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About this supplement.

al heraldry and lineage as closely guarded secrets,

known only to the closest of their allies. Many bear
This is a fan-made supplement for Warhammer Fan- crescent pendants of the goddess Lileath, the only
tasy Roleplay 4th This is a fan-made supplement for being in creation who can forgive them for their ruth-
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th edition which less actions.
adds rules and background for playing an elf from
Nagarythe, including rules for their infamous Shad- Only on the inland borders of Nagarythe are there
ow Warriors. It is a supplement made by Leo E permanent settlements of any size, and it is from
Gunnemarsson. these that the realm's
few archer and spear regiments are recruited. Their
The Kingdom of Nagarythe grim banners stand in stark contrast to the glorious
heraldry of other kingdoms, the ravens of Morai-
Nagarythe is colloquially known as the
"Shadowlands," is a dark and desolate region locat- heg are in fact common symbols, the Elves of Na-
ed in northwestern Ulthuan, but was once the great- garythe pray to the Crone Goddess for her aid in
est of the Elven kingdoms. Here, the first Phoenix their eternal quest for vengeance.
King once held court, and it was here that the great- It has long been a tradition for the Silver Helms of
est battles against Daemonkind were won. That Nagarythe to adopt warrior names in place of those
desperate struggle hardened and embittered the born from lineage and tradition. This custom dates
folk of Nagarythe, so that other Elves came to re- back to the civil war; with the families of Nagarythe
gard them as a cruel and bloodthirsty people. Af- divided, and its courts riven by betrayal, many warri-
ter Aenarion's death his son Malekith inherited the ors found it necessary to be judged by their own
kingdom. When Malekith rose against the rightful deeds rather than those of their families. As such,
Phoenix King, he led his warriors in a savage and most Silver Helms and nobles paint over their famili-
destructive war. Nagarythe was destroyed and al heraldry with raven blacks, midnight blues and
many of its people fled with their evil master to the blood reds, to hide the marks of their lineage.
cold lands of the New World.
The Shadowking
What little remains of the once-proud Kingdom of
Nagarythe is treated with fear and distrust. It is unin- Tradition maintains that the Nagarythi chose Alith
habited but for wanderers and beasts. Yet, the war Anar as their new ruler after the Witch
over possession of the ancient realm of Nagarythe, King Malekith and his Dark Elven followers fled into
now a shattered series of isles, rages as strong now the west to Naggaroth following the end of the
as it did five thousand years ago. bloody Elven civil war known as the Sundering. The
new prince was the last heir of a great line, his fore-
The people of Nagarythe bears having been slain by the Witch King's min-
There is not a High Elf living that does not despise ions. He became the shadow king, a legendary hero
Malekith and his Dark Elves, but the folk of Nagary- whose deeds during the Sundering feature in the
the hate the Naggarothi with a ferocity that far sur- epic tales of the Asur.
passes the most fervent warriors of other lands. None know Alith Anar's final fate. The Shadow War-
There can be no peace in Nagarythe, no cessation riors of Nagarythe believe he still walks the mortal
of bloody war, until Malekith and every one of his world all these millennia after the end of the Sunder-
twisted followers have been scoured from all the ing, a restless spirit of vengeance. They tell that on
lands of the world. the darkest night of the Season of Frost, a grey-
Nagarythe's population was scattered and became garbed figure can be seen kneeling before Eothlir's
nomadic, wandering in the wilderness of northern tomb, head bowed in silent contemplation of the
bloody deeds the coming year will bring. Other High
Ulthuan. The warriors of this realm are known
Elves scoff at such tales, but few amongst them
as Shadow Warriors. Organised in small bands,
they specialise in seeking and ambushing Dark Elf would not wish to be proven wrong. For his part, the
raiders. They favour dark tinted armour and tunics Witch King has passed beyond the veil of mortal
and plumes decorated with dark colours, especially concerns, but if Malekith any longer fears anything,
blues and sombre greys. he fears the vengeance of Alith Anar.

Shadow Warriors keep the meaning of their person-

Anlec ur, the Dread-bringer and his army of darkelves.

