Being Super Intelligent Means Responsibility

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Being Super Intelligent Means Responsibility!

By Yousaf

As humans, we are blessed with the ability to think and reason, to create and innovate, and to influence
the world around us. But with great power comes great responsibility. The power that humans possess
over their surroundings is unlike anything else in the natural world. It is this power that makes us stand
out from the rest of creation, and it is this power that makes being human a huge responsibility.

The gift of intelligence is what sets humans apart from other creatures on this planet. It is what allows us
to create technology, build cities, and develop new ideas and concepts. However, with this great gift
comes a great responsibility to use it wisely. We must use our intelligence to maintain order on the
planet earth and ensure that we are not harming the environment or other living beings.

One of the biggest responsibilities that come with being human is the need to protect the environment.
We have the power to shape the world around us, but we must do so in a way that is sustainable and
does not harm the delicate balance of nature. We must take care of the planet and ensure that future
generations have access to the same resources and opportunities that we do.

Another responsibility that comes with being human is the need to treat others with respect and
kindness. We must use our intelligence to build bridges between different cultures and communities,
and to promote peace and understanding. We must work to eradicate discrimination and inequality, and
to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

In addition to these responsibilities, we must also take care of our own physical and mental well-being.
We must use our intelligence to make healthy choices and to take care of our bodies and minds. We
must also recognize the importance of mental health and work to reduce the stigma surrounding mental

In conclusion, being human is a huge responsibility in this cosmos of diverse mysteries. We have the
power to shape the world around us, but we must use this power wisely. We must protect the
environment, treat others with respect and kindness, and take care of our own physical and mental
well-being. By doing so, we can ensure that we are using our gift of intelligence to maintain order on the
planet earth and create a better world for ourselves and future generations.
In the Wishes Race!

By Yousaf

The human nature is to desire and aspire for more, to achieve greater heights and to fulfill our deepest
desires. We all have dreams and wishes that we hope to see come true. However, sometimes, despite
our best efforts, our wishes never seem to materialize. This can be a frustrating and disheartening
experience, leaving us feeling hopeless and defeated.

One of the reasons why our wishes may not come true is because they are in conflict with the high order
frame that has been set by nature. The universe has its own set of laws and principles that govern its
functioning, and sometimes, our wishes may not align with these laws. For instance, we may wish to
become rich overnight, but this goes against the principle of hard work and perseverance. Similarly, we
may wish to have a perfect life without any challenges, but this is not how life works. Life is full of ups
and downs, and it is through these challenges that we grow and become stronger.

However, this does not mean that we should give up on our dreams and aspirations. Instead, we must
strive to make our wishes compatible with the high order frame. We must work hard and put in the
effort required to achieve our goals. We must also be patient and wait for the right time for our wishes
to come true. It may take time, but if we persist and keep working towards our goals, we will eventually
see our dreams materialize.

In addition, it is important to remember that our wishes may not always come true in the way we expect
them to. Often, life has a way of surprising us, and we may end up achieving our goals in a way that we
never imagined. It is therefore important to be open-minded and flexible, and to not get too attached to
a specific outcome.

In conclusion, the fact that our wishes sometimes do not come true is not a reason to give up hope.
Instead, it is an opportunity for us to reflect on our goals and aspirations, and to make sure that they are
aligned with the high order frame. We must work hard, be patient, and stay open-minded, and
eventually, we will see our wishes come true in ways that we never thought possible.

Religion has been an integral part of human life since the beginning of time. It has shaped cultures,
influenced traditions, and provided a moral compass for millions of people around the world. However,
when religion falls into the hands of the ignorant, it can become a tool for corrosion, exploitation, and
self-interest. This has been evident throughout history, where religious leaders have used their power to
manipulate and control the masses.

One of the most common ways that religion is exploited is through the big clerical order. These religious
leaders often hold significant power and influence over their followers. They use this power to further
their own interests, often at the expense of the poor masses. They twist the teachings of their religion to
suit their own needs, ignoring the true message of their faith. This has led to a cycle of exploitation and
ignorance that is difficult to break.

In addition to exploiting the poor, religious leaders have also changed the teachings of their religion to
suit their own interests. They have given tacit approval to certain actions or behaviors that are not in
accordance with the true teachings of their faith. This has led to a distortion of the true message of
religion, which has caused confusion and conflict among many followers.

Moreover, religion has become a tool for political maneuvering in developing countries. Politicians often
use religion to gain support and sway public opinion. They manipulate religious sentiments to create a
sense of unity among their followers. This often leads to religious tensions and conflicts, which have
devastating consequences for the people.

The exploitation of religion for political gain is particularly evident in countries with a history of ethnic or
religious tensions. Politicians use religion to create a sense of solidarity among their own ethnic or
religious group, while demonizing other groups. This leads to a deepening of divisions and conflicts
between different groups within the society.

It is important to recognize the true teachings of religion and to reject the manipulation of religious
leaders and politicians. Education and awareness are keys to breaking the cycle of exploitation and
ignorance. It is up to us to ensure that religion is used for the betterment of society and not for the
interests of a select few.

In conclusion, religion is a powerful tool that can be used for both good and bad. It is up to us to ensure
that it is used for the betterment of society and not for the interests of a select few. We must reject the
manipulation of religious leaders and politicians and strive to promote unity and understanding among
all people, regardless of their religion or ethnicity. Only then can we truly harness


Religion has been a part of human society since the beginning of time. It has been a source of comfort,
guidance, and inspiration for millions of people around the world. However, when religion falls into the
hands of the ignorant, it can become a tool for exploitation, corruption, and political maneuvering.

