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Latachapli, Lakkirhat, Kauarchor, Nishan Baria,
Nilgonj, Khaprabhanga, Nijampur, Lebur Ban and
Kuakata Sea Beach Sections in Kalapara Upazila,
Patuakhali, Bangladesh

Report submitted in requirement of partial fulfillment of 1st year B.S.

(Honors) in Geology & Mining

Submitted by

Saifullah Sayed

Department of Geology and Mining

University of Barisal


The preparation of a geological field report of any place is a valuable contribution of a

number of people who are to be acknowledged. Firstly, I am grateful to Almighty God for the
excellent opportunity to visit Kuakata & its surrounding area, arranged by the Department of
Geology & Mining, University of Barisal and for finishing the visit successfully.

I would like to express my great appreciation to Dr. Dhiman Kumer Roy Asst. Professor
Department of Geology & Mining, University of Barisal for his valuable & patient guidance
and heart full co-operation and help to understand many technical problems during field
work. He explained all the topics so easily that we do not have any problem to realize.

I am also very grateful to Mr. Risalat Rafiq Lecturer, Department of Geology &
Mining, and University of Barisal for spending his valuable time with us. We are really
indebted to him for his constructive and indispensible suggestions during observation and
recording data from a sample, at the time of field work.

I am particularly grateful for the enthusiastic encouragement and valuable information

given by Mr. Abu Jafor Mia, Lecturer, Department of Geology & Mining, and University of
Barisal before going to the field work.

I am also thankful for the valuable suggestion and enduring guidance given by Mr.
Ilias Mahmud, Mr. Shukhen Ghoswami & Mr. Atikul Haque Farazi lecturer, Department of
Geology & Mining, University of Barisal, after our field work.

I would like to offer my special thanks to Mrs. Lina for her perceptive guidance,
vigorous assistance and thoughtful contribution during field work.

I would like to thank the volunteers of the food committee, transport committee,
communication committee and medicine committee for their excellent performance. I owe a
lot to my friends, specially my group members, who have given me a great deal of support
and helped during field work. We have built an amazing company in this whole trip.


1.1 Purpose and scope
1.2 Location, extent and accessibility

2.1 Topography and relief

2.2 Drainage pattern and water supply

2.3 Culture and Population

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Essential field equipments
3.2.1 Global positioning systems
3.2.2 The field notebook
3.2.3 Measuring distance and thickness
3.2.4 Grain size chart
3.2.5 Hammer
3.2.6 The laptop, net book or Personal smart phone
3.2.7 Writing equipment, maps and relevant literature Writing equipment Maps and relevant literature
3.2.8 Comfort, field safety and field safety Clothes, backpack/rucksack and footwear Field safety equipment


4.1 Introduction: What, Where and How?
4.1.1 Defining the fieldwork objectives
4.1.2 Deciding where to do the field work
4.1.3 Locating position

4.2 Scales of observation, where to start and basic measurements

4.2.1 Whole exposure

4.2.2Hand specimens

4.3 Overview of possible data formats


5.1 Introduction: The purpose of field notes
5.2 Field notebook layout
5.2.1 Preliminary pages
5.2.2 Daily entries

5.3 Field sketches: A picture is worth a thousand words

5.3.1 Sketches of exposures

5.4 Written notes: Recording data, ideas and interpretation

5.4.1 Recording data and observations
5.4.2 Recording data interpretation, discussion and ideas


6.1 Introduction
6.2 Recording sedimentary lithology
6.3 Identified sedimentary structures
6.4 Constructing sedimentary environments & their diagnostic features


7.1 Introduction
7.2 Collecting living organisms & shell data
7.3 Sampling strategies
7.4 Real life examples

Glossary of terms Description

Lithology The lithology of a rock unit is a description of its physical characteristic

visible at outcrop.

Paleontology Paleontology is the study of the history of life on Earth as based on fossils.

Bedding The arrangement of a mass of rocks into distinct layers

Exposure The fact or condition of being affected by something or experiencing

Tidal creek A tidal creek is the portion of a stream that is affected by ebb and current.

Tidal plain Tidal plain are intertidal, non-vegetated, soft sediment habitat.

Natural levee An elongate embankment compounded of sand and silt and deposited along
both banks of a river channel during floods.
Point bar A point bar is a depositional feature made of alluvium that accumulates on
the inside bend of streams and rivers.
Meander A meander is a bend in a sinuous watercourse or river.

River terrace That extends along the side of a valley and represents a former level of the
valley floor.
Ripple mark One of the wavy lines or ridges.

Wave formed ripple These ripple marks are symmetric in profile.

Current formed ripple These ripple marks are asymmetric in profile formed by ocean current.
Apple snail Apple snails are tropical and sub-tropical freshwater snails.

Jelly fish Jelly fish are beautiful, gelatinous animals with long tentacles that sting.

Turritella Territella is medium sized sea snails with an operculum.

Foreshore The area of a shore that lies between the average high tide mark and the
average low tide mark.
Beach berm A long narrow wedge of sand with its steep slope facing the sea.

The area of shore lying between the average high-tide mark and the
Back shore vegetation
Organic remains Organic compounds that has come from the remains of organisms.

Mud cracks Mudcracks are sedimentary structures formed as muddy sediment dries.

Channel A channel is a wide strait or waterway between two landmases that lie close
to each other.
Burrows A hole in the ground made by an animal.

List of figures
Figure 1.2: Location map of investigated area

Figure 2.1: Physiographic map of field work area

Figure 2.2: Drainage pattern of fieldwork area

Figure 2.3: Buddhist Temple and ancient well.

Figure 3.2.1: Location determined by GPS Coordinates app during field work.

Figure 3.2.2: Field Notebook& other essential equipment’s

Figure 3.2.4: The Wentworth grain size scale.

Figure 4.1.3(b): This is the satellite map of our surveyed area.

Figure 4.2.1(a): Mud crack due to water storage at Nijampur (station 8)

Figure 4.2.1(b): River bank erosion at Lakkirhat (station 2)

Figure 4.2.2(a): Loose sediment including red color sediments indicates Iron at
Latachapli (station 1)

Figure 4.2.2(b): Ripple marks at Kuakata sea beach (station 10)

Figure 4.3(a): Sketches of River morphology of investigsted area

Figure 4.3(b): Graphic log of stratigraphic succession at latachapli (station 1).