After wielding the Sword of Khaine to banish The Mansion of House Coraith
the Daemons from Ulthuan, Aenarion set his capital
At the edges of Nagarythe, past Eagle Pass, into
and established his kingdom in the ravaged north-
the Annulli, lay the Mansion of House Coraith and
ern lands of Nagarythe. Here rose the great fortress
the village that follow it still. An old house of Nagary-
of Anlec, a bastion against the Daemons from which
the dishonoured greatly by the betrayal of one of its
the armies of Aenarion could sally forth. Its towers
rose higher than any other city in Ulthuan, and five
curtain walls surrounded a central keep that could The brothers Kaldor and Calaidan where to become
hold ten thousand warriors. It was a city built as a rivals for the seat as head of house. When Calaidan
defiant gesture to the legions of Chaos, its black was chosen over Kaldor the spurned brother be-
and silver banners proclaiming that these were Ae- trayed his house and went to Naggaroth, swearing
narion's lands. himself to Malekith for a chance at vengeance. He
led an invasion trying to take the mansion. Many elf
The ruins of Anlec have been refortified, fought
lives where lost in this war of brothers but ultimately
over, and cast down again more than once, and
Coraith was the victor and the house has stood
even today they draw the Dark Elves back to the
strong under his guidance ever since. Though he
lands of their ancestors. Some whisper that more
leads it with a heavy, shamefilled heart these days.
Elves have died fighting over Anlec's ruins than any-
where else in Ulthuan. The mansion itself is as fine as any Highelf man-
sion, fitting ill with the style of Nagarythe where
Athel Maranth most are ruined or damaged. More like the mansion
Athel Maranth, also called the Beacon of Pearls, is a of an inner kingdom than the shadowlands. This too
lighthouse in the Shadowlands that is used by reflects in the small village surrounding it. One could
the High Elves to guide their ships in the northern easily mistake the place for another part of Ulthuan
seas. It fell to Kaldor, a traitor born from a high elf until one speaks to its inhabitants and the demean-
house that turned to the dark elve. But the light- our of Nagarythians becomes very clear.
house has since been rebuilt. Tor Lehan
Few settlements on the coast of the shadowlands
It is said even Shadow Warriors stay out of the curs-
have permanent residents but Athel Maranth is an
ed ruins of Tor Lehan and only the ravens of Morai
exception. The large lighthouse stretches tall with its
Heg dwell there. It is the site of the bloodiest battle
stone fastness defended by archers. At the small
of the Scouring. In the Siege of Tor Lehan the Asur
port highelf ships stop by at times, vary of the sur-
and Druchii forces wiped each other out down to the
rounding lands and their dark reputation.
last Elf, leaving no survivors. The song of the last
In the dark and twisting woods that surround it guard of Tor Lehan is a sombre tone sung in Na-
woodcutters still work, moving out to supply the garythe sung from the point of view of the last living
lighthouse with the fuel it needs to keep burning and elf in the city, a high elf that lays dying, asking Morai
guide the ships. In these woods the shadows lay Heg to live to dusk so that he can see one last sun-
deep and it is easy to get lost but the great light- set.
house of Athel Maranth guides not only ships but
also the Asur that get lost beneath its twisted The Desolation of Tethlis
boughs. It’s shadows pierced by enchanted light. Tethlis the Slayer was the most brutal phoenix king
to ever face the Druchi and when he drove them
Tor Dranil
from the shadowlands and the blighted isles their
Tor Dranil is an old city of Nagarythe but like the corpses where thrown into unmarked mass-graves
towns in most of the land it’s streets are empty and and the lands of Anlec strewn with salt so that it
bare. Many buildings still stand and the city is not a could not give food to any future army of Druchii that
ruin like most of the Shadowlands, but a ghosttown. took it. The lands known as the Desolation of Tethlis
It’s position on the coast promises danger from the are the bleakest of the shadowlands as a result of
darkelves and the surrounding lands offer nothing of this and Morai Heg has seen fit to bless it with her
value since the days of the sundering when their spectral banshees at the nights when the eight
mines and forests sank. It was at this town that winds blow strong.
Tyrion in 2339 IC won a great victory against Draki-
That which dwells in the Shadowlands
The fauna of Nagarythe is as bleak as the kingdoms reputation. Ravens of Morai Heg are the most famous but
not the only beast that finds its home there, they are not common by Morai Hegs blessing alone, Nagarythe
brings plenty of food for them, Nagarythe Ash-mice, Salt-frogs of the Sundered Strand, Nagarythe Blight-lizards,
Shadesparrows, Nightrunner Jerboa and Shadowland Pit Vipers all find themselves food for these ravens. The
lands support little in the way of large creatures but it is not uncommon for monsters of the Annulli or even neigh-
bouring Chrace to temporarily stray into Nagarythe.

