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Occupational Standard: Accounting and Finance Level II

Unit of Competence: Provide Marketing and Promotion Program

Module Title: Provide Marketing and Promotion Program Support

LG Code: LSA MSM2 07 1221

TTLM Code: LSA MSM 2 07 TTLM 001 1221


LO1:- Confirm promotional and marketing activities

Instruction Sheet Learning Guide #1

This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the
following content coverage and topics:
 Timing and purpose of marketing and promotional programs are obtained and confirmed.
 Relevant sources of information regarding upcoming promotional activities are accessed.
 Own role in supporting specific marketing and promotional programs is confirmed with relevant
supervisory personnel.
 Details of marketing and promotional programs are communicated to customers as directed.
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the
cover page. Specifically, upon completion of this Learning Guide, you will be
able to –

 Timing and purpose of marketing and promotional programs are obtained and confirmed.
 Relevant sources of information regarding upcoming promotional activities are accessed.
 Own role in supporting specific marketing and promotional programs is confirmed with relevant
supervisory personnel.
 Details of marketing and promotional programs are communicated to customers as directed..
Learning Instructions:
1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
2. Follow the instructions described in number 3 to 7
3. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets 1” to “Information Sheets 4”
Try to understand what are being discussed. Ask your trainer for assistance if you
have hard time understanding them.
4. Accomplish the “Self-check 1”
5. Ask from your trainer the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your
teacher to correct your work. (You are to get the key answer only after you finished
answering each Self-checks ).
6. If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to “Next Information Sheets”.
However, if your rating is unsatisfactory, see your trainer for further instructions


7. Submit your accomplished Self-check. This will form part of your training portfolio.

Timing and purpose of marketing and promotional programs are

Information Sheet- obtained and confirmed.

What Time of Day Should You Send Promotions? Again, the conventional wisdom may not be
so wise. Most marketers in the survey send promotional messages in the morning, concentrating
them between 8 a.m. and noon. However, the study found recipients are actually more likely to
respond to promotional messages around 3 p.

How does timing impact the effectiveness of an advertisement?

Timing is an important part of advertising. A perfect message reaching the perfect audience will
be meaningless if the timing is off. An ad for the hottest toy of the Christmas season isn’t going
to be as effective on January 5th. Perhaps we might get a few stragglers who still need to send a
late gift, but overall we’ve missed the boat. We also risk alienating people who would have
wanted to buy it before the holidays. Have you ever bought something only to have it go on sale
right afterwards? Frustrations abound.

With the new year comes resolutions. Resolutions tend to revolve around self-improvement –
lose weight, exercise more, eat better, etc. If your brand fits into a New Year’s resolution
category, you might consider running a special advertising campaign to capitalize on people’s
heightened interest. But when should you run this campaign? It sounds like an obvious question
with an easy answer – around New Year’s, of course! But the answer isn’t that simple – here’s
what you need to consider when running a seasonal or timely advertising campaign.

So what does this have to do with New Year’s resolutions and advertising? A lot. You see, there
can be big discrepancies in what people consider the perfect timing for an ad campaign for New
Year’s resolutions. Right now, if we were going to run a New Year campaign, what dates would


you suggest we run the campaign through? Now, ask your neighbor when they would run a

Did your dates match your neighbor’s? Did you have our campaign starting January 1, right on
the New Year? Or did you have us start December 26, right after Christmas? Perhaps you started
it New Year’s Eve. But what sounds logical to you might not match your neighbor’s personal
reasoning. This is something that our own team ran into when setting up a New Year’s campaign
for a client in the weight loss industry.

