or even the energy of Chaos. generation, Mutation, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Terri-
At least as frightening is their ability to quickly mutate, torial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +9,
many soldiers facing them have reported them mutating
before their eyes. CHAOS TROLL (YOUNGSTER)
An adult chaos troll stands at roughly 12 feet (3,6m) in M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
length but with more diverse sizes than other kinds. A uni-
6 35 15 60 50 20 15 15 10 30 10 46
fied appearance is uncommon amongst them but a trait
often seen is gnarly somewhat spiky skin covering them. Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
Colours vary widely but grey, black and purple seem the 40, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45, Swim 65
most common.
Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Corrupted (Minor), Die
Chaos trolls can grow exceptionally old but most do not, Hard, Gutburst 5, Hungry, Infected, Mental Corruption, Mu-
they mutate their entire life and at some point it becomes tant Regeneration, Mutation, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid,
too much even for their bodies to sustain. As a result ages of Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10,
only 40 or 50 is common.
Chaos trolls are the most numerous in Troll country and
Norsca but are by no means limited to these places. There is
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
a sizable opulation in the Drakwald, often used by the
beastmen there. The northern Worlds edge Mountains of- 6 40 20 65 55 25 20 20 15 35 15 46
ten find such creatures wandering its mountains and while Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool
rare in southern lands they are far from unheard of there. 45, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 70
Chaos trolls can live as loners or in packs but tend to move Traits: Armour 3, Bite +9, Corrupted (Minor), Die Hard, Gut-
in packs. Such a troll pack tends to reach between 6 and 9 burst 4, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Mental Corruption, Mutant
individuals. Chaos Trolls are primarily scavengers and Regeneration, Mutation, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Ter-
hunters. Preferring meat, blood and bones for their meals. ritorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10,
Chaos Trolls have few natural predators are not used in
Kulgur. However they are not fully without predators as the
dread Chimeras hunt and eat them. Dread Maws also find
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
them on their menu occasionally, as does Krakens, but nei-
ther seems to find them very appetizing for they appear to 6 45 25 70 60 30 25 25 20 40 20 54
prefer other prey when available. Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool
50, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75
Chaos trolls are able to use weapons and chaos warbands
have been known to make them weaponry and sometimes Traits: Armour 3, Bite +10, Chaos Vomit, Corrupted
even armour. However many chaos trolls find their bodies (Moderate), Die Hard, Gutburst 3, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected,
in their twisting warped nature come to offer far better Mental Corruption, Mutant Regeneration, Mutation, Regener-
weapons than swords or axes of northlander iron. Thus ate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough,
some of them, especially older trolls, discard these weapons Vomit, Weapon +11,
and show their dark gifts.
The Lost Banner of the Slaughterer
Mini-adventure featuring chaos trolls

Adventure Summary Dolina Trolli

A magic banner used by Khan-Queen Miska the Slaughterer Dolina Trolli is a valley amongst the hills of Troll Country
has been sighted after near a millennia of being lost. The which holds many caves and burrows that act as lairs for cha-
Sztandar gniewu has surfaced in troll country in the ‘Dolina os trolls, making the area teeming with them. It is not rare to
Trolli’, a place infested with countless chaos trolls. Reclaiming find hundreds of trolls gathered there. There is a Kislev myth
this lost artefact of Kislev would be a wonderous boon but that claims Dolina Trolli is the site where Tor cleaved the troll
sending an army into ‘Dolina Trolli’ would cause a massive -god Bauer whose body formed the hills and whose blood
battle costing far too much. Instead the plan to send in a small formed the chaos trolls. A small stone shrine called ‘The tomb
group to try and steal it with some manner of covert skill is of Bauer’ is raised here in honour of it and especially brave
devised and decided upon. This risks far less and just might priests of Tor sometimes take a pilgrimage to it. Few return
work. from it.
Well how fortunate then that the PCs are in Leblya at this
time offering an expendable group of adventurers that could
Miska the Slaughterer
make it but also won’t be badly missed if they don’t. Miska the Slaughterer, was the first khan-queen or ruler of
The travel then goes through the cold lands of Troll Country the nomadic Gospodar tribes of the Eastern Steppes. She led
to ‘Dolina Trolli’ where they need to steal a banner from un- them in their great migration west of the Worlds Edge Moun-
der the noses of a horde of trolls without getting killed and tains and their conquest of the territory of present-day Kislev.
eaten. Then get back with some such beasts pursuing them. Miska did not live to see the land she had conquered take
shape into a proper nation. Instead she vanished into the
Troll Country north, claiming to have seen a vision of a terrible future
where she would once again be needed to lead her people to
Troll Country is an area in Kislev that consists of steppe slow- salvation. Leaving both her fearsome warblade, Fearfrost, as
ly turning into tundra as one travels north before meeting the well as the title of Khan-Queen in the hands of her daugh-
great mountains and the edge of the Chaos Wastes. It is some ter Shoika, Miska gathered her most trusted warriors to her
of the least-forgiving land in the Old World, and no farming is and rode into the Chaos Wastes. She was never seen again.
possible. There are some forests and two main ranges of hills,
but for the most part, it is largely flat. It is easy to travel for Sztandar Gniewu
days without seeing any settlements here.
The Sztandar Gniewu is a mighty banner enchanted with the
The population of the Troll Country is overwhelming- wrath and fighting spirit of Miska the Slaughterer. When
ly Ungol and mostly nomadic. Fixed settlements are targeted Miska left Kislev to ride towards the chaos wastes with her
repeatedly by raiders while nomads can just move on. The best warriors they brought this magic banner with them.
Ungols and Gospodars out here take hospitality even more
seriously than Ungols elsewhere. Anyone is welcomed, but Little thought was given to it after that, it was mentioned in
hardly anyone is trusted. Those who prove to be friendly over the history books of Kislev but assumed lost. But now it has
time may find that, after a year or so, they are no longer at- appeared again it seems. If the banner seen, and matching the
tended by heavily armed hosts at all times. description perfectly, is indeed the Sztandar Gniewu then a
priceless artefact is within Kislevs grasp.
Leblya The banner depicts the face of Miska, her eyes glowing with
arcane power and a storm of ice magic is seen behind her.
Leblya is the largest settlement in Troll Country and probably
The pole holding it is of enchanted steel, ever cold to the
the most significant as it is often designated as a mustering or
touch and incredibly durable.
fall-back point for the pulk. As a result, almost anyone raised
in the Troll Country knows how to get there, which makes it The banner has an Enc of 4 and 8 instances of the Durable
good as a general meeting point. quality. When carried aloft into battle the carrier and up to
his fellowship value allies within twice his fellowship yards
The stanitsa is built around an old Scythian mound, and the
are affected by the hatred psychology (see pg 190 Core Rule-
settlement’s zal, or main meeting hall, is built atop the
book) for your enemies in this fight.
mound. The rest of the buildings are between the mound and
the stockade and, thus, receive some shelter from the harsh
Troll Country weather.
Starting the Adventure Into the Valley
The adventurers are in Leblya where they hear talk of a The characters are getting near when the steppes give way
magic banner of great importance that has been seen in the to hills. Snow mist hang in the air now and through it large
Dolina Trolli a days ride from Leblya. Let discussions of the humanoid forms are seen moving. Trolls. Trolls in large
artefact be held and let a priest, historian or entertainer tell numbers. Nearly wherever they look a chaos troll is seen.
the tale of Miska the Slaughterer, in as much or little detail Getting to the banner means getting past them.
as you wish. At this point the players may already be con-
Here stealth is useful, let characters test stealth against cha-
sidering going after the artefact but before they make that
os trolls perception five times to get to the right place. A
decision final let them be approached by Ataman (the title
failure means the characters failing are attacked by a chaos
of a settlement leader) Sevhim.
troll. Each second round the noise of the fight has attracted
Sevhim invites them to dinner. Fine meat and strong spirits a new chaostroll. Most will understand they need to flee
are offered. There he talks to them about the ‘Sztandar and/or hide in this situation, at least eventually, to do so set
Gniewu’ and asks them to enter the Dolina Trolli, take it and it as a pursuit (see pg 166, Core rulebook). Pursuing trolls
return it to Kislevite hands. He will conveniently leave out must after the third round of the chase test stupidity each
just how deadly the Dolina Trolli is or the glory this will round of chasing, on a failure they forget what they are do-
grant him. He offers a generous reward right away (GM can ing and stop chasing.
decide a generous enough amount) but can be haggled up
further as long as the payment can be given upon comple- The banner
tion. If there is an insistence on payment before he will be
Getting past the trolls gets them to the banner which is in a
very suspicious and ask what guarantees he has they won’t
troll lair, what is worse, it’s in a troll. It sticks out of the
just take the money and run.
trolls left arm, stuck in the flesh. To get it the arm will need
If a deal is struck they are given maps that show roughly to be severed. The troll is a chaos troll (set version depend-
where the flag was sighted in the lair of a troll, just visible ing on skill of PCs and the challenge you wish to have) and
past the cave entrance. it seems inevitable that they must fight it. Play it through
and once the PCs have the banner allow them to flee should
Over the steppes they wish. Sneaking out again takes the same tests as
sneaking in but just making a run for it is also an option, if
The route to Dolina Trolli is quite long. A day by horse but
so play it as a pursuit but each round of the pursuit add a
easily three times as long on foot. The cold causes an En-
troll chasing them until they get away. Or they get caught as
durance test at +0. A failure causes one wound and makes it
may also be the case, however don’t make getting caught a
so the freezing person can’t regain wounds by using Endur-
guaranteed death. Make it a few rounds of combat but allow
ance the following night. At a point a troll is seen in the dis-
new attempts to flee after some fighting.
tance but it seems to either not see the PCs or not care
about them.
Ataman Sevhim will be surprised
but very pleased with their success.
He will lie and claim never to have
doubted them. They will be paid
what they were promised and will
gain local fame.

Additional exp should be rewarded
for good ideas and for avoiding a lot
of trolls.
Common Troll
(Trollae Vulgaris)
It is disputed if the common troll is really a single species or tachment to their weapons and hold on to them at all times.
multiple ones lumped together due to their differences be- While this sometimes leads to them accidentally eating the
ing less obvious than those between other types of trolls. weapons as they stuff whatever they are holding into their
Thus their physical characteristics can seem hard to define mouths most of the time it leads to longer use of weaponry.
properly. For this reason I will go by the most common ac-
counts and disregard those that deviate greatly from them,
as those may well be another specie of troll exhibiting some
difference from common trolls. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

An adult common troll stands at roughly 12 feet (3,6m) in 5 30 15 55 45 10 15 15 10 20 5 38

length with short stubby legs. The nose and ears are small-
er than on most other types of trolls. Scales tend to cover Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 55, Swim
legs, arms and back leaving the gut and chest bare, traits 60
that could perhaps suggest a quadruped ancestor. Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst
Common trolls can be a little over a hundred years old. Like 6, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territori-
most trolls they grow their entire life but their posture al (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +9,
slouch with age making them keep roughly the same height
as they grow old.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Common trolls are, as the name suggests, the most common
type of trolls. They have spread over most of the known 5 35 15 60 50 20 15 15 10 25 10 44
world and multiplied. Their sturdy nature makes them able
Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
to survive well in most environments and trouble people all
35, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45, Swim 65
over the world. This spread is perhaps caused by their use
in war. Greenskins often bait and train common trolls with Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
food to fight for them and thus, when they move with a burst 5, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid,
large Waaagh! there are bound to be brought trolls, trolls Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10
that then spread to the environments the greenskins
brought them too. COMMON TROLL (ADULT)
Common trolls can live as loners or in packs but tend to M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
prefer the latter. A troll pack tends to be fairly small, num- 5 40 20 65 55 25 20 20 15 30 15 46
bering between 3 and 9 individuals. Common trolls are pri-
marily scavengers and foragers, their short legs are not Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool
good for hunting but their physique is quite excellent for 40, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 70
protecting a carcass they found.
Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
Common trolls have few natural predators as even crea- burst 4, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large),
tures large enough to kill them tend to avoid eating them. Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon
Still there are some exceptions to this rule, the Dread Maw +10
hunts and devours trolls and in the Massif Orcal some hip-
pogryphs have learnt to hunt and eat trolls, specifically COMMON TROLL (LARGE)
avoiding the stone trolls of the mountains and going after M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
solely common trolls. It is also likely that chimera would
6 45 25 70 60 30 25 25 20 35 20 52
hunt and eat them as they do so for chaos trolls and in some
areas share territory. Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool
Common trolls are able to use weapons, taking sticks if they 45, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75
are not given weapons from greenskins . These trolls are Traits: Armour 2, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst
also better at keeping their tools than most other types.
4, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid,
Unlike other troll species common trolls often grow an at-
Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +11
Trolls in the pantry
Mini-adventure featuring common trolls

Adventure Summary Staff and Clientele

This is an adventure set in the small mountain village of Now follows a list of some of the people in the tavern the
Foixaine in the Bretonnian duchy of Montfort but should be night of the adventure. However the GM shouldn’t feel lim-
relatively easy to change to happen in another small village ited by these. Adding more NPCs is greatly encouraged, es-
should an adventure in Montfort not fit the players current pecially ones he thinks the PCs will take a liking to.
locale. In this adventure the PCs enjoy an evening in the fine
tavern ‘Veritable bonne taverne’ with a group of nice local
Innkeep Hortense Dubuisson
people when suddenly a violent crash is heard from the Hortense Dubuisson is the proud innkeep of ‘Veritable
back room, soon followed by loud munching. Checking it bonne taverne’. She is welcoming to guests and kind to her
out a pair of trolls have entered the pantry by smashing staff. She has a passion for food and enjoys talking about it
open the wall and are now eating the food. One of them no- with her guests, often asking them about their favourite
tices the people checking and try to go after them. But they meals from back home or their travels. She is accomplished
were not alone. A third troll enters, this time by the front in both Bretonnian and Imperial cuisine (with a bit of skill
door which it breaks down along with much of the sur- in Estalian, Tilean and Kislevian cooking too).
rounding walls. A rush to keep the trolls from killing inno-
cents and dealing with them before the entire tavern is de- Barmaid Claire Belyea
stroyed will now ensue.
Claire Belyea is a barmaid and one who is quite fond of im-
The adventure works with any characters that can be ex- perial fashion. She finds the bushy moustashes, large feath-
pected to not want innocents to die, and can potentially ered hats and substantial codpieces of the empire quite ir-
work even if that’s not the case though some of the effect is resistible.
lost if they don’t care. However should the party include
people with an actual obligation to help such as watchmen
Waiter Émile Beauvais
or Bretonnian Knights it fits even better. Emile Beauvais is a bit of a radical, finding the feudal sys-
tem of Bretonnia detestable and disliking the strict gender
The village of Foixaine norms of his homeland. He can be quite passionate about
these subjects but is smart enough to know when to speak
The village of Foixaine is a small mountain village in Mont-
and when to be patient.
fort. Most of the villages income comes from the small dia-
mond mine found there. It’s veins are not the richest but Marc-Antoine Accordéon
even with long time between sellable diamonds it’s enough
to get by. Like most Montfort people the people of Foixaine A fat and jolly man with a white beard and a red accordion
are suspicious of non-humans but welcoming to human that he happily plays Bretonnian drinking songs on. He is
visitors. The Foixainians are especially suspicious or almost impossible to insult, laughing it all off.
dwarfs, gnomes and elves as they believe they want to steal
Éfac and Etteragic
their gems. They are also suspicious of halflings whom they
believe are gnomes in disguise, sent to steal their diamonds. This couple is inseparable, doing everything together. Efac
They also dislike ogres as they have heard they sometimes is a strong black man with lots of energy. Etteragic is a slim
work with greenskins and that’s not right. pale woman with a peculiar cough. Despite not looking like
it they fit well together and love each other dearly.
Foixaine like much of Montfort values their relationship
with the Empire and many of the people of the village speak Jacque ‘Bonjour’ Duclos
a bit of Reikspeil, although with very heavy accents.
In his teenage years Jacque got kicked in the head by a mule
The finest building in the village is ‘Veritable bonne tav- and lost his ability to communicate well. He got a bad case
erne’, the one and only tavern there. It is a building in Impe- of aphasia and can only say the word ‘Bonjour’ (sometimes
rial style as the builders were hired from the empire to con- when he tries hard he can manage a ‘joo-bon’). That doesn’t
struct it. It offers a wide selection of food and drink which make him stupid however, he’s still got his brain working.
the innkeep is very proud over. The tavern is often full of Aphasia or not he remains a great blacksmith. The village of
people as the men and women of Montfort tend to enjoy life course knows him and will explain his communication trou-
as best they can while they can. bles to the guests.
Remy Jégou Trolls in the Pantry
Remy is a large man at 198cm (roughly 6’6 feet) with short
Late in the night, or early in the morning depending on how
hair and a pencil moustache. He is a friendly guy but really
you see things, a loud crash is heard from behind the kitch-
dislikes snobbery and will tell anyone who acts spoiled or
en. Innkeep Hortense Dubuisson immediately starts to
‘superior’ off.
move back there, grabbing her ‘personal defence flail’ to
Marinette Pernet bring with. It’s fairly likely some of the PCs are interested in
checking it too, they won’t be stopped if they follow her.
Marinette is a small energetic woman with a lot of crackpot The noise comes from the pantry and is now accompanied
theories about a large elf and dwarf conspiracy working to with a loud munching. Looking in there is a massive hole in
drain all the gemstones from the world to build a massive the pantry and two trolls are standing there eating the vari-
magic machine to enslave humanity. She has notes and ous things inside. Seeing people they react violently and try
drawings to show. to chase away or kill their competition for the food. Use the
Common troll characteristic you deem most suitable for
Céleste Cazal
your players to deal with and play the scene.
Celeste is a skilled snotball player home to visit her large
family. Her grandparents drove her crazy however so she’s Knock Knock
decided to spend the night at the tavern instead. She’ll be
A short while after this a new crash is heard as a third troll
happy to talk sports with anyone feeling like it.
breaks through the main door and starts to go for the clos-
Alex Bocuse est person to eat. There are now three trolls loose in the
tavern and a lot of people in danger. Full panic ensues and if
Alex is a goatherd in the village but he’s also doing a bit of
the PCs don’t act fast and well most, maybe all, will perish.
fletching as a hobby. If any of the PCs are humans that use
The challenge now will be to save as much people as possi-
bows he’ll give them some arrows as a gift, telling them he’s
ble, perhaps with extra focus on people the players got fond
just making them for fun and that he’s happy if they come
of during the evening. Killing the trolls is one way to do so
to good use.
but leading the patrons to safety, distracting the trolls or
coming up with another idea to deal with the beasts are
An evening at also possibilities. As GM reference often how the others in
the tavern are doing and get them to understand that they
‘Véritable bonne taverne’ need to help them if they are to survive. If there are no
more people in the tavern the trolls will eat all the food and
The adventure starts early in the evening at the tavern
then wander off, if there are people there the trolls will try
‘Veritable bonne taverne’ where the PCs are relaxing for the
to kill them to guard “their” food.
evening (or should it so fit, work as staff). The tavern is
busy and there is lots of people there. The ones previously
described are some of them but plenty more are around. It
is recommended the GM adds some characters he thinks With the situation calmed down, either by the trolls having
the PCs will enjoy the company of. The atmosphere is nice wandered off or by the trolls having been killed, those that
and welcoming. The prices are good and other guests at the survived can thank their lucky stars and more importantly
tavern offer to buy (human) PCs drinks and food. If asking the PCs. Any characters the PCs were directly involved in
for gambling or fighting then people who are up for casual rescuing will be thankful and consider themselves owing
gambling or casual sparring are easily found . Let the even- them a life debt. Such villagers will say that if the PCs ever
ing play on for a while so the players can get to know (and need something they should come to them. In the wake of
hopefully like) some other guests or staff. Don’t rush this the disaster the village will band together to repair the tav-
part of the scenario to ‘jump to the action’, the action is ern and get it some food and drink.
more meaningful the better the players know the other
guests. This also serves to get the PCs a bit drunk as well. Rewards
There should be plenty of times to get to test ‘Consume Al-
cohol’. If a PC doesn’t drink this warrants some reaction, if a Extra exp rewards should be given for getting people to
human it’s somewhat accepted to people will try to get him safety and minimizing casualties. Some may be given for
to drink and join in. If the PC is not human and doesn’t killing the trolls if done but leave that relatively low, the
drink people will assume it’s because he’s up to something, focus should be on saving people, not killing beasts.
likely trying to steal their diamonds.
Creek Troll
(Trollae Shugon Potat)

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 35 15 45 45 15 15 15 10 15 5 26
Skills: Perception 20, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 50, Swim

Traits: Amphibious, Armour 1, Bestial, Bite +8, Block, Die Hard,

Goblob, Gutburst 7, Infected, Night Vision, Regenerate, Rotten
Stench, Size (Large), Stupid, Swamp-Strider, Territorial (Lair),
Vomit +8, Weapon +8
Creek Trolls live in tidal creeks, more specifically those
along the Black Gulf. They are closely related to River Trolls
but unlike river trolls who live almost exclusively aquatic
lives the Creek Trolls need to exit their watery creeks to M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
seek found, the Black Gulf is mot the most lively of eco- 6 40 15 50 50 25 15 15 20 20 5 34
systems. In addition on low tide many Creek Trolls are re-
vealed as water withdraws. This leaves them on land or in Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 55, Cool
shallow muddy waters. 35, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 55
An adult creek troll stands at roughly 10 and a half feet Traits: Amphibious, Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +8, Block, Die Hard,
(3,2m) in length with a sizable gut and round apperance. Goblob, Gutburst 6, Infected, Night Vision, Regenerate, Rotten
The ears are fin-like and their hearing better than other Stench, Size (Large), Stupid, Swamp-Strider, Territorial (Lair),
river trolls. Fishlike scales cover most of their body but
Vomit +9, Weapon +9
leaves the gut and chest open with but their slimy skin cov-
ering it. Some creek trolls have been observed with dorsal CREEK TROLL (ADULT)
fins but it is not the standard as with river trolls.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Creek trolls can be up to a ninety years old. Like most trolls 6 45 20 55 55 30 20 20 25 25 5 34
they grow their entire life like most trolls and older ones
can apart from their general larger size be identified by Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 60, Cool
their proportionally larger fins. 40, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 55, Swim 60
Creek Trolls live mostly in the tidal creeks around the Black Traits: Amphibious, Armour 2, Bite +9, Die Hard, Goblob, Grim
Gulf but can be found in the Badlands as well having spread 1, Gutburst 5, Infected, Night Vision, Regenerate, Rotten
with greenskin movements. Stench, Size (Large), Stupid, Swamp-Strider, Territorial (Lair),
Creek trolls live in large packs, sometimes as large as thirty Vomit +9, Weapon +9
or forty individuals. They are omnivores but more likely to
hunt than scavenge. They have no natural predators but
they are used in Kulgur in Barak-Varr, with their high num- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
bers they are the most common Kulgur of the place and 6 50 25 60 60 35 25 25 30 30 5 52
seen as “poor mans Kulgur” for their comparatively stale
taste. Skills: Perception 40, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 65, Cool
45, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 65
Creek Trolls have not been observed using tools or weap-
ons but orcs have tried to teach them with disastrous re- Traits: Amphibious, Armour 2, Bite +9, Die Hard, Goblob, Grim
sults. 2, Gutburst 4, Infected, Night Vision, Overwhelming Stench,
Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Swamp-Strider, Territorial
(Lair), Vomit +10, Weapon +10
Up Black Creek with no Canoe
Mini-adventure featuring Creek Trolls

Adventure Summary Mubashshir al-Farra

This is an adventure set in Black Creek in the northern Mubashshir al-Farra is many things. An elementalist, a former
Badlands by the Black Gulf. Here a smuggler boat has been pirate, major of Brackenbridge. He is a tall and imposing man,
sunk and the PCs are tasked with trudging through the with dark skin and piercing eyes. He is always dressed in fine
mangrove and retrieving the goods. Something they have to clothes, and he carries a large scimitar at his side.
wrest from Creek trolls.
Mubashshir was born in an Araby porttown. He was always a
The Black Creek gifted elementalist, and he quickly learned how to use his po-
wers to survive in the harsh desert environment. When he was
The Black Creek is a wide, muddy tidal creek that winds its old enough, he joined a pirate crew and sailed the seas for
way through the Northern Badlands into ’Scabby Woods’. It many years. He became a skilled captain and a feared warrior.
is connected to the Black Gulf to the north, and its waters
are often foul and stagnant. The creek is home to a variety Eventually, Mubashshir tired of the pirate life and returned to
of wildlife, including crabs, fish, and eels. It is also a popular the Badlands. He settled in Brackenbridge, a small smuggler
spot for smugglers and pirates. village. He quickly became the leader of the village, and he
used his powers and his experience to protect the villagers
The banks of the Black Creek are lined with mangrove
from harm.
swamps and marshes. The trees here are twisted and
gnarled, and their roots extend into the water. The swamps Mubashshir is a complex and dangerous man. He is ruthless
are home to a variety of reptiles, including crocodiles and and ambitious, but he is also loyal to his friends and his pe-
snakes. ople. He is a force to be reckoned with, and he will stop at
nothing to protect what he cares about.
The Black Creek is a dangerous place. The tides are strong,
and the currents can be swift. The mudflats are treacher-
ous, and it is easy to get bogged down. The swamps are also
home to a variety of predators, and it is not uncommon for No-Canoe was a smuggler ship that journeyed up the Black
people to be attacked by trolls, crocodiles or snakes. Creek towards Brackenbridge. But the Last Knave never made
it there. It was attacked and taken down by a pack of Creek
Brackenbridge Troll which have now made their home in the wreck.
In the Black Creek lays Brackenbridge, a small fortified vil- No-Canoe was smuggling pirate goods, dwarf gold on its way
lage surviving by being hidden enough from the greenskins to Barak-Varr was stolen by Sartosan pirates. Through various
and by smuggling. deals in Black Markets and shady pirate ports this gold ended
There are many pirates in the Black Gulf, many greenskins up on the Last Knave and near Brackenbridge.
but also many human or dwarf ones that trade to the Bor-
der Princes coastal towns, Sartosa and even Araby. Starting the Adventure
Brackenbridge plays into this as a creek to shallow for the
Start the adventure in Brackenbridge where Mubashshir al-
Barak-Varr ships to move in but which allows pirates and
Farra calls on the PCs to help him retrieve the cargo of No-
smugglers to move through and hide within.
Canoe. Offering them payment for doing so. He can offer some
Brackenbridge is not a large town and it is infamous as a maps and survival gear up front but the payment upon com-
hive of villainy but its not a fully deserved fame. Bracken- pleting the task. This will be a job of trudging through the
bridge is quite a civil community despite the people that swamp and taking care to survive.
visit and live there. Pirates and smugglers are welcomed
there and rarely arrive in such numbers as to crowd the
several taverns. Even in the cases where rivalling crews
make landfall at the same time they tend to be able to take
to different taverns and stay in peace.
Finding No-Canoe 4. Crocodile
Stepping into the swamps will start the task of seeking out The Black Creek crocodiles move in the swamps. Hunting
the ship. This is done with several skills and can take some both fish, mammals and goblins. Such a creature is about to
time. The mangroves, mudflows and tides are not easy to lunge at a player. A random player tests perception at –10
navigate and characters without the strider talent for an (Sixth sense should also be rolled). If succeeded the player
appropriate terrain (like swamp or mangrove) must test will see the crocodile in time and can avoid it. If failed they
outdoor survival at +20, on a failure they will have a fatigue will be attacked (counting as surprised) by a Black Creek
condition for any travel and encounters in the swamp. Crocodile.

Then the seeking too is needed. Navigation is needed to BLACK CREEK CROCODILE
seek it out. A Dramatic Navigation test at –20 is made. Each
character with training in it can help with it, offering a +10
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
bonus to the roll.
5 40 - 40 40 15 20 - 5 25 - 14
Now the SLs rolled will decide how long it takes and the
encounters that can come upon them during this.
Traits: Amphibious, Belligerent, Bestial, Bite +9, Cold-Blooded,
Navigation Roll Time to Find Encounters Dark Vision, Swamp-Strider, Weapon +8
5. Disease
-6 or more A week 6
Each PC must test Endurance at +30 or contract The Bloody
-4 or -5 Six days 5 Flux (Core book pg 186).

-2 or –3 Four days 4 6. Crocodiles

-0 or –1 Three days 3 A number of crocodiles equal to one more than the PCs
move towards the group with plans on attacking, food has
+0 or +1 Two days 3 been scarce and they are starving. Unless offered easier
food they will attack.
+2 or +3 Two days 2
7. Greenskins
+4 or +5 Within the day 2
A group of orcs equal to the players and twice as many gob-
+6 or more Half a day 1 lins are moving through (d5 of the greenskins have the
ranged optional trait). The PCs may notice them first on a
successful perception test and if they all can succeed a +40
stealth (rural) test then they can avoid the greenskins.
Now on the way there encounters will come to happen, or
8+ Wandering Troll
at least may. Divide them as you see fit between the days A creek troll comes upon the group and attacks.
the search will take and roll a d10 for each.
1. Lucky Break
The wrecked ship lays ready for the adventurers as they
Nothing happens. approach but so does a great number of trolls. Twice as
many as the PCs in fact. A straight up battle won´t do here.
2-3. Snakes or Eeels Clever planning such as luring them away or scaring them
There are plenty of snakes in the swamp and they can be off with fire will be needed to get a chance to get the goods,
quite a danger. The same can be said for the venomous and even then there are dangers ahead. Still, can they do it
swamp eels. A random player tests perception at –10 (Sixth they will be well rewarded back at Brackenbridge.
sense should also be rolled). On a success they notice the
animal and can avoid it. On a fail they get attacked by a
snake (core rulebook pg 316) with the “Venom (Hard)” op-
tional trait, counting as surprised when attacked.
Dark Troll
(Trollae Chaotica Capillus)
In the north of troll country, in the foothills of the Norscan DARK TROLL (RUNT)
mountains, are found the deadliest trolls of the area. These
are known as North Trolls, Great Trolls or Dark Trolls. I M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
have surmised they are all the same species given different
6 30 15 65 55 10 15 15 10 25 5 44
names rather than different species sharing similarities.
Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Melee (Basic) 40,
Dark Trolls are larger and more aggressive than most other Endurance 65, Swim 60
types of trolls, an adult standing roughly 16 feet (ca
490cm) and older ones able to reach such massive sizes as Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Corrupted (Minor), Die Hard,
20 feet (ca 6m). They grow fast compared to many trolls Gutburst 7, Hungry, Infected, Mental Corruption, Mutant Re-
but have shorter lifespans too, rarely reaching beyond 80 generation, Mutation, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Terri-
years of age. torial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10,

Dark Trolls are covered in shaggy fur to protect them from DARK TROLL (YOUNGSTER)
the northern winds. Often paired with mutations like tusks,
horns and extra appendages. This fur alongside their size is M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
what directly sets them apart from other types of trolls. 6 35 15 70 60 20 15 15 10 30 10 52

The large and savage Dark Trolls will prey on various large Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 70, Cool
creatures of Norsca and Troll Country, even preying on oth- 40, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45, Swim 65
er trolls. Some Norscan tribes see them as greatly favoured
by the gods, making totems in their likeness and placing Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +10, Block, Corrupted (Minor),
piles of rotting meat out to appease them. Some such tribes Die Hard, Gutburst 6, Hungry, Infected, Mental Corruption,
even hold ‘Trollspeakers’, a type of shaman mastering the Mutant Regeneration, Mutation, Regenerate, Size (Large),
way to communicate and control such creatures. Such Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon
tribes invariably bring these Dark Trolls with them when +11,
they muster for a large war. Be it amongst the northern
hordes on the side of the dark gods or as mercenaries earn-
ing their pay in more peaceful times.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Dark trolls vary greatly in colour, from dark skin and red-
6 40 20 75 65 25 20 20 15 35 15 52
dish fur to multicoloured patches of speckled hide, to thick
pitch-black fur.
Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 75, Cool
TROLLSPEAKER 45, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 70

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W Traits: Armour 3, Bite +10, Corrupted (Minor), Die Hard, Gut-
burst 5, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Mental Corruption, Mutant
4 40 30 35 40 40 30 30 40 40 25 15
Regeneration, Mutation, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Ter-
Skills: Channelling 50, Cool 50, Endurance 50, Gossip 35, Intimidate 45, Lan- ritorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +11,
guage (Magick) 50, Sleight of Hand 40, Stealth (Rural) 40, Charm Animal 60,
Dodge 40, Intuition 50, Melee (Flail) 50, Perception 50, Trade (Totemmaker) DARK TROLL (LARGE)
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Talents: Petty Magic, Menacing, Second Sight, Arcane Lore (Death)
6 45 25 80 70 30 25 25 20 40 20 60
Traits: Corrupted (Minor)

Spells: Dart (Petty), Drain (Petty),Produce Small Animal (Petty), Breath (Death), Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 80, Cool
Corrosive Blood (Death)
50, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75
Trappings: Troll Totem, Rag-like robes, Sack of rotting meat, Military Flail
Traits: Armour 3, Bite +11, Chaos Vomit, Corrupted
(Moderate), Die Hard, Gutburst 4, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected,
Mental Corruption, Mutant Regeneration, Mutation, Regener-
ate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough,
Vomit, Weapon +12,
A troll to save a town
Mini-adventure featuring a Dark Troll

Adventure Summary The Frostfang tribe harbors a deep-seated rivalry with the
Skarnir tribe, viewing them as rivals for resources and ter-
This is an adventure set in Southern Norsca where the play- ritory. Recently, Ragnar Iceheart devised a plan to weaken
ers reach the village of Grimskar. Here the Trollspeaker of the Skarnir by targeting their protector, the Dark Troll, with
the Skarnir tribe seeks their help in finding out what is fire to make it unwilling to go out and fight for a while,
wrong with the dark troll they honour. The troll is wound- knowing that without the troll’s protection, the Skarnir
ed, the Frostfang tribe did this to weaken the Skarnir tribe would be vulnerable to attack.
and attack them, without the troll the tribe is outnumbered Now, with the Dark Troll wounded and the Skarnir in disar-
and will have a hard time fighting them off. ray, the Frostfang tribe sees an opportunity to strike, to
claim the lands of their rivals for Ulric and establish them-
Grimskär selves as the dominant force in southern Norsca.
Nestled in a rugged valley of southern Norsca and the home
of the Skarnir tribe. Grimskar is a small but resilient village
Hilda Trollkin
surrounded by dense, shrublands and towering mountains. Hilda Trollkin is a figure of both mystique and power with-
The village consists of sturdy wooden longhouses with in the Skarnir tribe. As the revered Trollspeaker, she stands
thatched roofs, their walls reinforced with stones to with- out with her striking mutation: two large tusk-like teeth
stand the harsh northern winds. A palisade encircles the protruding from her lower jaw, giving her a distinct way to
village, offering protection against the wild beasts and ma- speak but somehow not hampering her spellcasting, for
rauding bands that roam the land. The central longhouse, such is the will of the gods. These tusks lend her an impos-
adorned with totems and trophies from past hunts, serves ing presence, marking her as someone touched by the dark
as both a communal hall and a place of worship. Life in gods.
Grimskar revolves around hunting, fishing, and trading
with nearby tribes, with villagers taking pride in their self- Hilda's appearance is both wild and otherworldly. Her long,
sufficiency and fierce independence. tangled hair is streaked with gray, framing a face weathered
by years spent communing with the spirits of the land and
The Skarnir tribe the trolls she serves. Her eyes, a piercing ice-blue, seem to
see beyond the physical world, reflecting her deep connec-
The Skarnir tribe is renowned for its endurance and warri- tion with the mystical and the arcane. She wears robes wo-
or spirit, carved from centuries of surviving in the harsh ven from troll fur, adorned with bones, feathers, and
conditions of Norsca. Led by the formidable chieftain Thor- charms that jingle softly as she moves.
garr Jarntand and guided by the mystical Trollspeaker Hil-
In her hands, Hilda wields a flail carved from fine wood
da Trollkin, the Skarnir are a people deeply connected to
with spiked chains at its end. She is often seen at the edge of
their land and the dark gods they worship. Their customs
the village, performing rituals to appease the spirits and
are steeped in rituals and omens, particularly those involv-
seeking guidance from the dark gods. Her voice, though
ing the veneration of Dark Trolls, believed to bring strength
soft, carries an authority that commands respect and instills
and protection. Known for their fierce hunters and skilled
confidence among her people.
craftsmen, the Skarnir maintain a balance between fierce
independence and necessary alliances, ever ready to defend She uses the rules of a trollspeaker.
their home and honour against any threat.
Starting Adventure
The Frostfang Tribe
The adventure reaches the village of Grimskar and learn
The Frostfang Clan is a fierce and devout tribe hailing from that it is in trouble. The chieftain and warriors are out deal-
the frigid lands of southern Norsca. Dedicated followers of ing with fights with the Frostfang tribe and the Troll the
the ngod Ulric, or Olric as they say, they value strength, tribe worships, a large dark troll named Skarnirskolder, has
honor, and martial prowess above all else. Led by the cun- not accepted their gifts or gotten to reach lately. Their
ning and ruthless chieftain Ragnar Ishjarta, the Frostfang Trollspeaker Hilda is worried and seeks out the PCs to help
Clan seeks to expand its territory and influence through her find the troll and see what is wrong, claiming the gods
conquest and subjugation. have guided her to seek them out.
Meeting Hilda trap.
Trying to calm the troll can be difficult, Hilda is good at this
Meeting Hilda may feel odd for southern, more civilized but a wounded troll is hard to tend to. Offerings of food and
characters but she will act civil and the tribe treat them rolls of charm animal can help but should it fail they must
with respect. They are not rich but share what they have. get away and get it to calm down before they can return
She addresses them and speaks of the problems: and try again.
"Greetings, travelers. I am Hilda Trollkin, the Trollspeaker of the
Should the players fight it then they may win but Hilda will
Skarnir. Our village faces a grave predicament. Our protector, the
not fight by their side if it is clear they want to beat it, she
Dark Troll we venerate, no longer answers our offerings or calls for
will aid the troll.
aid. Worse still, our chieftain, Thorgarr Järntand, has taken our
strongest warriors to fend off a rival tribe's assault. Should they manage to appease the troll Hilda will be con-
Through my scrying rituals, the gods have shown me visions of your tent and they may move back. Skarnirskolder walks off.
coming. It is you who are destined to assist us. The omens are clear:
your arrival here is no coincidence. The spirits whisper that you hold The return to Grimskär
the key to appeasing the Skarnirskölder and restoring balance. Will
you help us in our time of need?" It will be evening when they return to Grimskar. There they
will meet the chieftain and the remaining warriors, about a
Should they accept she will go with them to find the troll,
dozen. They have retreated from battle and an attack from
seeking their way to the sacrifice place.
the Frostfang tribe is close. The Frostfangs bring twenty-
Should they decline then when the warriors of the Skarnir three warriors and a sorcerer. It is a fight in the dark, giving
retreat home pursued by the Frostfang tribe they will have problems to people without nightvision, which will be most.
no troll to strengthen their defence and they will be over- The warriors will use the rules for Humans (Core rulebook
run. If the players are there then as well then the Frostfang pg 311) with the optional trait Big and +10ws, the sorcerer
tribe will try to kill them too, refusing to show mercy or also adds +10Int and WP and has the spellcaster (Fire) trait.
Let the battle start to play out, divide the fight up. If the troll

The Journey to the Offering Site has been appeased it will turn up after six rounds, right be-
hind the sorcerer if he still lives, and attack. The troll will
It was good of Hilda to bring others, for creatures attack. then join the battle using the stats of a Dark Troll (Adult)
Five warhounds attack (use the stats of wolves, pg 317 of and go after only the Icefang warriors. Once those are
the core rulebook) with the traits Mutation and Corruption killed it will take a few corpses and leave.
(Minor)). Once dealt with the rest of the journey, taking Should the troll not have joined the fight will be tougher.
about three hours, goes well. The group arrives at the Stone Negotiating with the Icefangs is not an option, something
of Offerings, a large, weathered stone slab situated in a they will make clear at any attempt to do so.
clearing deep in the forest. The air is thick with the smell of
rotting meat, and the ground around the stone is littered Sympathising with the Icefang
with bones and decayed remains from previous offerings.
This adventure pits the players against Norscans favouring
Here Hilda will ask each PC for a few drops of blood for a
a southern god (Ulric) and expects them to be recruited by
ritual, should they accept she will perform it and can guide
ones worshipping trolls. It is quite likely the players when
them to the troll. If not then other methods for seeking it
learning more will sympathise with the Icefang. This may
can be done, perhaps using the track skill.
be the case but it won’t help them. The Icefang neither seek

The Lair nor want help. The Icefang will decline any attempt to ally
with them and do so violently. If they leave the village to
Following the tracks, the group arrives at a cave entrance in play out then the Icefang will win, declining the call to ad-
the foothills of the Norscan mountains. The area around the venture is not unlikely and is a fair response.
entrance is littered with bones and scraps of fur, and a low,
rumbling growl emanates from within the cave. Inside the Rewards
cave, the group finds the Dark Troll, larger and more fero-
Apart from normal exp rewards grant further for bright
cious than any they have seen before. The troll is clearly
ideas. However, more importantly the village will be grate-
agitated and injured, with burns along its body. It has been
ful and provide contacts for the PCs that, while not influen-
deliberately wounded with fire.
tial, will be loyal from this mighty favour and will be willing
This is the work of the Icefangs and their sorcerer Tore, a to go out of their way to repay this favour.
devout follower of Olric believing him to be the source of
his power, launched magic fire at the troll after setting a
Deeprock Troll
(Trollae Lapis Parvus)
Deeprock trolls are a type of stonetroll living in large cave DEEPROCK TROLL (RUNT)
systems underground. They share the hard scales and mag-
ic resistance of other types of stonetrolls but stand out be-
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
cause of their size. Deeprock trolls are substantially smaller
than other trolls for most of their lives. 6 30 15 45 40 10 25 15 15 20 5 14

An adult Deeprock troll stands at roughly 8 feet (ca 2,4m) in Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 60
length with long gangly limbs. The nose and ears are larger
than on most types of trolls. Scales cover all but their gut. Traits: Armour 3, Bestial, Bite +7, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst
Deeprock trolls are usually brown or grey in colour. 5, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 1, Night Vision, Regener-
ate, Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Vomit, Weapon +8,
Deeprock trolls can reach ages of near a hundred and ten.
Like most trolls they grow their entire life and especially DEEPROCK TROLL (YOUNGSTER)
old ones can be as tall as 13 feet (ca 4m).

Deeprock trolls live almost exclusively underground. They M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
are fairly widespread and, while most common in Norsca,
6 35 15 50 45 20 25 15 20 25 10 23
Troll Country and the Northern Worlds Edge Mountains
have been found as far off as the Badlands and Mountains of Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 65, Cool
Mourn. They are however often mistaken for stone trolls. 40, Dodge 20, Melee (Basic) 45
Deeprock trolls usually live in packs. A troll pack tends to Traits: Armour 4, Bestial, Bite +8, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
be fairly large, numbering between 6 and 18 individuals. burst 4, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 2, Night Vision,
Deeprock Trolls like their larger stone troll cousins eat Regenerate, Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough,
much stone. But that is not all they eat, meat is appreciated Vomit, Weapon +9
and carrion sought after. Greenskins value them highly for
their resilience and so tend to try and get them to follow DEEPROCK TROLL (ADULT)
them into battle where those facing the Waaagh! are on the
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 40 20 55 50 25 30 20 20 30 15 26
Deeprock trolls are able to use weapons and some have
even been able to create ones of their own, these are nought Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 70, Cool
but sharpened rocks but for a type of creature like trolls 45, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 50
that is impressive enough.
Traits: Armour 4, Bite +8, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim
Deeprock Trolls have some natural predators in colossal 1, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 3, Night Vision, Regener-
squigs, larger trolls and gorgers. In addition dwarfs do use ate, Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weap-
them in kulgur in a similar way to Stone Trolls. on +9


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 45 25 65 60 30 35 25 25 35 20 42

Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 80, Cool

50, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 60

Traits: Armour 4, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 3,

Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 4, Night Vision,
Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Vom-
it, Weapon +10
The Dovre Depths
Mini-adventure featuring numerous Deeprock Trolls

Adventure Summary Trappings: Greataxe or Two handweapons or Handweapon

and Shield or Handwweapon and three throwing axes or
This is an adventure set in the mountains of Norsca. A Handweapon and three javelins, Leather Leggings
group of Berserkers seek to reclaim an old hall in the
depths deep in the Norscan mountains and mercenaries are Starting the Adventure
hired in to supplement their numbers when it turns out
The adventurers are in a tavern in Norsca, perhaps in a
many of the more reasonable dwarfs of Kraka-Drak aren´t
dwarf hold. At this place a gathering of dwarf berserkers
willing to take such a foolhardy mission.
have gathered, spending much on drink and bragging about
Moving down a few encounters with goblins are easily dealt their exploits. They soon get in to talking about their next
with but things get difficult as a massive infestation of plan to enter Karak-Dovre and retake it. Riling up locals and
Deeprock trolls are found. The warriors find themselves PCs alike and offering them promises of money to join up.
outmatched and what started as an attempt to recapture Beer flows, there is gambling, there are drunken brawls,
the old hall becomes a desperate retreat. there is a rowdy tavern night. Play it all out and do make
resisting the offerings more difficult with drunkenness.
Karak-Dovre was an attempt at a new hold in the Giant-
Journey through the Giantshome
shome mountains of Norsca built upon the old Dovre mine. mountains
The Dovre mine had been made and run by the Skvaderling
tribe for centuries but when the Skvaderlings attacked and The next stretch of the adventure goes by skis towards
killed a dwarf caravan including several nobles with the Karak-Dovre. Skiing is an athletics test at +0 for most and
help of their giant ‘Big Gynt’ they earned the ire of the +40 for Norse dwarfs. Failure gives some fatigue and em-
dwarfs. Three decades later a throng had been mustered barrasses the character in front of their employer but isn´t
and the grudge was repaid by the genocide of the Skvader- worse than that. During the travel the Berserkers hope to
ling tribe and slaying of ‘Big Gynt’. Seeing the value of the encounter giants and talk about this a lot, refusing to be
mining site the dwarfs settled Karak-Dovre and started to quiet as that would lower the chance of attracting deadly
expand it. monsters. The journey goes without any such attacks how-
ever, much to the dwarfs disappointment.
The hold lasted less than two decades before ‘Waaagh!
Griegsmasha’ made a claim for the place and the greenskins The gates of Karak-Dovre
took it. It is long since and at times brave berserkers make
attempts at retaking the hold. This is one such time. The gates of Karak-Dovre are long since ruined and the
opening into the mountain has its new ramshackle pali-
Dwarf Berserkers sades instead manned by goblins and snotlings. This should
be an easy fight and can use goblins (core rulebook pg 326)
Like the Slayers of the Karak Ankor, Beserkers fa-
at a number roughly equal to players and berserkers. In
vour Grimnir but rather than seeking a honourable death
addition it uses two Snotlings (core rulebook pg 326) with
they see battle itself as a way to honour the Ancestor God.
the Broken, Swarm and Trained (Broken, Guard) traits.
When they fall in battle, they are honoured and those that
Feel free to divide the fight for easier play and let the NPCs
survive swap stories of their deeds in battle.
handle themselves. After a few rounds d5 orcs (core rule-
book pg 325) with the Ranged +8 (50) optional trait turn up
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W as reinforcements.
3 50 30 40 50 30 20 30 30 60 20 20

Skills: Consume Alcohol 70, Cool 70, Gamble 40, Melee (Basic)
60, Melee (Two-handed) 60, Ranged (Throwing) 40

Talents: Nightvision, Magic Resistance, Dual Wielder, Ambi-

dextrous rank 2, Frenzy
Deeper we go
With an early win the group pushes on and things go well. Run!
Add small encounters of goblins, orcs and snotlings the
Now it is time to escape and that is not that easy. Ask for
group can beat without much trouble as you see fit. Make
athletics, Stealth (Underground) and Navigation altering
sure they feel confident and sure of themselves. Then show
and throw deeprock trolls at the PCs on failures. Keep this
some simple treasures. Old fine dwarf axes, some gold,
up. You can either decide beforehand how many successes
some jewellery, etc. This is the time to build them up so that
are needed before they get out (such as six, seven or thir-
we can come to tear them down later.
teen) or you can decide when it feels enough. Do try to give
Alongside this tales of greatness and bragging of their a feeling of stress here even if the running stops for fights
prowess will accompany the group. when trolls catch up once in a while. You can help this by
adding reinforcements if things take time.
Troll-imps and Mountain Kings
Out of the hold
As they reach the main hall deep beneath the surface things
change however. On the throne a massive orc sits with a Eventually the PCs will leave the hold (or their bodies will
cape of stonetroll skin and in the hall are an army of feed the trolls within) chased by trolls. Trolls are faster
Deeprock trolls, goblins and snotlings. It is abundantly clear than the players so this will be tough...unless they remem-
the dwarfs and players are outmatched. They are however ber the skis outside. Run a chase by deeprocktrolls three
given a bit of a chance to escape as animosity strikes the times the PC numbers and a headstart for the PCs by three.
greenskins and trolls. Arguing of who gets to do what start If the PCs remember the skis give them a movement of 8 for
with questions like “May I hack him on the fingers?” , “May I the chase as they move downslope away.
tug him by the hair?” and “Hu, hey, let me bite him in the
haunches!” asked to the orc boss to get his approval for Back to Civilization
their own ideas. Most berserkers attack now, some belive a
The journey back will be quieter and less happy. They sur-
truly hopeless fight isn´t the way to go and move to leave.
vived but they did not win the glory sought and while they
Now let the group try to escape (or let them die in an epic
may have escaped with some treasures its less than hoped.
last stand in the main hall).
Still, next time they meet rowdy berserks in a tavern they
Boss Isvand Bloodstikka have an epic tale of trolls and greenskins to share with
Isvand Bloodstikka is the boss of Kraka-Dovre and the Dov-
regubb tribe. A massive orc calling himself king of the
mountain and master of trolls.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

4 55 50 55 65 40 25 20 25 55 40 44

Skills: Cool 75, Endurance 85, Melee (Basic) 75, Melee

(Polearm) 75, Ranged (Throwing) 70, Leadership 60,

Talents: Enclosed Fighter, Warleader, Shieldsman, Strong


Traits: Armour 4, Belligerent, Die Hard, Infected, Night Vi-

sion, Size (Large)

Trappings: Armour, Shield, The Dovregubb Stikka

The Dovregubb Stikka: An ancient spear of dwarf design

carrying runes of power and wielded by the leader of the
Dovregubb tribe since the fall of Karak-Dovre. This spear is a
magical spear and is thus indestructible and makes magic
attacks. In addition it deals +SB+7 damage instead of +SB+4
damage as a spear normally does.
Field Stomper Troll
(Trollae Pedes Pedes)
Stomper trolls are known for their large feet. An attribute FIELD STOMPER TROLL (RUNT)
looking almost comically oversized. One would think such
feet to make them clumsy, and in certain terrain it may, but
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
the Field Stomper Trolls large feet are surprisingly light and
balances the troll weight well over any surface making 6 30 15 55 40 10 20 10 10 20 5 38
them less likely to sink into mud, snow and sand.
Skills: Athletics 40, Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endur-
An adult Field Stomper Troll stands at roughly 12 feet ance 55, Swim 60
(3,6m) in length with long gangly legs and massive feet.
Their slimy skin has a few scales on back and arms. Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst
6, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stomper (1)
Field Stomper Trolls can grow to near ninety years old. Like
Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon
most trolls they grow their entire life but their posture
slouch with age making them keep roughly the same height
Field Stomper Trolls are not one of the most common spe- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
cies of trolls but they are widespread. Occasional Field 6 35 15 60 45 20 20 10 10 25 10 40
Stomper Trolls can be found in various lands. This spread is
likely in part due to their tendency to walk long distances Skills: Athletics 40, Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endur-
and abandon their lairs, seemingly out of stupidity and ance 60, Cool 35, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45, Swim 65
wanderlust. Greenskins sometimes utilize Field Stomper
Trolls, their unfortunate tendency to stomp on snotlings Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
and goblins causing grievous wounds makes them quite burst 5, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stomper
popular amongst the orcs. (2), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weap-
on +10
Field Stomper Trolls usually live as loners or sometimes in
small packs of a few individuals. Field Stomper Trolls are FIELD STOMPER TROLL (ADULT)
primarily scavengers, foragers and insectivores, their large M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
feet are good for shuffling up large swatches of dirt to find
6 40 20 65 50 25 25 15 15 30 15 46
bugs and roots.
Skills: Athletics 45, Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endur-
Field Stomper Trolls are sometimes hunted by Chimera and ance 65, Cool 40, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 70
Hippogryphs but are not favoured prey of either. In Kulgur
Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
they are seen as quite a popular variety of troll however as
the lighter bones in their feet give delicious marrow when burst 4, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large),
cooked right. Stomper (3), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vom-
it, Weapon +10
Field Stomper Trolls have not been observed using tools
and their favoured way of fighting and foraging is with their FIELD STOMPER TROLL (LARGE)
feet. Making tool-use less interesting for them
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 45 25 70 55 30 30 20 20 35 20 48

Skills: Athletics 50, Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endur-

ance 70, Cool 45, Dodge 40, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75

Traits: Armour 2, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst

4, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stomper
(4), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weap-
. on +11
Trollslaying Technicalities
Mini-adventure featuring a Field Stomper Troll or at least conflicts about it

Adventure Summary and a knight is needed to face this foul beast. Both yeomen
state that since the farm is in their lands their lord shall do
This is an adventure set in the duchy of Aquitaine in it and then look with suspicion at each other. They say the
Bretonnia. A farm is under attack by a Field Stomper Troll adventurers must wait and start taking up maps to check.
and a call is made for protection. Unfortunately this farm is The farm is right on the border so it is unclear.
stuck at the border of two castles influences so who gets the With the news of a nearby troll they state the PCs can not
honour and duty of defeating the troll is unclear. Riding in move now and must wait for the knights to be summoned
to a fight on anothers land can cause war and must be and the matter settled. The messenger states there is no
avoided but that means neither moves to slay the beast. time but that is not accepted and he is sent to summon the
Infuriating bureaucracy means they must find an alternate knights of the houses.
route to deal with it. If only mercenaries where legal this
group of adventurers passing through could be asked to The Trial
deal with it…
As the knights arrive they insult each other for a while,
Chateu D’Villepin states they are the ones with the right to defend and then
considers what to do. Noticing the PCs (still not allowed to
Chateu D´Villepin is a small castle surrounded by a small leave) they decide they as independent observers can be
village. Here rules the Villepin family led by Noel De Ville- made a jury for this and they take it to a trial.
pin. A proud knight with a dislike of the neighbouring Lem-
oine nobles for various strings of slights and insults made in Each side makes basically the same case for why they are
the past. The lands are verdant and flat, holding but one hill, right mixed with a great many insults and then there is a
a hill on which a monastery to Rhya is found. short break during which each knight threatens the jury
telling them that if they judge against him they will be sor-
Chateu D’Lemoine ry.

After this the jury must make a call. Let it be done with for-
Chateu D´Lemoine is a small castle guarding a watermill
mality, then have it protested and cases to overturn it
which the peasants of the surrounding lands make much
(which the jury must decide upon) made. When the second
use of. It is the seat of the Lemoine family and their head
verdict is made the one judged against will state he doesn´t
Fabion Lemoine, a knight with an intense dislike of the Vil-
accept it and the trial is made null despite protests from the
lepins he inherited from his father which in turn inherited it
from his father and so on in a long line back to when an an-
cestor of the Villepins gravely insulted an ancestor of the
The Test of Virtues
While the messenger pleads for quick action the knights
Blaises Farm decide a test of their virtues must be made. A test made
through poetry. Each gets time to write a poem about how
Blaise is a peasant with a large farm who lives right at the
virtuous they are, the PCs are still not allowed to leave. Af-
border between Lemoine and Villepin land. This has not
ter a few hours they both perform them. Each is...fine. They
been a problem before, they have sometimes skirmished on
both declare themselves winners meaning more tests must
his lands but blood and bodyparts are great fertilizers so he
be made. Tomorrow, it´s late now, they must all wait., in-
didn´t mind. Now as a troll attacks the location turns trou-
cluding the PCs.

Starting the Scenario

The scenario starts with the characters moving through the
Aquitaine countryside when they come to a gate by a small
wall. It states to be the divide between the lands of Lem-
oines and the lands of Villepins. Two Yeomen stand there,
each wearing different heraldry. As they check the PCs so
they don´t smuggle or do witchcraft a messenger comes
riding. He states that Blaises farm is under attack of a troll
The Test of Mind
The messenger in tears, crying that it is too late, does not
bother the knights who decide on a test of mind. With the
PCs the only impartial people about they are tasked with
quizzing the knights regardless of if they want it or not. Af-
ter the quiz the loser rejects the result claiming the PCs
where not as impartial as they seemed.

The Test of Eye

The messenger rocks back and forth whispering about how
they all are dead now. The knights however, still arguing,
decide a new test is in order. A test of eye. The PCs, though
their impartiality is in question are asked to hide objects so
they are barely visible a fair distance away. Then both
knights will look there and state what they see. Whoever
wins will still be unhappy about the result and refuse it. The
PCs will again be blamed.

