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40 UKE THE BUSINESS PLAN Please read the following guidelines carefully before moving on to Hazel's, business plan. GETTING TO GRIPS WITH THE BUSINESS PLAN Business plans are really of vital importance in business today. A business plan shows that you have focused on your new venture and forces you to analyse your business needs, strengths, weaknesses and environment in detail. It gives other interested parties such as banks, advisers, solicitors, potential in- vests, suppliers, etc an overall view of your business proposal and will help you to assess your financial ‘needs, A wel-writen plan, therefore, isan essential blueprint for any new business, and certainly banks and investors will not examine a business proposal without one. It should contain the following points 1, Introduction: You will need an introduction which describes the business idea and where it came from, ‘>\Business Organisation: The type of business organisation should then be stated. ‘¥, Product/Service Description: This should describe the product, ie. whether it is @ good or service and. how it differs from those of the competition, “4. Manufacturing (where applicable): A short description of the manufacturing process is required. Please state suppliers of raw materials and whether you will require sub-contractors (also for service). '. Physical Facilities: You should decide where the location will be ie. in the city centre or suburbs, and whether you will rent or buy the premises. Draw a plan of the premises. Don't forget to include canteen, sports facilities, car park, etc 5, Management Team: Decide who the members of the management team will be and what they will be responsible for. Don't be put off by this term. Although investors ideally like to see a number of people behind the business, many small businesses are one-person operations. 4, Employees: Discuss the number of blue-collar and white-collar employees you have or expect to recruit, their skills, ete. 8. Marketing: As a minimum, you need to know the target group and size of your market, the existing competition, and the marketing methods/advertising you intend to use, 9. Financial Projections: How much capital will you need to get your business started? Think about the cost of your premises, vehicles, equipment, salaries, insurance, supplies, etc, Is a bank credit necessary” 10. Supporting Information: This isthe section, sometimes called the Appendix, where you get a chance to putin all the information that you feel is relevant, but which you could not Fit into other sections. It should include any info which you fee! will enhance or clarify the plan (for example CVs of the employees, relevant correspondence, et) THE BUSINESS PLAN Ez n iz HAZEL'S BUSINESS PLAN The following is Hazel's first business plan draft. Rearrange the information underneath in the correct order and insert appropriate paragraph headings using the guidelines on p. 40. Business Plan CELTIC DESIGN JEWELLERY LTD 3A There will be three employees engaged in the manufacturing area. All are former employees of Nelson & Son who possess wide experience and are very competent. | will also need a secretary and marketing assistant. All staff will be employed on a fulltime basis and are free to join a trade union if they wish. The IDA has offered to subsidise apprentices and this may be considered over the coming twelve months. cB Please see CVs of blue-collar staff. Also enclosed are enquiry letters from prospective customers including one from Sloweys, the lrish-UK retail chain. c The intention is to start a small jewellery manufacturing firm for the domestic and international market with jewellery based on Celtic designs. The idea to set up this venture comes from my time at Nelson & Son, a medium-sized jewellery manufacturer. D Celtic jewellery is a niche product mainly for the youth market, but this represents a significant segment which Nelson & Son did not