Figure 5.2.2: Our daily entries during field work at Latachapli (station 1) and
Khapravhanga (station 6).

Figure 5.3.1: Geologic exposures at Latachapli (station 1)

Figure 5.4.1(a): Observation & Recording data at Latachapli (station 1)

Figure 5.4.1(b): Recording data and observing grain size particle in natural levee at
Khaprabhanga (station 6)

Figure 5.4.2: Discussion with local people about a newly formed point bar at Lakkir hat
(station 2).

Figure 6.2(a): Grain size in sedimentary layer at Latachapli (Station 1)

Figure 6.2(b): Coarse grained sand at Kuakata sea beach (station10)

Figure 6.2(c): Presence of FeO in sediment deposit at Latachapli (station 1)

Figure 6.2(d): A field Graphic log of a sedimentary bed at Latachapli (station 1)

Figure 6.2(e): Field data. (a) One page of note book showing the graphic log of
sedimentary layer. (b) The photographs of the sedimentary layer.

Figure 6.3(a): Bedding at latachapli (station1)

Figure 6.3(b): Ripple mark at Kuakata sea beach (station10)

Figure 6.3(c): River channel & Tidal creek at Khaprabhanga (station 6)

Figure 6.3(d): Point Bar at khaprabhanga (station 6)

Figure 6.3(e): A newly form point bar at Lakkirhat (station 2)

Figure 6.3(f): Natural levees & River Terrace on river at Khaprabhanga (station 6)

Figure 6.3(g): Coastal sea morphology at kuakata sea beach (station 10)

Figure 6.3(h): Beach Berm at Leburban (station 9)

Figure 6.3(i): Burrow at Lakkirhat (station 2)

Figure 6.4(a): Meandering watercourse

Figure 6.4(b): Cross section of meandering river

Figure 7.4(a): Shell of Turritella (Genus)

Figure 7.4(b): Shell of Conus (Genus)

Figure 7.4(c): Shell of Apple Snail

Figure 7.4(d): Soft Sheel Clam at Kauerchor (station 3)

Figure 7.4(e): Burrows made by animals.

List of table
Table 4.2.3: The field work was carried out in and around Kalapara upazila and given
below with GPS coordinates.
Table 6.3 Identified depositional sedimentary structures, bedforms and their process of
formation at a glance.

Table 6.4: Summary of some of the processes/features and the sedimentary

environments that they might represent. In all cases it is the combination of different
lines of evidence that will help to determine the depositional environment


 Purpose and Scope
 Location, extent and accessibility

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose and scope:

The chief objectives of field Geology are to observe and collect data from natural
exposure such as rock or unconsolidated sediment deposits which is very essential to
understand the physical, chemical and biological process that have occurred over geological
time. Field geology is very important to acquire the fundamental geological participant
students with a special concern to practical usage in a group task. Fieldwork involves making
careful observations and measurements in the field.

Field Geology presents four intellectual challenges: these are

1. Deciding what data to collect in order to address the scientific question(s).

2. Finding the most suitable exposures from which to collect the data.
3. Making a good record of the data collected; preferably a record that can be
understood by others and can be used years after the data were collected.
4. Understanding and interpreting the basic observations that we make.

1.2 Location, extent and accessibility:

Geological data are spatial therefore it is very important to be able to record the
position of geological features accurately. The first part of this is locating the position of the
exposure. By using GPS check that it is correctly adjusted for the country that we are visiting
or an appropriate grid system. Our position might also be immediately obvious from a
topographical map. There are instances, however, when it is not possible to use either of these
methods or when a more accurate position is required. In this case compass is appropriate for

Our studied area is located in south-eastern Bangladesh and in between latitude 210 48/ N to
210 53/ N and longitude 900 5/ E to 900 12/ E. The area belongs to the Kalapara
Upazila, Patuakhali District. It is about 320 kilometers (200 mi) south of Dhaka, the capital,
and about 70 kilometers (43 mi) from the district headquarters. Kuakata is a town known for
its panoramic sea beach. Kuakata beach is a sandy expanse 18 kilometers (11 mi) long and 3
kilometers (1.9 mi) wide. From the beach one can have an unobstructed view of both sunrise
and sunset over the Bay of Bengal.

Figure 1.2: Location map of investigted Area



 Topography and relief
 Drainage and water supply
 Population and culture

2.1 Topography and relief
Physiography is the description including form, substance, arrangement and changes
of especially, natural features. Bangladesh is divided into 7 major Physiographic regions.
Kuakata is placed in delta region. This region occupies an extensive area of tidal floodplain
land in south-west of the country which is known as Ganges Tidal Floodplain. The greater
part of this region has smooth relief. The landforms are characterized by tidal low land with
weakly developed natural levees distributed in an irregular pattern. Numerous rivers,
channels, tidal creek have criss-crossed the area. Swamps and depression is also present in
this area.

Figure 2.1: Physiographic map of field work area


2.2 Drainage pattern and water supply

As the studied area placed in Ganges Delta region, The Ganges delta shows a mixed
drainage pattern. The stem-stream of the delta, the Ganges-Padma is a braided channel with a
meandering course. Most of the other major distributaries also follow a sinuous course. A
number of major streams, however, follow straight courses which can presumably be
identified as tectonically controlled channels, those of the southeastern creeks. At places the
pattern of the stream is parallel, while at other places the pattern is trellis or rectangular. The
GANGES and the PADMA are the main channels of this river system. The Bhagirathi-
Hugli, Garai-Madhumati and Arial Khan are three second-order rivers of the system. Among
the tidal or coastal creeks, the Matla, Hariabhanga, Saptamukhi, Malancha, Pasur,
Haringhata, Rabanabad channel, Tentulia and Hatiya channels are worth mentioning. The
main flow of the Mathabhanga falls into the Bay of Bengal.

Figure 2.2: Drainage pattern of fieldwork area


2.3 Culture and Population

According to the Bangladesh census, Kuakata had 2,065 households and a population of
9,077. Most of them are Muslims but a large community of Hindu and Buddha also live here.
A tribal community called Rakhain also lives here. Most of them earn their livelihood by
fishing. There are also people of different occupation. Kuakata is the place of pilgrimage for
both Hindu and Buddhist communities. Innumerable devotees arrive here at the festival of
'Rush Purnima' and 'Maghi Purnima'. On these two occasions the pilgrims take holy bath at
the bay and participate in the traditional fairs. One may also visit the 100 years old Buddhist
Temple where the statue of Goutama Buddha and two wells of 200 years old are located.