The Test of Liver

The messenger is in a catatonic state, unresponsive. He
knows it is far too late. The knights decide that a test hard
to fake is one of liver. Bottles of wine are produced and the
PCs drafted to make sure no-one cheats by pouring out
drinks or such. Then they begin the bad idea of drinking for
it. Both get stinking drunk and no more willing to give the
other a win than before.

The Test of Lance

A wise band of bards have held the wisdom that one should
not drink and joust. Had these knights listened to those
poxy boggards perhaps this had ended differently. But after
their test of liver their drunkenness led to them being ready
to settle it once and for all and sauced off their minds they
climb aboard their horses and joust. As they clash both get
badly injured and it turns out neither will be able to aid the
farm. The PCs are finally allowed to leave but by now the
farm is long since destroyed.

Could nothing be done?

Why yes it could. One may expect the PCs to get tired off
these silly games of the nobles before it ends and try to es-
cape or sneak off. If they do so early enough they may well
stop the troll and save the farm. Should this be done let
them fight a battle against the troll at the farm.

If the PCs get away and defeat the troll reward them with
plenty of exp for that. If they just played along with the no-
bles the rewards should be far less, as are the risks.
Giant River Troll Hag
(Trollae Shugon Mortis)
Giant River Troll Hags, or simply River Troll Hags, are hateful and GIANT RIVER TROLL HAG (LESSER)
bitter creatures, far larger and more dangerous than “standard”
river trolls. Yet, bitter as they are, Troll Hags are also, quite inex- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
plicably, filled with powerful motherly instincts that give rise to 5 45 30 60 60 20 15 15 40 45 5 88
strange acts of affection towards both friend and foe. In the heat of
battle, it is not unheard of for a Troll Hag to gather enemy warri- Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 55, Endurance 65, Me-
ors and monsters alike into a powerful embrace, or to attempt to lee (Basic) 55, Swim 70, Channeling (Trollcraft) 65, Language
discipline those that raise arms against her as if they were nothing (Magick) 65
more than exuberant children. Unfortunately, such displays of
affection from a creature so large and clumsy often prove fatal. Traits: Amphibious, Armour 2, Bite +9, Dark Vision, Die Hard,
Full o’ Fish & Worse, Goblob, Grim 1, Gutburst 4, Hungry, In-
Troll hags are not a separate species in the same way as say com-
mon trolls and river trolls are. For Giant River Troll Hags all start fected,, Immune to Psychology, Night Vision, Painless, Regen-
out as female river trolls. But not all female river trolls become erate, Rotten Stench, Size (Enormous), Spellcaster (Trollcraft),
river troll hags. It is through an absorption of magic they change Swamp-Strider, Territorial (Lair), Vomit +14, Weapon +10, Stu-
and twist to become these vile monstrosities. pid, Motherly Love
With the exception of their size there is little that visually distin-
guishes River Troll Hags from River Trolls, but the size is quite
massively different. They are easily two or three times larger than M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
river trolls, not uncommonly reaching sizes of over 30 feet (9m) in 5 50 35 65 65 20 15 15 45 50 10 92

Giant River Troll Hags have their lifespans magically lengthened Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Me-
and it is not known if they can die of old age, a frightening pro- lee (Basic) 60, Swim 75, Channeling (Trollcraft) 75, Language
spect given that they, like most trolls, grow their entire lives. (Magick) 75
Thankfully Giant River Troll Hags are not as common as river Traits: Amphibious, Arcane Trollcraft (Death), Armour 3, Bite
trolls, they need the right environment to come to be. Stagnant
+9, Dark Vision, Die Hard, Full o’ Fish & Worse, Goblob, Grim 2,
bodies of water suffused with Shyish, the wind of death. It is by
Gutburst 3, Hungry, Infected, Immune to Psychology, Night
absorbing this wind from the environment that a river troll turns
to a river troll hag. Vision, Painless, Regenerate, Overwhelming Stench, Size
(Enormous), Spellcaster (Trollcraft, Death), Swamp-Strider,
River Troll Hags can live as loners or take over packs of river trolls
Territorial (Lair), Vomit +14, Weapon +10, Stupid, Motherly
they get to do their bidding by virtue of size and power. River
Troll Hags have very voracious appetites, they eat often and much. Love
What they can’t get by strength alone they utilize magic or tools to

River Troll Hags have no natural predators and are a rare dish in M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Kulgur. Though they do get cooked and eaten in this ancient art.
6 55 40 70 70 20 15 15 50 55 15 112
Many dwarfs complain that the large amounts of magic in their
flesh messes with their stomachs however.
Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 65, Endurance 75, Me-
River troll hags are intelligent and are well capable of tool use,
lee (Basic) 65, Swim 80, Channeling (Trollcraft) 85, Language
making such advanced tools as nets and fishing poles to get their
(Magick) 85
Traits: Amphibious, Arcane Trollcraft (Death), Armour 3, Bite
River Troll hags are often found with unsettling abilities, first and
foremost of these is their command of magic. They cast mighty +10, Breath 7 (Poison), Dark Vision, Die Hard, Full o’ Fish &
curses and hexes upon their foes with wicked intent. Calling upon
Worse, Goblob, Grim 3, Gutburst 2, Hungry, Infected,, Immune
Shyish, the wind of death that suffuses their very beings and is the
to Psychology, Night Vision, Painless, Regenerate, Overwhelm-
source of their superiority over lesser trolls. ing Stench, Size (Enormous), Spellcaster (Trollcraft, Death),
When the Winds blow especially strong, Hags have been known to Swamp-Strider, Territorial (Lair), Troll Tough, Vomit +15,
answer the summons of Greenskin Shamans who would bind them Weapon +11, Stupid, Motherly Love
to their will, or Orcs who have lured them out of their lairs using Troll Hag lore has shifted drastically between Total War: Warhammer,
live Goblins hung on the ends of long fishing lines as bait. At these WFRP 4th edition (which followed 8th edition but expanded on it) and the
times, when they join forces with orcs and goblins, is when they
lore in ‘The Old World’ battlegame which discarded all previous troll hag
are the most dangerous.
lore. This tries to use all to its best ability.

/Mystic Scribbler
Mini-adventure featuring a giant river troll hag

Adventure Summary Erich Schatzsucher

Erich is an eccentric man who seeks lost treasures and none
This adventure takes place
more so than the treasure of Jaarbad Streider, the legend-
a few miles downstream
ary river pirate. He believes now is the time to find the
from Castle Wittgenstein
treasure and wants to recruit people to help him do so. It is
at the small island Treib-
a century since Jaarbad died and the rumours of strange
gut-Insel but it is as-
tidings at Treibgut-Insel is to Erich further proof. Since he
sumed to start in Kem-
has finally acquired the “Amulet of Jaarbad” he believes he
perbad. Reports from
can now find it. He just needs a boat and crew.
upstream reach Kemperbad that
bad omens have been seen at Treibgut-Insel and the bone- The Amulet of Jaarbad
pickers that prowled the river between Treibgut-Insel and
Kemperbad have gone missing. Erich Schatzsucher believes This amulet is a small silver locket, when opened it shim-
it is the treasure of Jaarbad Streider that has been revealed mers a bit and the finely engraved reikeel within seems to
as it was said to do exactly one hundred years after his move for a few moments. The locket is a relic to Grandfa-
death. ther Reik and holds magical properties. It can cast the wa-
terwalk miracle (see Miracles of Manann) but limited only
He seeks people to go on the expedition with him, he has a
to the waters of the river Reik (and the upper Reik). Once
map and the amulet of Jaarbad, he needs a boat and crew.
cast it can not be used again until the user has prayed at a
Getting boat and crew he takes the PCs up the Reik to Treib-
shrine to Grandfather Reik.
gut-Insel where a Giant River Troll Hag reveals herself and
tries to kill them all. The adventurers survive this threat, or Starting the Adventure
Start the adventure with the players at Kemperbad. Here let
Treibgut-Insel them hear rumours from upriver that Treibgut-Insel has
shown bad omens. Also let them learn that there usually are
Treibgut-Insel is a small moon-shaped island in the River
bonepickers, petty traders dealing in trash to a large de-
Reik. The river is wide there so it is an easy feature to navi-
gree, coming with flotsam to sell but they haven’t been
gate around. Flotsam often gets stuck here and for a time
around for a few weeks. As this starts to give bad vibes ler
some bonepickers moved a ferry between the island and
Erich appear and show excitement rather than worry.
Kemperbad, though they seem to have disappeared now.
According to legends the mythical river pirate Jaarbad Have him talk far too open and loudly about the treasure he
Streider used magic to hide his treasure by this island. thinks he is about to find and need to get a ship and crew.
Now the players may have a ship, in which case let him try
Kemperbad to convince them, offering share of the treasure. Alterna-
tively they may not, in this case he finds another willing
The Grand Freistadt of Kemperbad is a city within the prov- captain who is however short on crew and offers the PCs
ince of Reikland and by the river Reik. Kemperbad sits atop jobs to help him sail them there. With it decided, let them
a 500-foot cliff overlooking the Reik, just north of its conflu- start working on preparations to soon leave.
ence with the River Stir. It is a wealthy town thanks to it’s
trade. The merchants of Kemperbad are legendary for Gold ya said, old man? Give it here.
dressing ostentatiously to an absurd degree, never more so
than during Stilwoche, the city's Fashion Week. Before leaving let a PC come upon a scene where a pair of
muggers are threatening Erich, telling him to hand over
To get to Kemperbad there are lifts. Use of the lifts costs 2d
money and amulet. These are but random thugs that over-
per person on the passenger platforms (holding up to four
heard his way too loud talk. A PC should easily be able to
average-sized individuals), and 2d per ten baskets or sacks
solve this, interfering means the thugs feel less sure about
of bulk cargo, or 30 encumbrance equivalent. For the poor,
their odds and let him go. Walking off. Erich will be very
the miserly, and the athletic, 1,111 steps are cut into the
thankful for this help but also suggest they leave this hostile
cliff in a zig-zag staircase to the town.
place soon.
Up the Reik against a defence of 50, if the troll wins Erich dies. Since the
troll will (likely) be mostly in the water this fight ensuring
The voyage then begins. The boat travels up the Reik at a that she is dead if they manage to kill her can be quite diffi-
slow pace. There are dark clouds in the sky and cold winds cult, dragging up such a large creature on shore to burn is
blowing. Reikeels are seen swimming through the waters in hard and even setting fire to her moist flesh when it rains
frenzied looking motions making the waters seem far less this bad is difficult. But if they don’t ensure she’s dead she’ll
welcoming than normal. Someone of the Riverfolk class can come back eventually.
test Intelligence at +0. On a success they will identify this
behaviour amongst reikeels as being a behaviour of stress, Epilogue
something is scaring them. A bit in the journey it starts to
With the encounter survived there are questions left.
pour, the rain is accompanied by the odd lighting strike and
loud thunder. Erich stands at the fore of the ship loudly pro- Is Jaarbads treasure real and was that its guardian?
claiming that this is a test by great Jaarbad and further Well, perhaps but the players will not find it seeking here,
proof that you are getting close. perhaps a further artefact of Jaarbad is needed.
What of the amulet? If Erich survives he of course still
The Three Eyed Seagull treasures it dearly but should he perish then this holy relic
As the boat nears Treibgut-Insel a bird flies down through can be of great use for the players and a worthy reward for
the storm and lands on deck. In a flash of lightning it be- facing such a dangerous monster.
comes clear to see that it is a seagull with three eyes. Three Was that what killed the bonepickers? Yes. Yes it was. If
eyes that seem to look into your soul. It gives a squawk and they didn’t check or see their ferry this may be speculation
flies off. A character with Second Sight will not hear a but if they saw it they can fairly well confirm it.
squawk however, they will hear the word “Beware!”.
Are there more? There are always more trolls in the em-
Land Ho! pire and no-one knows exactly how many there are. How-
ever Giant River Troll Hags are rare and there is not anoth-
Then finally the island appears before the adventurers. It’s er one of her anywhere near. Should the characters have
not the easiest island to land by it but it’s possible and once gotten an interest in hunting trolls then setting up some
they reach land the search can begin. A broken ferry lays at quests to seek out river troll lairs in and near the Reik can
the side of the island, the bonepickers old vessel. It is tied to make for fun adventures.
a tree on the shore but crushed and sunken, if pulled up it
Is this connected to the flotsam stuck here and if so
looks like something had bitten it. Erich walks up to the
what is it upriver that caused this? If you wish to investi-
highest point and looks down at the gathered flotsam in the
gate this further I suggest checking out “Death on the Reik”.
islands ’pocket’. He raises the amulet and lightning flashes
behind him. “There!” he shouts in response, pointing to a If the troll survived then contacting the authorities in Kem-
bubbling mass under the flotsam and starting to fast move perbad is a good idea. And they will want her dealt with. It
there. Give the PCs some chance to follow, shout warnings will take them quite some time to sort out but they will in-
or both. vest much in gathering a force able to kill her. Should you
wish this could make for a fun continuation of the adven-
Way hay and up she rises ture, allowing the PCs to return with a strong force and face
her on better terms. A few boats of riverwardens facing the
But it was not a treasure he saw. As he gets near enough to beast with cannons blazing while curses fly can certainly
reach the water and start to strip to dive the bubbling rises prove a memorable battle.
above the surface and a Giant River Troll Hag (chose one
fitting for skill level and desired challenge) appears. A dead- Rewards
ly fight will now begin, a fight the PCs may do best to flee.
The River Troll Hag is defending her lair and will not pur- Extra exp should be rewarded for helping your fellow play-
sue very far if people flee. Still make sure to give some ers survive. Any rescuing of them in the dangerous fight
chase at least and cast spells after them when she doesn’t should be rewarded.
want to physically pursue any more (This supplement has
some new spells themed for river troll hags, be sure to
check them out). During the encounter Erich has an Initia-
tive of 40 and tries to help. Describe his assistance each of
his rounds and give one character one advantage from his
help. The troll may attack him in which case you can roll
Giant Lava Troll Hag
(Trollae Ignivomus Augurium)
Giant Lava Troll Hags are passinate and aggressive crea- GIANT LAVA TROLL HAG (LESSER)
tures, far larger and more dangerous than “standard” lava M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
trolls. Yet, aggressive as they are, Troll Hags are also, quite
5 45 30 60 55 20 15 15 40 45 5 80
inexplicably, filled with powerful motherly instincts akin to
those of River Troll Hags, perhaps it is a side effect of the Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 55, Endurance 65, Me-
magic lores they wield. lee (Basic) 55, Swim 70, Channeling (Trollcraft) 65, Language
(Magick) 65
Troll hags are not a separate species though they are often
classified as such, and according to the Chaos Dwarfs of the Traits: Armour 2, Bite +9, Dark Vision, Cold Vulnerability, Die
Skull lands they are classified thus as Hruzrir states, claim- Hard, Fiery Regeneration, Gastric Lava, Goblob, Grim 1, Gut-
ing that the specie is those that can become such hags and burst 4, Hungry, Infected, Immune to Psychology, Night Vision,
not all lava trolls can. All Lava Troll Hags start out as female Painless, Regenerate, Size (Enormous), Spellcaster (Trollcraft),
lava trolls (in the ‘Chronicles of Hruzrir on the fauna of the Territorial (Lair), Vomit +14, Weapon +10, Stupid, Motherly
Skull Lands’ it is stated that the male trolls of the specie Love
switch gender if they start to grow into one). But not all
female laver trolls become lava troll hags. It is through an
absorption of magic they change and twist to become these
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
vile monstrosities.
5 50 35 65 60 20 15 15 45 50 10 92
With the exception of their size there is little that visually
distinguishes Lava Troll Hags from Lava Trolls, but the size Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Me-
is quite massively different. They are easily two or three lee (Basic) 60, Swim 75, Channeling (Trollcraft) 75, Language
times larger than river trolls, not uncommonly reaching (Magick) 75
sizes of over 30 feet (9m) in height. Traits: Armour 3, Arcane Trollcraft (Fire), Bite +9, Dark Vision,
Lava Troll Hags have their lifespans magically lengthened Cold Vulnerability, Die Hard, Fiery Regeneration, Gastric Lava,
and it is not known if they can die of old age, a frightening Goblob, Grim 2, Gutburst 3, Hungry, Infected, Immune to Psy-
prospect given that they, like most trolls, grow their entire chology, Night Vision, Painless, Regenerate, Size (Enormous),
lives and Lava Trolls often tend to be shortlived. Spellcaster (Trollcraft, Fire), Territorial (Lair), Vomit +14,
Weapon +10, Stupid, Motherly Love
Thankfully Giant Lava Troll Hags are not as common as La-
va trolls, they need the right environment to come to be. GIANT LAVA TROLL HAG (GREATER)
Ancient pools of Magma suffused with Dhar and Asqhy both
are required for the transformation to take place. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Lava Troll Hags lead packs of Lava Trolls and if left alone 6 55 40 70 65 20 15 15 50 55 15 104
become angry and restless, unlike the River Troll Hags who Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 65, Endurance 75, Me-
can patiently wait Lava Trolls get very lonely.
lee (Basic) 65, Swim 80, Channeling (Trollcraft) 85, Language
Lava Troll Hags have no natural predators but are a near (Magick) 85
priceless dish in Kulgur. A spicy food able to hold heat for
Traits: Armour 3, Arcane Trollcraft (Fire), Bite +10, Breath 7
(Smoke), Dark Vision, Cold Vulnerability, Die Hard, Fiery Re-
Lava troll hags are intelligent and are well capable of tool generation, Gastric Lava, Goblob, Grim 3, Gutburst 2, Hungry,
use should they wish, but they do not seem to enjoy wield- Infected,, Immune to Psychology, Night Vision, Painless, Re-
ing such items, preferring flaming magic for their goals. generate, Size (Enormous), Spellcaster (Trollcraft, Fire), Terri-
torial (Lair), Troll Tough, Vomit +15, Weapon +11, Stupid,
Lava Troll Hags do not have mentions in any offi- Motherly Love
cial warhammer works. The writer has worked with
the Lava trolls who are mentioned in Thamurkhan
and added this

/Mystic Scribbler
(Trollae lama Caligo)
In the Marshland Graves in Troll Country exists one of the Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Fear (1), Goblob,
most grim types of trolls one can see. Like some rivertrolls Gutburst 6, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid,
change by absorbing death magic, becoming giant troll Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, UndeadVomit, Weapon
hags, the necromantic powers of the Marshland Graves +9,
have seeped into the Bog Trolls of the area and made them
Talents: Strider (Shallow Water)
into Gloomtrolls, semi-undead beings.
An adult Gloomtroll stands at roughly 13 feet (4m) in length GLOOMTROLL (GLOOMTROLL)
with long gangly limbs. They have varied colourations and M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
slimy skin with occasional patches of scales.
6 35 15 60 50 20 15 15 10 25 10 44
It is unknown how old Gloomtrolls can be and it is not cer-
tain there is a limit. Unlike most trolls they do not grow Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
their entire life but stop around the age of thirty. 35, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45

Gloomtrolls are thankfully only found in the Marshland Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Fear (1),
Graves in Troll Country though necromancers can bind Goblob, Gutburst 5, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size
them to their will and bring them away they never settle (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Undead,
elsewhere. Vomit, Weapon +10
Gloomtrolls can live as loners or in packs but tend to prefer Talents: Strider (Shallow Water)
the latter. A troll pack tends to be fairly small, numbering
between 3 and 12 individuals. .
Gloomtrolls have no predators and they themselves are GLOOMTROLL (ROTTING GLOOMTROLL)
mainly carrion eaters though they hunt and scavenge too. If
food is scarce they are cannibals though it seems they can
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
live on the dark powers of necromancy alone.
6 40 20 65 55 25 20 20 15 30 15 46
Gloomtrolls sometimes use grim weaponry shaped of
sharpened bone. Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool
40, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 50

Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Fear
(1), Gutburst 4, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Rotting
Stench, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll
Tough, Undead, Vomit, Weapon +10

Talents: Strider (Shallow Water)


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 45 25 70 60 30 25 25 20 35 20 52

Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70,

Cool 45, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60

Traits: Armour 2, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Fear (1), Goblob,
Gutburst 4, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Rotting
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W Stench, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll
6 30 15 55 45 10 15 15 10 20 5 38 Tough, Undead, Vomit, Ward (10), Weapon +11

Talents: Strider (Shallow Water)

Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 55
Legacy of Kazgi
Mini-adventure featuring a pack of Gloomtroll

Adventure Summary teeth. It carries the Skull

Wand of Kaloth which it
This adventure takes place by Choika in Kislev where an orc spends much time talking
shaman has been causing trouble. The normally brave Kis- to. It does not speak any
levites tremble in fear speaking of this orc calling it “mistrz human tongue but mad cackling is a univer-
smierci”. The Ataman speaks to the PCs and asks them for sal language it will use to communicate with the PCs.
help in fighting this threat. Those that have seen it are too
scared to face it and neighbouring towns can´t send help at
the moment. He believes that if they are strengthened by
the sacred kvas made in a nearby monastery before en- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
countering the shaman their willpower may be able to 4 45 30 40 60 40 40 40 60 65 30 -
withstand the horror. Then the shaman can be slain and the
warriors of the village may once again dare face it. Howev- Skills: Channeling 85, Cool 90, Intuition 50, Language (Magick)
er, the shaman is protected by a pack of gloomtroll that it 85, Melee (Basic) 55, Perception 50
seems to control in magical ways.
Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Arcane Lore (Death), Instinctive
Choika Diction 2, Luck, Magical Sense, Menacing, Petty Magic, Second
The town of Choika in Kislev lays by the River Lynsk where
the Choika ferry guides Kislevites across. While there are a Traits: Belligerent, Die Hard, Infected, Night Vision, Weapon +8
few ferries in use ‘The Choika Ferry’ refers to the largest Spells (Petty): Dart, Gust, Rot, Sounds, Twitch, Shock
and most impressive of them, centuries old this large ferry
has been repaired countless times and is seen as a symbol Spells (Death): Aethyric Arms, Blast, Bolt, Breath, Entangle,
of the city itself. It is large for a ferry, able to carry as many Steal Life, Chain Attack,Fearsome, Terrifying
as twelve large coaches at the same time across the waters
and with a reinforced hull to press through ice floats when The Skull-wand of Kaloth
they travel the river. Two noble houses hold power of Choi- Originally captured from the Necromancer Kaloth, this staff
ka, the Ułanowskis and the Koterbas, both of Gospodar her- fascinated the Goblin Shaman Kazgi, who spent long hours
itage. The two houses are rivals but it rarely results in vio-
trying to plumb its secrets - that is until his mysterious dis-
lence, instead the houses compete to win popularity in the appearance. At first glance this skull on a stick seems like
town, much to the benefit of the townspeople. any other Shaman's fetish, at least it does until the ancient
skull's eye sockets gleam with an unearthly glow. Then the
The Bonerattlaz jawbone moves and a voice as dry and raspy as the ages
The Bonerattlaz tribe dwells in the woods near Choika and gone rattles out. It speaks in a language long forgotten, but
the river Lynsk. The town and the orcs have clashed count- its words hold a fell power that even simple beasts might
less times over the years and their presence have long been recognize and rightfully fear. Should you be close enough to
seen as just a “way of life”. Eliminating them has never hear it tell its dread secrets and mouth its unholy curse,
worked, some have always gotten away and the tribe re- then that will be the last thing you ever hear, for its words
gained its strength. But something has happened that has are death.
changed the balance of power. Their shaman has gotten his Effects; The wielder of the Skull-Wand of Kaloth has the
hands on the ancient Skull-wand of Kaloth and with it he Terror (10) trait. In addition characters in melee with the
can control the Gloomtrolls of the Marshland Graves and wielder must test willpower each round or lose wounds
instil terror in all his enemies. The brave Kislevites already equal to half their maximum amount of wounds (rounded
tremble in their homes and if nothing is done the Bon- up) which ignores all TB, AP and Ward. Wielding the skull-
erattlaz may destroy the town. wand is not safe either, it will talk to the wielder and each
week the character is in possession of it he will gain one
Zakkbad corruption point. Any mutations caused by this will be men-
tal corruptions (even for gnoblars who normally can´t roll
The orc shaman Zakkbad of the Bonerattlaz tribe has gone
up mental corruption).
mad with power and now believes itself invincible. It is a
large orc with twitching red eyes and half-rotting dark
Starting the Adventure The orcs
Start the adventure with the PCs coming to Choika and Tracking the orcs is very easy. They trample the ground,
learning of the shamans existence. Exactly how to best tell erect effigies, make large camps and do nothing to hide
them depends on their jobs and characters but let them their presence. Unless there is an extreme reason for why a
hear it in some capacity at start. character should not be able to find them the PCs can track
them with no need for specific skills or to test. In the orc
No I should sponsor! camp their infamous animosity has struck. Zakkbad in his
powerhungry mind declared himself the boss. This made
The news of their arrival spread fast and eventually a Ułan-
the boss tell him to “Zog off!” as the actual boss took the
owski noble seeks them out and tells of the cities plague
horde and left. Zakkbad was furious but took his troll pack
with all the warriors having fallen under the curse of fright
and moved off. Skilled tests at the abandoned camp could
of an orc shaman. He says a nearby monastery of Dazh
perhaps give clues to this story but otherwise they may
brews sacred Kvas that could perhaps fortify their spirits
need to track one of the tracks and hope for the best (they
against the curse if drunk before the fight. The noble offers
can retrace their steps and go the other way if they were
to pay them to carry out this task in his name. After a while
a Koterba noble appears as well and offers the same quest
but asks them to do it in his name instead. Neither accepts The final confrontation
it being done in both names and they can very easily be
played against each other to drive up the price. This is likely When the players eventually find Zakkbad it is “only” the
a change of pace from the more common situation of people shaman and his trolls left. Zakkbad is not afraid though,
in power wanting to skim on paying for the common good. sure in its powers and the skull-wand. The shaman will go
Of course it’s a popularity contest and not done for altruism up against them certain on victory, it will be up to the play-
but for the players it will still likely feel like a fresh situa- ers to prove him wrong. Let the fight be and feel epic. It is a
tion, and a welcome one. Let them haggle up a good price, deadly struggle and should be allowed to be so. Smart tricks
the mission is dangerous. can certainly work in it, trolls are stupid and the shaman
overconfident. PCs that use clever strategies should be re-
And a bottle of Kvas! warded with good outcomes of them.

Travelling to the monastery is not difficult. It is fairly close. Rewards

However the orcs are brave and ferocious these days and
an attack will come upon them. Let a number of orcs (Core The adventure will reward them monetarily well and exp-
rulebook pg 325) equal to one less than the number of PCs wise it should give additional rewards for clever ideas and
attack them. This encounter is unlikely to be difficult but it for using the shamans overconfidence against it.
will show the orcs being active and raiding.

The monastery itself will be welcoming to them and as they

will carry words from a noble will readily give each a small
flask of Sacred Kvas.

Sacred Kvas
Blessed by Dazh this spirit burns like a raging fire in
your throat and strengthens a persons resolve...if it was
gifted to them.

The sacred kvas helps against the power fear has over a
person. When drunk it forces two consume alcohol tests at
+-0 and for d10+2 hours makes all Terror (X) and Fear (X)
tests count as Terror (1) and Fear (1) no matter what num-
ber really was in parenthesis.
Grassgut Troll
(Trollae Gramen)
Grassgut Trolls are like most trolls omnivores but are unu- GRASSGUT TROLL (RUNT)
sual in the fact that they have a mostly herbivorous diet.
Woe those that think this means they are not dangerous M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
however. Something in their tiny little brain makes them
5 30 15 55 45 10 15 15 10 20 5 38
believe others are after their precious grass and they jeal-
ously guard it. The abundance of grass never really seems Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 55, Swim
to dawn on them. 60

An adult grassgut troll stands at roughly 12 feet (3,6m) in Traits: Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 6, Hungry,
length with short stubby legs. The nose and ears are small- Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair),
er than on most other types of trolls. Scales tend to cover Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +9, Hatred (All)
legs, arms and back leaving the gut and chest bare. It is not
uncommon for Ostland Shadowmoss to grow on them.

Grassgut trolls can be near a hundred and forty years old. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Like most trolls they grow their entire life but their posture 5 35 15 60 50 20 15 15 10 25 10 44
slouch with age making them keep roughly the same height
Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
as they grow old.
35, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45, Swim 65
Grassgut Trolls are most numerous in Ostland but can be
found all over the empire and Kislev. They prefer forest Traits: Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 5,
areas. Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial
(Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10, Hatred (All)
Grassgut trolls can live as loners or in packs but tend to
prefer the latter. A troll pack tends to be fairly small, num- GRASSGUT TROLL (ADULT)
bering between 3 and 9 individuals. Grassgut trolls are pri-
marily herbivorous but will eat carcasses that cross their M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
path and kill those that eat ‘their grass’. 5 40 20 65 55 25 20 20 15 30 15 46
Grassgut trolls have few natural predators as even crea- Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool
tures large enough to kill them tend to avoid eating them. 40, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 70
Still there are some exceptions to this rule, the chimera
Traits: Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 4,
does see them as prey and sometimes Ghorgons do the
Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid,
Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10, Ha-
Grassgut trolls are able to use weapons but do tend to end tred (All)
up eating them. Leaving them once again unarmed..
Ostland Shadowmoss
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Ostland Shadowmoss is as the name suggest a type of 6 45 25 70 60 30 25 25 20 35 20 52
moss native to Ostland and to be more specific parts of the
Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool
forest of shadows. It is extremely fast growing and grows
45, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75
very thick becoming a foot thick layer of moss in mere
weeks. It is dark green or in some cases almost black. Traits: Bite +10, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim 2, Hungry,
Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair),
It is not uncommon for it to grow on Grassgut trolls and
Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +11, Hatred (All)
when it does it offers additional protection to them. A troll
with such moss on it has the Armour (2) trait but this ar-
mour does not protect against spells used with the Lore of
The Troll Hunt of Ostland
Mini-adventure featuring a Grassgut Troll

Adventure Summary and wears her jet-black hair in a severe bun. She is often
accompanied by a retinue of armed guards, who watch her
This adventure has the adventurers hired by the wealthy every move and protect her from potential threats. She has
merchant Helmut von Grauenfeld who wants a troll troubling a reputation for being shrewd and unscrupulous, and is
his traders dealt with. However his rival Erika von Tassen- known to use underhanded tactics to gain an advantage
bach wants his ruin at any cost and is willing to sabotage over her rivals. Her ultimate goal is to ensure that Helmut's
his ‘hired goons’ to succeed. business suffers, even if it means taking risks or making
enemies along the way.
The group is hired in the village of Gruneheim where an
other of Helmuts associates is found. A mercenary that can Olaf Gunderson
be convinced to join if he believes the PCs to be professional
enough for it to be a good idea. Here the agents of Erika will Olaf Gunderson is a grizzled veteran of the Ostland army
for the first time start to interfere and they will not stop, who now works as a mercenary and sellsword. Olaf has
following the PCs in the forest to try and deal with them settled in Gruneheim, where he became a respected figure
making Helmut fail. among the local mercenaries and adventurers.

It will end with a battle against the troll in its cave lair. Olaf is a tall, broad-shouldered man with a bushy beard and
weather-beaten face. He wears a suit of battered plate ar-
Helmut von Grauenfeld mor and carries a massive two-handed axe, which he wields
with deadly efficiency. Despite his gruff exterior, he is a loy-
Helmut von Grauenfeld is a wealthy merchant from the city al friend and ally to those he trusts, and is known to be fair
of Wolfenburg in the province of Middenland. He is a in his dealings. He has a reputation for taking on the tough-
shrewd and calculating businessman who has built his for- est and most dangerous jobs, and is highly respected by his
tune by trading goods between the northern and southern fellow mercenaries and adventurers. When the PCs encoun-
regions of the Empire. He is well-connected in the mercan- ter him, he may offer them advice on how to track down the
tile community, and has many allies and business partners troll, or even join them in the fight if he deems the reward
who rely on him for their livelihood. worthy of his skills.
Helmut is a middle-aged man with a portly frame and a
sharp, beak-like nose. He dresses in fine, expensive clothes,
and carries himself with an air of authority and confidence.
He has a reputation for being fair but demanding, and is M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
known to drive a hard bargain when it comes to business 4 40 30 40 40 40 30 30 30 40 30 20
dealings. Despite this, he is respected by many in the city,
both for his wealth and his cunning. Skills: Melee (Two-handed) 50, Melee (Basic) 45, Melee
He is not given stats here as they are unlikely to be (Throwing) 35
needed but if haggling for the reward is to be done his
Talents: Hardy, Combat Master, Drilled
haggle is 76 and he has two instances of the dealmaker
talent. For all other purposes use the standard human Trappings: Greataxe, Full soft leather armour, full chainmail
stats from the core rulebook bestiary. armour, dagger

Erika von Tassenbach Gruneheim

Erika von Tassenbach is a rival merchant to Helmut von Gruneheim is a small, isolated village nestled in the heart of
Grauenfeld, based in the city of Middendorf. She is known the Ostland province. The village is surrounded by dense
to be a cunning and ruthless businesswoman who will stop forests, which are known to be infested with wolves and
at nothing to gain an advantage over her competitors. She other dangerous beasts. The villagers are fiercely independ-
and Helmut have been bitter rivals for many years, and ent and self-sufficient, relying on hunting and gathering to
their feud has led to numerous business disputes and even provide for their needs.
some personal conflicts.

Erika is a tall, imposing woman with piercing blue eyes and

a commanding presence. She dresses in expensive clothes
The village itself is composed of sturdy timber-framed
houses with thatched roofs, arranged around a central mar-
Into the Woods
ketplace. A small chapel dedicated to Taal, the god of na- Moving into the woods to seek out the trolls lair will be the
ture, stands at one end of the marketplace, while a smithy next step. It is easy to track for anyone with the tracking
and a few other craft workshops are clustered at the other skill. If that is lacked it is trickier but not impossible, let the
end. navigation to find it take longer and ask for endurance tests
Gruneheim is governed by an elderly man named Johann, to not take fatigue. The agents of Erika will follow the group
who serves as both mayor and spiritual leader. Johann is a and try to be stealthy. Attempts to loose them by running
deeply pious man, and he often leads the villagers in prayer away, sneaking or other methods can well work and feel
and song in the chapel. He is also a shrewd businessman, free to make opposed rolls for that.
and he has managed to secure lucrative trade agreements Wolves and beastmen also stalk the forests here. Give some
with several neighboring villages. clues to their movements to build tension but neither will
Despite their insular nature, the people of Gruneheim are attack the PCs during this adventure.
known for their hospitality and generosity to strangers who
prove themselves trustworthy. However, they are quick to
The Troll Lair
take up arms against anyone who threatens their village or Eventually the group will find the lair of the troll, a deep
their way of life. cave with mushroom and fungal growth. These plants are
rife with life energy and channeling for Ghyran receives a
Starting the Adventure +1SL bonus here.
The adventure starts in Gruneheim or in a neighbouring Roll a d10 as they approach, on a 1-5 the troll is home, on a
village where they are offered a job as troll hunters by 6-10 it will come home as they explore the lair. Keep the
Helmut von Grauenfeld for a campaign appropriate price. result secret.
Feel free to let them haggle with him.
Here the fight with the troll will play out, letting the PCs kill
With or without Olaf (or fail to kill) the beast.

Helmut will recommend they look up Olaf Gundersson to Rewards

work with. Doing so would be another person to split gains
Gold and exp will reward the PCs. Bonus exp should be
with but his skills may be valuable. He will listen to their
awarded for getting Olaf with them and for outsmarting the
proposal and if they can convince him they are professional
Agents of Erika.
and serious he will be willing to join. If he considers them
amateurs he will pass.

Agents of Erika
Agents of Erika will want to check the PCs out. They plan to
ambush them in the forest later on. During their time in
Gruneheim the agents will try to poison their drink or food
with “Rotmoss extract”, a weak poison causing long delayed
headaches. If they succeed the PCs will gain one fatigue the
next day that won´t go away for 15 hours. There are
3+Number of PCs agents, they use the human stats from the
corebook bestiary with the elite optional trait, half of them
rounded down have the ranged optional trait. Perception or
Intuition tests may reveal that they are looking at the play-
ers and it is possible the PCs may deduce they will follow
Hill Crusher
(Trollae Vagus Lapis Chimerae)
Hill Crushers is one of the newest and least KNOLL CRUSHER
documented types of trolls. Seemingly a hybrid specie of
Hill Trolls and Stone Trolls. They are just like Hill Trolls one M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
of the smaller types of trolls with adults being between 9
6 30 15 40 40 15 20 15 5 20 5 36
and 10 feet (ca 274-304cm) in height. They have long gan-
gly limbs that while strong aren´t quite on the level of most Skills: Perception 20, Melee (Brawling) 35, Endurance 50
other troll species. Their ears and noses are large. Hill Traits: Armour 1, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Gutburst 8, Hun-
Crushers have varied skin tones but their skin is almost gry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Tough, Troll
always irregularly covered by a green slimy substance. Tough, Venom (+10), Weapon +8
Like Hill trolls they are nomadic and wander far and wide.
However they may at times get lairs of their own despite
their hill-troll similarities.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Hill Crushers live very short lives compared to other trolls 6 35 15 45 45 25 20 15 5 25 10 36
and don´t tend to get more than 40 years old. They grow
Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 60, Cool
their entire lives.
35, Dodge 25
Hill Crushers live in massive herds, often around thirty indi-
Traits: Armour 1, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Frenzy, Gutburst 8,
viduals but hordes as large as a hundred trolls are some-
times found. Few natural prey can sustain them and thus Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Tough, Troll
the Hill Crushers constantly get into conflict with human Tough, Venom (+10), Weapon +8
settlements as they eat the livestock of farms (and often the STONE CRUSHER
farms themselves)

Hill Crushers lack both the poisoned claws of Hill Trolls and M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
the magic-resistance and hardened scales of stone trolls. 6 40 20 50 50 30 25 20 10 30 15 44
Something one should be most thankful for given the num-
Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
bers they often are encountered in.
40, Dodge 35
So far Hill Crushers have not been encountered outside of
Traits: Armour 1, Bestial, Bite +9, Die Hard, Gutburst 7, Grim 1,
Troll Country and Kislev but surely its only a question of
Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Tough, Troll
time before these creatures spread.
Tough, Venom (+10), Weapon +9


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 45 25 55 55 35 30 25 15 35 20 44

Skills: Perception 40, Melee (Brawling) 55, Endurance 65, Cool

45, Dodge 40

Traits: Armour 1, Bite +9, Die Hard, Gutburst 7, Grim 2, Hun-

gry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Tough, Troll
Tough, Venom (+10), Vomit, Weapon +9
Welcome to Troll Country
Mini-adventure featuring a horde of Hill Crushers
Based of the Age of Reckoning Public Quest
Adventure Summary lands are good
and this brings of the same name it seems
This is an adventure set by some farms in Southern Troll wealth, enough
/Mystic Scribbler
Country where the mercenary company “Eckhart’s Men” wealth that
are hired to help defend against an oncoming horde of braving the
trolls. The odds in an open battle are not good and clever trolls and making permanent settlements has value.
tactics will be needed. Thankfully the PCs are part of this
company (or gets hired to help) and can strategize together Eckharts Men
with Captain Eckhart.
The Mercenary Company Eckharts Men is an imperial com-
It is a scenario where strategy and tactics will have a place pany flying the colours of Red and Brown. The men hail
to shine and is more important than skill in a fight to decide from various parts of the Empire but Eckhart himself was
the outcome. born in Talabecland. The company has thirty spearmen and
ten handgunners as well as Eckhart himself.
Starting the Scenario
The three villages of East-Sertestelep, Mid-Sertestelep and
West-Sertestelep are pig farming communities at the south- The Scenario can start either with Captain Eckhart recruit-
ernmost part of Troll-Country. They work closely together ing them for the job or with them already working for the
and even share one Ataman (chosen to lead for a year in company Eckharts Men. In either case it is a straightfor-
unique mud-wrestling competitions each midsummer). ward assignment. Help the mercenaries protect these three
Each community has less than forty people in it, but their villages
Welcome to Sertéstelep! defence then set them up against the remaining trolls with
their remaining troops. It is recommended to divide the
The company is welcomed to the villages by desperate and battle for ease of play in the last battle.
frightened villagers. A pack of forty trolls is moving towards
them and will be there within days. The villagers can´t leave
their pig farms and so have turned to these mercenaries to Skills: Dodge 60, Haggle 60, Language (Battle Tongue) 45, Me-
help keep them safe. They ensure the troops get plenty of
food to keep strong and ready. The villagers also find the M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
mercenaries quite “dashing” in their fine uniforms and 4 50 45 45 30 30 45 30 30 30 45 13
young bachelors and bachelorettes of the farms may try
their charms on the foreign guests. Something that may lee (Basic) 65, Melee (Polearm) 65, Ranged (Gunpowder) 60,
well distract from the business at hand. Cool 45, Lore (Warfare) 45, Leadership 60

How to deal with the trolls? Talents: Ambidextrous Rank 2, Warrior Born, Combat Master

The mercenaries and trolls are fairly evenly numbered and Trappings: Full Soft Leather Armour, Full Chain Armour, Open
that is not good when it comes to trolls vs humans. In an Helmet, Chestplate, Sword, Shield
open battle Eckharts men would be slaughtered. Eckhart
calls the PCs to discuss plans with him, they must use strat-
egy and tactics to gain the upper hand. Hold a strategic Skills: Dodge 50, Haggle 40, Language (Battle Tongue) 40, Me-
counsel with the players and Captain Eckhart and let ideas M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 40 40 40 30 30 40 30 30 30 30 13
This scenario is about brilliant tactics so let them shine. In a
normal war two sides both try to outsmart each other in
strategy and tactics but here the enemy is trolls, possibly lee (Basic) 50, Melee (Polearm) 50, Ranged (Gunpowder) 50,
the dumbest creatures of the warhammer world. Generally Cool 40, Lore (Warfare) 40
let the ideas the players have work and tick down the num- Trappings: Handgun or Spear, Chain and Leather armour
bers opposing them. Let imaginative strategies, traps, out-
flanking and more work as intended. They work with expe- MILITIAMAN
rienced mercenaries and face brute beasts. But through all
this make sure they know they need to get the troll num- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
bers way down before they have a chance in an all out fight.
4 30 30 35 35 30 35 30 30 30 30 12
Available troops
Skills: Animal Care 35, Athletics 40, Consume Alcohol 40, En-
The defenders are Eckharts Men, an experienced merce- durance 40 , Gossip 35, Melee (Brawling) 35, Lore
nary company. And the Militia, pigfarmers with weapons. (Sertéstelep) 35,Outdoor Survival 35
-Eckharts Men: 30 Spearmen, 10 Handgunners, Captain

-East-Sertestelep Militia: 5 Mule-riders with spears, Two M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
militiamen with blunderbusses
5 25 - 45 35 15 25 - 10 10 10 14
-Mid-Sertestelep Milita: 8 Militiamen (One with mace and
shield, one with sword, one with crossbow, one with hal-
Traits: Bestial, Hardy, Skittish, Stride, Weapon +7, Trained
berd, three with spears and one with a pitchfork)
(Broken, Drive, Mount, War), Beast of Kislev
- West-Sertestelep Militia: 5 Archers
New Trait: Beast of Kislev
These troops will acknowledge Eckharts skill and experi-
ence and follow his plans, plans he´ll make with the PCs, so This creature is born of the harsh cold of Kislev and recognize
the group is free to utilize them as they wish. her daughters and their magic on an instinctual level. Allied
use of Ice magic does not cause broken conditions in this crea-
Ending the Scenario ture nor do allied use of petty magic from a caster with Arcane
Magic (ice).
The scenario ends when the trolls are defeated, give the PCs
a few days to dwindle their numbers down and prepare a
High Mountain Troll
(Trollae Alpine)
High mountain trolls are a type of troll that is perfectly HIGH MOUNTAIN TROLL (RUNT)
adapted to the harsh conditions of the tall mountaintops.
They are large, hulking creatures with long, gangly limbs
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
and thick grey-green skin that protects them from the cold.
High mountain trolls are incredibly strong and durable, and 5 30 15 55 45 10 15 15 10 20 5 38
they are known for their ferocity.
Skills: Climb 65, Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endur-
High mountain trolls live in the highest peaks of the Worlds ance 55, Swim 60
Edge Mountains. They are not very common outside of
these areas, but they have occasionally been found in other Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst
mountain ranges, such as the Grey Mountains and the Mid- 6, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territori-
den Mountains. High mountain trolls are solitary creatures, al (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +9, Greater Re-
but they will sometimes form small packs of up to five indi- generation (1)
High mountain trolls are carnivores, and their diet consists
mostly of mountain goats, sheep, and other large mammals. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
They are also known to eat carrion and even small children
5 35 15 60 50 20 15 15 10 25 10 44
in the rare case such wander into the mountains. High
Skills: Climb 75, Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endur-
mountain trolls are able to use tools and weponry but its
more common for them to use their own claws and teeth as ance 60, Cool 35, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45, Swim 65
weapons. Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
High mountain trolls have few natural predators. Only burst 5, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid,
dragons and griffons are known to prey on them. High Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10,
mountain trolls are powerful creatures, and they should not Greater Regeneration (2)
be underestimated.
Like most trolls they are known for their regeneration and
amongst experts of trolls it is known that their regenerative M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
powers are even greater than most trolls.
5 40 20 65 55 25 20 20 15 30 15 46

Skills: Climb 85, Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endur-

ance 65, Cool 40, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 70

Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
burst 4, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large),
Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon
+10, Greater Regeneration (3)


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 45 25 70 60 30 25 25 20 35 20 52
Skills: Climb 95, Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endur-
ance 70, Cool 45, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75

Traits: Armour 2, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst

4, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid,
Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +11,
Greater Regeneration (4)
Mad Dogs and Empiremen
Mini-adventure featuring a high mountain troll

Adventure Summary ness, Jewellery worth 15 gold, Dagger, Buckler, Powder and
shot for thirteen rounds
This is an adventure set in Mad Dog Pass in the Worlds
Der Vernichter: Der Vernichter is a massive handgun bordering
Edge Mountains by the Border Princes. A group of Aver-
on being a handcannon that Heiko puts far too much trust in.
lander prospectors have found old rumours of an aban-
That´s not to say its not a good weapon, it certainly is, but it
doned dwarf gold mine high in the mountains by Mad Dog
can´t take care of all foes as he believes. This is a handgun with
Pass but a few days from Fatanbad. It is by luck they found
a range of 70 and a damage of +12. However the size makes it
this and none has claimed it they reckon and hire some
impractical to reload and rolls to reload it suffer a –10 penalty.
fools...and the guard them as they set up their new
home there. Getting there they will however come to learn
why the locals don’t claim the mountains as their own as a
Elene Freudenthal
High Mountain Troll go after them. Along with greenskins Elene Freudenthal is the youngest on the journey at but
and other scavengers that find the presence of the troll nine years old. She is a spoilt brat and the legitimized bas-
good for creating extra food. tard daughter of Heiko. She constantly complains about
Eventually the few survivors will abandon the mine and ask everything during the journey and expects to be treated like
for escort back. royalty by everyone, tattling to her daddy if that is not the
The Guards and Prospectors
Fatanbad is a large town in the Border Princes, the furthest
out to Mad Dog Pass. They mine tin and copper and their The guards, prospectors and menials are bunched together
large stone quarries bring most of their income. They have by Heiko in one mass of people that aren´t working hard
some claims to Mad Dog Pass but so do other principalities enough. Mathias Welser, Jorg Scheibel, Harri Fischart, Au-
and they know well that no matter how firm their claims gustin Saudek, Sylvie Schmiedeberg, Rita Uhlmann, Anna-
are the greenskins and monsters of the pass will not accept Lisa Ahrendt and Katrin Sondheim make up this group.
them. They are friendly to the PCs and try their best but it will be
quite noticeable that the behaviour of the boss and his
Heiko Freudenthal daughter is grating on them.

These characters deserve some more traits, you can ran-

Heiko Freudenthal is an Averheim nobleman whose family
domize these using the hireling traits (Up in Arms pg 116)
has fallen on hard times. He is certain that getting to this
or even better decide on personalities you think your play-
mine, claiming it and reopening it will fix that wonderfully.
ers will take a liking to.
He is very sure of himself and the large Nuln handgun he
bought to protect himself. If something goes wrong he will WORKER-BRASS 5
blame one of the men he has hired to help him in his en-
deavour, refusing any personal responsibility. He is quick to M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
call others out as lazy or incompetent. At least he pays well. 4 30 30 40 40 30 30 30 30 30 30 15
Skills: Trade (Miner) 40, Outdoor Survival 40, Athletics 40, Me-
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W lee (Basic) 45
4 30 40 30 30 40 30 40 30 30 40 12
Talents: Well-prepared, Pure Soul

Trappings: Tools and clothing, One tool that can function as a

Skills: Bribery 50, Consume Alcohol 40, Gamble 40, Intimidate
40, Leadership 50, Lore (Heraldry) 40, Ranged (Blackpowder)
50, Play (Tambourine) 50, Charm 50, Gossip 50, Language
(Classical) 40, Lore (Averheim) 40, Ride (Horse) 40, Melee
(Parry) 40

Talents: Read/Write, Noble Blood, Etiquuette (Nobility)

Trappings: Courtly Garb, Light Destrier with Saddle and Har-

Djeferson Bouthillier Rockfalls
Djeferson Bouthillier is the local guide hired to help them in Moving upwards dangers present themselves. Djeferson
Mad Dog pass. He is a tobacco loving Border Prince native Bouthillier warns them not to continue at this time as he
who is hard to understand and travels everywhere with his gets an inkling it is a bad idea. Heiko Freudenthal ignores
especially clever chicken “Jacque”. He thinks the idea to this and calls Djeferson lazy for asking for a break. The
retake the mine at a mountaintop is madness but the pay is group continues and a rockfall happens and Augustin
good. Saudek is struck by it and fall to his death. The PCs must
take a +20 dodge test to avoid the rocks, on a fail they are
DJEFERSON BOUTHILLIER-SCOUT BRASS 5 struck taking d10+5 damage. There is some mourning of
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W Augustin Saudek and Heiko Freudenthal says it is unfortu-
4 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 16 nate what happened but that nothing could be done about it
and a workplace accident is no reason for being lazy.

Skills: Charm Animal 50, Climb 50, Endurance 50, Gossip 50, Squigs
Lore (Mad Dog Pass) 50, Melee (Basic) 50, Outdoor Survival
50, Perception 50, Athletics 50, Navigation 50, Ranged (Bow) Walks continue upwards (all characters should test endur-
50, Ride (Mule) 50, Stealth (Rural) 50, Track 50 ance +20 or gain the fatigue condition) and by evening all
are tired, except the Freudenthals who rode on his destrier.
Talents: Orientation, Strider (Mountains), Night Vision, Sixth They break for food, the Freudenthals make themselves a
Sense fine dinner and cook some oatmeal for the rest, pointing out
Trappings: Mule with saddle, Shortbow with eight arrows, Axe that if they wanted nice food they could have brought it
Jacque: This clever chicken is a well trained pet of Djeferson,
The cooking attracts animals however, cave squigs more
remarkably good. This is a chicken with three fortune points
specifically. A number of cave squigs (Core rulebook pg
and the optional traits Clever, Trained (Broken, War, Magic,
318) equal to 10+number of PCs attack. Divide this into
suitably small groups and play out the PCs ones. Three
Stating the adventure more workers die during this attack (as well as potentially
more in the fight divided for the players). The Freudenthals
You can start the adventure at any part between Averland unfortunately survive. Heiko blames the dead workers in-
and Mad-Dog pass but when they hire Djeferson Bouthillier competence for their deaths.
in Fatanbad is recommended as the players might not be
able to tolerate their boss long enough otherwise. Here let The mine at last
them be offered jobs at a good salary for helping him claim
Eventually they reach the mine, now the home of a High
a mine high in the mountains.
Mountain troll. Heiko sends in people to explore it.
The path to the mine Now go into deadly mode and pick off people one by one.
The troll knows the caves and sees perfectly in the dark.
Start the journey up Mad dog pass and let the characters get The same is not true for all others. Let Heiko complain at
a feeling for their companions. Preferably they should start the victims for their deaths as they get killed one by one.
to dislike the Freudenthals a fair bit now and start to bond a When most are gone let the troll confront Heiko, Djeferson,
little with other workers. Let two days pass with just hard Elene and the PCs.
walking, bad weather and complaining Freudenthals.
Sure of his own superiority and greater equipment Heiko
A dire warning takes up “Der Vernichter” and with smirk fires into the troll.
Blasting a hole in it and just getting to comment about how
As they have reached the foot of the right mountain and that is how its done when the wound closes before the
start to turn onto the path snaking up it a dwarf sits on a groups eyes. Heiko panicking will try anything to save him-
stone drinking some cheap ale. This is Okri Direwarning self but by now he´ll likely not survive.
Grunnisson. He warns them not to climb the mountain for it
Let the players fight or flee as they wish, Djeferson
is filled with perils. Rockfalls, Squigs, Trolls and more.
Bouthillier will join them in their attempt regardless which.
Heiko Freudenthal dismisses this as the rambling of a
Should a player be involved in the death of a Freudenthal
drunkard and forces people to push on, berating them if
then Djeferson will agree to say it was a mountaineering
they don´t.
Hill Troll
(Trollae Vagus Vagus)
Hill trolls are one of the smaller types of trolls with them the most widespread type of trolls with hill trolls be-
adults being between 9 and 10 feet (ca 274-304cm) in ing present all over the world, from Marienburg to Grand
height. They have long gangly limbs that are deceptively Cathay, from Norsca to the Southlands and even in far off
strong. Their ears and noses are large and they are some- Lustria and cold Naggaroth can they be found.
times found to have hair on the top of their head and inside
their ears. Hill trolls have slimy skin and tend to be green in
colouration, though other colours do appear as well.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Unlike most trolls who have lairs to dwell in Hill trolls are
6 30 15 50 40 15 20 15 5 20 5 38
nomadic, wandering far and wide. Hill trolls tend to leave a
trail of destruction as they move, eating of the woods and Skills: Perception 20, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 50, Swim
hills they pass through. Despite the name Hill trolls are not 55
specific to hills , they wander far and wide and can appear Traits: Armour 1, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Frenzy, Gutburst 7,
any area. Hill troll Poison, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large),
Hill trolls tend to reach ages of about 60-70 years and grow Stupid, Tough, Troll Tough, Venom (+10), Weapon +9
their entire lives. Old ones can reach heights of as much as
12 feet at times with females being slightly larger than
males. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 35 15 55 45 25 20 15 5 25 10 38
Hill trolls often wander alone but at times move in small
family groups giving some rudimentary raising of their
Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
young before abandoning them to fend for themselves.
35, Dodge 25, Swim 60
Hill trolls like most types of trolls prefer carrion for their
food but they do supplement this by hunting, they can’t out- Traits: Armour 1, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Frenzy, Gutburst 7,
run most prey but they can out-endure most. Thus they Hill troll Poison, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large),
make for decent persistence hunters, following a prey until Stupid, Tough, Troll Tough, Venom (+10), Weapon +9
it collapses of exhaustion and they can start to eat it, often HILL TROLL (ADULT)
beginning to do so while the creature is still alive. However
another more troublesome way of hunting is also present, M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
for hill trolls often go after livestock trapped in enclosures
6 40 20 60 50 30 25 20 10 30 15 46
like troll-buffets.
Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 60, Cool
Hill trolls are even more stupid and ferocious than other
40, Dodge 35, Swim 65
species of troll, bar perhaps spiked trolls. They often enter a
frenzy when they feel their meals are threatened and can Traits: Armour 1, Bestial, Bite +9, Die Hard, Frenzy, Gutburst 6,
stay in such a frenzied outrage long after the threat is gone. Grim 1, Hill troll Poison, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size
Tales are told of hill trolls ripping apart trees or smashing (Large), Stupid, Tough, Troll Tough, Venom (+10), Weapon +10
boulders under hour-long assaults because they remained
frenzied after the one causing them to enter this frenzied HILL TROLL (LARGE)
rage ran off. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
The claws of Hill trolls are poisonous which further makes 6 45 25 65 55 35 30 25 15 35 20 46
them deadly foes to face. Their meat is also poisonous and
as a result they are mostly avoided in Kulgur though there Skills: Perception 40, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 65, Cool
are methods to neutralize the toxins. 45, Dodge 40, Swim 70

Despite their ferocity hill trolls are rarely used by greenskin Traits: Armour 1, Bite +9, Die Hard, Frenzy, Gutburst 5, Grim 2,
and chaos forces when they gather trolls to their cause. The Hill troll Poison, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large),
creatures nomadic nature makes it common for them to Stupid, Tough, Troll Tough, Venom (+10), Vomit, Weapon +10
just wander off all of a sudden and abandon the army that
brought them with them. This trait has however also made
Oh, No! We trapped a troll.
Mini-adventure featuring a hill troll

Adventure Summary Station Staff

This is an adventure set on the toll station ‘Knochenhugel- There are five people working for the station that will ap-
Zollhalt ’ on Alte Reichsstraße on the way to Schnutenbach pear in this scenario, less if the PCs take long to get there.
(though this can be moved to any imperial road). The Two roadwardens and three permanent staff. The amount
walled-in station finds a hill troll crashing through their of roadwardens can vary for the station depending on cur-
wall. Seeing no way out it feels trapped and panics, entering rent patrols. The following five people are found there now.
a frenzy and starting to attack the building. The station is
not ready for such an attack, there are five people there but
Senior Roadwarden Julius Lips
only two of them are roadwardens trained with weapons, Julius lips is an experienced roadwarden and the highest
other than that it’s an accountant, a carpenter and a stable- ranking man on the station. He is also currently bleeding
hand. The troll rips into the stable setting lose the panicking heavily from his head and in need of medical attention. A
horses of the station. The two wardens try to face it but af- heal test at +10 is needed to stabilize him so he can make it,
ter the senior warden hits the troll with a crossbow shot this test gets a cumulative –10 penalty for each 15 minutes
one of the panicked horses runs into him and throws him that pass since the beginning of the scenario. The man will
into a wall where he cracks open his head. The junior road- not be able to partake in the scenario even if rescued but
warden sees that they can’t deal with this alone and rides to the others will be very thankful that he was saved if the PCs
get help while the other three try to barricade the assaulted manage to help him.
building as best they can while the troll steadily beats down
its walls. Junior Roadwarden Andrej Scheuer
On his way to get help the roadwarden finds the PCs and Andrej is a fast rider and decent shot who is worked up into
tries to get them to assist in dealing with the troll. a bit of a panic over the situation. He knows time is running
out and the PCs may be his only hope.
Accountant Karl Karlz
Knochenhugel-Zollhalt is placed alongside Alte
Karl Karlz comes from a long line of accountants. He enjoys
Reichsstraße and named after the nearby Knochenhugeln
his job very much. He collects small animal figures made of
hills. This station was once a military scouting barrack built
soap, he has fifty-nine ones and his favourite is a red whale.
during a border dispute with Kislev. Now it is however in-
stead a toll station on the way from Kislev to the Empire. Carpenter Ivana Teyber
The station consists of a three-story watchtower in classic
imperial style and a connected stable. Around this structure Ivana Teyber is a handy woman but one that postpones
is found a 4 yards tall stonewall with a heavy gate in wood things a bit much and takes more breaks then she perhaps
and metal. Alte Reichsstraße is not well traversed these should. She utilizes the fact that the others don’t know any-
days. The road was heavily used in an old conflict between thing about carpentry to come up with excuses for why
Kislev and the Empire but in recent times it has fallen out of something can’t be done right now.
favour since it travels the dangerous lands between Riesen-
Stablehand Jens Voigt
joch and the Waisenwald. Thus the station is no longer per-
fectly maintained. The part of the wall the troll entered Jems Voigt is the youngest of the bunch and his voice tends
through was weak from disrepair and should someone to shift a lot with his puberty voice change. He has a good
check the station properly for such weaknesses then more hand with horses and is hard working.
will be found. A troll-sized hole is found in the wall where
the troll crashed in and there are damages to the other
buildings too now, getting progressively worse the longer
the troll bashes them.
Starting the Adventure is in a frenzy after all so can be baited to follow quite easily.
If it gets outside of the walls it will recognize its free again
As the characters are walking along the road a roadwarden and run off. Further attacks can get it to turn back and con-
approaches. Andrej hurridly stops panting and looking tinue to fight but the troll really wants to get away at this
stressed out. point.