We originally hypothesized that people would still consider the week between Christmas and
New Year’s a “free” holiday week, and wouldn’t start thinking about New Year’s resolutions
until January 1. Then we predicted that interest would hold through the end of the month.
Fortunately, we never leave anything to just chance and intuition – we use data to form and guide
our strategy. Using Google Trends, we researched when people were truly interested and
searching for weight loss resolution solutions. Here’s what we found:

Look at the trend for “New Year Weight Loss” searches, over the last five years. We can see
there is a distinct, recurring spike every year. Let’s zoom in on numbers for 2015 to get a more
detailed look:

Contrary to our initial thought that the entire month of January was the prime time to reach
resolution makers, we can clearly see that while searches are the highest during the first part of
January, they actually start to ramp up towards the end of December. On top of that, searches
really drop off and normalize about halfway through the month.

Had we not done the research, we would have missed a huge opportunity to reach people in
between Christmas and New Year’s, plus we would have thrown money away trying to reach
people at the tail end of January, after a majority of interest would have already faded.

Timing is everything. Too early, and no one cares. Too late, and we’ve missed out. If you are
considering advertising around a seasonal or timely event, make sure you do your research. Use
Google Trends, track social chatter, look at historical data, do what it takes so you know exactly
when to run your campaign. You might be missing a huge opportunity


The Best Times to Send Offers to Customers

What Day of the Week Should You Send Promotions?

Mondays and Tuesdays are the days that are most likely to get a high response rate. The response
rate drops a little bit every day after that, and reaches its lowest levels on Saturdays and Sundays.
While most companies in the study send promotions on Fridays and Saturdays, FiveStars says
it’s better to send promotions on Mondays and Tuesdays, when there’s less clutter in recipients’
Bonus: Mondays and Tuesdays are typically slow days for many businesses, such as retailers and
restaurants, so sending promotions could boost your business at the times you need it most.

What Time of Day Should You Send Promotions?

Again, the conventional wisdom may not be so wise. Most marketers in the survey send
promotional messages in the morning, concentrating them between 8 a.m. and noon. However,
the study found recipients are actually more likely to respond to promotional messages around 3
The report didn’t offer an explanation for this, but I can think of a few. Most office workers
experience an afternoon energy slump, making 3 p.m. a popular time to check email or play
around on your phone. Schools also get out around this time, so parents picking up their kids are
frequently spending time on their phones.
Afternoon promotions are especially effective on busy shopping days, such as the upcoming
sales frenzy of the holiday shopping season. With more promotional messages than usual hitting
most consumers, messages sent at this time stand a better chance of getting noticed.

Are There Any Exceptions?

There are a few industry exceptions to the general rules.

 Coffee shops in the study got the best response to promotions in the morning (not surprising,
since that’s when most people get coffee). What is surprising: they also get strong response in
the evenings, so if you own a coffeehouse, try sending some emails during rush hour and see
what happens.
 Casual restaurants, on the other hand, get the best results after 4 p.m., making that a good
time to send your promotional messages.


 Retail stores should send promotional messages in the early afternoon — that’s when their
customers are most likely to claim the promotion.
By timing your promotions right, you can get maximum results from your efforts

The Best Times to Send Offers to Customers

What Day of the Week Should You Send Promotions?

Mondays and Tuesdays are the days that are most likely to get a high response rate. The response
rate drops a little bit every day after that, and reaches its lowest levels on Saturdays and Sundays.
While most companies in the study send promotions on Fridays and Saturdays, FiveStars says
it’s better to send promotions on Mondays and Tuesdays, when there’s less clutter in recipients’
Bonus: Mondays and Tuesdays are typically slow days for many businesses, such as retailers and
restaurants, so sending promotions could boost your business at the times you need it most.

What Time of Day Should You Send Promotions?

Again, the conventional wisdom may not be so wise. Most marketers in the survey send
promotional messages in the morning, concentrating them between 8 a.m. and noon. However,
the study found recipients are actually more likely to respond to promotional messages around 3
The report didn’t offer an explanation for this, but I can think of a few. Most office workers
experience an afternoon energy slump, making 3 p.m. a popular time to check email or play
around on your phone. Schools also get out around this time, so parents picking up their kids are
frequently spending time on their phones.
Afternoon promotions are especially effective on busy shopping days, such as the upcoming
sales frenzy of the holiday shopping season. With more promotional messages than usual hitting
most consumers, messages sent at this time stand a better chance of getting noticed.

