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Exercise Objective Desc

Handstand Push Ups Complete 5 sets of 5 Reps Consistent and progressive gain of strength
Push Ups Complete 100 Reps Gradually gain endurance
Muscle Ups Complete 20 Reps Endurance with heavier weights to progres
Ring Muscle Ups Complete 12 Reps Ring endurance and stability
Pull Ups Complete 40 Reps Gain endurance
LWT Ultimate Set Complete the Set …....
Bar Barian Requirements Complete the Set under 5 mins …....
Muscle Ups 1 Rep with +32kg Strength and Endurance Training

Week 1 Strength Endurance

Day 1

Exercise Description Reps/Time Sets Rest

Specific to the muscle groups and tendons
1. Warm up x x x
to be exercised w/ mobility

2. Handstand push ups x 5 3min

3. Wall Assisted Handstand

6 4 or 5 3min
push ups
4. A) Bent arm 90 degree ideally full. If full is too hard, opt for
5s -10s 5 1min30s
hold straddle, tuck or any easier progression

4. B) Pseudo Push ups 5 to 7 5 2min

5. A) Normal Push ups 10kg weighted vest / may remove 15 to 20 1min

5. B) Daimond Push ups 10 to 15 3 to 5 2min

Week 2 Conditioning Week

Day 1

Exercise Description Reps/Time Sets Rest

Specific to the muscle groups and tendons
1. Warm up x x x
to be exercised w/ mobility

2. Handstand push ups x 5 3min

3. Wall Assisted Handstand
6 4 or 5 3min
push ups
Execute 200 reps in the minimum amount
4. Normal Push Ups 200 x 30s to 1min
of sets possible

5. A) Dips 15 to 20 1min

5. B) Straight Bar Dips 10 to 15 3 to 5 2min

Week 3 Power Endurance Week

Day 1

Exercise Description Reps/Time Sets Rest

Specific to the muscle groups and tendons
1. Warm up x x x
to be exercised w/ mobility
Description Priority
and progressive gain of strength #1
gain endurance #2
e with heavier weights to progress on the bodyweight level #3
rance and stability #3
rance #2
nd Endurance Training #1

Day 2 Day 3
Pull Lower/Core/HSPU

Exercise Description Reps/Time Sets Rest Exercise

Specific to the muscle groups and
1. Warm up x x x 1. Warm up
tendons to be exercised w/ mobility
1 Muscle Up + 1 transition + 1 2. A) Wall assisted
2. Ring Complex 3 to 5 5 3min
Bulgarian Dip handstand Push Ups

3. Front Lever Raises Include a hold at the end 2 5 2min 2. A) Jumping Lunges

5s Hold top + middle + bottom = total

4. A) Ring Chin Ups ups 6 to 8 30s 2. B) Jumping Squats
15s isometric

4. B) Ring Dips 10 30s 2. C) Lunges

5s Hold top + middle + bottom = total

4. C) Ring Pull Ups 6 to 8 4 to 5 2min 2. D) Squats
15s isometric

3. A) L-Sit

3. B) Weight Shift Bear

Hugs +10kg

3. C) Hollow Body

3. D) Bear Hugs

Day 2 Day 3
Pull Lower/Core/HSPU

Exercise Description Reps/Time Sets Rest Exercise

Specific to the muscle groups and
1. Warm up x x x 1. Warm up
tendons to be exercised w/ mobility
2. A) Bent arm 90 degree
2. Front Lever raises 2 5 2min
3. Adv. Tuck Front pulls 5 to 8 5 2min 2. B) Pseudo Push ups
Start with 1 rep, rest 10s between sets,
add a rep per set until you reach your
4. Pull Routine max. Suppose you reach 10 reps, now x x x 3. A) Sprints
you do 10 sets of 10 reps. If it were 8
you would do 8 sets of 8 reps
3. B) Explosive Burpees