Raven of Morai Heg

Also known as Shadowland Ravens. These birds are some of the smartest bar the Great Eagles, able to learn
not only to mimic but fully understand speech, something aided by their longevity, they have been witnessed
being near two hundred years old. Their size is not larger than the ravens of the old world but they stand aside
as greater still, for they have a grace and cunning not seen in other avians.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel W

2 30 10 20 15 35 40 5 30 30 5 5

Traits: Bestial, Dark Vision, Stealthy, Weapon +6, Size (Small), Fly 100, Stealthy
A Murder under Morai Heg: Ravens of Morai Heg ignore fear from average and large creatures while the ra-
vens outnumber them.
Optional: Trained (Broken, Drive, Magic, War), Swarm

Reaver Shades
The war over possession of the ancient realm of Nagarythe, now a shattered series of isles, rages as strong now
as it did five thousand years ago. In an attempt to wrest control of these lands from the Shadow Warri-
ors of Ulthuan, the Witch King Malekith has moved several Shade clans to the Shadowlands to fight against the
interlopers defiling the ground of Nagarythe.
Malekith has promised these Shade clans possession of any Nagarythe lands that they can wrest from the High
Elves, and rewards them for every head of a Shadow Warrior sent to him in Naggarond. There is now sporadic
but vicious guerrilla fighting between the Shadow Warriors of Ulthuan and these émigré Shades -- sometimes
called the Sundered Clans or Reaver Shades. Malekith hopes that this fighting will sap the strength and morale
of the Shadow Warriors, so that they will be swept away when the time for a full invasion of Ulthuan by the Dark
Elves comes again.
Even amongst the vicious Dark Elves, the Shades are considered feral, for they practice all manner of strange,
unforgiving rites. Their children are abandoned outside the camps on midwinter's eve and are expected to sur-
vive and find their way home. Animal sacrifices made to the beating of drums liven the cold nights whilst the
Shades drink fermented blood, and the tents of the Shades are made from the skins of their prey -- wheth-
er Elf, Man, Orc or other beast.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel W

5 50 60 40 40 50 40 40 40 50 15 21

Traits: Hardy, Weapon +8, Ranged (80) +9, Night Vision, Stealthy, Tracker
Playing an Elf of Nagarythe The Living Shadow
Playing an elf of Nagarythe is done similarly to CN: 3
playing another High Elf but to represent the king-
Range: Willpower yards
doms unique culture and the life one of its citizens
leads the skills and talents are changed. Target: One target that stands fully or partially in shadow

Duration: Instant
Elf of Chrace
Shadows around the target suddenly writhe as if alive
Skills: Cool, Stealth (Rural), Tracking, Language
and move to strike the victim. This counts as a magic
(Eltharin), Outdoor Survival, Melee (Basic), Navi-
gation, Perception, Trade (Fletcher), Ranged missile dealing +4 damage.
(Bow), Athletics, Climb
Wings of Darkness
Talents: Acute Sense (Sight), Hatred (Dark
CN: 6
Elves), Night Vision, Second Sight or Sixth Sense,
Read/Write Range: Willpower yards

Shadowweaving of Nagarythe Target: You

Duration: Instant
The magic traditions of Nagarythe teach shadow-
weaving, a way to craft spells and weave dark- Wings of darkness unfurl from the Shadow Weaver’s
ness into shapes. This is mainly done through the back and engulf him. He disappears, only to reappear
lore of shadows but the following spells are added in nearby shadow. Chose a place within shadows wit-
to the lore, techniques commonly used the shad- hin range, you dissapear and then you appear there.
owweavers of Nagarythe.
Woven source of shade
Pool of Shadows
CN: 0
CN: 5
Range: WpB yards
Range: WpB yards
Target: An area of up to WpB yards
Target: All within range
Duration: WpB rounds
Duration: WpB rounds
The shadowweaver gathers small specks of shadow
The area immediately surrounding the mage is sud- and dark to create a shading feature. The targeted
denly filled with twisting shadows that make it nearly area now counts as covered in shadow, apart from
impossible to see anything inside. All targets within being slightly darker this allows the casting of many of
range count as obscured by shadow for the purpose of the spells found here.
attacking them.

CN: 5

Range: WpB yards

Target: One target within shadows

Duration: WpB rounds

Tendrils of darkness rise from the shadows to engulf

an enemy warrior, rendering him helpless to the
whims of the Shadow Weaver. The target gets entang-
led against a strength equal to the casters Willpower.
Warrior Career

