My Characters Initial Belongings

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JM My characters belongings, not including lands, properties, business’s and slaves


Doing A RPG Folder

Full of Folders on Solo RPG’s

This folders the 1 on The 1st edition Dnd Campaign

The solo rules are designed to create a character that by various means has the ability to solo a
normal campaign

For example this 1’s A Future King that if needed can call upon just over 1,700 men and already
controls 5 domains within the country he will 1 day rule


This documents the 1 on my characters belongings, not including lands, properties, business’s and


Being A Prince he starts with lots of equipment




3 bows with 12 arrows

3 spears

3 lances

3 darts

3 hand axes

2 Goblin Bows with 12 Arrows

2 Goblin Spears

1 Sword

1 Lance

1 Longsword

1 Dagger

1 Broadsword
1 Mace

1 short sword

1 Battle Axe

1 Bread Knive

Use’s the rules for daggers

1 Axe made from A Type of White Wood

1 Gladiators Sword

1 Gladiators Axe

1 Net

1 Trident

1 Club

1 Stave

Goblin made

4 Heavy Crossbows that all have 20 Bolts

1 Long Sword

1 Spear

1 Hand Axe

Armor and/or Shields


3 Shields

3 suits of leather

2 suits of Full Plate Armor

1 suit of Plate Mail

1 suit of Chain Mail

1 suit of Studded Leather

1 Gladiators Shield

1 suit of Chainmail designed to be used by Gladiators

Goblin made

5 Shields

4 suits of studded leather armour

2 suits of Chainmail

2 suits of regular Leather Armor


80 torches

80 yards of rope

22 Yards of good quality Rope

22 very good quality torches

12 vials of unholy Water

10 sets of chains that are used to restrain slaves

7 vials of holy Water

6 toy Dragonlances

6 Toy Soldiers

4 sets of high quality daywear

4 sets of high quality nightwear

4 small sacks

4 sets of goblin made clothing

4 4-pound sacks of grain

2 Loincloths designed for Gladiators

2 flasks of oil

2 torch’s

2 Empty Jars

2 sets of Kobloid made digging tools

2 sets of Slave Chains

2 5-pound blocks of incense

2 sets of Thieves Tools

2 decks of cards

2 sets of 23 large nails and 1 small Hammer

2 incense burners

2 leopard skin stoles

1 high quality tent

1 high quality bedroll

1 high quality bullseye lantern that has 1 enough oil to last 1 year

1 tinderbox

1 50 foot length of rope

1 Leather Backpack

1 lantern

1 large sack

1 key that’s now useless

1 Clay Urn

1 large crate

1 set of torture gear

1 bucket that holds 4,200 small nails

1 bag of 14 large nails

1 saw

1 pulley block

1 crate that holds 8.3 pounds of firewood

1 large barrel

1 4 pound bucket of nails

1 old wooden jar

1 Rowboat

1 Bone Saw
1 Scalpel

1 needle

1 set of scissors

1 Kobloid Made Bullseye Lantern

1 Whistle

1 pitcher

1 rocking chair

1 old brush

1 old mirror

1 leather pouch

1 hammer

1 chisel

1 bed of chains

1 Iron Maiden

1 Horn

1 bread carving dagger

1 white flag

1 red scarf

1 pair of green leggings

1 set of bagpipes

Herbs, plants, flowers and similar stuff

12 pounds of herbs that are used in cooking

12 dose’s of A Herb that when used has the same effect as A Cure Light Injury Spell

6 dose’s of Greater Mistletoe

6 dose’s of Lesser Mistletoe

4 dose’s of every Herb, plant and flower that’s A Ingredient in every Druidic Spell of 3rd level or

1 massive crate that hold enough herbal medicines to replicate the effects of 5 castings of every
Healing and Curing type Clerical of 3rd level or lower


5 doses of Large Scorpion Venom


5 on the owners experiments

3 on History

3 on Law

3 on Religion

2 on infamous heretics

2 on facts and fictions regarding Dragons

2 on Riddles

2 on Puzzles

2 on Divination

2 on Necromantic

2 on Enchantment

2 Phantasm

1 on Dragonic Anatomy

1 on illegal surgery

1 on illegal experiments

1 on Snake Venoms



80 days worth of milk, cheese, eggs, game meats, berries that are both wild and edible and water