“People. Thank the gods. You got to help us. A troll is attack- The horses, the horses
ing the toll station and we are to few to fight it off. And the
boss, the boss is bleeding out. Please. Come with me, I’ll take With the troll dealt with another problem remains. The
you there.” horses have run off. The PCs will be asked if they can help
in finding them. A character with track will be perfect for
He hurriedly blurts out. He will beg for help if the PCs don’t
this but more difficult outdoor survival or perception tests
agree right away but there is little he can offer. If they ask
may also work.
for money he will say they don’t have much but he’ll give
them what they have if they help. The station is 10 minutes
away on horseback and 30 minutes away on foot, both as-
suming a fast pace. Keep check of the time the convincing With the crises resolved the men of Knochenhugel-Zollhalt
takes and the time it takes them to reach the station, this is will be very grateful and offer a little payment, they don’t
important for helping Julius Lips. have much, as well as free passage without paying toll. If
Andrej will describe the troll as green and slimy and if the PCs want they can stay for dinner or spend the night.
asked more will try to remember more details about it. He The station staff will also be happy to answer any questions
is also willing to answer any questions they have about the the PCs have about Schnutenbach to the best of their abili-
station or the people working there. ties.

Facing the Troll Rewards

Arriving by the station there is a locked gate, a wall with a Extra exp rewards should be given for saving Julius Lips
hole in and plenty of noise. The troll (chose a hill troll of a and for finding the horses. Dealing with the troll by leading
level you deem appropriate for your players to face) is fren- it out or killing it should both be equally valid from the per-
zied when the PCs arrive and currently attacking the build- spective of receiving exp.
ing. It can be fought as normal but there is an alternative
way to handle the situation. The troll can be lead outside, it
Icerock Troll
(Trollae Lapis Glacies)
In the highest peaks of Troll Country and Norsca lives Ice- ICEROCK TROLL (RUNT)
rock Trolls. A type of stonetroll perfectly adapted for the
high-mountain lifestyle. They share stonetrolls hard scales
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
and magic resistance but combine it with a resistance
against the cold. Icerock Trolls are also sometimes known 6 30 15 55 50 10 15 15 15 25 5 42
as Iceflow trolls as they have a tendency to move down the
mountains alongside melting ice. Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 60

An adult Icerock troll stands at roughly 13 feet (ca 4m) in Traits: Armour 3, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst
length with long gangly limbs. The nose and ears are larger 5, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 1, Night Vision, Regener-
than on most types of trolls. Scales cover all but the gut of a ate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough,
troll. Icerock trolls vary widely in colouration. Vomit, Weapon +9, Born of Ice

Icerock trolls can reach ages of a hundred and eighty. Like ICEROCK TROLL (YOUNGSTER)
most trolls they grow their entire life and especially old
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
ones can be as tall as 16 feet (ca 490cm).
6 35 15 60 55 20 15 15 20 30 10 46
Icerock Trolls live in high mountains in Troll Country and
Norsca but go into the lower mountains at times to hunt. Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 65, Cool
They are not widespread outside of these lands but occa- 40, Dodge 20, Melee (Basic) 45
sional ones have been found in the Worlds Edge Mountains.
Traits: Armour 4, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
Icerock Trolls can live as loners or in packs with a slight burst 4, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 2, Night Vision,
preference towards packs. A troll pack tends to be fairly Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll
small, numbering between 3 and 9 individuals. Icerock Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10, Born of Ice
Trolls like stonetrolls have a diet consisting to a large de-
gree of stones. But that is not all they eat, meat is appreciat- ICEROCK TROLL (ADULT)
ed and carrion sought after.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Icerock trolls are able to use weapons and some have even 6 40 20 65 60 25 20 20 20 35 15 52
been able to create ones of their own, these are nought but
sharpened rocks but for a type of creature like trolls that is Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 70, Cool
impressive enough. 45, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 50
Icerock trolls have few natural predators with only dragons Traits: Armour 4, Bite +9, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim
and chimera really hunting them. 1, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 3, Night Vision, Regener-
ate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough,
Vomit, Weapon +10, Born of Ice


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 45 25 75 70 30 25 25 25 40 20 60

Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 80, Cool

50, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 60

Traits: Armour 4, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst

3, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 4, Night Vision,
Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll
Tough, Vomit, Weapon +11, Born of Ice
Befouled Iceflows
Mini-adventure featuring Icerock trolls

Adventure Summary those of a wolf) are not enough to let him be a deadly fight-
er these days. Instead he fishes in the river and shares his
In the Norscan village of Skorlm the iceflows of the river are wisdom with those willing to listen.
befouled and with the warriors off on raids the adventurers
are offered great rewards for solving the problem.
The villagers correctly suspect trolls, having seen them The thrall Malmfrid sees in the adventurers arrival and the
move about. Moving up the mountains the adventurers will problem a chance at freedom. She will plead to them to
find a trollpack which bathe in the waters and ripen the make her freedom part of the deal for their help, trying to
carcasses there. The trolls can now be driven off or lured get it so by any means she can.
away for the players to return victorious to the village.
Starting the Adventure
The adventure starts as the adventurers reach Skorlm. Here
For years, the Skaeling village of Skorlm has been blessed they will first learn the rumours of the trolls and see the
with the ice-melt waters that run from the mountains. befouled water.
These waters have brought fertility to their lands and
On arrival they will notice the tainted waters by sight, smell
helped them flourish. But recently, the waters have turned
and by the lamentation of the people.
foul and contaminated. The village elders believe that Ice-
rock Trolls, descending alongside the melting ice, are the Sigga Onde will seek out the adventurers when they first
cause of this pollution. The village lays a few days from the arrive and offer them a reward to solve the problem of the
volcano Mount Vanir, which they belive holy. They believe tainted river in her name. The reward she will offer will
Mount Vanir was created by a greater daemon called depend on how much faith she has in the adventurers as
Baalrukh in ages gone and weapons forged in its fiery well as what she believes people of their status will consid-
depths are said to carry unholy blessings. er a good amount.

Tora will not seek them out unless she sees one faithful to
Norscan Raiders Khorne amongst them but if sought out she will gladly help
At this time the village has no warriors at the home as a them with preparations, physical and spiritual.
mighty raid is made to the empire. With chief Lars Onde Egill will also not seek them out but is likely to be men-
leading it. tioned if they ask around about the river. If sought out he
can say he has heard rumours of trolls and chimera in the
Sigga Onde mountains but don´t know if those are true. His knowledge
of the river is however great and he can give maps of the
Sigga is the wife of Lars Onde. She is not officially a leader
surroundings and tips of how to move up it.
but few dare speak against her given her husbands
strength. She cares much about status, her own especially, Malmfrid will seek out the adventurers pleading for them
and will try to seem the clear leader as the players are in to help her win her freedom and will offer to help them in
the village. any way she can if they do so.
Seeking Rumours: An easy gossip test can bring the ru-
Tora mour of trolls having been seen to the adventurers. Further
Tora is the local priest to Khorne. She preaches of courage, SLs can give clues of the nature of these specific trolls, ie
fighting spirit and strength. She suggest a violent approach Icerock Trolls.
to any problem but is genuinely helpful despite the dark
god she follows. She wants to guide others to be better war-
riors worthy of Khorne and to help them stand against sor-

Egill is an old fisherman in the village. His days of raiding
are over, even his strong mutated legs (appearing much like
The journey up The Plateau
The journey up along the river is not an easy one. It will When the extended test is succeeded they ascend to the
require a long climb. The group will need to make an ex- peaks. Reaching the peak, the adventurers discover a vast
tended climb test (the character with the lowest value in icy plateau. A group of Icerock Trolls is seen congregating
climb is the one that must test but others can help). The around a point where the ice-melt starts. They've been dis-
extended test requires 40SLs if they did not gain tips and carding remains of their hunts into the waters, which is the
maps from Egill, 30 SLs if they did. After each test roll on cause of contamination.
the encounter table.
Dealing with the trolls
Encounter Table
Roll Encounter Description Dealing with the trolls is not too easy. There are twice as
many trolls as adventurers but they are not well-
01-25 All calm Nothing happens
coordinated. They are not coordinated at all really. Luring
them away and facing them one at a time is not difficult,
26-30 Troll bones The adventurers come upon the
though the adventurers need not get that idea.
bones of a large troll.
The adventurers also need not necessarily kill them, scaring
31-35 Norscan A giant spider (core rulebook pg
them off will do just as well and with enough fire that is a
Frostwood 315) with the optional traits Arbo-
possibility. Or luring them away with food which is also
Spider real, Size (Average) and Big lurks
possible. As long as the adventurers can get the trolls to
ahead. The spider will not fight
move their lair the problem will be solved.
them unless attacked. If a charac-
ter has the Animal Affinity talent Wildcard Solution: The Natural Predator
the spider will give him a dead Another solution to this problem comes with a very special
crow and hope to receive head spell. A witch or chaos sorcerer using the ’Transformation
of Kadon’ (Winds of Magic pg 149) will here ecome a Chi-
scratches in return.
merae, one of few predators of these trolls. The trolls will
36-45 Hairy Hiber- A bear (Core rulebook pg 314) recognize this and will move away from the area just from
nator wanders about and when it seeing this.
comes upon the adventurers will
attack unless they can succeed a – Returning
20 Charm Animal test.
Moving back they need to once again do an extended climb
46-50 Mountain D5 Boars (Core rulebook pg 314)
test like before. This time it needs 30 SLs if they did not
Tuskgors with the Elite and mutation traits speak to Egill and 20SLs if they did. Like before a roll is
attack. made between each test.
51-60 Norscan Cold Each character must test a +10
Upon reaching the village again they will be rewarded if
endurance test against cold. They
they are healthy and seem strong. If they seem weak Sigga
suffer 10-TB damage ignoring Onde will instead try to have them killed. For this she uses
metal armour. Each failure SL is her bodyguard. It consists of a number of mutants with the
added to the damage and each elite trait (Core rulebook pg 333) equal to the number of
success SL is deducted from the players and two dogs with the elite, Size (Average), muta-
damage. The damage can be re- tion and trained (Broken, Guard, Magic, War) traits (Core
duced to zero but not lower. rulebook pg 315). Should they appear weak but have be-
friended Tora she will proclaim that Khorne despises a cra-
61-70 Troll A lone Icerock troll is found. It
ven who hides behind her troops and that Sigga should face
may attack but may also lack the
them herself. This will cause Sigga to back off and give them
mental clarity to do so at this
the reward they are owed.
71-85 An dangerous Each adventurer must test climb
drop at +0. On a fail they suffer falling
damage as from a fall of d5 yards.
86- Near the Dark The group suffers a minor
100 Gods corrupting exposure.
Ice Troll
(Trollae Chaotica Glacies)
Ice trolls are a form of chaos trolls from the frozen moun- ICE TROLL (RUNT)
tains of Norsca where they have mutated to become infused
with the snow and ice of their homes. From their heads M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
grow large curved horns and ice clings to their skin. A small
6 30 15 55 45 10 15 15 10 25 5 38
cloud of ice and snow seems to follow them, falling of their
skin and swirling in the air. It becomes more noticeable in Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Melee (Basic) 40,
warmer climates but also less dangerous as it gives a mo- Endurance 55, Swim 60
ment of cold rather than add to already freezing tempera- Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +8, Born of Ice, Breath 8 (Cold),
tures. Their most frightening ability is however their icy Die Hard, Gutburst 10, Horns +8, Hungry, Infected, Mental
breath. A powerful mutation of these creatures that allows Corruption, Mutation, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Terri-
them to slow or kill their prey. torial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Weapon +9,
An adult ice troll stands at roughly 12 feet (3,6m) in length
not taking into account the horns. Gnarly skin with some
scales cover their back, arms and legs. The skin of the Ice M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
trolls is light blue but the somewhat scaled patches are
6 35 15 60 50 20 15 15 10 30 10 46
much darker, dark blue or even black or grey.
Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
Ice trolls seem more stable in their mutations than chaos
trolls and as a result have longer lifespans, often reaching 40, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45, Swim 65
near 80 years of age. Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Born of Ice, Breath 9
Ice trolls are mostly located in Norsca though at times are (Cold), Die Hard, Gutburst 9, Horns +9, Hungry, Infected, Men-
found in the northern wastes or in troll country. Warmer tal Corruption, Mutation, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid,
climates are disliked by these beasts and in the rare occa- Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Weapon +10,
sions where some of their numbers travel further south
their lifespans are reduced drastically.

Ice trolls live in packs varying much in size, from a few indi- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
viduals to as much as fifteen trolls. They rarely forage, in- 6 40 20 65 55 25 20 20 15 35 15 46
stead getting their food from scavenging and hunting. Their
Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool
breath makes drinking water impossible and instead these
45, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 70
trolls eat ice and snow. They spend much water on their icy
breath and needs to consume huge amounts of ice daily. Traits: Armour 2, Bite +9, Born of Ice, Breath 9 (Cold), Die
Ice trolls have the Chimera as their sole natural predator Hard, Grim 1, Gutburst 8, Horns +9, Hungry, Infected, Mental
though occasionally other beasts of chaos may attempt to Corruption, Mutation, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Terri-
kill and eat them as well. In Kulgur I have heard that they torial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Weapon +10,
are used by the northern dwarf holds but I could not get
much information of the taste or the uses from the dwarfs I
know. Seems the ones I met were to ‘southern’ to know
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
much of these.
6 45 25 70 60 30 25 25 20 40 20 54
Ice trolls are able to utilize tools and weaponry and can ac-
Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool
tually make some very basic versions themselves. In a style
50, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75
reminiscent of the yhetees of the Mountains of Mourn Ice
trolls breathe on sticks to create clumps of snow and ice to Traits: Armour 2, Bite +10, Born of Ice, Breath 10 (Cold), Die
smash across their enemies. This does not have the potency Hard, Grim 2, Gutburst 7, Horns +10, Hungry, Infected, Mental
and power of a yhetees breath however and so does not Corruption, Mutation, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Terri-
seem to create magical weaponry. torial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Weapon
The Shrine of Fire
Mini-adventure featuring an Ice troll

Adventure Summary Leblya

At Leblya the adventurers are approached by an abbot of Leblya is the largest settlement in Troll Country and proba-
Dazh who says that he needs help. He has long served in the bly the most significant as it is often designated as a mus-
monastery ‘Świątynia ognia’ in the cold lands of Troll Coun- tering or fall-back point for the pulk. As a result, almost an-
try, a place for weary Kislevites to rest. The power of the yone raised in the Troll Country knows how to get there,
monastery holds away trolls as Dazh is one of few things which makes it good as a general meeting point.
these creatures fear. But somehow a troll got past this and
The stanitsa is built around an old Scythian mound, and the
attacked the temple. An icetroll that killed most of the
settlement’s zal, or main meeting hall, is built atop the
priests. Only he and four others survived. He asks for help
mound. The rest of the buildings are between the mound
to defeat the troll so the power can be restored and to
and the stockade and, thus, receive some shelter from the
guard them until they can figure out how the troll could
harsh Troll Country weather.
Travelling to the monastery is not too difficult but it is clear Świątynia ognia
when they do that the trolls of the land have moved closer
Swiątynia ognia is a monastery to Dazh, the Kislev god of
than they normally do. A bad sign.
fire, the sun and hospitality. Set deep within Troll Country it
When the troll is defeated the abbot tries to restore the is protected from the trolls of the land by powerful bless-
blessings but notices he can’t and it takes most of his power ings. At this monastery visiting travellers are welcome to
to just temporarily keep the wards. He asks the PCs to help rest and seek shelter from the harsh weather.
him find what is wrong since his abilities to do so are lim-
ited. The Monks
The reason behind it is treason, in secret one of the monks There are five surviving monks to return the monastery to
of the monastery has been tempted and turned to chaos its former glory. Though one of them is a traitor...
and is now worshipping the dark pantheon. He has been
promised power and glory for bringing down the temple Abbott Wiesław Janowski
and still plans to do so. If he can be found before he manag-
The leader of the monastery is Abbott Janowski. He is a tall
es to murder the abbot then the monastery can be saved
dark skinned man with black hair and a black beard. He is
but else a horde of trolls will fast approach.
normally a fairly positive type but at the moment things are
Troll Country too dire for that side to come out.

Troll Country is an area in Kislev that consists of steppe

Brother Aleksy Ozga
slowly turning into tundra as one travels north before Brother Ozga is a short man with dark hair and dark skin.
meeting the great mountains and the edge of the Chaos His long droopy moustache complements well his near con-
Wastes. It is some of the least-forgiving land in the Old stantly frowning face. His voice is gruff and threatening. He
World, and no farming is possible. There are some forests doesn’t mean to seem intimidating or unhappy though and
and two main ranges of hills, but for the most part, it is is a friendly and welcoming man.
largely flat. It is easy to travel for days without seeing any
settlements here. Brother Eliasz Galica
The population of the Troll Country is overwhelming- Brother Galica is a large heavy man of a somewhat dark
ly Ungol and mostly nomadic. Fixed settlements are target- complexion. He enjoys good food and drink and was a chef
ed repeatedly by raiders while nomads can just move on. before joining the monastery. He is friendly but not very
The Ungols and Gospodars out here take hospitality even open to critique.
more seriously than Ungols elsewhere. Anyone is wel-
comed, but hardly anyone is trusted. Those who prove to be
Brother Ambroży Wnęk
friendly over time may find that, after a year or so, they are Brother Wnęk is a short man with dark hair and dark skin. He
no longer attended by heavily armed hosts at all times. is somewhat shifty looking and carries knives. He likes to hold
to himself.
Brother Broda and get fires going to invite Dazh back into the place. The ab-
bot will instead start a ritual to restore the blessings.
Brother Broda is a tall man, streaks of silver in his black hair. He
This ritual fails however, he calls the PCs to him. He tells them
is dark skinned and talks highly of honour and the fight against
he feels a presence that prevents it. He is needed to keep the
chaos. That is however overcompensation for he has fallen to the
wards up, even if it is at great strain to his health and but tem-
dark gods. It is he who destroyed the blessings and is bringing the
porarily. He asks the PCs to seek what is stopping it from
trolls near.
Starting the Adventure Seeking through the monastery
The adventure starts in Leblya in Troll Country where the
Seeking through the place allows a perception test at +0 per
characters currently are. Here they are approached by Abbot
30 minutes spent seeking its halls. Each successful roll will
Janowski and his four monks. He explains that they need help.
give a clue from the following;
Their monastery of Swiątynia ognia has been taken by a troll.
Something must be wrong with the protective blessings of the • Defiled symbol: A symbol of Dazh above one of the many
place. fireplaces has been carved into and defiled to include the
eight-pointed chaos star.
They need help to drive out the troll so that Janowski can re-
store the protection of the place. They are looking to hire the • Burnt amulets: In a fireplace charred amulet chains are
adventurers, they can offer little but offer what they have and
hope that reverence for Dazh will get them the help they seek. • Sacrificed Mare: A horse in the stables has been cut up and
mutilated, by daggers it seems, if asked the monks can say it
Getting there isn’t one of theirs but a visitors.

The monks will negotiate to get horses for the group to ride • False image: Under a loose floorboard is an image of Dazh
there. It is a few days ride through the freezing plains. Trolls being slain by a mighty troll. By it is written in Ungol “The age
of trolls is coming”.
are seen moving about but with horses the adventurers can
easily enough keep away from them. This stretch of time,
while not too exciting in itself, will give an excellent oppor-
Getting the traitor
tunity for the characters to talk to and get to know the monks. This is likely to get them to understand there is a traitor, or at

As the group is drawing near it is seen that trolls are circling least was, but not to know who it was. Interrogations of the
the place, still a fair distance away but it seems the blessings suspects may be in order or the PCs can have other ideas of
are failing and something draws them near. The monks will how to learn who did it. Perhaps they suspect more than one
discuss this and what dark power could be causing it. The gen- person. Let them try to reach the conclusion in any way they
eral consensus is that it must be chaos but the monks can not feel fits.
agree on how it was done.
The smoke and the attack
Battle for the Monastery There is a fifth defilement not yet found. It is noticed two
Arriving at the monastery the ice troll will be seen dwelling hours in when the right chimney is lit, this chimney is clogged.
inside, ice and frost is covering the walls and the horned beast Smoke immediately pours out into the monastery and Brother
stalks the halls. Use an ice troll fitting to PC skill and desired Broda takes this opportunity to try and kill the Abbot. His suc-
adventure difficulty, keep in mind the help the monks offer in cess relies entirely on if the PCs are prepared for anything or
this fight when choosing. The abbot calls out a prayer to Dazh, not. Should they have the Abbot guarded they get to try and
this alerts the troll who goes for the adventurers but it also stop brother Broda and likely succeed. Else, well else the mon-
brings Dazh blessing as the weapons of each adventurer blaze astery will fall.
into righteous flame. Their attacks are now flaming. This effect
lasts for six rounds.
The monks are not warriors but will try to help as best as they If Broda is stopped the monastery will be restored, it takes
can. The PCs count as having the “Grim 1” trait for this battle time but works. If he succeeds the monastery is lost, trolls
due to their help. Then once the troll is defeated the monks take it and the PCs and monks must flee.
will cut it up and burn it to ensure it is dead. If the PCs are al-
ready doing so they will help. Rewards
Clearing the Monastery Stopping Broda and saving the monastery should give exp as
should figuring out he is the traitor before he attacks.
With the troll dealt with the monks will work to remove ice
Lava Troll
(Trollae Ignivomus)
Lava Trolls are perhaps the most unique trolls in the world, LAVA TROLL (RUNT)
dwelling under the dark lands in great magma caverns.
Much like Stonetrolls these trolls have a diet matching their M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
name. They consume lava and magma. Many trolls must,
6 30 15 55 40 10 15 15 10 20 5 38
one assumes, have died when this behaviour first came to
be but trolls are very adaptable and eventually the magma Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 55, Swim
diet turned the trolls to lava trolls. On the outside Lava 60
trolls look fairly simmilar to common trolls though their Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +8, Cold Vulnerability, Die Hard,
skin tends to be very dark, often black. What really changes Fiery Regeneration, Gastric Lava, Goblob, Gutburst 6, Hungry,
is their insides however, instead of the normal gastric acid Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair),
of trolls their stomachs are filled with lava that melts and Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +9,
incinerates their food. Causing smoke to constantly leak
from their various orifices. And much like other trolls they LAVA TROLL (YOUNGSTER)
can empty their stomachs offensively, vomiting out a
stream of lava. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Unlike other trolls Lava trolls are not damaged by fire, mak- 6 35 15 60 45 20 15 15 10 25 10 40
ing them far harder to kill, however it comes with a new Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
weakness, cold. If they are not kept in great heat their in- 35, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45, Swim 65
sides will start to harden and the trolls will perish, such
Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Cold Vulnerability, Die
powers will also stop their regenerative forces.
Hard, Fiery Regeneration, Gastric Lava, Goblob, Gutburst 5,
An adult Lava troll stands at roughly 12 feet (3,6m) in Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial
length with short stubby legs and is covered with stony (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10
black scales. They are one of the shortest lived of troll spe-
cies, rarely becoming more than sixty years old. LAVA TROLL (ADULT)
Lava Trolls are difficult to use for greenskins, unable to tol- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
erate cold temperatures, even if temporary. Sometimes
6 40 20 65 50 25 20 20 15 30 15 46
such trolls would have their innards hardened up and the
greenskins lose their troops by a mere ill-timed rainfall. The Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool
Fire kobolds, a small subset of speckled goblins of which 40, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 70
the larger can spit fire, sometimes try to use lava trolls and
Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Cold Vulnerability, Die
when in their lairs this often works, though in ventures out
Hard, Fiery Regeneration, Gastric Lava, Goblob, Gutburst 4,
of their volcanoes it tends to fall apart.
Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid,
Chaos dwarfs also use them however, and in more horrify- Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10
ing ways. Capturing them with shoulder-fired chain-
dragging harpoons the chaos dwarfs acquire the trolls and LAVA TROLL (LARGE)
then through binding runes of heat into their very skin they
manage to control them. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Lava trolls tend to live in packs of 5 to 10 with lairs in the 6 45 25 70 55 30 25 25 20 35 20 48
magma caverns of the Skull lands or, in some cases, large
volcanoes across the world. Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool
45, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75

Traits: Armour 2, Bite +10, Block, Cold Vulnerability, Die Hard,

Fiery Regeneration, Gastric Lava, Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim 2,
Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial
(Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +11
Marsh Troll
(Trollae Shugon Denato)
Marsh trolls are not necessarily marsh dwelling, much as MARSH TROLL (RUNT)
river trolls don’t limit themselves to rivers. They do howev-
er tend to dwell in very inaccessible places far from people.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
They are some of the smartest of troll species, capable of
somewhat advanced tool use. They are also great swim- 6 30 15 55 45 15 25 15 20 20 5 38
mers, moving much faster than river trolls.
Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Basic) 40, Endurance 55, Swim 70
An adult marsh troll stands at roughly 12 feet (3,6m) in
length. The nose is large and the ears are reminiscent of fins Traits: Amphibious Armour 1, Bite +8, Die Hard, Gutburst 6,
in appearance, much as with river trolls. Like sea trolls they Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial
tend to have bristling hair on their backs. Most marsh trolls (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +9,
are dark green in colouration but there are exceptions.
Marsh trolls can be as old as a hundred and ten. They grow
their entire lives and can reach heights of 13 feet (almost
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 35 15 60 50 25 30 15 25 25 10 44
Marsh trolls are not a commonly encountered species as
they specifically seek homes away from civilization. It is Skills: Perception 25, Endurance 60, Cool 35, Dodge 25, Melee
therefore hard to know how widespread their habitats are. (Basic) 45, Swim 80
I have however heard, from a lovely druid named Hengus
Traits: Amphibious, Armour 1, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Gut-
and his two less lovely giants, that they are fairly numerous
on the isle of Albion. burst 5, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid,
Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10
Marsh trolls usually live as loners but at times can be seen
in small family groups of a few individuals. Marsh trolls are MARSH TROLL (ADULT)
primarily active predators, using tools to hunt fish and ani-
mals. As well as their great speed in the water. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Very little is known of Marsh trolls natural predators, if 6 40 20 65 55 30 35 20 30 30 15 46
they have any. In Kulgur they are rare and few recipes exist
for them. The giants of Albion eat them however, at least Skills: Perception 30, Endurance 65, Cool 40, Dodge 30, Melee
the giants of that Hengus fellow remarked that they taste (Basic) 50, Swim 90
good and that they had eaten many back home.
Traits: Amphibious, Armour 2, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Gut-
Marsh trolls are skilled at tool use. Making nets and clubs burst 4, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large),
themselves. They also tend to take large fishing tools if they Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon
can find them, using things like tridents, gaffs and other +10
fishing implements.
While rare they are still aggressive to civilized peoples,
more so than many other troll types as these are active
hunters. They have been known to gnaw through the hulls M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
of riverboats to sink them and devour those within as they 7 45 25 70 60 35 40 25 35 35 20 52
become forced to enter the water. They then get a wreckage
to utilize as a lair. Skills: Perception 35, Endurance 70, Cool 45, Dodge 35, Melee
(Basic) 60, Swim 100

Traits: Amphibious, Armour 2, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Full o’

Fish & Worse, Gutburst 4, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Regener-
ate, Size (Large), Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit,
Weapon +11
Lord Gruber and the trolls
Mini-adventure featuring Marsh trolls

Adventure Summary Mother Willa Augsberger

Willa Augsberger is a priestess of Bogenauer and she has
House Gruber were recently made noble and given com-
had visions telling her that he is displeased. She preaches
mand of Weissbruck, a swiftly growing town about to get
that the recent ships sinking is a sign of the divine and that
some troubles caused by House Grubers businesses. The
a cathedral to Bogenauer must be made in Weissbruck to
money of House Gruber comes from their deep mining in
appease the god.
the Skaag hills and the construction of the Weissbruck canal
which makes their domain quickly grow rich. This work has Hanna Nowitzki
changed the nature of the Skaag hills and the river Bogen
however. It is not something most people notice but it’s Hanna Nowitzki is a fisherman these days but her history is
there. The new waste swept down from the Skaag hills by a military one. She was long a mercenary until her compa-
the rains drive fish away from the smaller streams and riv- ny, “Fair Estalian Ladies” was attacked by a horde of trolls
ers in the hills to the river Bogen. The canal has changed the in a war against a greenskin Waaagh!, most of them died
way the water flows and together with the increased fish and the memories of their lifeless black eyes as they bit into
population this leads to less waterplants, something that them haunt her to this day. Now she is a fisherman, keeping
makes the river sediment less stable, sweeping much of it a quieter life, but it seems the past is returning…
downstream and causing muddier waters. As said people
Gabriela Schnyder
generally don’t notice this, but the marsh trolls that lived in
the Skaag hills do. Their food has moved downstream and Gabriella Schnyder is the watch captain and a known drunk.
they follow. Luckily enough for them the waters of the river She sees these reports for the great security risk they are
has been muddied allowing them to better hide, something and wants the troll dead.
needed to establish their lairs. The new canal also brings
many new boats that they can sink to create these lairs. Vicky Lehrer
The people of Weissbruck get horrified when more and Vicky Lehrer is a travelling scholar of riverlife. She is in-
more boats start to sink near their town. Soon trade stops trigued by these new reports of sunken ships and a troll.
as people don’t dare brave the canal. House Gruber de- The description matches a marsh troll and since they are
mands action but gets told that as lords of the land the ac- quite rare she would love an opportunity to observe one.
tion is theirs to take and they must sort it out. Survivors tell
tales of a troll and so Lord Gruber puts out a bounty of Starting the Adventure
40GC for killing it. The adventurers take this job but what
The adventure starts in Weissbruck where there are plenty
will they do when they discover it isn’t a single troll that is
of rumours circulating of a vicious troll sinking ships. Let
causing the trouble?
the PCs hear some of the following, perhaps asking for a
gossip test to decide how many and which;
 The troll must be a twelve footer a boatsman says,
Weissbruck originated as a minor fishing village by the riv- his friend corrects him and says it’s a 13 footer.
er Bogen. However, through the the shrewdness of its rul-
ing family, the Grubers, it has become the fast growing  The troll is using weapons. People don’t seem to
trade town it is today. Initially, they began mining opera- agree on the type though, if it’s a gaff, a trident or a
tions of coal and iron in the nearby Skaag Hills. Acquiring net seems unclear.
permission from the Prince of Altdorf, they used their min-  The troll is dark green, here accounts seem to agree.
ing profits to fund construction of the Weissbruck Canal.
 People believe Lord Barhold Gruber will ignore the
Lord Barhold Gruber problem until it swims up and bites him in the ass.

Lord Barhold Gruber is a skilled businessman proud over  Mother Willa Augsberger gathers people to her with
Weissbruck and his wealth. He is however very troubled by the wish to build a cathedral to Bogenauer to ap-
recent developments and with no experience dealing with pease the god and settle the river.
trolls he feels out of his element. Still, paying people to fix it
At this point also let Gabriella Schnyder approach them
almost always works, even if it can be far costlier than de-
drunk and talk to them. Confessing she is concerned about
the situation and need people like them.
The Bounty Assault on the Command
Let some time go. Leaving is currently risky so they are Noticing the boat that shouts out orders the river trolls will
somewhat stuck there. Then give the PCs a chance to meet react to it. One or two (depending on PC skill and desired
all of the important people from the previous page. They all challenge) marsh trolls will go after this boat while the oth-
have an interest in the troll, one way or another, and so the ers fight the people. Climbing aboard and smashing up
characters may find themselves in conversations with them some leaks the troll will then try to kill the PCs.
if they talk about it. The PCs need not utilize them but doing
Any important NPCs recruited will help, assume they are
so may be very beneficial.
fighting alongside PCs and let them help count for outnum-
After enough time has passed there will be an announce- bering bonuses. Narratively describe their assistance when
ment that there is a bounty of 40GC on the troll, set by Lord dealing damage and increase said all such damage by +4 if
Barhold Gruber. Excitement spreads and people suddenly they have the help of any of the NPCs described in the sce-
think that trolls aren’t that though. nario.
People gather what boats and weapons they have and head The fight will be to deal with the troll and get the boat to
out. Hanna, Gabriella and Vicky all warn people about this, shore before it sinks so it can later be repaired. If the troll is
with arguments from their various expertises. Gabriella defeated by the PCs the rest of the boaters will manage to
Schnyder will approach the adventurers and ask for their drive off the other trolls. For now.
help to go out fight the troll before everyone gets them-
selves killed. She offers to help them get the bounty without Now what?
taking a piece herself if they just help her.
The trolls aren’t all dead but a lot of townspeople are. The
The Boatrush situation isn’t the best. The Lord will begrudgingly accept
that a far higher price must be paid to deal with the trolls.
A multitude of boats, mostly small vessels, go out in the riv- He will send people to Altdorf to find and hire a proper
er seeking the troll. Preferably the PCs are amongst them. mercenary company, one with a wizard. The PCs may be the
Bogen is filled with traffic and people throw various bait ones tasked with this, or they may enjoy their stay in Weiss-
into the water to draw out the troll. bruck awaiting repairs and the company.

The creatures don’t react immediately, it takes a while be- This force is enough to deal with the trolls but it has taken a
fore the trolls strike. First a gaff flies out of the water and large part of the Grubers wealth.
hooks a man in a small boat, he is bloody and screaming
pulled overboard. People start to turn there and manoeuvre Epilogue
their boats to face the troll. Some throwing nets. Then a
With the trolls finally dealt with and the boat repaired the
trident pierces through a rowboat skewering the man in it.
PCs are free to travel on. Their actions during the boatrush
A third troll throws a net over a small dingy and pulls it
will be remembered fondly and the PCs may very well be
down together with its two crewmen. Within moments the
seen as heroes. If they are a bit of “morbid entrepreneurs”
river is a slaughterfield as no less than five marsh trolls
then this is the perfect time to buy a house in Weissbruck, a
(use characteristics fitting for PC skill-level and the chal-
lot of them just became available.
lenge you want to make it) start to attack the panicking
At this point it will be important to rally the people to put
up a fight. Leadership or Bribery are best suited for this but Extra exp should be awarded for befriending NPCs, rescu-
with the right explanation of how a player could utilize an- ing people and impressing the locals.
other skill. There are also some spells and miracles suitable
for rallying and inspiring courage.

Gabriella Schnyder will help with this and can give bonuses
to Leadership and other fitting tests. Let this play out a
while, the better the PCs are at rallying people to a good
defence the faster it goes and the better their odds are.
Should it take too long Watch Captain Schnyder eventually
gets the few remaining boats rallied to the common fight.
Mine Troll
(Trollae Lapis Metallicum)
Mine Trolls are a type of Stone Trolls whose abilities have MINE TROLL (RUNT)
changed somewhat due to their diets. Stone trolls eat
stones and if those stones have plenty of metal in them this
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
affects them, hardening their scales further but cancelling
the Magic Resistance such trolls would otherwise get from 6 30 15 55 50 10 15 15 15 25 5 42
the stone.
Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 60
An adult mine troll stands at roughly 13 feet (ca 4m) in
length with long gangly limbs. The nose and ears are larger Traits: Armour 4, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst
than on most types of trolls. Scales cover all but the gut of a 5, Hungry, Infected, Night Vision, Regenerate, Size (Large),
mine troll. Mine trolls are usually grey but sometimes Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon
brown ones can be found. +9,

Mine trolls can reach ages of a hundred and eighty. Like MINE TROLL (YOUNGSTER)
most trolls they grow their entire life and especially old
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
ones can be as tall as 16 feet (ca 490cm).
6 35 15 60 55 20 15 15 20 30 10 46
Mine trolls live exclusively in stony terrain rich in metal
needing such a diet to actually be mine trolls. Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 65, Cool
Mine trolls can live as loners or in packs with a slight pref- 40, Dodge 20, Melee (Basic) 45
erence towards packs. A troll pack tends to be fairly small, Traits: Armour 5, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
numbering between 3 and 9 individuals. Mine trolls, much burst 4, Hungry, Infected, Night Vision, Regenerate, Size
like stone trolls, have a diet consisting to a large degree of (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit,
stones. But that is not all they eat, meat is appreciated and Weapon +10
carrion sought after.
Mine trolls are able to use weapons and some have even
been able to create ones of their own, these are nought but M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
sharpened rocks but for a type of creature like trolls that is 6 40 20 65 60 25 20 20 20 35 15 52
impressive enough.
Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 70, Cool
45, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 50

Traits: Armour 5, Bite +9, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim

1, Hungry, Infected, Night Vision, Regenerate, Size (Large),
Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 45 25 75 70 30 25 25 25 40 20 60

Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 80, Cool

50, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 60

Traits: Armour 5, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst

3, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Night Vision, Regenerate, Size
(Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit,
Weapon +11
The slaves were mine! Mine!
Mini-adventure featuring mine trolls

Adventure Summary Rat blessing him. He puts more value in his clanrats than
most warlords would, but hardly from any altruism, with a
The skaven warlord Hakitch Swarmsplinter of the minor large amount of slaves and far fewer clanrats he fears there
clan Hicteep find his mining operations interrupted. He may be an uprising should the balance worsen further and
learns it is a trollpack that causes this. He decides to send in that case he can’t spare his clawpacks.
down some to deal with the problem. Not willing to send
his clanrats as he deems them more valuable he sends a
pack of slaves including the PCs. This is a perfect time to try
to get away and it just so happens someone wants Hakitch M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
to fail his rule. 5 30 45 30 30 55 35 45 45 20 35 11

Clan Hicteep
Skills: Melee (Basic) 40, Gamble 60, Consume Alcohol 40,
Clan Hicteep is a minor clan which holds the majority of Charm 45, Gossip 45, Perform (Card Tricks) 45, Sleight of Hand
power in the skaven under-city of Under-Uder. The clan is 60, Ranged (Throwing) 60, Haggle 45, Lore (Games) 55, Evalu-
of roughly three hundred rats but the division is very lop- ate 65, Bribery 45, Entertain (Storyteller) 45, Melee (Brawling)
sided towards slaves, with two hundred and fifty skaven 45, Perception 65
slaves the clanrats are quite valued. The clanrats they do
have are known for their skills as gamblers and the many Talents: Night Vision, Tail-Fighting, Diceman rank 4, Luck
creative rules-circumventions they have come up with. The Trappings: Chestplate, Plate Helmet (Open), Full leather Ar-
Hicteep gambling dens in Under-Uder ensure they acquire mour, Sword, Axe, Dagger, 12 throwing darts, A dozen dice of
plenty of resources from the other clans with lesser pres- various weights
ence there.
Ghanek Waterhoarder and his
Uder is a small town in Reikland, laying on the Reik. Many
people have seen it, few have stopped. There is little to stop Ghanek Waterhoarder is a skaven of clan Skrittlespike sent
for really. They do however hold some tin-mines that give here as a messenger to the council. Clan Skrittlespike is
them a modest income. Under the city one finds Under- a Warlord Clan of the Skaven that lives within the deepest,
Uder, a small under-city where a few small clans compete darkest levels of the subterranean metropolis
over deep tin deposits sold to Skavenblight representatives of Skavenblight. They are a clan of malformed ratmen who
for scraps of better items of thin shavings of warpstone. shun the light and have large ears and large, black eyes.
The settlement holds about five hundred skaven in total,
Skaven messengers tend to be shortlived but Ghaneks very
most of which are slaves and most of which belong to Clan
fast feet and keen insights has kept him alive. As has his
Hicteep. The other clan presences tend to be minor vassal
mission. A greyseer once went through the settlement trav-
clans under one of the big ones, ensuring that the big clan
elling from Marienburg to Under-Altdorf. Greyseer Vexatch
can act should something important turn up there. Skryer is
as he is known gambled on his way there and lost a full
the strongest of these here as they hold a ratling gun to de-
warpstone token to Hakitch in dicegames. Vexatch is a foul
ter others of messing with them. In truth the gun is long-
loser and a rat of glorious pettiness. He started scheming
since broken but they keep this hidden and the deterrence
his revenge. The warpstone token was not a great loss, he
was a greyseer and had greater means than so, but his ego
Hakitch Swarmsplinter refused to accept this damage. Vexatch sent Ganek to keep
an eye on the clan and warlord, now as Hakitch sends
Hakitch Swarmsplinter is the warlord of Clan Hicteep. He is slaves against a troll much can go wrong and if it does the
a thin rat who tends to stroke his whiskers often as a help council can complain, so Vexatch wants to ensure he loses
to think through decisions. He loves the dicegame Al-zahr many slaves here.
and has become a master in sneaky dice-throwing to get the
right results, with sleight of hand he tends to be able to
make it far less obvious what he is doing as he ensures a
roll is just right. Of course crediting his luck to the Horned
GHANEK WATERHOARDER– MESSENGER BRASS 3 • Blistraratt Fellshard of Clan Pestilence, a plaguemonk preaching
the horned rats words here.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
• Trol Blackbones of Clan Eshin, a figurehead of the clan kept here
6 40 30 30 40 50 45 30 30 20 20 13 to keep up appearances while the clan has basically abandoned
the place.

Skills: Athletics 55, Climb 40, Dodge 55, Endurance 45, Gossip • Balashyre Aridwhisker of clan Skryer, a mere clawleader but one
25, Navigation 35, Perception 60, Melee (Brawling) 45, Lore with a warplock musket.

(Under-Uder) 40, • Ghanek Waterhoarder

Talents: Night Vision, Flee rank 2, Fleet Footed • Hakitch

Trappings: Rags, Rusty dagger, stolen keys The meeting starts with Hakitch suggesting some dice-
games and trying to impress with the PC slaves as servants,
Starting the adventure if they do well the visitors are suitably impressed, if not
they blame Hakitch and he in turn blames the PCs and takes
The adventure starts with the PCs as slaves under Clan
it out on them. They play dice a bit while discussing the
Hicteep and thus fits perfectly as an adventure to let them
troll-problem, everyone agrees that it is Hakitchs problem
escape should they have been captured by skaven. If so, just
to fix. As much as he wins the gambling he complains about
let them trade owner through some purchases and start the
this. Until Balashyre gets fed up with it, he pulls the
adventure. If the players are not slaves to skaven then you
warplock musket and points it at Hakitch suggesting he lost
may need to enslave them or change the scenario.
the last diceroll and that he should do his responsibility and
Overhearing the news deal with the troll. He agrees with Balashyre out of a desire
for continued survival and say he’ll send fifty slaves. At this
Being amongst the skaven slaves there is a chance for the point Ghanek will step forth and suggest the PCs be sent
players to hear rumours about what is going on. Any play- along. If they performed well during the meeting he will
ers with ‘Language (Queekish)’ will hear about the slaves suggest they are sent because they are fine leaders of it. If
disappearing in the mines and the rumours about a troll. All they performed bad he will suggest they are sent as punish-
of which is true. In the likely event that the players don’t ment. Either way the other clans agree (just to see Hakitch
have this language an Intuition test can show them that lose his most valuable slaves) and override the warlords
there is worry amongst the skaven. There will be some will on the matter.
work before Hakitch will act, this time can allow the PCs to
gain some allies amongst the skaven slaves, with their Down towards the troll
weakness they’ll take any ally they can get but they are of
Slaverats and the PCs are the next day chained and sent
course untrustworthy allies to have. Still, as long as they
down towards the troll. Not the best situation. Build up the
believe allying benefits them enough they will be all for that
gloom a bit as they are sent to their death, facing a troll
idea. They use the profile of a clanrat (core rulebook pg
without fire at hand isn’t ideal and they can see the slaves
337) without the armour 2 trait.
are unlikely to hold their ground for long so their numeric
Fine slave-servants, yes-yes? advantage may soon be lost.

However once they get near have Ghanek move near the
The troll problem affects all clans but with clan Hicteep be- PCs and drop the keys to the chains. A hard (-20) intuition
ing strongest here they are expected to fix it. Something test may show it as being intentional and let the players do
Hakitch doesn’t want to do. A meeting is set up in clan what they wish with that info.
Hicteeps gambling hall. To show off the warlord will take
his finest slaves as servants, the ones that are not rats, the Before they have much time to react Ghanek runs off and
PCs. Let the players try to interpret the skavens various the trolls arrive, three mine trolls of a suitable power level.
commands (if they know Queekish this is easy and they can Now they can face them alongside the slaves, unlock chains
overhear the discussions, if not, it is harder and they may and flee, start freeing slaves or come up with other ideas.
receive lashes for misinterpreting orders, as the skaven But they now have a chance for freedom.
remark to each other, if you move to an under-city the least Fighting or fleeing they must try to survive the trolls.
you can do is learn some goddam queekish).
Unless the PCs fight loyally for their enslaving clan and re-
The meeting has the following members: turn after killing the trolls Hakitchs will be seen as a failure
• Ratchyre Rotnip of clan Moulder, a black skaven they must have after this, allowing the greyseer to replace him with a fa-
experimented on for he towers above any other black skaven. voured chieftain in Under-Altdorf.
Mudbelly Troll
(Trollae Cenum)
Mudbelly trolls are found in the Badlands where they eat a MUDBELLY TROLL (YOUNGSTER)
large amount of mud. Giving them their name. They can
often be found alongside sandbelly trolls.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
An adult Mudbelly troll stands at roughly 13 feet (4m) in
6 35 15 60 50 20 15 15 10 25 10 44
length with gangly limbs and large ears and noses. They are
without scales. Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
Mudbelly trolls can be a little over a hundred years old. Like 35, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45, Swim 65
most trolls they grow their entire life but their posture Traits: Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 4,
slouch with age making them keep roughly the same height
Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial
as they grow old.
(Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10
Mudbelly trolls are at times brought along by greenskins
and have thus spread across the world but other troll spe-
cies tend to outcompete them in more verdant places than
the Badlands. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

Mudbelly trolls can live as loners or in packs but tend to 6 40 20 65 55 25 20 20 15 30 15 46

prefer the latter. A troll pack tends to be fairly small, num-
bering between 3 and 9 individuals. Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool
40, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 70
The main predator going after mudbelly trolls are other
trolls who for some reason deem them tasty. Sandbelly Traits: Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 3,
trolls do not find them appealing leading to the two species Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid,
often being found together. Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10

No instance of Mudbelly Trolls using weapons or tools has MUDBELLY TROLL (LARGE)
been recorded.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
7 45 25 70 60 30 25 25 20 35 20 52

MUDBELLY TROLL (RUNT) Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool
45, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W Traits: Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 3, Grim 2,
6 30 15 55 45 10 15 15 10 20 5 38 Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial
(Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +11
Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 55, Swim

Traits: Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 5, Hungry,

Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair),
Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +9
Assault on Troll Island
Mini-adventure featuring several types of trolls including Mudbelly Trolls

Adventure Summary
This is an adventure set in the Badlands on
an island in the Blind River. An island named
‘Troll Island’. Here a group of Bloody Sun
orcs are gathering trolls which they break to
serve them somewhat and beat up to enrage
them. They plan to unleash them on the
dwarf camp of Skaf Copperstone, his dwarfs
hail all the way from Karaz-a-Karak and are
here seeking rune artefacts and bitterstone.
Skaf has understood what the orcs are about
to do however and plans to stop it by send-
ing a group of local mercenaries (the PCs) to
deal with the orc “breakas” and cause a ram-

Troll Island
Troll Island is an island in the blind river that flows in the
eastern Badlands into the Marshes of Madness. It is an is- Da Deep
land of tall cliffs rising from the waters. “Da Bridge” is a
drawbridge crossing from the western edge of the island to Da deep is a sizable cave on the island where a good deal of
the Mudbelly Coast named after the Mudbelly trolls that their trolls are kept as they are trained and whipped into a
dwell there. It is the only walkable path onto the island and frenzy in preparation for the attack.. It is also the lair of the
the cliffs makes most parts inaccessible. On the eastern end tribes goblin shaman and his pet troll Gnasher.
where most of the greenskins live the island is however
lower the water and someone boating or swimming could The Tribe
get onto land there.
The tribe is an offshoot of the Bloody Suns but they have
kept their old name. The boss is Gizbo da Wize, a goblin
Da Bridge shaman who gets the orcs to follow him thanks to his pet
Da bridge is a long drawbridge over the water. A ramshack- troll Gnasher. (See Dramatis Trollae for rules for Gizbo and
le watchtower guards it on the greenskin side. About three Gnasher). The tribe is made up of:
orcs guard the bridge at most times and as many guard the -Gizbo and Gnasher (Dramatis Trollae)
tower, if either sees someone try to get across they will
raise the alarm. -25 Orc Boys (Core rulebook pg325)
-6 Goblins (Core Rulebook pg326)
Da ‘uts
-6 Lesser Goblins (Core Rulebook pg326 but add the ‘Size
Da ’uts is where the most of the orcs and goblins on the is- (Small)’ trait)
land live, more orcs than goblins curiously, the opposite is
-8 Orc Breakas
usually true for tribes but the Bloody Sun offshoot here ab-
sorbed a very small tribe of goblins and lesser goblins. The -7 Orc Big Breakas
island holds a total of 40 orcs and 12 goblins. 15 of these -8 Feral Trolls
orcs are ’breakas’ of some form, handling trolls.
-7 Broken Trolls

Not all need be killed, trolls may well wander off in time
and once things start to go badly intimidation will be an
effective tool.
Breakas based on the PCs skills, taking out all greenskins is ideal for
Skaf but probably not realistic. Taking out Gizbo or the Big
Breakas are orcs trained in breaking trolls and other crea- Brekas are good options for the mission. Set payment at a
tures to their will. This tribe has a fair amount of them. level fitting your campaign.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

How to do it?
4 35 30 40 45 20 35 20 25 35 20 15 A full assault is likely to fail against Troll Island so the PCs
will need to plan. Stealth is an excellent tool, the trolls are
Traits: Armour 3, Belligerent, Die Hard, Infected, Night Vi- loud and smelly helping to conceal from those senses. Pick-
sion, Weapon +9, Ranged +6 (8) ing off troops a little at a time will wittle them down and
dumping bodies in the river is a sure way to get rid of them.
• Breaka: Trolls within 20 yards may use the Breakas
Int for Stupidity tests. Aim for the troll (handlers)
• Dodge da Brute: Breakas have the Step Aside talent Taking out the brekas will rob the greenskins of their trolls
at one rank. and potentially even turn them into a disadvantage. Picking
off breakas and causing rampages will be a very powerful
Big Breakas tool in the players arsenal. Risky but very useful.
The better and bigger breakas break better.
A good ol siege
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
There is one bridge from Troll Island. This is great to de-
4 40 35 40 50 20 35 20 25 35 30 17 fend the island from a direct attack. It is terrible against a
siege however, the orcs and goblins going off to hunt, both
for food and for trolls to capture, can quite easily be am-
Traits: Armour 2, Belligerent, Die Hard, Infected, Night Vi-
bushed and this will quickly weaken the greenskins. Not
sion, Weapon +9, Ranged +6 (9)
only will the ambushed greenskins themselves die but each
• Breaka: Trolls within 30 yards may use the Breakas time hunters don´t return with food the supplies grow low-
Int for Stupidity tests and may re-roll them if failed. er and the trolls hungrier. Ensure no food reach the island
• Dodge da Brute: Big Breakas have the Step Aside long enough and the trolls will rampage.
talent at two ranks
Leadership Test
Feral Trolls Leadership in the tribe is held by a goblin thanks to his pet
The feral trolls of the tribe are not yet fully broken, they troll. Now the orcs are not too happy taking orders from a
probably won´t attack the breakers or trolls of the same goblin but the situation gives them little choice. However in
specie but do not offer other greenskins or troll types the the case Gnasher were to be removed things would change.
same courtesy unless guided by a breaka. They are a mix of If so the orcs would go after Gizbo and infighting break out.
Mudbelly and River Trolls with the frenzy trait. It is very possible the PCs come to this conclusion or even
manage to execute this without planning.
Enraged Broken Trolls
Attack the Drawbridge
The Broken trolls are more ferocious and better trained.
They will not attack greenskins or trolls as long as there is a Breaking the drawbridge is possible and will work for a
Big Breaka within sight and/or smell of them but if they are while. They will repair it and they will move over the river
not near they will rampage and attack anything. They are a by swimming or rafts. Still as a mode to win time it is excel-
mix of Mudbelly and River trolls with the Frenzy and Fury lent.
traits but also with –10 willpower.
Coordinate with Skaf
Starting the Adventure The dwarfs are not capable to make a stealthy approach
Start the adventure with the PCs meeting up with Skaf Cop- and know this. They also know they can´t take the foe in a
perstone and his twenty dwarfs. There negotiate the mis- pitched battle. This is why they hired the PCs. Still this
sion. Skaf needs some more discreet troops than his own to doesn´t mean they can´t help at all. They may be convinced
go in and disrupt operations and he is willing to pay in hard to help with mission parts. They are dwarfs (Core rulebook
cold gold for it. Decide how much disruption is needed pg 311) With the Armour 4 trait and +5 each to WS, S and
Murk Troll
(Trollae lama Atris)

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 30 15 50 45 10 20 15 10 20 5 38

Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 55

Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst

6, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territori-
al (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +9,