Shadow Warrior battle has been won by an unlooked-for volley of

Highelf from Nagarythe black-fletched arrows, or the silent slaughter of an
enemy sorcerer thought invulnerable behind his
The Shadow Warriors are an elite band of High own lines. Though they are shunned and distrus-
Elf scouts, warriors and assassins, who are the ted by their own folk, the bleak wardens of Na-
descendants of High Elves who were loyal to garythe know full well where their loyalties lie.
the Phoenix King and native to the Kingdom
The arrows used by Shadow Warriors are lighter
of Nagarythe during the terrible Elven civil war
than those used by High Elf Archers, fashioned
called the Sundering. The Shadow Warriors are
from withered trees in Nagarythe, ones which had
masters of ambush and guerrilla warfare, elite
tasted Druchii blood after Alith Anar allegedly nai-
warriors even among other Elves. They strike
led seven hundred of them to the walls of Griffon
swiftly and noiselessly from concealment with de-
Pass. The iron tips are barbed to make it next to
adly accurate volleys from their longbows.
impossible to remove. Each arrow's length is spi-
For their part, the warriors of Nagarythe deem ked with tiny thorns that would cause ghastly tor-
their distant kin to be soft and naive. Silently, ho- ment to any victim as they writhed in pain.
wever, they remain secretly grateful that the
Many Shadow Warriors bear red heraldry that
burden of the Shadow Warriors has not yet fallen
symbolises the spilt blood of their kin. However,
upon their whole race. Whilst the Shadow Warri-
Shadow Warriors keep the meaning of their perso-
ors never directly respond to a cry for aid, many a
nal heraldry and lineage as closely guarded
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel secrets, known only to the closest of their allies.
      Many bear crescent pendants of the god-
dess Lileath -- the only being in creation who can
forgive them for their ruthless actions.
Career Path
Bands of Shadow Warriors are often led by the
Shadow Warrior Novice — Brass 1
most capable of their kin, known as Shadow-
Skills: Athletics, Language (Battle Tongue), Melee (Basic), Outdoor Survi-
val, Perception, Ranged (Bow), Secret Signs (Ranger), Stealth (Rural)
walkers. To reach the rank of Shadow-walker an
Elf must have hundreds of years in the field under
Talents: Acute Sense (Hearing), Combat Aware, Hatred (Dark Elves),
Rover his cape and have proven to be utterly dedicated
Trappings: Bow with twelve arrows, Cloak and Hood to Nagarythe’s cause. Compared to other High
Shadow Warrior — Brass 3
Elves, they are merciless, cold and callous - al-
most indistinguishable from the Druchii they hunt.
Skills: Climb, Cool, Dodge, Navigation, Stealth (Underground), Track
Talents: Careful Strike, Fast Shot, Fearless (Dark Elves), Shadow A high elf from Nagarythe that rolls Outlaw on
Trappings: Chainmail Coat, six Elf Arrows the career table may exchange the result for
Shadow Walker — Brass 5
Shadow Warrior if he wishes.
Skills: Heal, Intimidate, Leadership, Stealth (Urban),
Talents: Ambidextrous, Sure Shot , Fleet Footed, Step Aside
Trappings: Two swords, Elf Bow
Shadow Master— Silver 1
Skills: Trade (Fletcher), Set trap
Talents: Accurate Shot, Night Vision, Orientation, Dual Wielder
Trappings: Group of Shadow Warriors

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

Warrior Career

In many ways this old magical tradition is clo-
Highelf from Nagarythe ser to an artistic craft than the academic spell-
casting one tends to associate with the mages
All High Elves have some aptitude for magic, of Ulthuan. And indeed they are not mages,
and those with the greatest aptitude are they do not practice high magic, they call
taught how to bend the Winds of Magic to upon Ulgu, letting themselves be infused and
their will. Shadow Weavers are the mages of marked by it as it further aids their stealthy
Nagarythe. Due to the nature of their unen- movements.
ding war against the Dark Elves, the mages of Some Shadowweavers move on to study at
Nagarythe tend to specialise in magics that the tower of Hoeth and learn the magical trad-
use shadows to conceal their presence and itions of Saphery but most never do, using the
confound their enemies. In fact the title lesser magic of their homeland with brutal effi-
Shadow Weaver comes from the nature of ciency.
their magic… like a talented tailor, the
Shadow Weaver takes the threads of shadow A high elf from Nagarythe that rolls Wizard
and fashions them into shapes and forms of on the career table may exchange the re-
his choosing. sult for Shadowweaver if he wishes.

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

     

Career Path
Apprentice Shadowweaver — Brass 2
Skills: Channeling, Language (Battle Tongue), Outdoor Survival, Per-
ception, Language (Magick), Secret Signs (Ranger), Stealth (Rural), Trade
Talents: Petty Magic, Second Sight, Hatred (Dark Elves), Rover
Trappings: Wizard Robe
Shadowweaver — Brass 4
Skills: Athletics, Cool, Dodge, Stealth (Underground), Trade (Fletcher)
Talents: Arcane Lore (Shadows), Fast Hands, Fearless (Dark Elves),
Trappings: Grimoire
Shadowcrafter — Silver 1
Skills: Navigation, Heal, Stealth (Urban), Set Trap
Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Instinctive Diction , Fleet Footed, Step
Trappings: Trade Tools (Any)
Master Shadowweaver— Silver 2
Skills: Intimidate, Melee (Basic),
Talents: Night Vision, Orientation, Craftsman (Any), War Wizard
Trappings: Familliar

Disclaimer: Unofficial supplement to WFRP 4th edition made by Leo Gunnemarsson

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