11 meals worth of Goat Stew with Onions

11 meals worth of Iced Sugar Biscuits

11 meals each worth of Corn Leaf Bread

11 meals worth of cheese’s

8 months worth of very good quality farming produce

8 meals worth of cornbread, goats milk, goats cheese, goat meat and tea

4 months worth of high quality fruit, vegetables, eggs, cheese, beef and milk

3 2-kilo barrels of Salted Pork

3 2-kilo barrels of Salted Beef

3 2-kilo barrels of Apples

3 2-kilo barrels of Vegetables

3 meals worth of hard tack, beef, beans and water

3 meals worth of mutton

2 weeks worth of standard rations

1 large chunk of goat meat

1 week worth of standard rations

1 large chunk of goat meat

Made of Goblins

8 bags that each hold enough food to last 1 wee

4 weeks worth of cheese

4 weeks worth of honey

2 Bolts of Cheese



16 1-pint bottles of Orc Ale

8 3-pint bottles of high quality milk

5 6-pint bottles of good quality beer

5 pints of cheap beer

4 4-pint bottles of very good quality brandy

4 4-pint bottles of very good quality brandy

4 4-pints kegs of beer

4 4-pints kegs of wine

4 4-pints kegs of water

2 pots of milk

1 4-litre barrel of good quality sherry

1 bottle of cold coffee

1 wineskin

1 waterskin

1 bottle of cheap ale

1 4-litre barrel of good quality sherry

1 bottle of cold coffee

Made by Goblins

8 2-pint bottles of water

4 sets of goblin made beer

4 4-pints kegs of beer

4 4-pints kegs of ale

From his domain

1,680 gallons of good wine

540 gallons of fine wine

520 pints of average Brandy

Poisons and/or Venoms. Even though I can never use them

6 dose’s of Large Spider Venom

6 dose’s of mosquito saliva venom

6 dose’s of Large Viper Venom

6 dose’s of Giant Spider Venom,

2 dose’s of Giant Centipede Venom

2 dose’s of Large Snake Venom


4 high quality heavy pack horse's

3 Camels

3 Desert Horse’s

2 good quality hunting dogs

2 very light horse’s

1 very high quality light stallion

1 Heavy Warhorse with Leather Barding

1 Young Black Stallion

1 White Stallion

1 Dark Brown Stallion

1 Dark Brown Riding Horse

1 Black Riding Horse

1 White Riding Horse

1 Cat

1 Oxen


2 large chimps that have both been both tamed and trained

Animals that aren’t actually rare but the way I acquired them is/was rare

2 Large Snakes that have both been both captured and tamed

Animals that aren’t actually unique but the way I acquired them is/was unique

4 baby Adult Scorpions that I will raise to be pets and guards

4 Medium Horse’s

2 Light Horse’s

2 Worg Cubs

1 Cat

1 Oxen
Animals that earn me stuff

Group 1

3 flocks of 719 Adult Females, 27 Lesser Male and 14 Domain Adult Male Ducks


They are worth a total of 10,150x3 or 30,450 Gold Coins and every year I get 1,573x3 or 4,719 Gold
Coins from selling meat, produce and young Ducks, but I keep a handful of each years young

Group 2

57 High Quality performing Parrots

They are worth 600 Gold Coins each and they can each be used to net me 55 Gold Coins a year

Group 3

57 High Quality performing dogs

They are worth 600 Gold Coins each and they can each be used to net me 55 Gold Coins a year

Group 4

57 High Quality performing cats

They are worth 600 Gold Coins each and they can each be used to net me 55 Gold Coins a year

Group 5

1 group of 4 Female and 1 Male young Adult Pegasus’s

We breed them and we sell the young to Nobles to use as Steeds


Every 2 years all 4 females each produce 1D2+1 young that I sell for 1D3+5x100 Gold each

Group 6

1 set of 74 Birds that are rare, beautiful, exotic and sing like angels

As a set they are worth 9,800 Gold Coins each


Every year they produce 444 young that will each sell for 30 Gold Coins

Stuff acquired that was acquired by means that were niether entirely legal nor entirely Illegal

11 meals worth of kitchen scraps

2 large dogs
2 bottles of beer

2 cheap hats

2 suits of chainmail

2 Shields

1 Dagger

1 Throwing Axe

1 Longsword

1 Spear

1 Disguise Kit




Gold Coins


Silver Coins


Copper Coins


Electrum Coins


Platinum Coins


5,106 Gold Coins worth of mixed currency, tiny gems, tiny jewels, tiny bits of jewelry and bits of
precious metal