Are There Any Exceptions?

There are a few industry exceptions to the general rules.

 Coffee shops in the study got the best response to promotions in the morning (not surprising,
since that’s when most people get coffee). What is surprising: they also get strong response in


the evenings, so if you own a coffeehouse, try sending some emails during rush hour and see
what happens.
 Casual restaurants, on the other hand, get the best results after 4 p.m., making that a good
time to send your promotional messages.
 Retail stores should send promotional messages in the early afternoon — that’s when their
customers are most likely to claim the promotion.
By timing your promotions right, you can get maximum results from your efforts

There are four standard methods of scheduling promotions: continuity, concentration, flighting
and pulsing.

 Continuity

Continuity means spreading your promotional budget evenly throughout the year (or the season),
that is, you are promoting nonstop. GEICO, for example, is constantly advertising through a mix
of media. Because this is a very costly method, it is not used by many small businesses.

 Concentration

Concentration involves allocating an entire promotion budget to one or a few promotional

periods, most often associated with a sales promotion. Nordstrom concentrates on their half-
yearly sale events, but they do not do much advertising otherwise.

 Fighting

Fighting is the choice of most small businesses because it stretches the budget while creating the
illusion of nonstop advertising. You advertise on and off throughout the year (two weeks on, two
weeks off or one week every month, for example). Wal-Mart appears to use flighting to promote
their brand and product offerings. They are not constantly advertising like GEICO, but they seem
to be. For flighting to be effective, consistency in schedule is important.

 Pulsing

Pulsing is an approach used mostly by big brands with big advertising budgets. It combines the
methods of continuity (at a lower spending level) and flighting (to deliver a stronger burst,


usually timed seasonally or to a sales promotion). Budweiser advertises consistently throughout
the year, but less frequently than GEICO. In addition to their continuity schedule, there are
certain times of the year when Budweiser really ratchets up their spending level, e.g. during
major sporting events like playoffs

What is the purpose of promotional marketing?

Promotional marketing is designed to spread knowledge about a brand, product, or service to a

wide audience with the aim of increasing brand awareness and sales. Its purpose is to inspire a
potential customer to take action

Self-Check -5 Written Test

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below.

1. What is timing for promotion?
2. How does timing impact the effectiveness of an advertisement?
3. What are the standard methods of scheduling promotions

Note: Satisfactory rating - 30 points Unsatisfactory - below 15 points

You can ask you teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________


 Relevant sources of information regarding upcoming
Information Sheet- promotional activities are accessed.
 Own role in supporting specific marketing and promotional
programs is confirmed with relevant supervisory personnel
13 Types of Promotional Activities

Promotion is a marketing strategy that focuses on attracting new customers by raising awareness
of a brand and its products or services. Companies may use a wide variety of techniques to share
information and drive the adoption of their products. If you work in marketing, it may be helpful
to learn about the many activities you can use to promote your brand. In this article, we explain
what promotional activities are and list 13 types of promotional activities you can implement in
your work.

What are promotional activities?

Promotional activities are techniques that marketing teams use to increase awareness of their
brand, products and services. This can help them attract new customers, retain current customers
and increase their company's revenue. Promotional strategies often aim to first make customers
aware of their products and increase their interest. They then try to increase desire in target
groups and convince them to take action by making a purchase.

13 promotional activities to help you grow your business

Here are some of the 13 most common promotional activities that businesses use to drive
conversion and increase sales:

1. Social media advertising

Social media advertising is becoming one of the most popular types of promotional activities for
businesses in all sectors. It allows companies to promote their products directly to potential


customers and track engagement with their materials using metrics. You can consider creating a
series of ads for your social media profiles and employing user data to target people who show
an interest in similar posts. It may also be helpful to create a hashtag or virtual social media
event to generate excitement around an upcoming release. Different social media sites often have
distinct user profiles, so consider using multiple platforms.