Talents: Strider (Shallow Water), Night Vision

Murk trolls are a subspecie of Bog Trolls found in the
Marshes of Madness and sometimes believed to be linked to MURK TROLL (YOUNGSTER)
the Oathgold found there. They wade in shallow waters and
seek for crayfish, water plants, leeches and tasty mud. They M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
are however even more found of scavenge, being overjoyed 6 35 15 55 50 20 20 15 10 25 10 42
when finding bloated corpses floating in the dark waters of
Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
the marshes where they live.
35, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 45
An adult murk troll stands at roughly 11 and a half foot
(3,5m) in length with long gangly limbs. They have muted Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +8, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
colours of green or brown with some patches of scales. burst 5, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid,
Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +9
Murk trolls can be a little over a hundred years old. Like
most trolls they grow their entire life and at the end of their Talents: Strider (Shallow Water), Night Vision
lives they are often 12 and a half foot (3,8m) tall.
Unlike Bogtrolls you rarely find Murktrolls outside of the
Marshes of Madness. This strengthens the belief of them M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
being linked to the Oathgold found in the area though more 6 40 20 60 55 25 25 20 15 30 15 46
mundane explanations for this can exist. Another point that
Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool
differate them from bogtrolls and common trolls is their
40, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 50
excellent dark vision, useful for digging about in low-
visibility waters. Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
burst 4, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large),
Murk trolls can live as loners or in packs but tend to prefer
Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon
the latter. A troll pack tends to be fairly small, numbering
between 3 and 9 individuals. .
Talents: Strider (Shallow Water), Night Vision
Murk Trolls have few natural predators, wyverns and bog-
octopi can take them but only tend to hunt them in extreme MURK TROLL (LARGE)
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Murk Trolls have not been observed using tools or weapons 6 45 25 65 60 30 30 25 20 35 20 50
and probably can´t understand the concept.
Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool
45, Dodge 40, Melee (Basic) 60

Traits: Armour 2, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 4,

Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid,
Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10

Talents: Strider (Shallow Water), Night Vision

In the Tummy of the Troll
Mini-adventure featuring a Murk Troll

Adventure Summary they don’t want it themselves selling it should be a good

The players come upon a wounded badlands ranger and
learn of a rune item that has just surfaced in the Marshes of Seran found
Madness, taken by goblins. If they can get a hold of the gob-
The adventurers come upon a wounded man in the Marshes
lin and kill him then the rune helmet will be theirs and it
of Madness. The ranger, bloodied and clutching a makeshift
can be sold expensively. However when they get there and
bandage, lies against a rock. His clothes are torn, and he has
sneak about they are just in time to see the goblin boss get-
a desperate, haunted look in his eyes. He will tell the play-
ting attacked and eaten by a murk troll, alongside the hel-
ers of a goblin boss wearing a rune helmet. At this point tell
met. Now they will instead need to get to the troll fast and
the players the value of such an item, a magic item like that
kill it so they can cut it open and save the rune helmet.
can be sold at very high prices, well worth high risks. Seran

Seran Thornblade will tell he knows of the tribe, the swamp snatchers, and the
rough direction of their camp. As for Seran, without help he
Seran has spent most of his life as a ranger in the Border won’t survive. But he could be saved. A PC with heal can try
Princes, known for his keen tracking skills and deep to save him with heal, rolling at +0 and needing at least 1SL
knowledge of the wilderness. Seran is a rugged man in his to stop him from bleeding to death. If saved he too knows
mid-30s, with a lean but muscular build. He has weathered its value and is willing to aid the players in getting it for a
skin from years spent under the harsh sun of the Border cut of the profits.
Princes. He is likely to not survive the adventure but it is
possible the players save him. If they do use the rules for a Goblin Scouts
human (core rulebook pg 311) with the elite and fast op-
The adventurers, following the ranger’s directions, soon
tional traits.
come upon a group of goblin scouts in the outskirts of the

The Swamp Snatchers Marshes of Madness. The goblins are small, wiry, and
armed with crude weapons. There are three of them and
The Swamp Snatchers are a small but cunning tribe of com- they use the rules for goblins (Core rulebook pg 326) and
mon goblins known for their stealth and ambush tactics. one of them has the Ranged +7 (25) optional trait.
They have adapted to the marshy environment, using the The players should likely be able to deal with them easily,
natural landscape to their advantage. Their camp is a ram- but that earns them little. Catching one alive however
shackle collection of tents and crude huts made from scav- would. It would be terrified and could be interrogated to
enged materials and marsh reeds. The camp is often sur- reveal the way to its camp and where the traps are.
rounded by booby traps and hidden pitfalls to deter intrud-
ers. Finding the camp
Gurgit da Greedy This can go one of two main ways. The adventurers can
now the path to the camp from the interrogation, go there
Gurgit is a slightly larger and more imposing goblin, stand- without much trouble and be happy they knew where the
ing at about 4 feet tall. He has a hunched posture and a sly, traps were.
malevolent glint in his yellow eyes. His skin is a mottled
green, covered in warts and scars from numerous battles Or they must seek it. To do so Navigation tests are needed,
and squabbles. He wears a mishmash of stolen armor pieces an extended test requiring 7SL. One test may be done each
and a tattered cloak adorned with crude symbols of his sta- hour. But each hour spent seeking carries risks.
tus. On his head is a dwarf helmet with a bearded facemask. Each hour spent seeking roll a d5:
Runes glow on it giving him further power as the boss.
1-2: Nothing happens.
Starting the Adventure 3-4: Traps, the adventurers must test perception, should all
fail then they will get into a pittrap with spears, suffering
The adventure starts in the Marshes of Madness where they
12+d10 damage.
come upon the wounded man Seran Thornblade. Why they
are near the Marshes of Madness can depend, it is not really 5: Goblin scouts attack, d5 goblins, one with the ranged op-
important. Learning of a rune item they could claim is a tional trait.
very worthy reward to seek for almost any character. And if
At the camp Killing the troll
The camp shows to have about thirty goblins in it. An intui- Eventually they will reach the troll in a pond 40yards long
tion test looking at them can give the information that the and 20 yards wide, it is difficult terrain for most PCs as it
greenskins not only squabble between each other a lot but can be waded even if it reaches to the chest of the average
also seem to trust in their scouts and traps to alert them man. But PCs who have the Small trait or who are dwarfs
and thus don’t care much for guards or patrols. A stealthy must swim to move in it. In the middle of this pond stands
approach seems very possible. The goblin boss sits perched the troll.
upon a raised throne several metres high akin to a scrap-
Here it must be fought but if it can be killed the helmet can
built version of a lifeguard tower. It seems quite easy to
be cut out of its stomach. Tests to do so must be done with
topple. Someone with lore (Engineering) can test it at +40,
tests for the tools used with failures dealing 4+SL damage
on a success he knows how to immediately topple it if one
from the corrosive acids.
gets close. There are four huts in the camp, none of them
are of decent quality yet the goblins spend much of their The Rune Helmet
time in them.
The rune helmet is a fine helmet with a bearded facemask
Give the PCs some time to plan their attack. Think it
on the front and fine horns on its top. Runes on it glow a
through, and then start their assault.
silvery blue.
A wild Murk Troll appears The helmet is a plate helm but it offers 3 rather than 2 AP
and any attack that hits its wearers head remove the Pum-
As they get near their objective suddenly a Murk Troll runs
mel and Hack qualities should it have them. It is also In-
out into the camp. Goblins start to gather, trying to get
desctructible and should someone use it to headbutt some-
someone else to go against it. Then the troll goes up to the
one the attack would be magical.
boss and his throne (it is possible the PCs have killed it
through ranged options allready but it’ll still be there) and It can fetch a fine price if sold or if given to the dwarf holds
promptly grabs and eats Gurgit da Greedy, and more im- it will be a great service that will not be forgotten. Eventual-
portantly his helmet. Then it turns and runs off. ly the dwarfs will find its rightful owners in Barak-Varr, the
Sternhorn clan, a warrior clan.
Quick, while they fight
With the boss dead the goblins fall in disarray and start to
squabble about leadership and whose fault it was the troll The main reward is of course the rune helmet. Realistically
got in without anyone knowing. it should fetch several hundred gold crowns in payment but
give the PCs offers of an amount that works in your cam-
This makes a perfect time for the PCs to escape. Get out of
paign, the lower it is the more likely they are to just keep it
the camp. Let some goblins throw the odd attack their way
but that is not a bad thing.
as they do but generally this should not be much of a prob-
lem. Apart from this give exp as normal, offering extra for saving
Serans life if they did and for any bright ideas they had,
Tracking the troll here you can allow them for the planned attack even if it
didn’t quite work out as planned.
Now you may want to hint that even a trolls gastronomic
abilities won’t destroy a magic item instantly, if they hurry
they may get to it and cut the helmet out of the troll.
Should the group have someone with track or have Seran
with them following the track can be done without a test.
Should they lack it a navigation test at –10 can lead them to
the troll. If failed further ones can be taken but should they
fail four times they will be too late when they find the troll
and the item destroyed allready.
Norscan Troll
(Trollae Chaotica Frigus)
Also known as Snow Trolls, Norscan Trolls are a form of NORSCAN TROLL (RUNT)
chaos trolls from the frozen mountains of Norsca where
they have mutated to adapt to the harsh cold. From their M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
heads grow large curved horns while their spiky scaled skin
6 30 15 55 45 10 15 15 10 25 5 38
insulates well against the cold, so well in fact that it is a
highly sought after material for clothing amongst the Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Melee (Basic) 40,
Norscan tribes and even the Norse Dwarfs. The Norscan Endurance 55, Swim 60
godi Eyri Goldfinger is famous for their pet Norscan Troll Traits: Armour 3, Bestial, Bite +8, Born of Ice, Die Hard, Gut-
which has ben ‘killed’ and regenerated many times. burst 10, Horns +8, Hungry, Infected, Mental Corruption, Mu-
An adult norscan troll stands at roughly 12 feet (3,6m) in tation, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair),
length not taking into account the horns. Gnarly skin with Tough, Troll Tough, Weapon +9,
thick scales cover their back, arms and legs. The skin of the
norscan trolls is grey, usually dark grey.

Norscan trolls seem the most stable in their mutations of M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
the many sub-species of chaos trolls and as a result have 6 35 15 60 50 20 15 15 10 30 10 46
longer lifespans, often reaching more than a hundred years
Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
of age.
40, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45, Swim 65
Despite the name Norscan Trolls are not limited to Norsca
and are common in the northern wastes and in troll coun- Traits: Armour 3, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Born of Ice, Die Hard,
try. Warmer climates are disliked by these beasts but they Gutburst 9, Horns +9, Hungry, Infected, Mental Corruption,
can be found in the mountains of more southern lands. Mutation, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair),
Tough, Troll Tough, Weapon +10,
Norscan trolls live in packs varying much in size, from a few
individuals to as much as fifteen trolls. They rarely forage, NORSCAN TROLL (ADULT)
instead getting their food from scavenging and hunting.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Norscan trolls have the Chimera and Dread Maw as natural
predators. In Kulgur they are used and supposedly taste 6 40 20 65 55 25 20 20 15 35 15 46
much like common trolls. Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool
Norscan trolls are able to utilize tools and weaponry and 45, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 70
often grab simple weapons to wield. Traits: Armour 3, Bite +9, Born of Ice, Die Hard, Grim 1, Gut-
burst 8, Horns +9, Hungry, Infected, Mental Corruption, Muta-
tion, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough,
Troll Tough, Weapon +10,


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 45 25 70 60 30 25 25 20 40 20 54
Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool
50, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75

Traits: Armour 3, Bite +10, Born of Ice, Die Hard, Grim 2, Gut-
burst 7, Horns +10, Hungry, Infected, Mental Corruption, Mu-
tation, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair),
Tough, Troll Tough, Weapon +11,
Between a Græling and his trolls
Mini-adventure featuring Norscan Trolls

Adventure Summary with shields and axes. This horde is known for their disci-
pline amongst their own but it soon becomes clear this is
This is an adventure set in Norsca on the Bjornling lands. compared to the even more reckless nature of other ma-
The Bjornlings have trouble with the Græling raids once rauders.
again and to deal with it an army has been raised utilizing Ragnars Riders: Fifteen marauder horsemen led by the
plenty of mercenaries, amongst these the PCs. An open war brave Ragnar. These riders are devotees of the Kislev god
may be coming but there are smarter ways to fight. Scout- Tor, a worship picked up in exploration made by their tribe.
ing reveals the many Norscan Trolls of the enemy. This
could mean defeat for the Bjornlings but an idea is had. Glenn Hydrabanes Reavers: Glenn Hydrabane is a chaos
warrior carrying a flaming sword which he put to good use
If the trolls can be made to stampede the Græling armies slaying a Naggaroth hydra aboard a corsair ship of the dark
greatest advantage will turn to a weakness and their defeat elves. Then with his reavers the elven vessel was claimed
should be ensured. The PCs get involved in this plan and and sailed back to Norsca. With his twenty reavers he now
should they succeed it builds their mercenary renown. takes mercenary work in his homeland while saving up for
another expedition.
Skorvak Stonefoots Quarrellers: This group of thirteen
The Bjornlings are a Norscan tribe which lives by trade, norse dwarfs stand armed with crossbows and provide the
fishing, and raiding -- adapting by circumstance and the mercenary army with some well-needed ranged power.
whim of the gods. During times of hardship or
when Chaos waxes strong in the north, the Bjornlings are The Devoted of Olof Lemmlestarn
warlike and contemptuous of the soft southern folk of
the Old World. However, during times of peace, the This Græling raiding force outnumbers the Bjornling mer-
Bjornlings are one of the few northern tribes which willing- cenaries two-to-one not counting their sizeable group of
ly put down their axes in pursuit of trade and exploration, thirty Norscan trolls. Their leader is infamous for his blood-
making them some of the greatest sailors and explorers of thirsty nature and tendency to punish those that fail him
the north. through murder.

Grælings Starting the Adventure

The Grælings is a norscan tribe famed for their conflicts Start the adventure with the PCs in the employ of Gunhilds
with the Bjornlings and their devotion to the dark gods, hired marauders or by being hired by them. Quickly let
something they call out the Bjornlings for lacking. The them know the forces on their side and their mission (stop
Grælings current great jarl is Haargroth the Blooded, a a Græling raiding force).
mighty champion of Khorne whom the tribes Vitki all agree
will become a great lieutenant in the final war for the
Scouts needed
world. Scouting of the enemy force is needed and two groups are
dispatched for this, Ragnars Riders and the PCs. A redun-
Jarlinna Gunhilds Hired Maraud- dancy perhaps but such are important in war. Here let the
ers players scout and learn the enemy numbers. Let them chose
the safer option of observing from afar or the dangerous
The jarl Gunhild is a mighty mercenary general of the choice of sneaking near to get a better look.
Bjornlings. As a young girl her home was taken and her con-
Should they fail Gunhild will be disappointed in them but
trol lost. She fled south and took employ amongst the mer-
Ragnars Riders will still have gotten enough to make two
cenary navies of Tilea. Having worked as a hired sword in
things clear:
the Tobaro fleet for a decade she has experience of south-
ern warfare and mercenary work. Now she is back in her • The enemy outnumber us: A pitched battle will be
own lands and continue her work as a mercenary until she to our disadvantage.
has amassed enough gold to hire her own army and retake • The enemy has a large pack of Norscan Trolls at
her ancestral hillfort. their command: This too bodes ill.
The Skjöld Shieldsmen: A group of sixty marauders armed
Plans formed Norscan troll. The sounds and bodies raise suspicion (+1 to
further rolls on the table, stacks).
Gunhild will listen to the scouts reports and come to a con- Once these tests have been done and the PCs hopefully sur-
clusion. The trolls must be turned from a strength to a vived to reach the location to set ablaze and if they do as-
weakness. If they could be disrupted and made to stampede sume most other saboteurs did too. Then comes the stam-
the Grælings will be weakened and the Bjornlings could pede itself and the escape.
win. How to do it is in the basics fairly easy. Cause a large
fire in the Græling camp and the trolls will come to panic. Troll Stampede and blazing infer-
Sabotaging an enemy camp however isn´t an easy task.
The different elements of the mercenary force will be uti-
lized for this. Once the fire spreads the trolls panic. Now the PCs must run
through a burning camp while dodging panicking trolls and
Skorvak Stonefoots Quarellers will set up hidden lookout burning debris. This part can be as difficult or easy as you
posts to keep check from afar and potentially send a bolt at as a GM wants to make it and I will not go into details here.
the right moment. They are not good at sneaking but their As for marauder patrols, they will be busy with the fire and
night-vision makes them great for keeping watch. trolls now.
Ragnars Riders will be ready as a relief force, though it
must be said they can´t fight a large enemy force. They can´t Græling Marauders
take the mission of starting a fire, their horses are not quiet
A Marauder, is one of the numerous barbari-
and would get spooked by the trolls.
an Human warriors of the north, usually drawn from the
This leaves Glenns Reavers, the Skjold Shieldsmen and the tribes of Norsca, who are dedicated to the worship of Chaos.
PCs to start fires. Glenn is a mighty warrior but not very Their predilection for violence, theft and bloodthirsty sav-
stealthy. Set up a few groups of saboteurs and let the PCs agery earned them this name from the civilised inhabitants
have part in discussing the plan. of the Old World.

Executing the plan However, amongst their own people, they are known simp-
ly as "warriors," and in the rare times of peace, they often
Once the plan is decided its time to execute it. Stealth is the serve their clans as guardians and hunters.
name of the game and if fires can be set up to quickly take
hold the troll stampede may well come to be.

To get in position a number of stealth tests are needed (3-7, M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
depending on how difficult you want to make it). Each 4 40 30 40 40 30 30 30 30 40 30 16
failed test causes a consequence. Roll a d10 to see what.
1: A close call causes stress and exhaustion. The PCs gain a
Skills: Athletics 40, Climb 50, Consume Alcohol 50, Cool 50,
fatigue each.
Language (Norse) 40, Outdoor Survival 40, Melee (Basic) 50,
2-4: They are spotted and attacked by a small patrol of ma- Melee (Flail) 50, Animal Care 40, Endurance 50, Language
rauders (half the number of PCs, rounded up). The sounds (Battle Tongue) 40, Melee (Two-handed) 50, Ranged (Thrown)
and bodies raise suspicion (+1 to further rolls on the table, 40, Ride (Horse) 40
Talents: Frenzy, Iron Jaw
5-6: Suspicions of their activities are raised. –10 to further
stealth tests (stacks) and +1 to further rolls on this table Traits: Armour 1, Weapon +8
(also stacks).
7-10: They are spotted and attacked by a patrol of maraud-
ers (equal to the number of PCs). The sounds and bodies Rewards should be granted for completing the mission with
raise suspicion (+1 to further rolls on the table, stacks). few complications and for coming up with good ideas.

11-12: They are spotted and attacked by a large patrol of

marauders (equal to twice the number of PCs). The sounds
and bodies raise suspicion (+1 to further rolls on the table,

13+: They are spotted and attacked by a deadly patrol of

marauders (equal to twice the number of PCs) joined by a
Plaguewood Troll
(Trollae Vomitus)
Plaguewood is an area within Troll Country named after PLAGUEWOOD TROLL (RUNT)
being the dumping ground for bodies during a plague cen-
turies ago. It is an area near Trovolek with a high popula- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
tion of trolls and wolves. Plaguewood trolls are known for
5 30 25 55 40 10 15 15 10 20 5 38
their copious vomit believed to be at least in part from their
diet. Vomit they are able to launch far further than other Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 55, Swim
trolls, giving them the nickname Plaguewood Hurlers. 60

An adult Plaguewood troll stands at roughly 11 and a half Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Farflung Vomit,
feet (3,5m) in length with short stubby legs. They have hair Goblob, Gutburst 6, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size
on their heads and armpits. Scales tend to cover legs, arms (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit,
and back leaving the gut and chest relatively bare. Weapon +9,

Plaguewood trolls tend to be around ninety years old. Like PLAGUEWOOD TROLL (YOUNGSTER)
most trolls they grow their entire life.

Plaguewood Trolls are not very widespread but they are M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
found outside Plaguewood even if that is not common. Oth- 6 35 25 60 45 20 15 15 10 25 10 40
er places in Troll Country and some places in Kislev have
found these trolls. Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
Plaguewood Trolls live in packs ranging from a few individ- 35, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45, Swim 65
uals to near twenty. Plaguewood trolls are primarily scav- Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Farflung
engers and foragers and the roots of their diet create even Vomit, Goblob, Gutburst 5, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size
more stomach acid than other trolls, making them a deadly (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit,
Weapon +10
Plaguewood trolls have few natural predators as even crea-
tures large enough to kill them tend to avoid eating them
and their limited range ensures they don´t often interact
with creatures that do hunt trolls. Chimera that come into M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
their lands will hunt them but few other beings will.
6 40 30 65 50 25 20 20 15 30 15 46
Plaguewood trolls can use simple tools but most of them do
not. Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool
40, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 70

Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Farflung

Vomit, Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Regener-
ate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough,
Vomit, Weapon +10


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 45 30 70 55 30 25 25 20 35 20 48

Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool

45, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75

Traits: Armour 2, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Farflung Vom-

it,Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate,
Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vom-
it, Weapon +11
Trovoleks Fate
Mini-adventure featuring Plaguewood Trolls

Adventure Summary came to find decent folk as well. By the time his wounds
had healed he had no desire in returning to the empire and
The village of Trovolek, lays by the edge of Plaguewood in so he took up a life in Trovolek, eventually becoming some-
Troll Country. The many trolls of Plaguewood has been a thing of a community leader. With a rite of the seers his
trouble for them but with large fires have been kept out. spirit animal was found, the wolf.
Now rumour says the Troll King has set his sight on the vil-
lage and panic spreads. The leader of the village, Kulen the
Wolf, tries to calm the defenders, Throgg has not been seen
in the Plaguewoods, a rumour should not be enough to M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
frighten them he says. However, Biletongue, a vassal of the 4 50 50 30 50 50 30 30 30 50 50 18
trollking taught some basic language, turn up outside the
town. He offers an ultimatum, leave the town within a week Skills: Athletics 50, Climb 50, Cool 70, Dodge 50, Endurance 70,
and the trolls will let them go. Else, he will crush the city. Language (Battle) 50, Melee (Basic) 70, Play (Drum) 35, Con-
Now the question is, fight or flee. And how to convince oth- sume Alcohol 55, Gamble 35, Gossip 60, Melee (Fencing) 55,
ers to follow this path, neither fighting or fleeing is likely to Ranged (Blackpowder) 70, Outdoor Survival 50, Intuition 60,
be a good idea if going for it alone. Leadership 60, Perception 60, Navigation 60, Lore (Warfare)
Talents: Warrior Born, Drilled, Unshakable, Stout-Hearted
Some brave citizens of the Empire have travelled far from
Trappings: Pistol with 12 shots, Handweapon, Full leather ar-
civilized lands to establish their own way of life, free from
mour, Chainmail coat, Chestplate, Plate Leggings
authority and taxes. This is how the village of Trovolek in
the chilly lands of Troll Country came to be. It is a small Starting the Adventure
community by the Plaguewood next to the river Kalti. The
village relies on their skilled huntsmen for survival. At The adventure starts in the small village of Trovolek deep
times small groups journey to Kislev to sell pelts and troll- within Troll Country. Why the players are there can vary
skins for tools and weapons, but most of the time they live but any travel through Troll Country can reasonably bring
in their small community with little contact with outsiders. them upon this small settlement and you can change the
exact location within Troll Country to better fit.
But an existence free of taxes is not the only thing special
with Trovolek, they have their own tradition of magic, the
Seers of Trovolek. They too are a reason they left their old
What is this place?
homes in the forest of shadows and went to Troll Country, The people of Trovolek will be a bit suspicious of the adven-
for had the witchhunters found them then the village would turers at first, rarely getting visitors. However they will still
have burnt. The seers are scryers calling upon more than welcome them and share food and housing with them.
one wind to find truths of the future. Some say they are fall-
en hedgewises and perhaps its true, some say their teach- Here the PCs will meet the mystic Seers, twelve in total, and
ings hail from the cyclops of mist-shrouded Albion, some they may react to them as they see fitting. It is clearly not a
say the hags of Kislev use them as conduits through old magic tradition they know of from before. They will claim
rites. The truth is no-one knows their true origin, even the to know little of what their magic is and where it comes
seers themselves find it obscured in their minds and vi- from, this is true, even from their scrying their origins are
sions. hidden.

Kulen the Wolf

Kulen the wolf was once a captain of the empire. Left
wounded after an attack in troll country he was found by
the seers of Trovolek and saved. He was brought to Trovo-
lek and nursed back to help. Here he found a like of the
hard but simple life. The seers whom he first found eerie as
unlicenced magic-users he got more understanding of and
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Rallying the peoples spirits to fight is possible, some don’t
4 30 30 30 30 40 30 30 40 40 30 13 want to and Kulen will act to ensure they can’t flee and
must stay and fight.
Skills: Intuition 60, Perception 50, Evaluate 50, Language
The village has 102 people in it and they can be rallied.
(Magick) 60, Channelling (Mystic Powers of the Trovolekian
There are no walls around the village but a series of firepits
Seers) 60, Lore (Prophecy) 60
surround it on the edges not facing the water, when lit it
Talents: Arcane Magic (Hedgecraft), Witch Rank 3, Petty Mag- usually keeps trolls away, this time it won’t scare them off
ic, Aethyric Attunement Rank 2, Second Sight, Sixth Sense but will do two things, first it will ensure fire is nearby and
torches and other items can be lit quickly. Secondly the heat
Petty Spells: Bearings, Purify Water, Warning
will be uncomfortable for nearby trolls, giving trolls by the
Spells: Dark Vision, Nephente, Part the Branches, The Evil Eye edges a –10 penalty to all rolls. The attack will be by forty
(Witchcraft), The First Portent of Amul (Heavens), Beast trolls led by Biletongue (see Dramatis Trollae), giving quite
tongue (Beasts) poor odds. But smart use of fire and tactics can turn things
to the villages favour.
Trappings: Robes, Quarterstaff

Rumours and Whispers The Propchecy

The day after Biletongue gave his message a seer gains a
Rumours start to spread in the village about Throgg, that
vision. He moves up and addresses all.
the Troll King has noticed the village and will take it. Fear
and panic grows. Kulen will focus on trying to calm people "When the stone’s roll splits the shadow, seek the exile be-
now, saying it is but a rumour. neath the thorned canopy. In the depths where two fell,
strength waits in solitude. The beast who once defied shall
Seeking out the rumour can bring them to the Seer Johann,
whisper of rebellion’s flame. Find the broken king, for his strug-
he has told people of it as he saw this in a vision. He told
gle may yet shift the balance."
Kulen but Kulen thought people should not know. If con-
fronted about it Kulen says that he indeed didn’t want to These cryptic words are very unlikely to tell the players
tell people as it wasn’t certain and he knew it would cause much but they speak of Vrashnak (see Dramatis Trollae). It
panic. is not fully impossible they understand that there is a lone
beast that could shift the balance in the forest. Seeking a
You have one Week troll in the plaguewoods is a suicidal prospect but not an
impossible one.
Regardless how the rumours are dealt with after two days a
huge troll approaches with a small pack. He stays on a cliff There are plenty of trolltracks in the plaguewood and tests
overlooking Trovolek. He calls out to them. of tracking can let one find one that moves in solitude. The
village has plenty of hunters so should the players lack this
skill then convincing one to help is an option.
LEAVE THROGG PROMISE YOU CAN LEAVE!” Should they find Vrashnak this way then he can be tricked
to work with them. Any words of helping him take on
This troll is Biletongue, he doesn’t understand why Throgg
Biletongue will be met with poorly disguised enthusiasm.
bothers with all this rather than just send them in to kill,
but he doesn’t need to know why. He follows orders. Should Vrashnak join them for the final fight he will go for
Throggs plan is to turn the humans on each other by this Biletongue and the two trolls fight. Play this fight out.
offer, letting those that wish to leave struggle against those Each round the two trolls fight other trolls get confused and
that want to stay and fight. After the message is left the one troll wanders off each round (starting with ones not
trolls return to the woods. engaged).
Now they are left with two main options, fight or flight.
Flight If they fled then the next step is to find a home accepting
Kulen is opposed to the idea of fleeing and will try to stop the seers to let the village start again. Should they fight then
others from it too, rallying his men to prevent escape, say- the survivors are not yet safe either, even if they won.
ing they must hold united and flee. If he is taken out of ac- Throgg may send more trolls or even go himself to subju-
tion then leaving will be possible, as will leaving by stealth gate the place.
of course. Here the challenge won’t be the trolls but those
that want to fight, led by Kulen.
River Troll
(Trollae Shugon Palus)
A River Troll is a distinct breed of Trolls that live almost RIVER TROLL (RUNT)
exclusively within dirty rivers, marshes and other foul wa-
ters. River trolls are infamous for their smell, while most
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
trolls smell horridly river trolls take it to another level and
few can tolerate their stench. 5 35 15 50 50 10 15 15 10 15 5 32

An adult river troll stands at roughly 10 and a half feet Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 55, Swim
(3,2m) in length with a sizable gut and round apperance. 60
The ears are fin-like and their hearing tends to be pretty
bad above water. Fishlike scales cover most of their body Traits: Amphibious, Armour 1, Bestial, Bite +8, Block, Die Hard,
but leaves the gut and chest open with but their slimy skin Goblob, Gutburst 6, Infected, Night Vision, Regenerate, Rotten
covering it. A long dorsal fin runs across their backs. Some Stench, Size (Large), Stupid, Swamp-Strider, Territorial (Lair),
River Trolls have been observed with bioluminescent lan- Vomit +9, Weapon +9
terns hanging from their heads similar to those of angler
fish. There is an ongoing argument for if these should be
considered their own species or not.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
River trolls can be up to a hundred and twenty years old.
6 40 15 55 55 20 15 15 20 20 5 34
Like most trolls they grow their entire life and can in non-
extreme cases (for extremes, see Giant Troll Hag) they can
Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 60, Cool
get up to 13 feet in height when old.
35, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 65
River trolls have spread far across the world. Greenskins
often bring them for Waaagh!s and as these are defeated Traits: Amphibious, Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +8, Block, Die Hard,
the river trolls seek out the closest fitting water and take up Full o’ Fish & Worse, Goblob, Gutburst 5, Infected, Night Vi-
residency there. sion, Regenerate, Rotten Stench, Size (Large), Stupid, Swamp-
Strider, Territorial (Lair), Vomit +9, Weapon +9
River trolls mostly live as loners but gather in packs at
times, especially when a large body of stale water can sup- RIVER TROLL (ADULT)
port them in numbers. River trolls are omnivorous crea-
tures, they forage, eat carcasses and hunt. The latter as am- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
bush predators. River trolls are also creatures that prefer
6 45 20 60 60 25 20 20 25 25 5 40
their food “ripened” by water and they tend to store any
Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool
land-based meat they acquire underwater until it begins to
40, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 55, Swim 70
rot to eat it then.
Traits: Amphibious, Armour 2, Bite +9, Die Hard, Full o’ Fish &
River trolls have almost no natural predators. They do not
share territory with the truly massive sea beasts. Bog octo- Worse, Goblob, Grim 1, Gutburst 4, Infected, Night Vision,
pi mostly knows to stay away from them as does plenty of Regenerate, Rotten Stench, Size (Large), Stupid, Swamp-
other marshland predators. There are a few exceptions Strider, Territorial (Lair), Vomit +10, Weapon +10
however, but it is not large beasts able to devour them
whole that prey upon them. No their most deadly predator
is the Lustrian fireleech, a bloodsucker whose slime reacts M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
violently with air to set it ablaze, driving their prey back
6 50 25 65 65 30 25 25 30 30 5 52
into the water. In Lustria trolls have been found dead rid-
dled with these leeches whom they are unable to defend Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool
against. In Kulgur they tend to be washed thoroughly and 45, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75
then well marinated before being cooked.
Traits: Amphibious, Armour 2, Bite +9, Die Hard, Full o’ Fish &
River trolls are capable of tool use and utilize branches and Worse, Goblob, Grim 2, Gutburst 3, Infected, Night Vision,
stones as weapons. When accompanying greenskins they Overwhelming Stench, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid,
are often made deadlier weapons which they gladly accept Swamp-Strider, Territorial (Lair), Vomit +10, Weapon +10
and wield.
Hungry Troll and the Gobbos
Mini-adventure featuring a river troll

Adventure Summary hill, 80 yards (ca 73m) from the village, a community jetty
affixes a couple of fishing boats, and a ferry that helps trav-
This is an adventure set in the Furdienst by the river Reik ellers cross the Furdienst for a fee. Though south of the
near, and potentially in, the village of Schattenlas. For a long Reik, the village’s allegiance is to Middenland, and to Leo-
time the small goblin band “Da Rotten Teef” had been pold von Bildhofen in nearby Carroburg.
dwelling in the Furdienst bogs in a relative quiet life. Steal-
ing a bit of food when they could and keeping out of the Da Rotten Teef
paws of the nearby river troll. Unimaginatively named ‘Da
The goblin tribe known as ‘Da Rotten Teef’ are a tribe of
Troll’. But this changed one day when a lone orc came wan-
around 50 goblins. They tribe has dwelt in the furdienst a
dering and found them. Zkun da Kunnin was his name and
long time and been little trouble. They have occasionally
by killing the boss of “Da Rotten Teef” he quickly took over.
made a wrecking attempt or tried stealing food but their
Zkun is smart for a greenskin and while he finds the goblins
naughtier ambitions tends to be quelled by their general
he’s leading painfully dumb and incompetent he still man-
ages to get some good use of them. With a wish to take bet-
ter land he has planned to attack Schattenlas but to do so he For a Rotten Teef goblin use the goblin rules from the core
needs power. The troll. rulebook (pg 326).

To get the troll dangerous and willing enough he had the Zkun da Kunnin
goblins construct a dam so no more fish gets to the troll.
Zkun da kunnin is an orc who recently moved here and took
Making it more and more hungry as its food dwindles, even-
over the goblin tribe. He is cunning and ambitious. He often
tually forcing it out to seek food. Then when it does, a few
grumbles about the stupidity and uselessness of the goblins
tasty goblins will lead it towards Schattenlas where the troll
under his command.
can fight with the militia until the village defence is weak
enough for a goblin assault. Zkun uses the rules for an orc (core rulebook pg 325) with
the optional trait ‘Ranged +8 (50)’ and ‘Goblob’ traits. In
However, the plan is not quite ready when some fenmen
addition he has increased stats, his Int is 40 and his Initia-
say they have seen strange goblin activity. One of them got
tive 30.
caught but the others talk of some greenskin constructions
and an orc having been seen. And the troll moving about. If
the PCs act well they can stop it before the troll attack
Starting the Adventure
starts, otherwise a defence of the village can be needed This adventure starts with the players in Schattenlas or
which is likely to lead to high casualties. passing by the village. A group of fishermen, farmers and
fenmen are standing out in the town discussing loudly
The Furdienst about goblins and threats. Some say that ‘Da Rotten Teef’
goblins have never been a true threat and that there is no
Between the subdivided channels of the River Reik, be-
cause for worry. Others state their activity recently is
tween Carroburg and Neutossen, lies a misty, treacherous,
strange and that they should not be underestimated. The
odious, unnavigable bog. The Furdienst is mostly but not
goblins are not smart and not very tough but they are very
entirely a morass of reeds, rushes, and slurping marsh. Eve-
hungry and very naughty. A man in the crowd, a hunter
ry now and again, one can find a leafless tree, rock for-
who went out in the swamp and called the unofficial meet-
mation, or sunken ruin, to help orient you through the bog.
ing to be, tells of a dam he saw they had built and how his
But that is not all, the swamp is a sink of dark magic, pool-
friend and fellow huntsman got caught by the goblins, eaten
ing beneath the stagnant surface and around the remains of
and added to the dam. He also says he saw an orc. At hear-
submerged peoples.
ing about orcs the villagers start to worry a fair bit more
Schattenlas and since the adventurers are there they ask, practically
begging, for them to go and check it out and see if
The village of Schattenlas is little more than a dozen family it is a serious threat. Perhaps even
farmhouses and a granary, built atop a rare patch of high wreck the damn to
ground protected from flooding. Wood rots fast this close to keep the
the Furdienst, so the buildings are raised on stone founda- goblins
tions, and their roofs thatched with reeds. At the base of the busy.
Getting there the former dam and starts attacking adventurers and gob-
lins alike. The troll will continue to stuff itself while prey is
Tracking through the swamp is tough and difficult with near, then go back to its lair. The plan has been stopped for
swarms of mosquitoes constantly bothering the PCs. What now but if Zkun remains he will try a new scheme in the
is worth, in defence against a stealthy approach Zkun has future.
set up watchposts. These are very simple ones, consisting of
a pair of goblins on a stone that keeps a lookout. These gob- Returning to report
lins are mostly bored and don’t do their job all that well
Returning to report gets the PCs thanks from the villagers
since the boss isn’t around so they reckon they’ll get away
and will set up discussions of a plan. Let tactics be talked
with slacking off. Also there’s a bunch of tasty mosquitoes
for a while. However as the PCs were returning the troll had
and catching and eating those seems a way more worth-
risen from the swamp and was being led towards the vil-
while endeavour. PCs that wish to sneak past them can test
lage. During the discussions a high pitched call of “Waaagh!”
Stealth (Rural) at +20 against the goblins perception.
is heard as a goblin rushes from a river troll which scoops it
Should the goblins detect the adventurers then they will
up and launches it into the wall of the nearest building. A
frightened flee back to camp to get friends. If they get away
fight breaks out. Large amounts of greenskins attack and
then the camp will be ready for an attack and not get sur-
villagers rush out to defend. For the pace of the fight and
prised conditions from a sneak attack. There will be three
the sanity of the GM it is recommended you break up the
outposts like this on the way to the damn.
battle into two parts, the one that affects the PCs and the

The Dam rest. The one that affects the PCs should have the troll, Zkun
and a few villagers and goblins. If the fight runs low on vil-
Reaching the dam they see a ramschakle mix of stones, lagers reinforce with some and do the same for goblins if
trees, weed, mud and more that keeps the water from flow- they run low. The part that doesn’t involve the PCs you
ing downstream. A bunch of goblins are adding to the dam simply ignore.
but do so with little finesse, just placing bits and pieces eve- Villagers use the rules for humans (pg 311, core rulebook)
rywhere with little understanding for how things are sup- in this fight.
posed to stick together. There is 20 goblins by the dam, 20
goblins and one orc, Zkun. The greenskins speak to each The fight runs on until the troll is killed or driven away at
other in their crude language which the PCs likely don’t which point you let the goblins follow, and Zkun if he still
understand. lives.

At this point the plan is all but complete, goblins will soon Epilogue
report that the troll is rising in the swamp and the time has
come. The PCs don’t know this however. At this point there One way or another the troll is no longer a threat, either
are two main ways to deal with things. Attacking the dam from being killed, being fed, being driven off or from al-
themselves or returning to the village to report. ready having eaten the entire village and being sated. The
village will now look over damages and discuss the events.
Attacking the Dam They have little to reward the PCs with but can scrape to-
gether some money (GM decides appropriate amount). If
Attacking the dam themselves is dangerous, the PCs will be Zkun da Kunnin survives he returns to the tribe and starts
gravely outnumbered. But the guards are not skilled, the to think over a new plan to take the village.
boss can be targeted and the dam has weaknesses. A PC
that takes some time to analyse the dam with an appropri- Rewards
ate skill (such as perception) can find a weakpoint that
could be exploited. Unless they were discovered on their Extra exp should be rewarded for keeping friendly casual-
trek there the PCs can launch a surprise attack, giving all ties low, for killing Zkun and for acing the stealthy ap-
the greenskins the surprised condition. The greenskins will proach.
fight back though the goblins are likely to turn tail and run
if things are going badly. Breaking the dam is easy if a
weakpoint is discovered, just attacking it with decent
enough force will work, the part will start breaking and
soon after the whole dam will collapse and flow down-
streams showering the troll with stones, sticks and debris,
angering it. A river troll (GM choses one fitting for PC skill
and desired challenge) now quickly moves up to the site of
Rock-Eater Troll
(Trollae Lapis Silex)

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 30 20 50 50 10 15 15 20 25 10 42

Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 60

Traits: Armour 3, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst

5, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 1, Night Vision, Regener-
ate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough,
Vomit, Weapon +9,
Rock-Eater Trolls differ very little from Stone Trolls but
have one trait that marks them different. A symbiotic rela- ROCK-EATER TROLL (YOUNGSTER)
tionship with a subspecie of gnoblars, Rock-Eater gnoblars.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
A gnoblar specie that like stonetrolls (and rock-eater trolls)
have stones in their diet and a natural magic resistance. 6 35 20 55 55 20 15 15 25 30 15 44

An adult Rock-Eater troll stands at roughly 13 feet (ca 4m) Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 65, Cool
in length with long gangly limbs. The nose and ears are 40, Dodge 20, Melee (Basic) 45
larger than on most types of trolls. Scales cover all but the Traits: Armour 4, Bestial, Bite +8, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
gut of a Rock-Eater Troll. Rock-Eater Trolls are grey or burst 4, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 2, Night Vision,
brown-grey in skincolour. It is unknown how old they can Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll
get. Tough, Vomit, Weapon +9
Rock-Eater Trolls are found in the mountains of the Border-
Princes and Badlands in subterranean lairs and large packs
of up to twenty trolls and sometimes as much as a hundred
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
rock-eater gnoblars.
6 40 25 60 60 25 20 20 25 35 20 52
Rock-Eater trolls have learnt to use tools and weapons
Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 70, Cool
though they often get hungry and eat them.
45, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 50

Traits: Armour 4, Bite +9, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim

ROCK-EATER GNOBLAR (MINION) 1, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 3, Night Vision, Regener-
ate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough,
Vomit, Weapon +10
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 20 20 15 15 50 30 40 20 20 20 4 ROCK-EATER TROLL (LARGE)
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Traits: Armour 1, Bite +2, Dark Vision, Magical Resistance (2),
Size (Small), Weapon +5 6 45 30 65 70 30 25 25 30 40 25 58

TROLL-MINION: The creature ignores fear as long as it fights Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 80, Cool
alongside an allied troll. 50, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 60

Traits: Armour 4, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 3,

Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 4, Night Vision,
Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll
Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10
The wondrous king of troll
Mini-adventure featuring Rockeater Trolls

Adventure Summary typical of the Border Princes. As the walls reach tall and
most want to live in the town rather than in the more dan-
This is an adventure set in the Border Princes. Rumours are gerous parts outside some have taken to attach their homes
circulating about a king of trolls rising to power amongst to the wall, hanging out from it precariously, first to fall
the Rockeater trolls in the area. The PCs are offered money should the foe bring siege engines but until then kept high
to investigate these rumours and report back. above the various skirmishes that at times plague the place.
Rather than stop it for the trouble it causes them the army
Several clues they find seem to suggest the rumour is true
takes an extra tax of these homes to line their pockets. And
but the king is hard to find. Eventually they learn the ru-
these houses are not just a problem, the people in them
mour was in fact not true at all, there is no troll king here,
want the town safe too so during sieges they happily drop
no coordination, no-one uniting the trolls into a force.
rocks and boiling water from their windows onto oncoming
They report back but the prince is unconvinced and gets forces. Stollheim's land is harsh and rocky, making crop
angry at them. cultivation a constant struggle. However, the resilient in-
habitants have adapted, turning to herding hardy goats and
Zarkov Stoll sheep that can thrive in the sparse vegetation and steep
Zarkov Stoll is the Border Prince of Stollheim, he took the
name Stoll after gaining control of this fortress town, previ- The town’s marketplace is a bustling hub, filled with traders
ously known as Zarkov Sukken. Prince Zarkov Stoll is a vol- bartering goods brought in from more fertile regions.
atile and ambitious ruler. He is in his mid-40s, with a stocky Stollheim controls several vital trade routes that intersect
build, a thick black beard streaked with grey, and piercing near the fortress, making it a crucial node for commerce
blue eyes. His temper is as unpredictable as the weather in despite its inhospitable environment. Freshwater springs
the Border Princes, swinging from moments of grand gen- nearby provide a precious resource, jealously guarded and
erosity and camaraderie to fits of rage and paranoia. Zarkov carefully rationed.
ascended to power through a combination of shrewd alli-
ances and ruthless tactics. His rule is marked by constant Starting the adventure
efforts to expand his territory and influence, often leading
The adventure starts with the players in or near Stollheim
to conflicts with neighboring princes. Zarkov is deeply inse-
but if possible it would be good to build it up with rumours
cure about his position, fearing betrayal and unrest, which
of the troll king mentioned in passing in the sessions lead-
fuels his erratic behavior.
ing up to get here. Stollheim itself can be set pretty much
ZARKOV STOLL –BORDER PRINCE GOLD 1 anywhere within the Border Princes.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

Rumours about
4 40 30 40 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 14 During and before the adventure let the PCs hear rumours
about there being a troll king and about him. Below are
some examples but feel free to add more.
Skills: Intimidate 50, Leadership 50, Lore (Stollheim) 35, Melee
(Brawling) 50, Melee (Two-handed) 50, Language (Khazalid) "They say the Troll King is ten feet tall and as strong as a dozen
35, Bribery 45, Entertain (Boasts) 45, Ranged (Crossbow) 40, men. His skin is as hard as granite, and no weapon can pierce
Charm 45, Consume Alcohol 35, Haggle 50, Gamble 35, Evalu- it."
ate 35
"Rumor has it the Troll King can command other trolls with just
Talents: Menacing, Criminal, Kingpin a roar. They follow his every command without question."

Stollheim "They say the Troll King lives in a cavern filled with treasure.
Gold, jewels, and magical artifacts collected over centuries."
Stollheim is a fortress town built around a central strong- "There's talk that the Troll King has allied with a powerful sor-
hold, perched precariously on a rocky outcrop that com-
cerer. Together, they plan to conquer the entire Border Princ-
mands a strategic view of the rugged valley below. The
town’s high, thick walls are a testament to its defensive
strength, designed to withstand the frequent skirmishes
"Some whisper that the Troll King has an army of rock-eater
gnoblars who act as his spies, infiltrating villages and towns."
Gearing up
At a point a group of six rockeater trolls are seen carrying
"Some believe the Troll King can control the very earth, causing
weapons that seem finer than anything the gnoblars could
earthquakes and landslides to trap his foes."
help them craft. Fine metalstudded clubs.
"There's a story that the Troll King's lair is protected by ancient
They indeed do have these, taken from a group of Ogre
dwarven traps, which he learned to navigate and use against
Ironguts. The ogres had been hired to protect a caravan but
where overwhelmed by the large pack of trolls and gno-
"There's a rumor that the Troll King has a human advisor who blars. The trolls then took the weapons. Evaluate or Lore
betrayed his own people for a share of the trolls' power and (Ogres) if successfully tested can identify these weapons as
wealth." being of ogre make.

"I’ve heard that the Troll King’s roar can shatter stone and The Ritualsite
deafen anyone who hears it, making it impossible to fight
back." A large group of hundreds of corpses, humans and dwarfs,
are found. Their remains have a symbol carved into each
“Hey I heard you were ex- skull. It seems a ritualistic murder. Who could have done
this but the trollking?
pend...uhm...I meant experienced”
Well, the Maggotlord Thamurkhan and his followers. His
The rumours have of coursed reached Zarkov too and he passing through the Border Princes devastated the lands a
does what many border princes do in such situations. He few years back. The Maggotlord did not dwell long in these
hires some expendable mercenaries to help. His gaze falls lands but one of his chieftains fought a battle here. The bod-
upon the PCs and he invites them to his castle. Here he will ies of the dwarfs and humans that opposed him had Nurgles
offer them payment for investigating these rumours and rune carved into their heads and where then buried to
report back after their scouting. He is in a good mood at this spread plagues, the ritual thankfully failed. Now rockeater
time and offers a very fair price. gnoblars smelt that there was buried meat in them here
hills and dug them up, the stench of the bodies made them
Scouting about can lead them to the several clues. The or-
not eat them however and they left. The players may recog-
der is not set, let tests with track, outdoor survival, percep-
nize the rune of nurgle either through experience in the
tion, endurance and climb lead their journeys. At times let
campaign or by Lore (Theology). Anyone with heal can rec-
small groups of rockeater gnoblars come upon them
ognize the bodies are years old and have been buried.
(numbering twice the PCs) for small skirmishes to make it
Those without it may notice the same with a successful in-
feel like they are hounded by the troll king. In reality they
telligence test.
are just numerous around here.

The Marks of the Lairs Lets report

These ‘clues’ once found are all the PCs find suggesting
There are three lairs of Rockeater Trolls within 12km of
there is a troll king. Eventually they’ll need to return and
Stollheim and each is marked with a strange symbol. Surely
a sign of cooperation between the trolls, proof of the king.
They have two choices now, tell Zarkov there likely is a troll
However, is it? Is it really? A character with ‘Language
king and explain their reasoning, or say there likely isn’t
(Khazalid)’ and Read/Write may test this language skill. On
one and explain their reasoning.
a success it shows him the rune is an old mark of claim for
mining made by dwarfs. Unrelated to the trolls that cur- If they say there likely is one and can give examples of why
rently dwell here. A ‘Lore (Dwarfs)’ test at –10 can give the they think so he will get angry that they don’t tell him
same knowledge. where the king is and sends them back to find out.
Inside the lairs are trolls and gnoblars minding their own If they say there likely isn’t one he will get furious and call
business, eating rocks. They will however attack the PCs if them lazy liars who refused to do their job.
they get near enough, a home delivered meal is nothing to
Either way it will turn out quite difficult to gain their pay
scoff at.
from him. If they convinced him to pay some in advance he
will insist they give it back.
Rockhide Troll
(Trollae Squamosus)
Rockhide Trolls are trolls common all over the Badlands. ROCKHIDE TROLL (RUNT)
They are often confused with stonetrolls due to their thick
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
scales but they are not a type of stone troll. They do not
have their diet of rocks nor their resistance to magic. 6 30 15 55 45 10 15 15 10 20 5 38

What gives them their name and makes them famous is Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 55, Swim
their rocky hard scales giving thick armour that protect 60
them and making them a valued asset for the local green-
skins. It is said that Mount Bloodhorn has a particularly Traits: Armour 4, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst
large amount of such trolls. 6, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territori-
al (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +9,
An adult Rockhide troll stands at roughly 14 feet (4,3m) in
length with short stubby legs. Large noses and flappy large ROCKHIDE TROLL (YOUNGSTER)
ears are found on them as well as scales covering almost all
of their bodies. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
It is unknown just how old Rockhide trolls can become but 6 35 15 60 50 20 15 15 10 25 10 44
theories set their ages around a hundred like common
trolls. Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
Rockhide trolls are not too numerous and rarely found out- 35, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45, Swim 65
side of the Badlands even though they often join the Traits: Armour 4, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
Waaagh!s of orcs and goblins for the vague promise of food. burst 5, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid,
Still food is plentiful enough in the Badlands and Rockhide Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10
Trolls rarely wander far by themselves, lacking such wan-
dering tendencies that make some other troll species far ROCKHIDE TROLL (ADULT)
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Rockhide trolls can be found as loners or in small packs and
6 40 20 65 55 25 20 20 15 30 15 46
do not seem to have a preference here. Sometimes they
even form combined packs with Rockmaw trolls. A troll Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool
pack tends to be fairly small, numbering between 3 and 6 40, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 70
Traits: Armour 4, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
Rockhide trolls have few predators, wyverns know not to burst 4, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large),
hunt them and dragons have not been seen in the Badlands Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon
for a long, long time (not counting a job Asarnil did for +10
prince Tutankhanut on an expedition there) .

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 45 25 70 60 30 25 25 20 35 20 52
Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool
45, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75

Traits: Armour 5, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst

4, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid,
Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +11
The Blight of Sha’ramun
Mini-adventure featuring Rockhide Trolls

Adventure Summary sesses a deep respect for Nehekharan craftsmanship and

history. Her primary motivation is to preserve and expand
This is an adventure set in the Southern Badlands. A village the glory of Nehekharan architecture, even in a small village
serving the Nehekaran city of Numas is beset by a plague like Sha’ramun.
and a desperate man from it approaches the players, asking
for their help in finding the herbs needed for a cure. They
have an idea of where to find them but the Badlands are M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
dangerous. 4 50 30 50 60 20 30 50 50 60 20 29
It turns out the area where they grow holds a pack of Rock-
hide trolls making it difficult to acquire the herbs. But hav-
ing gained them they return back, meeting bandits that try Skills: Athletics 35, Cool 80, Dodge 35, Endurance 80, Evaluate
to rob them of their valuables and the herbs. 70, Trade (Architect) 70, Haggle 30, Lore (Numas) 60, Percep-
tion 25, Leadership 25, Research 55, Intimidate 60, Trade
Sha’ramun (Stonecutter) 70, Melee (Basic) 53

Sha’ramun is a small, agrarian village nestled near the bor- Talents: Craftsman (Stonecutter), Sturdy, Read/Write, Tinker,
ders of Numas, one of the cities of Nehekhara. Known for its Hardy
fertile lands and devoted populace. The village retains a
Traits: Undead
semblance of the grandeur of its parent civilization, with
small pyramids, obelisks, and statues dedicated to the gods Flammable: Ablaze conditions deal double damage to Zafira.
of Nehekhara. Trappings: Armour of Bronze and cloth (2AP everywhere),
The village has a population of about 200 people, primarily Writing kit
farmers, craftsmen, and their families. Buildings in Sha’ra-
Enchanted Stonecutter Tools: Apart from working as stone-
mun are constructed from mudbrick and limestone,
cutter tools (in which case they add +3SL to tests of that trade)
adorned with hieroglyphs and carvings. The central square
these can be used as a magic handweapon with indestructible.
features a small but beautifully crafted temple dedicated to
Ptra. The people of the village are mortals but their leader
is not. Zafira the Necrotect acts as governess of the village
The Verdant Blight
and agent of Numas. The Verdant Blight is a reemerging virulent plague that has
struck the village of Sha’ramun. Known from ancient times,
Zafira the Necrotect it is a devastating disease linked to certain regions of Ne-
hekhara, particularly the Badlands. Historical records from
Zafira is a Necrotect, an undead architect and builder of
the time of Nehekhara’s great dynasties mention outbreaks
Nehekhara, who oversees the maintenance and construc-
of this plague and its cure: a rare herb found only in the
tion of the village’s Nehekharan-style buildings. Despite her
undead nature, Zafira resides in Sha’ramun, viewing the
villagers as a labor force necessary to her work. She is indif- Contraction: The plague is spread by touch. Touch a
ferent to their suffering from the plague, reasoning that diseased person or something they recently touched and
they can serve just as well in death. However, she is fiercely
you must succeed an endurance test at –20 or contract
protective of the village's infrastructure and has a vested
the plague.
interest in its stability.
Incubation: d5+4 days
Zafira appears as a tall, skeletal figure adorned in ancient
Nehekharan robes, intricately embroidered with hiero-
Duration: Until cured
glyphs and symbols of her craft. Her eyes glow with an ee- Symptoms: Blight, Malaise, Wounded
rie blue light, and she carries her old stonecutting tools eve- Special: The test to avoid developing a festering wound
rywhere, their enchantments making them potent weapons from wounded is at +40 rather than +20.
as well when needed.
Permanent: N/a
Zafira is cold, calculating, and pragmatic. She holds little Cure: The disease can be cured by an elixir made from
regard for the lives of the living, seeing them primarily as
tools to achieve her architectural visions. However, she pos-
Nekhbla they can be separated from the pack with some bait and
fought one by one if that is the plan. But stealth is likely the
In the annals of ancient Nehekharan texts, Nekhbla is better idea. Sneaking about and harvesting stealthily is very
revered as a sacred herb gifted by the gods to the people much possible. Alternatively getting the trolls food, luring
during times of great pestilence. According to legend, the them away with it and then harvesting in peace.
goddess Neru, protector of health and motherhood, re-
vealed the herb's location to a group of priests during a Bandits and the way back
devastating plague. These priests journeyed to the
On the way back the group is met by a group of bandits. It is
Badlands, braving numerous dangers to retrieve the herb
eight people in it, one of them is curiously an orc (he got
and bring it back to their afflicted city. The successful use of
lost and joined up with the bandits finding fighting fun).
Nekhbla to cure the plague solidified its legendary status
Run these as 7 Humans (Core rulebook pg 311) with the
among the Nehekharan healers. To the local goblins, the
elite optional trait and one Orc (Core rulebook pg 325) with
plant is known as Gromroot. They regard it as a rare and
the Elite and Clever optional traits.
powerful ingredient, often used in their crude potions and
brews. Gromroot is believed to grant temporary immunity They will ask for everything the PCs carry, the herbs includ-
to various poisons and diseases, a belief that has led to ed. The PCs can fight them now, flee, or alternatively they
fierce competition and even skirmishes over its possession. can give it up and go to the village for help.

Starting the Adventure Returned victorious

The adventure starts with the PCs near Numas either in the In they kept the herbs, fought or fled the bandits and re-
Badlands or the Land of the Dead. Here they will be seen turned then they have succeeded and get the agreed upon
and sought out by Sagi who tells of the village plight and reward.
offers them rewards for their help. They get brought to the
village. So they took our stuff...
Negotiations in Sha’ramun If they return and tell of the bandits as a reason they don’t
carry the herbs then the village will try to respond. They
In Sha’ramun the characters get to negotiate both for the will start to gather weapons. Zafira will go out and check on
price (the village is not rich but they are desperate) and for what is happening, she is first against the break in work but
aid. Some villagers can help but they can’t spare many as learning of the bandits she changes her thoughts. She does
most are sick and the rest are needed to keep the village not tolerate this challenge to Numas. She will offer the ad-
fed. venturers payment for helping her deal with the bandits
and lead them there. She will bring forth the tomb scorpion
They may go to the governess for help, which may be a
held under the temple of Ptra to help them. Together with it
shock if they have not dealt with undead of Nehekara be-
the bandits should not be difficult to deal with.
fore. She will deal with them fairly but isn’t interested in
wasting resources curing people, if they die they die and Tomb Scorpions are powerful creations of the Mortuary
can be brought back. If they live they live. Either way they Cult, formed from a combination of stone, metal, lacquered
can work for her. wood and fused bone.

