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For Pufonnanc~ MtasurtIM1I1


General Certificate of Education Advanced Level




Additional materials:
Answer paper

TIME 3 hours


Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answer
paper/answer booklet.

Answer all questions.

Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided.

If you use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets together.


The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

You are reminded of the need for good English and clear presentation in your answers.

This question paper consists of 3 printed pages and 1 blank page.

Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, N20 19.

©ZIMSEC N2019 [Turn over]

1 (a) Express the number 7910 as

(i) a binary number stored in an 8 bit byte, [1]

(ii) a hexadecimal number, [1]

(iii) a number stored in binary coded decimal (BCD), [1]

(iv) an octal. [1]

(b) Convert -60 and -90 into twos compliment, 8 bit binary numbers. [4]

2. N ormalise the following numbers which are held with a 10 bit mantissa and 6 bit

(a) 0000110101 000010 [2]

(b) 1111100100 000011 [2]

3 Given that the ASCII code for small letter a is 1100001, find the ASCII codes for

(a) b,

(b) e,

(c) h. [3]

4 With the aid of a diagram, explain how pipe lining would improve the processing
speed of a computer. [6]

5 Using examples, explain the difference between direct and indirect addressing. [4]

6 (a) Define the term interrupt. [2]

(b) Give an example of an

(i) internal interrupt.

(ii) external interrupt. [2]

(c) Explain why modern computers are interrupt based. [2]

(d) (i) Design a truth table for a two input NOR gate. [2]

(ii) Design the NOR gate. [2]

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7 (a) State and explain any four reasons why privacy has become one of the
key topics in information security at the beginning of the 21 st century. [7]

(b) Identify any three positive impacts of social media on 'A' level students. [3]

(c) State and describe any three dimensions of ethics in information

technology. [3]

8 (a) Explain the role of a Domain Name System (DNS). [2]

(b) Compare and contrast public and private IP addresses. [6]

(c) Analyse the role of the physical layer in the OSI model. [5]

(d) Compare the OSI and TCP/IP models clearly showing any four
differences between these two models. [4]

9 A country bus company owns a number of buses. Each bus is allocated to a

particular route, which corresponds to a journey through a number of towns. One
or more drivers is allocated to each stage of a route, which corresponds to a
journey through some or all of the towns on a route. Some of the towns have a
garage where buses are kept and each of the buses is identified by the registration
number and can carry different number of passengers. The vehicles vary in
size and can be single or double decked. Each route is identified by a route
number. Information is available on the average number of passengers
carried per day for each route. Drivers have an employee number, name,
address, and sometimes a telephone number.

(a) Link six entities to their attributes from the above given scenario. [6]

(b) Draw an entity relationship diagram for the given scenario. [4]

10. (a) Describe a recursive procedure. [2]

(b) Using pseudocode, write down a recursive procedure for calculating the
factorial of a given number. [8]

11 Construct a binary tree for the following list:

Musawu, Muzhanje, Mutsubvu, Mushuma, Musasa, Muhacha, Mukute,

Muchecheni. [5]

12 (a) List any three questions that may be in a marketing plan. [3]

(b) State and describe any seven features of e-commerce technology which
make online shops better than the traditional methods. [7]

602311 N2019

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