2. Email and SMS campaigns

Many businesses now use targeted email or SMS campaigns to promote their products and
services directly to current or potential customers. These methods often have a high return on
investment and can include calls to action to encourage engagement or purchases. Email and
SMS marketing are often especially effective for reminding past customers of your brand and
increasing retention. You can consider using social media posts or a website landing page to
collect email addresses and phone numbers. You can then create automated campaigns that send
messages to people on your mailing lists.

3. Content creation

Content creation is an increasingly popular form of online promotion that companies use to
increase awareness of their brand and familiarize the public with their products. Content can
refer to a wide range of materials, including:

 Product or company blogs

 Introductory videos
 Podcasts
 Product videos or unboxing videos
 Social media posts and infographics
 Guest posts on industry sites or blogs
 Guest appearances on industry podcasts and shows
 Online or print magazine articles
 Customer videos


4. Paid advertising

Paid advertising involves paying a domain owner for the opportunity to promote a product or
service. Companies can pay to have their products advertised on popular websites or search
engines and may also create paid social media advertising campaigns. There are three primary
styles of online paid advertising:

 Display ads: Display ads are usually visual advertisements that appear on websites or
social media platforms, rather than in search results. When users click these ads, they
usually go to a landing page where they receive a call to action.
 Pay-per-click ads: Pay-per-click ads are paid text advertisements that usually appear in
search results. In this model of advertising, a company pays the host every time a user
clicks the ad and proceeds to their page.
 Pay-per-impression ads: Pay per impression ads are another type of paid promotion that
charges a company every time an ad is displayed to a customer. This method can be
effective for raising awareness of your brand.

5. Sponsorships

Sponsorships are a form of promotion in which a company provides funding or hosting for an
event in return for advertising opportunities. If your company works in a competitive market,
sponsorships may be a good way to increase awareness of your brand and distinguish it from
other companies in the space. Even a small event can provide many promotional opportunities.
Consider sponsoring an event that is important in your industry or popular with your target
customer base.

6. Promotional merchandise

Some companies use branded merchandise to raise awareness of their brand and create a visual
identity. Merchandise can include clothing, phone cases, tote bags, cups or mugs, pens and office
supplies or specialty items that relate to your brand. You can consider handing merchandise out
at events or sending it to current customers with their orders. Distributing merchandise can give
your customers something tangible to remind them of your brand and can help them raise
awareness of your company among their friends and acquaintances.


7. Personal selling

Personal selling is a common sales and promotional strategy that companies have used for
decades. It involves salespeople directly contacting or meeting current or potential customers to
give them information on their company and encourage them to make purchases. This method
can add an element of human connection to your customer interactions and can help you build
strong relationships with clients. Since personal selling requires trained and salaried salespeople,
it can be more expensive than other forms of marketing.

8. Outdoor marketing

Outdoor marketing is a traditional form of advertising that uses public displays to promote a
product or service. This can include billboards, banners and other displays posted in busy public
areas. Although often more expensive and less targeted than other promotional methods, it has
the potential to reach a large number of consumers with exciting graphics and messaging. This
can make it a good way to establish a strong visual identity for your brand.

9. Public relations

Public relations is the process of creating and managing a brand's public image. It has many
purposes, including providing publicity. Public relations strategies include ensuring positive
coverage in media, creating press releases, increasing customer engagement, organizing public
events and communicating company values. These strategies can help you increase public
awareness of your brand while ensuring that customers have a positive image of your company
and products.

10. Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is a recent marketing development that allows companies to promote their
products and services in collaboration with well-known internet personalities. Companies often
identify social media profiles with large followings among their target demographic. They can
then ask the profile owner or administrator to post pictures with their products, provide positive
reviews, offer discount codes and post links to their websites. This can be an effective way to


reach more social media users in your target market and build a brand that customers identify

11. Guerilla marketing

Guerilla marketing refers to surprising and unorthodox interactions that brands organize with the
public. It is often less expensive than other forms of marketing and relies on creativity to make
an impression on potential customers. Guerilla marketing usually uses everyday environments as
a setting for customer interactions. Outdoor guerilla marketing may involve setting up
advertisements in public spaces or interacting with potential customers on the street. Indoor
guerilla marketing uses the same techniques in indoor spaces, such as transportation stations,
college campus buildings or shopping centers. Companies may also make surprise appearances
during events, like sports games or concerts.

