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Free Running Plans is ad-free and requires no email signup.

It relies solely on donations from runners like YOU

donation if you enjoy the plan so the plans can continue to be FREE, witho
Donate with Debit, Credit, or Paypal

10k Running Plan - Beginner

Week: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3 OFF 2 3 4 OFF
2 2 3 OFF 2 3 4 OFF
3 3 4 OFF 2 3 5 OFF
4 3 4 OFF 3 5k TT 5 OFF
5 3 4 OFF 3 4 5 OFF
6 3 5 OFF 3 4 6 OFF
7 3 5 OFF 3 5 6 OFF
8 3 4 OFF 3 Optional 2-3 Race - 10k OFF

Easy Runs: Complete the miles prescribed at conversation pace.

Hill Sprints after Run: 4x15s (W4), 4x20s (W5), 6x15s (W7)
Strides following run. Begin with 4, build up to 6-8
Workout Days (Reference the chart below): 0.75 mile - 1.5 mile warmup and cooldown
Race Efforts: Ensure you complete a 1 mile WU and 1 mile cooldown

Workout by Week: Rep Pace:

2a 2x1 Mile with 90s recovery 10:08
2b 6x400m with 2 mins recovery 02:09
3a 2 Mile, 5 mins recovery, 1 mile hard 10:03
3b 6x200m with 90s recovery 01:02
4a 25 minute tempo run 11:00
4b 5k Time Trial: Input 5k TT Result after Race (Cell M8)
5a 3x1 mile with 90s recovery 09:47
5b 8x400m with 2 mins recovery 02:05
6a 2x2 mile with 5 mins recovery 09:42
6b 8x200m with 2 mins recovery 01:00
7a 30 minute tempo run 10:52
7b 4x1 Mile with 4 mins recovery 09:42
8a 6x200m with 90s recovery 00:58
s from runners like YOU and private plans to cover site costs. Please consider making a small
tinue to be FREE, without ads, and without email signup.
Donate with Cryptocurrency


MPW: Current Estimated Fitness or 5k Time 0:30:00 <--- INPUT YOUR CURRENT 5
14 10k Equivalent 1:02:33
14 5k TT (Input after Week 4 TT) 0:29:00 <--- Input 5k Time Trial Resu
17 10k Equivalent 1:00:19
20 Ensure you input times above in h:mm:ss format. For Example: A 25
19 minute 5k would be 0:25:00.
22 Highest Priority Runs Days Running:
18 Tuesday 1
Saturday + Above 2
Thursday + Above 3
Friday + Above 4
Monday + Above 5
nd cooldown Wednsday + Above 6

A: (Best Case)
B: (Great Outcome)
C: (Very Attainable)
per mile Please email your thoughts on the plan and submit your final time!

per mile

per mile
These Times will be based off your 5k time trial.
Please ensure you update the above
per mile

- Input 5k Time Trial Result here after Week 4

Free Running Plans is ad-free and requires no email signup. It relies solely on donations from runners like YOU an
donation if you enjoy the plan so the plans can continue to be FREE, without a
Donate with Debit, Credit, or Paypal

10k Running Plan - Beginner

Week: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 3 5 OFF 3 4 6 OFF
2 3 5 OFF 3 5 6.5 OFF
3 4 6 OFF 3 5 8 OFF
4 5 6.5 OFF 5 5k TT 7 OFF
5 4 6.5 OFF 5 6.5 8 OFF
6 5 8 OFF 5 6.5 9 OFF
7 5 8 OFF 5 8 10 OFF
8 4 5 OFF 5 Optional 3-5 Race - 10km OFF

Easy Runs: Complete the miles prescribed at conversation pace.

Hill Sprints after Run: 4x15s (W4), 4x20s (W5), 6x15s (W7)
Strides following run. Begin with 4, build up to 6-8
Workout Days (Reference the chart below): 1-2km warmup and cooldown
Race Efforts: Ensure you complete a 1.5km WU and 1.5km cooldown

Workout by Week: Rep Pace:

2a 2x1 Mile (2 x 1.6km) with 90s recovery 10:08
2b 6x400m with 2 mins recovery 02:09
3a 2 Mile (3.2k), 5 mins recovery, 1 mile (1.6km) hard 06:15
3b 6x200m with 90s recovery 01:02
4a 25 minute tempo run 06:50
4b 5k Time Trial: Input 5k TT Result after Race (Cell M8)
5a 3x1 mile (3 x 1.6km) with 90s recovery 09:47
5b 8x400m with 2 mins recovery 02:05
6a 2x2 mile (2 x 3.2km) with 5 mins recovery 06:01
6b 8x200m with 2 mins recovery 01:00
7a 30 minute tempo run 06:45
7b 4x1 Mile (4 x 1.6km) with 4 mins recovery 09:42
8a 6x200m with 90s recovery 00:58
from runners like YOU and private plans to cover site costs. Please consider making a small
nue to be FREE, without ads, and without email signup.
Donate with Cryptocurrency