seem very interested in exploit- ing to the full. This is a growing market and market research has indicated a sub- stantial demand for good quality Celtic jewellery. Apart from Nelson & Sons, Quinns are the only other competitor. However, Celtic jewellery currently appears to be seen only as a sideline for them. Am working on the advertising approach at the moment. More detailed information will follow later. E The business organisation format is private limited company. F Manufacturing processes will be carried out on the premises by experienced staff. Raw materials are locally or nationally available so no problems are anticipated in this area. A limited number of sub-contractors may be used for products containing gold or gems. > a4 Ke THE BUSINESS PLAN 42 ~@ The premises will be rented from the IDA, the government agency responsible for Promoting industrial development. Our rent will also be subsidised. The factory is situated in Summerhill Industrial Estate which is very near to Dublin and has a welldeveloped infrastructure. Factory area is approximately 400 square metres. A plan of the premises is enclosed, 4 AAs the company is very small | will initially undertake to carry out the management responsibilities. z 4 We will offer sets of different products ranging from rings to necklaces. New com- binations of materials and designs break with the standard conventional jewellery Produced by the competition, Please see enclosed catalogue of the full product range. Qa Financial figures will be forwarded within the next seven working days by Gilroy & Gannon Accountants. Attached is a rough guideline. It will take some time but | am confident of receiving a bank loan from Standard Irish Bank for my enterprise. Hazel Browne Signed: Ms Hazel Browne Manager us *, MEETING MR WILKINS Hazel spent a lot of time putting everything together. But the more of it she got done the ‘more confident she felt about the project as it gave everything a structure, a sense of shape. She knew she was a bit weak on marketing but marketing seminars were going to be part of the course, Her best friend Joan Wilkins had said that if she had any questions she could always ask her father, who was a bank manager and experienced in these matters. Mr Wilkins was very pleased to hear that Hazel was about to set up her own business and invited her over for dinner. Hazel thought he was a bit of a pain but she needed his advice. The night she went over to the Wilkins" house it was really cold and the wind was cutting through her like a knife. Adviser/or (2.3123 2 person who gives advice on sth, ie. gues his pinion about what sd else should do t0 advise sb on sth [ad-vaiz] to act as a consuitent 10 advise sb to do sth to recommend sth to sb ‘ecounting [sksvntin) keeping or checking financial accounts ‘account [a'kavnt) ‘accountant [aksontont amalgamate [2'migamet} {0 Join or unite to form a larger organisetion to anticipate [en'usipent) to imagine or to expect to appreciate {apr {0 understand how good or useful sth is, to show awareness of good qualities to attach [sei] to enclose to be in for the fast buck [fast bak] tty to make quick profit blueprint [biuprn) originally a technical diagram, now also a plan for achieving sth to clarity klar} to make sth clearer or easiar to understand ‘confident [onfidan:) feeling that one can firmly rely on sth/sb onvietion [kn vik] very strong beliet 0 cope (kaop) to deal withthe probiem suecesstully to cover (kxvs} to include sth deadline (detain) to sot a deadline domestic market (42 mestik mak) the home market draft, to draft (sth) (draft) The Sales Dep. presented a craft of their plan, Ithad taken five hours to erat. to encounter fin aunts) They encountered serious problems when introducing the new technology. VOCABULARY Berater beraten raten Buchhaltung Konto, Rechnung Buchhelter, Fachmann im Rechnungswesen sich zusammenschlieBen voraussehen Schatzen, wiirdigen anfiigen, beifigen auf das schnelie Geid aus