12. Reward and loyalty programs

Many businesses use reward or loyalty programs to retain existing customers and create a
positive brand image. These techniques can help create a loyal customer base that is more likely
to promote a brand to their friends and families. These programs can include:

 Rewards after a certain number of purchases

 Discounts for repeat customers
 Contest entries
 Free samples

13. Partnerships and joint promotion

Businesses often use joint promotion to increase the visibility of their products. This involves
partnering with another business whose customer demographic overlaps with your own and
promoting your products together. This can reduce marketing costs and can be a good way to
expand your market share by converting the other company's existing customers.

Companies may also enter into partnerships with campaigns and initiatives that align with their
values. This can be a good way to introduce your brand to new customers and to demonstrate the


values that your company holds. This can help create a positive public image by associating your
company with good causes

8 Tips for creating a strong promotional strategy

Most promotions have 2 primary goals: to increase revenue and maximize market exposure. As
you create a strategy geared toward those goals, remember the following tips.

1. Keep promotions simple

You’re likely to get a high response rate if your promotions are easy to understand and redeem.
The simplest strategy is to discount the item for everyone. If you strike out the original price on
your website and display the new price, perhaps in a bolded font, people can easily see the
benefit of the promotion.

Another option is to use promo codes. When you go this route, you need to make sure that the
promo code is straightforward to use. Don’t make it so that people have to hunt down the code
once they’re on your website.

If you’re sending an email, display the promo code prominently so people can go back and find it
if they forget to copy it. Consider publishing the code on your website for easy access, too.

2. Bundle products together

One way companies sell more products is through bundling—offering 2 or more products for a
combined cost that’s less than the total cost of the individual items when purchased separately.
Merchants often use this strategy to move a product that isn’t selling well by pairing it with a
popular product.

Say that you’re a jewelry retailer with earrings priced at $20 a pair and bracelets at $10 a pair.
Your earrings are flying off the shelves, but no one’s biting at the bracelets. By offering a bundle
of one pair of earrings with one bracelet for $25, you could move your bracelet stock and
potentially get more loyal followers in the process.

One famous example comes from Nintendo, which sold 100,000 more consoles and more than a
million game cartridges when bundling the 2.


3. Reward customers to boost orders
You can increase the average value of your orders (AOV) by offering a freebie when a customer
reaches a certain purchase threshold.
One popular version of this strategy is conditional free shipping—the “Free Shipping over $X”
offer. One article explains that free shipping would increase the likelihood of an online purchase
for about 80% of US customers. If you have a lot of orders totaling $60, consider offering free
shipping at $75.

If you can’t afford to offer free shipping, that’s okay. Choose a small complimentary item to
offer when an order reaches a certain threshold.

4. Reward top customers with special offers

Some data analytics indicate that existing customers spend 31% more than new buyers, and
they’re 50% more likely to try a new product. You can boost that loyalty by rewarding your
highest spenders with customized offers.

To get even more out of this strategy, encourage your rewarded customers to share their good
fortune on social media. This is a great opportunity for a referral bonus.

5. Re-merchandise your product and homepage

Many retailers think of merchandising as a brick-and-mortar strategy, but it’s just as important
for e-commerce. Your customers get used to seeing your page as it is. When you mix it up and
add new visual elements, you draw attention to your promotion.

Consider remarketing your homepage and product pages when you start your promotion. A good
way to start is by revamping your homepage, placing promoted products front and center. You
can also revitalize any category and individual product pages, highlighting not only the
promotion but also any accessories, add-ons, or popular related products.


