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Goldilocks and the Three Bears “This bed is too hard!

So, she tried Mommy Bear’s middle-sized bed.
Once upon a time, there were three bears: “This bed is too soft!” said Goldilocks.
Daddy Bear, Mommy Bear and little Baby Bear. Then, she tried Baby Bear’s small bed.
Daddy Bear was very big. “This bed is just right!” she said, and she fell asleep.
Mommy Bear was middle-sized. The three bears came home from their walk.
And Baby Bear was very small. Daddy Bear growled:
The three bears lived in a house in the forest. “SOMEONE’S BEEN EATING MY PORRIDGE!”
Every morning, they made porridge for breakfast. Mommy Bear said:
“Breakfast is ready!” Mommy Bear said. “SOMEONE’S BEEN EATING MY PORRIDGE!”
“But it’s too hot! Let’s go for a walk.” Baby Bear cried:
So, the three bears went out. "SOMEONE’S BEEN EATING MY PORRIDGE AND IT’S ALL GONE!"
Goldilocks, a curious little girl, found the bears’ house. Daddy Bear growled:
“Anybody home?” asked Goldilocks. “SOMEONE’S BEEN SITTING IN MY CHAIR!”
No answer. The door was open, and she went in. Mommy Bear said:
In the kitchen, Goldilocks saw three bowls of porridge. “SOMEONE’S BEEN SITTING IN MY CHAIR!”
She tasted the porridge in the big bowl and said: Baby Bear cried:
"Ouch! This porridge is too hot!" "SOMEONE’S BEEN SITTING IN MY CHAIR AND IT’S BROKEN!"
So, she tasted the porridge in the middle-sized bowl. The three bears went upstairs into the bedroom.
“Yuck! This porridge is too cold," said Goldilocks. Daddy Bear growled:
Then, she tasted the porridge in the small bowl. “SOMEONE’S BEEN SLEEPING IN MY BED!”
"Yummy! This porridge is just right," she said. Mommy Bear said:
Now, Goldilocks saw three chairs. “SOMEONE’S BEEN SLEEPING IN MY BED!”
She sat on the big chair and said: Baby Bear cried:
So, she tried the middle-sized chair. THERE!"
“This chair is too soft!” said Goldilocks. Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears.
Then, she tried the small chair. "HELP!" she cried.
“This chair is just right!” she said. She ran down the stairs and into the forest.
But the chair cracked and broke! Oh, dear! And she never ever came back to the bears’ house again.
Goldilocks went into the bedroom. THE END
She tried Daddy Bear’s big bed and said:

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