Figure 2.3: Buddhist Temple and ancient well.


 Introduction
 Essential field equipment’s
 Global positioning systems
 The field notebook
 Measuring distance and thickness
 Grain size chart
 Hammer
 The laptop, net book or Personal
smart phone
 Writing equipment, maps and
relevant literature
 Writing equipment
 Maps and relevant literature
 Comfort, field safety and field safety
 Clothes, backpack/rucksack and
 Safety& Field safety equipment


3.1 Introduction
Before going out into the field it is necessary:
(1) Assemble all of the field equipment that we might need.
(2) Assess any safety issues; and
(3) If necessary obtain permission to visit the area.
Both the safety and permission aspects may require documentation to be completed. Exactly
what equipment we will need depends on the type of fieldwork we will be undertaking.
So, before going out into fieldwork we gathered the entire field equipment’s that we might
needed. For example, Global positioning systems, field notebook, laptop, and writing
equipment’s, Maps etc. and we also took Clothes, backpack/rucksack and personal provisions
for comfort & field safety equipment’s for field safety.
3.2 Essential field equipment’s
1. Global positioning systems
2. Field notebook
3. Tape measure
4. Pencils, eraser, pencil sharpener A few colored pencils
5. Color grain charts appropriate to the task
6. Relevant topographical maps
7. Backpack/rucksack
8. Food and water sufficient for the fieldwork period Emergency food supplies
9. Suitable clothing and foot wear Spare clothing and/or sun block as appropriate
10. Mobile phone, radio or satellite phone
11. Safety equipment as appropriate& First aid kit and any personal medical supplies that
might be required.
All of those equipment’s we used during field work. And the description of those field
equipment’s, mainly why and how could we used those equipment’s during field work are
given below:
3.2.1 Global positioning systems

Global positioning systems (GPS) use ultrahigh - frequency radio wave signals from
satellites to trigonometrically derive our position to within a few meters laterally. A wide
range of GPS systems are available on the market and the reader should refer to specialist

reviews and literature for more information. Increasingly, mobile phones contain a GPS unit.
Global positioning systems units do not work in deep ravines and on some coastal sections;
they are also not particularly accurate for altitude. The GPS were set up for the particular grid
system that we were worked with or for a global reference that was based on latitude and
longitude. We used GPS Coordinate app in smart phone instead of GPS during field work.

Figure 3.2.1: Location determined by GPS Coordinates app during field work.

3.2.2 The field notebook

Field notebook is probably the most essential piece of field kit. Because essential data
write down in field notebook which is gather during survey. So we used a field notebook for
this purpose. It is so small in size but very essential for any types of field work.

Figure 3.2.2: Field Notebook& other essential equipment’s

3.2.3 Measuring distance and thickness

Thickness and distance are two of the most basic measurements that need to be made for
many geological tasks. For most of them a tape measure or folding ruler will sufficient when
working on slopes. During fieldwork we used surveyor ruler & folding ruler for measure
thickness and distance.

3.2.4 Grain size chart

Various well - established comparison charts can be used to provide a semi - quantitative
description of the rock and any changes in it. These include grain - size charts and rock
classification diagrams. The grain size chart should be used by placing the edge of the card
on top of a clean fresh surface of rock and comparing the grain size on the chart to that of the
rock until a match is found for the average grain size and if appropriate the maximum and
minimum size. At the time of survey we used a color grain chart for determine the various
types of grain and grain size on a sedimentary rock bed.

Figure 3.2.4: The Wentworth grain size scale.

3.2.5 Hammer

A geological hammer is necessary for most geological fieldwork, both for the collection
of samples and, where necessary, to create fresh surfaces so that the rock and the minerals
within it can be described. Having said this it is perfectly possible to do a lot of geological
fieldwork without a hammer provided samples are not required. Rocks that are exposed in sea
- cliffs and along foreshores, in new trenches or in road cuts often do not need hammering
and indeed the slightly weathered or wave washed surface is often as good as, if not better
than, a hammered surface. For sedimentary rocks a hammer is often sufficient but for Igneous
and Metamorphic rock it must be needed.

3.2.6 The laptop, net book or Personal smart phone

Small computer laptops, electronic notebooks and Personal smart phone can be used in
the field to record field data. At the time of field work we used those instruments for
collecting data.

3.2.7 Writing equipment, maps and relevant literature

(a)Writing equipment
 Pencils
We used several types of pencils for drawing or sketching figure during fieldwork. Those are
different types. Such as 2B, HB, 4B, 6B etc.
 Pen

A pen is must be needed for any educational purposes. So a pen is very essential equipment
for writing. During field survey we used pen for writing or as an indicator. But using pen has
a disadvantage because the work cannot be erased.
 Sharpener
A sharpener must be needed for sharpenin
g the edge of the pencil. So we use sharpener for this purpose.
 Color Pencils
A few colored pencils are important for field recording specific items or marking samples.
We used some colored pencils for marking samples and somewhere as an indicator because it
can be used as a very fine indicator.
 Eraser
It is useful for correcting mistakes or improving parts of the sketches.
(b) Maps and relevant literature

In a fieldwork, maps and relevant literature is very important because a map shows certain
fundamental information, used as a base upon which additional data of specialized nature are
compiled or overprinted. So before going to a field work we must need to know the base map
of the survey area. We used a base map during our field work for this purpose.

3.2.8 Comfort, field safety and field safety equipment

1. Clothes, backpack/rucksack and footwear

In fieldwork physically, clothing serves many purposes, it can serve as protection
from the elements, and can enhance safety during hazardous activities such as hiking and
cooking. It protects the wearer from rough surfaces, rash-causing plants, insect bites,
splinters, thorns and prickles by providing a barrier between the skin and the environment.
Clothes can insulate against cold or hot conditions. Further, they can provide a hygienic
barrier, keeping infectious and toxic materials away from the body. Clothing also provides
protection from harmful UV radiation.

Backpacks are commonly used by hikers and students, and are often preferred to handbags
for carrying heavy loads or carrying any sort of equipment, because of the limited capacity to
carry heavy weights for long periods of time in the hands. During field work we used
backpack to carry our useful materials, lunch and water.