6. Seed product reviews
Reviews matter to many customers. One study shows that close to 95% of consumers read
reviews before making a purchase. On the retailer’s end, showing 5 reviews compared to no
reviews for a product can increase conversions by up to 270%.

Before you run your promotion, make sure your products have good reviews. Meanwhile, start
collecting original reviews. One particularly effective technique, especially for new product
launches, is to send products to customers and ask for reviews. Then, with their permission, you
can post them to your product pages.

Buyers can give you reviews as well. Mailchimp makes it easy to collect reviews from current
customers through automated product follow-up emails. All you need to do is add language
requesting a review of a recently purchased product, perhaps with a link to a review submission
page on your website.
You can link to third-party review sites, too. Don’t worry if not all of the reviews there are
glowing—research shows that negative reviews help to build trust and can lead to as many
as 85% more conversions.

7. Test out different promotions

Different audiences respond to different promotions. Consider conducting A/B testing, an easy
and effective way to understand how your audience engages.
A/B testing sends out 2 versions of a campaign—a percent-off promotion versus a dollars-off
promotion, for example. Mailchimp offers A/B testing as a feature available in all paid plans, so
you can easily refine your strategy and optimize your results.

8. Stay memorable
Consumers have promotions coming into their inboxes and social media feeds every day. It’s
important for you to stand out as a brand, preferably with a personal touch. Consider adding a
thank-you card or free sample item in the package to delight your customers.
Sell more stuff with Mailchimp’s e-commerce platform. Build your store, manage orders, and
find new customers.


Promote your promotion

Now that you have the insider knowledge to create a strong marketing promotional strategy, you
can focus on publicizing the promotion. Build awareness to maximize your revenue potential.

Don’t worry—Mailchimp is here to help you every step of the way.

First, make sure your online store is connected to Mailchimp. With a connected store, you can
unlock the e-commerce tools, insights, and data you need to sell more stuff—even with our free
plan. Use Mailchimp's powerful tools to promote your promotions, and let their
robust analytics show you which tools contribute most to your sales.

Email marketing may have a decades-long history, but it hasn’t lost any of its clout. One research
study from 2015 showed that for every dollar spent, email campaigns could get up to an
average $38 return on investment.

Promotions make your emails even more attractive to consumers.

Mailchimp makes it easy to send professional-quality promotional emails with their easy-to-use
email builder. No need to spend time creating emails from scratch when Mailchimp's tool
functionality and beautiful templates make the process a breeze.
Expert tip: As an added perk, give your most loyal customers early access to the promotion.

Social media
Social media ads and organic posts can publicize your promotion to new and existing customers.
Target existing customers and find new customers with similar interests. And best of all
Mailchimp makes it easy to build engaging ads. Your customers are on social media, so make
sure that you don’t miss a sales opportunity to highlight your offers.

In the age of automation, it’s easy to set up messages to retarget customers who have gone
astray. Maybe someone filled up a shopping cart and then decided against the purchase, or


maybe they just browsed and then changed their mind. A promotion can get many of these
people back on board with your company.
Mailchimp makes it easy to send customized abandoned cart and retargeting emails. Then, those
people get special emails inviting them back to complete their purchase.

In today’s digital world, postcards can make a big impression. Mailchimp makes it easy to create
and send promotional postcards to your most loyal customers. A postcard won’t get lost in their
email inbox, and the sensory engagement factor will make shoppers feel special. Postcards are
also a great way to target a select audience with personalized offers.

Turn first-time customers into loyal customers

Promotions are time-tested strategies for acquiring new customers, but you don’t want to stop
there. Now that you know how to get people buying, it’s time to turn them into regular

Loyalty is a key driver of repeat purchases. Here are some important tips that can help you turn
new buyers into loyal customers.

Tag new customers

The more you know about your new customers, the better you can personalize messaging for
them in the future. Make sure you’re tagging all of the new customers who visit your site during
your promotion. Tag them based on what they shop for, and consider adding an Engages with
Promotions tag.
Expert tip: For better conversions, use your audience tags to personalize future communications.
Segmented, targeted, and personalized emails could generate a meaningful amount of revenue,
and conversions can go up even more with more personalized pageviews.

