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Learning Objective
By the end of this unit, you Be able to identify and write the correct dependent clauses in a
context, review vocabulary related to jobs and express opinion about folklore.

Let’s Practice

I. Listening
Listen to the mp3 file below and put 1-2 words into each space to complete the


Name: Pia Marcotti

Place of Birth: (1) , Italy.

Age: (2)

Post-University Experience

October (3) - September 2002

Worked for mother's (4) company, Meals On Wheels. Main

responsibilities: webmaster and advertising.

September 2002 - February 2003

Travelled mostly in Europe but also a month in (5) .

March 2003 - July 2005

Worked for (6) Footwear, shoe company near hometown.

Worked in (7) department for most of this time.

Languages Spoken:

(8) - fluent

(9) - good after (10) years study.

II. Vocabulary

The following is a list of vocabulary related to jobs. Complete the following

sentences with the vocabulary from the box and make sentences from the vocabulary

Veterinarian- grocer- pharmacist- barber- mechanic

1. If your dog needs a vaccination, you should schedule an appointment with a …

2. For a professional shave or hairstyle, one should visit a …
3. A person skilled in repairing and maintaining vehicles, especially engines, is called a…
4. Someone who specializes in selling food products and household items is known as a…
5. To get a prescription filled or to seek advice on drug interactions, consult a….

III. Speaking

Work in pairs. You have 2 minutes to discuss your favourite character in Indonesian Folklore
(e.g. Timun Mas, Roro Jonggrang, etc). Describe who they are, their role in Indonesian
folklore, and any interesting traits. Do it in turns. Report it in front of the class.

III. Grammar
Choose the correct answer.
A. Questions 1–2 are incomplete sentences. Below each sentence you will see 4 words or
phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the 1 word or phrase that best completes the
sentence !
1. Borobudur, _________ in the 9th century, is admired for its intricate Buddhist reliefs.
A. was built
B. building
C. built
D. was building
2. Wayang is captivating audiences, presenting epic tales through shadow puppetry.
A. was presented
B. presenting
C. presented
D. was presenting
B. In questions 3–5, each sentence has 4 highlighted words or phrases. The 4 highlighted
parts of the sentence are marked A, B, C and D. Identify the 1 highlighted word or phrase
that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.

3. He met a woman who she was born in Bali, a beautiful island in Indonesia.
4. He couldn’t remember where had he left his keys.
5. Maluku is home to a vibrant and varied cultural heritage for it has served as a crossroad
of geography and culture between Asia and Oceania.

Take Home Assignment

Translate the following sentences into English!

6. Meskipun ia telah menjadi pangeran dan memiliki segalanya, sang pemotong batu tetap
merasa ada yang kurang dalam hidupnya.
7. Ketika sang pemotong batu menyadari bahwa kekayaan tidak membawa kebahagiaan, ia
memutuskan untuk kembali pada pekerjaannya semula.
8. Setelah Batara Kala menyebabkan gunung meletus, desa itu selamanya dikenang dalam
cerita rakyat.
9. Meskipun Malin Kundang menjadi kaya raya, ibunya tetap memohon agar ia kembali ke
kampung halaman.
10. Ketika Roro Jonggrang meminta Bandung Bondowoso untuk membangun seribu candi
dalam semalam, ia sebenarnya sedang mencari cara untuk menghindari pernikahan.

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