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University of Lincoln Assessment Framework

Assessment Briefing 2023-2024

Module Code & Title: BUS9045 Delivering Projects, Programmes and Portfolios
Contribution to Final Module Mark: 75%
Description of Assessment Task and Purpose:

Following the module’s lectures and seminars coupled with your additional study on the subject,
you should be familiar with the practice, theory and contemporary research within project,
programme and portfolio management. You will also have your own varied professional
experiences to draw upon in order to help construct a comprehensive critique of this complex

There is a selection of practically oriented project, programme and portfolio management

problems (situations or scenarios), from which only three must be chosen for this assignment.
When developing an argument, you are expected to critically analyse various available options
and suggest an optimal solution, while making use of relevant theoretical references and
illustrative examples or case studies. Your standpoint should be balanced and analysis well-
written, possibly referring to personal experiences, observations and insights where appropriate.

Such a creative problem solving work is intended to allow the students to apply the acquired
theoretical knowledge to practical, realistic project contexts and demonstrate their ability to make
robust managerial decisions under uncertainty and ambiguity.

The proposed questions for this academic year are as follows:

1. Would you agree that the traditional Waterfall model is undoubtedly the best approach to
managing a global promotion campaign for the Business School? Critically appraise if some
hybrid or sustainable project management methodology may be more suitable.

2. Who should be responsible for managing quality on a new painkiller research and
development project within GlaxoSmithKline? Analyse the most popular quality methodologies,
ascertain some of their limitations and recommend what strategic approach should be taken for
such projects.

3. You have been named a project manager for building a new multi-million shopping centre
in Sheffield, being part of a bigger programme of city regeneration and tourist attraction. What
project management methodologies would you consider viable in such project and programme

4. Compare and contrast the Critical Path and Critical Chain methods in terms of their
advantages and deficiencies to conclude on what would be the most suitable approach to
planning and delivering a Glastonbury music festival.

5. Examine the available project evaluation and portfolio selection methods and
recommend an optimal mix of them to be employed by Toyota. For the practical context,
research what types of projects they normally deal with.

6. At Boston Consulting Group, you are asked to oversee the concurrent execution of the
following consultancy engagements: business process improvement for company A, installation
of a state-of-the-art enterprise resource planning system for company B, and a series of training
events to promote the use of AI tools in company A. How would you best manage all these
engagements: as a programme or portfolio of projects?

7. Dutch chemical giant Royal DSM had moved away from petrochemicals to focus on
sustainable food and health products. Soon it merged with Swiss flavours company Firmenich.
As a consequence of the completed merger, senior management made a decision to implement
a cultural change programme. Traditional project management was deemed too cumbersome,
so that now they require a recommendation as to what Agile and Lean tools may be useful when
managing the necessary cultural change.

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO1 justify and integrate all crucial project management elements, processes and methods in
order to construct an original methodology to achieve objectives of a particular project or
organisation as a whole
LO2 analyse and evaluate alternative paradigms to the traditional project management and
make a robust decision on the best methodology for a given project
LO3 assess the linkages between project, programme, portfolio and operations management
and develop an organisational project strategy
LO4 demonstrate originality in tackling and solving problems as well as synthesising
theoretical and practical management perspectives to foster a professional approach to
project management.

Knowledge & Skills Assessed:

This problem solving work is expected to allow students to apply the acquired theoretical
knowledge to practical situations, critically evaluate various options and make meaningful
managerial decisions. Except the obvious opportunity to assess subject specific knowledge and
practical understanding of the key project, programme and portfolio management concepts, the
portfolio questions will require students to establish a good level of evaluative understanding in
their answers.

In terms of emotional intelligence, the assignment should improve the self-confidence of

students in relation to their ability to synthesise an original project management methodology in
professional life after graduation.

Assessment Submission Instructions:

This assessment must be handed in on the 08th May 2024 (midday). You are asked to submit
an electronic copy via Turnitin®.

Date for Return of Feedback: before 30/05/2024

Format for Assessment:

The output should be presented as a 3,000-word portfolio written in an academic format.

All referencing must adhere to the Harvard Referencing System. All figures and tables are
included in the word count and should be consecutively numbered and captions provided. The
reference list is not included in the word count. Do not forget to indicate clearly how many words
you have used in your submission.

Marking Criteria for Assessment:

Remember that all questions are worth equal marks.