Send welcome emails

Welcome emails are a great way to build relationships. If you’re not already doing it, add an
option on your checkout page where customers can give you their email address and opt in to
future messages. Get a welcome message out to everyone who signs up. Think of what a great
first impression you’ll be leaving with your new customers.

Expert tip: If you set up an automation that sends out welcome emails to new customers, you can
be sure those messages will go out consistently. Even better, it’ll happen without any ongoing
effort on your part.

Keep communication going

Your new customers should keep hearing from you after the promotion is over. Use the tags you
set up for those customers to send out personalized product recommendations.
Through your connected store, Mailchimp can help to predict what your customers will like, so
you can send emails with product recommendations to encourage them to keep shopping.

Put your newest products and best-sellers front and center to drive interest. This refreshes
customer engagement and keeps your brand at the top of buyers’ minds, helping you drive

Expert tip: Make sure your ecommerce store is connected to Mailchimp so that you can unlock
even more tools to better target your customers.


Getting started with your promotion
With these tips in your knowledge toolbox, you’re ready to start designing your promotion and
getting the word out about it.
If you’re already a Mailchimp user, you have plenty of tools at your disposal. Start with
your audience dashboard. Look at who your customers are and what segments you might want to
reach with your promotion.
Next, go to your website and start adding promotional content. If you have a site with
Mailchimp, you can create unlimited landing pages for the promotion.
If you want to run a promotion and don’t currently have a website, don't worry—Mailchimp has
you covered. Leverage their beautiful templates to quickly create a shoppable landing page so
customers can purchase your products.
Mailchimp makes it easy for you to create effective multichannel marketing campaigns. With
our reporting functionality, you can take these campaigns to the next level. You learn where you
get the most engagement, who’s responding to you, and what your customers have in common.
By reviewing this information after your campaign, you can continue to optimize promotional

Promotions are an impactful way of driving sales. The key is to create an attractive offer, market
it smartly, and follow up in a way that earns the loyalty of both old and new buyers.


Your customers are waiting. It's time to start creating the kind of promotion that they can't resist.

Relevant sources of
May include but not limited to:
 work procedures and internal manuals
 enterprise operating procedures and instructions
 written instructions such as data exchange, emails
 other staff and supervisors
Relevant supervisory
May include but not limited to:
 team leader
 department manager
 manager

Self-Check -5 Written Test

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below.


1. What the major promotion activity?
2. Relevant sources of information , Relevant supervisory personnel

Note: Satisfactory rating - 10 points Unsatisfactory - below 5 points

You can ask you teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Information sheet Details of marketing and promotional programs are

communicated to customers as directed.


A program is a series of marketing promotions that make up a larger marketing effort designed to
create company, product, or service awareness and to generate leads in the form of prospect

A program can consist of advertisements, collateral, events, mail blitzes, and scripts each of
which is first created as stand alone promotions and then bundled into a program. You can tie
several promotional campaigns together into a promotional program

What is Marketing Programs?

Marketing Program is the plan with respect to the various marketing activities taken by a
company to increase sales. A marketing program is a coordinated and well-designed set of
activities to achieve marketing objectives.

Marketing objectives are strategic sales goals that fit the products’ strengths and are based on
various characteristics of the product. One may follow different marketing programs according
to the situation. In order to build strong customer relationships and maximize sales, the
organizations follow different marketing, sales and loyalty programs.

Marketing is a broad field, encompassing elements as diverse as advertising, brand and logo
design, sales calls, Web sites, brochures, packaging, shows, conferences and other events, and so
on. The more tools, the better. But the variety and complexity of choices makes getting
organized and focused hard. The 4Ps- product, place, price and promotion can be used to develop
these marketing program

Self-Check -5 Written Test

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below.


1. How explained for customer promotional program?

Note: Satisfactory rating - 10 points Unsatisfactory - below 5 points

You can ask you teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________


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