3. C) Jump Rope

3. D) Lunges

3. E) L-Sit

Day 2 Day 3
Pull Lower/Core/HSPU

Exercise Description Reps/Time Sets Rest Exercise

Specific to the muscle groups and
1. Warm up x x x 1. Warm up
tendons to be exercised w/ mobility
Day 3 Day 4
Lower/Core/HSPU Upper

Exercise Description Reps/Time Sets Rest Exercise

Specific to the muscle groups and
1. Warm up x x x 1. Warm up
tendons to be exercised w/ mobility
2. A) Wall assisted
6 30s 2. A) Normal Pull Ups
handstand Push Ups
Whole Circuit can be executed with a
2. A) Jumping Lunges 16 30s 2. B) Dips
weighted vest

2. B) Jumping Squats 15 30s 2. C) Closed Grip

2. C) Lunges 12 Each leg 24 30s 3. A) Diamond Push Ups

2. D) Squats 20 4 to 5 1min30s 3. B) Dips

3. A) L-Sit 15s 30s 3. C) Normal Push Ups

3. B) Weight Shift Bear

8 to 10 30s
Hugs +10kg

3. C) Hollow Body 30s 30s

3. D) Bear Hugs 10 3 to 4 1min30s

Day 3 Day 4
Lower/Core/HSPU Upper

Exercise Description Reps/Time Sets Rest Exercise

Specific to the muscle groups and
1. Warm up x x x 1. Warm up
tendons to be exercised w/ mobility
ideally full. If full is too hard, opt for
2. A) Bent arm 90 degree
straddle, tuck or any easier 5s -10s 1min30 2. Ring Complex
3. Dip and Push up
2. B) Pseudo Push ups 5 to 7 5 2min

3. A) Sprints 100m 30s 4. Ring Chin ups

3. B) Explosive Burpees 10 30s

3. C) Jump Rope 150 to 200 30s

3. D) Lunges 30 30s

3. E) L-Sit 15s to 20s 5 2min

Day 3 Day 4
Lower/Core/HSPU Upper

Exercise Description Reps/Time Sets Rest Exercise

Specific to the muscle groups and
1. Warm up x x x 1. Warm up
tendons to be exercised w/ mobility
Day 5

Description Reps/Time Sets Rest Exercise Description

Specific to the muscle groups and Specific to the muscle groups an
x x x 1. Warm up
tendons to be exercised w/ mobility tendons to be exercised w/ mob

10 30s 2. 10km Run Right Below the Anaerobic limit

Pace the reps (It will take a whil

20 30s 3. Burpees

8 4 2min 4. A) L-Sit

Whole circuit with a weighted vest 10 45s 4. B) Hollow Body

10 45s

10 5 1min30s

Day 5

Description Reps/Time Sets Rest Exercise Description

Specific to the muscle groups and Specific to the muscle groups an
x x x 1. Warm up
tendons to be exercised w/ mobility tendons to be exercised w/ mob

1 Muscle Up + 1 Pull up 3 to 6 8 2min 2. 60km Bike ride Just endurance training

Start at 2 reps. rest between 15-45s
between sets. Add 2 reps each set until
x x x 3. A) Floor L-sit
maximum. After reaching maximum
set, do the same thing backwards
5s hold top/middle/bottom = total 15s 8 5 1min30s 3. B) Bear Hugs

3. C) V ups

Day 5

Description Reps/Time Sets Rest Exercise Description

Specific to the muscle groups and Specific to the muscle groups an
x x x 1. Warm up
tendons to be exercised w/ mobility tendons to be exercised w/ mob
Description Reps/Time Sets Rest
Specific to the muscle groups and
x x x
tendons to be exercised w/ mobility

Right Below the Anaerobic limit x x x

Pace the reps (It will take a while to

100 to 150 x x

20s 45s

30s 6 2min

Description Reps/Time Sets Rest

Specific to the muscle groups and
x x x
tendons to be exercised w/ mobility

Just endurance training x x x

15s 30s

15 30s

10 3 1min30

Description Reps/Time Sets Rest

Specific to the muscle groups and
x x x
tendons to be exercised w/ mobility

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