Journey for the Herb TOMB SCORPION

Navigating to the place is not too hard, there are some gob-
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
lins in the area but they will only attack if the players aren’t
vigilant in their guard (if they set up camp and have a lone 7 55 - 60 60 30 30 - - 80 - 64
guard rather than two at a time the goblins will attack in
the night, in numbers of twice the PCs, if they start to lose Traits: Undead, Hardy, Size (Large), Unstable, Armour (5), Dark
more goblins than they bring down PCs, they flee. Use the Vision, Die Hard, Fear (1), Horns +6 (Bursting from the sand),
stats for Goblins (Core book pg 326), one of them has the Magical, Magic Resistance (2), Rear, Stride, Tail +14, Venom (-
‘Big’ optional trait, one has the ‘Ranged +7 (25) optional 10)*, Weapon +10,
*Tail attack only
Once they get to the area (takes four days of walking) they
notice there are nine rockhide trolls milling around the area
with the herbs. Fighting them is a bad idea but possible,
Rockmaw Troll
(Trollae Lapis Oris)

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 30 15 55 50 10 15 15 15 25 5 42

Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 60

Traits: Armour 3, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst

5, Hungry, Infected, Magical, Night Vision, Regenerate, Size
(Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit,
Weapon +9,


Rockmaw trolls are one of the rarest types of trolls and this
comes from their diet. A diet that includes the rare M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
‘Bitterstone’ once mined at Ekrund and which is valued for
6 35 15 60 55 20 15 15 20 30 10 46
its use in runecraft (and some certain old ale recipes of the
hold). Rockmaw trolls look almost petrified with stone for- Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 65, Cool
mations growing from the older types, or appearing to at 40, Dodge 20, Melee (Basic) 45
least. Traits: Armour 4, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
An adult Rockmaw troll stands at roughly 13 feet (ca 4m) in burst 4, Hungry, Infected, Magical, Night Vision, Regenerate,
length with long gangly limbs. The nose and ears are larger Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vom-
than on most types of trolls. Thick stony skin covers them it, Weapon +10
Rockmaw trolls can reach ages of several centuries but un-
like most trolls they don´t grow their entire lives, slowing M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
down and stopping their growth entirely at around a hun- 5 40 20 65 60 25 15 15 20 35 15 52
dred and twenty.
Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 70, Cool
Rockmaw trolls live solely in the many cavesystems of 45, Dodge 20, Melee (Basic) 50
Mount Bloodhorn, were they found elsewhere their diet
Traits: Armour 4, Bite +9, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim
would make them indistinguishable from normal stone
1, Hungry, Infected, Magical, Night Vision, Regenerate, Size
trolls if such a thing can be said to exist.
(Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit,
Rockmaw trolls can live as loners or in packs with a slight Weapon +10, Ward (10)
preference towards packs. A troll pack tends to be fairly
small, numbering between 3 and 12 individuals. Rockmaw ROCKMAW TROLL (LARGE)
trolls eat much rock and bitterstone. But that is not all they
eat, meat is appreciated and carrion sought after. Green- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
skins value them highly for their resilience and so tend to 5 45 25 75 70 30 15 15 25 40 20 60
try and get them to follow them into battle where those Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 80, Cool
facing the Waaagh! are on the menu. 50, Dodge 20, Melee (Basic) 60
Rockmaw trolls do not benefit from the magic resistance of
Traits: Armour 5, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst
stonetrolls for Bitterstone does not repel but attract magic.
3, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Magical, Night Vision, Regenerate,
So it comes that they are magical to some degree and may
Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vom-
wield powers strange.
it, Weapon +11, Ward (10)
No need to handle with care
Mini-adventure featuring a Rockmaw Troll

Adventure Summary Gregor "Old Salt" Voss: The elder statesman of the group,
Gregor is in his late 50s and is the grandson of one of the
The adventurers find a group of merchants in the port of original pirates. Weathered and scarred, with a long grey
Marienburg. These merchants stand with a large ship and beard and piercing blue eyes. He often wears a tricorne hat
had been planning on moving up the Reik and sell their car- and a captain's coat, reminiscent of his piratical ancestors.
go to the zoo in Altdorf. However, they have been forbidden
Hilde Voss: Gregor's daughter, she handles the day-to-day
from entering the empire as their forefathers were pirates
operations and is the brains behind the business. She is in
and word of this got out. Thus, they instead try to sell their
her 30s, with a sharp, intelligent gaze. She dresses practi-
cargo, a Rockmaw troll, so that they can get some money
cally but with a hint of flair, often seen in a tailored vest and
still and whoever bought it can travel to Altdorf and com-
plete the sale, or not, they don’t really care after this point.
Erik "Eagle-Eye" Thorne: The group's lookout and securi-
Moving the troll to the next ship isn’t the easiest but it is ty expert, Erik is in his early 40s and a distant relative of the
possible, then once completed they have the journey to Alt- Voss family. Quiet and observant, Erik prefers action over
dorf. As they do the witch of a group of wreckers feel the words. He is highly protective of the group and always on
energies and lead them to attack it, promising that he has the lookout for threats.
felt a magic artefact there. During the attack he will try to
reach the iron box holding the troll, believing magic to be Kael "Storm-Eye" Grimward
hidden within he opens it and promptly gets eaten by the
troll. Now the PCs just have to get the troll back into the box Kael's origins are murky, but it is rumored that he was once
and complete the journey. an apprentice to a powerful sorcerer before being cast out
for dabbling in forbidden magics. Turning to a life of crime,
The Bloodwave Traders Kael found his calling among the wreckers, where he could
freely exploit his dark talents. This is not true, in fact he was
The Bloodwave Traders hail from the Border Princes, a tu- a simple man with the gift who grew up in Carroburg before
multuous region known for its ever-changing leadership he joined a band of wrecker. He is appreciated for his magic
and a mix of different cultures and peoples. A generation or and his skills in feeling where items of power can be found,
two ago, their forebears were notorious pirates who plun- leading to the most valuable ships to attack. Kael is in his
dered ships along the Reik River. After a series of bloody early 40s, with a lean, wiry build and a face marked by
encounters with Imperial patrols and rival pirates, they years of exposure to harsh elements. His most distinctive
decided to leave their life of piracy behind and settle in the feature is his right eye, which is milky white and appears to
Border Princes. Using their ill-gotten gains, they established glow faintly, earning him the moniker "Storm-Eye." He of-
an almost legitimate trading company. ten wears a long, weather-beaten coat and carries a staff
adorned with various charms and trinkets.
Having learned that their family history of piracy has resur-
faced and caused there to be bounties on them in the Em- KAEL GRIMWARD-WRECKER BRASS 3
pire, the Bloodwave Traders find themselves in a tight spot.
They arrived in Marienburg with a Rockmaw troll, a rare
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
and potentially lucrative cargo, intended for the zoo in Alt-
dorf. With their passage into the Empire blocked, they are 4 40 30 40 40 40 30 30 30 40 30 16
desperate to offload the troll quickly. The merchants are
willing to sell the Rockmaw troll at a discount, understand- Skills: Climb 45, Consume Alcohol 45, Dodge 35, Endurance 45,
ing that their chances of successfully selling it themselves Row 45, Melee (Basic) 50, Outdoor Survival 40, Swim 50, Cool
are slim. They need the money to keep their business afloat 50, Intuition 50, Navigation 50, Perception 50, Channelling 50,
and to possibly bribe the right officials to regain their trad- Intimidate 45, Language (Magick) 40, Stealth (Rural) 40,
ing privileges. Their desperation might lead them to make a
Talents: Criminal, Strong Swimmer, Instinctive Diction, Perry
deal with the adventurers that includes promises of future
Magic, Arcane Magic (Witchery)
discounts or partnerships, should the adventurers succeed
in selling the troll. Petty Spells: Dart, Magic Flame, Open Lock

There are three members of the group. Spells: Bolt, Teleport, The Evil Eye
Elara "Goldeneye" van der Hoef ‘lock’, keep in mind it is seen and heard when magic is used
so any PC seeing this will note he is a spellcaster).
Elara van der Hoef, better known as "Goldeneye" to her
The troll looks at him when the door opens, grabs Kael and
wary companions, is a young and ambitious Gold Order
eats him.
wizard. Elara stands tall and slender, with sharp features
and fiery red hair, usually pulled back into a tight braid. Now the PCs must deal with both the wreckers and with
getting the troll back safely in its crate.
Starting the Adventure
Of course, the PCs may well have stopped Kael from getting
The adventure starts in Marienburg, the PCs should have to the crate, making the encounter far easier.
access to a boat. As they are by their boat a group of three
people (The Bloodwave Traders) contact them, they try to Tolls in Altdorf
sell them a troll cheaply, explaining why they can’t do the
sale to the zoo. If the players buy it (should be a hefty cost Once arriving into Altdorf they will be inspected and must
but not much compared to what the zoo offers). If the PCs pay the toll (moving a troll sets the toll at several gold, a
do not accept, then the scenario ends just as it begins. If mystery beast sets it similarly but with more suspicion).
they accept they will need to transport the troll. They can bluff about the cargo but it risks ending badly, if
they are honest about moving a beast to sell to the zoo that
Moving the troll is generally accepted, it’s dangerous but lucrative. One of
the tollkeepers (Johanna) even gets excited about it as she
Moving the troll is not too easy, they will need to move its loves going to the zoo.
iron box and its too heavy to do with the troll in it. There is
a solution however, walk it. Keep it going forward with food Magic Creatures in Altdorf
and it can be possible. Though the watch won’t like it mov-
ing about in Marienburg. Don’t make it punishingly difficult Before they get to the zoo a wizard notices the magic on
but do let the players sweat a bit as people get close, dis- their ship. Elara van der Hoef is curious and starts to ask
ruptions arise and the troll gets curious, but let the plan to the players about it. She is suspicious when they say it’s a
placate it with food work. A PC with second sight will see troll as they don’t tend to gather the winds like that. Still,
that the troll has magic in its skin. she can be convinced it’s true. She may also contact others
for an inspection.
Journey on the Reik
To the Zoo
The journey on the Reik goes calmly at first, the troll wakes
and wants food but calms when it gets it, this happen at Getting someone from the zoo they can get people to
times but it is not difficult to do. transport the troll there and once inspected so its not some-
thing wrong with it (people try to sell fakes all the time, just
This changed when the wreckers see them and Kael feels last week someone tried dressing up a bear as a troll to
they carry something magical aboard. sell).

The Attack This should give a generous reward to the PCs. But ensure
its an amount your campaign can handle. If they manage to
The wreckers hurry up to the boat with their own smaller sell it as a magical troll (this can be confirmed with wiz-
boats and clamber aboard alongside Kael. There are eight ards) then they should gain more, and even more if they
wreckers in total, one of which is Kael. The other wreckers manage to sell it as a bitterstone troll (ie; has talked to the
use the rules for humans (Core rulebook pg 311) with the right dwarfs and been able to learn/confirm this).
additional traits Elite and Hardy.

They come upon the boat in two very small but fast boats. If
you use the rules for boats in Death on the Reik their boats
use the rules of two fishing skiffs with racing hulls.

Coming upon the boat they will throw grappling hooks and
start to quickly climb up (needing a turn to ascend but no
test to climb). On the boat they will fight the PCs, Kael will
however run to get to the metal crate the troll is kept in.

Getting there he will open it with magic (the petty spell

Rocksmasher Troll
(Trollae Lapis Sectus)
Rocksmasher trolls are a rare troll specie that has long ROCKSMASHER TROLL (YOUNGSTER)
dwelt in Blackfire Pass and surrounding mountains. But
over the years dwarfs and empiremen have hunted them M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
out to rid the important pass of their presence. As an off-
6 35 15 55 55 20 15 15 20 30 10 44
shoot of Stone Trolls they are known for their thick scales
and tough hides, as well as for their resistance to magic. Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 65, Cool
40, Dodge 20, Melee (Basic) 50
An adult Rocksmasher Troll stands at roughly 12 feet (ca
3,6m) in length with long gangly limbs. They are covered in Traits: Armour 4, Bestial, Bite +8, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
dark grey scales. burst 4, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 2, Night Vision,
Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll
It is not known how old Rocksmasher Trolls get but there is
Tough, Vomit, Weapon +9
a tale of an especially old one as massively tall as 18 feet (ca

Rocksmasher Trolls make their homes amidst the rugged ROCKSMASHER TROLL (ADULT)
peaks and rocky crags of Blackfire Pass, where they carve M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
out crude dens and lairs hidden amidst the mountainous
6 40 20 60 60 25 20 20 20 35 15 52
terrain. Solitary by nature, they prefer to dwell in secluded
caverns far from the prying eyes of would-be hunters and
adventurers. Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 70, Cool
45, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 55
In battle, Rocksmasher Trolls rely on their immense
strength and durable hides to outlast their opponents. Their Traits: Armour 4, Bite +9, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim
rocky skin provides a degree of natural armor, making 1, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 3, Night Vision, Regener-
them difficult to injure with conventional weapons. ate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough,
Vomit, Weapon +10
Rocksmasher trolls are solitary creatures but nightgoblins
seek them out for use and in such company they can toler- ROCKSMASHER TROLL (LARGE)
ate numbers around them. Rocksmasher trolls are often
given clubs and hammers by the goblins and Rocksmasher M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
trolls tend to be very fond of these. Forming bonds to the
6 45 25 70 70 30 25 25 25 40 20 60
weapons like other trolls occasionally do to packmates.

Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 80, Cool

50, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 65

ROCKSMASHER TROLL (RUNT) Traits: Armour 4, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst
3, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 4, Night Vision,
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll
Tough, Vomit, Weapon +11
6 30 15 50 50 10 15 15 15 25 5 42
Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Melee (Basic) 45
Endurance 60

Traits: Armour 3, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst

5, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 1, Night Vision, Regener-
ate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough,
Vomit, Weapon +9
Blackmoon Nibblers and Friendly Hammers
Mini-adventure featuring a Rocksmasher Troll


A small tribe of nightgoblins in Blackfire Pass has tamed a

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Rocksmasher troll and their shaman Skaggank Snotbelly
has equipped it with an enchanted hammer. This hammer is 4 45 35 30 30 20 35 35 25 50 20 14
not only powerful but it also whispers commands to the
rocksmasher troll, commands the troll follows as it sees it Skills: Channelling (Waaagh!) 70, Melee (Polearm) 65, Lan-
as its only friend. guage (Magick) 50, Dodge 50, Sleight of hand 40

This has started to make the tribe dangerous and they must Talents: Arcane Magic (Waaagh!), Aethyric Attunement rank 2,
be dealt with. The imperial army won’t just send people on Night Vision
a chase however, well, not important people at least. They
Traits: Afraid (Elves, the Sun)
are willing to hire the PCs as mercenary scouts to check
things out and find where the goblins are so they can be Spells: Bolt, Breath
taken out.
Trappings: Quarterstaff, various spell ingredients, Hat, Robe,

Blackmoon Nibblers Dagger

(Waaagh! Magic is found in the ‘Tribes and Tribulations’ book,

The Blackmoon nibblers are a small nightgoblin tribe in if you lack it, just count his lore as dark magic, both his spells
Blackfire Pass which has quickly increased its power with
are from the arcane spell list regardless)
the clever leadership of Grognak the Cunning. That and the
acquisition of a Rocksmasher troll, though that too is thanks Grognak da proppa kunnin
to Grognak.
Grognak is a tall and wiry goblin, standing slightly taller
The Hammer than most of his kin. His skin is a dark green, almost blend-
ing with the shadows. He wears a patchwork of looted ar-
The troll carries an enchanted hammer. In goblin tongue its
mor pieces, decorated with trophies from fallen enemies.
known as ‘Bangerchum’ which roughly translates to
His eyes are sharp and calculating, constantly darting
‘Hammer Friend’. Rocksmasher trolls are often very fond of
around as if always plotting his next move. Grognak is clev-
weapons they are given by greenskins, seeing them as their
er and manipulative. He speaks in a low, raspy voice, often
pack. But Bangerchum is special even then, for unlike other
whispering his orders to keep others guessing. He uses fear
hammers this one speaks to its wielder. An enchantment
and cunning to maintain control, and he's always thinking
thrown by Skaggank Snotbelly to ensure the troll is more
several steps ahead of his own tribe members.
useful. The magic makes the hammer give advice that Skag-
gank himself could give. Anyone who picks up the hammer It is his masterful planning that has led the tribe to power.
may hear this advice, however unlike many cursed items It was his idea to get Skaggank to create Bangerchum to
that whisper to their owners this hammer has no magical control the troll.
way to affect their minds, no secrets of temptation, no way
to control its wielder. It can simply speak to them.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Bangerchum is a warhammer sized for a troll or ogre. It
gives simple advice, is indestructible through non- 4 45 35 40 40 20 35 35 45 50 20 17
magical means and makes magical attacks. When a
Rocksmasher troll wields it he can ignore the ‘Stupid’
trait as if someone smarter was ordering him around. Skills: Intimidate 50, Leadership 40, Melee (Basic) 55, Ranged
(Thrown) 55, Set Trap 45, Dodge 45, Lore (Tactics) 55, Stealth
Skaggank Snotbelly (Underground) 45

A wiry, vile goblin shaman adorned with fetishes and crude Talents: Schemer, Ambidextrous rank 2
talismans. His skin is a sickly green, and his eyes gleam with Traits: Afraid (Elves, the Sun), Armour 2
malevolence. Often the shaman is the brains in a tribe, hold-
ing malevolent intelligence. Not so with Skaggank, his spell- Trappings: Sword, Dagger, Hidden Dagger
casting is instinctive and he is far from the brightest.
BLACKMOON NIBBLER-NIGHTGOBLIN Inside the camp is divided into five caves.

1. The main cave is filled with sleeping bunks, a cook-

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W ing place and more. Here are 40 nightgoblins. If it is
4 25 30 30 30 30 35 30 30 15 20 10 night half is out led by the boss and bringing their
troll and their shaman. If day the group sleeps.
Skills: Stealth (Underground) 45, Melee (Basic) 35
2. This room is the latrine, a stinking pile of refuse. D10
Traits: Afraid (Elves, the Sun), Weapon +6
snotlings mull about here.
Stikkin stikks and stabby stuff: The Blackmoon Nibblers are
3. Troll lair, here the rocksmasher troll sleeps during the
good at sticking where it hurts, their weapon trait counts as
days. At night he is out raiding with the goblins.
having the impale quality.
4. This room has the shaman and bosses sleeping arrange-
Starting the Adventure ments. During the day they and ten nightgoblins sleep
here, at night it is empty.
The adventure starts in or near Blackfire Pass with a sizable
military presence. There one finds calls for mercenary 5. This is the armoury, it holds some daggers and spears
scouts. If the players are up for it they can take this mission. of unsellably low quality.

The meeting Oh, right, the troll

The meeting and briefing is fairly quick. They are offered If it is done during the night they will face the remaining
slightly more than standard pay for scout henchmen and goblins and their intel will be of little use. During the day
are expected to scout out the goblin camp, take note of their however they should have a fair time exploring and learn-
numbers and defenses, then return and report. The camp is ing. However, the troll wakes and smells them as they are
believed to be roughly two days away. The meeting is held about to leave. Now the goblins fear the sun too much to
by Captain Heinrich Sturm. He is a no-nonsense leader in pursue out of the cave (though a few tense rounds of chase
his late forties, with a scar running down his cheek and a until they reach the exit won’t go amiss), but the troll will
permanent scowl. He’s seen countless battles and expects chase out into the sunlight. Play out the chase with the ter-
competence from those he hires. rain described. Smart use of terrain can allow the players
escape. Alternatively they may fight the troll.
If asked why the military can’t send their own scouts he
offers a little more pay and asks if they want the job or not. The Return
In truth he doesn’t want to risk the scouts he has but he
does not want to admit that. Then lastly, they need to return and report. There is noth-
ing more to this than telling them as much as they know. If
The journey they explored it during the day and where thorough this
info should be useful to the army.
The journey takes them into the mountains around Black-
fire Pass. Climbing, jumping and other rough movements
amongst the cliffs is needed to get there. There are few
paths, something that is also worth reporting. Taking some
time to navigate (and succeeding the skill) they may find
slightly better routes but the terrain remains difficult.

After at least two days of journey they will reach the site of
the greenskin camp.

Da Camp
The goblin camp, as with most nightgoblin camps, lays un-
derground. A massive cave opening shows the entrance to
it where the tribe can hide from the sun. This means the
brave scouts must enter the cave to scout it out.
The entrance is guarded by two blackmoon nibblers. Sneak-
ing past them or ending them before they can raise the
alarm are both valid and fairly easy options.
Sandbelly Troll
(Trollae Lapis Harenae Comedenti)
Also known as Torrid Cavern Trolls, Sandbelly trolls are an SANDBELLY TROLL (RUNT)
offshoot of the Stone troll family found in the Badlands in
the driest and most lifeless areas. Named for their diet of
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
mostly sand these trolls still love to consume meat when
found. They are fairly often found near Mudbelly trolls. 6 30 15 55 45 10 15 15 15 25 5 38

An adult Sandbelly troll stands at roughly 12 feet (ca 3,7m) Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 60
in length with long gangly arms. Their ears are smaller than
those of most stone trolls. Sandy blistery scales cover their Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst
back and head. 4, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 1, Night Vision, Regener-
ate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough,
Sandbelly trolls can reach ages of a hundred and twenty.
Vomit, Weapon +9,
Like most trolls they grow their entire life and especially
old ones can be as tall as 14 feet (ca 4,3m). SANDBELLY TROLL (YOUNGSTER)
Like other trolls greenskins bring Sandbelly trolls on M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Waaagh!s and thus they occassionally pop up in other lands
6 35 15 60 50 20 15 15 20 30 10 46
as well. Their diet have made them adapt well to Araby and
the land of the dead. Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 65, Cool
Sandbelly trolls can live as loners or in packs with a slight 40, Dodge 20, Melee (Basic) 45
preference towards packs. A troll pack tends to be fairly Traits: Armour 3, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
small, numbering between 3 and 9 individuals. Sandbelly burst 3, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 1, Night Vision,
trolls are able to use weapons and some have even been Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll
able to create ones of their own, these are nought but Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10
sharpened rocks but for a type of creature like trolls that is
impressive enough. SANDBELLY TROLL (ADULT)
Sandbelly trolls have few predators and are generally not M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
used in Kulgur due to the terrible taste. In some areas 6 40 20 65 55 25 20 20 20 35 15 48
Necrosphinxes go after and slaughter them but they do not
consume the trolls. Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 70, Cool
It is documented that in the year of 871 IC the insane Bor- 45, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 50
der Prince necromancer Stefan Stuchenhukk raised a group Traits: Armour 3, Bite +9, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 3, Grim
of these trolls and went on a rampage through minor prin- 1, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 2, Night Vision, Regener-
cipalities until one called upon Barak-Varr for help. Ru- ate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough,
nelord Brokk Salthelm went out with a small army and end- Vomit, Weapon +10
ed Stefans rampage.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 45 25 75 60 30 25 25 25 40 20 56

Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 80, Cool

50, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 60

Traits: Armour 3, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst

2, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 2, Night Vision,
Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll
Tough, Vomit, Weapon +11
Honorarily Fuzzy
Mini-adventure featuring Sandbelly trolls

Adventure Summary The Northern Fuzzywuzzies are a tribe of Araby men-

tioned in Towncryer #20. There they are just mentioned as
In the lands of Araby many tribes live in the great desert a nomad tribe. The name clearly inspired by the British
and one of the famous ones is the Northern Northern nickname for the Hadendoa and the poem by Rudyard
Fuzzywuzzies. The PCs come upon them as they are prepar- Kipling.
ing for a rite for some of their warriors to win glory and
/Mystic Scribbler
titles. Fights against Sandbelly trolls.
The djinn-elementalist of the warband says that the djinns
want the PCs to be tested this way too and invite them to
partake. Taking offence of they deny it. Negotiations with
The Warband of Umar al-Karim
the tribe can allow them advantages in the fight such as The Warband of Umar al-karim is a band under the large
allies, fires or temporary enchantments. tribe of the Northern Fuzzywuzzies. Led by Sheik Umar al-
Then it is just the matter of fighting the trolls and earning Karim, a tall, imposing figure with a grizzled beard and
their titles as honorary ‘Northern Fuzzywuzzies’. piercing eyes. He is a master strategist, skilled swordsman,
and knowledgeable in desert survival.
The Northern Fuzzywuzzies The warband numbers thirty riders, five of them on camels
and the rest on horses.
The Northern Fuzzywuzzies, also known as the Al-Jumali in
their own tongue, are one of the most well-known and in- Their djinn-elementalist and spiritual leader of the
fluential nomadic tribes in northern Araby. They are recog- warband is Layla bint Zayd. Mysterious, wise, and deeply
nized for their distinctive cultural practices, formidable attuned to the spiritual world. She commands great respect
martial skills, and their ability to thrive in the harsh desert and a hint of fear due to her mystical abilities.
The origins of the Northern Fuzzywuzzies trace back to an-
cient times when their ancestors roamed the desert, living M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
off the land and forging a deep connection with the arid
4 40 40 30 30 40 40 30 30 40 30 13
landscape of northern Araby. Over the centuries, they have
maintained their nomadic lifestyle, moving with the sea-
sons and the availability of resources. Despite the harsh Skills: Animal Care 40, Cool 50, Dodge 50, Endurance 40, Me-
conditions, they have prospered, becoming a large and for- lee (Cavalry) 50, Outdoor Survival 40, Ranged (Bow) 50, Ride
midable tribe known for their resilience and martial prow- (Horse) 50, Animal Training (Horse) 40, Charm Animal 50, En-
ess. tertain (Storytelling) 40, Intimidate 40, Navigation 50, Secret
The Northern Fuzzywuzzies are characterized by their dis- Signs (Scout) 40
tinctive hair, which they wear in elaborate, tightly curled Talents: Trick Riding, Resistance (Heat), Roughrider, Orienta-
styles, often treated with oils and herbs to protect against tion, (Careful Strike Rank 2, Strike to Injure)
the desert sun. Their attire includes flowing robes and
headscarves that offer protection from the sun and sand, Trappings: Shortbow, quiver with 12 arrows, Saddlebags, Rid-
often dyed in vibrant colors and intricate patterns unique ing Horse, Lance, 2 weeks of rations
to their tribe. Layle bint Zayd: To the above profile add +10 int, language
The Northern Fuzzywuzzies are renowned for their martial (Magic) and Channelling (Djinn Powers). Then the talents Sec-
skills, especially in guerrilla warfare and hit-and-run tac- ond Sight, Magical Sense and Arcane Magic (Elementalism).
tics. Their warriors are highly mobile, using the terrain to She knows the spells Bolt, Aethyric Armour and Flight.
their advantage and striking with precision and speed. They
Umar al-Karim: To the above profile add +10 Fel, +10 T and
are experts in the use of the scimitar, spear, and bow, and
+10 S, and the skill Leadership 60.
their cavalry is particularly feared, with mounted warriors
able to outmaneuver and outfight larger, less mobile forces. Camel Riders: The Camel riders have Berserk Charge and Ride
(Camel) 50.
Starting the Adventure proper the PCs do so as well. Originally there are to be five
Akinci doing the ceremony alongside the PCs, but they may
This adventure starts with the PCs moving about in the negotiate for one or two more to join them.
lands of Araby. Here the PCs encounter the Northern
Fuzzywuzzies, specifically the warband led by Sheikh Umar The Battle-Ceremony
al-Karim. This warband is renowned for its fierce warriors,
The battlefield is a mix of sandy dunes, rocky outcrops, and
spiritual leaders, and strategic acumen. They are preparing
the oasis itself. The natural features create chokepoints and
for a significant rite of passage, where warriors prove their
defensive positions. Alongside the PCs are five Northern
valor by battling Sandbelly trolls.
Fuzzywuzzy Akinci.

The Djinn are speaking A pack of five Sandbelly trolls, including an old, massive
leader wielding a primitive stone weapon are drawn here
Layle bint Zayd speaks to both Sheik and players. The Djinn by earthdjinn. These trolls use an appropriate profile from
have told her the adventurers should be offered the same the page for Sandbelly trolls with the biggest using the pro-
chances of glory as the tribesmen. Discussions about this file above (if all use the toughest then just give the biggest
break out, very rarely bothering to ask the PCs opinions on the elite trait).
Play out the fight, let them coordinate with the Akinci, the
Eventually the discussion will conclude they are allowed to trolls are stupid, the tribesmen are not. The Akinci know
join the ceremony and earn a chance to become honorary they need to work together and will not only be happy to
warriors of the tribe. They will take much offence if the PCs help with player plans but also suggest ones themselves.
decline this offer.
The ceremony is watched by djinn and the tribe however
Prepare for the Ceremony and they take note on the PCs performance, any who don’t
contribute or don’t cooperate with the others they will con-
The rite takes place in a secluded area of the desert, near an sider to have failed, even if they survived.
ancient oasis surrounded by rocky outcrops. The location is
both sacred and strategic, offering natural defenses against After the Ceremony
the Sandbelly trolls. The night before the fight the tribe
gathers here around a large bonfire. Sheikh Umar addresses The PCs who prove their worth are granted honorary titles,
the warriors and the PCs, invoking the blessings of the de- signifying their acceptance and respect within the tribe.
sert spirits and djinn. Layla bint Zayd performs a ritual to These titles give them a rank in the talent ‘Etiquette
call upon the djinn, asking for their protection and guid- (Northern Fuzzywuzzies)’.
ance. Then a bowl of some liquid is passed around to drink. The warband will also be new allies to the PCs, willing to
A character may drink or refuse. While they may expect to help within reason. They will be able to part on good terms
cause offence if refused that is actually not the case, instead regardless if the PCs did well in the deadly ceremonial bat-
the tribesmen will praise their bravado for doing it without tle or not.
this aid.
A character that drinks tests Consume Alcohol at –10 with
the standard penalties for failing. The following day the Some PCs probably leave the scenario with the talent
djinn blessing takes effect however, granting them one ‘Etiquette (Northern Fuzzywuzzies)’ but they should also
rank of Strike to Injure and two ranks of Careful Strike, get exp for their trouble.
stacking with ranks they allready have should so be the
case, this can take them above their Initiative bonus in Apart from standard exp rewards for a session they should
ranks. This is because the djinn guide their blows. These be rewarded for bright ideas, performing well against the
effects last one day. Having had this drink is a minor source trolls and for cooperating with the Akinci.
of corruption tested against endurance. The Akinci that par-
ticipate will partake in this ceremony and gain these ad-
vantages, the talents are added in parenthesis to their pro-
file to represent this.

The PCs may negotiate to get to use weapons, armour and

horses from the tribe for this fight. It is not too easy to get
them to lend out such items but neither is it impossible. The
tribe wants it to be done fair and those that do it tend to do
it with the equipment of the Norther Fuzzywuzzies so it is
Scourgetooth Troll
(Trollae Shugon Dentis)

Scourgetooth Trolls hail from the MMORPG Warhammer SCOURGETOOTH TROLL (RUNT)
Online: Age of Reckoning where they are found by a large M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
pile of bones. In the game they are a type of rivertroll but 5 35 15 50 50 10 15 15 10 15 5 32
they are not found by water.

/Mystic Scribbler Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 55, Swim
Scourgetooth trolls are known for their large teeth and hor- Traits: Amphibious, Armour 1, Bestial, Bite +8, Block, Die Hard,
rid smelling breath. They are also known for their resem- Goblob, Gutburst 6, Infected, Night Vision, Regenerate, Rotten
blance to river trolls despite being a terrestrial breed of Stench, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Vomit +9, Weap-
troll. This likely comes from an evolutionary connection. It on +9
is my theory that Scourgetooth Trolls are river trolls that
have readapted to life on land. SCOURGETOOTH TROLL (YOUNGSTER)
An adult Scourgetooth troll stands at roughly 10 and a half
feet (3,2m) in length with a sizable gut and round apper- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
ance. Fishlike scales cover much of their body intercut with 6 40 15 55 55 20 15 15 20 20 5 34
bony spikes.
Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 60, Cool
Scourgetooth trolls can be up to a hundred and twenty
years old. Like most trolls they grow their entire life and 35, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 60
can in some cases get up to 13 feet in height when old. Traits: Amphibious, Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +8, Block, Die Hard,
Scourgetooth trolls are found in Kislev and Troll Country Goblob, Gutburst 5, Infected, Night Vision, Regenerate, Rotten
with a few having been seen in north-east Ostland. Stench, Size (Large), Spiked Hide, Stupid, Territorial (Lair),
Vomit +9, Weapon +9
Scourgetooth trolls mostly live as loners but gather in packs
at times, packs rarely numbering more than six individuals. SCOURGETOOTH TROLL (ADULT)
Scourgetooth trolls are omnivorous creatures, they forage,
eat carcasses and hunt. The latter as ambush predators. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Scourgetooth Trolls have few natural predators but Chime- 6 45 20 60 60 25 20 20 25 25 5 40
ra and larger trolls both prey upon them at times. In Kulgur Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool
they tend to be washed thoroughly and then well marinated 40, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 55, Swim 65
before being cooked.
Traits: Amphibious, Armour 2, Bite +9, Die Hard, Goblob, Grim
Scourgetooth trolls are capable of tool use and have an es- 1, Gutburst 4, Infected, Night Vision, Regenerate, Rotten
pecial love for using tools of bone. They also tend to deco- Stench, Size (Large), Stupid, Spiked Hide, Territorial (Lair),
rate their lairs with large piles of bones. First this was Vomit +10, Weapon +10
thought to be leftovers of meals eaten there but Scour-
getooth trolls have been observed to drag bones to their SCOURGETOOTH TROLL (LARGE)
lairs meaning it is a choice not just leftover pieces. The fact
that they don´t just eat the bones also shows impressive M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
(for trolls) restraint. 6 50 25 65 65 30 25 25 30 30 5 52
Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool
45, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 70

Traits: Amphibious, Armour 2, Bite +9, Die Hard, Goblob, Grim

2, Gutburst 3, Infected, Night Vision, Overwhelming Stench,
Regenerate, Size (Large), Spiked Hide, Stupid, Territorial (Lair),
Vomit +10, Weapon +10
Of Bone and Thistle
Mini-adventure featuring a Scourgetooth Troll


In northern Ostland the elf mystic Khathestri Thistleheart M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
scries what is to come and makes a plan. The PCs are to ar-
5 40 40 30 30 65 55 55 55 55 45 14
rive and a Scourgetooth troll has recently made its lair un-
der the roots of a massive tree in the forest of shadows. The
tree itself is crawling with giant spiders adding a further Skills: Charm 60 , Entertain (Fortune Telling) 60, Dodge 70,
hazard. Gossip 60, Haggle 60, Intuition 80 , Perception 80, Sleight of
Hand 70, Bribery 60, Cool 70, Entertain (Prophecy) 60, Evalu-
Thistleheart needs trollbones for a ritual to reawaken a
ate 70, Intimidate 45, Lore (Astrology) 70, Charm Animal 60,
group of treekin that wounded slumbers. She does not want
Entertain (Storytelling) 60, Language (Magick) 70, Trade
to risk the few warriors of her kith however so the ap-
(Writing) 70, Lore (Prophecy) 70, Channelling (Dhar) 70
proach of the PCs, who her scrying has shown may succeed.
She recruits them but does not tell of all dangers nor what Talents: Acute Sense (Sight), Second Sight, Night Vision, Read/
she needs the trollbones for. Saying instead it is for a ritual Write, Rover, Luck, Holy Visions, Petty Magic, Witch!, Dark
to cleanse forest corruption. Lore (Dark Magic)
Thistleheart has however dabbled in dark magic and her Petty Spells: Dart, Drain, Light, Conserve
spells are not of benevolent nature. She does it to strength-
en her kith but the players will see that this strengthening Spells: Chain Attack, Entangle, Fearsome, Mirkride (Witch!
makes them a vicious and deadly force with their treekin a Talent)
threat for the people of the empire and the ritual corrupting
rather than lessening. They must decide if they are to stop
Khinulan Deathkeeper
her or allow the dark kith to survive. Khinulan Deathkeeper is a grim elf of few words. He is a
champion of Nethu and tasked with guarding the three
The Dartherii Kith waystones of the underworld that the kith hold. Few wood-
The Dartherii kith is an old kith of the forest of shadows. It elves wear heavy armour but Khinulan is clad in heavy iron
is a small kith of only seven woodelves with a heritage of plate with key iconography on it. A symbol of Nethus key. In
both Asrai and Eonir amongst them. Their kithband honour battle he fights with a long metal spear.
Nethu as their patron and guard a series of three waystones KHINULAN DEATHKEEPER –DEATHKEEPER SILVER 4
said to belong to that god. If elves are in the group they
will not reveal their patron to them, Nethu is of the Cytha- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
rai, the darker gods that highelves refrain from worship- 5 55 40 45 45 65 55 40 55 40 30 20
ping. Since the days when their kithband was larger it has
always been led by two leaders. A mystic communicating
with Nethu through dhar, dark magic and a deathkeeper, a Skills: Consume Alcohol 50, Endurance 60, Intuition 80, Melee
champion said to carry Nethus blessing and who, unusually (Basic) 70, Perception 80, Athletics 70, Cool 55, Dodge 70, In-
for a woodelf, is clad in a heavy iron armour with key motifs timidate 60, Melee (Polearm) 70, Ranged (Bow) 55, Heal 70,
to represent the heavy Iron Key of Nethu. Language (Battle) 70,Melee (Two-handed) 70

Khathestri Thistleheart Talents: Acute Sense (Sight), Hardy, Night Vision, Read/Write,
Rover, Tenacious, Relentless Rank 5, Fearless (Intruders), Iron
Khathestri Thistleheart is an elven mystic wielding dark Will, Combat Master
magic. The kith sees her as a blessed servant of Nethu and
marked by her communication with the "Keeper of the Last Trappings: Soft leather, chainmail and plate armour (5 All),
Door,". Khathestri Thistleheart aspires to gain souls of her Spear
kith back from the underworld and has used her alleged
communication with the cytharai to gain access to souls of
her fallen kith. With dhar rituals she can bring them back as
treekin and raise the Dartherii kith back into strength and
power once again. She just needs the right ritual ingredi-
Starting the Adventure There and Back Again
Start the adventure with the characters travelling through Having killed the troll the characters will return and
the forest of shadows in northern Ostland. Here a pair of Khathestri Thirstleheart will take the bone from them to
woodelf scouts approach and ask them to come with them make her ritual. Now the story can take different paths. The
to meet a mystic and discuss an adventurous quest. PCs may leave the elves and go on their way, in such a case
the adventure is done. Or the PCs may stay around for the
Meeting Khathestri Thistleheart ritual, Khathestri may suggest they don´t but recognizes
forbidding it raises suspicions and allows it hoping they
Khathestri Thistleheart wants the PCs help and will do what
won´t see it as wrong. If they stay she does it and chills
she can to gain it. If any highelves are present she will keep
spread across the PCs skins as three treekin rise. A (-20)
the kithbands association to Nethu secret. Should any
Lore (Theology) test (+-0 for elves) can reveal the signs of a
woodelves be in the group she will appeal to their love of
deal with the cytharai in their making but even without that
nature promising to use her magic to cleanse corruption.
a feeling of them being ‘wrong’ will spread. Their souls
Others she will try to buy with elven silver. She will tell
where not meant to return from the underworld to become
them of a troll that “befouls the area” and her need for its
treekin. At this point PCs can accept the elves or try to undo
bones to reverse its corruption in a ritual. She will say
what they have done. The elves will try to stop them but a
where it is, under the roots of a massive tree.
victory can be gained against them.
Seeing that she uses Dhar: A wizard with the right talents
may sense what magic she is using. Dark magic is not for-
bidden amongst woodelves but even there it is seen as
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
somewhat suspicious and for others it may be seen as evil.
If confronted about it she will admit to using dark magic but 5 60 40 50 60 30 25 10 30 40 5 42
maintain that her goals are pure even if her methods are
Traits: Armour 3, Immunity (Poison), Magical, Painless, Size

The Tree and the Troll (Large), Ward (9), Weapon +9

Flammable: Treekin take double damage from Ablaze condi-

The tree is truly massive and the hill its roots engulf hold a
large troll lair. The massive tree is inhabited too. Pony-sized
spiders dwell in its boughs and will attack those coming Rewards
close, hoping for an easy meal. They will attack in large
numbers. If characters enter the troll lair they dare not fol- Apart from rewards for bright ideas and roleplaying addi-
low. The cave is the trolls domain and they feel safer in the tional exp should be given if the ritual is undone and the
wide tree branches than in small caves. dark treekin stopped.

Animals not monsters: Keep in mind that giant spiders are

natural creatures. They are not magical or chaotic in nature,
at least not normally. A character with Animal Affinity will
not be attacked, fire will scare them off, they won´t fight to
the death for a meal, etc.


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 35 25 25 35 10 35 30 5 25 - 10

Traits: Bestial, Night Vision, Wallcrawler, Web 40, Weapon +6,

Arboreal, Venom (Easy), Fast, Immunity (Falling Damage),
Afraid (Caves)
Sea Troll
(Trollae Shugon Shugon)
Sea trolls, also known as Shugons, are a rarely seen SEA TROLL (RUNT)
breed of trolls that lives deep in the depths of the sea. They
are violent and dangerous creatures and the few encoun- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
ters can likely be contributed to them living so far from hu-
6 30 15 55 45 10 15 15 10 20 5 38
manity. Thus learning of these creatures were difficult and
required me to seek out those that knew more of the ocean Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 55, Swim
than any others. In Karak-Kadrin where I have spent much 65
time and money in research I purchased an old elf artefact Traits: Aquatic, Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Goblob,
from the War of Vengeance, an enchanted necklace granting Gutburst 6, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stealth,
clarity of speech, apparently useful in spellcasting from Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon
what I’ve heard. With this artefact I travelled to Lothern, +9,
the one city on Ulthuan welcoming outsiders. There I of-
fered to sell it but not for gold or gems but for a service. I SEA TROLL (YOUNGSTER)
had heard legends of their sea dragons and their wisdom. I
asked to speak to one in return for the artefact. Luckily my
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
gamble worked and I was allowed to speak to the merwyrm
Firescale, a magnificent red creature. With an elf interpret- 6 35 15 60 50 20 15 15 10 25 10 44
er I then learned more about these Shugons than I believe
Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
any humans have before. Cost me a fortune, but then I am a
35, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45, Swim 75
humble hero of science willing to risk life and property to
further the knowledge of mankind. Traits: Aquatic, Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard,
Goblob, Gutburst 5, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size
An adult Shugon stands at roughly 12 feet (3,6m) in length
(Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit,
with short stubby legs and rows of fins along its body. Their
ears are very long and across their backs they have a Vileshrimp Infestation, Weapon +10
brushy bristle of hair. Their eyes and noses seem sunken SEA TROLL (ADULT)
into their faces. Shugons can be very old I was told, three
hundred years or so. They do grow their entire lives but do
so slowly so even old ones rarely reach above 14 feet (ca M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
427cm) in length. 6 40 20 65 55 25 20 20 15 30 15 46
They dwell mainly in the northern parts of the great ocean
Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool
and in the sea of claws I was told, rarely going further south
40, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 75
than Araby. According to Firescale they usually avoid the
Black Coast due to another deep-sea creature known as a Traits: Aquatic, Armour 2, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob,
Kharybdis which it seems eats these if it can catch them. Gutburst 4, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large),
Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Vileshrimp
Shogons tend to live in large packs of ten to twenty individ-
Infestation, Weapon +10
uals. They even seem to coexist with another specie, the
‘Great Ocean Vileshrimp’ that often burrows into the trolls SEA TROLL (LARGE)
skin and create parasitic colonies inside the Shogons. Sea
Trolls are mainly ambush predators, laying still in the water M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
until food draws near, but when food is scarce they eat of 6 45 25 70 60 30 25 25 20 35 20 52
the ocean bottom, gnawing out burrows in the rock and
mud. Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool
45, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 80
Shugons can presumably use tools, there are sailors who
claim to have seen them swing anchors or whalebones. But Traits: Aquatic, Armour 2, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Full o’ Fish
they rarely do. This can be due to their environments offer- & Worse, Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Re-
ing few really useful tools, or be due to limits in their intelli- generate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll
gence. Tough, Vomit, Vileshrimp Infestation, Weapon +11
More than just guidelines...
Mini-adventure featuring Sea Trolls
Adventure Summary horizon, accompanied with a cry of “Ertinia, Ho!” as well as
giving payment and praise to Manann and Ranald.
This adventure is set at the isle of Sartosa, or in the sea out-
side at least. Nearing the isle on the pirate ship “The Silent The Silent Doubloon
Doubloon” a cry of “Ertinia, Ho!” call out marking that it is
The pirate ship ‘The Silent Doubloon’ is a large galleon with
time to give of gold and rum to appease Ranald and
near three hundred pirates on it. It belongs to Captain Ter-
Manann. Captain Terzo Conti however states that he won’t
zo Conti of Sartosa. The ship has 40 cannons and a deadly
he will keep the gold and rum for himself. The first mate,
crew. It has served many masters over the years, taking
devoted to Jack O’ the seas, local legend and minor god, pro-
jobs for various city states of Tilea, robber barons of the
tests and draws cutlass. Terzo shoots him. He says there
Border Princes and at a time even hiring out their services
will be no wasting of gold and that is that.
to an orc warband. Now it is on its way back home to Sar-
Moments later something strikes the ship and it shakes vio- tosa with a treasure of Arabyan gold.
lently. A Sea Troll has smashed through the side of the ship
and is now wrecking it from within. A race to reach the
Captain Terzo Conti
shore before the ship sinks is now started. Before they can Terzo Conti is a famed pirate captain of Sartosa. His
get the whole way more trolls attack and the Shogons rip strength and skill is legendary and despite his high age he
apart the ship, and swimming or using driftwood will be has only seemed to be getting stronger. He rules with an
needed to reach the shore. The captain gets devoured and iron fist, regularly hitting crewmen he thinks are failing in
the trolls don’t let up their attack until their prey is well up their duties. His recent journeys brought the ship to Araby
on land. where a corsair vessel was attacked and plundered, taking
their gold. Some claim that the captain cheated on the
Sartosa shares after this, that he did not divide it evenly and hid
things for himself. There is no proof for this however and
The Free City of Sartosa or simply the City of Pirates, is an
none have yet dared openly challenge him on his claim on
anarchic pirate island-stronghold located within the south-
ern reaches of war-torn Tilea, off the coast of the Tilean city
-state of Luccini. This island is a notorious haven for crimi- First Mate Alessandro Petrone
nals, harbouring all manner of pirates, brigands and lawless
mercenaries. Alessandro Petrone is a brave and skilled first mate with a
deep devotion to Jack O’ the Sea and to Sartosa where he
Mount Ertina and Jack O’ the Sea grew up. Piracy is all he knows and he follows the code as
where it religious strictures, which given his faith in Jack O’
Sartosa was mostly formed from a massive volcano, the Sea they kind of are.
called Mount Ertinia, which spewed up from the sea floor
untold thousands of years ago. A favourite Sartosan tale Second Mate Yannick Herzberg Hookhand
explains the island was created when a young sailor, cast
Yannick Herzberg hookhand is a one-handed man. He was
adrift when his ship was destroyed, called out to all the
caught stealing from another crewmate and the captain
Gods to save him in exchange for his eternal pledge of loyal-
decided to cut off his hand as punishment. But that was
ty. The only one that answered was Ranald, who obliged
more than a decade ago and he has worked his way up the
him by forcing an island to rise up out of the water in a gout
ranks since then through devotion and loyalty to make up
of fire and molten lava. However, this angered Manann the
for his past transgression. He fights with hookhand and
God of the Seas. In order to placate him, Ranald ordered the
whip, being quite the master with the latter.
sailor to pay homage to both him and Manann, with offer-
ings of gold and plunder. Djinncaller Jaleela al-Sawaya
The sailor, seeing no other choice, took up piracy to pay off Some of the corsairs where spared when the Silent Dou-
his burden and became the most notorious pirate of all— bloon won its latest victory, most taken as slaves. Djinncall-
Jack O' the Sea. There's no shortage of tales involving Jack er Jaleela al-Sawaya however struck a deal with the captain,
O' The Sea and his exploits, and he has come to be seen as promising him ways to gain more wealth and riches. Many
an aspect of Ranald himself or even a minor god in his own disliked her new influence on the ship, the first mate pri-
right. Sailors approaching the Sartosan shore pour a por- marily voicing these concerns.
tion of rum into the sea upon seeing the volcano on the
Starting the Adventure Getting the Shogon defeated probably shouldn’t take too
long with all the help they have and at that point trying to
This adventure starts with the players on the pirate ship patch up the leaking hull will be the next priority. Trade
‘The Silent Doubloon’ on its way to Sartosa. They can be (Carpentry) or Trade (Shipwright) are ideal for this but if
part of the crew, prisoners, slaves or passengers. If you players lack them then basic strength tests to hold things in
wish to run a Sartosa and/or piracy cantered campaign place or athletics tests to scoop out some of the water and
then this can make for a great start as it gets them to Sar- slow the filling can help. Let a struggle with that go on for a
tosa and emphasises the importance of following the code. bit. Then Djinncaller Jaleela al-Sawaya comes down chant-
ing and channeling, she lets loose a spell and a water ele-
The ship is nearing Sartosa and the crew is excited, speak-
mental starts to drain out the water and create a temporary
ing of their favorite bars and brothels, praising Jack O’ the
barrier against the flooding. Let the repairs start to go bet-
Sea for guiding them safely home with treasure. Some may
grumble about the rumours that captain Terzo Conti took
more than his share when dividing treasure but none does Then Shogon hits the fan
so when a mate can hear them.
As things are finally starting to look up the ship starts to
Ertinia, Ho! shake violently again, struck by something once more. Mo-
ments later a massive claw comes through the deck and
Then the awaited call “Ertinia, Ho!” is heard from the crows
grabs Jaleela, dragging her into the briny sea. Immediately
nest and cheers rise amongst the crew. The island of Sar-
her spell ends and the flooding resumes. Cries of “Troll” ring
tosa is seen in the distance. Crewmen go for rum and treas-
from various places in the ship and it becomes abundantly
ure to let go overboard for Ranald and Manann. Then a shot
clear that the Shogon was not alone. A whole pack has at-
is heard and people go silent, looking up they see the cap-
tacked. The adventure now turns from saving the ship to
tain address them. “Put down m.., our treasure and booze.
saving yourselves. The galleon is sinking and there is little
We’ve worked to hard for it to give it away.” he says and
to do about that. Now the PCs must get up from the lower
scans the crew. The crew looks quite nervous and first mate
decks through attacking Shogons and rushing water, or per-
Alessandro Petrone steps up to protest. “My Captain, I pro-
haps jump out through an opening and swim for it. There is
test, we owe our fortunes to Jack O’. If we do not honour him
about 100m (ca 109 yards) to the shore when the bridge
our fortunes may change. If you do not let the crew vote for
falls under water and flotsam and a few lifeboats float
such an important call then I challenge you to a duel to
about. Crewmen are scrambling to get to shore and you see
change this decision.” Alessandro then draws his cutlass and
men be grabbed and pulled beneath the surface constantly.
assumes a battlestance. Captain Conti quickly draws a pistol
Make some attacks on the PCs as well but don’t be too re-
and sets a bullet between Alessandros eyes. “And I chose
lentless with them or it’s likely none will survive.
pistols. Now I’m not gonna allow any more challenges to this.
I’m...We’re keeping the treasure and that’s that.” The atmos- Captain Terzo Conti is seen filling his lifeboat with treasure,
phere naturally turns tense now, but the crew grudgingly loading on as much gold and jewellery as he can and push-
accepts, a mutiny so close to shore is folly. ing away crew from it to fit more treasure. He then starts to
frantically row it towards shore. It is however loaded far
Shogon under deck too heavy and soon falls beneath the waves and the captain
with it, his legs pinned under a treasure chest.
A few minutes pass and as not only Mount Ertinia is seen
but also the shoreline morale improves slightly. But that The way to shore should be a series of swim an rowing tests
does not last long. Suddenly the ship shakes as something to try and get away with the odd attack of a shogun as con-
slams into it. Crewmen hurry to check for what it could sequences for bad failures. The sea trolls don’t follow onto
have been and for damages. The latter is soon found, a large land however so once shore is reached so is safety.
hole in the hull. Orders to get it fixed ring out and crewmen
rush to do so. Roping in the PCs in this action is suggested.
Getting to the lower decks they will see the opening, par- Once on land whatever of the crew will start to make their
tially below sealevel and with water rushing in. What is way to Sartosa on foot. With tales to tell and wishes for em-
more, a sea troll stands in the decks. (Chose a sea troll to fit ployment and a new ship to sail.
the skill of the players and the challenge you want it to
pose). Start the battle with the players and d5 crewmen Rewards
facing the troll, then each round add another d5 crewmen.
All terrain below deck counts as difficult terrain due to Extra exp should be awarded for proving useful in repairs,
rushing seawater. Crewmen use the human characteristics openly protesting the captains actions and saving other
(Core Rulebook pg 311) with the ‘Ranged +8’ optional trait. crewmen.
(Trollae Vagus Spiculum)
Spiked trolls are a type of hill trolls and share many similar- SPIKED TROLL (RUNT)
ities with them. They are even smaller than other hill trolls
being between 8 and 10 feet (ca 244-304cm) in height.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
They have gangly limbs like other hill trolls but are hairless
unlike their cousins. Spiked trolls are often green or grey in 6 30 15 50 40 15 20 10 5 40 5 25
colour and are covered with large iron spikes carrying
deadly poison. These Iron spikes are the trolls main method Skills: Perception 20, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 50
of defence. Traits: Anchor, Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard,
Like hill trolls the spiked trolls are nomadic, wandering Frenzy, Hill troll Poison, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Spiked
from place to place. Hide, Stupid, Tough, Troll Tough, Venom (+0), Weapon +8

Spiked trolls tend to reach ages of about 60 years and grow SPIKED TROLL (YOUNGSTER)
their entire lives. Old ones can reach heights of as much as
11 feet at times, not counting the length of their spikes. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Spiked trolls are loners, only rarely do they meet others of 6 35 15 55 45 25 20 10 5 45 10 34
their kin to procreate and even then such encounters tend
to be brief. Spiked troll parents don’t care for their young, Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
they abandon them right after birth. 35
Spiked trolls like carrion for their food but also have a taste Traits: Anchor, Armour 3, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard,
for the mineral iron which they tend to consume whenever Frenzy, Hill troll Poison, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size
they encounter it. This is likely to grow their spikes as these (Large), Spiked Hide, Stupid, Tough, Venom (+0), Weapon +8
spikes are mostly iron. Indeed when killed a spiked trolls
spikes can be melted down and used to forge weapons. SPIKED TROLL (ADULT)
Spiked trolls may be the most stupid type of troll, which is
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
saying something. They often take time to notice someone
is even attacking them and once they do tend to enter a fe- 6 40 20 60 50 30 25 15 10 50 15 42
rocious frenzy that can have them forget just who was at- Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 60, Cool
tacking and have them strike at everything in their vicinity. 40
A Spiked trolls spikes and claws are venomous and this is Traits: Anchor, Armour 4, Bestial, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard,
what makes them so dangerous. This venom is relied upon Frenzy, Grim 1, Hill troll Poison, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate,
by the spiked trolls to keep safe and they trust it complete- Size (Large), Spiked Hide, Stupid, Tough, Venom (+0), Weapon
ly, often against threats it is no help against as well. +9
Trolls are generally fairly decent swimmers, not only those
that live the majority of their lives in water but other types
as well. Spiked trolls are however an exception to this, their M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
heavy iron spikes make them sink fast with no real chance 6 45 25 65 55 35 30 20 15 55 20 42
of surfacing. Indeed, drowning a spiked troll may be as
good a way to ensure it’s dead as burning it. Skills: Perception 40, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 65, Cool
In the art of Kulgur spiked trolls are considered the worst
troll meat to give. They are cooked solely as the retrieval of Traits: Anchor, Armour 5, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Frenzy,
the metal in their spikes means the job of skinning and cut- Grim 2, Hill troll Poison, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size
ting them up must be done regardless. The amount of iron (Large), Spiked Hide, Stupid, Tough, Venom (-10), Vomit,
in their blood makes it look black and gives the entire troll a Weapon +9
heavily metallic taste. Even when correctly cooked a meal
of Spiked troll meat is highly likely to cause long-lasting
He’s Eatin me mine!
Mini-adventure featuring a spiked troll
Adventure Summary would be when he purchased the land and built the basics.
Melgrud Dekroksson is a dwarf whose life is controlled by
A small ironmine near the Grey Mountains by the Gisoreux his dead father. His entire work life has been dedicated to
road is facing problems. A Spiked troll has entered it and is Dekrok Zaigzersson and the memory he has of him. He
devouring the iron. It has started with the collected raw takes any failures he does very hard feeling he lets Dekrok
iron ore but it is also eating of tools and support. The work- down but he always starts again, trying to do better. His life
ers ran for the hills after their first attempt at engaging the is not a happy one but it is a determined one.
troll and now the owner needs people to deal with the troll
quickly. The mine can easily be moved to another part of When he needs to fight he does so with a two-handed pick,
the world should it fit the GM better. leather armour and a plate helmet with a candle set at the
At the inn of “Streiders rest” and surrounding roadsigns he
has set up notes looking for mercenaries and it is when the In battle he uses the base stats of a dwarf (pg 311 Core rule-
group finds such a note the adventure begins. Lured by of- book) but with ‘Weapon +9’ instead of weapon +7, the trait
fers of gold and employment (hopefully, not much of an Armour 1 and the skill ‘Melee (Two-handed)’ at 50.
adventure else) the PCs go to meet Melgrud Dekroksson.
Once hired they go to his mine to face the troll. However, at
Starting the Adventure
this point the troll has eaten the most accessible iron and as As the characters are moving along the Gisoreux road they
they enter to fight it they will note the mine collapsing come upon a sign marking the inn of “Streiders Rest” to be
around them. What was thought to be a straightforward half a mile away. On the sign marking this is also nailed a
fight with a deadly monster now pairs with highly danger- note which they notice, a note offering money and employ-
ous environment. ment.