In fieldwork footwear is very important. It protects our feet from unsuitable environment.
We used comfortable footwear during our fieldwork for our safety.

2. Field safety and Field safety equipment

 Fast Aid Box
Fast aid is the assistance given to any person suffering a sudden illness or injury, with care
provided to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening and promote recovery. So, in
the field work fast aid box is very important for sudden treatment. We took a fast aid box and
some essential medicine, during our field work.
 Food
Food is a substance which is must need for our nutrition. If we do any hard work, we will
need energy and food is our main energy supplier. But junk food is harmful to our health. In
the field work food selection is very important for our health. We selected some dry food
during our field work for field safety. We also managed emergency food for field safety.
 Sunlight protector
A hard hat is useful field safety equipment. It protects us from sunlight. We also used some
sun screen cream for sunlight protection.

 Introduction: What, where and how?
 Defining the fieldwork objectives
 Deciding where to do the fieldwork
 Locating position
 Scale of observation, where to start and
basic measurements
 Whole exposure
 Hand specimens
 Overview of possible data formats


4.1 Introduction: What, Where and How?

Going out into the field and examining rocks at an exposure for the first time, or even
subsequently, might well reveal features that we cannot recognize do not understand or
cannot explain. Overcoming this challenge is a matter of careful study, persistence and
experience. There is an introduction to some of the key questions for geological fieldwork
and a systematic way of overcoming the challenge of collecting data and understanding an
exposure. The key questions are:

 What are the objectives of the fieldwork?

 Where is the best place to gather the data?
 How do I precisely determine my position?
 Faced with a new exposure, where do I start?
 What is the most appropriate way of collecting the data?

4.1.1 Defining the fieldwork objectives

Fieldwork was undertaken to address particular scientific problems. These should be

clearly defined before going into the field. Before going into the field, we was decided on the
overall objectives of the fieldwork and at frequent intervals during the fieldwork remind
ourselves of these. The objectives which are given below:

1. We were gained a general insight into the geology of Kuakata.

2. Construct the geological history of Kuakata area.
3. Produce a geological map.
4. Determine the sedimentary depositional environment.
5. Make a record of a period of environmental change.
6. Determine the sea- level history over a period of geological time.
7. Record the deformation history of Kuakata area.

4.1.2 Deciding where to do the field work

To address all other fieldwork objectives, the following points are worth considering when
choosing the exposures to concentrate on:

• Whether or not they are representative;

• Stratigraphic completeness;
• How weathered the rocks are;
• Whether they are suitable for sampling or not;
• Accessibility;
• Safety

4.1.3 Locating position

Geological data are spatial therefore it is very important to be able to record the position of
geological features accurately. The first part of this is locating the position of the exposure.
We used a GPS check that it is correctly adjusted for the place that we were visited or an
appropriate grid system.

Our positions have immediately obvious from a topographical map. There are instances,
however, when it is not possible to used either of these methods or when a more accurate
position is required. In this case we used our compass for triangulation. For example, our
studied area is Kuakata. It is situated in between latitude 210 48/ N to 210 53/ N and
longitude 900 5/ E to 900 12/ E that we found in GPS coordinate app. The area belongs to the
Kalapara Upazila, Patuakhali District, Barisal Division.

Table 4.2.3: The field work was carried out in and around Kalapara upazila and given
below with GPS coordinates.

Station No. Latitude Longitude Name of the Place

1 21°51ʹ31.122˝ N 90°10ʹ28.188˝ E Latachapli

2 21°50ʹ57.39˝ N 90°10ʹ49.46˝ E Lakkirhat

3 21°48ʹ15.16˝ N 90°12ʹ35.57˝ E KauarChor

4 21°53ʹ40.28˝ N 90°07ʹ0.75˝ E NishanBaria

5 21°53ʹ54.61˝ N 90°07ʹ3.716˝ E Nilgonj

6 21°53ʹ52.46˝ N 90°07ʹ13.92˝ E Khaprabhanga

7 21°53ʹ43.64˝ N 90°07ʹ23.04˝ E Nijampur


8 21°51ʹ8.86˝ N 90°06ʹ25.30˝ E Nijampur

9 21°40ʹ30.52˝ N 90°05ʹ9.13˝ E Lebur Ban

10 21°48ʹ46.11˝ N 90°07ʹ27.56˝ E Kuakata Sea Beach

Figure 4.1.3(b): This is the satellite map of our surveyed area.

4.2 Scales of observation, where to start and basic measurements

Geological observations need to be made at a range of scales. So we started at the
large regional scale: this will provide the overall context. Then, we consider the whole
exposure, followed by units within the exposure and finally focus down to the hand specimen

4.2.1 Whole exposure

Arriving at a large exposure for the first time can be both exciting and daunting. It is often
difficult to knew where to started so, then we is checked whether the exposure is safe and
then we walked around and view it from different angles before making a decision .One way
to tackle a large exposure with different rock types and features is to first of all we divided
the exposure into ‘units ’based upon obvious features such as changes in color and
weathering characteristics. In most instances we are looking for somewhere between about 2
and 10 units any more than this and it is so hard to assimilate. If we have more than about 10
units we should try to group them together. Then we decided from a distance what the main

characteristics of these units are and consider making a sketch to show these characteristics
and their relationship to each other before completing more detailed observations close up.
Our preliminary observations of the large-scale features in the exposure should include the

 Nature of the contacts: Note whether the contacts are gradational or sharp and
whether they are planar or irregular In the case of irregular contacts note the
 Lateral changes in thickness: Note the position and amount of any changes. These
might relate to processes such as erosion, faulting, fluvial or submarine channels,
thinning of a dyke or sill, changes in depositional conditions of sedimentary and
extrusive rocks. Note which units change in thickness and which are cut out.

Figure 4.2.1(a): Mud crack due to water storage at Nijampur (station 8)


Figure 4.2.1(b): River bank erosion at Lakkirhat (station 2)

4.2.2 Hand specimens

After that, we selected a loose sample, or an area of the unit to examine closely, we
checked that it is representative of the unit being examined and that it has at least one very
fresh surface. Loose specimens are hammered to obtain a fresh surface. To select a
representative part we should consider the main features of the unit. For instance if 80% of
the unit is sandstone and the other 20% is a muddy sandstone then we ensured that we have a
specimen of the main sandstone. Once we have examined the fresh surface we should
supplement our observations by examining the weathered surface. In some rocks, for instance
limestones and metamorphic rocks, differential weathering processes leave some minerals or
grains sticking out of the main surface where they are easier to identify.