The analysis should be based on appropriate and extensive research, which must be evidenced
within the portfolio. A mere composition of theoretical material without student’s own substantial
elaboration, critical evaluation and synthesis will not be deemed an original contribution and,
consequently, will attract low marks. The portfolio should be properly presented and referenced,
acknowledging all sources used and employing the Harvard Referencing System. Along with the
usual criteria such as the document’s structure, logical and smooth flow of argument, language
style and the correct use of grammar and punctuation, other more in-depth performance
indicators will be employed (see the last page).

Please note that all work is assessed according to the University of Lincoln Management of
Assessment Policy and that marks awarded are provisional on Examination Board decisions
(which take place at the end of the Academic Year.

Feedback Format:

Summarised on Turnitin.

Additional Information for Completion of Assessment:

Ensure that you have retained a back-up electronic copy of the assignment submitted. If you are
planning on working with another student, it is acceptable to undertake research together and
discuss issues, but it is not advisable to jointly develop or share solutions unless this is specified
by your lecturer. You should take reasonable care that your assignment is not, accidentally or
deliberately, obtained by other students. Note that the content of your work will be treated as
confidential and will only be accessed by the first/second marker and the external examiner.

Please make every effort to submit work by the due date indicated above. Students are advised
not to assume that granting of an extension is a matter of course. Factors such as standard work
pressures, holidays, etc. are not regarded as appropriate reasons for granting extensions.
Assignments received after the deadline (without an approved extension) will be subject to a
penalty in line with the university policy.

Assessment Support Information:

Assignment workshops during the term and support sessions at the end of it will provide
opportunities to clarify any issues and provide formative feedback on students’ ongoing work.

Important Information on Dishonesty & Plagiarism:

University of Lincoln Regulations define plagiarism as 'the passing off of another person's
thoughts, ideas, writings or images as one's own... Examples of plagiarism include the
unacknowledged use of another person's material whether in original or summary form.
Plagiarism also includes the copying of another student's work'.

Plagiarism is a serious offence and is treated by the University as a form of academic

dishonesty. Students are directed to the University Regulations for details of the procedures and
penalties involved.

For further information, see

Assessment Distinction* Distinction Merit Pass Marginal Fail Fail
80-100% 70-79% 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% 0-39%

Reference to Outstanding use of Developed & justified using Able to critically appraise the Clear evidence & Hardly goes beyond the Literature either
Academic source material; own ideas based on a wide literature & theory gained application of reading material tutor has provided; not consulted or
Literature recognition of different range of sources which from a variety of sources, relevant to the subject; use limited use of sources to irrelevant to
perspectives. have been thoroughly developing own ideas in the of indicative texts support a point. assignment set.
analysed, applied & process. identified.

Application of Exceptional Demonstrates integration & Insightful & appropriate Most key theories are Inaccurate or inappropriate Analysis is not
Theory understanding of innovation in the selection selection of theory in key included in the work in an promotion of theory. supported by
relevant theories. & handling of theory. areas. appreciated & theory.
straightforward manner.

Critical Evaluation Contains distinctive Consistently demonstrates Clear grasp of theory through Demonstrates some Largely descriptive, lacks Almost wholly
of Theory independent thinking; application of critical critical evaluation & critical application of critical critical derivative.
formulates evaluation & is well thought of the topic area. evaluation of the topic thought/analysis/reference
independent position in integrated into the text. area. to theory.
relation to theory.
Conceptualisation Flawless Able to recognise Consistent understanding Demonstrates Limited understanding with a Conceptualisation is
conceptualisation. consistency & reconcile demonstrated in a logical, understanding in a style number of distinctive flaws. not apparent.
inconsistency between coherent & lucid manner. that is mostly logical,
information, using cognitive coherent & flowing.
& hypothesising skills.

Problem Solving Evaluation of solution is Indicates a profound Able to critically analyse Able to analyse simple No substantial evidence of Problem solving is
excellent; examines comprehension of the many sides of a complex issues & to recognise attempt to be critical or to absent.
feasibility of solution problem and context. issue & resolve information conflicts. Evidence recognise or address
and weighs its impact. conflicts. Uses a rigorous apparent of some approach informational conflicts.
approach to problem solving. to problem solving.

Synthesis Technically detailed, Demonstrates original Clear synthesis of Some synthesis of ideas Proposes vague or indirect No attempt to
scrupulous insights; conclusions recommendations presented; based on the key points recommendations and synthesise.
recommendations and strongly supported. conclusion is a logical found in the literature (“off illogical or unsupportable
conclusions. extrapolation from the the shelf”); states a general conclusion.
findings. conclusion.

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