sein Plan, Entwurt kiaren Gberzeugt, (selbst)sicher, zuversichtlich Uberzeugung bewattigen enthalten, umfassen, beinhaiten (letztmogticher) Termin, Frist eine Frist setzen Binnenmarkt Entwurf, entwerfen auf etwas stoBen, begegnen 4g uaBesieyion uanisaq ANnewaNY ‘iueM pinpouduayesin, ‘eReNSIeH ‘puegsieH yon EW ‘eyosem, woigeBeqaan ‘epuereBauisnpul vauoreq awwo¥ad Jju5 Uap U) seme Uuaye8sq0 je uauoinyeyosed wine vueuuaq senza yw “wauoew(uevey) seme ue YO!S ureasi9p3 ‘wsops9}09 “vapuas( you) ne va1eunuezuoy ya's snawow, \uoIBow Bumyouurs Youpua “youseyos (oBequy sje) ueBqy0q aBias ‘voyowes unary 64) 1 uoddey jm uB%9 Ue 2619 aoueApe Uy Kes 01 1.13) soypoud 03 uo s0 aney ot [s2zed] ssass0d 03 Sa;mIgISSOd Jo 198 @ way uescyo aq veo ieU Wis {w/a} wondo sionpoid pasyeroaas Sunjosur uoyo cnos8 yoB.e: e}20ds © 04 1onpoLd € (evpaud' f:14,) yonpoud ayaqu 2498U 84} punove WOM AalIamal Jo aoaid @ [sep2u) aoepyoou Jeyew au; uo ajgerene 10u s) youn ang ing od sum UB erdoad reWa 2o1ns08 10 ajonse Jo adh ¢ (626 a9:01j de yoyuew eusem uae isnf aney J0 01 peeu 1eup Se\R0}o {ups Aapune sessousng pue Seuove} 40) unore Jo 2809 ey) uo eave je;ads & Ded) red /fuaist, jeuasvp'ut) eyeys0 reuysnpuy us osrseuawe 0} {ere} aus 04 493 0p 01 eBeuew 0} {sdub] aS uum su 0} ewod /305 05 {s1u29] ssousng 03 umop 308 0} WEIS @ aye 0} {woep, 298] (4is) 03 umop 308 0} onofe [weep] wes “Wout 40 2el2001 uo spo08 ous preMI0} JIM aM {pes:e3) paeauoy 04 v0 syesueau09 o [se30e4] wo sno 0} feu) 29 yeusyeu met 219 20 sanitoes o8e1018 epiioxd 0} aney faut asodind sejnon ied 2 10} pepinoid wefs 1 juewdnde Jo eos (neuer) Ase, sweygord J0 30) 10 own Bu0} e 18ye {senfos]sypemguona ‘Bunoow aya 1 epuofie ays pasojous puy aseeig {pz0epyut} esojoue 04 ssa20ns jo seaveyo so soueyue 0 Bumacr2%e op jm SOUL [su94.) eoueyue AYWINEVOOA FERTY os premises [‘premisiz) builaing andor land esp. when used by business Projection [proizekjo] an estimate of future trends based on information available now financial projections [fs1n2:nflprodzekjnz] rospective (pra'spekty} likely to happen, future Always be polite to prospective buyers, range [reindz), produet range (‘prodake reindz] the selection of goods to range (from ... to) red [red] here: red lemonade to restrict (n'srkc] 10 puta limit on sth/sb retail [:teul/to retall the sale of/to sell goods in relatively small quantities to the public Cf wholesale ('havlsei] sample [sa:mpl) 4 Single item or small amount of sth that can be looked at to show you what the rest is like share [/eo} one of the equal parts into which the capital stock of @ company is divided shareholder [Yeahaolds] the owner of one or more shares in a company to sien up for sth (sain ‘sp] to enlist, to register solicitor (BE) [salsita} ‘anyer who gives advice, prepares legal documents, 2.8. for the sale of property, and defends people in the lower courts to subcontract (1b konirekt] {0 pay sb else (a person or a company) to do (part of) the job to outsource [‘as9:s) to subsidise ['sabsidaiz] 10 pay the cost of or part of the cost supply (soplai) Sth that is available to be used; the act of providing sth Supply and demand {s2,lai an di'mo:nd) the relationship between the amount of goods for sale ‘and the amount that people want to buy VOCABULARY Geschattsraume, Grundstick Hochrechnung Finanzplanung, voraussichtlich, zukiintig Produktlinie, Sortiment Behen/reichen (von ... bis) hier: rote Limonade begrenzen, einschranken Einzelhande, (im Einzelhandel) verkaufen GroBhandel Muster Altie, Antell Aktion, Telihaber Sich eintragen fur etwas Anwait Unterauftrage vergeben ‘ausgliegern Subventionieren Angebot; Versorgung, Lieferung Angebot und Nachtrage 51 Wu VOCABULARY 52 to supply (s2plas) beliefern Delta Electronics will supply us with the parts we need. venture [‘entfs) project or business activity that involves a risk vital [vail] extremely important, essential (risikoreiches) Unternehmen wesentlich, (lebens)wichtig

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