Figure 4.2.2(a): Loose sediment including red color sediments indicates Iron at
Latachapli (station 1)

Figure 4.2.2(b): Ripple marks at Kuakata sea beach (station 10)

4.3 Overview of possible data formats

The objectives of the fieldwork will determine the most appropriate format for the data
collection. The specific types of data collection which relating to fossils, structures and
different rock types. It can also be useful to transfer techniques between different rock types,
so the ranges of field methods are briefly review here.

Sketches: Sketches on a range of scales both in plain view and cross-section to show the
geometric relationships of rock bodies were used in all aspects of geological fieldwork.
The figures we have sketched during field work are given below:

Figure 4.3(a): Sketches of River morphology of investigsted area

 Graphic logs: Graphic representations of a stratigraphic succession of rocks,

including information on the facies, boundaries between different units, bed thickness
and lithostratigraphy. Graphic logs are commonly used for recording
changing facies in sedimentary rocks, but they are probably the best means of
recording any stratigraphic information whether it is changing rock types along a
cutting, the stratigraphic succession of fossils, or the features of pyroclastic rocks or
even a succession of lavas.

Figure 4.3(b): Graphic log of stratigraphic

succession at latachapli (station 1).

 Introduction; the purpose of field notes
 Field notebook layout
 Preliminary pages
 Daily entries
 Field sketches: A picture is worth a
thousand words
 Sketches of exposures
 Written notes: Recording data, ideas and
 Notes recording data and
 Notes recording interpretation,
discussion and ideas


5.1 Introduction: The purpose of field notes

The field notebook forms the main record of the data we gather in the field. In particular,
it should contain notes on where the data we collected, the relationships between the different
rock bodies, their compositional and textural characteristics, and internal features. It usually
also records the location of any samples collected, the position and orientation of any
photographs taken, cross references to published information and notes on any ideas that we
have for interpretation or questions raised by our observations. In addition the field notebook
usually links together any other components that we might have used to record data and ideas
in the field. For instance, an electronic database held on a piece of geophysical equipment,
field maps, and annotated figure sand graphic logging sheets. One way to think of our field
notebook is as an ‘academic’ diary, i.e. a record of all of our observations, ideas,
interpretations and questions over the fieldwork period. Often field notebooks include less
academic notes, for instance the weather, someone we met that day, where we stayed or ate,
if we were ill or our mood. This is because all of these serve asanaide memoire when we
come back to our notes provide information for future trips and can help us to assess how
good our notes might be for that particular day.
5.2 Field notebook layout

Designing and using a good field notebook layout adapted to suit our needs and style
will enable us to be systematic in the notes that we take. This will help ensure that we did not
forget major components and that the information we collected was much more accessible
and therefore more readily useable. Fieldwork can be strenuous and difficult particularly
when, for instance, it is raining, windy, very hot, very cold, at high altitude, or the locality is
difficult to access. Quite often the time available to complete crucial data collection is limited
due to transportation, the hours of daylight, tidal and weather conditions and the overall
expense of completing fieldwork. All of these constraints mean that designing an efficient
means of collecting data in the field will maximize our output.

5.2.1 Preliminary pages

When we start to use a new notebook ensure that we put our name, address, email and
any other contact details in a prominent place on the cover or immediately inside just in case

we should lose it. We should that set aside up to 10 pages at the front of the notebook where
can insert a table of contents and useful general information. For the table of contents two to
four pages are usually sufficient with a column for page numbers. Other useful information
for these preliminary pages may include copies of rock classification figures (such as those in
the Appendices of this book), checklists (to ensure we do not forget to take a crucial
measurement or record an important observation), abbreviations and symbols used,
photocopies of geological or topographic maps of the areas we will visit, information on
who we need to contact to gain access to the area (e.g. quarry manager or landowner) and any
other information that we might find useful in the field.

5.2.2 Daily entries

The daily entries will form the bulk of the information in our field notebook. Example
pages for the start of a daily entry are illustrated in Figure:

Figure 5.2.2: Our daily entries during field work at Latachapli (station 1) and
Khapravhanga (station 6).

5.3 Field sketches: A picture is worth a thousand words

Sketches form a vital part of all geological field notebooks. They include: diagrams of
cliffs or quarry faces; sketches of individual features such as a fossil, mineral or sedimentary
ideas for interpretation. Sketches are one of the best ways of recording and conveying
geological information. This is for two reasons:

(1) They provide a shorthand means of conveying information in an easily

accessible form.
(2) The very act of producing a good sketch involves carefully observing
the features, units and the relationship between all of them.
5.3.1 Sketches of exposures

Sketches of whole, or representative parts of, exposures such as sea - cliffs, road cuts
and quarry faces are commonly used to observe and show one or more of the following:

(1) The main units and the geometric relationship between

(2) The position of more detailed measurements so exact location can be easily

Figure 5.3.1: Geologic exposures at Latachapli (station 1)

5.4 Recording data, ideas and interpretation

5.4.1 Recording data and observations

Written notes on the raw scientific data and observations that we collect can range from
rock and fossil descriptions, to structural measurements, to more detailed notes on there
relationship between rock bodies. These observations and data should be short notes rather
than full sentences because these take longer to write and can detract from the main point.
Bullet points, clear subheadings or numbered lists are a useful style to adopt for field notes as
this encourages brevity and makes it easier to assimilate the individual points. If a lot of

numerical information is being collected it is best presented in the form of a table. This will
make it easier to assess at a glance whether all the necessary information has been recorded,
and also aids its conversion into an electronic format. It can also be useful to develop ourown
abbreviations for features that are commonly used.