Dekrok Mine
Named after the late Dekrok Zaigzersson this small iron-
mine is the inherited right of Melgrud Dekroksson. It was Mercenaries needed post-haste!
founded by his father 80 years ago and is all Melgrud has
left of his dad. For sixty years ago Dekrok, as a citizen of
the wasteland, was called to war to fend of Norscan in-
vaders that raided the coast. Melgrud was told his father
fought valiantly and died a hero but that unfortunately all
he had fell into the sea with him as Dekrok tackled an ex-
A troll is eating my mine!
alted champion of chaos and had them both sink into the
briny depths. Melgrud had to take over the mine and con- Thirty (30) Gold Crowns to those
tinue his fathers legacy at a young age for a dwarf, but 21
years old. But he has done his best, he has worked his en- that can rid me of the beast!
tire life on honouring his fathers legacy and tending the
mine. It may not be much but it is enough to keep food on
the table, tools in the shed, charcoal in the furnace and a
Ask for Melgrud Dekroksson at
pair of employees digging. Or so it was until a spiked troll
entered and started consuming his stock. The stakes are
‘Streiders rest’.
high now, Melgrund may lose everything he has worked
his entire life to maintain and improve. Taking his savings
Melgrud now seeks people able to take the beast down
before his livelihood is gone.
Bring your own weapons and armour.
Miner Melgrud Dekroksson
Melgrud Dekroksson is a dwarf barely past eighty in
age. He is strict and thorough in his demeanour, espe-
I’s don know them squiggles…
cially when it comes to work which he values highly. He If no-one in the group can read, well then it’s lucky that ‘Rando
feels anything less would be to disrespect his father, the Praktisch’ walks by and reads it aloud. He then shrugs and says
mine must go on and grow to what his father dreamt it he’s no mercenary before going on his way.
Streiders Rest still wants to kill the PCs. Each round let someone test
dodge at +10 to avoid falling rocks, randomize or distribute
The Inn of Streiders Rest is run by Sanne Veldjen, a woman evenly these rolls, on a failure they get hit with a hit for 12
with a very, very thick wastelander accent. The inn is damage to their head.
named after a famous outlaw by the name of Streider who A rush to escape the mine, pursued by the troll, is likely to
is said to have been killed here roughly a century ago. The ensue. Play this as a pursuit between the collapse and the
sign above the inn shows a bandit shot with six arrows to PCs (see pg 166 of the core rulebook). The troll is an obsta-
represent this. There are some traders in the tavern, some cle in this chase, attacking PCs, not what they are trying to
wastelanders going to Bretonnia and some Bretonnians escape and the rocks continue to fall as in the fight.
going to Marienburg. There is also a dwarf, Melgrud
Dekroksson whom they are immediately directed to if they “The collapse” has an Athletics score of 30 and a movement
ask for him. of 4 for the purposes of the chase. If the slowest member
falls to the collapse as per the chase rules then they are bur-
If they offer their services he will conduct an interview, ask- ied in rubble, they suffer a damage 12 hit to a random loca-
ing about previous experiences and asking many relevant tion and is then buried. They will need to be saved later.
and professional questions. However he is really not in a During the chase assume that Melgrud makes it out along-
position to chose, he doesn’t want to show it but he is des- side the players. It is dramatic enough to run it with just the
perate and the interview is just to make him seem less so. players and his skills will be of use to save those buried.
He will absolutely hire the PCs even if they don’t do great in
the interview. The offer is 30GC to share for dealing with Once the PCs have gotten away from the collapse (should
the problem, this can be haggled up to 40 if the PCs did do they all be buried things are not looking good and you
well in the interview (and haggle for it). should start to ask if people want to use fatepoints) they
exit the mine and see it collapse behind them, burying the
Once a deal is struck he will lead them to his mine three troll and hopefully none of their friends. A few moments to
miles east. He is ready to fight alongside the PCs and will try catch their breath is needed as the dust settles and Melgrud
to describe the troll and discuss tactics before the fight. shares a single tear for his fathers mine.
He’ll ask things like where they want him in the fight and if
they should have codes to get out what they mean fast.

Into the Mine Guess who’s back?

Reaching the mine the echoing crunching of iron getting Then the rubble starts to move. A clawed hand smashes
devoured is heard from the depths. Melgrud lights the can- through it and rising out of the collapse comes the spiked
dle on his helmet, asks the PCs if they are ready and when troll. A little worse for wear but his wounds are already
they are, enters. There are many paths in the mine and it starting to heal. Set the, still frenzied, troll to half its total
can be somewhat hard to navigate, Melgrud knows it well wounds and continue the fight.
however and leads them.
As the group descends damaged supports, pick handles
with the pick heads bitten off, ripped up and eaten minecart With the troll finally killed there may still be urgent prob-
railing and more is seen. Signs of the destructive path of the lems to deal with. PCs may be buried in the rubble. Play out
spiked troll. Melgrud may mutter things about how he is the digging out as dramatically as you feel like. It can be a
ruined or strings of curses in his own language of khazalid. tense and difficult job or something Melgrud can handle
As they move near characters with ‘Heightened sense without much trouble. With the other problems dealt with
(Touch)’ will feel trembles in the ground suggesting the Melgrud will of course also pay the characters their dues, he
mine may be unstable. is a dwarf of his word. Though he may no longer be able to
afford getting the mine working again he is still thankful for
Out of the mine the PCs help in at least giving him some closure by killing
the monster that caused it.
Finally they will face the troll (chose a spiked troll you
deem fitting for the PCs skill and the challenge you want Should any PCs offer to help him rebuild or to invest in the
this to be). The first round it will roar, rip a support beam mine then Melgrud will gladly accept and become incredi-
from the wall to use as weapon and enter a frenzy. bly thankful for the help.

Now that was a really important support beam, especially Rewards

with so much of the mine damaged already, and as it is
ripped out the mine starts to collapse. Stones are falling Extra exp rewards should be given for escaping without
from the ceiling and the earth trembles. Meanwhile the troll being buried and for managing to haggle up the price.
Stone Troll
(Trollae Lapis)
Stone trolls are one of the most famous breeds of troll. STONE TROLL (RUNT)
Known for their thick scales and tough hides. Less known
but no less impressive is their resistance to magic. Spells
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
often wash harmlessly off them or do little but anger these
beasts. Some believe this is from the stones they eat causing 6 30 15 55 50 10 15 15 15 25 5 42
a magic inertia that dispels magic.
Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 60
An adult stone troll stands at roughly 13 feet (ca 4m) in
length with long gangly limbs. The nose and ears are larger Traits: Armour 3, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst
than on most types of trolls. Scales cover all but the gut of a 5, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 1, Night Vision, Regener-
stonetroll. Stone trolls are usually blue but grey variants ate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough,
exist as well. Vomit, Weapon +9,

Stone trolls can reach ages of a hundred and eighty. Like STONE TROLL (YOUNGSTER)
most trolls they grow their entire life and especially old
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
ones can be as tall as 16 feet (ca 490cm).
6 35 15 60 55 20 15 15 20 30 10 46
Stonetrolls live mostly in mountainous regions though they
can be found underground in other regions as well. Most Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 65, Cool
likely this is, at least partially, due to their diet of stones. In 40, Dodge 20, Melee (Basic) 45
the mountains of Massif Orcal stands a monument to their
voracious appetite. The place called “The Stone Troll Quar- Traits: Armour 4, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
ry” is a pit formed solely from stone trolls eating from the burst 4, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 2, Night Vision,
mountains. It is believed that perhaps the stone here tastes Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll
particularly good to stone trolls. Regardless of the thoughts Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10
behind it the greenskins of the area utilize the large
amounts of trolls that gather there to boost their ranks and
create truly fearsome hordes. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

Stone trolls can live as loners or in packs with a slight pref- 6 40 20 65 60 25 20 20 20 35 15 52

erence towards packs. A troll pack tends to be fairly small,
Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 70, Cool
numbering between 3 and 9 individuals. Stone trolls, as the
45, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 50
name suggests, have a diet consisting to a large degree of
stones. But that is not all they eat, meat is appreciated and Traits: Armour 4, Bite +9, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim
carrion sought after. Greenskins value them highly for their 1, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 3, Night Vision, Regener-
resilience and so tend to try and get them to follow them ate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough,
into battle where those facing the Waaagh! are on the Vomit, Weapon +10
Stone trolls are able to use weapons and some have even
been able to create ones of their own, these are nought but
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
sharpened rocks but for a type of creature like trolls that is
impressive enough. 6 45 25 75 70 30 25 25 25 40 20 60

Stone trolls have few natural predators, the only known is

Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 80, Cool
dragons and their rarity makes this little of an issue. Dwarfs
50, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 60
do use them in kulgur though, I have not had the pleasure of
tasting stonetroll but they are said to have a dry and spicy Traits: Armour 4, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst
taste. 3, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 4, Night Vision,
Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll
Tough, Vomit, Weapon +11
Under the Great Dwarf Bridge
Mini-adventure featuring a stone troll

Adventure Summary pass holds many caverns, along its sides are openings of
various shapes and sizes. Openings through which travel-
This is an adventure set in the middle mountains near Cas- lers claim to see monstrous beings peer out. Investigations
tle Lenkster in Ostland. There a huge dwarf bridge of ages have shown no sign of monsters living there however, no
past go between two mountains bridging the mountainpass matter how often people report seeing them.
below. A Stonetroll has moved in under this bridge and
made it its lair. The troll has been there a long time but re- Castle Lenkster
cently the tunnel around this mountainpass collapsed and
Castle Lenkster is an Empire fort in Ostland, which over-
deliveries must now pass the troll. Thus many refuse to
looks a border crossing that leads through the Middle
deliver to Castle Lenkster. Captain Gustaf Hartnackig of Cas-
Mountains to Hochland. It holds roughly two-hundred peo-
tle Lenkster sent his battle wizard Greta von Ristedt to deal
ple and is led by Captain Gustaf Hartnackig. The castleguard
with it, figuring that since she can control fire she should
must keep a majority guarding the garrison at all times by
easily defeat the troll. The troll however proved quite re-
law. A law entered during the time of the three emperors
sistant to magic and killed Greta. The Captain believes she
when the captain in charge left a bare minimum garrison to
is taking longer than she should, or even worse, has desert-
aid in an attack and the castle was as a result taken. While
ed and offers some adventurers a job to bring her back and
taken back eventually this cost the Ostlanders much. Some
help her face the troll if needed. Getting there the players
say dwarfs have cursed the castle and it’s surroundings, the
will note that Greta is dead and the troll is in good health.
dwarfs however deny this. Still once a year, at Hexennacht
The troll, angry over the fire Greta used, will believe the
one of the Brothers of Grimnir, an elite order of dwarf slay-
same of the PCs and will try to hunt them down and kill
er-monks whose shrine lays in the Middle Mountains,
comes to the castle and says he’s going to hang around ‘just

The Great Dwarf Bridge to be safe’. He only stays a few days and then moves on. The
Brother of Grimnir varies from year to year but the mes-
The Great Dwarf Bridge is a massive construction in the sage is always the same, he’s there ‘just in case’. The Broth-
Middle Mountains near Castle Lenkster. It is wide enough to erhood has refused to answer the question ‘In case of
let eight giants march side by side. The pillars supporting it what?’.
go from mountain walls and even to the bottom of the
Captain Gustaf Hartnäckig
mountain pass in amazing feats of engineering as the bridge
stands 1400m (1 531 yards) above the bottom of the pass. Ostlanders are known to be stubborn and Captain Gustaf
It’s length is roughly four hundred metres (437 yards), little Hartnackig certainly exemplifies this trait as the stern and
compared to its great height but that was all needed to stubborn man many would imagine if they heard he was an
bridge the gap between the mountains. Along the sides of Ostland captain. He is a military commander who is hard on
the bridge is a wall that would reach to waist height on a his enemies and even harder on his men. He accepts no ex-
human. Every 25 metres (27 yards) glows a rune of protec- cuses for not doing your job, no failure, no slacking off, no
tion to ward off ill-fortune. With one exception, at one place fun on the job. Captain Gustaf is a bald man with a long,
in the construction the wall has been torn down, leaving a straight, brown beard. He has a fine plate armour showing
gap of 9m (roughly 10 yards) where the stone is twisted the bullhead heraldry of Ostland proudly displayed. He has
and changed and four life-sized and very lifelike statues of this armour on all his active work hours, which is fourteen
dwarf warriors in battle poses stand. A feeling of dread hours a day, seven days a week. He holds strictly to rules
quickly passes over those that pass this section. Little is and protocol, abhorring informality.
known of the bridges construction or original purpose. It is
assumed a path between the mountains was important but Battle Wizard Greta von Ristedt
neither mountain seems to have much strategic value and Greta von Ristedt was a wizard of the bright order serving
neither mountain shows evidence of dwarf ruins. the military at Castle Lankster. She was a very short woman
at 143cm (roughly 4 feet 8 inches) with curly black hair.
Dwarf Bridge Pass She was very patriotic, often talking about the greatness of
The pass the Great Dwarf Bridge goes across is simply Ostland and using her abilities to create fireshows for any
called Dwarf Bridge Pass. It holds no official road and has and all celebrations of Ostland or the Empire.
tended to be avoided for the stonetroll that lives there and
the legends of evil chaos gnomes hiding in its caverns. The
Starting the Adventure their vision but when they turned there was nothing there.
Say that they were likely mistaken. If they succeed instead
Start the adventure at or near Castle Lenkster by having a say that some dark humanoid with glowing red eyes stand
soldier approach the PCs that Captain Gustaf Hartnackig and stare at them from one of the cave openings, if the test
wants to speak to them and insists to escort them to him. was succeeded by 4 or more SLs tell them they hear the
Asking why gives little more than that it’s “military busi- humanoid whisper their name. The humanoid goes deeper
ness”. The Captain is found in his office and the adventurers into the cave soon after being seen.
are led there. He will look them over and give a slightly dis- Should the PCs want to check out one of the cave openings
approving grunt. “Welcome travellers. I am Captain Gustaf they will find no trace of humanoids there, they may do a
Hartnäckig, you can call me Captain Hartnäckig or just Cap- bit of spelunking to learn more. Let them enter the labyrin-
tain. You are probably wondering why you are here. Well, I thian caverns this way should they wish and continue these
have a problem and I am not allowed to send men from ac- perception tests, with the same consequences, when in
tive garrison duty to fix it. Old rules, important rules but of- there. If they keep chasing them offer them to take a dark
ten a hindrance. Now my Battle Wizard Greta von Ristedt deal (ie gain a corruption point) to learn the secret. Take
was sent to incinerate a troll. She’s a bright order battle wiz- the player that does aside and tell them that the monsters
ard and trolls can’t handle fire so I reckoned it would be easy. aren’t real and the mountainpass is just messing with their
But she hasn’t returned. So I would like you to go there, see if heads.
you can find signs of her likely desertion and deal with the
troll if she hasn’t already done so. You will of course get com- There’s Greta
pensated and it saves me the trouble of having to conscript
you, which has a lot of paperwork associated and would also Getting nearer the bridge they will find some remains of
count towards my conscription quota.” Greta, while the troll has eaten all her meat pieces of her
red robes, a stomped asunder staff, a ripped up spellbook
The PCs may approve this or, if they don’t, get conscripted
and a chewed on sword are found.
for half a year of military service and be sent on the quest
regardless, though Gustaf Hartnackig would prefer not do- There’s the Troll
ing it that way and will warn them again before he does so.
As for the compensation the GM should set it at a level fit- And hanging from a tooth of the troll is Gretas pointy wiz-
ting for his campaign and for the Stone troll chosen. If con- ard hat. The troll glares with anger at the characters and
scripted the PCs can of course desert, that can make for charges them as soon as it sees them. It will ruthlessly pur-
plenty of interesting scenarios in its own right. They will be sue and try to kill them though if they manage to hide it
given a map to show where to go. may forget about them. Use a stone troll fitting the skill of
your players and the challenge you want for them.
Why the players?: Why where the PCs chosen? Well the
soldier sent to get them was just told to chose a group that
seemed like they were armed and not currently doing
something important. He thought the PCs fit this descrip- The PCs need to return with a bit of proof that the troll and
tion, he could have been mistaken. Greta are dead. The path back is roughly as difficult as the
way there was with the same tests for travelling. Though in
Travel to the pass reverse order of course. Also do point out that it’s getting
darker as they are moving back. The night will be fairly un-
The paths to the pass are not well walked and require a fair
eventful but the characters don’t know that.
bit of climbing, trekking through difficult terrain and such.
Feel free to describe the arduous trek. Each character
should take a climb test to see how well they traverse it, a
failure means they arrive at the pass with a fatigued condi- Extra exp should be awarded for having little or no trouble
tion. The travel there takes roughly three hours. travelling there and back, should that be true for a player. It
should also be rewarded for leaving on good terms with the
Travel through the pass captain in the unlikely event this is the case.
Reaching the pass they see the many cave openings at its
sides and the massive bridge in the distance. They should
now start looking for signs of Greta but they will find none
until they get closer to the bridge. There are things they
may see however. Ask for perception tests a few times, on a
failure say they think they saw something at the edge of
Stormblight Brute
(Trollae Lapis Tempestas robiginem)
Stormblight Brutes are named after the area in Troll coun- STORMBLIGHT DOLT
try where they were first found. Stormblight Hollow. A
somewhat sheltered area between a glacier and the more
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
verdant lands of southern troll country. The Stone Trolls
found here are referred by local names as Stormblight 6 30 15 55 50 10 15 15 15 25 5 42
Brutes, Stormbright Louts, Stormbright Dolts and Storm-
blight Monsters but as far as I can tell they are all the same Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 60
specie which I chose to use the Stormbright Brute name for. Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst

Like other stonetrolls the Stormblight Brutes have tough 5, Hungry, Immunity (Cold), Infected, Magic Resistance 1,
scales and a resistance to magic. A resistance that seem Night Vision, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair),
even stronger against ice magic, perhaps as a defence Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +9,
against ice witches and yhetees, the latter which is found in
the nearby glacier, a rare sight so far from the mountains of
Mourn and likely a leftover of an ogre attack long ago. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
An adult Stormblight Brute stands at roughly 13 feet (ca 6 35 15 60 55 20 15 15 20 30 10 46
4m) in length with long gangly limbs. Scales cover all but
Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 65, Cool
the gut of the Stormblight Brute. Their colourations tend to
40, Dodge 20, Melee (Basic) 45
be grey or brown.

Stormblight Brutes can reach ages of a hundred and forty. Traits: Armour 3, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
Like most trolls they grow their entire life and especially burst 4, Hungry, Immunity (Cold), Infected, Magic Resistance
old ones can be as tall as 15 feet (ca 460cm). 2, Night Vision, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial
(Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10
Stormblight Brutes usually live in packs. A troll pack tends
to be fairly small, numbering between 3 and 9 individuals. STORMBLIGHT LOUT
Stormblight Brutes, have a diet consisting to a large degree
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
of stones. But that is not all they eat, meat is appreciated
and carrion sought after. The large bats of the area often 6 40 20 65 60 25 20 20 20 35 15 52
find themselves on the menu of Stormblight Brutes.
Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 70, Cool
Stromblight Brutes make weaponry to use, usually sharp- 45, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 50
ened knives of stone. Something they often carry multiples
Traits: Armour 3, Bite +9, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim
of, and sometimeseat.
1, Hungry, Immunity (Cold), Infected, Magic Resistance 3,
Stormblight Brutes have a natural predator in the yhetees Night Vision, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair),
of the area that despite the trolls resistance to their icy Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10
breath have found ways to kill and eat them effectively.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 45 25 75 70 30 25 25 25 40 20 60

Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 80, Cool

50, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 60

Traits: Armour 3, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst

3, Grim 2, Hungry, Immunity (Cold), Infected, Magic Resistance
4, Night Vision, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial
(Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +11
Stormblight Expedition
Mini-adventure featuring a pack of Stormblight Brutes

Adventure Summary Finding the Troll

Having heard news of the Imperial Zoo and their purchases Finding a Stormblight troll isn´t to difficult, a character with
of exotic beasts for grand sums a pack of Steppe Nomads in Tracking can test it at +40 to seek them out or a character
Troll Country decide to hire in some muscle and capture the may test Outdoor Survival at +-0 to do the same. If this is
unique Fauna of Stormbright Hollows to sell. failed let them wander long before finding their tracks and
give them a fatigue each. The troll will be found in a pack of
Now there will be a struggle to catch a Glacier Yeti, a Storm-
five, now unless they want to catch all they need to come up
blight Brute and a Leatherwing Bat, but the troubles won´t
with a way to get one away from the pack.
end there, after catching them they must be transported
and how do you transport creatures that breathe ice or can
eat through anything?
Splitting the Pack
Splitting the troll-pack isn´t too hard to do, trolls are stupid
Stormblight Hollows and often fall for various tricks and traps. Let the players
ideas work unless you feel they are really bad.
Stormblight Hollows is a series of valleys in Troll Country
set between a mighty glacier and the southern parts of Troll
Country. It is fairly sheltered from the harsh weather of the
Catching the troll
area and gains its name from this fact (A blight to storms). Catching the troll can be done in various ways. Subduing it
A long time ago an ogre army ravaging the lands here hap- in combat is an option but so is using traps or other tricks.
pened to leave behind some yhetees. Yhetees that came to Let the players bring their ideas and play it out. Make sure
adapt to Glacier Yeti, the apex predators of Stormblight. to reward smart plans.

Juhász Dorottya Transporting the Catches

Juhasz Dorottya is an ungol steppe nomad in Troll Country When the PCs are done the other catches too have gone
who hearing about the Imperial Zoo came up with the idea well and the next part is to transport the creatures. A travel
to capture the creatures of Stormblight Hollows and down to the river Lynsk and by it take them on boat to
transport them to Altdorf to sell. She is an ambitious and Erengrad where they will go by ship to Marienburg and
greedy woman, perhaps too much for her own good. then up the Reik to Altdorf. All the while the creatures will
struggle for freedom. The Troll will eat the bars and if not
Starting the Adventure stopped or reinforced often enough the troll will escape and
wreck havoc. The glacier yetis ice breath makes feeding it a
Start the adventure as the players come upon Juhasz Dor-
deadly endeavour. Only the bats are easy to contain.
ottya who seeks workers to help her on an expedition to
capture monsters to sell. Let her hire them for a campaign
appropriate fee and set them off.
First Stretch-Stormblight to Choi-
Dividing the jobs
The stretch to Choika takes them near Bonerattlaz territory,
Travelling to Stormblight with a group of workers and the a greenskin tribe. These will launch a small raid to steal
PCs Juhasz Dorottya will divide up the workload. A pair of food, a few wolf chariots doing an attack. Seeing profit ra-
her men will go to catch a Leatherwing bat or two. The PCs ther than danger Juhasz Dorottya states they should cap-
(and some extra hirelings if the GM so wishes) are sent to ture the giant wolves pulling the chariots and bring those as
capture a Stormblight troll and the majority will be needed well. Play out the fight and see if a capture is done.
to go after a Glacier Yeti. Plans will be forged and while she
has cages one can question how well they can hold such Second Stretch-Choika to Eren-
beasts. Especially trolls, legendary for eating anything.
Though that is a question for later, now the PCs must think grad
up a way to find and catch such a beast.
Hiring a riverboat the stretch to Erengrad by river goes fair-
ly calm apart from the difficulties in tending the animals
and the complaining of the boatsmen to have them
A Stop in Erengrad Leatherwing Bat
While working up contracts to get a ship to travel with their Leatherwing bats are a form of bat the size of a human that
monsters Juhasz Dorottya reckons some other local wildlife dwell in Stormblight in Troll Country. Unlike most bats they
can be picked up. There are plenty of Lurkerfish (Sea of are not nocturnal but fly around in the day hunting small
Claws pg 140) where the River Lynsk meets the bay of mammals and eating carrion. They can be aggressive but if
Erengrad and so she sends people to catch a bunch and put hurt will attempt to retreat.
in tanks. Their enticing lights will make for another trouble
in transporting once caught.

Third Stretch-Erengrad to Marien- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

2 25 - 30 25 25 35 - 10 15 - 8
On a proper ship they will now travel all the way to Marien- Traits: Flier (50), Bestial, Infected, Skittish, Weapon +4, Bite +7,
burg. A journey that takes a while and with plenty more Tracker, Wallcrawler
opportunities for the captured creatures to cause trouble.
To make matters worse when they come upon a drifting Glacier Yeti
wreck of a Norscan longship Juhasz Dorottya insists they
check it out and from the hull a great many Gymmcrabs A type of yhetee dwelling in the Glaciers of Troll Country,
(Sea of Claw pg 141) swarm up. Once again Juhasz Dorottya believed to be remnants from a time when a large ogre in-
insists they are caught and these battle-hardened crusta- vasion ravaged the lands. They have grown to be the apex
ceans will prove another troublesome creature to hold as predators of Stormblight hollow, eating even the trolls
they try to climb out of their tanks at any opportunity. The there. Their frost breath and fast reflexes makes them dead-
true trouble comes however as a storm strikes. The ship is ly foes.
in turmoil and the beasts are getting loose. Have the crew
and characters fight both beasts and storm in a frantic bid
for survival. When the storm finally abates the ship is badly
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
damaged and wrecks by a beach at Hargendorf.
7 50 30 60 45 20 50 10 10 40 - 42
Hargendorf Zoo
Skills: Climb 110
Wrecked and faced with reaching Altdorf a difficult pro-
spect Juhasz Dorottya sees she must change her plan. Nego- Traits: Bestial, Block, Breath (Cold), Dark Vision, Fury, Hungry,
tiating for some local land poor for logging and farming she Immunity (Cold, Ice), Magical, Size (Large), Weapon +10
sets her workers to fix up enclosures and starts her own
zoo. It is not the easy retirement to wealth she had planned
but it just might work. The PCs, having been quite useful so
far. Will be offered further jobs catching creatures to her
new zoo. As GM feel free to leave this either as a vague “if
they bring she´ll buy” or direct missions for specific crea-
tures as you see fit.

Additional rewards for smart ideas for capture and good
handling of the animals should be given.
Suskarg Lout
(Trollae Vandalis)
Suskarg Louts are a type of troll found in Troll Country, SUSKARG LOUT (RUNT)
mainly in the area known as Suskarg. Located in southern
Troll Country Suskarg is sometimes farmed and this tends M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
to cause conflicts with the Suskarg Louts who seem to find
6 30 15 60 45 10 15 15 7 20 5 40
amusement in killing farmers and breaking farm equip-
ment. They can often be found laughing oafishly as they do Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 55, Swim
so. As one can imagine this behaviour hardly makes them 60
popular with the local population and Suskarg Louts are Traits: Armour 1, Bestial, Belligerent, Bite +9, Die Hard, Gob-
some of the most hated trolls of the land even though they lob, Gutburst 6, Hungry, Infected, Lout, Regenerate, Size
are not the most dangerous of Troll Country. (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit,
An adult Suskarg Lout stands at roughly 13 feet (4m) in Weapon +10,
length. The nose and ears are larger than on common trolls
and they have but a few scales on arms and legs. Their skin
is slimy and their colouration varied with brown and green
the most common colours. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 35 15 65 50 20 15 15 7 25 10 44
Suskarg Louts can reach ages of near a hundred and twenty.
Like most trolls they grow their entire life and their largest
Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
kin have been named “Suskarg Skull-Crushers” by the lo-
cals, first thought to be their own specie due to the size dif- 35, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45, Swim 65
ference and still often referred to as such in Troll Country Traits: Armour 1, Bestial, Belligerent, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard,
despite it being incorrect. Goblob, Gutburst 5, Hungry, Infected, Lout, Regenerate, Size
Suskarg Louts live in large groups in joined cave-lairs, often (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit,
numbering twenty or more. Outside of these lairs they do Weapon +10
not behave as packs however, hunting and foraging alone
or in pairs. Suskarg Louts are primarily scavengers and for-
agers but have a tendency to go after farms and buildings
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
when found, perhaps their small brains have managed to
connect that these places contain food. 6 40 20 70 55 25 20 20 12 30 15 48

Suskarg Louts are able to use weapons, but most often they
Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool
forget to do so and fight with claws, teeth and vomit . They
40, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 70
also have a tendency to find breaking objects funny mean-
ing they are less likely to utilize tools for long than other Traits: Armour 1, Belligerent, Bite +10, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
types of trolls. burst 4, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Lout, Regenerate, Size
(Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit,
Weapon +11


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 45 25 75 60 30 25 25 17 35 20 52
Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool
45, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75

Traits: Armour 1, Bite +10, Belligerent, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-

burst 4, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Lout, Regenerate, Size
(Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit,
Weapon +11
Louts, Hags and Vandals
Mini-adventure featuring Suskarg Louts

Adventure Summary engaard. Having lived in the harsh wilderness while others
dwelled in the comfort of Trullzengaards farm she has
This is an adventure set in Troll Country where a band of grown up with a hatred of the farmers there and a wish for
outlaws have grown to be a threat to the surroundings by vengeance.
somehow recruiting a few trolls into their ranks. Zły zamek Castle
Lacking resources to go to war against them the locals hire
Zły zamek is an old castle ruin that Rota Bezprawny has
some help to find out how the bandits managed to get trolls
taken as their home and base of operation. It is long since it
to work for them and put a stop to it so their farms can once
could be recognized as a true castle and but a few collapsed
again find relative safety.
walls and toppled statues show its once proud site. Still
This takes the adventurers to a decrepit old castle ruin parts of the old dungeon hold and even a mostly fallen wall
where the outlaws use vile magic to control the trolls. Can gives one side for a shelter.
they break the charms and let the trolls loose on their mas-
ters? The Rituals
Trullzengaard The spirit of the land that Wirslawa Orzulak spoke to was
not one of those hags normally commune with. In fact it
The small communities in Southern Troll Country called was not a spirit at all but a daemon. The Daemonprince
Trullzengaard is little more than a few dozen large farms Grzegorz Trollwise seek mortal worshippers to strengthen
widely spread out. But they join together to defend them his ability to enter the mortal world and when Wirslawa
and when trolls come they tend to do so in small numbers sought spirits to speak to he answered as a spirit of the wild
and together the farmers can drive them off or kill them. trolls. He taught her rituals for dominating them in return
The farms of Trullzengaard are quite isolated, few people for worship and devotion from the Rota Bezprawny, and
travel to Troll Country regularly and they sustain them- with the rituals successes the people came to worship him.
selves. There is no leader of the community, instead each Now the Rota Bezprawny hold several trolls in command
farm has its own leadership and when needed they hold and wage war on Trullzengaard.
council together.
Starting the Adventure
Rota Bezprawny
Have the characters travel through the wilds of Troll Coun-
Rota Bezprawny is a band of outlaws that dwell in the lands try and come upon Trullzengaard. There the farmers will
of Trullzengard where they can scavenge, hunt, forage and seek them out as visitors are few and they need help. They
steal for what they need. For decades they have been in ask for help in seeking out how the Rota Bezprawny can
conflict with the locals but these have been restricted to control trolls and set a stop to it before their lands are lost.
minor skirmishes with the objective to steal rather than They say they have managed to scout out where they think
actually cause harm. That has recently changed however as they have their camp but dared not approach nearer for the
the Rota Bezprawny found a way to control Suskarg Louts. trolls. Still Zły zamek castle is identified as their primary
With these trolls at their side the balance of power has base.
shifted and the farms are in trouble.
Paths ahead: Fight
Wisława Orszulak
Fighting their way in is a bad choice but a choice still. There
Wirslawa Orzulak is the new leader of these bandits. A are forty outlaws ready to fight and ten trolls (of a by GM
woman of mystical powers. She was born amongst the ban- set difficulty from previous page). In addition Wirslawa
dits and as she grew she showed the marks of a Kislev hag- Orzulak is there with her magics.
witch. Communing with the spirits of Troll-Country dark
Not all are there at the same time though and if waiting for
presences answered and taught her their secrets. Then as
a time when people are away those numbers can be halved.
she grew up and mastered her powers she took control of
Rota Bezprawny and used these methods to let them once
for all get the upper hand in the conflict against Trullz-
Paths ahead: Sneak Wisława Orszulak
While they have many eyes there this is still a clear and
good choice. Finding the secrets inside this way is possible M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
as is stealing from them or disrupting signs of their new 4 50 50 50 50 50 30 30 50 50 50 20

Paths ahead: Infiltrate Skills: Lore (Troll Country) 60, Language (Gospodaryi) 60, Lan-
guage (Ungol) 60, Athletics 40, Consume Alcohol 60, Cool 60,
Infiltrating the Rota Bezprawny is not a bad idea. A claim of Endurance 60, Gamble 60, Intimidate 60, Melee (Basic) 60,
being outlaws is not too extreme, who else travels into Outdoor Survival 60, Dodge 40, Heal 60, Perception 60,
Troll Country away from civilization, would they do so if Ranged (Bow) 60, Stealth (Rural) 40, Ride (Horse) 40, Channel-
they really had a choice? They will be met with some suspi- ing 70, Language (Magick) 70, Melee (Polearm) 60, Trade
cion as is the case with new people but they will not be (Herbalist) 40
turned away outright. This path is likely the fastest to learn
Talents: Criminal Rank 2, Trapper, Menacing, Robust, Instinc-
about them. They will however keep check on them when
tive Diction, Petty Magic, Arcane Magic (Witchery), Magical
new so their opportunities to cause damage will be limited.
Sense, Aethyric Attunement
Secrets found Spells (Petty): Animal Friend, Dart, Careful Step, Light, Shock

The castle ruins hold some secrets, mainly the new faith Spells (Witchery): Blast, Bolt, Terrifying, Haunting Horror, Evil
and their hag-witch. An altar to the spirit is found in the Eye, Hag Curses
dungeon, a remade old cell with a crude icon. There too are
Trappings: Quarterstaff, Bow, Thick fur clothing, bunch of am-
scribbles on the walls for rituals, the troll-control rituals. If
someone can read Gospodaryi they can see that these ritu-
als must be made regularly. Wirslawa Orzulak is found Rewards
guarded by others and seen casting spells by the trolls to
reinforce the magic. It should be easy to see that her magic Rewards for smart ideas should be given and should the
is what keeps them in check. PCs discern the true nature of the “spirit” that may too be
worth some exp.
Stopping them
The main way to stopping the trolls is by stopping
Wirslawa Orzulak, without her magic the trolls can´t be
controlled, they will then rampage and wreck the outlaw
camp before moving away. How to get to her is another
matter and one with too many possible methods to list

Ending the Scenario

Once the witch has been stopped and the trolls have ram-
paged and moved off Trullzengaard is once more safe and
the farmers are thankful. They are poor but offer food,
drink and tools as they can.
Two-headed Troll
(Trollae Chaotica dumdum)
The definition of two-headed trolls TWO-HEADED TROLL (RUNT)
as their own species is heavily disputed. Many claim M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
that it is but a mutation that is especially common amongst
6 30 15 55 45 15 15 15 10 25 5 38
chaos trolls, not a mutation so stable as to carry weight to
be a separate specie. I may agree with this, there is substan- Skills: Perception 20, Melee (Brawling) 40, Melee (Basic) 40,
tial proof such as witness accounts of chaos trolls turning Endurance 55, Swim 60
into two-headed trolls by their strange form of regenera- Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +8, Corrupted (Minor), Die Hard,
tion and two-headed trolls being born of chaos troll par- Gutburst 6, Hungry, Infected, Mental Corruption, Mutant Re-
ents. Still for this encyclopedia it would be amiss not to generation, Mutation, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Terri-
mention them as they are in many legends, especially torial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Two Jawed Monstrosity, Vom-
amongst the northern chaos worshipping tribes, treated as
it, Weapon +9,
their own kind and their physical attributes makes them
especially deadly. Just keep in mind that they may not nec- TWO-HEADED TROLL (YOUNGSTER)
essarily be their own specie.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
The physical traits of two-headed trolls match those of cha-
6 35 15 60 50 25 15 15 10 30 10 46
os trolls with the exception that they have an additional
head, or rather an additional face for while a whole head is Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
common those whose additional jaws and eyes grow from 40, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45, Swim 65
shoulders, backs or arms are also considered two-headed
Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Corrupted (Minor), Die
trolls. It’s their access to two mouths that make them so
Hard, Gutburst 5, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Mental Corrup-
deadly, not the positions of those mouths. With them they
can vomit in larger qualities and have two hungry maws to tion, Mutant Regeneration, Mutation, Regenerate, Size
bite and devour with. (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Two
Jawed Monstrosity, Vomit, Weapon +10,
As they are a form of chaos troll they are often found in
Troll country and Norsca as well as further north. They are TWO-HEADED TROLL(ADULT)
the most numerous in the lands of the Tahmaks however. It
is unknown why but the Tahmaks have their own theory. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
They say that in the year 950 their king Szagtryzhutch the 6 40 20 65 55 30 20 20 15 35 15 46
Behemoth made a deal with Tzeentch to make his army
Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool
mighty. In return for ten thousand souls the changer would
45, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 70
gift his warriors to be the strongest in the land. The deal
was struck and the changer fused together his marauders Traits: Armour 3, Bite +9, Corrupted (Minor), Die Hard, Gut-
with the trolls of the land, creating two-headed beasts of burst 4, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Mental Corruption, Mutant
great power. Szagtryzhutch is said to have laughed long and Regeneration, Mutation, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Ter-
hard at this twist with how the gift was granted. Still his ritorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Two Jawed Monstrosity,
new army was strong and he used it to conquer nearby Vomit, Weapon +10,
tribes before setting his sight on the empire. This tale
matches well in time the ‘Battle of Ostwald Moor’. A battle TWO-HEADED TROLL(LARGE)
where Ostland, Nordland and Hochland fought together M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
against a massive chaos army led by a chaos champion mu-
6 45 25 70 60 35 25 25 20 40 20 54
tated to massive size. A champion who single-handedly cut
through all of the Hochland greatswords before Goblin Skills: Perception 40, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool
Bane, the runefang of Hochland, cut him down.
50, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75
In most respects they are however just chaos trolls and I
Traits: Armour 3, Bite +10, Chaos Vomit, Corrupted
have my doubts about the truth of the Tahmak legend, even
(Moderate), Die Hard, Gutburst 3, Grim 3, Hungry, Infected,
though it coincides with a well documented historical
Mental Corruption, Mutant Regeneration, Mutation, Regener-
ate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough,
Two Jawed Monstrosity, Vomit, Weapon +11,
Nikse trollhunt
Mini-adventure featuring a two-headed troll

Adventure Summary Flachsfrau Wood belongs to the Nikse family. They employ
a small gang of foresters to maintain the woodland as hunt-
This is an adventure set in Flachsfrau wood near Salz- ing grounds, and when they ruled Nordland they used it to
enmund in Nordland. The Nikse family who owns the entertain visiting dignitaries. Graf Todbringer of Midden-
woods have gotten an important guest to agree to join them heim was often invited to come hunting with Baron Werner
in a hunting trip there and they were preparing for it with in the woods — occasionally he actually accepted. There
but a week to go as a brazen norscan fleet sailed for Salz- are deer, boar, wolves, and bear as quarry.
enmund in hope of glory in the eyes of their gods. They did Despite losing status, Baron Nikse still uses Flachsfrau
not find glory, they found batteries of cannons ready for Wood for hunting and politicking. Nikse is courting
them and a river assault that proved deadly. By all accounts amongst others on hunts — High Priest Granholm, Lord
it was a badly planned attack. However not all died. The Bedauer-Schmidt, and members of the Salzenmund Circle
invaders there were mostly cut down but some fled into the amongst them. He has long tried and now finally gotten
surrounding lands. Amongst these was a two-headed troll Gausser to agree to hunt boar with him, hoping to make a
and a few chaos marauders. This particular group got into pragmatic alliance with the new elector count. An idea that
the Flachsfrau wood. can turn catastrophic if he can’t get rid of the troll in time.
The controlling Nikse family could now contact the authori- There is a small temple to Taal and Rhya (in her aspect as
ties and the army would be there to remove them. But this Haleth, Goddess of Hunting), attended by itinerant priests.
almost certainly gets their hunting trip cancelled and they This temple stands two miles from Salzenmund and is cur-
don’t want to give up that opportunity for political allianc- rently closed due to the trolls presence (though officially it
es. Thus they seek people who can discreetely deal with the is closed for repairs).
problem. People like the PCs.

After publicly showing their competency in stopping a Baron Werner Nikse

crime happening nearby the PCs get the eye of the Nikses
When the Nikses first ruled Salzenmund, they were re-
and are approached with a deal. Get rid of the troll discreet-
nowned warriors who lead the province in battle, but Baron
ly and be generously rewarded. And be careful not to burn
Werner has a reputation as a subservient retainer to Graf
down the forest.
Boris who spent more time in Middenheim than Salz-
With the job accepted the PCs will now need to track the enmund. Still, the baron is trying to change this perception
troll down, which is easy. And then deal with the troll, of him and getting to actually spend some time with Theo-
which is considerably less easy. However the leader of the dric Gaussner might be enough. Or so he hopes at least.
forces hiding with the troll is willing to negotiate, perhaps
the treacherous route of letting them leave would be easi- Warden Sofia Gehrig
Sofia Gehrig is warden of the Flachsfrau Wood by authority
Salzenmund of Baron Nikse. She is a proud and loyal warden of these
woods who would do anything the baron asked of her. She
At the heart of the Silver Hills is a deep lake known as the is a skilled woodsman and knows the Flachsfrau woods like
Ormsdeep. The surrounding peaks form a great basin, the back of her hand.
carved into hills by rivers and streams flowing from the
highlands. On the slopes facing the lake lies Salzenmund, a Halvdan Deathbringer
small city and capital of Nordland. From these hills flow the
Halvdan is the Norscan marauder currently in command of
many tributaries that join to form the River Salz, from
the wounded troops hiding alongside the troll. He has long
which the city gets its name. The Elector Counts built tall
since regretted the attack and is willing to negotiate for safe
castles at the top of these hills overlooking the growing city.
ways out if possible. Allowing such would be treason of
Flachsfrau Wood course but it may well save a fair amount of immediate
Flachsfrau Wood is the area over which Castle Salzenmund
looks west towards the Laurelorn. Here oak, sycamore, and
beech trees descend down into vales and spread across the
Starting the Adventure The troll and the marauders
Start the adventure in Salzenmund in a tavern that the A small forest camp is set up with the troll and nine wound-
characters happen to pass by. People are celebrating the ed marauders. The marauders try to keep proper watch and
recent victory against a Norscan raiding party. These know they should try to get deeper in the woods but they
Norscans where very foolhardy, bringing forces with no are in bad health and must rest. Sneaking up on them re-
real chance against the Nordland defences and sailing up quires stealth tests against them and the troll. In their
Salzen to get to them but giving themselves no real route wounded state the marauders use the rules for humans
for retreat. (core rulebook pg 311) unmodified, normally they would
be much stronger but this represents them in their weak-
Having arrived later than most there the adventurers aren’t
ened wounded state.
as drunk and gets to notice some weird things. Ask for a
perception test and an intuition test from all PCs. Those If discovered the marauders will not immediately attack
that succeed the perception test see a muscular man who and they will get the troll to wait as well, which it will un-
sings falsely use a vial to covertly put something in peoples less it is directly attacked. Halvdan Deathbringer will in-
drinks. Those that succeed the intuition test see three peo- stead plead and bargain for being allowed to leave or even
ple who do not drink beer, celebrate or do much at all. They be shown a way out. If the PCs agree they can get them out
sit and just seem to observe for now. of the woods without any fighting and the marauders will
leave them. If the PCs do not agree then they will come to
Unless warned not to drink one of those slipped something
blows. The marauders will fight to the last as they already
in his drink starts to cough and shake, falling off his chair
tried pleading and know they can’t outrun the PCs in their
and coughing up blood. Others soon follow. This is the sign
current state. The troll is a teo-headed troll of a variant that
and the three suspicious types draw flintlock pistols and
you deem fitting for the PC skill level and the challenge you
loudly proclaim for all to calmly hand over their money and
want it to be.
valuables so no-one more gets hurt. It is likely the players
will want to act. When they do rule the encounter to their
advantage, this is meant to let them succeed and impress
Sofia Gehrig. With the forest cleared the PCs are rewarded and the hunt-
ing trip goes off. Even though Nikse manages to keep Theo-
We could use some people like you dric Gaussner from the damaged parts of the woods Gauss-
ner does not change his views of Nikse and the minor politi-
After this encounter have Sofia Gehrig approach them and
cal issues they agree on mean little in the grand scheme of
ask to talk privately. At such a meeting she will tell them
things. But it was a start at least and Baron Nikse will not
she works for Baron Nikse who has a problem needing
give up yet. More attempts to get on Gaussners good side
strong fighters that can keep a secret. Before saying more
will be made.
she will insist that the PCs promise not to speak of the mis-
sion. She then explains that a troll and some wounded ma- The PCs are now known as useful people for discreet vio-
rauders escaped into the Flachsfrau Wood after the attack lence by Baron Nikse and it is very possible that further
and that they must be dealt with without it being known jobs will be presented to them.
that the Flachsfrau Wood has trouble, as that could cancel
If Halvdan Deathbringer and his marauders survived they
an important hunt and meeting there. She has the authority
will eventually meet up with a band of beastmen and
to offer a generous reward and does so (exact price may be
thanks to the troll be accepted openly. There they carve out
set by GM).
their place amongst brays and ungors. Halvdan eventually

At Flachsfrau Wood ends up the leader of a band of ungors and makes the sur-
viving marauders of his old band his inner circle. Perhaps
Should the PCs agree they will be lead to Flachsfrau Wood they will meet the PCs again, will Halvdan repay the mercy
and shown the trail of the troll by Sofia Gehrig. The trolls they showed? That is for future adventures to tell.
track is easy to follow, covered in footsteps, broken trees
and trampled vegetation. No tests needed. It is however Rewards
fairly far into the woods. Describe the trolls path of destruc-
Give extra rewards for imaginative ideas and if the PCs
tion. On the way half-eaten animal remains are found. Fat
manages to gain Nikse as a contact through this job.
boars, fine elks, prize deer and white ducks. All gnawed
upon by troll or marauder. As they get even closer they find
remains of a forester laying half-dissolved in a pool of troll-
acid. Now the faint smoke of an encampment shows them
they are close.
Warpstone Troll
(Trollae wyrdlapia)
Warpstone trolls are a species that dwell far underground WARPSTONE TROLL (RUNT)
in caves where warpstone is plentyfull. Their skin is
cracked and green light flows from these cracks. At places M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
shards of warpstone emerge from their skin. Most of them 5 30 15 55 45 10 15 15 10 20 5 38
are heavily mutated though that increases with age and
young ones can at times be seen without it. It is said that Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 55, Swim
both nightgoblins and the rumoured ratmen appreciate 60
these rare trolls greatly. The nightgoblins for the strength Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +8, Corrupted (Minor), Die Hard,
the trolls show and their shared dislike for the sun. The Glow, Goblob, Gutburst 6, Hungry, Infected, Night Vision, Re-
ratmen for the warpstone that grows out of the trolls. generate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll
Thankfully these trolls are very rare and only found deep Tough, Vomit, Weapon +9,
An adult warpstone troll stands at roughly 12 feet (3,6m) in
length with short stubby legs. Their eyes are large and glow
green. Purple, green or grey skin is most common in warp- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
stone trolls but its not the only colours you can find. 5 35 15 60 50 20 15 15 10 25 10 44
Warpstone trolls rarely reach an advanced age, most die
Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
before they become 40 from the warpstone in their veins.
Like most trolls they grow their entire life. With age the 35, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45, Swim 65
skin of warpstone trolls cracks and dries out more and Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Corrupted
more until it eventually cracks open fully and the troll falls (Moderate),Die Hard, Glow, Goblob, Gutburst 6, Hungry, In-
apart into a pile of flesh, organs and warpstone no longer fected, Mutation, Night Vision, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stu-
held together. pid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10,
Warpstone trolls are mainly foragers, eating of hallucino-
genic, madness inducing mushrooms growing nearwarp-
stone. But they often hunt as well, stalking dark caverns to
capture prey, perhaps even luring it to them with the glow- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
ing warpstone growing from them. 5 40 20 65 55 25 20 20 15 30 15 46

Warpstone trolls can live as loners or in packs but their

Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool
rarity makes packs uncommon. However nightgoblins and
40, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 70
ratmen appreciate being near these trolls and so they often
form a “pack” of sorts with these. Especially those that eat Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Corrupted
of the same mushrooms the trolls do. These tend to get the (Moderate),Die Hard, Glow, Goblob, Gutburst 6, Grim 1, Hun-
same twisted views of the world and find common ground gry, Infected, Mutation x2, Night Vision, Regenerate, Size
with each others. Its even heard of groups of warpstone (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit,
trolls, nightgoblins and ratmen all living together thanks to Weapon +10,
the strange effects of these mushrooms. Inevitably some-
thing in the alliance will go wrong and they will fall upon WARPSTONE TROLL (LARGE)
each others but these underworld denizens can certainly be
troublesome until then. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

Warpstone trolls are never cooked in kulgur and even ask- 6 45 25 70 60 30 25 25 20 35 20 52

ing the question got me beaten up. Once my bleeding had Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool
stopped and it was clear I had not suffered any lasting brain 45, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75
damage the chef explained that the meat was too contami-
Traits: Armour 2, Bite +10, Corrupted (Major),Die Hard, Glow,
nated to eat and called me an idiot for not understanding so
Goblob, Gutburst 6, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Mutation x3,
without asking.
Night Vision, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair),
Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +11,
Oi! That’s my leg.
Mini-adventure featuring a warpstone troll

Adventure Summary kaz should have it. He knows a little bit of Reikspeil.

Dukkaz uses the goblin characteristics (pg 326 core rule-

This is an adventure set in the Undgrin Ankor, the tunnel- book) with the night vision optional trait. But Dukkaz has
system of the dwarfs that connects the old world but which the weapon trait increased to +12 and Melee (Brawling) set
has long since fallen in disrepair and become overrun by to 50.
greenskins, skaven and more. At a collapsed junction a band
of nightgoblins and skaven stand in an uneasy alliance over Covenscars Belongings
a warpstone troll that both want. The skaven desire the
Vich Covenscar has fourteen slaves under him. They fear
troll for the warpstone growing from it while the goblins
Vich and will follow his commands. Should Vich be killed
want the troll for its strength and power.
however they will take the chance and try to run off.
This uneasy alliance gets turned even less stable as a falling
These use the clanrat characteristics (pg 337, core rule-
stalactite severs the trolls right leg. A new grows out soon
after but the old leg had warpstone growing from it and
thus the skaven chief wants it for the treasure it presents Dukkaz Dozen
and the goblin boss wants it because the skaven chief wants
it. Dukkaz has twelve nightgoblins following his command.
They mostly stick around because of the troll.
As the adventurers get near the two factions decide they
may become perfect pawns to use against the others to en- These use the goblin characteristics (pg 326, core rulebook)
sure they get the leg. with the night vision optional trait. Five of them have the
Ranged +7 (25) optional trait.
The Junction Lair
Starting the Adventure
The lair occupied by the troll, the goblins and the skaven is
set in a collapsed four-way junction of the underway. A As the characters are taking a rest on their travels through
junction that was once important but no longer holds much the underdark let whoever keeps watch test a bit of percep-
value. In the middle of the junction sleeps the troll and tion, once opposed by a skaven slave and once by a goblin.
around him most of the goblins. Then, under this by a a part On a failure the creature spying on them is not noticed, on a
of the floor collapsed the skaven dwell. At the northwest success the guard gets a quick look at the creature as it
junction a small hut has been constructed for the two lead- scurries away, noticing it was seen. Regardless the goblins
ers where both can stare paranoid at the other, rightly sure and skaven now know of the adventurers presence and
that they would kill them if given half a chance. It is in the Vich has a plan to get them to fight the goblins.
middle of this hut the leg is placed.
The Skaven Attack
Chief Vich Covenscar
Vich wants to make the PCs believe that Dukkaz is after
The skaven leader, Vich Covenscar, is a black skaven with a them and about to attack. Thus he takes ten of his slaves
scarred and malformed body. Through mutations his left and moves out of the camp, hiding a bit away. The remain-
hand has transformed into a rat, or part of one, head, front ing four he gives shields with a crude painting of a goblin
limbs and a good deal of the body replace it. Vich often pets with a massive left arm on and teaches the words “We fight-
his hand as he mulls over his plans. He speaks a little bit of battle for goblin named Dukkaz” in reikspeil.
Reikspeil. He wants the leg to give him wealth and power.
These four skaven then launch an attack against the PCs
He uses the Stormvermin stats (pg 337 core rulebook) with shouting that. As soon as the PCs start fighting back they
the Bite +7 trait to represent his rat hand and melee (basic) flee at a pursuable pace and leads the characters to the
set to 60. camp where they can see Dukkaz, the goblins and the troll.
Vichs hope is that the players will attack Dukkaz now but
Boss Dukkaz that is far from certain. If no attack happens immediately
Boss Dukkaz is not the brightest but he compensates for it Dukkaz goes up to the returning skaven to ask where the
by his left arm being humongous, easily able to crush a gob- others went. One of them blurts out We fight-battle for gob-
lin head in its wicked claws. Dukkaz don’t really see a value lin named Dukkaz” which gets the response. “Oh. Doz ya
in the leg itself apart from the fact that it glows which could now? Ya fink Iz thick? Yer werkin fer Vic Kavinscarrz. We’re
be handy at times. Still, if Vich wants it then it means Duk- iz dat git?”
A commotion Epilogue
If no attack is sprung Dukkaz will surround the slaves and With the bosses dealt with or escaped and the troll dead or
start to rough them up to learn where Vich is, one of them, far from the PCs there is time to breathe. Here however it is
not understanding goblin well, will point towards where worth to mention that some got away (if they did, there is a
the adventurers are and Dukkaz will take his goblins and go slight possibility none escaped) and that can’t be good.
there. If they find the characters a battle will commence and
at this point Vich springs his plan. Vich rushes towards the Rewards
hut and grabs the leg, he runs out with it happy for his vic-
Extra rewards should be given for dealing with the troll and
tory when a deep echoing voice suddenly calls out “Oi!
the bosses. If someone asks for extra exp for acquiring
That’s my leg.”. The trolls fist comes down, splashing Vich
warpstone give it to him along with a corruption point.
across the cave floor and sending his slaves scattering. The
troll (Use a warpstone troll of a skill and challenge fitting to
your players) then grabs his leg and moves towards the din
of battle.

