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Anatomical examples:1st class of lever

i. In the axial skeleton:

The action of the neck extensors against the weight of the head in the upright
position: the atlanto-occipital joint acts as the fulcrum. The weight of the head is
the resistance and the neck extensors represent the effort.
ii. In the upper limb:

The action of the triceps brachii muscle in extending the forearm:

- Fulcrum: is at the axis of the elbow joint.
- Effort: is the triceps brachii muscle.
- Point of application (POA) of the effort: is at the insertion of the triceps
muscle that is located at the olecranon process.
- Resistance: is the weight of the forearm and hand.
- Point of application (POA) of the resistance: is at the segmental COG of the
forearm and hand which is located at 4/7 of the length of the forearm and hand
measured from the distal end which is the tip of middle finger.
- So, triceps muscle during extension of the elbow joint represents first
class of lever because the fulcrum is located between the effort and the
iii. In the lower limb:

In non-weight bearing plantar flexion the plantar flexors (gastrocnemius,

soleus) represent first class of lever. The plantar flexors (calf muscle)
represent the effort, the fulcrum is at the ankle joint and the point of
application of the resistance is located at the segmental COG of the foot.
First Class of Lever
Axial Skeleton Upper Limb Lower Limb
Fulcrum Atlanto - occipitaJ joint Elbow joint Ankle joint
Effort Neck extensors Triceps muscle Plantar flexors
Resistance Weight of the head Weight of forearm and hand Weight of the foot
POA of effort is at the insertion of the muscle (its bony attachment) and POA
of resistance is at the segmental COG of the body part

E.g. for the 1st class of lever is Calf muscle in non-weight bearing position:

Items Non weight bearing position

Fulcrum Ankle Joint
Resistance Weight of the foot
point of application of Segmental center of gravity of foot
effort Calf muscle
point of application of Insertion of calf muscle on calcaneus through
muscular force Achilles tendon
Mechanical advantage =1 or >1 or < 1
resistance arm Moment arm of resistance from segmental COG of
the foot to the ankle joint
Effort arm Moment arm of the calf muscle from insertion of
muscle to the ankle joint

Anatomical examples :2nd class of lever:

There are very few examples of second class of levers in the human body
because humans are not designed to apply great forces via lever systems.

1. In the axial skeleton: masseter muscle during eating (Explaine?)

 Resistance: the food when it is located at the posterior aspect of the
 Fulcrum: the temporomandibular joint

 Effort: the insertion of the masseter muscle at the lower border of
the mandible
2. In upeer limb: Brachioradialis muscle during elbow flexion ( Explaine)
 Resistance: point of application at the segmental COG of forearm
and hand
 Fulcrum: the elbow joint
 Effort: the insertion of the muscle in the lower end of the radius
3. In lower limb: calf muscle in weight bearing planter flexion ( Explaine)
 Resistance: body weight through line of gravity anterior to the
ankle joint
 Fulcrum: metatarsophalangeal joint
 Effort: insertion of calf muscle

Calf muscles can be considered as 1st and 2nd class of lever, Why????

1. As first class of lever in non-weight bearing position:

 Fulcrum is …the ankle joint…
 Force is …the calf muscle….
 Point of application of force is…Achilles tendon ( the insertion of
calf muscle)
 Resistance is…the weight of foot…..
 Point point of application of resistance is:… foot segmental COG
 The arrangement of lever is :…the fulcrum is in between point of
application of force and resistance.., so calf muscle represent 1st

class of lever in non- weight bearing position and the mechanical
advantage equal…1………….
2. As 2 class of lever in weight bearing position:
 Fulcrum is …Metatarsophalangeal joint
 Force is ……the calf muscle………….
 Point of application of force is……Achilles tendon………
 Resistance is…the weight of body………………..
 Point of application of resistance is …the line of gravity which
falls anterior to the ankle joint…….
 The arrangement of lever is :…the point of application of
resistance is in between the fulcrum and the point application
of force…, so calf muscle represent 2nd class of lever in weight
bearing position and the mechanical advantage is > 1…….

Anatomical examples: 3rd class of lever

Third class of lever is the most common example inside the

body, which means that humans are built for speed more than
for strength.
1. In the axial skeleton: masseter muscle during eating (Explaine?)
 Resistance: a bite force in the front of the mouth
 Fulcrum: tempromandibular joint
 Effort: the insertion of the masseter muscle

2. In upeer limb: Biceps Brachii muscle during elbow flexion while

carrying external weight ( Explaine)
 Resistance: wight of the forearmand hand + the external weight
 Fulcrum: the elbow joint
 Effort: brachioradialis muscle

3. In lower limb: quadriceps muscle during knee extension ( Explaine)

 Resistance: weight of the leg and foot
 Fulcrum: the knee joint
 Effort: the insertion of the muscle

4. In Sports: (Why????)

The pulley is represented in the body by:

I- Wheel: It is represented by bony component which can be external

bone (as sesamoid bone; the patella) or bony prominence (as
condyles, trochantcrs, tuberosities).
2- Rope or Cord: ls represented by tendon or muscles or
musculotendinous junction.
Bony component acting as a Pulley:

Patella acts as an external pulley for the tendon of quadriceps muscle

because the tendon of quadriceps muscle passes over it. So, patella has the
following functions:
I- Moves the muscle away from the joint axis.
2- Increases the moment arm of the muscle up to 4.9 cm.

3- Increases the torque exerted by the quadriceps muscle as the torque= muscle
force X moment arm.
4- Increases the angle of pull of the muscle.

5- Increases the magnitude of the vertical or rotatory component of muscular
force of the quadriceps muscle (F sin 9), as 0 is the angle of pull of
the quadriceps muscle.

6- Increases the mechanical efficiency of quadriceps during extension of the knee


7- Increases the length of quadriceps, so increases the tension of the muscle

according to length-tension relationship (physiological advantage).

Pisiform bone acts as a pulley for the tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris
as it increases the angle of pull of the muscle. So, 1t increases the
efficiency of this muscle in its action.

Lateral malleolus acts as a pulley for the tendon of peroneus longus

muscle because this muscle passes behind the lateral malleolus.

If this muscle doesn't pass behind the lateral malleolus, its action will
be eversion with dorsiflexion. But, because it passes behind the malleolus,
the direction of muscular pull is changed and becomes eversion with plantar
flexion so, this pulley has the following functions:
1. Changes the direction of line of pull of the peroneus longus muscle.
2. Improves the action of muscle and increases its efficiency as in patella.

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