Figure 5.4.1(a): Observation & Recording data at Latachapli (station 1)


Figure 5.4.1(b): Recording data and observing grain size particle in natural levee at
Khaprabhanga (station 6)

5.4.2 Recording data interpretation, discussion and ideas

As well as new data, we should also record ideas, possible interpretations and questions
when we are in the field to help us test competing theories. This might be in the form of a list,
a figure, or even a series of cratoons illustrating a geological history. It is often useful to
record the whole thought process so that we can re analyze this at a later stage. Frequently,
when collecting field data, different possible interpretations come to mind because we were
totally immersed in the information; this is particularly true when working with a field
partner or as part of a team. The interpretation and ideas that we record should not just be the

Figure 5.4.2: Discussion with local people about a newly formed point bar at Lakkir
hat (station 2).
‘Perceived correct answer or that of the group leader’, because new data may change the
interpretation. Also the recording of other ideas and interpretation can help to confirm which
of several hypotheses is correct and determine what other observations need to be made.
Ensure that we separate data from interpretation, in addition to noting the origin of the


 6.1 Introduction
 6.2 Recording sedimentary lithology
 6.3 Identified sedimentary structures
 6.4 Constructing sedimentary
environments & their diagnostic features



6.1 Introduction

To gain a lot of information about their processes of formation we studied

sedimentary deposits and sedimentary structures directly in the field. Then we also recorded
sedimentary lithology and made graphic logs based on grain size, texture, structure and
organism. We also studied some sedimentary depositional environments and their diagnostics
features. Then we predict the depositional systems or morphology of the studied area.
6.2 Recording sedimentary lithology
We identified four aspects that need recorded in the description of sedimentary rocks:
(1) The composition of the sedimentary deposits.
(a) By measuring grain size
(b) Color
(c) Fracture
(d) Fissility
(e) Graphic logs
(2) The texture of the sediments;
(3) The sedimentary structures; and
(4) Remains of organisms.
1. The composition of sedimentary deposit
We can determine the composition of sedimentary deposit by measuring grain size,
color, fracture, fissility & making graphic logs.
(a) By measuring grain size
We can measure sediments grain size by Wentworth grain scale. We already measured the
grain size of sediments in some station of our investigated area. And we found 3 types of
grain size. Those are
I. Silt (1/64-1/256)mm
II. Silty clay (between silt and clay)
III. Clay (<1/256)mm

Figure 6.2.(a): Grain size in sedimentary layer at Latachapli (Station 1)

We also measured the grain size of coastal sedimentary deposit. The grain size of the coastal
area were : Coarse grained sand at Kuakata sea beach(station10). And we also found some
Golden colored sand at Kawarchor at (station 3).

Figure 6.2(b): Coarse grained sand at Kuakata sea beach (station10)

(b) Colour

We know that the color of a sedimentary rock is often mostly determined by iron, an
element with two major oxides : iron(II) oxide and iron(III) oxide. Iron(II) oxide (FeO) only
forms under low oxygen (anoxic) circumstances and gives the rock a grey or greenish colour.
Iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3) in a richer iron environment is often found in the form of the mineral
hematite and gives the rock a reddish to brownish colour. In our investigated area we found
the presence of iron oxide in some sedimentary deposit. The presence of organic material can
colour a rock black or grey. Organic material is formed from dead organisms, mostly plants.
There is little water mixing in such environments, as a result oxygen from surface water is
not brought down, and the deposited sediment is normally a fine dark clay. Dark rocks, rich
in organic material, are therefore often shales. We also found grayish silt and dark clay
sediment deposit in our investigated area.

Figure 6.2 (c): Presence of FeO in sediment deposit at Latachapli (station 1)


The fracture pattern also provides a clue to the composition and subtly changes with
the composition. Mud mainly composed of clay minerals has an even, blocky fracture. We
could not determine the fracture of sedimentary deposit in the field. So we skipped it and
determined the lithology of the studied area.


Fissility mainly forms in shale. In our investigated area we did not found any fissiable
deposit. So fissility measurement was not applicable.

(e)Graphic logs
The preceding section should have provided you with the tools to start recording the
features of individual units that make up sedimentary deposit successions in the form of

written notes and also sketches of both large - and small – scale features. However, the
standard way to record and summarize data on sedimentary rock successions is by using a
graphic log. This is an idealized and pictorial summary of each of the sedimentary rock units
as they are laid down stratigraphically on top of each other and preserved.

Figure 6.2(d): A field Graphic log of a sedimentary bed at Latachapli(station 1)

Construction of a graphic log of a river side sedimentary rock layer.


Figures which are given below show photographs and the field version of a graphic log
that is compiled to summarize the features of the River bank sedimentary bed at Latachapli,
Mightvanga, Pirojpur, Bangladesh. This work is completed as part of a river bank & Sea
beach study of the depositional history of the Kuakata region, southern Bangladesh. The
graphic log in Figure is one of a set that is constructed along a proximal to initial sedimentary
layer profile. Thin - sections are cut from the samples taken and these are used to confirm and
supplement field observations. Note that the Top soil is 1.25 feet, soil is 4.83 feet & the bed
rock is 8.417 feet which are drawn roughly to scale so that the beds can be easily recognized.

Figure 6.2(e): Field data. (a) One page of note book showing the graphic log of
sedimentary layer. (b) The photographs of the sedimentary layer.

(2) The texture of the sediments:

Texture of sedimentary deposits categorized two types : clastic & non clastic. In which clastic
sedimentary deposit can be composed of rock fragments . And the non-clastic deposit can be
composed of organic matter or that can be composed of mineral crystal that form out of
solution. In our investigated area we found 3 types of sediments they are : Sand, silt & clay.
So it can be said that those sediments have clastic texture.

(3)The sedimentary structures

We have found defferent kinds of structures during our field work such as Natural levee,
point bar, ripple mark, tidal creek, beach berm, off shore , fore shore. Natural levee is a place
where coarse grained sediments are deposited. In beach berm sand sized particles are
deposited. Sand sized particles are also deposited in ripple marks.
(4) Remains of organisms
We did not find any remains of organism, so it is not applicable.

6.3 Identified sedimentary structures

There are some suggestions for observing, describing and identifying sedimentary

1. Should examine the structure if possible in plan view and in cross - section, preferably
in faces that cut through the structure parallel and perpendicular to the current
2. Identifying the structure is common in the succession or unusual.
3. Recording the size and any systematic variation or repetition, both laterally and
4. Recording the position of sedimentary structure within the bed.

By following those suggestions we found some sedimentary structures. Some are Tidal
sedimentary structure & some are Costal. All of these are given below:

Bedding: The arrangement of sediments into distinct layers is called bedding.