Changes in the plan

Or this is how the plan will play out should the PCs actions
not change it. There is much that can happen, more than I
can cover in an adventure, especially a mini-adventure. The
goals of the factions are known and the setting as well. This
should be enough to play with any changes in the plan nec-
Warrior Troll
(Trollae Experimentalis)
In many ways warrior trolls are the most fearsome type. WARRIOR TROLL (RECRUIT)
Through magic they were created by evil wizards in ages
past, or so it is said. They are smarter and more malicious M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
than other kinds. Still they are trolls and some instincts re- 6 40 25 55 45 10 15 15 25 20 10 38
main, such as their hunger which gives even them a tenden-
cy to stop and eat in the midst of battle. Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 50, Melee (Basic) 50,
Ranged (Throwing) 35, Endurance 55, Swim 60, Language
An adult warrior troll stands at roughly 13 feet (3,9m) in (Lingua Rubrum Cobolorum) 30
length. The scales of warrior trolls are smaller than on
many other types but this is often compensated with prop- Traits: Armour 4, Bite +8, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 6, Hun-
er suits of armour. gry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Territorial (Lair), Tough,
Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10
The dark magic that has created the warrior trolls has also
given them extended lifespans and these creatures can be- WARRIOR TROLL (FIGHTER)
come near two centuries old.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Warrior trolls are rare and rarely found in numbers. Some-
6 45 30 60 50 20 15 15 30 25 15 44
times a few are found together but this is uncommon. More
often are they found amongst tribes of the rare ‘Red Gob- Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 55, Endurance 60, Cool
lins’. The Red Goblins are a rare sub-species of Goblins who 35, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 55, Swim 65, Ranged (Throwing)
were modified by a cabal of spellcasters in years past. Some 40, Lore (Tactics) 35, Language (Lingua Rubrum Cobolorum) 35
say they were witches, some sorcerers and some necro-
mancers, the true magic behind them may never be known. Traits: Armour 5, Bite +9, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 6, Hun-
They are even more malicious then the 'mundane' Goblins gry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Territorial (Lair), Tough,
and have little respect for other types of Greenskins or any- Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +11
body else at all. It is said that Red Goblins still serve their
evil masters, although whether these still live is unknown.
With such similarities it is perhaps not strange that warrior
trolls and red goblins can find common ground in their vile M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
servitude of long lost wizards. 5 50 35 65 55 25 20 20 35 30 15 46

Warrior trolls are the most intelligent type of trolls bar ex-
Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 65, Cool
treme examples. They are well able to use tools and wield
40, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 70, Ranged (Throwing)
weapons. They tend to wield metal weaponry and wear
45, Lore (Tactics) 40, Language (Lingua Rubrum Cobolorum) 40
proper armour as they go to war. Making for a frightening
sight. Some even learn basic strategies and the language of Traits: Armour 6, Bite +9, Die Hard, Goblob, Grim 1, Gutburst
the red goblins. 6, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Territorial (Lair),
This intelligence is believed to come from the soul of the Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +11
wizard that first made them, as with familiars the man put
part of his essence into them and by doing so imbued them
with magic. In the case of warrior trolls the wind of M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
chamon, or metal. Something deemed useful for these fight- 6 55 40 70 60 30 25 25 40 35 20 52
Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 65, Endurance 70, Cool
45, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 65, Swim 75, Lore (Tactics) 50,
Language (Lingua Rubrum Cobolorum) 45

Traits: Armour 7, Bite +10, Die Hard, Goblob, Grim 2, Gutburst

6, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Territorial (Lair),
Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +12
The Tower of Sayidqubeatkabira
Mini-adventure featuring a Warrior Troll

Adventure Summary Greenpick Gnomes

This is an adventure set in the border princes by an old The Greenpick Gnomes run the mine in Two-Walls. They
cursed tower, the tower of Sayidqubeatkabira. The place is seem quite similar to dwarfs, as if they were far-off cousins
infested with red goblins and even a warrior troll. Both or something. They are short, stubborn, fond of mining and
very rare creatures in this day and age. The wizard that hate greenskins. When the call to arms was sent to face
made the tower is long dead. He was a man of Araby driven Grom they responded as honourable Greenpicks shall, but
to exile in his land for studying forbidden magic and then the battle was over by the time they got there. They tried
apprenticed to a chaos dwarf. pursuing Grom but before they could catch up he disap-
peared across the sea. In their own lands they have fought
The adventurers learn not only of this tower but also about
goblins, especially the red variety, many times.
the mighty “Headdress of Sayidqubeatkabira”, a priceless
artefact of great power. This artefact still remains in the GREENPICK GNOME
tower, this is known for the troll living there was recently
seen wearing it like a thimble. If they could raid the tower, M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
perhaps with a troupe of hirelings in tow, then they could
3 40 20 35 35 40 40 40 40 60 25 -
gain much wealth and power.

The adventure starts in the nearby town of ‘Two-wall’,

Skills: Consume Alcohol 45, Dodge 45, Haggle 30, Entertain
named after the two-walls it has to encircle it, a fact its
(Storytelling) 28, Language (Ghassaly) 43, Stealth
proud of. From here the adventurers can reach the tower in
just a half day of walking, an excellent place to hire merce- (Underground) 43, Cool 65, Endurance 45, Intuition 45, Lore
naries and gear up. Here they may even find some of the (Two-Wall) 50, Melee (Two-handed) 50, Outdoor Survival 45,
Greenpick Gnomes, old rivals of the red goblins who are Perception 45, Swim 40, Climb 45, Secret Signs (Miner) 50
happy to lend their help at a discount given what they will Talents: Beneath Notice, Luck, Night Vision, Read/Write, Sec-
face. ond Sight, Small, Strider (Rocky), Very Strong
Besieging the tower will then prove the next challenge and Trappings: Leather Armour, Two-handed Pick
the forces hired will decide the difficulty here to a large de-
gree. Goblins, traps and a deadly troll stand as the defence Red Goblins
while a magic treasure is the promising reward.
Red Goblins are a rare sub-species of Goblins recognized by
Two-Wall their red skin who were modified by a cabal of spell-
casters in years past. Some say they were witches, some
Two-Wall is a small town in the borderprinces ruled by sorcerers and some necromancers, the true magic behind
Mayor-Sultaness Fatima, a woman of Araby who, according them may never be known. They are even more malicious
to herself, did not kill her husband and flee to the Border then the 'mundane' Goblins and have little respect for other
Princes with his considerable wealth. The towns mayor types of Greenskins or anybody else at all. It is said that Red
claim to fame is having two walls protecting it. Goatfarming Goblins still serve their evil masters, although whether
and mining is their main sources of income. these still live is unknown.

Headdress of Sayidqubeatkabira RED GOBLIN WARRIOR

This spectacular headdress is near half a metre tall with
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
various gems and ornaments set in its colourful garments.
It carries dark blessings to Hashut, god of the chaos dwarfs. 4 30 35 35 35 30 35 30 30 25 25 11
It can be activated at any time by saying “Hashut! Hashut!
Hashut!”. When activated the user gains one corruption Skills: Cool 35, Dodge 45, Melee (Basic) 40
point and for the following 24hours gets +10 to his strength
Talents: Combat Reflexes, Resolute
and his unarmed attacks counts as flaming and give one
ablaze condition with each successful strike. Traits: Animosity, Armour 1, Afraid (Elves), Infected, Night Vi-

Trappings: Sword, Shield, Armour

Starting the Adventure soon as someone other than a Red Goblin steps onto the
carpet they receive an Ablaze condition. The carpet can be
Start the adventure in the town of Two-Wall where the destroyed in two ways, by magic attacks or by soaking it in
characters are looking at their latest find, a treasure map salt water, someone using detect artefact can learn this.
showing the tower of Sayidqubeatkabira and telling of a Placing something over the carpet and walking on that in-
mighty artefact guarded by Red Goblins and a horrid Warri- stead avoids the effect.
or Troll. It is fitting if the adventurers have some money to
invest in getting the artefact, it will be far easier then. Second Floor
Asking about it a bit they learn there is at least 30 goblins in At the second floor five red goblins hold a barricade, one of
the tower and that numbers will be needed to challenge it. them holds up a skull adorned staff and breaks it, when he
Fortunately numbers can be found and bolstered in Two- does magic swirls around him and a Tomb Banshee appears
Wall. (Core rulebook pg 330) which attacks the invaders. This
room was probably a finely furnished study at some point
In Two-Wall it is possible to find an army to hire. Using the
but the furniture has been turned to barricades now. One
hireling rules in the Core Rulebook (Pg 309) or Up in Arms
stair leads up to the third floor and one down to the first.
(pg 110). In addition to the ones set there the Gnomes of
the Greenpick clan are willing to be hired at a daily cost of
7s per person. If the PCs aren’t considering this already
Third Floor
gently nudge them in this direction. At the third floor the first person or creature other than a
If four or more seasoned mercenaries or Greenpick gnomes red goblin, the wizard or the troll that steps there each day
are hired they bring a battering ram to knock in the door. gets hit by its deadly magic, gaining one fatigue condition
and suffering 25 damage (reduced by TB and AP as nor-
To plan a Siege mal). To counter the spell 4SLs will be required. The room
seems to be an old kitchen turned goblin sleeping chamber.
The tower is dark red with an absurd amount of spikes on Stair lead up and down.
its outside. It has five floors and the goblins are spread be-
tween being inside and outside the building. A few tents Fourth Floor
stand there as well. The tower is on a rocky hill (difficult
terrain). Let the PCs discuss strategy for the siege properly At the fourth floor the five last goblins wait behind a barri-
before starting it. cade guarding an enchanted crossbow. The enchanted
crossbow fires by itself at the closest enemy a magic dart
There are surprises with the tower however, let them know each round with a range of 80, a damage of +11 and a BS of
there are tales that it is cursed but don’t reveal the exact 50. To destroy it count it as an object with TB 4 and 20
defences. Wounds. The room besides this holds Chaos Dwarf items
but only the crossbow is magical.
Up the slope
Assaulting upwards will be done with slight difficulty and
Fifth Floor
many goblins rush out to face the invaders, twenty of them. The fifth floor holds the throne and the hat, here is found
They begin with an advantage each for having the high the warrior troll that will provide the final challenge. Chose
ground. But that hardly means its over. They will pelt the a warrior troll to match PC level and desired challenge. The
attackers with sharp stones (see the “Rock” weapon, core troll fights to the death.
rulebook pg 295) until they are close enough to charge. The
hill is difficult terrain of the rocky variety. The gate is Epilogue
barred from the inside and unlocking it does nothing.
Smashing it open is possible, it has a TB of 10 and 40 When the tower has been purged and the treasure taken
Wounds, each round of trying to do so four goblins use the town of Two-Wall is very grateful and Mayor-Sultaness
murder holes above to drop more rocks (see above). If a Fatima offers them the tower and surrounding lands (200m
battering ram is brought it can instead bash it open in d5 from the tower in all directions) in return for swearing vas-
rounds if manned by four people. salage to her. How they answer is up to them.

First Floor Rewards

Entering the first floor a large carpet of intricate design is Additional exp should be rewarded for smart tactics and
seen on the floor, on the wall hangs tapestries that show good use of hirelings.
daemonic imagery. A single stair goes up from this place. As
Wart Troll
(Trollae Chaotica Verruca)

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 30 15 55 45 10 15 15 10 25 5 38
Skills: Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Melee (Basic) 40,
Endurance 55, Swim 60

The powers of chaos effect different trolls in dif- Traits: Bestial, Bite +8, Corrupted (Minor), Die Hard, Gutburst 5,
ferent ways even when they somewhat stabilize as for Wart Hungry, Infected, Mental Corruption, Mutant Regeneration,
trolls. On these trolls boils and warts pop up all over their Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll
bodies and when punctured they leak strange smoke and the Tough, Vomit, Warts and Blisters, Weapon +9,
boils quickly start to reform on their bodies. While trolls
have the ability to vomit deadly acid amongst the Wart Trolls WART TROLL (YOUNGSTER)
its not the standard acid but a vomit of their strange plague
giving those touched and surviving similar warts and boils. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
As with many other chaos trolls they mutate quickly and
6 35 15 60 50 20 15 15 10 30 10 46
while many mutations seem like warts and boils their effects
are no less scary than those of any other.
Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Cool
An adult wart troll stands at roughly 12 feet (3,6m) in length. 40, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45, Swim 65
Their skin is drier than most trolls and covered in warts and
Traits: Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Corrupted (Minor), Die Hard, Gut-
boils that seem to grow pop and reappear by themselves as if
burst 4, Hungry, Infected, Mental Corruption, Mutant Regenera-
you were watching soup boil slowed down to a pace where a
single bubble takes hours to grow and pop . Colours vary tion, Mutation, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial
widely but grey, green, black and purple seem the most com- (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Warts and Blisters, Weapon
mon. +10,

Wart trolls can mutate their entire life and at some point it WART TROLL (ADULT)
becomes too much even for their bodies to sustain. As a re-
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
sult ages of only 30 or 40 is common.
6 40 20 65 55 25 20 20 15 35 15 46
Wart trolls are usually found in Troll Country but have
spread to Kislev, Norsca, the Chaos Wastes and even in some Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool
cases the Worlds Edge Mountains and the Empire. 45, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 70

Wart trolls can live as loners or in packs but tend to move in Traits: Bite +9, Chaos Warts, Corrupted (Minor), Die Hard, Gut-
packs. Such a troll pack tends to reach between 6 and 9 indi- burst 3, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Mental Corruption, Mutant
viduals. Wart Trolls are primarily scavengers and hunters. Regeneration, Mutation, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Terri-
Preferring meat, blood and bones for their meals. torial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Warts and Blisters,
Wart Trolls have few natural predators are not used in Kul- Weapon +10,
gur. However they are not fully without predators as the WART TROLL (LARGE)
dread Chimeras hunt and eat them.

Wart trolls are able to use weapons and chaos warbands M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
have been known to make them weaponry and sometimes 6 45 25 70 60 30 25 25 20 40 20 54
even armour. However many Wart trolls find letting iron
touch their warped flesh uncomfortable and eat or discard
such gifts. Skills: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool
50, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75

Traits: Bite +10, Chaos Warts, Corrupted (Moderate), Die Hard,

Gutburst 2, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Mental Corruption, Mu-
tant Regeneration, Mutation, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid,
Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Warts and Blisters,
Weapon +11,
Holy Hunt or Hellish Havoc?
Mini-adventure featuring a Wart Troll

Adventure Summary indeed why would it not, as time has passed some of their
numbers have become beasts in their own right and the line
In a small village in Talabecland a festival to Taal is to start between cultist and beastman has muddled.
with its traditional sacred hunt. However things are not to go
as planned for a cult of chaos has interfered. This cult has The Four Daemon-Gods of the Wild
ensured that the food and drink of the festival is corrupted to
• Taal-Grezrind, the Perfect Hunter: Taal-Grezind is a
change the participants and the chosen prey of a white a doe
god of the hunt shown as a naked man of great beauty
is replaced with a vicious Wart Troll.
and strength armed with various weaponry. Taal-
Now all seems lost but the priest of Taal, even as his body Grezind is like Taal a hunter but influences of
starts to warp receives a vision. If the festivals hunt can be Slaanesh are seen in him as well. All is a hunt for him,
finished still the change is not permanent. The sacred hunter be it an actual hunt, a search for a job, a search for a
must be chosen and he does so, anointing one of the PCs and relationship or anything else it is to be seen as a hunt
handing them a sacred bow. But the cult will not allow this with a quarry to be won. And singular focus on this
nor will their sorcerer and they will do all they can to stop one quarry is called for.
the sacred hunter.
• Rhya-Onzend, Mother of Rebirth: Rhya-Onzend is a
Horno god of birth, fertility and rebirth. She is depicted as an
obese female minotaur with ungor children crawling
Horno is a small forest village in the depths of the Great For- over her. Like Rhya she stands for births, fertility and
est in Talabecland. It is a village of hunters built around a agriculture but her Nurgle influences add rot, rebirth
temple of Taal which serves as temple, city hall and barracks and cycles of disease to her influences. Her powers
all in one. The village does not farm, it´s food all comes from promise life from death in eternally repeating circles
hunting. It cuts trees for buildings and fires but even so the ever strengthening the dark gods. All shall die and rot
village finds itself ever deeper in the woods. and through it find rebirths, and with each birth a
creatures debt to Rhyza-Onzend deepens. But one
Jeremias Havenstein path leads from it, ascension by the dark gods.

Jeremias Havenstein is a short muscular man and the local • Shadreth-Vrangez, Tracker of Fates: Shadreth the
priest of Taal. He stands 160cm (Five foot three) tall with a tracker is a local god of trackers in Talabecland and
large bushy moustache. He can not call miracles and works while not as widespread as other is generally seen as
in more direct ways through strength. But that does not a benevolent deity. Shadreth-Vrangez less so for the
mean no blessings meet him, he at times gain visions that he tracker finds aspects of Tzeentch. Sight beyond sight
believes comes from his god and through these he helps lead and the ability to see the threads of fate are what
the village. Jeremias is not the official leader of the village. Shadreth-Vrangez offers and all he asks in return is a
There is none actually, on charters it´s marked as favour when the time comes. He is depicted as a trap-
“Burgomeister” but no actual Burgomeister leads Horno. In per with glowing eyes, the features of the tracker vary
practice Jeremias leads them. between tellings.

• Tahrveg-Krigdok, Inescapable Archer: Tahrveg the

The Pox of the Coming Age Keen Arrow is the god of archers. In olden days, Tahr-
The Pox of the Coming Age is a chaos prophecy given by a veg was a popular God and most archers gave a finger
witch decades ago and which gained a following. It speaks of to the God to help their aim. Tahrveg-Krigdok is also
a coming triumph of chaos and a need to join the “the cloven- an archer but she is a bloody war-god of Khorne and
hoofed ones”. In The Pox of the Coming Age Prophecy the Old while most fingers given to Tahrveg these days are
World Gods of Taal, Rhya, Shadreth and Tahrveg are mixed symbolic those offered Tahrveg-Krigdok never are.
in with the chaos pantheon to make new daemon-gods of the She is shown as a mighty woman with cloven hooves
wild and the children of the pox will be turned into their bes- and large horns holding a bow covered in markings of
tial servants. Those following the prophecy are called “The Khorne and bearing wicked barbed arrows. Her stric-
Order of the Coming Age” or “The Order of the Pox” or “The tures forbid pity or following laws of war. Any means
Beasts of the Coming Age”, the latter was originally the name are fair to cause death. Any tactic acceptable to seek
of what they would become but it has been interchangeable victory. All that matters is that blood flows and none-
with their current names and turned to but another title. And escapes.
Starting the Adventure • Taal-Grezrind, the Perfect Hunter: A crown of
horn shining like polished ivory grows upon the
The adventure starts in Horno in time for the Hunt- persons head and their muscles look perfectly toned
Festival. The adventurers are invited to join in it and re- and beautiful. The person can take a corruption to
gardless if they do or not it will happen all around them. succeed a roll by 6SL.

• Rhya-Onzend, Mother of Rebirth: The mutant

The Festival grows in size and mass and lactates foul-smelling
The festival is one of much food and drink. Taal is praised liquid. The person can take a corruption to summon
with contests, festivities and stories. Spirits are high and a serving ungor or resurrect a fallen ungor (core
the adventurers are given part in it all. But the Order of the rulebook pg 332) with one optional trait of choice.
Coming Age is moving about as well. Let some tests of intu- This creature remains after the storm and considers
ition make it possible to find revellers acting strangely. If the mutant their mother and master.
stopped and asked they will reveal nothing but if searched • Shadreth-Vrangez, Tracker of Fates: The mutants
amulets showing emblems of empire gods mixed with cha- eyes start to glow with arcane power and become a
os god marks will be found (see previous page) and the lightsource as strong as a torch. The mutant can
elements can easily be distinguished with a lore take a corruption for any Fortune or Resolve action.
(theology) +40 test. Their actions are of mystical prepara-
tions and PCs with sixth sense should get a bad feeling, • Tahrveg-Krigdok, Inescapable Archer: Cloven
those with the sight should see winds of magic gather hooves and goatlike legs switch out the normal legs
around the festival in frightening amounts. Part of the ritu- of the mutant. The mutant can take a corruption
al has already started so it can´t be completely stopped but point to increase SLs on an attack they made by +6.
it may be weakened. If the PCs can find the symbols, blood This can be done multiple times on the same attack
circles, poisons and other components the ritual loses if so wished.
strength and for each such found let one NPC avoid the
curse and be able to help the players.
The Hunt
As the white doe is to be released a final trick is revealed,
Cresendo Chaotica the illusion lifts and it is shown as the Wart Troll it is. As
As the white doe that is to be the quarry is to be released per the ritual it is released and given time to run. The PCs
the magic winds ship up a storm and a sorcerer reveals now know what must be done. It must be pursued and
himself upon a fulcrum (in the form of an eight-pointed killed. Some Cultists (pg 333, Core rulebook) will try to
star) soaring above the place. As he appears cackling about stop them from succeeding and aid the troll. But should the
a coming age of beast people around start to mutate be- PCs succeed in killing the troll the storm will abate and the
coming as beastmen. The PCs may or may not engage to mutations disappear. If failed the PCs are now beastmen
defeat the sorcerer (If they do he is a Chaos Warrior with and the campaign takes a different direction.
the optional trait ‘Spellcaster (Chaos)’ pg 334 Core rule-
book) but it will do little difference for now (though if left
alone he should return to cause trouble later on), the spell A fair bit of exp should be given for the scenario, this is
is cast and won´t stop with his death. Regardless of this let because it will also ‘reward’ everyone with a corruption.
a PC notice that Jeremias Havenstein falls to the ground in The dark magic may be stopped but it left marks.
fits of sights and seems to gesture for them to get closer.
While he is mutating he seems pained and wanting to help.
As one gets close, preferably without the sorcerer noticing,
the priest will say Taal gave him a vision, if the hunt is fin-
ished as it should the dark ritual will fail and the mutation
won´t be permanent. The players, are not immune to this
curse, they too will mutate in clearly visual ways. Chose
one Daemon-God of the Wild for each to affect them
(decided by best fitting deity according to you) and change
them accordingly. Each gets a visual change and a power
that can be accessed by taking corruption. The player chos-
es to use this power and get corruption so tell them each
they can do so. These powers can be called upon now, dur-
ing a storm of magic, but will not function after the scenar-
Warted Stomper Troll
(Trollae Pedes Horrid)
Stomper trolls are known for their large feet. An attribute WARTED STOMPER TROLL (RUNT)
looking almost comically oversized. One would think such
feet to make them clumsy, and in certain terrain it may, but
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
the Warted Stomper Trolls large feet are surprisingly light
and balances the troll weight well over any surface making 6 30 15 55 40 10 20 10 10 20 5 38
them less likely to sink into mud, snow and sand.
Skills: Athletics 40, Perception 15, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endur-
An adult Warted Stomper Troll stands at roughly 13 feet ance 55, Swim 60
(4m) in length with long gangly legs and massive feet. Their
slimy skin has plenty of warts and its stench and appear- Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +8, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst
ance hold similarities to that of river trolls making some 6, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stomper (1)
mistake them for them. Warted Stomper Trolls are not Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon
aquatic however and their closest relative is Field Stomper +9, Warts and Blisters, Rotten Stench
Warted Stomper Trolls can grow to over a hundred and M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
twenty years old. Like most trolls they grow their entire life
6 35 15 60 45 20 20 10 10 25 10 40
but their posture slouch with age making their height often
become shorter rather than taller.
Skills: Athletics 40, Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endur-
Warted Stomper Trolls are not a common species of trolls ance 60, Cool 35, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45, Swim 65
but they are relatively widespread. Warted Stomper Trolls
can be found in Norsca, Troll Country, Kislev and the Em- Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
pire. This spread is likely in part due to their tendency to burst 5, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stomper
walk long distances and abandon their lairs, seemingly out (2), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weap-
of stupidity and wanderlust. They see some occasional use on +10, Warts and Blisters, Rotten Stench
by greenskins in war spreading them further.
Warted Stomper Trolls usually live as loners which may M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
contribute to their rarity. Warted Stomper Trolls are pri-
6 40 20 65 50 25 25 15 15 30 15 46
marily scavengers, foragers and insectivores, their large
Skills: Athletics 45, Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endur-
feet are good for shuffling up large swatches of dirt to find
ance 65, Cool 40, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 70
bugs and roots.
Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gut-
Warted Stomper Trolls have few threats but Toad Dragons
are known to eat them in the rare occasions the two meet. burst 4, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large),
Stomper (3), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vom-
Warted Stomper Trolls have not been observed using tools it, Weapon +10, Warts and Blisters, Rotten Stench
and their favoured way of fighting and foraging is with their
feet. Making tool-use less interesting for them. WARTED STOMPER TROLL (LARGE)

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 45 25 70 55 30 30 20 20 35 20 48

Skills: Athletics 50, Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endur-

ance 70, Cool 45, Dodge 40, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75

Traits: Armour 2, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst

4, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stomper
(4), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weap-
. on +11, Warts and Blisters, Rotten Stench
That´s contagious!
Mini-adventure featuring a Warted Stomper Troll

Adventure Summary responsibility, he does it, but he grumbles over it. Though
he would do it all again.
The baron of Kroppenleben is a famous hypochondriac re-
moved from the populace at large for reasons of health. Starting the Adventure
This is troublesome at the best of times but when a Warted
The adventurers are in Kroppenleben when a quarantine
Stomper Troll starts threatening the trade routes the Baron
gets called. The news of the Warted Stomper Troll causing
orders his troops to leave it be so that it doesn´t cause a
it is told loudly and speak of various diseases it may carry
plague upon his town, and more importantly on him. But
are cited as the reason. The village can´t survive a long
that is not enough surely? People travelling in and out may
quarantine, living on trade as they do. So with this the el-
be infected too, the town must be quarantined. The town
ders give Ugak Karlsson the job to recruit the PCs to sneak
elders who already before have wanted to petition the Elec-
out and deal with the troll, collect their money and never
tor Countess for independence take note of the actions
return. Offer them a campaign appropriate sum and let
carefully but dare not openly defy the orders as they risk
them start on it.
losing the chance.

Still they decide something must be done. A group of out- Getting Out
siders could take on the troll for altruistic reasons and then
There are many ways one can get out of a quarantined vil-
disappear. Would that not be convenient? Convenient
lage. Some such examples will be given below but they
enough to coincide with some missing money from the vil-
should not be limited to them.
lage account.
• Sneaking Out: The simple idea of sneaking past all
Kroppenleben guards may well work.

The Wissenland village of Kroppenleben is situated far up • Bribery: Many a guard could consider looking the
the River Hornberg in the foothills of the Black Moun- other way for a few coins.
tains. Kroppenleben is both a centre for the fur trade and
• Charm: Several guards are against this quarantine
the nearest sizeable market to the Dwarf realm of Karak
and while they work it given their pay relies on it a
Hirn. Ruled by the hypochondriac Baron Johann von Kalb,
passioned speech may well have some allow adven-
the village has a large population of Dwarfs for its size. The
turers pass.
Dwarfs here act as guides or scouts for parties entering the
mountains, and as brokers for traders coming to buy pelts • Intimidate: Is it worth risking your life to keep out-
brought in by trappers. Kroppenleben’s baron is an absen- siders in? Probably not.
tee landlord, who has removed himself from the area for his
“health.” So little interest does he show in the village that The Troll
the elders, supported by the Dwarfs, are considering peti-
Finding the troll is not too hard. Its not hiding and it leaves
tioning the Elector Countess for a charter. Well in most
quite large footprints. The trek may be a bit though so let an
matters that is. In matters of health and disease control he
Endurance +20 test be taken to not gain a fatigue on the
is far less disinterested, importing foreign doctors, banning
way to it. The fight should be a challenge so chose a troll of
trade on rumours of disease and much more.
appropriate difficulty from the previous page and if you
Ugak Karlsson believe your players too powerful you can make the troll a
pair of trolls.
Ugak Karlsson is one of the oldest dwarfs of Kroppenleben
and one asked with getting the newcomers to sneak out and Rewards
deal with the troll. He is a dwarf with long orange beard
Exp should of course be given for this fight against a troll
and hair which together with his muscular physique can
but money was also promised. Ugak will hold his part of the
make some mistake him for a slayer. Though such is not the
deal and go out to meet them and give them the money
case, his beard is naturally that colour and his muscular
once the quarantine lifts, which takes just a week after the
physique is from labour not war. Ugak Karlsson is a man of
troll is killed.
simple pleasures. He would prefer to just enjoy an ale in the
evenings and work hard in the days but others constantly
look to him for leadership and he has taken more and more
Dramatis Trollae
Troll of Fame
Old Troll of the Swamp

Big and Old The One that got Away

"Gnarly old skin. Large and heavy. That troll’s been "Aye, it was Ol’ Bilemaw allright, almost had ‘im too. Al-
there a long, long time.” most.”
—Stervikzy, Kislev Ranger —Samonir, Trollslayer
Bilemaw is one of the oldest trolls found in the marshes of Troll Troll hunters have sought and allegedly fought Bilemaw for a long
Country. A large grey troll with gnarled stonelike skin. Tales of it time. Many claim encounters with the troll. It is always ‘the troll
have been around for near two centuries. Little concrete infor- that got away’. And it grows in ability and size with each tale. Most
mation is known of it however. There are plenty of tales but little likely Bilemaw is nothing but a myth, a collection of different troll
conclusive. encounters merged into the tale of one legendary troll over time.

Yet, who knows. Stranger things exist in the dark corners of the
world and a legendary ancient troll vexing hunters may well be
out there.

Bilemaw is a named troll champion in the

MMORPG Warhammer Online: Age of Reckon-
ing where he is found in the bogs of Troll Coun-

/Mystic Scribbler


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 45 25 75 70 30 25 25 25 40 20 60
SKILLS: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 80, Cool 50, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 80
TALENTS: Strider (River, Swamp)
TRAITS: Armour 6, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 3, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Night Vision, Regen-
erate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +11

Enforcer for Throgg

Enforcer under the king large bloated body.

His skin was a mottled gray and green, and his eyes glowed with
"Me is hungry but Throgg said no eat and I is more loyal a malevolent light. When he fought, he wielded a massive club made
than hungry.” from the trunk of a tree, which he swung with deadly force.

—Bilegut Samonir, on the other hand, was a Trollslayer known for his lightning-
fast reflexes and deadly combat skills. He was armed with a pair of
Bilegut is a Chaos Troll who works under Throgg, the Troll King. axes and wore only a loincloth and a cape, as was the tradition of his
He is known for his insatiable hunger and powerful regenerative order.
abilities, which allow him to recover from almost any injury.
The fight between Bilegut and Samonir was fierce and brutal. Bilegut
Bilegut's name is derived from his habit of like many trolls vomit- swung his club with incredible force, shattering the ground and send-
ing up the contents of his stomach during battle, which is even ing shockwaves through the air. Samonir darted and weaved around
more corrosive and toxic than most trolls. His appearance is also Bilegut's blows, striking with his axes whenever he saw an opening.
notable, as he has a large, bloated body covered in scars and
wounds. What made the fight truly special, however, was the fact that both
combatants were evenly matched. Despite his massive size and raw
Despite his gruesome appearance and habits, Bilegut is fiercely
power, Bilegut was unable to land a single blow on Samonir, who was
loyal to Throgg and serves as a powerful enforcer for the mutants
simply too fast and too skilled for him to keep up with.
and madmen flocking to the trollking. He is a fearsome opponent
in battle, capable of shrugging off wounds that would incapacitate The fight raged on for hours, with neither combatant able to gain the
other creatures and striking with devastating force. upper hand. Finally, Samonir saw his chance and struck Bilegut a
glancing blow with one of his axes. The wound was not fatal, but it
The Battle Against Samonir was enough to slow Bilegut down and give Samonir the opening he
needed to strike a devastating blow. This blow however ripped up the
"Grimnir take the troll king and his vile breeds.” trolls guts and spilled its contents mortally wounding Samonir. With
—Samonir, Trollslayer both combatants downed the fight was over. Bilegut regained his
health within a day but left Samonir for dead when he did.
When word reached Throgg of the trollslayer Samonir and his
camp in Troll Country he was angered and sent Bilegut and Muck-
spit to deal with the slayers. Leading fierce packs of trolls they
went to do so and Bilegut engaged Samonir himself in battle.

The battle between Bilegut and Samonir was an epic clash. Bilegut
was known to be one of the largest Chaos Trolls in the land, with a


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 70 35 85 75 55 45 25 30 65 30 54
SKILLS: Perception 45, Endurance 70, Cool 85, Dodge 60, Swim 75, Intimidate 100, Intuition 70, Leadership 45,
Lore (Warfare) 40
TALENTS: Resolute
TRAITS: Armour 3, Bite +11, Chaos Vomit, Corrupted (Moderate), Die Hard, Gutburst 3, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected,
Mental Corruption, Mutant Regeneration, Mutation, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll
Tough, Vomit, Weapon +12,
The Unkillable Troll of Plaguewood, Boss of Plaguewood

Boss of Plaguewood The Plaguewood Rebellion

"You find that declaration of loyalty amusing? You find "Vrashnak no boss. Me boss.”
Biletongues vassalage lesser because he don´t know
words like vassalage? Biletongue is a simple troll unfor-
tunately. But he is still a leader of trolls and with him at Troll leadership is about strength and as such no troll goes unchal-
lenged forever. Biletongue had his fair share of challengers but
my service Plaguewood is under control of the Troll King.
strongest and most troublesome was Vrashnak.
You may scoff at my servants and lands. Primitive fiefs
compared to your high-reaching cities. But even a simple Vrashnak is a large troll and he gathered some packs to him mak-
ing them forget their current boss and follow him instead. A task
tool can bring victory in the right hands.”
not too difficult for troll memories are short and when something
—Throgg the Troll King is out of sight it tends to be out of mind.

Biletongue is a Plaguewood Troll and the boss of Plaguewood. The Biletongue got word of the rebellion however and went to face
packs of the forest hold allegiance to him. They may often forget it Vrashnak. But Vrashnak was prepared and Vrashnak was smarter.
but in his presence they recall their fealty and follow the mighty Vrashnak had propped up a rock precariously and as Biletongue
Biletongue. Biletongue is a servant of Throgg. The trollking visited charged at him he pushed it, letting it roll down the hill and crush
the realm and struck a deal with Biletongue. Biletongue acknowl- Biletongue. Vrashnak thus took control. But it lasted short, within
edged the troll king as bigger and stronger. Biletongue may not a week Biletongue had regenerated and faced Vrashnak again.
fully understand how fealty works but he truly tries to use his This time over a ravine, the two fought and both tumbled to the
small mind to learn for his king and serve well. bottom in what should kill anything. But they are trolls and within
weeks both were back up, regenerated back to relative health.
He is a known foe of Kislev and servant of the Troll King. Thus he This time strength won over smarts. Biletongue ripped Vrashnak
has been hunted and cut down countless times, each time he has apart and threw away the pieces. Vrashnak now walks an exile in
risen again, the unkillable troll of Plaguewood. Plaguewood, without any pack. Biletongue is the leader.

Biletongue is a named troll Hero in the MMORPG

Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning where he is
part of the Plaguewood Thicket Public Quest in which
he is faced twice showing his powers of regeneration.

/Mystic Scribbler


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 45 30 70 60 30 25 25 20 35 20 52
SKILLS: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 90, Cool 45, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75
TRAITS: Armour 2, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Farflung Vomit, Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Re-
generate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +11
UNKILLABLE: Biletongue does not seem to die no matter how people try to end his life. Perhaps he is fated for
more. Biletongue has one Fate and one Resilience.
Weapon sell troll, Damned Moneyeater, Blump-Blump

Tamed Troll
"YOU TAKE WEAPUN YOU PAY!.” Then things went wrong...
—Blump "No! Stop Blump! Bad Blump!”
Blump is an experiment that did not go as well as one would hope. —Sykus Hubris
A troll tamed to serve in the Inevitable City.
For a few days things worked. Blump knew to ask for payment and
Built of dark madness and inspired by insane architects, while he couldn´t count he was intimidating enough that people
the Inevitable City sits at the nexus of several lonely, forgotten didn´t try to trick him.
roads that can be found crisscrossing through the Chaos Wastes.
But eventually tragedy struck. After a long day of work Blump got
Many stories and tales surround the city. It is said to lure and for-
hungry and there was little around to eat. After consuming a cus-
ever trap unfortunate travellers who stumble onto the roads lead-
tomer he was still hungry and thus stuffed his face with the gold
ing to it. In other accounts it is unreachable, always on the horizon
earned from the work. Ruining the merchants and driving them
no matter how far the traveller walks towards or away from it. It
out of business.
is also said to be able to rebuild itself if a single stone is left after it
is razed. He now continues his trade selling weapons for gold to eat. He no
longer has any weapons to sell but he is able to convince his
Blump was captured and brought there by a group of Kurgan
“customers” to buy from him regardless. And should they refuse
Slaanesh-worshipping weapon merchants to aid in manual labour.
then he´ll eat them instead.
Division amongst the merchants about the trolls usefulness led to
a divide and then a bet. One said it would mess all up, the other
that he could be taught even more and actually become a useful
merchant in his own right. And so training began.

Blump is a named troll weapon merchant in the MMORPG Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning where he is
found in the Inevitable City.

/Mystic Scribbler


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

5 40 20 65 55 25 25 20 20 30 20 46

SKILLS: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool 40, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 70,
Charm 25, Climb 70, Consume Alcohol 60, Gamble 25, Gossip 25, Haggle 25
TRAITS: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate,
Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10
TRAPPINGS: Crate of “stuff”
Gutspill Bono, Groinknock Bono and Legbreak Bono
The Legendary Bono Brothers

A home in the hills Size

"Heh! Leg breaked now.” "Heh! Gut spilleded now.”
—Legbreak Bono —Gutspill Bono
The Bono brothers hail from the lands of the Redwake Riv- One of the things that set the brothers apart from the other
er Valley in the Border Princes by the Black Mountains. trolls of the hills are their size. Thanks to a varied diet of
These are varied lands. Ruled from the city of Ath Cliath, adwarfs, elves and humans they have grown tall and strong.
settlement with peoples of many different species. Their mother would be proud if she wasn’t too stupid to
understand such feelings. The brothers stand larger than
We have the town of Forseta and the Forseta fenmen, hu-
most trolls, Gutspill stands at 17ft tall (ca 5,18m), Legbreak
man families and clans that have dwelt in the Border Princ-
stands at 16ft (ca 4,87m) and Groinknock at 15ft (ca
es for hundreds of years.
4,57m). But despite this size difference they do not have a
Dumezil Hold stands in the Black Mountains guarding Ordin clear leader. They often fight amongst themselves. It is said
Pass. A small dwarf hold inhabited by a single clan, the they once caught a band of dwarfs and came to argue about
Dumezils. how to cook them all through night until dawn. At which
The Silberry ferry is a small elven settlement inland where point they finally reached an agreement and ate them raw.
some sealeves are found, though most of their numbers are
in the larger settlements of Fortrenn and Ailech.
And finally, the region the brothers call home. The troll "Heh! Groin knockid now.”
hills. Hills filled with large trolls and most famously the Bo-
—Groinknock Bono
no Brothers themselves.
The other thing that marks them as unique is their strong
sense of family. The brothers may fight and argue a lot but
they are still family and when things get tough they stick
together. Few trolls hold such loyalty and this has made
them the disputed kings of the Troll Hills.


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 45 25 70 60 30 25 25 20 55 22 56
SKILLS: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool 65, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75
TALENTS: Robust 2 Ranks, Dirty Fightin Rank 2
TRAITS: Armour 2, Bite +10, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large),
Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +13

TRAPPINGS: Gutspill wields the broken two-handed sword Gutspill, Legbreak wields the wooden club Leg-
break, Groinknock wields the brass-knuckle Groinknock
Da Swamp Fings
Da Terrors most Murky, Da Stale Water Scare, Total Warbeasts

Da Fings Regiment of Renown

"I fear no man, but those things. They scare me.” "I see a sight that almost stops my heart. I try to
—Darrlok Ironwill, Dwarf Thunderer scream. But terror takes the sound before I make it.”
A River Troll somewhat resembles the bottom of the river, a
—Mickel Jackenstein
riverbed coated in sediment, slime, rotting vegetation, fish Worse than their appearance is perhaps their widespread
carcasses, and various other smelly detritus whose precise use for a great deal of warbosses have had them serve
nature and origin are too horrible to contemplate. If it is them. Some even say Grom himself used them once. This
true that river trolls become like the rivers they inhabit would make them older than the individual trolls by far,
then one shudders to imagine the riverbed that gave rise to suggesting a pack that has refilled and replaced trolls over
“Da Swamp Fings”. These beings are supposedly river trolls, time. Perhaps it could even be more than just one group of
and the basic form is there. Yet, they are no ordinary river- trolls, several sharing the attributes of ‘Da Swamp Fings’.
trolls. Their appearance is not like that of other River Trolls, Whatever the truth they have turned up in many important
rot spreads over them and vicious predatory fish dwells battles and terrified their foes. With each such fight their
within their ever regrowing flesh. Poisonous toads have infamy grows and as it does so does the greenskin bosses
fused into them as melted bags of suffering amphibian. that seek to bribe them to fight for them. While the trolls
Their weapons are adorned with the bones of terrifying likely don’t understand it all their prowess and frightening
beasts like griffons, dragons and great eagles. Beasts that nature gives them finer food and makes them to mercenar-
did not survive their encounters with ‘Da Swamp Fings’. ies, even if to them they are just given food and happen to
The smell is no better, on the contrary they reek of death get into fights.
and gloom worse even than most troll hags.


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 50 25 65 65 30 25 25 30 35 5 52
SKILLS: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool 55, Dodge 35, Intimidate 85, Melee (Basic) 60,
Swim 75
TALENTS: Menacing Rank 3, Resistance (Fear)
TRAITS: Amphibious, Armour 2, Bite +9, Die Hard, Full o’ Fish & Worse, Goblob, Grim 2, Gutburst 3, Infected,
Night Vision, Overwhelming Stench, Painless, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Swamp-Strider, Terror 4, Vomit +10,
Weapon +11
TRAPPINGS: Weapons made from the remains of deadly monsters
Gnasher (and Gizbo da Wize)
Gizbos pet, Da troll uv troll island

Bloody Suns of Troll Island

“Da trolls. Da trolls will get ém.”
—Burr, Bloody Sun Big Breaka
Troll island is an island in a Badland river. Rising above the
waters on hollowed out cliffs. In the caves the Bloody Sun
orc tribe came to the idea that they could take the river
trolls of the surroundings and beat them into an enraged
feral state before sending them out against nearby orcs.
The pair however died to a counter-attack from the dwarfs.
The master of this plan was not an orc however but the Skaf Copperstone had anticipated the tactic and sent a force
goblin shaman Gizbo da Wize. A powerful individual whose of dwarf rangers to deal with it. There they managed to slay
might was enhanced by his pet troll ‘Gnasher’. The biggest Gizbo da Wize and his best breakas.
and smartest troll of troll island, though the latter does not
say much.


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
5 40 20 65 55 25 20 20 15 30 15 46
SKILLS: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool 40, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 50, Swim 70
TRAITS: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Fury, Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim 1, Hungry, Infected, Regener-
ate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10
• Put masta down!: Gnasher can never use the Goblob ability on Gizbo da Wize.
TRAPPINGS: Loincloth


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 25 35 30 35 35 35 40 40 40 20 13
SKILLS: Channelling (Little Waaagh!) 45, Cool 55, Dodge 45, Entertain (Storytelling) 30, Intuition 50, Language
(Magick) 55, Lore (Magic) 50, Melee (Polearm) 35, Perception 55, Intimidate 45
TALENTS: Arcane Magic (Little Waaagh!), Petty Magic, Second Sight, Menacing, Enclosed Fighter
TRAITS: Afraid (Elves), Animosity (Greenskins), Infected, Night Vision, Weapon +7
TRAPPINGS: Robes, Squigskin hat, Gizbos spear-staff
• Gizbos spear-staff: This is a spear that also gives +1SL on channelling (Little Waaagh!)
PETTY MAGIC SPELLS: Dart, Animal Friend, Produce Small Animal
ARCANE MAGIC SPELLS: Behave!, Terrifying, Vindictive Glare
Limbcrusher of the Grey Mountains, First War Troll

Troll of War Mercenary

“GRRRUUUUUUUUGH!'“ “Fer hire we ez Trollz wez woerk fer chow! So hire us"
—Battlecry of Gorskull’s War Trolls —Gorskull 's manifest
Gorskull's past can be traced back to an Orc raid on After his experience with Bogbad's Orcs, Gorskull seemed to
the Bretonnian city of Parravon, which lies in the western understand the concept of working for hire, and since, has
boarder of the Grey Mountains. The Orc chieftain Bogbad led his band of mercenary Trolls throughout the Old World
Borblod and his Orcs persuaded Gorskull and his fellow travelling as far as Tilea and the Mountains of Mourn in the
Trolls to join in on the raid by promising them one hundred far east. Mercenary Generals are eager to hire the War Trolls
barrels of ale, in addition to allowing the hungry Trolls to of the Grey Mountains as they work only for ale and any type
devour over forty Goblins as down payment. of food they can get (though Halfling flesh is their favourite),
rather then working for gold.
As it turned out, the town of Parravon (considered one of the
more resourceful towns of Bretonnia) was prepared for the Gorskull and his Trolls are currently employed by the infa-
marauding Orcs and after several hours of heartened re- mous Hobgoblin mercenary, Ghazak Khan. Under Ghazak's
sistance the Knights drove the Orcs back into the mountains. cunning leadership Gorskull's War Trolls have had many
Gorskull demanded that his Trolls still be compensated for opportunities to pillage cities and towns for tender flesh and
joining the failed raid. Bogbad disagreed arguing that they rich ale.
would only be given the barrels of ale if the raid was success-
ful. The Orc chieftain also pointed out if Gorskull and his
Trolls fought as hard as his Orcs the raid would have been a
success. Without warning Gorskull, now angry as a wild hor-
net, grabbed Bogbad by the neck and tore his head from his
broad shoulders.

The other Orcs were quite impressed with Gorskull's retalia-

tion and chose Gorskull to lead the next raid on Parravon.
This time the raid was a success and Gorskull and his Trolls
made off with plenty of ale and tasty captives.


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 65 50 80 60 30 35 25 30 35 20 52
SKILLS: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 80, Endurance 75, Cool 50, Dodge 50, Melee (Basic) 80, Swim 85, Lore
(Tactics) 35, Lore (Warfare) 35, Language (Goblin Tongue) 35, Language (Battle Tongue) 35, Language (Tilean) 35,
Haggle 25, Ranged (Throwing) 55, Consume Alcohol 65, Gamble 35, Athletics 40,
TALENTS: Etiquette (Mercenaries), Ambidextrous, Dual Wielder
TRAITS: Armour 7, Bite +10, Die Hard, Goblob, Grim 2, Gutburst 6, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large),
Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +12
TROLL CAPTAIN: Allied trolls within 4 yards of Gorskull ignore their stupidity rule as long as they are
within range.
TRAPPINGS: Brass Knuckle, Full Chain armour, full leather armour
SKULL MITT: After slaying the Orc Chieftain Bogbad Borblod, Gorskull skinned the flesh from Bogbad's
skull and (after eating it) tied the Orc skull to bis right fist. The Skull Mitt is a magic brass knuckle for a large
creature. In addition it grants its user two fortune points per session.
The Runemuncher of the Marshes of Madness, Hearth Gut

that ugly beast. Then bring it to Roggin

Bronzemane up ahead.“
—Thagroth Grumrune
Gutrock was a fairly normal Rivertroll in the Marshes
of Madness until one day. Ambushing a group of dwarfs
Gutrock managed to eat a runestone carrying a rune of
hearth. This got the troll some strange powers in re-
gard to how magic affected him. It however also placed
a mark on the trolls head as dwarfs where sent to kill
him and cut the stone out of his gut. A feat succeeded
Rune Eater by the slayer Haldrai Doomcrest after two weeks of the
troll carrying the stone within its belly.
“Only thing stupider than the Orcs and Gob-
lins we are dealing with is the Bloody Trolls. While Gutruts tale was short it serves as a reminder to
what such creatures can eat and how it can affect them.
Proper stones are in short supply here and I
need ‘em for my work. I had a runic ward As for the stone it found its home being added to a
dwarf watchtower in the area which holds for now,
beautifully etched into the perfect stone, all mainly by keeping a low profile, and sends words to
prepared for the lads up ahead in the next the holds of what happens in the Marshes of Madness
camp. Blasted trolls ambushed us and one of and how the greenskins move about.
them chomped at me. Granted he didn´t stand
a chance but he managed to swallow that ru-
nic stone before he tucked tail and ran. Be
sure you beat it out of ‘im if you come across

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 45 20 60 60 25 20 20 25 25 5 40
SKILLS: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 65, Cool 40, Dodge 30, Melee (Basic) 55, Swim 70
TRAITS: Amphibious, Armour 2, Bite +9, Die Hard, Full o’ Fish & Worse, Goblob, Grim 1, Gutburst 4, Infected,
Night Vision, Regenerate, Rotten Stench, Size (Large), Stupid, Swamp-Strider, Territorial (Lair), Vomit +10, Weapon
+10, Magic Resistance
RUNE OF HEARTH: The first magic resistance roll Gutrock makes each combat automatically succeeds
with 5SLs, no need to roll. Later tests for magic resistance are rolled normally.
Madtoof Ironleg
Big Troll of the Ironclaws, Old One Leg, Boss Ironleg

Troll Veteran of Iron Rock Okri Gardrakksson and the great

"We’z got a troll!” fight
—Boromukk Ringtaka "You´re big allright, but you have never faced a
Madtoof Ironleg is the largest and oldest troll of Iron Rock. runesmith have you?”
Being older than any of the greenskins can recall, though
—Okri Gardrakksson
dwarfs know he is at least a hundred and fifty. He is not
just a large troll however, he is a boss. He might not be all It was near a century ago when the runesmith Okri
that good at “words” or “tactics” but he knows to motivate Gardrakksson led an expedition into the Badlands to settle
others through intimidation and that is all that’s really a grudge and avenge the death of his wife, and take back
needed. her rune amulet in the process.

There are many grudges recorded against Madtoof Ironleg The goblin behind it was a shaman of the Ironclaw tribe and
and countless slayers have ventured to Iron Rock to settle it had no interest in facing vengeance. So instead it sent
them or die trying. The result has always been the latter. Madtoof Kicka, later Madtoof Ironleg. The troll led a group
Only once was a dwarf close to end Madtoof Ironleg. of orcs and trolls to face Okri and a bloody battle was
In this fight Okri and Madtoof ended up in a challenge. Troll
against dwarf. Madtoof had killed many
dwarfs before but Okri was not just any
dwarf. His runes flamed up and with fire he
scarred the troll and cut off its leg. The troll
was all but dead when the rest of the battle
was won and orcs could overwhelm and kill
Now a metal pegleg adorns Madtoofs body as
a constant reminder of his hate for dwarfs.


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
3 55 25 70 60 30 25 25 20 55 20 56

SKILLS: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool 75, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 70, Intimidate 90
TALENTS: Combat Master rank 2, Frightening, Menacing rank 2
TRAITS: Armour 2, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size
(Large), Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +11, Hatred (Dwarfs), Animosity (Dwarfs)

TRAPPINGS: Club, Pegleg (Iron)

Chief of trolls

Warrior of the Trollking Chief of the Stonetrolls

"In name of king I command you dead now.” "Muckspit...You have earned your place in my ser-
—Muckspit vice. You shall be my chief of Stonetrolls.”

Muckspit is a massive stone troll, towering over most of his

—Throgg the Troll King
kin. He is heavily muscled and his skin is covered in layers There are many trolls under Throggs command and while
of tough, scaly hide that makes him nearly impervious to they don´t quite understand the differences all the time
attacks from all but the most powerful of weapons. His eyes Throgg is well aware of them and have seen that most best
are small and beady, and his crooked, fang-filled mouth is accept command from their own. Thus he ensured his com-
almost always twisted into a grin that bares his jagged mand of the stonetrolls of troll country by forcing the troll
teeth. Grobbar to become their chief, controlling them but stand-
Despite his fearsome appearance, Muckspit is a loyal serv- ing under Throgg in the hierarchy.
ant to Throgg, the king of the trolls. He relishes the chance But trolls are not peaceful and Grobbars rule was to be long.
to prove his worth in battle, and he has faced down some of The most famous event in Muckspit's life is when he fought
the most formidable enemies of the troll race. His powerful and defeated a rival stone troll named Grobbar, earning
arms can crush steel with ease, and his thick hide protects himself the position of Throgg's chief enforcer. The battle
him from even the fiercest blows. was said to have lasted for hours and caused massive dam-
Muckspit's preferred method of combat is to charge head- age to the surrounding area, with both trolls using their
long into battle, swinging his massive fists and bellowing immense strength to hurl boulders and smash each other
his challenge to all who oppose him. He takes great pleas- with their fists. In the end, Muckspit emerged victorious,
ure in crushing his enemies beneath his feet and sending crushing Grobbar's skull with a massive rock and earning
them flying with a single blow. the respect and fear of all the stonetrolls who served under


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 70 35 90 85 55 45 25 35 65 30 72
SKILLS: Perception 60, Intimidate 100, Leadership 35
TALENTS: Resolute
TRAITS: Armour 4, Bite +12, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 3, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance, Night Vi-
sion, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +13

Raak Evercursed
First of the Bile trolls, Raak Stoneshatterer, the Cold Mire elder-beast

The Lord of Trolls

"And so it was that Raak, the Lord of Trolls, stood
upon the mountains of the northern wastes and
called out his challenge for all to hear. The greatest
of Hung armies had fallen before his armies and
now he sought to prove that the Kurgan lords too Evercursed
were inferior to him and that the gods favoured
Raak.” "Suffering? Don’t speak of suffering to me Kurgan. I
have suffered for aeons without end. I killed Nur-
—The Tale of Raak, Kurgan legend gle’s favoured son. His greatest champion. Now I
Long ago, in ages past there was a mighty lord of trolls am not allowed to face death, my suffering is eter-
known as Raak Stoneshatterer. Raak was a beast afflicted nal. Go Kurgan. Gather your trolls here, but I’m not
with unusual intelligence and endless gluttony who, it is coming with you, there is nothing but suffering be-
said in the elder days before the rise of the Great Bastion of
yond this mire.”
the east, united many of his monstrous kin in a great
warband to challenge the Champions of Chaos themselves —Raak Evercursed
for the favour of the Dark Gods.
Raak and his many trolls tried to end their pain first
Victory after victory fell before them, and Raak and his through prayer, then through death. Neither worked for
monstrous kin grew fat and arrogant, until on the plain of Nurgle did not forgive the death of his most favoured cham-
Scorched Bones they confronted the vast horde of Gulvas pion.
Bloatchild, favoured son of the Plague Father.
They withdrew to the Cold Mires, a region in the wastes
Unfavoured strong with Nurgles power. Its freezing waters eased the
pain of the diseases slightly but each sip of its waters also
"Face me then, oh lord of trolls, and learn why even tied them ever closer to Nurgle. As time passed eventually
the dragons of Cathay tremble and despair when I Bile Trolls did die, sinking into the mire or burnt in far off
raids. But Raak was not allowed to share their fate, no mat-
draw near.”
ter how he tried.
—Gulvas Bloatchild before facing Raak For a few centuries he tried to find death for Nurgle by
After days of fighting beneath the howling aurora, Raak and fighting for his favoured champions in penance, but no mat-
his kin stood triumphant. Wracked with unholy hunger ter how many times he was killed Nurgle brought him back
from their exertions, the Trolls descended on the dead of to suffer evermore. Eventually he stopped. Retiring to the
the battlefield and devoured the bitter, cankerous meat of Cold Mires, now of gigantic proportions, dwarfing even the
the fallen and so sealed their doom. mighty mammoths of Norsca.

The infected flesh turned and writhed in their guts, and There he sank into the swamp, sitting like an ever suffering
they were filled with the most potent diseases and cankers island in the mires. He has seen countless champions of the
of Nurgle's devising. So concentrated was this malediction plague god come and go. Some seeking his help, some
it was even more than the vaunted regenerative power of thinking he is nothing but an island and holds no im-
the Trolls to overcome, but the plague-gifts of the Rot-lord portance.
did not consume them. Instead the infected Trolls became He has long ago given up, the world means nothing to him.
even more twisted, tormented creatures, their bodies bloat- His pasts glories means nothing. Suffering is all that re-
ed and agonised, endlessly regenerating only to be de- mains, all that ever will remain. For such was Nurgles love
voured again from within. Father Nurgle's mirth was said to for Gulvas Bloatchild that his death may never be forgiven
be great at their suffering and fallen pride. or forgotten.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

7 45 25 140 180 5 5 5 40 40 20 440

SKILLS: Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 220

TRAITS: Armour 1, Bite +17, Chaos Vomit, Corrupted (Moderate), Die Hard, Gutburst 2,
Grim 2, Hungry, Immune to Psychology, Infected, Infestation, Painless, Regenerate, Size
(Monstrous), Tough, Troll Tough, Venom –30), Vomit, Weapon +18, Weakened Regenera-
Denied the Mercy of Death: Raak Evercursed is not allowed to die. Rolls of
96-00 are not automatic failures for Raak when testing Endurance.
TRAPPINGS: Fungal growth and colonies of insects
Ripper Bolgrot
Da Deathhead boss, Da Alchemikul wonda, Da most ‘ated git

Pre-Intelligence Post-Intelligence
"Bring mez dat troll! ‘es proppa accurate wiv dat "No boss, we have plenty of time, there is two hours
throwin, not like you gits wiv da rock lobba.” until that boat will pass. If it’s on schedule that is.”
—Boss Spleenstompa —Ripper Bolgrot
Ripper Bolgrot lived his early life in the swamps of the And the experiments worked, Bolgrut became very smart.
wastelands. Here he hunted by throwing large boulders at With improved intelligence Bolgrot became a valuable asset
passing boats. With plenty of targets to practice on and a to the tribe. Helping with planning and strategy and execut-
single-minded focus on getting food Ripper became more ing the agreed upon plans without common troll stupidity.
and more accurate. Eventually Ripper Bolgrot was recruit- He learnt the languages of orcs and of men, even learning
ed by the Deaths Heads' Orc tribe after being spotted in the how to read and write. With his help the tribe flourished
swamps near his lair, hurling large rocks at distant fisher- and became stronger.
men with impressive accuracy. Under their command Rip-
per continued to throw rocks and get food. Boss Bolgrot
However he wasn’t really used to war and didn’t under- "I pay you. I say this. You do this or I don’t pay
stand why he shouldn’t just eat those he throwed at right
away. This annoyed the boss Spleenstompa. First he tried to
teach Ripper to wait with eating until after the fight but that —Ripper Bolgrot
didn’t work. Thus he tried something else, he sought out a
Eventually however Bolgrot and Spleenstompa fell in disa-
shady looking ratman alchemist who offered to fix the troll
greement over plans and how the tribe should be led.
all smart-like for but a few shiny stones the orc happened
Spleenstompa pointed out that he was the boss and thus
to be carrying. The deal was struck.
whatever he said would go. Thus Ripper Bolgrot arranged a
shift in leadership by promptly eating Spleenstompa. Now
Ripper Bolgrot hails from Bloodbowl he was free to lead the tribe however he wanted.

but seems to have entered this book with The tribe flourished under his command and it grew rich on
plundered treasure. Bolgrot cared little for treasure he
updated lore to make him a better fit tor
could not use however and took prisoners whom he inter-
the warhammer world. rogated to learn the use of “da shinies”. After learning it
wicked plans formed. Using his earnings he bought weap-
/Mystic Scribbler ons from smugglers and hired in mercenaries and bandits
to fight alongside his greenskins.
Now Ripper Bolgrot is a name feared across the wastelands,
a hated troll boss and vile threat.