600 Gold Coins worth of Gems

200 Gold Coins worth of average quality Trade Goods

200 Gold Coins worth of Fine Linen

200 Gold Coins worth of average quality Trade Goods

200 Gold Coins worth of Tiny Moonstones

149 assorted jewels that are each worth between 5 Gold Coins and 750 Gold Coins that are worth a
total of 2,850 Gold Coins

130 Gold Coins worth of good quality Trade Goods

130 Gold Coins worth of tools

130 Gold Coins worth of Brik-A-Brak

25 Tiny Moonstones worth 2 Gold Coins each

11 Silver Tipped Arrows worth 1 Gold Coin each

5 bottles that all hold 20 Gold Coins worth of powdered Emerald

5 Pieces of small cheap Jewelery that are worth 5 Gold Coins each

3 tiny silk Handkerchiefs worth 4 Gold Coins each

2 large Jewelled Goblets worth 150 Gold Coins each

2 Small jewels worth 53 Gold Coins each

2 Wolves Pelts that are worth 6 Gold Coins each

2 Giant Rat Pelts that are worth 5 Gold Coins each

1 Ruby worth 700 Gold Coins

1 Jewel worth 500 Gold Coins

1 Gem worth 400 Gold Coins

1 crate that holds 200 Gold Coins worth of Cloth

1 very large Necklace made of good quality Silver worth 200 Gold Coins

1 Bracelet worth 200 Gold Coins

1 decent sized pearl worth 150 Gold Coins

1 Crate that holds 100 Gold Coins worth of Tobacco

1 Pearl worth 100 Gold Coins

1 very Small Belt Buckle made of very good quality gold worth 60 Gold Coins

1 Icy Blue Sapphire worth 60 Gold Coins

1 Small Opal worth 30 Gold Coins

1 Tiny Chalice made of Good Quality Silver worth 25 Gold Coins

1 Gilt Dagger worth 25 Gold Coins

1 very small piece of Ivory worth 15 Gold Coins

1 Small Moonstone worth 6 Gold Coins

1 Moonstone worth 5 Gold Coins

Magic stuff


2 +1 Swords

2 +1 Arrows

1 +1 Axe

1 +2 Battle Axe

1 +3 Crossbow Bolt

1 +2 Two Handed Flail

1 +1 Shortsword

1 +2 Mace

1 +1 Crossbow Bolt

Armor and/or Shields

1 suit of +3 Chainmail

1 +1 Shield

1 suit of +1 Leather

1 Suit of +1 Platemail

1 Pair of AC 4 types Bracers of Defence


1 Ring of Regeneration

1 +1 Ring of Protection

1 Wand of Illumination

It has 9 charges
1 Medallion of ESP

1 Periapt of Proof Against Poison

1 Ring of Warmth

1 Ring of Warmth

1 Displacer Cloak

1 Flask of Endless Water

1 Daerns Instant Fortress

1 Wand of Fireballs with 30 Charges

1 Rod of Absorption with 12 Charges


8 1 dose bottles of potion of Healing

4 1 dose bottles of Potion of Invisibility

3 1 dose bottles of Potion of Healing

1 Potion of Lycanthorpe Curing

If drank within 1 hour of being bitten it has A 45% chance of curing the drinker

1 Potion of White Dragon Control

1 1 dose bottle of potion of Extra Healing

1 1 dose bottle of Potion of Hill Giant Strength

Stuff that’s been converted from The Dragonlance Setting

4 Dream Stones

The GM changed their rules and effects, as a result they can each be used once and once used the
player that use’s it can ignore any 1 thing, even death

1 Flute of Wind Dancing

The GM changed this things rules and effects so that it can be used once a year and using it
summons A 12HD Air Elemental that has 78Hp

1 Dragon Lance

1 of these things is +1 VS most foes and +3 VS Evil Dragons

in case your wondering it isn’t technically unique but I earned it when on another world, which
makes it unique to the setting me and my group are using

The Blade of Evil Dragons Doom, as The GM calls it

It’s a Sword that’s +1 VS Most Foes, +2 VS Fire Breathers, +2 VS Foes that regenerate, +3 VS Foes
that attack with Cold and Flammable Weapons and Avians and +4 VS Undead

Minor Artefacts

The 1st

The Bands of Shiiba

They make the user A Very Highly Skilled Thief, indeed these will nearly always make the wearer 1 of
the best Thieves in The World

1st off the wearer assigns 2D4+440% points between The 8 Thieving Abilities, in any way he or she
wants, which depending on whose playing the wearer means that its either The GM or The Player
that assigns them