We found bedding at Latachapli(station 1).


Figure 6.3(a): Bedding at latachapli (station1)

Wave formed ripple mark: These ripple marks are symmetric in profile. Because it

forms due to up and down of tide.

Figure 6.3(b): Ripple mark at Kuakata sea beach (station10)


Channel & Tidal crick: A channel is a wide strait or waterway between two
landmasses that lie close to each other. A tidal creek is the portion of a stream that is affected
by ebb and current.

Figure 6.3(c): River channel & Tidal creek at Khaprabhanga (station 6)

Point bar: A point bar is a depositional feature made of alluvium that

accumulates on the inside bends of streams and rivers.

Figure 6.3(d): Point Bar at khaprabhanga (station 6)


Figure 6.3(e): A newly form point bar at Lakkirhat (station 2)

Natral levee & River terrace: An elongate embankment compounded of sand and silt
and deposited along both banks of a river channel during floods. But we found wave made
natural levee on the riverside. Terrace extends along the side of a valley and represents a
former level of the valley floor.

Figure 6.3(f): Natural levees & River Terrace on river at Khaprabhanga (station 6)

Fore shore, Beach berm & Back shore: The area of a shore that lies between the
average high tide mark and the average low tide mark is called fore shore. Beach berm is a
long narrow wedge of sand with its steep slope facing the sea. The area of shore lying
between the average high-tide mark and the vegetation is called back shore.

Figure 6.3(g): Coastal sea morphology at kuakata sea beach (station 10)

Figure 6.3(h): Beach Berm at Leburban (station 9)

Burrow: A hole in the ground made by an animal. We found burrows at station 2 & 3.

Figure 6.3(i): Burrow at Lakkirhat (station 2)

Table 6.3 Identified depositional sedimentary structures, bedforms and their process of
formation at a glance.

Sedimentary Features to observe Processes Day and Station no

structure or

Bedding Continuity, repetitions, Varying conditions Station 1

thickness variation
Wave formed ripple Three - dimensional. Wave Station 3,9,10
Climbing or not,
Current formed Three - dimensional. Unidirectional Station 4,7,8
ripple mark Climbing or not, currents
associated structures,

Channel Evidence for base - Large - scale erosion Station

level fall; possible from flow 1,2,4,5,6,7,8
change from marine to
fluvial or submarine
Point bar At the close part of Deposition Station 1,6
Natural levee At the side of river Deposition Station 6
Tidal crick Very small narrow Tide Station 1,6,7,8
channel created from
Fore shore Near to the sea water Deposition Station 9
gently getting higher to
the land
Beach berm Middle of fore shore Deposition Station 9
and back shore.
little higher than fore
shore and back shore.
Back shore The next part of beach Deposition Station 9
which connect sea to
the land.
River terrace The outside of Erosion Station 1, 7, 8
Small point bar At the side of a river Deposition Station 2
Meandering Bending of river Erosion and Station 1,7,8

6.4 Constructing sedimentary environments & their diagnostic features

Depositional environment or sedimentary environment describes the combination of

physical, chemical and biological processes associated with the deposition of a particular type
of sediment and, therefore, the rock types that will be formed after lithification, if the
sediment is preserved in the rock record. In our investigated area the sediment deposition

environment was mainly tidal & beach depositional environment, which is include in
transitional depositional environment.

 Tidal environment
 Beach environment

Tidal environment:

Tides are capable of generating currents that erode, transport and accumulate sediments.
These processes, widely documented in modern environments, were both significant and
widespread throughout much of Earth history. It’s mainly located in a delta deposition near
the sea. The rise & down of sea water that means high tide and low tide of sea water is
generate this type of depositional system.

We found in our investigated area mainly tidal river meander and its depositional
environments. In general, meander is a bend in a sinuous watercourse or river. A meander
forms when moving water in a stream erodes the outer banks and widens its valley and the
inner part of the river has less energy and deposits silt.

Figure 6.4(a): Meandering watercourse

Meandering of rivers causes sediment to deposit. Watercourse deposits sediments to the inner
part of the river. These deposition causes point bar, tidal plain, ox bow Lake etc. But we
mainly found there point bar, river channel and tidal plain where sediments are deposited by
the tide of river. The sediments are cross stratification by tide. We found this type of
environment at Latachapli, Nishanbaria, Nilgonj, khaprabhanga and Nijampur.

Figure 6.4(b): Cross section of meandering river

Beach environment

The Beach developed on wave-dominated coast where tidal range is small to intermediate.
The Beach and Barrier Island are dominated by sea processes and sand transportation by
wind with small scale. The Beach and Barrier Island can become one if:

 A beach associated with the mainland.

 A system coastal hills that wider will produce coastal plain.
 The barrier island separates partially or completely from mainland by lagoon and


The Beach environment can be divided into several zones :

 The Backshore, which extends landward from the beach berm above high tide level
and commonly includes back-beach dune deposits.
 The Foreshore, called littoral zone or zone between high tide level to low tide level.

 The Shoreface, called nearshore, located on low tide level to transition zone between
beach and sediment on shelf.

Depositional Processes

Erosion, sediment transport, and depositional processes on coast have been studied by
engineers interested in coastal processes. Beaches will develop on wave dominated coast
where tidal range is small. Beaches associated with wave related processes, which include
wave swash, storm waves, and nearshore currents (longshore and rip currents). The cross
sand can found on the central part of beach deposit. The main zone of shoreface sediment are
multidirectional trough cross-bed sets and trace fossils, such as ripple mark.

We found beach depositional environment at Kuakata sea beach, kauarchor sea beach.
Mainly we found there foreshore, backshore and beach berm are the main depositional zone
of beach.

Table 6.4: Summary of some of the processes/features and the sedimentary

environments that they might represent. In all cases it is the combination of different
lines of evidence that will help to determine the depositional environment.

