0 Taxation - Overview.4th - Semester.2023

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Dear all,

Let us get started. This term we focus on speaking and setting up a company.
I offer you the following structure:

1. Biz plan
2. Business organisation
3. Management styles

4. Communication
5. HR
6. Money and payment (revision)
7. Taxation
(8. Marketing - revision)

.... and in-between : Grammar and your presentations

1. Intro to biz plan (unit 3, attached copies)

Sure, there are many more and detailed versions of a biz plan



Task 1: Read pp. 40 and get an idea of the structure of a biz plan.
Task 2: pp. 41 - 42 / pls record your answer (correct order) and send it to my number:
Task 3: Enjoy the vocal list
(Time duration ca. 60 min)

2. Business Organisation (unit 2, attached copies)

Task 1: read + understand :-) pp. 24 - 26
Task 2: pp. 29 - 31 have look at the types of enterprises
Task 3: Watch the following clips and send me your own opinion on them, especially,
in terms of
setting up your own organisation for the oral test. My number is 0160 98 91 6621 (pls
do not
speak longer than 3-4 min..... I respond to you)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4drdIkjYG0U (her voice is a bit freaky)




Task 4: p. 32 do the exercise and record the complete text and send
it to my number : 016098916621

Task 5: Enjoy the vocab list

(Time duration ca. 100 min)

2.1 Extra on biz organization (see attached copies)

Read the elaborated info on pp. 40 - 53 ( + enjoy the vocab list)

This text offers you an additional support for understanding a biz structure.
Task 6 : P. 53 „Discussion Forum“ Have a look at the questions and send me your
answers via speech recording to my number 016098916621.
(Time duration ca. 45 min)

What about a revision on tenses?

Pls have a look at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQG_gYFePD4

Or use your own material :-)

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