KPW: Current Estimated Fitness or 5k Time 0:30:00 <--- INPUT YOUR CURRENT 5K T
21.0 10k Equivalent 1:02:33
22.5 5k TT (Input after Week 4 TT) 0:29:00 <--- Input 5k Time Trial Result he
26.0 10k Equivalent 1:00:19
32.0 Ensure you input times above in h:mm:ss format. For Example: A 25
30.0 minute 5k would be 0:25:00.
36.0 Highest Priority Runs Days Running:
31.0 Tuesday 1
Saturday + Above 2
Thursday + Above 3
Friday + Above 4
Monday + Above 5
Wednsday + Above 6

A: (Best Case)
B: (Great Outcome)
C: (Very Attainable)
per km Please email your thoughts on the plan and submit your final time!

per km

per km
These Times will be based off your 5k time trial.
Please ensure you update the above
per km

- Input 5k Time Trial Result here after Week 4

Running Plan FAQs
The mileage listed for each day includes the workouts. For example, if your sche
total of 5 miles and a 4x800m workout, then the workout will fall in the middle an
warm-up and cool-down to reach the total mileage.

Warming Up
On workout days, try to take your time warming up. You may be excited about y
and slow yourself down on the warm-up - even if you are just shuffling. Prior to s
workout, you may want to include some dynamic leg swings, strideouts, static st
anything else to help loosen you up. You may also want to switch into a lighter t

I have included a complete warm-up routine for you to follow on workout da

On easy days, your pace should be kept as "conversational", or about 2-2:15 mi
slower than your current 5k per mile fitness. Ensure you also have one day per w
exceptionally slow. The warm-up and cooldowns should be a shuffle, but some p
slightly harder on the warm-up to get their body loose. Find what works for you o
your routine is perfect come race day.

The repetition paces listed are the times you should run for that distance. For ex
says 4x800m with a repetition time of 3:30, then each 800 meter should be com
and 30 seconds. Please ensure you take into account variables that may slow y
weather, windy conditions, etc and adjust accordingly.

These are just 10 second effort where you accelerate, hold pace for a few secon
goal race pace or workout pace), then decelerate back down. They are not Inten
workout, but rather a way to turn the legs over or loosen up for a workout or race
intended to be tiring or a workout themselves. Try to stay relaxed, focus on form
back, shuffle back, or standing recovery until you are ready to go again.

Hill Sprints
If hill sprints are listed on your schedule, they can be completed following a regu
These should be 10-20 second sprints uphill. Different than strideouts, the focus
speed, powering up the hill, and turnover. You can take full walk-back recovery
need to recover in-between.

Injury Prevention
You are at high risk of injury in the first 3-4 weeks of a new training plan. Prior to
these schedules, you may want to have 3-4 weeks of just easy running. Once yo
you should place extra emphasis on "prehab" and recovery during the first 3-4 w
ensuring you are stretching post-run, working through strengthening and core st
icing (if that works for you), foam rolling, and self-massage. Treat the recovery p
as the training itself. If you are concerned about injury, you can always swap ou
cross-training session, like swimming, biking, elliptical, etc.

Check out the Recovery Section of the website for m

Any other questions?

If you have any further questions that weren't listed here then please re

or example, if your schedule suggests a

will fall in the middle and you should run a

may be excited about your workout, but try

just shuffling. Prior to starting the actual
ngs, strideouts, static stretching, and
to switch into a lighter trainer or racing flat.

follow on workout days, time trials, and races.

nal", or about 2-2:15 minutes per mile

also have one day per week that you take
be a shuffle, but some people need to go
nd what works for you on workout days so

or that distance. For example, if a workout

0 meter should be completed in 3 minutes
riables that may slow you down such as hot
old pace for a few seconds (usually close to
own. They are not Intended to be a
up for a workout or race. They are not
relaxed, focus on form, and have walk-
dy to go again.

mpleted following a regular or easy run.

an strideouts, the focus here should be raw
ull walk-back recovery and as long as you

w training plan. Prior to starting any of

t easy running. Once you start the plans,
ery during the first 3-4 weeks. This means
engthening and core strength exercises,
ge. Treat the recovery process as important
ou can always swap out a regular run for a

the website for more info


sted here then please reach out at:


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