Processes/ features Possible environments Station no

Water currents (current – Fluvial, lacustrine or marine
formed 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, ,9, 10
ripples, cross - stratification,
Large standing body of
water, i.e. large lake or the
Waves sea. Consider: lacustrine or 3, 9, 10
marine environments (high
water mark to wave base)
Tidal features Marine environments near
the coastline 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8



 Introduction
 Collecting living organisms & shell
 Sampling strategies
 Real life examples



7.1 Introduction:
Unlike many sedimentary particles, such as quartz grains, each fossil has a story to tell
that goes beyond its composition and the way in which it is transported and deposited. A
body fossil represents the remains of a once living organism that had a life history, a certain
environmental tolerance, and a defined range in terms of its geographical and stratigrafic
distribution. Our fieldwork is in Kuakata so there is no presence of body fossils because the
whole area is coastal area and the sediments are newly deposited but there are possibilities to
find out some trace fossils. Trace fossils represent impressions that an organism made in
sediment, such as a footprint, or the disturbance of sediment as the animal went about
feeding, or burrowing to create a living space. Unfortunately we didn’t get any types of trace
fossils but we collected some important living organisms from those areas such as, teritula,
mollusc jelly fish and other gastropod from those areas.
7.2 Collecting living organisms& shell data

For living organisms visible to the naked eye careful observation of morphology, we
should observe three dimensional nature of body of living organisms which we collected
from exposures. It is important to record the body shape, size and to become familiar with the
characteristics of a variety of sections through the organisms. The best items of field
equipment for recording organisms are:

1 A notebook in which to make sketches

2 A hand lens to examine detail.
3 A camera.

7.3 Sampling strategies

Sampling strategies are much important to recording data which we have collected from
living organisms. Sampling strategies employed to achieve these objectives must be at an
appropriate resolution and carried out efficiently in order to provide valid data.

7.4 Real life Examples: Some of the things that we have studied.

Turritella: Turritella is a genus of medium-sized sea snails with an operculum, marine

gastropod mollusks in the family Turritellidae. They have tightly coiled shells, whose overall
shape is basically that of an elongated cone. The shells are quite frequently found as fossils,
and the carbonate stone made from large quantities of Turritella shells is often referred to as
"Turritella limestone".

Figure 7.4(a): Shell of Turritella (Genus)

Conus: Conus is a genus of predatory sea snails, or cone snails, marine gastropod mollusks in
the family Conidae that can be found in the tropical and subtropical seas of the world.

Figure 7.4(b): Shell of Conus (Genus)

Mollusc: The Mollusc (or mollusk) shell is typically a calcareous exoskeleton which
encloses, supports and protects the soft parts of an animal in the phylum Mollusca, which

includes snails, clams, tusk shells, and several other classes. Not all shelled molluscs live in
the sea; many live on the land and in freshwater.

Figure 7.4(c): Shell of Apple Snail

Figure 7.4(d): Soft Sheel Clam at Kauerchor ( station 3)

Burrows: A hole or excavation in the ground made by an animal (as a rabbit, earthworm,
red crab) for shelter and habitation.

Figure 7.4(e): Burrows made by animals.




In conclusion, the following list summarizes the different stages for geological
fieldwork. It covers the preparation, fieldwork period and some notes on what to do after
the fieldwork.

Before going into the field

1. We had to find out the main objectives of our fieldwork.

2. We took field notebook to collect data and also used Laptop, digital camera and
Smartphone for the data collection.

3. We took all necessary medical equipment like medicine, bandages, saline, extra
water, fast aid box for our safety before going to the fieldwork.

4. We took all necessary equipment like soft cloths, hard hat, shoe, goggles and all
personal equipment.

5. We took our hammer, chisel, grain size chart, printed notebook, maps etc from our

6. Before going to fieldwork we built some committees like food committee, health
committee, Local transport committee, communication committee, and
accommodation committee etc to make our journey successful.

7. We took our football and volleyball to enjoy our leisure.

8. We took money before going to fieldwork.

In the field

10.We tried and collected the best geomorphic features like point bar, channel,
confluence, tidal creek, natural levee, mud crack, river bank erosion, meandering,
wave formed ripple mark, current ripple mark, open sea etc.

11. We selected our daily routine before the day. Our honorable teacher always
informed us about the activities and the place of our fieldwork.

12. During fieldwork our communication committees were alert about hazards, and
they talked to the local inhabitants to gather data from our visited place.

13. We collected some samples of organic remains like Turritella, Jelly fish, Shell of
apple snail, mudrock, big sized sand, oceanic crab, burrowing animals etc.

14. We took our laptops, digital camera for data collection to the field. We took many
pictures of different geomorphic features.

15. We collected our data responsibly, discreetly and very carefully.

16. At the end of each day review the work that we had completed and amended the
list of further fieldwork tasks and aims as required.

17. We allowed time to double check any discrepancies.

On return from the field

18. We have stored our collected samples in our department for further reading.

19. We have checked our field notes and tided up any loose ends.

20. We have discussed data and interpretation with our classmate and our honorable
teachers. They have helped us for the identification of our collected samples.

21. We have already analyzed our collected data and samples.

22. And at last we have also written up our work as a report.

Geological conclusions

Sedimentary bedding on basis of sediment size includes silt, silty clay and clay. The
graphic log of sedimentary bedding indicates coarsening upward. So we can conclude that
once that the investigated area was far from river than now.

Silt Silt-size particles have diameters from 1/256 to 1/16

mm (they feel finely gritty)

Siltic Cl ay soi l cont ai ni ng from 50 t o 70 percent si lt

Clay-size particles are smaller than 1/256 mm in diameter
clay (they feel smooth)

River morphology includes channel, point bar, tidal plain, meander, river terrace river
bank erosion. These features are related to erosion and deposition of river. The investigated
elevated region of sediments along the river channel which is known as Point bar which have
been deposited by the flow of river. In the investigated area some portion of streams often dry
to a muddy channel with little or no flow at low tide which is known as tidal creek.

Deposition of sand or mud built up along, and sloping away from, either side of the flood
plain of a river or stream which is called natural levee.

Costal morphology includes foreshore, beach berm and backshore. Foreshore is the
last part of beach goes downward to the ocean. Backshore is the including part of land area
and beach. At the middle of them, the elevated part is called beach berm. All of them are
depositional feature of costal area. Investigated area also found golden sand particles in
Kawer Chor Sea beach which is large in size. This golden sand indicates that the area may be
full of heavy mineral. But the sand particles in Kuakata Sea beach are different from Kawer
Chor Sea Beach. Reason of this difference cannot be determined. Further investigation will
need to identify the reason.

The sediment deposition of this area indicates Quaternary deposition.

The investigated area is suitable for Humanitic inhabitant.

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