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

5 60 60 85 55 45 20 20 45 50 35 54
SKILLS: Bribery 45, Climb 90, Consume Alcohol 60, Perception 55, Melee (Brawling) 65, Endurance 70, Cool 65, Dodge 35,
Gossip 40, Intimidate 90, Intuition 50, Language (Goblin Tongue) 50, Language (Wastelander) 50, Leadership 40, Lore
(Riverways) 50,Melee (Basic) 70, Navigation 50, Outdoor Survival 50, Ranged (Throwing) 80, Row 90, Set Traps 50, Stealth
(Rural) 25, Swim 95

TRAITS: Armour 2, Bite +11, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Ranged +12 (21), Regenerate, Size
(Large), Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +12
The Rock
The Rock of Troll Country, The Rockcrusher supreme, The duke of trolls

Size Matters my Jarldom!”

—Jarl Kjeld Bloodbeard
"It´s a big one I says. If Throgg is the Troll King
then surely this must be the duke of trolls.” Greatest attempt to take on ‘The Rock’ was one made by Jarl
Kjeld Bloodbeard, a Jarl of the small Blodskagglings tribe of
—Olev Kakovlev Norsca known for their bright red hair and their past ances-
The troll known simply as ‘The Rock’ is a Hillcrusher troll of tor Steine Bloodbeard. To prove his worth as Jarl Kjeld
massive size, likely the largest of its kind, more in line with Bloodbeard, the last and latest Bloodbeard Jarl, sailed out to
a large stone troll than a hillcrusher going by size. But its Troll Country to slay this beast and his horde, bringing hon-
specie is not in question and combined with its massive size our to Khorne. With an army five hundred strong he en-
it becomes a natural leader of its kind. Other hillcrushers gaged the creature on the cold plains. It was a great fight
flock to it and its pack has grown large. that gloried the bloodgod and pleased him greatly. Both
sides were decimated as neither was willing to leave and
It´s pack number near sixty trolls, closest to him amongst blood and bile flowed in rivers...or at least pooled in badly
them are the five largest females of the pack, nicknamed his stinking ponds. When the dust finally settled a mere eight
Rockcrushers in common tongue. trolls remained and sixty four tired and terrified marauders
pushed their aching bodies to their limits in a panicked re-
A worthy Foe treat.
"Imagine that troll Dadin. Imagine the fight. What It is unknown exactly what happened but something there
more can a slayer ask for?” and then stopped ‘The Rock’ from eating Kjeld Bloodbeards
skull. What no-one can say but however it came to be the
—Karik Zadunsson, Trollslayer skull alongside his head Vitkis now hang in a string as a
Amongst the Kislevites its legend has spread and ‘The Rock band like a tabard over the trolls chest, blessed by dark
of Troll Country’ is now both a feared threat and a promis- powers.
ing trophy for one slaying such a mighty troll would surely The Rock is the end-boss for the Public
find renown. Even luring in monster hunters from distant
lands. Over the years numerous men and women have died Quest “Welcome to Troll-Country” in
trying to end the life of ‘The Rock’. Perhaps one day one the MMO Warhammer: Age of Reckon-
will find success.
ing. In the game there is little with the
The Duke and the Jarl character apart from being a very large
"Great god of blood and carnage I swear to bring troll.
the head of this beast to your throne and make you
proud. Make you all proud, ancestors see me deserve /Mystic Scribbler


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 50 25 60 60 35 30 25 15 35 20 50
SKILLS: Perception 40, Melee (Brawling) 65, Endurance 75, Cool 55, Dodge 45, Intimidate 70, Lore (Troll Country) 20
TALENTS: Menacing rank 2, Strike Mighty Blow rank 3
TRAITS: Armour 1, Bite +10, Die Hard, Gutburst 7, Grim 3, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Tough, Troll
Tough, Venom (+10), Vomit, Weapon +10 (+13 including Strike Mighty Blow)

The JARLSBAND: This rope with the skulls of former foes is blessed by the bloodgod to strengthen the mighty trolls
resolve. The wearer has two resolve. In addition when the wearer uses a resolve to become Immune to Psychology the effect
lasts one more round.
Shorthorn Trolls
Ravenherd Trolls, Kruggoth Guards, Bearslayer Trolls

The Ravenherd The Shorthorn Trolls

"Ravengod see us! See us trample the pitiful shrines "By the Raven god we call upon the wild. You think
of Kislev to the ground! See us joined by the mutants Ursun rules these lands and Ulric stalks the plains.
birthed of cursed Praag! See us deserving of the These lands belong to Chaos and it is we who rule
change you have brought!” the wild!
—Krugroth Shorthorn —Unknown Ravenherd Bray-Shaman
The Ravenherd is a mighty beastherd prowling the lands The Ravenherd uses their dark magic to control the beasts
around Kislev. They are devoted to Tzeentch and foul packs of the wild. Tuskgors, ravens, rats, wolves and spawn
of Ravens join their Tuskgors as they send their beasts changed by the powers of chaos flock to their banners by
against the faithful Kislevites. Leader of the Ravenherd is rituals foul.
Krugroth Shorthorn, a beastlord of huge size but of relative-
Among these creatures called are trolls, a small pack follow
ly small horns, hence his name.
the herd and revel in the slaughter they bring. Strongest of
In beastmen culture, if you can call it that, horns like those these are the Shorthorn trolls, a pair of trolls chosen by bat-
are seen as a sign that one is unfit to lead and this enrages tle amongst the chaos trolls of the ravenherd to become the
Kruggoth who seeks ever greater feats of defilement of the bodyguards of Krugroth Shorthorn.
Kislev pantheon to find Tzeentchs glory and have his fate
Named after their ward the Shorthorn trolls seem braver
changed and magnificent horns grow in their place.
and smarter than others. Loyal to his every command. This
A lone sorceress-hag in a forbidden cave of the Oblast has is true in a sense. Dark magic has been used to make them
however whispered the truth to some, the short horns are a his guards and help compensate for their shortcomings.
“gift” of Tzeentch precisely to get him driven to prove him- Thus as long as the rituals and spells hold the Shorthorn
self so desperately and as his frustration grows she cackles trolls will be smart and loyal beasts, as far as trolls go.
with the voices of the raven god a mocking laughter.
As bodyguards of a beastlord they are integral in keeping
The shorthorn trolls is a pair of chaos trolls the ravenherd under control. No attempts to kill the beast-
guarding a beastman champion called Short- lord in anything but an open duel has gotten past them and
horn in the MMORPG Warhammer Online: the Shorthorn trolls have made short work of several would
-be assassins. An important function for the herd, with its
Age of Reckoning. It is not specified if they
devotion to Tzeentch, is devious and cunning.
are a specie of troll but given they are named
in style of the character they guard it is as-
sumed a title rather than specie.

/Mystic Scribbler

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 45 25 70 60 50 25 25 30 60 20 58
SKILLS: Perception 55, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool 50, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75
TRAITS: Armour 3, Bite +10, Chaos Vomit, Corrupted (Moderate), Die Hard, Gutburst 3, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Mental
Corruption, Mutant Regeneration, Mutation, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit,
Weapon +11,

Ravenherd Magic: Dark enchantments make the Shorthorn trolls smarter and braver than other trolls. And these en-
chantments do not allow them to flee from their leaders side, hurting them if they try to flee. Any tests of willpower made do
not cause the normal consequences on failure, instead they deal SL wounds ignoring AP and TB.
The Blightstone Eater, The Great Blighter

The Blightstone What had once been the plan of simply bringing an artefact
back to a mighty Tzeentch champion became as much a
"An artefact of great power. The energies within call struggle for survival.
to the dark gods and they answer. The Raven Host What was more the stone had caused Soulblight to grow in
must possess it!” size and power himself. The chaos troll towered above his
kin and was threatening to become a threat to rival Throgg
—Bjarg Bloodspell himself.
The Blightstone is a chaos artefact of great power. One able
to corrupt the souls of creatures and even people. It has The End
long switched hands amongst the tribes of chaos as new
"Aye. It was the deadliest beast I ever faced. By the
masters seek to use it for their own purposes. Its fate took a
strange turn after being ‘liberated’ from the Carnival of Des-
Raven god we are lucky to be alive.”
pair by the shaman Bjarne. His warband allready weakened —Gunnar
by having dispatched the Nurgle followers Bjarne was poor-
ly protected when the beasts of Troll Country attacked. A Halza failed their mission and found themselves eaten by
mighty chaos troll grabbed him and gobbled him up. It was the mighty troll. Another band came, Gunnar of the Raven
now up to Halza to avenge it and reclaim the stone. Host lead a warband to strike at the troll and retrieve the
stone. Gunnar was no fool. He knew most of them would
Soulblight not leave troll country alive. He knew the foe they faced was
a terrible one indeed.
"Tomorrow we will hunt for this Troll. And when we
He did not prepare for a glorious duel or an epic battle of
find him we will pry open his belly and retrieve the skill. This battle would be bloody, dirty and harsh. Like rats
stone. For now, we rest.” they would swarm upon Soulblight and drag the beast
down, burning at it with torches little by little until it fell.
And so they did. Of the Nine hundred that came, thirty sur-
But the artefact changed the one that held it, be it in hand
vived but Soulblight was dead and the Blightstone was cap-
or belly. The malevolence of the stone washed over the troll
and the creatures of troll country. The blight spread to ani-
mals and trolls giving them evil pur-
pose and a greedy desire to protect the Soulblight is a troll from the MMORPG Warhammer Online: Age of Reckon-
stone. A stone now in the belly of a ing and a very important troll at that. Chapter eight and nine in the chaos
beast. story revolves around it as the troll ate the Blightstone the chaos forces needed
When Halza came searching for the and they now needed to bait it out, kill it and take it, which they eventually
troll more trolls and animals of the did.
lands had joined up around it and the
battles were wrought with peril.
/Mystic Scribbler


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

6 45 25 70 80 30 25 25 20 40 20 62
SKILLS: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 90, Cool 50, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75
TRAITS: Armour 3, Bite +10, Chaos Vomit, Corrupted (Major), Die Hard, Gutburst 3, Grim 4, Hungry, Infected, Mental Cor-
ruption, Mutant Regeneration, Mutation, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon

SOULBLIGHT: The Stone corrupts its surroundings causing others to be infected by chaos. Trolls and animals fighting for
Soulblight get the Mental Corruption trait and increase their Int by +5. In addition any successful tests against Soulblights Cor-
ruption must be re-rolled.
The Ancient Troll of Norris Tunnel

Rockmaw of Rockmaws Stonebiter hails from the MMORPG “Warhammer

Online: Age of Reckoning”. In the game it is a
"Oi! Iz like dat Stonebiter. ‘es all magicky an stuff,
troll champion with a unique model found in
makes me castin easyerer.”
Ekrunds PvP area alongside Rockmaw Trolls,
—Gitzagg da sumwhat magykal Cave Spiders and Rockhide Trolls.
Stonebiter is a Rockmaw troll and as others of his kind he
/Mystic Scribbler
lives in Mount Bloodhorn, more specifically in an old dwarf
tunnel known as Norris Tunnel where other Rockmaws are
drawn to him, creating a large pack. Cavespiders too share
his cave and seem drawn to the magic in his skin. Nowhere The wind of Hysh gathers in stone and exists in the deep
near the size of the larger forest-living spiders the cave spi- places of the world. Bitterstone gathers more of the wind
ders are none the less the size of housecats and a threat to than other stone and with the ages hysh has come to greatly
the snotlings that sometimes wander into the tunnel. prolong the life of Stonebiter and this in turn has allowed
him to eat more of the stone and become even stronger. He
Ancient beyond Ancient does not master magic like a troll hag but there seems to be
"Stonebiter still lives? Impossible, the books mention magic existing around him and manifesting in some subcon-
cious ways.
him in the assault against Mount Bloodhorn centu-
ries ago. Trolls do not live that long.”
—Loremaster Grunni Okrisson
Stonebiter is impossibly old, surely from his diet of Bitter-
stone. At least six hundred years has the troll lived and it
likely existed before its first mention in the annals of the
dwarfs. Such an age should be impossible by most accounts
but there is magic in the old mines of Ekrund and this magic
has strengthened Stonebiter and prolonged his life.


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

4 45 25 80 70 30 10 10 25 40 20 62
SKILLS: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 80, Cool 50, Dodge 20, Melee (Basic) 60
TRAITS: Armour 6, Bite +12, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 3, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Magical, Night Vision, Regener-
ate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +12, Ward (10)

Bitterstone Magic: As Stonebiter suffers attacks his bitterstone growths breaks off and their magic activates. When
Stonebiter reduces AP to cancel a critical hit he casts a random spell from the following list cast as a Lore of Light spell unless
otherwise specified. If wished to be dispelled it is cast with 0SL.


1-3: Aethyric Armour (Core rulebook pg 242) 4-5: Corrosive Blood (Core rulebook pg 243) 6-7: Ward (Cpre rulebook pg 244), 8:
Terrifying (Core rulebook pg 244), 9: Troll Mither –Lore of Witchcraft (New spell in this book) 10: Teleport (Core rulebook pg
The Terrible Troll
Le terrible troll, Straszny troll, il terribile troll, Marc, Da terrible troll

The Goblin-Troll War The Troll Time

"A period of peace for the pass ironically, or for us "Guuuaaagh!”
traders at least. The beasts and greenskins where —The terrible troll
busy amongst themselves so we could just travel
right through.” This big loss drove the goblins back. The trolls had won.
The goblin tribes were weakened and the troll raids be-
—Antonio the Beast-trader came ever harder to stop. What was worse, a troll of tre-
mendous size appeared. The Terrible Troll. None of the
Also known as the fourth war of Tramoto pass the Goblin-
goblins dared stand against it when it came and the num-
Troll war is not very well known. It was after all a war that
bers and food dwindled ever more.
involved no ’civilized peoples’. It happened near the Tramo-
to pass in the Abasko mountains. For nearly half a year the goblins lived like this with no
signs of betterment and little hope of survival. Frightened
This war were between the four goblin tribes ’Da Red
goblins huddled close to fires telling tales of The Terrible
Squigglies’, ‘Da Legstealers’, ‘Da larderdwellers’ and ‘Da
Troll. Whatever resistance they could put up they dared not
hungry gobbos’ as well as the local trolls, known just as the
use for fear had spread wide of the monster.
local trolls. The goblins had long lived in relative peace with
each others, able to go weeks without armed conflicts and
with no-one important dying for as long as they can re-
The Heroic Goblins
member (and if someone died they clearly weren’t im- "“I’z not afraid uv no troll!.”
portant). They tended to their squigs, of which they had
many varied varieties and occasionally ventured out to —Zug da brave
plunder a caravan or two. Life was good. The goblins of the tribes prayed to Gork, or possibly Mork,
But that changed when the trolls, despite their stupidity, for help and they were delivered. Amongst the tribes three
discovered something. The goblins had lots and lots of deli- extraordinarily brave bosses arose. Zug da Brave of Da Leg-
cious squigs. So the trolls started to go to their caves and stealers. Murgg Earbiter of Da Larddwellers. Gobzmack da
eat their food. The raids where devastating at first but the ‘ard of Da hungry Gobbos. These three goblins started to
goblins adapted and started to fight back, getting some ear- rally their defences and arm groups with fire to drive back
ly success. the trolls. Slowly and steadily it worked until only the Terri-
ble troll remained. It roared angry at its defeat, ate ‘Da Red
To utilize this the bosses met and formed an alliance to
Squigglies’ who lacked such protection and then wandered
march for the trolls together and beat them together. Each
off into the world.
planned to go last however and let the others suffer the
brunt of the attack. A fight about the marching order broke The terrible troll now wanders the world causing trouble.
out and the goblins fought each others, causing horrid casu- Bretonnians call it ‘Le terrible troll’, Kislevites ‘Straszny
alties on all sides. It was then the trolls attacked. Lured troll’, Tileans ‘il terribile troll’, Estalians ‘Marc’ and Green-
there by the din of battle they descended from the moun- skins ‘Da terrible troll’. But what it holds in common at all
tainsides and started devouring goblins, dead and alive. the places is that it isn’t welcome.


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 45 25 85 80 30 15 25 25 40 20 124
SKILLS: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 90, Cool 50, Dodge 20, Melee (Basic) 60
TRAITS: Armour 4, Bite +11, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 3, Grim 3, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance, Night Vision,
Regenerate, Size (Enormous), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +12
King of the Trolls, Wintertooth

The Beast days. If the race of Man was so keen to fight him and his
bestial subjects, then fight he would, with all the monsters
"Mmm, a slave of the Hound God is here for a fight! of Troll Country at his side. That night, Throgg vowed that
he would see the lands of Men despoiled in the name of
The fool tries to make prey out of a predator! Does he
the Dark Gods.
know he fights a king? Not like the weak man-kings
of the south. I would eat those kings for breakfast! He would gather every monster, mutant and madman un-
der his rule and march at the head of a nightmarish horde
It is time to feast!!!"
deep into the so-called civilised lands of the south. On his
—Throgg, King of the Trolls heels would come the bitter cold of winter, for where the
creatures of Chaos tread, the land itself warps and changes.
Around the campfires of the north, there persist rumours
Throgg would bring about an age of ice and darkness and
that in the depths of Troll Country there is an elder beast
make all of the races of the Old World his slaves. As the
whose mutations were not just of the body but also the
Troll King marches determinedly south, his monstrous en-
mind — a Troll King possessed of a grim and malevolent
tourage grows with every passing day. Under Throgg’s do-
cunning who seeks to grind the realms of man, elf and
minion, the creatures of the hinterlands have united into a
dwarf under his monstrous rule.
vast army, and soon the race of Man shall feel the Troll
At the heart of an icy labyrinth strewn with the gnawed King’s wrath.
corpses of once-mighty heroes, the Troll King, Throgg, sits
brooding upon his rocky throne. No fanfare announces his The Father of a new era
arrival, no vassals pay him tithe, and no courtiers vie for his
favour. His subjects are drooling, stinking monsters and his "What the gods gifted to me can be gifted to another.
domain is a desolate and wind-whipped wasteland. A filth I will not be the one mind in a race of blunt, witless
encrusted crown rings one of the Troll King’s tusks, a once animals."
priceless heirloom taken from a great warrior whose quest
led him only into Throgg’s gullet.
—Throgg, King of the Trolls

There was a time when Throgg was content purely with a “Elegant? He is broken, Max. Like his father."
life of hunting, raiding and killing. He led his monstrous kin —Throgg, King of the Trolls
in ambushes and midnight attacks, each more successful
than the last. Throgg had a knack of using the harsh climate But Throgg does not merely want to conquer, he wants to
of the north as his ally, for Trolls are quite at home in the reforge. Not a realm or kingdom. The trolls themselves. He
numbing cold; to them a fierce ice-shard blizzard is no wants others of his kin to gain intelligence, true sentience.
more troubling than a light summer rain. Before long, the And it is a path that is not so foolish as first thought. Alche-
Troll King became infamous, known amongst the warriors my, warpstone, blessings of the gods, infusing of magic
of the Old World as Wintertooth. Every season, great and winds. These are things that have changed trolls minds be-
lauded heroes would ride northwards, brave knights and fore and could perhaps again.
adventurers, all seeking out Throgg’s lair to slay him. Every Should Throgg ever succeed fully then his army shall be
season, the Troll King dined upon noble flesh. unstoppable and his new age of ice and beasts will come for
the world. But so far, it is but a dream of the troll king. His
The King efforts and experiments have yet to bring a result that satis-
fies him and he grows more impatient with every passing
“It is the hubris of men to see their own destiny in all
things. Von Carstein. The Everchosen. Dead men.
Exalted men. In their skin they are all still men. His trolls however, understand little of his experiments and
visions. Happy to follow their massive king as long as he
This... will be the Age of the Beast."
brings them food but lacking all sorts of understanding for
—Throgg, King of the Trolls his coming age of ice and beasts.

One moonless night, as Throgg was picking his yellowed

tusks clean with a gem-encrusted blade, he beheld the bro-
ken bodies of his prey and began to think. Throgg muttered
to himself, his eyes burning with cold fire for several long
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 65 45 90 85 50 25 45 65 40 40 66
SKILLS: Athletics 30, Consume Alcohol 95, Charm 45, Cool 55 (75), Dodge 40, Endur-
ance 100, Entertain (Storytelling) 45, Gamble 75, Gossip 45, Haggle 45, Heal 70, Intimidate
95, Intuition 60, Language (Norscan) 70, Language (Gospodarinyi) 70, Language (Ungol) 70,
Language (Reikspeil) 70, Language (Kurgan) 70, Leadership 45, Lore (Troll Country) 70, Lore
(Kislev) 70, Lore (History) 70, Lore (Trolls) 70, Lore (Strategy and Tactics) 70, Melee
(Brawling) 75, Melee (Basic) 80, Outdoor Survival 70, Perception 65, Ranged (Throwing) 50,
Research 70, Stealth (Rural) 30, Swim 95
TALENTS: Combat Aware, Criminal Rank 2, Strike to Stun, Trapper, Menacing Rank 4,
Very Resilient, Iron Will Rank 4, Robust Rank 6, Read/Write, Savvy
TRAITS: Armour 3, Bite +12, Chaos Vomit, Corrupted (Moderate), Die Hard, Gutburst 2,
Grim 5, Hungry, Infected, Mutant Regeneration, Regenerate, Size (Large), Territorial (Lair),
Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +13
Lord of the Monstrous Horde: Throgg adds 4SL to Leadership tests di-
rected at trolls.
TRAPPINGS: Tattered cloak, Massive hammer, The Wintertooth Crown
THE WINTERTOOTH CROWN: Whether by the crown's own properties, or
by the grace of the Dark Gods, all things bestial and savage obey the wearer. All allied
trolls and chaos beasts within 80 yards (including the wearer) increase their willpower
by +20. Stats with crown are shown in parenthesis for Throgg. For other trolls add it
manually, remember that this will also increase their wounds by 4.
Chief Ugma
Chief of the Dark Reservoir

The Dark Reservoir of Karak Azgal fell, it did not take long for the reservoir to attract new resi-
dents. A tribe of River Trolls claimed the place as their lair,
Karak Azgal means "Hoard Peak" in Reikspiel and was for- and they live there still. Led by Ugma, a powerful and ex-
merly called Karak Izril, meaning the "City of Jewels,". It is ceptionally intelligent creature, at least for a River Troll,
known today most famously as the "Dragon Crag". Once they are dangerous enough to keep other denizens of the
upon a time it was an extremely wealthy Dwarf Hold but ruins from exploring this place.
these days it has fallen under the control of The reservoir is 20 feet deep and filled with cold water. The
the Greenskins and the Skaven. stone columns supporting the roof are carved with images
Karak Azgal is now a major destination for adventuring and of fish and are about a yard in diameter. The chamber is
mercenary bands of the Old World who seek to brave its dank and cold and has a faint smell of rottenness to it due
dangers in the hopes of plundering its still vast riches. to the Trolls. The sound of splashing water can be heard
echoing in the chamber from the rivers that dump water
It is in these depths the Dark Reservoir is found. Its tale
into the reservoir.
begins when the Dwarfs of the Skorrun Clan discovered a
small lake fed by three underground rivers. They initially Chief Ugma
used it as a source of drinking water, but the Dwarf Thane
decided a larger reservoir should be created for a long Unlike his brethren, Ugma was blessed with an abnormally
siege. The result of their efforts was this massive chamber. high intelligence. He speculates it has something to do with
Having taken years to make, this area is a marvel of Dwarf his exposure to a significant amount of warpstone when he
engineering. The flow of water into the chamber was was a cub. Ugma is quite content to live here in the reser-
stopped and the Dwarfs drained it, creating valves to con- voir. The food is abundant and he has been able to accumu-
trol the flow of water. Then they carved the entire chamber late quite a treasure hoard by sending his Trolls up the riv-
out of the rock, leaving natural stone columns to support ers to prey on adventurers. He likes to talk to his prey be-
the roof. The valves were opened and the water was al- fore devouring them. It gives him pleasure to see the
lowed to flow back into the reservoir, quickly filling to pro- amazement on their faces when he speaks to them in their
vide the Dwarfs with a renewable source of fresh water. own language. If he can, he convinces them to help him
eliminate the Orcs of the hold, claiming they hold his people
Occasionally, creatures found their way into the reservoir,
in servitude, when in actuality, Ugma would just like to kill
travelling along the rivers into the chamber. When the
the Orcs.
Dwarfs were still in possession of the hold, there were reg-
ular patrols to deal with these nuisances, but when the hold


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 57 15 61 59 45 42 20 45 42 15 48
SKILLS: Leadership 50, Intimidate 71, Perception 55, Climb 71, Language (Goblin Tongue) 50, Language
(Reikspeil) 50, Swim 81, Melee (Two-handed) 62
TALENTS: Fearless (Orcs), Frightening, Menacing, Night Vision, Sixth Sense, Strike Mighty Blow
TRAITS: Amphibious, Armour 2, Bite +9, Die Hard, Full o’ Fish & Worse, Goblob, Grim 2, Gutburst 3, Infected,
Night Vision, Overwhelming Stench, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Swamp-Strider, Territorial (Lair), Vomit,
Weapon +12
TRAPPINGS: Great Weapon
Deathbreather of the Marshland Graves

Gloom and Rot The Marshland Master

"A raspy breathing and a vile stench. You notice "Keep away from dark waters, spirits in the snow
that before you see it.” and the Marshland Graves.”
-Dramz, Ungol Nomad -Trollcountry Saying
The Graveland Marshes are home to the dread Gloomtrolls The Graveland Marshes is the swamps in Trollcountry that
and worst of their kin is Vilebreath. A cursed sorcerous be-
allow Gloomtrolls and Vilebreath and they keep strengthen-
ing of dark power it does not understand. ing him. It is not unreasonable to believe Vilebreath may
transform as much as the river trolls that become hags from
Vilebreath can not be considered living anymore but necro-
death energy. If so it is a dark sign for then one must believe
mantic energy absorbed from the marshes courses through
he is but the first. And trolls of necromantic energies may
him and it has spread and taken root.
well lead armies of the dead. The common tactic of slaying
Now he is an undead but independently willed beast lum- the necromancer will not be easy when said necromancer is
bering through the swamps. A legend amongst those living a massive troll.
in Troll Country who claim a death by him dooms their
For now Vilebreath is the only Gloomtroll with his powers
souls. And perhaps that is true.
and they do not include spells. Instead they give a breath of
killing magic. A threatening ability and one hard to defend

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 45 50 70 60 30 25 25 20 35 20 70
SKILLS: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool 45, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60
TALENTS: Strider (Shallow Water), Hardy Rank 3
TRAITS: Armour 2, Bite +10, Breath +16 (Necromantic Curses), Die Hard, Fear (1), Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim 2,
Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Rotting Stench, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Undead,
Vomit, Ward (10), Weapon +11
The Rebel of Plaguewood

The Plaguewood Rebellion Life in Exile

"Vrashnak no boss. Me boss.” "Vrashnak troll with no pack. Not good. Vrashnak hunted
by Biletongue, not good. Vrashnak strong, good.”
Troll leadership is about strength and as such no troll goes unchal-
lenged forever. Biletongue had his fair share of challengers but Now Vrashnak wanders alone in Plaguewood, staying away from
strongest and most troublesome was Vrashnak. Biletongue as he gathers his strength. Vrashnak still works his
Vrashnak is a large troll and he gathered some packs to him mak- rebellion. He wants to be boss. But Biletongue is strong and works
ing them forget their current boss and follow him instead. A task for Throgg who is both smarter and stronger than either of them.
not too difficult for troll memories are short and when something Thus Vrashnak must be careful. And that he tries to be. Getting
is out of sight it tends to be out of mind. other trolls to remember he is the boss. Undermining Biletongue.
Biletongue got word of the rebellion however and went to face Trying to get Throgg to see him as a better leader.
Vrashnak. But Vrashnak was prepared and Vrashnak was smarter. But while Vrashnak is fairly smart for a troll he is not smart and
Vrashnak had propped up a rock precariously and as Biletongue this is hard work.
charged at him he pushed it, letting it roll down the hill and crush
Biletongue. Vrashnak thus took control. But it lasted short, within He is not guaranteed to lose but his odds are bad. For all purposes
a week Biletongue had regenerated and faced Vrashnak again. it seems his chance has come and gone. He has been too long in
This time over a ravine, the two fought and both tumbled to the Exile and he will never take over Plaguewood.
bottom in what should kill anything. But they are trolls and within
weeks both were back up, regenerated back to relative health.
This time strength won over smarts. Biletongue ripped Vrashnak
apart and threw away the pieces. Vrashnak now walks an exile in
Plaguewood, without any pack. Biletongue is the leader.

Vrashnak is a named troll in the MMORPG Warham-

mer Online: Age of Reckoning where he is found in
Plague Wood.

/Mystic Scribbler

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 45 30 70 50 30 25 25 30 35 20 48
SKILLS: Perception 35, Melee (Brawling) 60, Endurance 70, Cool 45, Dodge 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Swim 75
TRAITS: Armour 2, Bite +10, Block, Die Hard, Farflung Vomit, Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim 2, Hungry, Infected, Re-
generate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon +11
SMURT!: Vrashnak is intelligent for a troll, he may re-roll his first failed stupidity roll each encounter.

New Creature Traits
Anchor Treatment: The Vitkis of Norsca have a herbal remedy for
these blisters that works when applied. It is rare outside of
The creature sinks in water and can not swim. The creature
Norsca but common there and costs roughly a silver a dose.
can never test swim, can not float and will always sink to
When used it gives relief for TB hours.
the bottom if placed in water.
Arcane Trollcraft (Lore)
The creatures tends to crawl about rather than stand. Not
Trollcraft calls upon the winds in some way, perhaps mixed that it can´t do the latter. The creature moves the same dis-
with Waaagh! Magic and their spells vary in effect between tance if Crawling rather than at half distance.
types of troll hag. River Troll Hags calling upon Shyish in
some form while Lava Troll Hags utilize Aqshy in some
form and the Ancient Shugon Hags call upon a magic less Cold Vulnerability
defined. This creature adds the effects from the lore attrib-
ute of the arcane lore in parenthesis to the lore attribute of The creature is weak to ice and cold. Attacks that are based
trollcraft and the lore attribute of trollcraft to the lore at- on ice or cold (such as Kislev Ice Magic) gain the Damaging
tribute of the lore in parenthesis. and Impact qualities. Damage caused by ice and cold can
not be regenerated by a creature with this trait.
Farflung Vomit
The creature has learnt to defend itself with tools despite
its bestial nature. The creature can use the melee skill to The range for the creatures vomit is twice its toughnessbonus
defend in close combat despite having the bestial trait. yards rather than its toughnessbonus yards.

Born of Ice Fiery Regeneration

The creature has elemental powers of ice that course This creature regenerates even through fire and lava. Fire
through its very being. The creature is immune to cold and does not cancel regeneration for this creature.
ice based attacks.
Full o’ Fish & Worse
Chaos Vomit This creature can make its first Vomit attack in a combat with-
The creatures can vomit forth the steaming contents of out spending Advantage. (They pack plenty of … ammo.)
their guts, dissolving their victims with powerful acids, the
raw stuff of chaos or flesh-eating worms. Someone that
Gastric Lava
takes damage from this creatures vomit or gutburst must The insides of this creatures stomach is not lined with acid
chose to either take one corruption point, one bleeding con- but with lava. Melting their food in a very different way.
dition or one stunned condition. Any Vomit or Gutburst damage this creature deals also
gives two ‘Ablaze’ conditions.
Chaos Warts
The creatures can vomit forth the manifestation of the cha-
os plague affecting it. Someone that takes damage from this The creature has a source of illumination, perhaps a lure
creatures vomit or gutburst becomes infected with the cha- like an anglerfish, perhaps pieces of warpstone growing
os warts disease. from its skin. The creature illuminates like if it was carrying
a lantern.
Chaos Warts
A disease causing horrifying mutating warts. Greater Regeneration (X)
Contraction: From the Chaos Warts trait (see above).
This creature regenerates X additional wounds when it re-
Incubation: d10 rounds
Duration: 2d10+corruption points days times your number of
Symptoms: Buboes, Blisters, Lingering (Average), Pox
Permanent: When ended gain one corruption
New Symptom: Blisters
You have sensitive boils that cause pain. Gain the “Warts and
Blisters” trait.
New Creature Traits (Continued)
Goblob The creature enjoys breaking objects and is good at it.
When attacking an inanimate object the troll deals four
The creature has a way with goblins. A way with throwing goblins more damage.
that is. The creature can use both its movement and action to pick
up and throw a goblin, gnoblar or snotling. Motherly Love
This has a range in yards decided by size and SB as per the below;
Troll Hags have strange motherly instincts, prone to treat-
• Size Average or Less: Range is equal to SB divided by two ing enemies as wayward children in need of guidance or
(rounded down to a minimum of 1). affection. Unfortunately, few creatures are able to with-
• Size Large: Range is equal to SB.
stand such treatment for long. When the creature fails a
Stupidity test it will react to nearby creatures, acting as if
• Size Enormous: Range is equal to SB+4 they are her children, roll a d10:
• Size Monstrous: Range is equal to SB+8. 1 No Bother: The Troll Hag looks at the happy kids playing
The throwing creature now decides a target, this can be an enemy and feels no need to act. Gaining two stunned conditions.
or a point of landing. The creature then tests BS to launch the gob-
2-4 Go Smother: The troll hag tries to hug a ‘kid’, this
lin. If it hits either roll for impact or landing depending on the type
of launch chosen.
works like an unarmed attack even if that is not the plan.

• Impact: To decide damage from impact treat it as a projectile

5-7 Be Mother: The troll hag tries to discipline a ‘kid’, she
attack with a base damage of throwers SB +thrown creatures SB makes two unarmed attacks against the target.
+thrown creatures TB and deal this damage to both the target and
8-10 To Mither: The troll hag tries to cast the spell Troll
the thrown goblin. If the goblin is not killed by this roll for landing
in front of the target. Mither at her ‘kids’ immediately. If she does not know this
spell count this result as ‘No Bother’ instead.
• Landing: The goblin tries to land somewhat safely. The goblin
suffers damage equal to the amount of yards thrown but this can
be reduced. The goblin takes an athletics test at +0 and for each SL
Mutant Regeneration
reduces the damage suffered by one. If the Athletics test is suc- The creatures flesh warps and mutates as it regenerates.
ceeded the goblin stands, otherwise it is prone.
When the creature rolls a one on its regeneration die it
If the BS test failed however the goblin misses the target and scat- gains a random mutation.
ters a number of yards equal to the failed SLs in a random direc-
tion. It then rolls for landing counting the failed SLs as extra yards Overwhelming Stench
Unbelievably, this creature smell even worse than a river
In Core rulebook add ’Goblob’ as Optional trait to; Wyvern, Orc, Giant
and Ogre. A wyvern with this optional trait gains a BS of 10 that the GM
troll. Their staggering reek causes those exposed to it for
is of course free to increase or decrease as he sees fit. the first time to make a Willpower Test or gain a Stunned
condition. Otherwise, it works exactly as Rotten Stench.
Gutburst (Rating)
Rotten Stench
The creatures stomach is large and filled with acid. Should a
blade pierce it the vile acid will spill around it. If the crea- The vile smell of this creature is all but overwhelming. All
ture suffers a critical hit to its body roll a d10, if the roll is living targets within a number of yards equal to the crea-
equal to or more than the rating then the attack pierced the ture’s Toughness Bonus suffer a penalty of –10 to all Tests.
gut with enough force to burst its gut. The creature loses an This penalty does not stack in the presence of multiple Rot-
additional number of wounds equal to the rating and must ten Stenches.
make a free Vomit attack (see pg 343 of the core rulebook)
against each creature engaged with it, this attack is made
Spiked hide
even if the creature lacks the Vomit trait. The creature is covered with massive iron spikes that
makes it hard to face. Any attacks against the creature suf-
Hill Troll Poison fer a –10 penalty and any fumbles rolled while engaged
The creatures spikes and claws are venomous but its bite with it causes a loss of 2 wounds. If the creature has the
and gastric acid is not. The venom trait of this creature does venom trait then loss of wounds from rolling a fumble when
not apply to bite, stomp and vomit attacks, only to standard engaged with it triggers venom just like a successful attack
attacks and Spikes. would. In addition against this creature the bonus from ad-
vantages can never exceed +20.
New Creature Traits (Continued)

Stomper (X) Warts and Blisters

When making a Stomp attack this creature has a +10 bonus The creature is covered in warts and blisters. Cuts on them
to hit and deals additional damage equal to the number in are hardly lethal in themselves nor does they make it easier
parenthesis. to reach the vital parts of the bodies. They are however sen-
sitive and cuts to them cause pain and a risk of infection.
Troll Tough The minimum amount of wounds caused by an attack
The creature has an additional eight wounds. Note that the (without the undamaging quality) is two rather than one
troll in the core rulebook has this in effect but not in name, against this creature.
this talent is mainly here to make it clear trolls have addi-
Weakened Regeneration
tional wounds for their size so its easier for a GM that in-
creases (or decreases) characteristics to take into account. The creature is wracked with damages and diseases that
tax its regeneration making it less effective. After each re-
Two Jawed Monstrosity generation roll the creature suffers 2 wounds ignoring TB
The creature can use bite and vomit twice each round pro- and AP.
vided it has enough advantage to do so. In addition the first
bite or vomit used each round costs one less advantage to

Vileshrimp Infestation
The creature is infested with vileshrimp, a nasty parasite
that digs into the flesh of their victims. The creature counts
as having the Infestation trait as long as it is in water.

New Career: Kulgur Chef (Courtier)

Kulgur Chef WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

     
Kulgur Apprentice — Brass 5

Kulgur is the old dwarf art of cooking trolls and while many Skills: Consume Alcohol, Gossip, Language (Khazalid), Lore (Trolls), Outdoor Survi-
val, Perception, Trade (Cook), Trade (Skinner)
other species would find the idea of eating trolls disgusting
dwarfs see it as normal and have people devoted to the Talents: Acute Sense (Taste), Craftsman (Cook), Etiquette (Rangers), Pure Soul

craft. But it is a dangerous craft for if cooked wrong the Trappings: Trade tools (Cook), Trade tools (Skinner), Tough leather apron (Counts
as Leather Jerkin)
meat is deadly to consume.
Kulgur Chef — Silver 1
While some Kulgur chefs are part of ‘Chef clans’ most are
Skills: Bribery, Cool, Endurance, Entertain (Storytelling), Haggle, Navigation
not, instead being members of other clans carrying down
Talents: Craftsman (Skinner), Craftsman (Brewer), Read/Write, Well-prepared
their clan recipes and cooking secrets. Not uncommonly do
Trappings: Backpack with Durable quality, Knife with Practical quality
they help other clans too. Joining the hunters that track
Kulgur Expert — Silver 3
and kill trolls on their hunts. Joining a throng as it goes to
war, cooking for the men, or working directly for a thane or Skills: Entertain (Singing), Evaluate, Intuition, Research

lord. Talents: Craftsman (Apothecary), Dealmaker, Etiquette (Warriors), Master Trades-

man (Cook)
Trolls are not only appreciated for their taste however and
Trappings: Apprentice
some dwarfs learn to use them in brewing, potion making
Kulgur Master— Silver 5
or alchemy. This is not strictly Kulgur but it is none the less
Skills: Climb, Heal
useful so most clans let such dilettantism pass.
Talents: Craftsman (Alchemist), Etiquette (Nobility), Master Tradesman (Skinner),
Savant (Trolls)

Trappings: Workshop
Troll Hag Magic
Brought to bear by grotesque Troll Hags, and the few Orc and damage that ignores non-natural armour.
Goblin Shamans that have been lucky enough to learn from
Trollmind Sharpening
these ‘motherly’ figures, the Lore of Troll Magic is foul and foet-
id in nature. How this odd arcane tradition first came into being CN: 2
is lost to time for the more learned races of the Old World, but
studies suggest that it traces back to the time of the Old Ones or Range: Willpower yards
at least soon after they left. Target: One target with the ‘Stupid’ rule
Despite its primitive appearance, Troll Magic is as potent on the Duration: WPB rounds
battlefield as any other form of arcane power, as its practition-
ers conjure forth great torrents of corrosive bile and whirlpools Gesturing lazily with a crooked staff, the caster enhances and
of foul liquid that sunder and soil all they touch. It isn’t just sharpens the minds of those nearby, giving them a clearer look
these deadly cascades of disgusting slop that are cause for con- upon the world. The target acts as if it did not have the stupid
cern, however, as the magic’s seeping influence can addle and trait.
slow the minds of the Wizard’s enemies and reduce them to Acidic Bile
little more than a rabble of babbling fools. Though this kind of
magic has become more rare as the years have passed, there CN: 5
are some who still wield it with devastating effect. Like all pow-
Range: Willpower yards
er in this world, the potency of Troll Magic does not come with-
out cost, and those who disregard the physical strain it takes to Target: AoE (WPB yards)
wield such magic, find their bodies warping and twisting in gro-
Duration: Instant
tesque fashion. More than once has an Orc or Goblin Shaman
greedily channelled too much Troll Magic in too short a time, Spitting a guttural incantation, the caster launches a ball of sick-
only to suddenly find themselves covered in hardened scales or ly green and yellow Troll vomit toward the enemy, scorching
sporting a new, clawed hand and slack-jawed expression flesh and dissolving armour. This is a magic missile with a dam-
age of +2 and the Hack quality.
Lore attributes: It is unknown if the troll lore calls upon the
winds fully or manage to mix it with Waaagh! Magic, but it is Troll Brains
claimed to be an old magic. A way that orcs and goblins curious-
ly can learn by mystic means. Targets of trollcraft that do not
CN: 8
have the ‘Regenerate’ trait gain one fatigue condition after a Range: Willpower yards
successful casting. Miscasts with this lore use their own tables.
The miscast table has immediate and permanent effects. Many Target: 1
of the permanent do not affect trolls and as such there is a yes/ Duration: WPB rounds
no line to show if they do. Natural armour does not affect the
difficulty of spellcasting of this lore. Under the beguiling influence of this crude magic, even the
most experienced warriors can quickly find themselves hope-
Ingredients: Rotting pieces of watercreatures are used, some- lessly confused and at a loss for what to do. The target counts
times in tandem with manure of magical beasts. their Int as 10 for all tests (unless it is normally lower) and has
the ‘Stupid’ special rule.
The Lore of Trollcraft
Ravenous Recourse
Foetid Whirlpool
CN: 1
CN: 8
Range: Willpower yards
Range: Random Vortex
Target: 1 Troll
Target: AoE (WpB yards)
Duration: WPB rounds
Duration: WPB rounds
Through arcane means and mystic reminders of how hungry
A deluge of foul swamp water and unmentionable waste is spun
they are, the assembled Trolls race forward with a sudden
into a swirling tornado and unleashed onto the battlefield. This
burst of vigour. The target counts their movement as one high-
spell is a Random Vortex (Winds of Magic pg20). Anyone with-
er. +2SL can be used in overcasting to increase this to +2, but
out the trait ‘Troll Tough’ touched by the vortex must test En-
this overcast can not be further increased.
durance at –10. On a fail they suffer a hit with a damage of 4+SL
Torrent of Filth Range: Willpower yards

CN: 6 Target: AoE WPB yards

Range: 1 yard Duration: One round

Target: Special The hag summons a cloud of corrosive vapour that scorches
the lungs of any caught within it, causing them to fall to the
Duration: Instant floor gasping for breath. Any within the mist at then end of
With an almighty belch, the caster heaves a stream of burn- each of your turns suffer TB+SL damage and take one poi-
ing bile across their foes as the battlelines clash. The caster soned condition.
immediately makes a Vomit attack as if she had spent 3 ad-
Stench of Death
vantage to activate the Vomit creature trait.
CN: 4
Hag Curses
Range: Self
CN: 7
Target: Self
Range: Willpower yards
Duration: WPB rounds
Target: WPB enemies
The spellcaster suffuses herself with the stench of rotting
Duration: WPB rounds flesh and decaying bodies. The spellcaster gains the “Rotten
These cackling curses are insidious and vile, robbing the Stench” trait. If the caster already has the Rotten Stench
vile hags victims of strength and shackling them with ill trait she instead replaces it with the Overwhelming Stench
fortune. The targets get a –10 penalty to melee and dodge trait for the duration of the spell.
rolls and should they roll a fumble they roll twice and apply
Trollhag Hibernation
both results.
CN: 2
Nasty Hex
Range: Self
CN: 5
Target: Self
Range: Willpower yards
Duration: WPB decades
Target: One creature
Special: Can only be cast while standing or swimming
Duration: 1+WPB rounds
in water suffused with Shyish.
Foul syllables spill from the witch's lips as coiling tendrils
The spellcaster sinks to the bottom and falls into a magical
of cursed swamp-gas writhe around the enemy like hungry
sleep until a new era dawns. The spellcaster is put in a com-
leeches, dissolving their arcane defences. The target can not
plete hibernation needing no air, food, water or anything
use their following talents for the duration of the spell:
else. The caster ages at half the normal speed while slum-
Magic Resistance, Resistance (Magic) and may not use the
bering this way. The character regains all wounds but gains
following traits; Ward, Immunity, Magic Resistance.
d5 corruption points. When the character awakens she ig-
Troll Mither nores all fatigue conditions she would normally get for
WPB hours.
CN: 4
Rapid Regeneration
Range: Willpower yards
CN: 4
Target: WPB enemies
Range: Willpower yards
Duration: WPB rounds
Target: 1
The witch bombards the targets with a tirade of unintelligi-
ble Trollish invective, powerful and relentless enough to Duration: Instant
cause pause and slow the movements to even those with
Drawing on the regenerative properties of the Trolls, the
the most stoic of hearts. The targets suffer a –1 penalty to
caster channels that enhanced healing towards those in
movement and a –10 penalty to agility.
harm’s way. The target rolls two d10 and regains wounds
Choking Mist equal to the higher roll.

CN: 14
Trollcraft Minor Miscasts
Roll Immediate Effect Permanent Effect Permanent
Affects Trolls?
01-05 Roll on the Miscast table in the core rulebook or winds of magic - No
book instead (the one the campaign uses). A non-troll getting this
result also rolls on the Waaagh! miscast table from tribes and
tribulations (or twice on the miscast table in the rulebook if they
don’t have access to Tribes and Tribulations).

06-10 Your bowels move uncontrollably and you soil yourself. Non-trolls Tests to keep the contents of your bowels in No
gain 1 Fatigued Condition, which cannot be removed until they suffer a –10 penalty.
can change their clothes and clean themselves up.

11-15 Willpower Bonus fields within Willpower Bonus miles suffer a - No

blight, and all crops rot overnight.

16-20 - Gain one corruption point. Yes

21-25 All milk within 1d1000 yards goes sour instantly. Casters saliva has a milky colouration. No

26-30 The next creature born or hatched within 1 mile is stillborn. A dead fetus starts to gestate inside the No
character, lowering their Toughness by 1 as
it lives on their force. Being unable to give
birth does not protect against this effect.

31-35 The creatures eyelids start to stick to their eyes giving 2 blinded The eyes give off a blank stare causing the No
conditions. creature to look stupid.

36-40 The creatures breath is suddenly horrid, causing those within a The creatures breath permanently worsens No
yard to suffer a –10 penalty to their next roll. lowering Fellowship by 1.

41-45 The caster immediately forgets everything that has happened the Next time this result is rolled increase the Yes
last d10 hours. The caster gains a ‘Surprised’ condition. number of hours by 1. This stacks with itself.

(ie if rolled three times before the number of

hours forgotten would be d10+3)

46-50 The creature suddenly gets very hungry and must attempt to eat Gain 1 Corruption. No
something, doing anything to do so.

51-55 All food within 3d100 yards goes bad. You find the taste of rotten food pleasant. No

56-60 Suffer a –10 penalty to all language and leadership tests for d10 Your tongue changes colour. No

61-65 The casters eyes become milky, giving a blinding condition that The eyes are milky evermore and the blind- No
can’t be removed for d10 hours. ed condition can never be removed. In re-
turn ignore any roll of this result on the table
in the future.

66-70 Bloodfilled-pus starts leaking in alarming amounts. Counting as a The casters blood becomes slightly darker in No
bleeding condition given to the caster. colour and smells slightly stronger.

71-75 The caster doesn’t understand what happened and gets a sur- The character lowers her Int by 1. No
prised condition that doesn’t go away for d10 rounds.

76-80 Gain one fatigue and pee yourself. Become incontinent No

81-85 Suffer an arcane mark (Shyish) that goes away after d5 hours. Gain 1 Corruption Yes

86-90 Suffer an arcane mark (Shyish) that goes away after d5 hours. It does not go away. No

91-95 Roll twice on this table, rerolling any results between 91–00. - No

96-100 Roll on the Major Miscast Table - No

Trollcraft Major Miscasts

Roll Immediate Effect Permanent Effect Permanent

Affects Trolls?
01-05 - Gain 3 Corruption Yes

06-10 Your guts burst open. This causes you to lose half of your remaining Gain the Gutburst (7) trait. No
wounds (rounded up).

11-15 You vomit out the contents of your stomach. Immediately make a Gain the Vomit trait and one Corruption No
Vomit attack as if a creature spending 3 Advantages to activate the
Vomit trait. This attack must target everyone near enough to you,
friend and foe.

16-20 Gain a surprised condition, 2d10 stunned conditions and the Stupid Lower your Int by 1 and gain the Stupid trait. No
trait for 2d10 rounds as your brain crumbles a wee bit.

21-25 Roll on the Major Miscast table from Winds of Magic once and once - No
on the Minor Miscast table from Winds of Magic.

26-30 All equipment you carry melt to acid, dealing d10 damage per En- Gain the Armour (1) trait representing scales. No
cumberance (added together) and being completely destroyed.

31-35 Your tongue swells up making it impossible to talk, cast magic, use The tongue is permanently larger, causing a –5 No
the vomit trait, use the breath trait and eat. penalty to language tests.

36-40 You gain an air of idiocy, giving a slack-jawed idiotic expression that The effect is permanent. No
make people trust you will mess things up. Suffer a –10 penalty to
all social tests.

41-45 Your hand claws at you trying to rip out your throat. Each round you One of your hands grows into a vicious claw. No
must make an unarmed attack against yourself as your action. This Gain the ‘Weapon SB+4+’ trait to represent a
lasts 2d10 rounds. natural weapon.

46-50 You start to bleed from your nose as your brain takes a beating from Lose as much Intelligence as you took damage Yes but a troll
your magic. Suffer 12 damage to the head ignoring AP but not TB. after TB. regains one
point per round

51-55 A part of you falls off (Amputated). Roll 1D10. 1-Toof, 2-Finger, 3- A new one won’t grow out at all, it’s perma- No
Toe, 4-Hand, 5-Foot, 6-Arm, 7-Leg, 8-Tongue, 9-Eye 10-Head. A new nent.
one won’t grow out for d10 hours.

56-60 Regain all lost resolve. Gain five corruption. Permanently increase your Yes
resolve threshold by one.

61-65 Gain a surprised condition. Forget the spell you cast, if its in a grimoire the Yes
grimoire is destroyed and you lower your int by

66-70 You smell really bad! You gain the Rotten Stench trait, and probably This lasts forever. No
the enmity of anyone with a sense of smell. This lasts for 1d10

71-75 You want to smash objects, destroy them. Gain the Hatred Psychol- Gain the psychology ‘Animosity (Inanimate No
ogy against inanimate objects for d5 days. objects)’ and the trait ‘Lout’

76-80 You get hungry and enter a frenzy that you can’t leave for 4d10 Gain the traits Bite +SB+2 and Hungry. No
rounds. You can not see the difference between foes and friends
during this time.

81-85 Your brain fries and your sapience is in question. Gain the Bestial When you fail an Intelligence test gain the Bes- No
trait for d10 minutes. tial trait for d10 rounds.

86-90 Roll 5 times on the minor miscast table for trollcraft. - No

91-95 Roll on the Waaagh! miscast table from Tribes and Tribulations with - No
a +40 modifier.

96- You explode violently. Everyone within D10 yards suffer damage You are dead Yes
100 equal to four times your TB.
On the Cutting room floor
As it often is when making projects not everything makes it. However since this is an online file I may return to it need
not be the end so if demand for something cut is high enough it may make it back, and if not then perhaps it may still be
interesting to read about what I skipped.
Adventure for each type: Most of the time I made adventures for each type of troll added. But it was harder and harder to make inter-
esting troll adventures the more I had made and so I eventually fell away from this. I plan on updating to get as many of them to have
adventures as possible but as I work this book there will be periods where they don’t get that.

Snow Trolls: Mentioned in a short story and appearing in an old Norscan armylist there is little info about them and worse, none of
that info is interesting. I combined them with Norscan Trolls from Total War: Warhammer instead of making them their own type.

Forest Troll: Was playtested for the 7th edition Orcs and Goblin armybook according to rumours. I could not confirm it or learn more
however so unless I do they’ll remain on the cutting floor.

Spider Troll: An unreleased troll type that got a model, even if that model wasn’t released. No lore as it never came to be. It had four
arms, weird covering that may be fur, a skull-like head and a visual very different from any other GW troll. It could be fun trying to
reimagine it for warhammer but it was not one I felt thematically fit with the rest.

Hobol Firebreath, Grog Stuntycrusher, Davogrod Gutsucker, Shakined Bone Bender, Skuttlescree Soresmeer and Rattlebones
Bowlegs: These iconic old troll models could certainly deserve a shoutout in a fan-supplement like this that takes from the early to the late.
However none of them had any lore so I didn’t really know what to do with them for Dramatis Trollae. If I get a good idea perhaps some or all
can make it.

WAR: Warhammer Age of Reckoning has trolls and those I have encountered in it I have tried adding. Some I added together (Stormblight
Brutes, Louts and Dolts all became the same species for example), some didn´t make it as their own (Plague Trolls became another name for
Biletrolls instead of their own species) and some I have yet to encounter, or so I think, I have no idea how many kinds there are. If and when
new types are found, well, then they may be added. I also dropped some, the Bridgetroll found under a single bridge is clearly just a rivertroll
in my mind.

Piranha Troll: For a while I was thinking about adding trolls of my own invention, before I noticed how many there were without that. At that
time I thought of a Lustrian variant where monster piranhas had eaten into its flesh and kept eating inside the troll so when you cut it the fish
spilled out. Would have an adventure by Skeggi.

Indish Flower Troll: Another own troll I considered was an Indish Flower Troll. Inspired by a saying that mud (the ugly) is needed for the lotus
(the good and beautiful) I thought that an ugly place to grow would be on a troll. So flowers groing on the troll, I reckoned they could be poi-
sonous flowers and the symbiotic relationship grant the troll poisoned attacks.

Dankhold and Mirebrute: Another thing considered was to do an adaption of some of ’Age of Sigmar’s Troggoths to be Warhammer trolls,
taking Dankhold Troggoths and Mirebrute Troggoths and turning them to lore appropriate trolls. And perhaps doing the same for their
named troll characters.

The Hag-Queen of Black Water: Another own troll of mine, I had an idea of a massive troll hag worshipped by cults of mer-goblins who lives
at the depths of Black Water. Even had a scenario idea for it. During a storm of magic, the only time she can surface, Runelord Kragg the Grim
would after his honourguard was swept away and the characters where near employ them to help him reach the Fulcrum in time and dis-
perse the storm.

Dramtis Trollae adventures: I originally planned to have an adventure for each troll in the ’Dramatis Trollae’ section just like with each troll
type. This was dropped for two reasons, the first and main one was that the project had already become far larger than first anticipated. The
second was that two of those trolls come from roleplaying scenarios already which made it feel awkward to make new adventures for them.

Troll Roles as in Tribes and Tribulations: In Tribes and Tribulations the way you build trolls changed, you start with a basic and add
“modules”, since its release I have considered adding such troll type templates for each here. But there are a lot of troll type templates to
add and basing it on one of these and adding templates if you wish works just as well.

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