Throughout history, we have seen how religious leaders have exploited the poor and vulnerable for their
own benefit. They have twisted the teachings of their religion to justify their actions, and have used fear
and intimidation to control their followers. This has been especially true in developing countries, where
poverty and lack of education have made people more susceptible to manipulation.

One of the most glaring examples of religious exploitation is the Catholic Church's practice of selling
indulgences in the Middle Ages. The Church promised that buying an indulgence would reduce a
person's time in purgatory, and many people paid large sums of money for this supposed benefit. This
practice was condemned by many religious leaders, but it persisted for centuries.
In more recent times, we have seen how religion has been used as a tool for political maneuvering. In
many developing countries, politicians (especially in South Asian nations-Pakistan, India, Afghanistan
and Bangladesh) have used religious rhetoric to gain support and justify their actions. They have played
on people's fears and prejudices, and have used religion to divide communities and suppress dissent.

However, one of the most extreme examples of this is the rise of ISIS in the Middle East. ISIS claimed to
be fighting for a pure Islamic state, but in reality, they were using religion to justify their brutal tactics
and gain power. They targeted religious minorities, including Christians and Yazidis, and used religion as
a tool to control the population.

In conclusion, religion can be a powerful force for good in the world, but it can also be twisted and
exploited by those with self-interests. It is up to religious leaders and followers alike to ensure that their
faith is not used for nefarious purposes. Education, critical thinking, and a commitment to social justice
can help prevent the corrosion and exploitation of religion.

The animal instinctive thrall overpowers us all!

By yousaf

Human beings are often considered to be the most advanced and intelligent species on the planet.
However, despite our advanced cognitive abilities, we are still driven by the same basic animal instincts
that have governed our behavior for millions of years. This is particularly evident in the behavior of
certain individuals who seem to lack basic human and moral values, and who operate in a subhuman

These subhuman individuals can be found in every walk of life, from politics and religion to offices and
businesses. They are characterized by their selfishness, lack of empathy, and inhumanity in their
dealings with others. They are motivated by their own self-interest and will stop at nothing to achieve
their goals, regardless of the cost to others around them.

When these subhuman individuals come into positions of power, they become like mighty two-legged
monsters, aggrandizing everything and overpowering everyone around them. They use their power to
further their own interests, often at the expense of others. They are willing to manipulate and exploit
those around them in order to achieve their goals, and they have no qualms about causing harm to
others in the process.

These individuals are often bereft of basic human and moral values. They lack empathy for others and
are unable to put themselves in someone else's shoes. They are unable to see the world from another
person's perspective, and they are often incapable of understanding the impact that their actions have
on others.

The behavior of these subhuman individuals is a cause for concern, as it threatens the very fabric of our
society. When people lack basic human and moral values, it leads to a breakdown in trust and
cooperation, and it makes it difficult for us to work together towards common goals. It also leads to a
sense of alienation and disconnection, which can be harmful to our mental health and well-being.
In conclusion, the presence of subhuman individuals in our society is a cause for concern. These
individuals lack basic human and moral values and are driven by their own selfish interests. When they
come into power, they become like mighty two-legged monsters, aggrandizing everything and
overpowering everyone around them. It is important for us to recognize this behavior and take steps to
counteract it, in order to build a better, more compassionate society for all.

Still in search….

By yousaf

I've journeyed far and wide, it seems,

In search of fortune, wealth, and dreams,
From Middle East to Hong Kong's shore,
To Turkey, Malaysia, UK,Libya, and much more.

I've wandered every nook and cranny,

Consuming time and energy,
Hoping that my travels many
Would bring me to my destiny.

But though I've been to lands unknown,

And worked in places far from home,
My circumstances still remain,
And I'm left waiting, all in vain.

For since 2006, I've been on the go,

But wealth and success still lie low,
And though I've tried with all my might,
My hay days are still out of sight.

Yet still I journey on and on,

Hoping that one day I'll be done,
And find the peace and rest I seek,
Where money's not the only peak.

For though I've wandered far and wide,

And searched for riches far and nigh,
I know that true contentment lies,
In love, in joy, and in the skies.

From Ignorance to Wisdom

By Yousaf

In the land of knowledge and truth,

Where wisdom reigns supreme,
There lies a secret to behold,
A truth that's rarely seen.

It's the awareness of our ignorance,

That leads us on the path to gain,
For only when we realize our lack,
Can we truly start to gain.

The beginning of wisdom is found,

In the recognition of what we don't know,
And the thirst to seek and understand,
Is the seed that we must sow.

For knowledge is a vast expanse,

A never-ending sea to explore,
And the more we learn, the more we see,
How much we have left to explore.

So let us embrace our ignorance,

And use it as a guiding light,
To lead us down the path of wisdom,
And to a future that's ever-bright.

In the land of beauty….

In the land of beauty, where the flowers bloom,

Lives a man with a heart so torn, consumed by gloom.
His eyes, once bright as stars, now dimmed with pain,
His soul, once full of love, now lost in vain.

He walks the streets, lost in thought,

His heart aching, his dreams uncaught.
He longs for love, a hand to hold,
To heal his wounds, make him whole.

But in this land of beauty, he wanders alone,

His heart aching, his love unknown.
Yet still he hopes, he dreams, he yearns,
For a love that burns, a love that turns.

For in the land of beauty, there must be,

A heart that beats, a soul that sees,
The pain in his eyes, the love in his heart,
And together they'll find a love that'll never depart.

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