Materi PAS 2 Kls 2 Fix

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Materi Penilaian Akhir Semester 2

Kelas II
Lesson 6 : My Room

A. Things in my room: - Put the book under the table

-Bed = mobil-mobilan = letakkan buku itu dibawah meja
-Pillow = Kereta api mainan
-Blanket = Truk mainan - Put the in the box
-Bolster = Sepeda = letakkan buku itu di dalam kotak
-Desk = Bola
-Chair = Balon - Put the book beside the box
-Clock = Kelereng = letakkan buku itu disamping kotak
-Desk lamp = Gasing
-Fan = Boneka beruang Lesson 7 : Maps
-Box = Layang-layang
-Toys = Yoyo A. Public Places (Tempat Umum)
-Teddy bear = Dadu - School = Sekolah
-Cupboard = Boneka - Library = Perpustakaan
- Restaurant = Restoran/Rumah makan
B. Preposition of place : Kata Depan - Bank = Bank
- In = Di dalam - Playground = Taman bermain
- On = Di atas - Post Office = Kantor pos
- Under = Di bawah - Hospital = Rumah Sakit
- Beside = Di samping - Museum = Musium
- Behind = Di belakang - Shop = Toko
- In front of = Di depan - Zoo = Kebun Binatang
- Between = Di antara - Bus Stop = Halte
- Houses/Housing area = Perumahan
1. The pillow ia on the bed. B. Menyebutkan letak Tempat Umum
= bantal di atas tempat tidur Contoh:
1. the bus stop is beside
The school
2. The book is under the desk = Halte bus disamping
= buku dibawah meja Sekolah.

2. The bank is behind the School.

3. The teddy bear is in the box = Bank dibelakang sekolah.
= boneka beruang di dalam

3. The restaurant is in front of the bank.

4. Nina is in front off the fan Bank

= Nina di depan kipas angin


5. He is behind the chair = Rumah makan di depan Bank

= Dia (lk) dibelakang kursi
4. Hospital is between the bank and houses.

6. Teddy bear is between

the table and the box.
= boneka beruang
Diantara meja dan kotak
= Rumah Sakit diantara Bank dan Perumahan
7. Budi is beside the desk
= Budi disamping meja C. Menanyakan letak suatu tempat.
- Where is the Zoo? = Dimana Kebun binatang?
 The Zoo is behind the Playground.
= kebun binatang dibelakang taman bermain.
C. - Put the book on the desk
= letakkan bukunya diatas meja -Where is the Library?
 The Library is beside the school.
= Perpustakaan disamping sekolah.

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