Then he or she choose’s 2 Thieving Abilities that both get boosted by +2D6%

The other 6 Thieving Abilities all get boosted by +1D6%

Then he or she assigns another +2D3% to all 8 Thieving Abilities

Then he or she choose’s another 3 Thieving Abilities that all get another +3%

Every time the wearer gains A Level all her Abilities go up by 1D4%

In the end this means that whilst wearing The Bands of Shiiba they give the wearer/my character
Thieving Abilities of Climb Walls 99%, Find/Remove Traps 73%, Hear Noise 61%, Hide in Shadows
70%, Move Silently 65%, Open Locks 70%, Pick Pockets 66% and Read Languages 58%

It also grants 6 Thieving Abilities The GM made, they are all initially worth 3D1%+1D6%+15%, the
player then assigns 1D3+16% points in anyway he/she wants, and everytime the wearer gains A
Level, which in my characters case includes 1st level, they all go up by +1D4%

That’s why they give the wearer/my character, the Extra Thieving Abilities of Blackmail 54%, Con
53%, Deceive 55%, Disguise 52%, Intimidate 54% and Palm Object 59%

They also give him or her The Backstabbing Abilities of A Thief of Level 2D4+3 and in my characters
case they give him The Backstabbing Abilities of A Thief of 4th Level +2nd level +3rd level or of A 9th
level Thief

If worn by A Character that isn’t A Thief then he or she acquires the services of A decent sized Group
of Thief Type Henchmen, that don’t count against the wearers normal limit on henchmen and at no
cost to my character The Power of The Bands of Shiiba give them their money. Annoyingly these
can’t gain levels
The wearers decent sized Group of Thief Type Henchmen can have up to 1D2+5 or in my characters
case up to 7 members, their individual levels can’t exceed 1D3+4th level or in my characters case 6th
level and their combined levels can’t exceed 2D2+30 or in my characters case a total of 34 levels

Thankfully the limit on number of Thieves, their individual levels and their combined levels only
applies when you get The Bands, any Thieves it gives you at later levels, see later, don’t follow those

Naturally The Wearer choose’s the number and levels of Thief Type Henchmen he or she gains and
normally The Wearer gains these Thief Type Henchmen over a period of 4D6+14 weeks but as my
character is A Future King that starts with The Bands of Shiiba he starts the game with these Thief
Type Henchmen

For example I decided that my characters copy of The Bands of Shiiba gave him 7 Thief Type
Henchmen that consisted of 4 5th level Thieves, 2 4th level Thieves and 1 6th level Thief

Every time the wearer gains A Level he or she gains the right to A New Thief Type Henchmen of Level
1D3 and every 4th level he or gains the right to A New Thief Type Henchmen of Level 1D3+2 and that
Level 1D3+2 Thief gained at 4th level is in edition to The Level 1D3 Thief gained for gaining A Level

As well as soon as he or she gets them he or she gains 1D3+1 1st level Thieves and at the end of
every year he or she wears them for, including the end of the year he or she acquires them in, he or
she gains 1D3 1st level Thieves

As well as which every year The Thieves that follow the wearer earn him cash and/or loot and/or
magical goodies that’s value is equal to the number of Thieves that follow him/her, times their
combined number of levels times 100 +2D6+2x100

The best thing, in my opinion is that The extra Thieves you get at every level even apply to the levels
or levels The Wearer gained before getting The Bands of Shiiba

But he or she doesn’t have to gain A Thief at every level, rather he or she can save it up until he has
Credit that he or she could use to get A Few Thieves that are of a lot higher level then normal

For example A 5th level Character that rolled A 2 at 1st level, 2 at 2nd level, A 3 at 3rd level, A 2 and
A 5 at 4th level and A 3 at 5th level would by now have build up 17 levels worth of Credit and he or
she could choose to


I will say that if I were his or her player I would choose to get 1 8th level, 1 5th level and 1 4rd level

The 2nd

A Box of Lodging Funds

Its has both 1 good and 1 bad power, the good power is that it will provide as much Gold as the
owner wants, the bad power is that the owner is under the effects of A permanent Geas that means
the gold must be spend on things like food, drink, board and lodgings

At any time he or she can choose to break free of The Geas but if he or she does then it vanishes and
not only can the he or she can never get it back he or she can never knowingly find it, and if he or
she unknowingly comes across it he or she can’t even try and to claim

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